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Chapter 32
Environmental Considerations

Since the early 1960s, there has been an increas- byproducts of the combustion process (SO2, NOx, par-
ing worldwide awareness that industrial growth and ticulate flyash, and some trace quantities of other
energy production from fossil fuels are accompanied materials) and are exhausted from the stack. A sec-
by the release of potentially harmful pollutants into ond source of particulate is fugitive dust from coal piles
the environment. Studies to characterize emissions, and related fuel handling equipment. This is especially
sources and effects of various pollutants on human significant for highly dusting western U.S. subbitu-
health and the environment have led to increasingly minous coals. Some low temperature devolatilization
stringent legislation to control air emissions, waterway of the coal can also emit other organic compounds. A
discharges and solids disposal. final source of air emissions is the cooling tower and
Comparable concern for environmental quality has the associated thermal rise plume which contains
been manifest worldwide. Since the 1970s, countries water vapor.
of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Solid wastes arise primarily from collection of the
Development have reduced sulfur dioxide (SO2) and coal ash from the bottom of the boiler, economizer and
nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from power plants in air heater hoppers, as well as from the electrostatic pre-
relation to energy consumption. In at least the fore- cipitators and fabric filters. Pyrite collected in the pul-
seeable future, emission trends are expected to con- verizers (see Chapter 13) is usually also included. Most
tinue downward due to a combination of factors: change of the ash is either transported wet to an ash settling
in fuel mix to less polluting fuels, use of advanced tech- pond where it settles out or is transported dry to silos
nologies, and new and more strict regulations. In Japan, from which it is taken by truck for beneficial use (e.g.,
the reductions in SO2 emissions were particularly pro- cement additive). The chemical composition and char-
nounced due to strong environmental measures taken acteristics of various ashes are discussed in Chapter 21.
in the 1970s. As an example, in the United States (U.S.) The second major source of solids is the byproduct from
between 1980 and 2001, electricity generation increased the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubbing process.
by 56%, while SO2 emissions declined 38%. Most frequently, this is a mixture containing primarily
Environmental control is primarily driven by gov- calcium sulfate for wet systems and calcium sulfite for
ernment legislation and the resulting regulations at dry systems. After dewatering, the wet system byproduct
the local, national and international levels. These have may be sold as gypsum or landfilled. Additional sources
evolved out of a public consensus that the real costs of solids include the sludge from cooling tower basins,
of environmental protection are worth the tangible wastes from the water treatment system and wastes from
and intangible benefits now and in the future. To periodic boiler chemical cleaning.
address this growing awareness, the design philoso- Aqueous discharges arise from a number of sources.
phy of energy conversion systems such as steam gen- These include once-through cooling water (if used),
erators has evolved from providing the lowest cost cooling tower blowdown (if used), sluice water from the
energy to providing low cost energy with an accept- ash handling system (via the settling pond), FGD waste
able impact on the environment. Air pollution control water (frequently minimal), coal pile runoff from rain-
with emphasis on particulate, NOx, SO2, and mercury fall, boiler chemical cleaning solutions, gas-side water
emissions is perhaps the most significant environmen- washing waste solutions, as well as a variety of low vol-
tal concern for fired systems and is the subject of Chap- ume wastes including ion exchange regeneration ef-
ters 33 through 36. However, minimizing aqueous dis- fluent, evaporator blowdown (if used), boiler blowdown
charges and safely disposing of solid byproducts are and power plant floor drains. Many of these streams
also key issues for modern power systems. are chemically characterized in Chapter 42. Additional
discussions of these systems as well as the controlling
regulations are provided in References 1 and 2.
Sources of plant emissions
and discharges
Air pollution control
Fig. 1 identifies most of the significant waste
streams from a modern coal-fired power plant. Typi-
cal discharge rates for the primary emissions from a U.S. legislation – Clean Air Act
new, modern 615 MW coal-fired supercritical pressure The Federal Clean Air Act (CAA) is the core driv-
boiler are summarized in Table 1. ing force for all air pollution control legislation in the
Atmospheric emissions arise primarily from the United States (U.S.). The original CAA was first en-

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Heat- Fugitive Dust Flue Gas

Thermal Rise
Plume SO2
Coal Pile VOC
Coal Pile Other
Water Runoff

Fabric Filter
SCR or
Precipitator FGD
Condenser Stack
Cooling Air
Tower Hopper Heater
Tower Bottom
Blowdown Ash

Noise FGD Waste

Saleable Treatment FGD
Ash and Waste
Dewatering Water
Sludge / Landfill Blowdown
Water Note: SCR-Selective Catalytic
Reduction System
Chemical Cleaning
Waste Liquid FGD-Flue Gas FGD Byproduct
Gas Side Washing Desulfurization System Gypsum or
Waste Water WESP-Wet Electrostatic Precipitator Landfill Sludge

Fig. 1 Typical bituminous coal-fired power plant effluents and emissions.

acted in 1963, and since that time the Act has evolved attainment areas for that pollutant, and regions that fail
through five significant amendment cycles in 1965, to meet the NAAQS are classified as nonattainment ar-
1967, 1970, 1977, and 1990. eas for that pollutant.
The primary objective of the CAA is to protect and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Federal
enhance the quality of the nation’s air resources to New Source Performance Standards were established
promote the public health and welfare and the pro- for more than 70 categories of industrial processes and/
ductive capacity of its population.3 The legislation gen- or stationary sources. The NSPS rules set source-spe-
erally provides for the U.S. Environmental Protection cific emission limitations and corresponding monitor-
Agency (EPA) to set national air quality standards and ing, recordkeeping and reporting requirements that
other minimum regulatory requirements through fed- must be met by new sources constructed on or after
eral regulations and guidance to state and local regu- the effective date of an applicable standard. Sources
latory agencies. The individual states are required to constructed prior to the promulgation of an applicable
develop state implementation plans (SIPs) to define how NSPS are generally grandfathered and are not sub-
they will meet the minimum federal requirements. How- ject to the standards until such time that the source
ever, state and local government agencies may also de- undergoes major modification or reconstruction. The
velop and implement more stringent air pollution con- EPA’s NSPS regulations are published under Title 40,
trol requirements. The CAA as amended prior to 1990 Part 60 of the Code of Federal Regulations.4 Table 2
included the following regulatory elements of potential provides reference to select Subparts of 40 CFR 60
interest to boiler owners and operators. applicable to a variety of industrial and utility boil-
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Fed- ers. The various NSPS rules governing fossil fuel-fired
eral standards were developed to define acceptable air boilers include emission limitations for NOx, SO2, par-
quality levels necessary to protect public health and ticulate and opacity. The NSPS emission limits are
welfare. The EPA promulgated National Ambient Air based on the EPA’s evaluation of best demonstrated
Quality Standards for six Criteria Pollutants: sulfur technology, and these limits are subject to periodic
dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monox- review and revision. Finally, the NSPS rules gener-
ide (CO), ozone (O3), particulate matter and lead. Two ally establish the least stringent emission limitation a
levels of standards have been established: primary new source would have to meet. Typically, more strin-
standards aimed at prevention of adverse impacts on gent emission limitations are necessary to meet other
human health and secondary standards to prevent federal, state or local permitting requirements. For
damage to property and the environment. All geo- example, any significant new source or major modifi-
graphic areas of the country are divided into a num- cation to an existing source of emissions may be subject
ber of identifiable areas known as air quality control to the federal New Source Review rules discussed below.
regions which are classified according to their air qual- New Source Review (NSR) New Source Review regu-
ity. Air quality control regions that meet or better the lations were established to: 1) preserve existing air
NAAQS for a designated pollutant are classified as quality in areas of the U.S. that are in compliance with

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Table 1
Modern 615 MW Supercritical Coal-Fired Steam Generator Emissions and Byproducts*
(2.3% Sulfur, 7.7% Ash, 13,100 Btu/lb Fuel)
Discharge Rate  t/h (tm /h)
Emission Typical Control Equipment** Uncontrolled Controlled
SO2 WFGD 9.1 (8.3) 0.27 (0.25)
SO3 ESP or BH in conjunction
with WFGD and WESP 0.2 (0.2) 0.03 (0.03)
NOx as NO2 SCR (with LNB) 0.8 (0.7) 0.08 (0.07)
CO2 None (except cycle efficiency improvement) 536 (487)  
Thermal discharge to water sources Natural draft cooling tower 2.6 x 109 Btu/h (750 MWt ) ∼0 (∼0)
Flyash to air*** ESP or BH in conjunction
with WFGD and WESP 13.0 (11.8) 0.03 (0.02)
Ash to landfill Landfill or saleable product 2.6 (2.3) 16 (14)
WFGD gypsum byproduct Landfill or saleable product 0.0 (0.00) 24 (22)

* See Table 1 in Chapter 1 for a typical 500 MW subcritical coal-fired steam generator.
** Definitions:
WFGD − Wet flue gas desulfurization (limestone reagent with forced oxidation)
ESP − Electrostatic precipitator
BH − Baghouse fabric filter
WESP − Wet electrostatic precipitator
SCR − Selective catalytic reduction
LNB − Low NOx burners with overfire air
*** As flyash emissions to the air decline, ash shipped to landfills or alternate uses increases.

the NAAQS, and 2) avoid further degradation and im- the NAAQS are ranked into one of three classifica-
prove air quality in those areas of the U.S. that do not tions which determine the allowable increment con-
meet the NAAQS. NSR as discussed herein refers to sumption. Class I areas (national parks and designated
two separate and distinct regulatory programs: Pre- wilderness areas) are to be kept in a pristine condi-
vention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and tion, whereas Class II or III areas allow for some fur-
nonattainment NSR. In general, the NSR process re- ther industrial growth. As might be expected, Class I
quires any major new source or major modification to areas allow almost no degradation of existing air qual-
an existing source, which exceeds certain specified ity. In addition to air quality impact analyses, the PSD
emission thresholds defined in the regulations,5 to process requires the use of Best Available Control
obtain permits and undertake other obligations prior Technology (BACT). A permit applicant must conduct
to construction. A new or modified source subject to a thorough evaluation of available control technolo-
NSR generally must: 1) evaluate its potential impact gies (considering energy, environmental and economic
on existing air quality, and 2) evaluate and utilize impacts) for each pollutant subject to PSD review. The
state-of-the-art air pollution control technologies. permitting authority then evaluates, accepts or rejects
Under NSR, an affected project must conduct a pol- the proposed control technology. Once the control tech-
lutant-by-pollutant emissions evaluation. If a source nology is agreed upon, the applicant and permitting
is located in (or is impacting) an area which is in at- authority determine a final permit limit that represents
tainment with the NAAQS, the PSD rules apply. If the BACT. As part of this process, BACT limits contained in
source is located in (or is impacting) a nonattainment other PSD permits issued to similar sources throughout
area, the nonattainment NSR rules apply. Because a the U.S. must be considered and final BACT limits can
source may be located in an attainment area for one or not be less stringent than any applicable NSPS limit.
more designated pollutants and in a nonattainment area Unlike the PSD permitting process, nonattainment
for other designated pollutants, both the PSD and NSR does not require ambient air modeling or moni-
nonattainment NSR rules can apply simultaneously. toring; however, a new or modified source subject to
The PSD permitting process typically requires an nonattainment NSR must offset the impact of new
air quality modeling analysis (which may require more emissions by securing emission reductions from other
than a year’s worth of ambient air monitoring data) sources in the area. The amount of reduction (offset)
to demonstrate that new emissions will not cause a must be as great as, or greater than, the new increase
violation of the NAAQS or result in a significant de- in emissions, and the required offset is based on the
terioration of the existing air quality. Numerical lim- severity of the area’s air quality issues. The more pol-
its (air quality increments) have been established by luted the air, the greater the required emissions off-
regulation for NOx, SO2 and fine particulate matter set. Offsets must be real reductions in existing emis-
that restrict how much of the existing ambient air sion rates, not otherwise required by regulations un-
quality (µg/m3) can be consumed by a new or modi- der the Clean Air Act, must be enforceable by the EPA,
fied emission source. All areas in the U.S. that meet and must result in a positive net air quality benefit.

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Table 2
Selected Categories − New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR Part 60)4
40 CFR Part 60
Subpart Title/Description
D Performance Standards for Fossil Fuel Fired Steam Generators (≥250 x 106 Btu/h) constructed after
08/17/71 (Note: generally superceded by Subparts Da or Db)
Da Performance Standards for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units constructed after 09/18/78
Db Performance Standards for Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam Generating Units
(≥100 x 106 Btu/h) constructed after 06/19/84
Dc Performance Standards for Small (<100 x 106 Btu/h) Industrial, Commercial, Institutional Steam
Generating Units constructed after 06/09/89
Cb Emission Guidelines for Large Municipal Waste Combustors constructed on or before 09/26/94
Ea Performance Standards for Municipal Waste Combustors constructed after 12/20/89 and on or before
Eb Performance Standards for Large Municipal Waste Combustors constructed after 09/20/94 or modified
after 06/19/96
Y Performance Standards for Coal Preparation Plants
BB Performance Standards for Kraft Pulp Mills (Note: includes kraft recovery boilers)
AAAA Performance Standards for Small Municipal Waste Combustors constructed after 08/30/99 or modified
after 06/06/01
BBBB Emission Guidelines for Small Municipal Waste Combusion Units constructed on or before 08/30/99

In general, offsets must be secured for the life of the SO2 and NOx control under the 1990 Clean Air Act Prior
source. In addition to achieving a net improvement to the 1990 CAA, a large population of existing elec-
in air quality through offsets, an affected source must tric utility boilers, generally built before 1971, were
utilize state-of-the-art controls to achieve the Lowest grandfathered and did not have to meet NSPS emis-
Achievable Emission Rate (LAER). LAER is based on the sion limits or comply with NSR requirements unless
most stringent emission limitation contained in any SIP, they were significantly modified or upgraded. Coal-
contained in an existing permit, or achieved in practice fired utility boilers built between 1971 and 1978 were
by a similar source, regardless of cost or other economic required (by promulgation of New Source Perfor-
consideration. Final LAER emission limits are estab- mance Standards) to limit SO2 emissions to 1.2 lb/106
lished as an integral part of the NSR permitting process. Btu heat input and compliance could be achieved by
For further details and current information regard- utilizing low-sulfur coals. However, coal-fired utility
ing the NSR rules, including NSR reforms that may boilers built after 1978 were further required (by pro-
impact the utility industry, see the following EPA Web mulgation of additional New Source Performance
page: Standards) to install scrubbers to achieve between 70
and 90% SO2 removal efficiency.
The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments Under the 1990 Amendments, Title IV of the Act
The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments added many (Acid Deposition Control) established a new SO2 con-
new provisions to the existing Act, several of which trol program aimed at reducing emissions from all
have significantly impacted the electric utility indus- existing electric utility boilers through an innovative
try. Under Title I of the Act, areas of the country that cap-and-trade program. The Acid Deposition Control
do not meet the National Ambient Air Quality Stan- program (commonly referred to as the Acid Rain pro-
dards (NAAQS) were given new classifications and gram) set a goal of reducing annual SO2 emissions by
deadlines to achieve compliance. This provision of the 10 million tons in a two-phased process. Phase I of the
Act has forced a dramatic reduction in NOx emissions SO2 program began in 1995 and initially affected 263
from utility and large industrial boilers located in the units at 110 mostly coal-burning electric utility plants
eastern U.S. because large portions of the northeast located in 21 eastern and mid-western states. Phase
are ozone nonattainment areas and NOx is a primary II, which began in 2000, tightened the annual emissions
precursor to the formation of ozone. Title III of the Act limits imposed on the Phase I units and set limitations
authorized a new regulatory scenario for controlling on smaller, cleaner plants fired by coal, oil, and natural
188 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from a wide gas, ultimately impacting more than 2,000 total units.
range of industrial and commercial sources. Title IV Under the SO2 cap-and-trade program, an affected
of the Act established a new Acid Deposition Control unit must hold (own) one SO2 Allowance to cover each
program principally aimed at reducing SO2 and NOx ton of SO2 emitted in a given year. Existing units were
emissions from older electric utility plants. initially given a pre-determined allocation of yearly

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allowances based on historical fuel consumption rates latory approach was largely ineffective as the EPA
(heat input) and a mandated SO2 emission rate (lb per became involved in many legal, scientific, and policy
million Btu heat input). A source owner has various debates over which pollutants to regulate and how
options available to demonstrate compliance includ- stringently to regulate them. As a result, only seven
ing: 1) reducing emissions through fuel switching, 2) pollutants had been regulated by 1990.
adding more control equipment or improving the per- The 1990 CAA redirected the EPA to impose tighter
formance of existing control equipment, or 3) acquir- controls for a broad range of air toxics through a two-
ing (purchasing) SO2 allowances from other units. The phase approach. The first phase requires the EPA to
bottom line compliance measure is straight forward; develop technology-based standards for categories of
total SO2 emissions from a unit in any given year must sources that have the potential to emit significant
be covered by an equivalent number of SO2 allow- quantities of 188 (originally 189) HAPs which were
ances. Once an allowance is used it is retired and any specifically identified in the Act. The second phase
unused allowances may be sold or held (banked) with requires the EPA to impose further controls, beyond
certain restrictions for future use. The total number the initial technology-based standards, as necessary
of yearly SO2 allowances allocated nationwide under to address any remaining health risk concerns. Un-
Phase II of the program is fixed at 8.95 million tons der the first phase, the EPA must develop Maximum
and new power plants do not receive allowances. This Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards for
effectively caps yearly SO2 emissions from utility boil- different classes or categories of sources that could be
ers at 8.95 million tons and ensures that the mandated considered major emitters of HAP as well as other
reductions are maintained over time. smaller area HAP sources. A major HAP source is de-
The Acid Rain program also mandated NOx emis- fined as any type of stationary source with the poten-
sion reductions from all existing utility boilers through tial to emit 10 tons per year of a single HAP or 25 tons
a more traditional command-and-control approach per year of a combination of HAPs. An area source is
where different types of boilers or combustion equip- defined to include smaller source categories (such as
ment were required to meet specified performance lev- dry cleaners, gas stations, etc.) that are not by them-
els (i.e., a NOx limit in pounds per million Btu of heat selves a major source, but may collectively emit HAPs
input). The NOx command-and-control requirements in sufficient quantities to warrant regulation. The
were also implemented in a two-phased process with applicable MACT standard for a given type or category
a goal of reducing utility boiler NOx emissions by 2 of source must reflect emission performance levels that
million tons from 1980 levels. are already being achieved in practice by the better
The EPA’s rules governing the Acid Rain program controlled, lower emitting units within a common
are published in the Code of Federal Regulations, source category. As of this writing, the EPA has pro-
under Title 40, Part(s) 72 through 78. posed or promulgated MACT standards for more than
Further to the NOx reductions mandated under the 80 different source categories including but not lim-
Acid Rain program, the EPA also implemented addi- ited to industrial, commercial and institutional boil-
tional control measures (as authorized under Title I ers and process heaters; combustion sources at kraft,
of the Act) to reduce interstate transport of NOx emis- soda, and sulfite pulp and paper mills; and fossil fuel-
sions that contribute to ozone nonattainment problems fired electric utility boilers. The EPA’s final MACT rules
in the eastern part of the U.S. These additional NOx
control measures (referred to herein as the NOx Bud-
get programs) are structured similarly to the SO2 cap-
and-trade program discussed above. However, unlike
the SO2 program which applies to all utility boilers year
round, the NOx Budget programs only apply to speci-
fied sources in the eastern part of the U.S. during the
five month ozone season extending from May through
September. As of this writing, the EPA has imple-
mented the broadest of these NOx Budget programs
through a SIP Call (request for State Implementation
Plans) mandating further NOx reductions from elec-
tric utility boilers and other large industrial sources
located in 21 eastern states and the District of Colum-
bia (see Fig. 2).
For further details and current information regard-
ing the SO2 and NOx trading programs see the follow-
ing EPA Web page:
Control of air toxics under the 1990 Clean Air Act The
1990 CAA Amendments significantly changed the pre-
existing regulatory structure for addressing air toxics.
Prior to the 1990 amendments, the Act required the
EPA to identify and regulate, on a pollutant-by-pol-
lutant basis, each non-criteria air pollutant that in its
judgment caused significant health risks. This regu- Fig. 2 Area covered by NOx SIP Call is shown in gray.

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for various categories of sources are published in the Without attempting to be comprehensive, the fol-
Code of Federal Regulations, under Title 40, Part 63. lowing items provide a brief overview of worldwide
The 1990 CAA specifically directed the EPA to study SO2 and NOx regulatory efforts. These items provide
hazardous air emissions, including mercury, from elec- a general indication of the range and application of
tric utility plants and to regulate such emissions as control measures.
necessary to protect public health. In December 2000, Control approaches One or more of the following mea-
the EPA issued a formal determination that regula- sures have typically been adopted to control emissions:
tion of HAP emissions, principally mercury from coal-
1. Emission standards These limit the mass of SO2,
fired electric utility boilers and nickel from oil-fired
NOx, or other pollutant emitted by volume, by heat
utility boilers, was appropriate and necessary. As dis-
input, by electric energy output, or by unit of time
cussed later in this chapter in the mercury emissions
(hourly, daily, annually).
and control technologies section, several regulatory
2. Percent removal requirements These specify the
options are being proposed to address mercury con-
portion of the uncontrolled emissions that must be
trol as of the date of this publication.
removed from the flue gas.
For further details and current information regard-
3. Fuel requirements Primarily aimed at SO2 control,
ing the HAP regulations, including source-specific
these either limit the type of fuel that can be
MACT standards and proposed alternatives for regu-
burned or the fuel sulfur content.
lating mercury from electric utility boilers, see the fol-
4. Technology requirements These typically indicate
lowing EPA Web page(s):
the type of control technology specifically required
index.html and
or indicate the use of the best available control tech-
Pending legislation/regulation As of the date of this
nology or reasonably available control technology at
publication, a number of U.S. Federal and State leg-
the time of installation. These requirements depend
islative and regulatory initiatives are underway to
in many cases on some level of economic feasibility.
further reduce air emissions from fossil fuel-fired
power plants. The most significant of the near-term The most widely used control approach is emission
initiatives are addressed in an inter-related suite of standards, although this is usually combined with one
proposed rules collectively known as the Clean Air or more of the other approaches. Emissions from new
Rules. This suite of rules includes the proposed mer- plants are usually more tightly controlled than emis-
cury cap-and-trade program discussed later; proposed sions from existing capacity. Occasionally, older plants
rules to achieve further reductions in emissions of SO2 are not controlled, although this is changing, espe-
and NOx from power plants; and additional measures cially with the application of national cap-and-trade
to address ozone and fine particle pollution through- policies in the U.S. There have also been significant
out the U.S. While the final form of these regulatory discussions on the applicability of international cap-
initiatives can not be determined at the time of this and-trade programs that will link two or more national
writing, the direction of future regulatory actions will cap-and-trade programs together. The international
no doubt focus on achieving further improvements in cap-and-trade programs are proposed in the European
air quality in the most effective way possible. For fur- Union (EU) Directive.
ther details and current information regarding these Emission control legislation and regulations
initiatives and others, see the following EPA Web throughout the world are currently in a state of flux
page: as a variety of new and increasingly stringent regu-
lations are phased in. Reference 6 provides a compre-
International regulations – air pollution control hensive and detailed summary of regulatory measures
The passage of the Clean Air Act in the U.S. in 1963, and current trends as of the end of 2003. The result-
marked the first enactment of air pollution control ing compilation is quite complex as countries and ar-
legislation by a major industrial nation. Since that eas consider the most effective alternatives. Reference
time, air pollution control regulations have become 7 provides more detail for NOx control.
more widespread in industrial and developing nations, Emissions standards worldwide are stated in a va-
particularly in Japan, Canada, and the European riety of units. See Appendix 1, Conversion Formulae
Union.6,7 Many of the rapidly developing nations such for Emission Units.
as Korea, Taiwan, China, and the countries of former Kinds of pollutants, sources and impacts
Eastern Europe are also aggressively controlling power
plant emissions as their rapidly growing economies Air pollutants are contaminants in the atmosphere
strain local ecosystems. As in the U.S., steam gener- which, because of their quantity or characteristics,
ating plants have been one focus of these regulatory have deleterious effects on human health and/or the
measures, and the most common emissions of concern environment. The sources of these pollutants are clas-
from combustion processes are SO2, NOx, particulates, sified as stationary, mobile or fugitive. Stationary
and air toxics. The detailed regulations continue to sources generally include large individual point
evolve rapidly and are quite country specific. However, sources of emissions such as electric utility power
two trends are widespread: plants and industrial furnaces where emissions are
discharged through a stack. Mobile sources are those
1. Allowable emission limits for controlled pollutants associated with transportation activities. Fugitive
will continue to decline with time. emissions generally include discharges to the atmo-
2. A wider array of species will be considered for control. sphere from conveyors, pumps, valves, seals and other

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process points not vented through a stack. They also sions, approximately 90% comes from coal-fired boil-
include emissions from area sources such as coal piles, ers. The most deleterious effects come from NO2 which
landfills, ponds and lagoons. They most often consist forms from the reaction of NO and oxygen. NO2 also
of particulates and occur in industry-related activities absorbs the full visible spectrum and can reduce vis-
in which the emissions are not collected. ibility. NOx has been associated with respiratory dis-
The focus of this chapter is stationary emission orders, corrosion and degradation of materials, and
sources, particularly fired utility and industrial boiler damage to vegetation. NOx has also been identified as
systems. Key pollutants from these sources are SO2, a precursor to ozone and smog formation.
SO3, NOx, CO and particulate matter. Another class Carbon monoxide This colorless, odorless gas is
of emissions is called air toxics. These are potentially formed from incomplete combustion of carbonaceous
hazardous pollutants that generally occur in only fuels. CO emissions from properly designed and oper-
trace quantities in the effluents from fired processes. ated utility boilers are a relatively small percentage
However, they are undergoing more intense exami- of total U.S. combustion source CO emissions, most of
nation because of their potential health effects. which come from the internal combustion engine in
Sulfur dioxide Most of the sulfur in fuel converts to the transportation sector. The primary environmen-
SO2 with small quantities of sulfur trioxide (SO3). The tal significance of CO is its effect on human and ani-
main source of sulfur oxides is from the combustion mal health. It is absorbed by the lungs and reduces
of coal, with lesser amounts from other fuels such as the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Depend-
residual fuel oil. Based upon the August 2003 revi- ing on the concentration and exposure time, it can
sion of the U.S. EPA National Emissions Inventory cause impaired motor skills and physiological stress.
(NEI) program, the utility and industrial sectors Particulate matter Solid and liquid matter of organic
(smelters, iron and steel mills, refineries) remain the or inorganic composition which is suspended in flue
largest emitters of sulfur oxides (see Table 3).8 Sulfur gas or the atmosphere is generally referred to as par-
oxides have been related to irritation of the human ticulate. Particle sizes from combustion sources are in
respiratory system, reduced visibility, materials corro- the 1 to 100 µm range, although particles smaller than
sion and varying effects on vegetation. The reaction 1 µm can occur through condensation processes.
of sulfur oxides with moisture in the atmosphere has Among the effects of particulate emissions are im-
been identified as contributing to acid rain. paired visibility, soiling of surrounding areas, aggra-
Sulfur trioxide Some of the sulfur dioxide that forms vation of adverse effects of SO2, and human respira-
converts to sulfur trioxide (SO3). The typical conver- tory problems.
sion rate is 1% or less in the boiler. However, the cata- PM10 and PM2.5 Subsets of particulate matter, PM10
lytic process that is frequently used to control NOx lev- is particulate matter 10 µm and finer and PM2.5 is par-
els has the undesirable side effect of converting addi- ticulate matter 2.5 µm and finer. Fine particles are
tional SO2 to SO3, which can range from 0.5 to 2% emitted from industrial and residential oil combustion
additional conversion. The SO3 readily combines with and from vehicle exhaust. Fine particles are also
water to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at flue gas tem- formed in the atmosphere when gases such as SO2,
peratures less than 500F (260C). This acid can create NOx and VOCs, emitted by combustion processes, are
extremely corrosive conditions. The sulfuric acid con- transformed into fine particulate by chemical reactions
denses to form a fine mist when the flue gas passes in the air (i.e., sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and photo-
through a wet flue gas desulfurization system that is chemical smog). PM2.5 is considered to have more del-
used to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2). This sulfuric acid eterious health affects than coarser particulate.
mist contributes to the total stack particulate loading. VOC Volatile organic compounds represent a wide
Such mist is extremely fine, less than 0.5 micron, and range of organic substances. These compounds con-
very small amounts of this mist (5 ppm or less) can cause
visible, bluish stack plumes, even in the absence of solid
particulate. Table 3
Nitrogen oxides (NOx ) This category includes numer- 2002 U.S. Emissions
ous species comprised of nitrogen and oxygen, al- U.S. EPA National Emission Inventory8
though nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
are the most significant in terms of quantity released Emissions (103 short tons)
Category SO2 NOx VOC TSP
to the atmosphere. NO is the primary nitrogen com-
pound formed in high temperature combustion pro- Utility combustion 10,293 4,699 52 695
cesses where nitrogen present in the fuel and/or com- Industrial combustion 2,299 2,870 170 269
bustion air combines with oxygen. The quantity of Other combustion 575 725 790 405
NOx formed during combustion depends on the quan- Industrial process 1,399 1,000 7,418 1,127
tity of nitrogen and oxygen available, the tempera- Transportation 696 11,452 7,231 515
ture, the intensity of mixing and the time for reaction. Other 91 356 883 19,142
Control of these parameters has formed the basis for Total 15,353 21,102 16,544 22,153
a number of control strategies involving combustion
Notes: SO2  Sulfur dioxide
process control and burner design. Based on the most NOx  Nitrogen oxides as NO2
recent EPA emissions inventory, utilities account for VOC  Volatile organic compounds
22% of NOx emitted in the U.S., with the transporta- TSP  Total solid particulate (PM-10)
tion sector emitting 56%. Of the total utility NOx emis-

Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations 32-7

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sist of molecules containing carbon and hydrogen, and content are potential methods to address CO2 emis-
include aromatics, olefins and paraffins. A major sions from any combustion source. Another option is
source is the refining and use of petroleum products. separation and capture followed by sequestration.
Also included among VOCs are compounds derived However, technology similar to SO2 scrubbers or par-
from primary hydrocarbons including aldehydes, ke- ticulate collectors does not exist for carbon dioxide.
tones and halogenated hydrocarbons. The major Although CO2 separation technologies exist, they are
source of these compounds is the transportation and at present not economically viable for the large vol-
the commercial/residential combustion sectors. VOCs umes of flue gas produced by electric power genera-
are environmentally significant because of their role tion. Geologic, terrestrial, or ocean sequestration have
in the formation of photochemical smog through pho- their own technical and political challenges. Geologic
tochemical reactions with NOx. Control of VOCs has sequestration holds considerable potential, as the stor-
been a primary means of addressing areas of ozone age capacity is estimated to be centuries of emissions, and
nonattainment. Smog arising from VOC emissions can this route may be the most environmentally acceptable.
cause respiratory problems, eye irritation, damage to
vegetation and reduced visibility. Air pollution control technologies
Toxic air pollutants This is a large category of air The strategies for control of all emissions from a util-
pollutants that could have hazardous effects.9 The ity or industrial boiler are formulated by considering
EPA had only promulgated standards for arsenic, as- design fuels, kind and extent of emission reduction man-
bestos, benzene, beryllium, mercury, radionuclides dated, and economic factors such as boiler design, loca-
and vinyl chlorides for certain defined industries be- tion, new or existing equipment, age and remaining life.
fore the passage of the 1990 Amendments to the Clean SO2 control strategies and technologies SO2 emissions
Air Act. The 1990 Act first identified 189 toxic pollut- from coal-fired boilers can be reduced using pre-com-
ants for which emissions are to be regulated. The list bustion techniques, combustion modifications and
includes a wide range of simple and complex indus- post-combustion methods.
trial organic chemicals and a small number of Pre-combustion These techniques include the use of
inorganics, particularly heavy metals. The EPA has natural gas or low sulfur oil in new units or the use of
identified hundreds of categories of air toxics sources, cleaned (beneficiated) coal or fuel switching in exist-
among which are municipal solid waste combustors, in- ing units. By using natural gas, sulfur emissions can
dustrial boilers, and electric utility boilers. For these com- be reduced to almost zero while the use of low sulfur
bustion sources, mercury has been the primary focus. oil will minimize SO2 emissions. While the low sulfur
Mercury Present in only trace amounts in coal, content of oil and gas is advantageous, the price vola-
mercury is released during the combustion process as tility and availability of these fuels make them less at-
elemental mercury, and is predominantly in the va- tractive. Switching to oil and gas in existing boilers
por phase at the exit of the furnace. Emissions from requires attention be given to receiving equipment,
utility plants are extremely low. While other pollut- storage facilities, combustion equipment including
ants are recorded in pounds per million Btu (mg/Nm3), safety systems and boiler design. In the case of new
mercury emissions are typically six orders of magni- systems, oil or gas firing can significantly reduce steam
tude less and are frequently expressed in units of system capital costs. Even switching from one coal to
pounds per trillion Btu or µg/Nm. Fig. 3 indicates that another lower sulfur coal can have a dramatic impact
the utility emissions account for approximately one- on fuel handling, combustion and particulate collec-
third of the U.S. manmade emissions of mercury or tion equipment. These effects are explored in more
48 tons/year (43.5tm/year). (See Reference 10.) detail in Chapters 21 and 44.
Mercury in some chemical forms is very toxic. From
whatever source, mercury can find its way into water
sources where it can be converted into water soluble Hazardous Waste

species such as methyl-mercury by microorganisms and Combustors

accumulate in the fatty tissues of fish. Consumption of
Utility Plants
contaminated fish is the main identified risk to humans.
Carbon dioxide During the 1980s, concern in- Plants
creased about the potential impact of carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions from manmade sources. CO2 is one of
several so-called greenhouse gases which may impact
the climate and contribute to global warming. CO2 is Waste
emitted from a variety of naturally occurring and Incinerators
manmade sources including the combustion of all fossil
and hydrocarbon based fuels.
Greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. totaled 1906
million metric tons in 2000, of which 83% or 1583
million metric tons was CO2. CO2 from the electric
power sector totaled 642 million metric tons or 33.6%
of total greenhouse gas emissions.11 Commercial
and Municipal Waste
Improving the power cycle efficiency (more power Industrial Boilers Combustors
from less fuel) and the use of fuels with less carbon Fig. 3 Anthropogenic (manmade) emissions of mercury in the U.S.

32-8 Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations

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Combustion modifications These techniques are pri- air mixing, thereby reducing oxygen availability in the
marily used to reduce NOx emissions but can also be ignition and main combustion zones. Low NOx burners
used to control SO2 emissions in fluidized-bed combus- can reduce NOx emissions by 50% or more, depending
tion where limestone is used as the bed material. The upon the initial conditions, are relatively low cost, and
limestone can absorb up to 90% of the sulfur released are applicable to new plants as well as retrofits.
during the combustion process. (See Chapter 17.) Staged combustion uses low excess air levels in the
Sorbent injection technologies Sorbent injection, while primary combustion zone with the remaining (over-
not involving modification of the combustion process, fire) air added higher in the furnace to complete com-
is applied in temperature regions ranging from those bustion. In some cases, the primary combustion zone
just outside the combustion zone in the upper furnace may be operated substoichiometrically. Significant NOx
to those at the economizer and flue work following the reductions are possible with staged combustion, al-
air heater. Sorbent injection involves adding an alkali though reducing zones and potential for corrosion and
compound to the coal combustion gases for reaction slagging exist.
with the SO2. Typical calcium sorbents include lime- Flue gas recirculation reduces oxygen concentra-
stone [calcium carbonate (CaCO3)], lime (CaO), hy- tion and combustion temperatures by recirculating
drated lime [Ca(OH)2] and modifications of these com- some of the flue gas to the furnace without increas-
pounds with special additives. Sodium or magnesium ing total net gas mass flow. Large NOx reductions are
based compounds are also used. possible with oil and gas firing while only small re-
Wet and dry scrubbing technology Worldwide, wet and ductions at best are possible with coal firing. Modifica-
dry scrubbing or flue gas desulfurization (FGD) sys- tions to the boiler in the form of ducting and an effi-
tems are the most commonly used technologies in the ciency penalty due to power requirements of the recircu-
coal-fired electric utility industry. 2003 data indicate lation fans can make the cost of this option higher than
that in the U.S. more than 30% of the coal-fired util- some of the other in-furnace NOx control methods.
ity capacity have SO2 emission control. In contrast, Reburning is a technology used to reduce NOx emis-
more than 90% of coal-fired utility boilers in Germany sions in selected applications. In reburning, 75 to 80%
and Japan have SO2 control. Both wet and dry scrub- of the furnace fuel input is burned in the primary com-
bing use slurries of sorbent and water to react with bustion zone with minimum excess air. The remain-
SO2 in flue gas, producing wet and dry waste products. ing fuel (gas, oil or coal) is added to the furnace above
(See Chapter 35.) the primary combustion zone. This secondary combus-
In the wet scrubbing process, a sorbent slurry con- tion zone is operated substoichiometrically to gener-
sisting of water mixed with limestone, lime, magne- ate hydrocarbon radicals which reduce NO formed in
sium promoted lime or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is the initial combustion to N2. The combustion process
contacted with flue gas in a reactor vessel. Wet scrub- is then completed by adding the balance of the com-
bing is a highly efficient (> 97% removal at calcium/ bustion air through overfire air ports in a final burn-
sulfur molar ratios close to 1.0), well established tech- out zone further up the furnace.
nology which can produce usable byproducts. Post-combustion The two main post-combustion
Dry scrubbing involves spraying an aqueous sor- techniques for NOx control are selective noncatalytic
bent slurry into a reactor vessel so that the slurry reduction (SNCR) and selective catalytic reduction
droplets dry as they contact the hot flue gas [~300F (SCR). In SNCR, ammonia or other compounds such
(~149C)]. The SO2 reaction occurs during the drying as urea (which thermally decomposes to produce am-
process and results in a dry particulate containing monia) are injected downstream of the combustion
reaction products and unreacted sorbent entrained in zone in a temperature region of 1400 to 2000F (760
the flue gas along with flyash. These materials are to 1093C). SCR systems remove NOx from flue gases
captured downstream in the particulate control equip- by reaction with ammonia in the presence of a cata-
ment. Dry scrubbing is a well established technology lyst (see Chapter 34). SCR is being used worldwide
with considerable operational flexibility. The waste where high NOx removal efficiencies are required in
residue is dry. gas-, oil- or coal-fired industrial and utility boilers.
NOx control technologies NOx emissions from fossil Particulate control technologies Particulate emis-
fuel-fired industrial and utility boilers arise from the sions from boilers arise from the noncombustible, ash
nitrogen compounds in the fuel and molecular nitro- forming mineral matter in the fuel that is released
gen in the air supplied for combustion. Conversion of during the combustion process and is carried by the
molecular and fuel nitrogen into NOx is promoted by flue gas. Another source of particulate is the incom-
high temperatures and high volumetric heat release plete combustion of the fuel which results in unburned
rates found in boilers. The main strategies for reduc- carbon particles. A brief description of the principal
ing NOx emissions take two forms: 1) modification of options for particulate emissions control in industrial
the combustion process to control fuel and air mixing, and utility boilers follows while Chapter 33 provides
and reduce flame temperatures, and 2) post-combus- an in-depth discussion.
tion treatment of the flue gas to remove NOx. (See Coal cleaning Historically, physical coal cleaning has
Chapters 11, 14, 16, and 34.) been applied to reduce mineral matter, increase en-
Combustion modification This approach to NOx reduc- ergy content and provide a more uniform boiler feed.
tion can include the use of low NOx burners, combus- Although reduction in flue gas particulate loading is
tion staging, gas recirculation or reburn technology. one of the potential benefits, coal cleaning has been
Low NOx burners slow and control the rate of fuel and driven by the many other boiler performance benefits

Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations 32-9

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related to improved boiler maintenance and availabil- The EPA has also determined that it is both appro-
ity and, more recently, the reduction in SO2 emissions. priate and necessary to regulate utility units for emis-
Mechanical collectors These are generally cyclone sions of mercury. As of this writing, the EPA has pro-
collectors and have been widely used on small boilers posed several regulatory alternatives for controlling
when less stringent particulate emission limits apply. mercury emissions from new and existing electric util-
Cyclones are low-cost, simple, compact and rugged de- ity boilers which generally fall into two categories: 1)
vices. However, conventional cyclones are limited to col- MACT standards as discussed above, or 2) alternate
lection efficiencies of about 90% and are poor at collect- performance standards coupled with a market based
ing the smallest particles. Improvements in small par- cap-and-trade program. EPA has promulgated rules
ticle collection are accompanied by high pressure drops. for a cap-and-trade program where mercury reduc-
Fabric filters These filters, also commonly referred tions would occur over a two-phase process. When
to as baghouses, are available in a number of designs fully implemented by 2018, this would result in esti-
(reverse air, pulse jet, and shake/deflate), each hav- mated mercury emission reductions of 33 tons (30.0
ing advantages and disadvantages in various appli- tm) per year or approximately 70%. As of this writing,
cations. Applications include industrial and utility the pros and cons associated with the regulatory al-
power plants firing coal or solid wastes, plants using ternatives are the subject of extensive debate and the
sorbent injection and spray dryer FGD, and fluidized- final outcome and timing are uncertain. However, mer-
bed combustors. Collection efficiency can be expected cury will be controlled and emissions reduced over time.
to be at least 99.9% or greater. Fabric filters have the
potential for enhancing SO2 capture in installations Mercury in U.S. coals
downstream of sorbent injection and dry scrubbing Coals vary in mercury content by rank, seam, mine,
systems as discussed in Chapter 35. and mine internal location. Table 4 summarizes the
Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) ESPs are available mercury content data obtained for U.S. bituminous,
in a broad range of sizes for utility and industrial subbituminous and lignite coals fired at U.S. utilities
applications. Collecting efficiency can be expected to as part of an EPA study (see Reference 12). There are
be 99.8% or greater of the inlet dust loading. ESPs are only modest differences between the average mercury
considered to be less sensitive to plant upsets than contents of the three ranks of coal. However, the varia-
fabric filters because their materials are not as sensi- tion in mercury content among coals within a given
tive to maximum temperatures. They also have a very rank is much larger.
low pressure drop. ESP performance is sensitive to
flyash loading, ash resistivity and coal sulfur content. Mercury in coal combustion flue gas
Lower sulfur concentrations in the flue gas can lead Mercury appears in coal combustion flue gas in both
to lower ESP collection efficiency. ESPs tend to collect the solid and gas phases (particulate-bound mercury
coarser particulate more easily, whereas a fabric fil- and vapor-phase mercury, respectively). Due to the
ter tends to have a more uniform collection efficiency high volatility of mercury and many of its compounds,
across the particle size range. Therefore, a fabric fil- most of the mercury found in flue gas is vapor-phase.
ter has higher collection efficiency of fine particulate Vapor-phase mercury, in turn, can appear as elemen-
than an ESP. The desire to further control sulfuric tal mercury (elemental, metallic mercury vapor) or as
acid mist emissions and very fine flyash has led to the oxidized mercury (vapor-phase species of various com-
utilization of wet ESPs downstream of wet flue gas des- pounds of mercury). The form of mercury present,
ulfurization systems. commonly referred to as speciation, is a key factor in
the development of emissions control strategies.
Mercury speciation and emissions data have been
Mercury emissions and control gathered under an EPA study, wherein a subset of
technologies the U.S. boiler population was selected for flue gas
emissions sampling on the basis of fuel type, boiler con-
Regulatory considerations figuration, particulate control device, and SO2 control
As discussed earlier in this chapter, mercury emis- technology (see Reference 12). This EPA study is
sions are regulated under the hazardous air pollut- known as the Information Collection Request (ICR).
ants (HAPs) sector of the Clean Air Act. Mercury Flue gas sampling, in triplicate, was performed at
emission regulations are already in place for munici- approximately 84 U.S. plants to quantify total mer-
pal solid waste (MSW) combustors, medical waste in- cury and mercury speciation at the inlet and outlet of
cinerators, and cement plants with the following lev- the last emission control device. The EPA Preliminary
els as of this writing: Test Method 003 [PRE-003: Standard Test Method for
Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound, and Total Mer-
Source Regulation cury in Flue Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Station-
ary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method)] was used to
MSW combustion 0.08 mg/DSCM or 85% reduction
determine the particulate-bound and vapor-phase
Medical waste 0.55 mg/DSCM or 85% reduction
mercury emissions. In the Ontario Hydro Method, flue
gas samples are withdrawn isokinetically from the
Cement plants 0.12 mg/DSCM (existing plants),
flue. The mercury species are collected on a quartz
0.056 mg/DSCM (new plants)
fiber filter, in potassium chloride (KCl) solutions, and
Note: DSCM = dry standard cubic meter (at 32F/0C) in acidic peroxide and acidic potassium permangan-

32-10 Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations

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dryer FGD with fabric filter and about 90% with car-
bon injection added. Most of the mercury produced by
Table 4 these MSW combustors is oxidized mercury.
Mercury in Selected U.S. Coals12 For utility coal-fired boilers, the development of
lb Hg/trillion Btu (HHV)
mercury emissions control technology in the U.S. over
Number of the past decade has progressed from a very limited
Coal Type Analyses Low High Median database to one in which utilities, various government
agencies, and system suppliers have increasingly
Bituminous 27,884 0.04 103.81 8.59 quantified various parameters that influence mercury
Subbituminous 8,193 0.39 71.08 5.74 emissions control. This work is ongoing and reflects
Lignite 1,047 0.93 75.06 10.54 the complexity of the measurement and control issues.
There are three basic methodologies for controlling
mercury stack emissions from coal-fired power plants:
1. Choice of a coal with as low a mercury concentra-
ate (KMnO4) solutions. Mercury speciation is reported
tion as possible. The degree to which the coal has
on the basis that the oxidized form of mercury is col-
been characterized and represents the inlet con-
lected in the KCl impingers, and the elemental form
ditions for the emissions control devices is the first
of mercury is collected in the peroxide and potassium
step in setting the expectations for equipment
permanganate impingers.
performance. The potential effectiveness of emis-
Results of these extensive studies indicated that the
sion control devices is influenced most directly by
speciation of vapor-phase mercury depends on coal
the form of the mercury, either solid or vapor
type and other factors. Eastern U.S. bituminous coals
phase, and the vapor phase mercury speciation,
tend to produce a higher percentage of oxidized mer-
elemental mercury versus oxidized mercury. The
cury than do western subbituminous and lignite coals.
presence of a selective catalytic reduction system
Western coals have low chloride content compared to
(SCR) for NOx emission control upstream of the
typical eastern bituminous coals. It has been recog-
particulate control device tends to increase the
nized for several years that an empirical relationship
oxidized mercury present, which is subsequently
holds between the chloride content of coal and the
easier to control in a downstream FGD system.
extent to which mercury appears in the oxidized form.
2. Use of a suitably injected sorbent for mercury cap-
Fig. 4 illustrates the relationship between coal chlo-
ture, such that the sorbent particulate matter is
rine content and vapor-phase mercury speciation for
captured with the flyash. Powdered activated car-
the plants and coals tested in the EPA study. An im-
bon is the most likely sorbent and can be effective
portant reason for the significant uncertainty (scat-
for both elemental and oxidized mercury capture,
ter) is that mercury oxidation proceeds by both homo-
though the costs can be significant. Typically, the
geneous (gas-to-gas) and heterogeneous (gas-to-solid)
amount of activated carbon needed with down-
reaction mechanisms. Boiler convection pass and air
stream fabric filtration is less than that required
heater temperature profiles, flue gas composition,
when using electrostatic precipitation. Flyash from
flyash characteristics, and the presence of unburned
coal-fired utility boilers frequently is sold for
carbon have all been shown to affect the conversion
byproduct uses such as cement manufacturing.
of elemental mercury to oxidized mercury species.
However, flyash contaminated with activated car-
Table 5 provides a summary of general mercury spe-
bon is generally not marketable. One solution is
ciation by coal type.
to inject the powder activated carbon downstream
Mercury control technologies of the primary dust collector and add a separate
dust collector to trap the injected activated carbon.
For industrial sources, such as MSW combustors,
the typical mercury control technology is activated
carbon injection in conjunction with a spray dryer 100
FGD system and fabric filter. Activated carbon injec-
tion is used to reduce both mercury and dioxin emis-
sions. The system is comprised of a series of injection
% Hg as Elemental Hg

nozzles located in the flue gas stream between the last

boiler heat trap (economizer or air heater) and the en-
trance to the spray dryer absorber (SDA). At this lo- 50
cation, the injected carbon particles adsorb both mer-
cury and dioxin onto their surfaces by direct contact.
When the carbon particles become trapped in the down-
stream fabric filter, additional adsorption takes place. A
typical carbon injection rate is 0.2 lb (0.09 kg) of carbon
per ton of MSW combusted. Thus, for a 750 t/d (680 tm/
d) refuse boiler, approximately 150 lb (68 kg)/day of 0
10 100 1000 10000
activated carbon would be used. Long-term experience CI in Coal (ppm, dry basis)
reveals that mercury reduction without carbon injection Fig. 4 Relationship between coal mercury content and mercury
averages around 70% for a system with only a spray speciation for U.S. EPA Information Collection Request.

Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations 32-11

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Table 5
Typical Mercury Speciation by Coal Type
Relative Content Primary Mercury
Coal Type Mercury Chlorine Form in Flue Gas
Bituminous (Eastern U.S.) Intermediate High Oxidized
Bituminous (Western U.S.) Low Intermediate Mixture
Subbituminous (Powder River Basin) Low Low Mixture, more elemental
Lignite High Low Primarily elemental

3. Use of the dry or wet FGD system to provide sub- late-bound mercury. Fabric filters may perform bet-
stantial mercury removal from the gas stream. ter on the same flue gas by providing more intimate
This approach is particularly suitable if the vapor contact between the flue gases and flyash as the flue
phase mercury contains a relatively high propor- gases pass through the filter cake on the filter bags.
tion of oxidized mercury species. This intimate contact may promote the adsorption of
mercury species onto the flyash or unburned carbon
Mercury capture in conventional particles in the filter cake. While providing many in-
sights into the behavior of mercury species in coal-fired
coal-fired systems systems, it should be noted that the EPA ICR data are
Mercury removal efficiency across air pollution con- subject to a variety of limitations. The individual plant
trol devices at existing U.S. coal-fired plants was also data represent a brief period in time and give little in-
quantified under EPA’s ICR study.12 Average mercury sight into the variability of mercury emissions due to
removal for bituminous coals was higher than that variability in coal properties, impacts of plant operat-
achieved for the subbituminous coals and lignites. This ing conditions, or mercury sampling uncertainties.
is due to the higher percentage of oxidized mercury
produced by eastern coals, but also may result, in part, Enhanced mercury capture
from differences in flyash properties and the tendency Numerous other studies have been and continue to
of bituminous coals to produce higher levels of un- be conducted by B&W and others to shed additional light
burned carbon. on the behavior of mercury in coal-fired systems, and to
FGD systems Both wet and spray dryer FGD sys- develop cost-effective approaches to its control.
tems perform better at removing mercury with bitu- Powdered activated carbon (PAC) Many studies have
minous coal than with the low rank fuels. The differ- focused on the injection of some form of PAC. Adsorp-
ence is due almost entirely to the higher percentage tion is a technique that has often been successfully
of oxidized mercury produced by the bituminous coals. applied for the separation and removal of trace quan-
Oxidized mercury, typically mercuric chloride, is tities of undesirable components. PAC injection is used
soluble in water, making it amenable to removal in to remove mercury in municipal waste combustor ex-
SO2 scrubbers. Elemental mercury, insoluble in wa- haust gases, as discussed above. Although this ap-
ter, passes through most scrubbers. In the scrubber, proach appeared attractive for coal-fired boilers in
the soluble mercury species react with the slurry to early work, the economics of high injection rates can
produce insoluble mercuric sulfide that is collected as be prohibitive when applied to these plants. More re-
a solid waste byproduct. There is a growing body of fined studies are now in progress to define more pre-
evidence that a phenomenon known as mercury re- cisely what can and can not be achieved with PAC.
emission can exist in a wet FGD system. Some of the Other studies seek to enhance PAC technology by
captured oxidized mercury is actually reduced back impregnation with additives such as halides to yield
to elemental mercury and released into the outlet flue improved chemisorption of the mercury species that
gas. The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W) has de- may be present.
veloped a patented additive for wet FGD systems to Enhanced scrubbing As noted above, conventional
minimize re-emission. emissions control system components are capable of
SCR systems The same catalysts that reduce NOx removing oxidized mercury due to its water solubil-
to N2 in SCR systems also help oxidize elemental mer- ity. A variety of advanced technologies are currently
cury. As the flue gas passes through the SCR reactor under development to enhance the performance of
and over the catalyst, a portion of the elemental mer- these systems. Some of these increase the effectiveness
cury is converted to mercury oxidized species, for ex- of the wet scrubbing systems in capturing the mercury
ample mercuric chloride and mercury oxides, which once it is in the soluble state. Others introduce oxidiz-
can then be more readily removed in the FGD system. ing agents to the flue gas to increase the conversion of
The current data suggests that the presence of HCl elemental mercury to soluble oxidized species.
in the flue gas is needed for mercury oxidation to oc- Commercial demonstration Efforts to develop mer-
cur across the SCR. cury emission control technology have progressed to
Fabric filter systems Fabric filters tend to remove full-scale limited-term demonstration tests. During
significantly more mercury than do ESPs. Both sys- 2001, full-scale PAC injection tests were run at Ala-
tems are capable of high-efficiency removal of particu- bama Power’s Plant Gaston and at We Energies’ Pleas-

32-12 Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

ant Prairie Power Plant. At about the same time, B&W design and construction of water intake structures
conducted full-scale tests of its enhanced wet FGD pro- used to draw large volumes of cooling water from
cess at both Michigan South Central Power Agency’s lakes, rivers, estuaries and oceans. This CWA require-
Endicott Station and at Cinergy’s Zimmer Station. ment is unique in that it applies to the intake and not
Such demonstrations are an important step in gain- the discharge of water. The major goal of the require-
ing commercial acceptance of the technologies. As of ment is to protect aquatic life by minimizing the im-
this writing, additional testing is ongoing. pingement and entrainment of fish and other organ-
isms into cooling water systems. Phase I rules, appli-
cable to new utility facilities with a water intake flow
Water pollution control of greater than two million gallons per day and using
25% or more for cooling purposes, were promulgated
U.S. legislation – Clean Water Act in December 2001 (Re: 40 CFR Part 125). Phase II
In 1972, the U.S. Congress enacted landmark leg- rules governing cooling water intake structures at
islation that greatly expanded existing laws designed existing electric utility plants withdrawing 50 million
to control water pollution. Commonly referred to as the gallons or more of water per day were promulgated
Clean Water Act (CWA),13 the Federal Water Pollu- in July of 2004. Phase III rules governing water in-
tion Control Act of 1972 and successive amendments, take structures at certain other existing utility and in-
the Clean Water Act of 1977, and the Water Quality dustrial facilities (not covered under the Phase II rules)
Act of 1987 provide the basic framework for protect- were proposed in November of 2004 and are due to
ing the quality of surface waters in the United States. be finalized by June of 2006.
The stated objective of the CWA is to restore and main- Visit the EPA’s home page on the World Wide Web
tain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of at for further information regarding the
the nation’s waters. CWA and related regulatory programs.
Two significant elements of the 1972 Act were the
creation of the National Pollution Discharge Elimina- Power plant discharge sources
tion System (NPDES), a permitting program to regu- The following describes the principal aqueous dis-
late pollutant discharges from industrial and munici- charge streams from utility power plants.
pal sources, and the establishment of technology- Once-through cooling water Water from rivers,
based end of pipe effluent standards for specified in- lakes or oceans is used to absorb heat from the steam
dustries and processes. condenser. The cooling water exiting the steam con-
Requirements under the Act The NPDES permit pro- denser is at an elevated temperature and can be re-
gram requires that every industrial or municipal facil- turned to the source or pumped to a cooling tower for
ity or other point source discharging into public waters evaporative cooling before being returned to the steam
obtain a NPDES permit. The NPDES program also condenser. In the former case, the cooling water con-
regulates wet weather discharges including storm wa- tains significant concentrations of only one principal
ter runoff associated with many industrial activities. regulated pollutant, total residual chlorine (TRC),
NPDES permits include specific numerical limits for which arises out of chlorine addition for condenser
a wide range of conventional, toxic and other non- fouling control. The duration of each chlorination
conventional pollutants to ensure that discharges to event is limited. The concerns over TRC discharge
receiving waters are protective of human health and include toxicity to living organisms and the genera-
the environment. NPDES permits may contain tech- tion of halogenated hydrocarbons.
nology-based effluent limits (generally industry/pro- Cooling tower blowdown When the heated cooling
cess specific standards), water quality-based effluent water from the steam condenser is cooled in an evapo-
limits (as may be necessary to protect the quality of rative cooling tower, a buildup of dissolved solids and
the receiving waters according to designated use clas- suspended matter occurs. Most of this buildup is re-
sifications), or a combination of both. moved from the system by cooling tower blowdown.
The intent of technology-based effluent limits is to Some of the suspended matter can settle out in the
establish a minimum level of treatment or control of cooling tower basin and is removed at infrequent in-
pollutants in point source discharges using available tervals. All of the dissolved solids and the remaining
treatment technologies. In 1982, the EPA promul- suspended solids are removed largely by cooling tower
gated technology-based effluent limits and pretreat- blowdown. Blowdown flow is adjusted to keep the con-
ment standards for 21 major industrial categories in- centration of dissolved and suspended solids below the
cluding new and existing steam power facilities [Note: limits required to control condenser tube fouling and
pretreatment standards apply to any indirect dis- corrosion. Other sources of chemical pollutants in
charges to publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) blowdown include chlorine and organic chemicals for
that are not otherwise covered under a facility’s control of biofouling, corrosion inhibitors (consisting
NPDES discharge permit]. The key effluent limits of chromate, zinc, polyphosphates, etc.), chemicals for
applicable to steam power plants are summarized in scale control and products of corrosion. Some of these
Table 6. The detailed requirements are set forth in the maintenance chemicals appear on the EPA’s regulated
Code of Federal Regulations – 40 CFR Part 423. toxic pollutants list and none are permitted to be
Another provision of the CWA, initially focused on present in detectable levels in cooling tower blowdown
large steam electric facilities, required the EPA to de- after treatment (except for chromium and zinc, which
velop regulations governing the capacity, location, are separately regulated).

Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations 32-13

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ents, a number of trace elements that can appear in

Table 6 pond overflow and which may need to be treated.
Aqueous Discharge Limits for Coal pile runoff Open storage of large quantities of
New Steam Power Generating Systems (Note 4) coal is required for an uninterrupted fuel supply to
utility plants [on the average, 800 to 2400 yd3 (611 to
NSPS Effluent Limits, mg/l 1834 m3) per megawatt of rated capacity is kept on
Source and Pollutant (Notes 2 and 3) hand]. The water and oxygen from the air react with
(Note 1) Maximum Average the minerals in bituminous coal to produce a leachate
All discharges contaminated with ferrous sulfate and sulfuric acid.
pH (unitless) 6 to 9  The low pH from the acid accelerates dissolution of
PCBs No discharge  many of the metals present in the coal minerals.
Low volume waste (Note 5): FGD blowdown In wet FGD systems, a portion of
TSS 100 30 the absorber slurry that is sprayed into the flue gas
OG 20 15 stream to remove SO2 is removed from the absorber
Chemical metal cleaning tank for dewatering. In the dewatering process, the
wastes: solid reaction products are separated from the liquor.
TSS 100 30 The liquor is recycled to the absorber tank where ad-
OG 20 15 ditional sorbent is added. Recycling of the liquor can
Copper 1.0 1.0 result in chloride buildup which, in turn, can cause
Iron 1.0 1.0 increased corrosion to the alloys in the system. This
Bottom ash transport water: buildup can be controlled by the loss of liquor retained
TSS 100.0 30.0 in the dewatered sludge or by a blowdown. An aque-
OG 20.0 15.0 ous blowdown discharge would typically contain cal-
Once-through cooling water: cium sulfate, calcium sulfite and calcium chloride. Also,
Total residual chlorine (TRC) 0.2  depending on flyash carryover, traces of metal ions
Free available chlorine 0.5 0.2 could also be present. In setting effluent limitations
Cooling tower blowdown: in 1982, the EPA reserved regulating FGD aqueous
Free available chlorine 0.5 0.2 discharge to a future date.
Zinc 1.0 1.0 Metal cleaning wastes These aqueous wastes can
Chromium 0.2 0.2 arise from either chemical or nonchemical cleaning of
Other 126 priority metal heat transfer surfaces in the boiler.
pollutants No detectable amount Chemical metal cleaning uses chemical solvents for
Coal pile runoff: water-side cleaning of boiler system components to
TSS (1980) 50  remove corrosion products. Cleaning intervals are
measured in years for large utility boilers, and produce
Notes: three to four boiler water volumes [20,000 to 100,000
1. Nomenclature: TSS − total suspended solids; OG − oil gal (75,707 to 378,533 l)] of waste water per cleaning.
and grease. The composition of the waste solvents depends on the
2. New Source Performance Standards. construction material of the boiler system, but largely
3. 30 day rolling daily average (Average); maximum any consists of iron with lesser amounts of copper, nickel,
one day (Maximum). zinc, chromium, calcium and magnesium. The disposal
4. Adapted from Reference 1. method for the spent solvent depends on the type of
5. Low volume wastes include ion exchange, water chemical cleaning solvents used. When hydrochloric
treatment, evaporator blowdown, boiler blowdown, acid based solvents are used, spent solvent is treated
lab and floor drains, plus FGD waste water. on-site by neutralization and is discharged subject to
the effluent limits in Table 6 or more stringent water
quality standards. With approval from appropriate
Ash handling water waste Ash produced from the regulating bodies, organic-based solvent wastes are
combustion of fuel, whether oil or coal, is collected at often incinerated in other operating boilers at the site.
different points in the combustion process. Flyash is The metals in the chemical cleaning wastes are re-
the finer size ash collected by particulate collection tained with the normal boiler ash.
systems and bottom ash is removed from hoppers at Nonchemical water cleaning is used to remove fire-
the furnace bottom. Additional hoppers at intermedi- side deposits by means of high pressure jets of water.
ate points also accumulate ash. In many cases, ash is The waste water can contain the same metals and
moved from these points with sluice water, which then pollutants contained in the ash deposits being re-
goes to a settling pond and can typically contain 5% moved. Because the deposit composition varies with
suspended solids by weight. location in the boiler, the wash water composition will
The ash settling pond overflow contains dissolved depend on the location of the area being cleaned.
and suspended solids, the quantities of which will These waste waters may be classified as either low vol-
depend on the source of the ash, the type of combus- ume wastes or metal cleaning wastes and are treated
tion process and the point from which it is extracted according to the corresponding effluent limits.
from the combustion process. Coal ash contains, in Low volume wastes These include discharges from
addition to the eight or nine major elemental constitu- ion exchange water treatment, evaporator blowdown,

32-14 Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

boiler blowdown, cooling tower basin cleaning, labo- sure that solid and hazardous wastes are properly
ratory and floor drains, and drains and losses from managed to protect human health and the environ-
house service water systems. FGD blowdown is also in- ment. Subtitle C of the Act establishes a comprehen-
cluded until the EPA develops specific regulations for this sive management system to regulate hazardous waste
stream. By EPA definition, low volume wastes are those from the time it is generated until its final disposal,
from all sources taken collectively as if they were from commonly referred to as a cradle to grave approach.
one source. Excluded are those wastes for which specific Subtitle D of the Act directs states to develop and
effluent limits are established. implement solid waste management plans and regu-
lations to promote environmentally sound manage-
Water pollution control technologies ment practices for non-hazardous wastes which ad-
The technologies for waste water treatment used to dress landfill performance standards and recycling/
meet limits for discharge include clarification and fil- beneficial use programs. Subtitle I of the Act regulates
tration. petroleum products and other hazardous substances
Clarification This process is used to settle out larger that are stored in underground tanks.
suspended particles and condition smaller colloidal par- As originally drafted, RCRA did not clearly address
ticles to make them settle and allow filtration for re- how fossil fuel combustion wastes should be regulated
moval. A pond, reservoir or tank is used to allow larger and in 1980, the U.S. Congress passed the Solid Waste
particles to settle in a matter of hours. The finer par- Disposal Act Amendments which included what is
ticles overflow and are made to settle more quickly by commonly referred to as the Bevill Exemption. The
the addition of chemical agents, coagulants and poly- Bevill Exemption excluded, among other things, fos-
mers that cause agglomeration to sizes large enough sil fuel combustion wastes from being regulated as
to settle out of suspension. hazardous waste under RCRA Subtitle C, pending
Filtration This uses a porous barrier across flowing completion of a report to Congress and a formal de-
liquid to remove suspended materials. Filtration can termination by the EPA as to whether regulation un-
be used to supplement clarification and permits reduc- der Subtitle C is warranted.
ing suspended solids to the parts per million level. In August 1993, the EPA published the first of two
Filter types include sand filters that are generally slow regulatory determinations concerning fossil fuel com-
and do not handle fine clay well. Preconditioning with bustion wastes. This first determination applied only
coagulants can improve filtration rates. Dual media to separately managed, large volume wastes includ-
filters improve on sand filters by superimposing a ing flyash, bottom ash, boiler slag and flue gas emis-
coarse, granular material over the fine bed. This al- sion control waste generated at coal-fired electric utili-
lows more of the filter bed to be used, reduces head ties and independent power facilities. The EPA deter-
loss, and provides higher flow rates and longer oper- mined that if managed properly, these materials
ating cycles before cleaning. would remain exempt from regulation as a hazard-
As required, and with approvals from appropriate ous waste under Subtitle C of the RCRA. The EPA’s
regulating bodies, final waste stream pH is controlled second ruling, published in May 2000, generally ex-
by combining various plant streams to provide a neu- tended the hazardous waste exemption to other de-
tral pH product. Where needed, acid or alkali addi- fined categories of low volume wastes generated at
tion can be used to achieve the final pH. Other treat- electric utilities and industrial facilities that combust
ments are also available to address other criteria pol- coal, oil, natural gas, petroleum coke or mixtures of
lutants where concentration warrants. coal and other fuels. These low volume wastes, when
In selected cases, zero discharge water management properly co-managed with large volume combustion
is provided which does not return any waste water to wastes, would typically include (but are not limited to)
water sources. Effectively all water brought into the coal pile runoff, coal mill rejects/pyrite, water treat-
plant is evaporated through cooling towers, ponds, ment sludge, and boiler chemical cleaning waste.
evaporators, or the stack. Residual solids are then sent However, if certain wastes are managed indepen-
to disposal. dently and exhibit the characteristics of a hazardous
waste, they are subject to the hazardous waste regu-
lations. For more detailed information refer to the
Solid waste disposal EPA’s final regulatory determination published in the
Federal Register on May 22, 2000 (65 FR 32213).
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act While the EPA has concluded that fossil fuel com-
The rapid growth of industrial activity and use of bustion wastes do not warrant regulation as hazard-
consumer goods by society have resulted in an explo- ous waste, the agency further determined that national
sive growth in the generation of solid wastes. The EPA non-hazardous waste standards under RCRA Subtitle
has estimated that over 100 million tons of fossil fuel D are needed for coal combustion wastes disposed in
combustion wastes are generated annually in the landfills and surface impoundments, or used in minefill
U.S., principally from coal ash residues generated at applications. However, national regulations have yet
utility power plants. to be developed under Subtitle D; therefore, the man-
In 1976, the U.S. Congress passed the Resource agement and regulation of combustion waste products
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 14 as an are currently handled by the individual states.
amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal act of 1965. Finally, the EPA has concluded that beneficial uses
The RCRA establishes the regulatory framework to en- of coal combustion waste (other than for minefill) pose

Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations 32-15

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

no significant risk and no additional national regula- Thickeners are large cylindrical tanks with radial
tions are needed. The EPA has stated they do not want rakes at the bottom. The rakes carry plows to push
to add any unnecessary barriers to the beneficial uses material on the bottom that slopes toward the center.
of combustion waste products because such uses conserve The plows push settled material toward the underflow
natural resources, reduce disposal costs and reduce the discharge. Thickeners rely on gravity to separate high
total amount of waste ultimately destined for disposal. specific gravity solids. Although thickeners are com-
plicated and have high capital and maintenance costs,
Solid combustion wastes they have high throughput rates and require less land
The principal solid waste streams in coal- and oil- area than settling ponds.
fired utility boilers include the following: Liquid cyclones or hydroclones are now commonly
used in place of thickeners to remove solids from slur-
1. Bottom ash is the portion of fuel ash that falls to
ries by centrifugal and liquid shear effects.
the bottom of the furnace or from the stoker dis-
Hydroclones separate and collect particles down to a
charge. In coal-fired Cyclone furnace boilers, the
particular size, with finer particles staying with the
bottom ash consists of slag that drops from the bot-
liquid overflow. Hydroclones do not separate material
tom of the furnace into a slag tank for solidification.
less than 5 µm effectively and are not efficient with
2. Flyash is the finer ash material that is borne by
slurries containing more than 20% solids. They are low
the flue gas from the furnace to the back end of
in cost, have low space requirements, and produce low
the boiler; it drops out in the economizer and air
solids content in the overflow and a high solids frac-
heater hoppers or is collected by particulate con-
tion in the underflow.
trol equipment.
Vacuum filters, either of the drum or belt type, are
3. Pyrite is iron sulfide, an impurity which is sepa-
generally used for second stage dewatering of wet
rated from coal in the pulverizer and which is com-
scrubber slurries. They take little space and produce a
bined with bottom ash for disposal.
high solids content product, up to 95% for FGD slurry.
FGD waste characteristics depend on the particu- Centrifuges are also an option for second stage dewa-
lar technology used: tering.
Stabilization This process increases the solids con-
1. Wet scrubbing (calcium-based system) A natural
tent of scrubber waste by adding dry solids such as
oxidation system produces a wet sludge contain-
flyash. Stabilization is applied to impart greater
ing a mixture of calcium sulfite and calcium sul-
physical stability to the waste, making it easier to place
fate reaction products, trace amounts of flyash and
in the landfill and making it less susceptible to future
unreacted limestone. In a forced oxidation system,
problems. Stabilization and fixation are generally ap-
the principal difference is that the reaction prod-
plied to scrubber wastes as the final treatment step
uct is almost totally in the form of calcium sulfate
after dewatering. Bottom ash and flyash, because of
or gypsum, which is more easily dewatered to a
their more granular nature, generally dewater easily
filter cake for wallboard, landfill or other use.
and do not require stabilization for disposal. For sta-
2. Dry scrubbing Waste is dry and contains calcium
bilization, a dry solid such as soil or flyash is mixed
sulfite, calcium sulfate, flyash and unreacted sor-
with the waste slurry, spreading the water in the
bent (hydrated lime). The potential uses for this
waste over a larger mass of solids. Also, there is im-
material are more limited.
provement in particle size distribution that leads to
3. Dry lime injection Waste is dry and contains cal-
closer packing, lower permeability and lower combined
cium sulfite, calcium sulfate, flyash and a large
volume. Stabilization can be reversible and if the
proportion of calcium oxide (CaO).
waste is rewetted, it may fluidize and fail structurally.
Fixation This process involves the addition of an
Solid waste treatment methods agent such as lime to produce a chemical reaction to
To dispose of waste materials from wet FGD systems, bind free water and produce a dry product. Fixation
treatment methods are applied to ultimately produce includes a number of processes. Mixing suitable pro-
a solid. These methods include dewatering, stabiliza- portions of scrubber slurry with alkaline flyash con-
tion and fixation, and are designed to achieve waste taining sufficient CaO produces chemical reactions
volume reduction, stability and better handling, and that result in a material with compressive strength
liquid recovery for reuse. comparable to low-strength concrete and with very low
Dewatering This process is used to physically sepa- permeability. Both characteristics contribute to ease
rate water from solids to increase the solids content of of placement and minimal leaching problems.
the product and recover water for reuse and further When the flyash does not have sufficient alkalin-
treatment. ity, lime may be added to the flyash and scrubber
A settling pond is the simplest method for dewater- slurry mixture to produce the cementitious reaction.
ing, is not sensitive to inlet solids content, requires low Four percent addition of lime has produced material
maintenance and is highly reliable. Ponds are often with the necessary physical properties for disposal or
used for ash or wet FGD scrubber slurries. Sizing pro- use. The cured material is suitable for structural fill,
vides low flow velocity so that solids can settle undis- providing a site that can be used for building construc-
turbed by gravity. Settling ponds are unpopular with tion after completion of the landfill. Comparable fixa-
regulatory agencies, require substantial acreage and tion reactions with scrubber sludge have been ob-
must be shut down for solids removal. tained with additions of 5 to 10% blast furnace slag.

32-16 Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations

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Disposal and utilization methods ules and controlled fills. Flyash, because of its chem-
and requirements istry and physical properties, is applicable in the
manufacture of Portland cement and concrete mixes.
Ultimate disposition of utility plant wastes (ashes and The value of these materials is so low that the cost of
FGD residues) is by disposal (in landfills or impound- transportation severely limits their use to applications
ments) or by utilization. Where disposal is used, the close to the producing power plant.
waste stream is analyzed, and the site is permitted and With the increased use of ammonia reagents for NOx
approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies. emissions control, flyash (particularly from bituminous
Disposal methods These can be either wet or dry, coal) can adsorb excess ammonia present in the flue
depending on the physical condition of the material. gas and this adsorption may hinder the beneficial use
Wet disposal requires construction of a pond which or end disposal of flyash or FGD byproduct streams.
may be below or above grade with impermeable bar- Ammonia absorbed by flyash can be released (off-
riers or dikes. Below grade construction may be con- gassed) when coming in contact with water. Cur-
sidered and depends on suitable geology and hydrol- rently, there are various processes in development to
ogy at the site. With wet disposal, the waste is placed remove residual ammonia from flyash.
in slurry or liquid form. After settling, the liquid that FGD byproduct use is potentially in the areas of
has separated is collected, treated and either released agriculture, sulfur recovery and gypsum. Agricultural
or recycled. Dry disposal can use a simple method of use is limited. Trace elements from flyash contamina-
landfill construction in which the waste is placed and tion could have an unacceptable impact and make
compacted to form an artificial hill. The trend is to- wide use doubtful. Use for sulfur recovery is limited
ward dry disposal because of smaller volumes and more by incomplete technology development, high capital
options for site or material reclamation. cost, and the low market price of sulfur.
Utilization methods These become more attractive FGD byproduct from forced oxidation wet scrubbing
as waste management costs increase. Bottom ash, systems, primarily gypsum, has seen extensive com-
flyash and boiler slag are used in applications where mercial use in wallboard production. However, gyp-
they can be substituted for sand or gravel. The char- sum byproduct specifications may vary significantly
acteristics of boiler slag and bottom ash also make by end user and must be established and confirmed
these materials useful for blasting grit, roofing gran- prior to FGD system design.

8. United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency
1. Elliot, T.C., Ed., Chen, K., Swanekamp, R.C., Standard
(EPA), National Emissions Inventory Criteria Pollutant
Hankbook of Power Plant Engineering, Second Ed.,
Data: Current Emissions Trends Summary 1970-2002,
McGraw-Hill Company, New York, New York, 1998. See
Accessed August 28, 2003. Available online at:
chapter entitled, “Legislation and pollution sources,” by
D.A. Kellermeyer.
9. Patrick, D.R., Toxic Air Pollution Handbook, Van
2. Corbitt, R.A., Ed., Standard Handbook of Environmen-
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, New York, 1994.
tal Engineering, Second Ed., McGraw-Hill Company, New
York, New York, 1998. 10. “Mercury Study Report to Congress,” United States
(U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Report
3. Clean Air Act, 42 USCA S7401 et seq., Sec. 101 (b) (1).
EPA-452/R-97-2003, December, 1997.
4. Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60, United
11. “Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States
States (U.S.) Government Printing Office, Washington,
(U.S.), 2000 Summary,” Report DOE/EIA-0573, Depart-
D.C., July, 2004.
ment of Energy (DOE) Energy Information Agency (EIA),
5. Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 51 and 52 U.S. Department of Energy, February 22, 2002.
(51.165, 51.166, and 52.21), United States (U.S.) Govern-
12. Senior, C.L., “Behavior of Mercury in Air Pollution
ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C., July, 2004.
Control Devices on Coal-Fired Utility Boilers,” Power Pro-
6. Lesley, S., “Trends in Emissions Standards,” Report duction in the 21st Century: Impacts of Fuel Quality and
CCC/77, International Energy Agency (IEA), Clean Coal Operations Conference, Engineering Foundation, New
Centre (CCC), London, England, United Kingdom, Novem- York, New York, 2001.
ber, 2003.
13. Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C., S1251 et seq., Section
7. Wu, Z., “NOx Control for Pulverized Coal-Fired Power 101(a), United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection
Stations,” Report CCC/69, International Energy Agency, Agency (EPA).
Clean Coal Centre, London, England, United Kingdom,
14. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),
December, 2002.
42 Act, 42 U.S.C., S9601 et seq., Section 1004(5).

Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations 32-17

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Integrated emission control systems on this western U.S. power plant include low NOx burners, SCR, dry scrubber, and baghouse.

32-18 Steam 41 / Environmental Considerations

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