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Chapter 4
Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity
Customer-Based Brand Equity

Brand knowledge structures depend on:

 The initial choices for the brand elements

 The supporting marketing program and the manner by which

the brand is integrated into it

 Other associations indirectly transferred to the brand by

linking it to some other entities
Criteria for Choosing Brand Elements

 Memorability
Marketer’s offensive strategy
 Meaningfulness and build brand equity

 Likability

 Transferability

 Adaptability Defensive role for leveraging

and maintaining brand equity
 Protectability

 Brand elements should inherently be memorable

and attention-getting in order to facilitate recall or

 Brand elements may take on all kinds of meaning,

with either descriptive or persuasive content
 Two major criteria
1. General info about the nature of the product
2. Specific information about particular attributes and
benefits of the brand
The first dimension is an important determinant of
brand awareness and salience; the second, of brand
image and positioning.

 Do customers find the brand element aesthetically


 Descriptive and persuasive elements reduce the

burden on marketing communications to build

 The more adaptable and flexible the brand

element, the easier it is to update it to changes in
consumer values and options.

 For example, logos and characteristics can be given

a new look or a new design to make them appear
more modern and relevant

 Marketers should:
a) Choose brand elements that can be legally
protected internationally
b) Formally register chosen brand elements with the
appropriate legal bodies
c) Vigorously defend trademarks from
unauthorized competitive infringement.
Tactics for Brand Elements

A variety of brand elements can be chosen that

inherently enhance brand awareness or facilitate the
formation of strong, favorable, and unique brand

1. Brand names 4. Characters

2. URLs 5. Slogans
3. Logos and Symbols 6. Packaging
1. Brand Names

 Like any brand element, brand names must be

chosen with the six general criteria of memorability,
meaningfulness, likability, transferability,
adaptability, and Protectability in mind.
Brand Naming Guidelines

Brand Awareness
 Simplicity and ease of pronunciation and spelling
 Familiarity and meaningfulness
 Differentiated, distinctive, and uniqueness

Brand Associations
 The explicit and implicit meanings customers extract
from it are important. In particular, the brand name
can reinforce an important attribute or benefit
association that makes up its product positioning.
Brand Naming Procedures

 Define objectives

 Generate names

 Screen initial candidates

 Study candidate names

 Research the final candidate

 Select the final name

2. URLs

 URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are important for

branding and for creating brand associations.

 How can companies use URLs on their marketing

3. Logos and Symbols

 Play a crucial role in building brand equity and

especially brand awareness

 Logos range from corporate names or trademarks

(word marks with text only) written in a distinctive
form, to entirely abstract designs that may be
completely unrelated to the word mark, corporate
name, or corporate activities.
Logo Attributes

 Powerful
 Geometric logos are more commonly associatesd
with being powerful. Logos with initials are in
second place

 Traditional
 Serif wordmark logos are more commonly
associated with being traditional than other logos.
Font-based wordmarks come in a close second.
Logo Attributes

 Warm and caring

 Organic logos are nearly twice as likely to be
associated with being warm or caring than any other
logo types.

 Trendy
 Illustrative custom wordmark logos are more
commonly associated with being trendy than others.
Logo Attributes

 Sophisticated or Exclusive
 Serif wordmark logos are more commonly
associated with being "sophisticated
" or
"exclusive" than any other logos. In fact, no other
logo treatment was in top consideration for being
"sophisticated" or "exclusive.”

 Respected
 Serif wordmark logos are most commonly
associated with being respected. Geometric logos
come in a close second.
Logo Attributes
 Fun

 Approachable

 Cool

 Original

 Friendly

 Reliable

 Stylish

 Innovative

4. Characters

 Special type of brand symbol – real life characters

 Animated

 Live-action figures
5. Slogans

 M&Ms: Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands.

 McDonalds: Im loving it


6. Jingles

 Are musical messages written around the brand.

Typically composed by professional songwriters

 They contain enough catchy hooks and choruses to

almost live permanently on consumers minds

7. Packaging

 For both consumers and producers, packaging must

achieve a number of activities:

1. Identify the brand

2. Convey descriptive and persuasive information

3. Facilitate product transportation and protection

4. Assist at-home-storage

5. Aid production consumption

7. Packaging

 Can influence taste

 Can influence Consumption

 Can influence how a person uses a product

 Can influence value

- Cleaning

- Fridge deodorizer
7. Packaging

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