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Cold Email Template

First Email:

Subject: (Client) Acquisition System For (Business Name)


Hi (first name)

I came across your (business type) in google. As a consultant, I could help you get more (clients
for service) on auto pilot and help you increase your (sales/revenue/production).

Rather than write you a long email, I created a 25-minute video walk through showing you a
(customized client acquisition system) for your (business type) to get more (clients) on auto
pilot and increase your (sales/revenue/production).

If you’re the appropriate person who handles the marketing, just reply back, I’ll send (business
name)’s client acquisition system to you. If not, who do you recommend I talk to?

(your name)



If you get a reply, just create your video presentation and send it. Customize the video for his
business and offer to work for free for the first month thereby eliminating the risk for him if you
don’t already have a case study

Follow Up Email 1: (After 3 days)

Subject: Re: (Client) Acquisition System For (Business Name)

Hi (first name)

2 days back, I created a (customized client acquisition system) for (business name) and reached
out to you to know if you’d be interested in taking a look at it.

Just reply to this email and I will send you the client acquisition system for your business.

(your name)

Follow Up Email 2: (After 6 days)

Subject: Re: (Client) Acquisition System For (Business Name)

Hi (first name)

Apologies for my persistence.

But I have created a presentation reg how to get more (clients for your business) and reached
out to you a few weeks back to learn if you would be interested in taking a look at it.

Let me know if you want me to send you the presentation on (client acquisition system) for

(your name)

Follow Up Email 3: (After 9 days)

Subject: Re: (Client) Acquisition System For (Business Name)

Hi (first name)

I just wanted to check if you got an opportunity to go through my previous email?

I have created a customized client acquisition system for you and I reached out to you to learn
if you’d be interested in taking a look at it?

It’s a 100% FREE, No obligation plan I created. After going through the presentation, you can
implement this yourself or you can have me implement this for you for FREE for the first month.

In any case, you will get a long term client acquisition system plan for you.

So, let me know if you would like to take a look at it?

(your name)

Follow Up Email 4: (After 13 days)

Subject: Re: (Client) Acquisition System For (Business Name)

Hi (first name)

Apologies for my persistence.

Just wanted to make sure that you got a chance to go through my previous email reg the
(Client) Acquisition System that I have created For (Business Name)

Let me know if you want me to send you the presentation?

(your name)

NOTE: Don’t Use The Same Email Copy As It’s

Given Here. Just Use This As A Reference & Create
Your Own Copy To Be Unique. But Use The
Structure Provided In The Template

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