A Poison Tree by William Blake

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What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?
There’s nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll
And by its side a shoes.

Why her window wide, mother,

The curtain flapping free,
And only circle on the dusty shelf
Where her money-box used to be?

Why do you turn your head, mother,

And why do the tear-drops fall?
And why do you crumple that note on the fire
And say it is nothing at all?

I woke to voice last night,

I heard an engine roar.
Why do you tell me the things I heard
Were a dream and nothing more?
Somebody cry, mother,
In anger or in pain,
But now I ask you why ,mother,
You say it was a gust of rain.

Why do you wander about as though

You don’t know what to do?
What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?









         The end of childhood and loss of innocence
         Parent-child relationship
         Grief and love

         We should seek help in the face of challenges
         Families should be havens of love and understanding
         Be open and honest with children

         Love and appreciation
         Obedience and respect
         Honesty
         Freedom and responsibility


The persona is questioning her mother about the mysterious and sudden disappearance of Lulu. Two pieces
of Lulu’s childhood have been left – an old rag-doll and a shoe.

The persona observes that the windows are open wide and the curtain are ‘flapping free’ in the wind. The
persona notices the ‘dusty shelf’ where ‘her money used to be’.

The persona asks the mother why she is hiding her tears. The mother crumples up a note (most probably
from Lulu) and throws it into the fire. Then, mother tells her child that ‘It is nothing at all’, but the persona
disbelieve her.

The persona tells that she was awakened by ‘voice late last night’ and heard the sounds of an ‘engine roar’,
probably a car starting up and being driven away. The mother says that the child was only dreaming.

Undaunted, the persona insist that she had heard someone cry ‘in anger or in pain’. The mother says it was
just ‘a gust of rain’.

Puzzled about the mother‘s distraught behaviour, the child narrator wants to know why the mother is pacing
about, uncertain what to do. The use of ‘Lu’ in lines 2 and 24 is an affectionate shortened form of ‘Lulu’.


The end of childhood and the loss of innocence

  Lulu is probably a young teenager based on the tell-tale signs in her room: ‘old rag-doll’, ‘shoe’. Lulu
probably ran away based on the note that her mother crumpled and threw into the fireplace. The missing
‘money-box’ suggests Lulu took her savings to start a new life with a man who drove her off with ‘an engine
roar’. Lulu has left her childhood behind – literally and emotionally. The ‘dusty shelf’ suggests the end of
childhood and she embraces her new-found freedom (‘window wide’, ‘curtain flapping free’).

Parent-child relationship
  The mother–Lulu relationship could have been a sense and strained one. Lulu, a rebellious teenager, perhaps
dislikes her mother’s restrictions on her freedom and emerging interest in the opposite sex. She keeps secrets
from her mother, especially her relationship with boys or men.
  The mother-child narrator relationship is less dramatic. The child is obedient and respectful towards ‘mother’
(not ‘mummy’, a more affectionate term). The narrator loves mother very much and observes her pain and

Grief and love

  Grief over the loss of a loved one through death, separation or an elopement is difficult to deal with. The ones
left behind can feel empty, lost and depressed or go through denial. In the poem, the mother is grieving over
the loss of her child, Lulu.
   Love binds parent and children. The mother clearly loves Lulu. She could have harshly disciplined the girl
to guide and protect her.  The mother might feel regret for this. Lulu’s running away causes her anguish and
she tries to deal with her pain. The child loves the sister, calling her by the pet name ‘Lu’ and is worried
about the sudden disappearance of the elder sister.


We should seek help in the face of challenges

   The child narrator’s mother is depressed over the disappearance of her daughter, Lulu. Instead of seeking
help, she crumples her  daughter’s note and throws it into the fire, saying ‘it is nothing at all’ even as her
‘tear-drops fall’
  If we are confronted by problems or crises, we must be optimistic and seek help from those we can trust. For
example, there are the Befrienders who can listen to us and help us find solutions.

Families should be havens of love and understanding

  We can infer that there is love in the family of the persona but it may not always be openly expressed because
of problems or circumstances. Love is expressed in verbal and non-verbal ways, and we must not tae family
members for granted.
  Children must understand that their parents have their best interests in mind. Parent are more mature, so it is
their duty to lead and guide children.

Be open and honest with children

  Perhaps Lulu finally shares her honest thought in the note.
  Parents need to be open an honest with their children instead of lying, evading or dismissing queries and
observations as the mother does in the poem. Children might learn the same way of communication from

Love and appreciation

     Both parents and children should express love and appreciation in tangible and non-tangible ways. This help
to build a loving, united family.

Obedience and respect

     Children have to be obedient and respect their parents who brought them into this world. Children owe this
to their parents who sacrifice a lot for their sake.

Honesty is important for creating basic trust and thus a more loving, harmonious home. Children must also
be honest with their parents. Keeping secrets especially in making important life choices can have a negative

Freedom and responsibility

     Parents have their right to curb the freedom of their children as they are their providers, carers and life
teachers. Children must also realise that freedom comes with responsibility. Boundaries are necessary for
their own safety.
1. -Where is the setting of the poem?

2. -Who is asking what has happened to Lulu?

3. -In stanza 6, how does the persona’s mother feel?

4. -Lulu has left the house. Give two reasons why do you think Lulu decided to do
so ?

              “I woke to voices late last night”

5. Whose voices the persona may have heard that woke him up?

6. -What can you infer from the line “I heard an engine roar”?

7. -In stanza 5, what does the phrase “gust of rain” being compared to?

8. -What is the persona’s mother doing in stanza 6 and why do you think she reacts
that way? Give a reason for your answer.

9. -In stanza 1, what can be seen on Lulu’s bed?

10.-In stanza 3, why do you think the persona’s mother crumples the note?
11.-I woke up to voices late last night’

12.-In your opinion, why do you think teenagers run away? Give two reasons.

13.What does the line “the curtain flapping free” indicates?

14.What did Lulu take with her?

15.-In stanza 3, why do you think the mother says “It is nothing at all?”

16.-In your opinion, what do you think had happened to Lulu?

17.-Who is the persona?

18.-Which line in stanza 3, suggest the mother is crying?

19.-Why was the mother crying?

20.-The number of teenagers running away from home is on the rise. What could be
the factors that contribute to this?
Questions + Answers
1. -Where is the setting of the poem?
Lulu’s bedroom/ Lulu’s room

2. -Who is asking what has happened to Lulu?

Lulu’s sibling/ Lulu’s brother/ Lulu’s sister

3. -In stanza 6, how does the persona’s mother feel?

The persona’s mother feels confused/ worried/sad

4. -Lulu has left the house. Give two reasons why do you think Lulu decided to do
She had an argument with her mother.
She had a fight with her mother.
She wanted to have more freedom.
She was being influenced by her friends.
 From stanza 4,
              “I woke to voices late last night”
5. Whose voices the persona may have heard that woke him up?

The persona’s mother and Lulu/ Lulu and her friend / The persona’s mother and friend

6. -What can you infer from the line “I heard an engine roar”?
Lulu has gone away in a car / Lulu has run away in a car / Lulu is being driven away in a car

7. -In stanza 5, what does the phrase “gust of rain” being compared to?
Someone’s cry / Somebody’s cry

8. -What is the persona’s mother doing in stanza 6 and why do you think she reacts
that way? Give a reason for your answer.
Mother cried because she was upset that Lulu had run away.
10.-In stanza 1, what can be seen on Lulu’s bed?
A rag-doll

11.-In stanza 3, why do you think the persona’s mother crumples the note?
She was angry with what written in the note/ She did not want to know
what was written in the note

12.-I woke up to voices late last night’

The voices belong to Lulu and mother/ Lulu and her friend/ Lulu’s
mother and friend/ Lulu and her kidnapper/ Lulu’s mother and the

13.-In your opinion, why do you think teenagers run away? Give two reasons.
They are influenced by the wrong company of friends
They want to get away from overprotective parents
They want to be free
Peer pressure
Parental neglect
Personal problems
Teen pregnancy
Drug addiction
Abused by parents / siblings
 -In stanza 2,
14.What does the line “the curtain flapping free” indicates?
It was windy and the window is opened

15.What did Lulu take with her?

Her money-box

16.-In stanza 3, why do you think the mother says “It is nothing at all?”
the mother does not want the persona to know what was written in that note / the mother
does not want the persona to know that she is worried

17.-In your opinion, what do you think had happened to Lulu?

She ran away/ she was kidnapped
18.-Who is the persona?
Lulu’s sibling/ Lulu’s brother/ Lulu’s sister

19.-Which line in stanza 3, suggest the mother is crying?

And why do the tear-drops fall

20.-Why was the mother crying?

She was upset with Lulu’s reaction

21.-The number of teenagers running away from home is on the rise. What could be
the factors that contribute to this?
Factor 1: Argument with parents / family problem(s)
Factor 2: Peer influence / Any other acceptable answer


A Poison Tree By William Blake

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

The poet is not only expressing his anger towards his friend as well as his foe in this stanza, but he has also
depicted the difference between two types of anger. He states that when you are angry with a friend, you
convince your heart to forgive him. Even though you are hurt and you know that he did injustice to you, you
try your best to forget the past and end the feeling of vengeance in your heart.

On the other hand, when you are angry with an enemy, it takes ages for you to calm your anger. Yet, the
anger and the feeling of vengeance do not diminish, even with time. In fact, the vengeance simply grows.

And I watered it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

The poet is making a confession in this stanza of A Poison Tree – it is he, who is solely responsible for the
hatred that has grown in his heart for his enemy. It is he, who has increased the vengeance in his heart. He
has nurtured the hatred with his fears, spending hours together, crying for the ill that has been caused to him
by his enemy.

He has also nurtured the hatred with his sarcastic smiles, imagining ill and cursing his enemy to go through
the same or worse sufferings that he has been through.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

The poet states that it is because of his dwelling in the same hatred, that it has grown every day. The hatred
gave birth to an apple. The fruit signifies the evil that has taken birth in the heart of the poet. He states that
he has now come to a point from where he can’t turn back and forget about his enemy, until he does
something to soothe his vengeance.

Finally, the day comes when the poet’s enemy has met the evil fruit of vengeance, that he has grown with
his fears, tears and sarcasm. The fruit has now turned into a weapon. When the enemy confronts with this
anger, it is time for the weapon to serve the purpose that it has been made for.

And into my garden stole.

When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see,
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

And, so the poet states, the very next morning, the purpose is served. When the poet wakes up and glimpses
in the garden, he sees something that relaxes his mind and calms his vengeance forever. The darkness of the
night acted like an invisible cloak for the poet. Now, it is a beautiful morning.

There he is; his enemy, dead under the tree of his hatred. He bit the poisoned apple of his vengeance. He is

A Poison Tree By William Blake

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:

Moral Values






1. -What emotion is expressed in Stanza 1 ?

2. -Which word in stanza 2 that has the same meaning as “dishonest”?

3. -What happened to the persona’s foe eventually and how did the persona react to this?

4. -What would you do if you had a misunderstanding with your enemy? Suggest 2 ways.

5. -In stanza 1, what happened to the persona when he did not express his anger?

6. -In stanza 3, what did the apple refer to?

7. -In stanza 4, why did the persona feel happy?

8. -In this poem, the persona was angry with his foe. If you were the persona’s friend, what advice
would  you give to him?

Advice 1  

Advice 2: 

9. -What did the persona do when he was angry with his friend?

10. -In stanza 2, how did the persona allow his anger to grow?

11. -In stanza 3, what does the word it refer to?

12. -If you were the persona, would you have been glad to see your “foe outstretched beneath the
tree”? Give a reason to support your answer.

-In stanza 1, who is the persona angry with?

13. -Which word in stanza 1 shows the persona is similar to an apple tree?

14. -In stanza 2, what does the word ‘it’ refer to?

15. -How would you feel if you had a misunderstanding with your friend? Explain.

Feelings :

16. -Which phrase is stanza 1 has the same meaning as ‘kept his anger to himself’

17. -What did the persona do to ensure that the tree grew healthily?

 -‘In the morning glad I see

- My foe outstretched beneath the tree’

20. In your opinion, how did the persona feel that morning?

22. -Do you agree with the persona’s feeling? Give a reason for your answer.

No, .


Questions + Answers
1. -What emotion is expressed in Stanza 1 ?


2. -Which word in stanza 2 that has the same meaning as “dishonest”?


3. -What happened to the persona’s foe eventually and how did the persona react to this?

4. The persona’s foe eventually died. He was glad to see his foe    outstretched beneath the tree
5. -What would you do if you had a misunderstanding with your enemy? Suggest 2 ways.

Talk to my enemy and solve the problem

ignore my enemy

6. -In stanza 1, what happened to the persona when he did not express his anger?

His anger intensified / grew.

7. -In stanza 3, what did the apple refer to?

The apple referred to the persona’s anger / hatred.

8. -In stanza 4, why did the persona feel happy?

He felt happy because his foe fell into his trap.

He felt happy because his foe died under the tree.

9. -In this poem, the persona was angry with his foe. If you were the persona’s friend, what advice
would  you give to him?

Advice 1  . I would advise my friend to speak honestly to his foe so they could clear the misunderstanding
between them

Advice 2:  I would advise my friend to forgive his foe because being angry would only hurt him and his foe

10. -What did the persona do when he was angry with his friend?

He told him his wrath and the wrath was gone.

11. -In stanza 2, how did the persona allow his anger to grow?

He watered it in fears and tears and sunned it with smiles and deceitful wiles

12. -In stanza 3, what does the word it refer to?

The persona’s anger / the poison tree / the tree

13. -If you were the persona, would you have been glad to see your “foe outstretched beneath the
tree”? Give a reason to support your answer.

Yes because he had done something bad to me. OR

No, because we could have forgiven each other’s mistake.

14. -In stanza 1, who is the persona angry with?

His friend/ his enemy/ his foe ( ONLY ONE ANSWER)

15. -Which word in stanza 1 shows the persona is similar to an apple tree?


16. -In stanza 2, what does the word ‘it’ refer to?

The wrath

17. -How would you feel if you had a misunderstanding with your friend? Explain.

Feelings : upset/sad/ unhappy    [ 1 mark ]

Explanation  I have no one to talk to.

18. -Which phrase is stanza 1 has the same meaning as ‘kept his anger to himself’

I told it not
19. -What did the persona do to ensure that the tree grew healthily?


He watered it with tears / He sunned it with smiles/ He sunned it with soft deceitful wiles

 -‘In the morning glad I see

-My foe outstretched beneath the tree’

20. In your opinion, how did the persona feel that morning?

The persona felt happy/ excited/ glad/ contented

23. -Do you agree with the persona’s feeling? Give a reason for your answer.

No, because it is wrong to kill someone.

Yes because the persona felt contented.

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