ISO 14532 - 2014 (En), Natural Gas - Vocabulary PDF

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4/29/2020 ISO 14532:2014(en), Natural gas — Vocabulary

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ISO 14532:2014(en) Natural gas — Vocabulary

Table of contents Available in: EN FR RU Redlines ▼

specified temperature T and pressure p at which an amount of fuel to be burn
Introduction Note 1 to entry: There is no a priori reason for the metering reference conditio
1 Scope conditions.
 2 Terms and definitions
 2.1 General conditions
normal reference conditions
 2.2 Measurement methods
reference conditions of pressure, temperature, and humidity (state of saturati
 2.3 Sampling
2.4 Analytical systems
 2.5 Analysis
 2.6 Physical and chemical properties ISO standard reference conditions
2.7 Interchangeability reference conditions of pressure, temperature, and humidity (state of saturati
2.8 Odorization the dry state
2.9 Thermodynamic properties
Note 1 to entry: The conditions 273,15 K, 101,325 kPa, 288,15 K, and 101,32
 Annex A Indices, symbols, and units
standard” conditions respectively in gas measurement practice. This usage s
A.1 Conversion factors for pressure, tem
and pressure) and “STP” (standard temperature and pressure), both of which
A.2 List of abbreviations and STP there is no restriction on the state of saturation.
Annex B Alphabetical index
2.6.2 Behaviour of ideal and real gas
ideal gas 1/1

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