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Chapter 6
What are Marketing Communications?
• Are the means by which companies attempt to inform,
persuade, and remind consumers – directly or indirectly –
about the brands they sell.


Personal Sales
Selling Promotion

Interactive Events and
Marketing Experiences

Direct PR and
Markeitng Publicity
The New Media Environment

Traditional media such

as TV, radio, magazines,
and newspapers are
loosing ground on
The New Media Environment
The New Media Environment
The New Media Environment
Simple Test for Marketing Communications
Information Processing Model of

1. Exposure: A person must see or hear the communication

2. Attention: A person must notice the communication
3. Comprehension: A person must understand the intended
message or arguments of the communication
4. Yielding: A person must respond favorably to the intended
message or arguments of the communication
5. Interactions: A person must plan to act in the desire
manner of the communication
6. Behavior: A person must actually act in the desired
manner of the communication
What could go wrong?
When launching a new advertising campaign:

1. A consumer may not be exposed to an ad because the media plan

missed the mark.
2. A consumer may not notice an ad because of a boring and
uninspired creative strategy.
3. A consumer may not understand an ad because of a lack of
product category knowledge or technical sophistication, or because
of a lack of awareness and familiarity about the brand itself.
4. A consumer may fail to respond favorably and form a positive
attitude because of irrelevant or unconvincing product claims.
5. A consumer may fail to form a purchase intention because of a lack
of an immediate perceived need.
6. A consumer may fail to actually buy the product because he or she
doesn’t remember anything from the ad when confronted with the
available brands in the store.
What should we do right?
1. The right consumer is exposed to the right message at the
right place and at the right time.
2. The creative strategy for the advertising causes the consumer
to notice and attend to the ad but does not distract from the
intended message.
3. The ad properly reflects the consumer’s level of
understanding about the product and the brand.
4. The ad correctly positions the brand in terms of desirable and
deliverable points-of-difference and points-of-parity.
5. The ad motivates consumers to consider purchase of the
6. The ad creates strong brand associations to all these stored
communication effects so that they can have an effect when
consumers are considering making a purchase.
Factors in Designing Effective Advertising
Category of Advertising
• TV
• Radio
• Print
• Direct Response
• Interactive: online ads
• Mobile Marketing
• Placed advertising:
• Billboards; movies; airlines;
lounges; product placement;
and point-of-sale advertising
Successful Social Media Campaigns

Adidas’s “She Breaks Barriers” initiative began from social media. Using the
hashtag #CreatorsUnite, Adidas asked athletes about the challenges and
barriers that they face. The responses helped shape She Breaks Barriers. Adidas
has launched a series of partnerships with three areas of focus: (i) provide
access, (ii) remove stereotypes, and (iii) address the inequality for female athletes
at all levels and ages. Partners include the NFL’s first female coach Jen Welter,
and also partnering with Twitter to live stream female high school sports.
Successful Social Media Campaigns
Brand Amplifiers
• Public Relations and Publicity
• Word-of-Mouth
Four Major Marketing Comm. Options
• Short-term incentives to encourage trial or usage of a
product or service
• Marketers can target sales promotions at either the trade
or end consumers
• Consumer promotions designed to change the choices,
quantity, or timing of consumer’s product purchase
• Trade promotions are usually financial incentives or
discounts given to retailers, distributors, and other
members of the trade to stock, display, and in other ways
facilitate the sale of a product.
Event Marketing & Sponsorship
• Related to sports, arts, entertainment, or social causes.
• Provides different kind of communication option for
• By becoming part of a special and personally relevant moment in
consumer’s lives, sponsors can broaden and deepen their
relationship with their target market
Public Relations and Publicity
• Efforts designed to promote or protect a company’s image
or its individual products
• Buzz Marketing
Personal Selling
• It is a face-to-face interaction with one or more
prospective purchasers for the purpose of making a sale
Integrated Marketing Communications
• The “voice” of the brand.
• They can establish a dialogue and build relationships with
• Allow marketers to inform, persuade, provide incentives,
and remind consumers directly or indirectly.
• Can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand
in memory and lining strong, favorable, and unique
associations to it.

“It ensures that all forms of communications and

messages are carefully linked together.”
Integrated Marketing Communications
“The Six Cs”






“The Six Cs”

• Coverage: What proportion of the target audience is

reached by each communication option employed? How
much overlap exists among options?

• Cost: What is the per capita expense?

“The Six Cs”
• Contribution: The collective effect on brand equity in
terms of:
• Enhancing depth and breadth of awareness
• Improving strength, favorability, and uniqueness of brand

• Commonality: The extent to which information conveyed

by different communication options share meaning
“The Six Cs”
• Complementary: The extent to which different
associations and linkages are emphasized across
communication options

• Conformability: The extent to which information

contained in a communication option works with different
types of consumers:
• Different communications history
• Different market segments

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