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1.) A total of 16 buses carried students to a football game.

There were
42 students on each bus. How many students all together went to the
game on the buses?
a.) 58 b.)662 c.)672 d.) 712 e.) NG

2.) Shakeya bought 5 paperback books at $7.95 each and 8 audiotapes at $10.25
each. What was the total cost for these books and tapes?
a.)$39.75 b.)$82.00 c.) $120.75 d.) $121.75 e.)NG

3.) Lowell started his homework at 5:00pm. He spent 45 minutes on English, 35

minutes on math, and 1 hour 15 minutes on history. At what time did he finish all
his homework?
a.) 7:35 P.M. b.) 7:20 P.M. c.) 6:35 P.M. d.) 6:20 P.M. e.)NG

4.) An 8-foot log fell on Terri's driveway. She cut the log into 10 equal length for
firewood. How long was each piece?
a.) 8 in. b.) 8.4 in. c.) 9 in. d.)9.8 in. e.) NG

5.) At the McDuffy Middle School, there are 80 students in Grade 7. Of these
students, 34% have brown hair and 61% have black hair. The rest of the students
have red hair. How many students have red hair?
a.) 2 b.) 4 c.) 5 d.) 10 e.) NG

6.) Students at Miller Middle School are setting out chairs for a program. There will be 24
chairs in each row and 16 rows of chairs. How many chair do the students have to set out in
A.) 284 B.) 312 C.) 340 D.) 384 E.) 40 F.) NG

7.) Jeremy and Jasmine are playing a game. They begin on the same space. Jasmine moves
her pieces 6 spaces forward. Jeremy moves his piece 4 spaces forward. Then Jasmine draws
a card telling her to move back 3 spaces. How many spaces apart are Jasmine and Jeremy’s
pieces now?
A.) 1 B.) 2 C.) 3 D.) 4 E.) 5 F.) NG

8.) A box of pens cost $8.50. A box of pencils costs $6.00. Delano, the store manager ordered
12 boxes of pens and 12 boxes of pencils. What was the total cost of Delano’s order?
A.) $174.00 B.) $172.00 C.) $102.00 D.) $14.50 E.)$175.00 F.) NG
9.) It took Torrell and Porchia 40 minutes to hike up Hollow Hill. They spent 10 minutes
resting at the top and then walked down in 25 minutes. If they began their hike at 8:30 am,
what time did they finish?
A.)9:10am B.) 9:30am C.) 9:35am D.) 9:55am E.) 10:00 F.) NG

10.) Sheldon “Cool Hand Luke” Robinson had a piece of rope 144 inches long. He cut the
rope into 6 equal pieces. How long was each piece?
A.) 12 in B.) 18 in C.) 24 in D.) 30 in E.) 36 F.) NG

11.) The Vern-L Miles Music Club has 100 CD’s. Of these, 45% of the CD’s are rap, 35% are
pop, and the rest are rock. What percentage of the CD’s are rock?
A.) 25% B.) 20% C.) 15% D.) 10% E.) 5% F.) NG
12.) Torrell has written a number pattern that begins with 1, 3, 6, 10, 15. If
he continues this pattern, what is the next number in his pattern?

A.) 18 B.) 19 C.) 20 D.) 21 E.) 22 F.) NG

13.) Carmen saves $3 on Monday. Each day after that she saves twice as
much as she saved the day before. If this pattern continues, how much
would she save on Friday?

A.) 15 B.) 20 C.) 24 D.) 36 E.) 48 F.) NG

14.) Robert "Smiley" Cunningham walked from Santa Clara to Palo Alto.
It took 1 hour 25 minutes to walk from Santa Clara to Los Altos. Then it
took 25 minutes to walk from Los Altos to Palo Alto. He arrived in Palo
Alto at 2:45 P.M. At what time did he leave Santa Clara?

A.) 11:55 B.) 12:55 C.) 1: 55 D.) 1:20 E.) 12:20 F.) NG

15.) Breyanna and Kenyetta sold 12 show tickets altogether. Breyanna

sold 2 more tickets than Kenyetta. How many tickets did each girl sell?

A.) 8 and 4 B.) 6 and 4 C.) 7 and 5 D.) NG

16.) Shannon has 3 green chips, 4 blue chips and 1 red chip in her bag.
What fractional part of the bag of chips is green?
A.) 3/8 B.) 1/2 C.) 3/12 D.) 3/7 E.) NG
17.) Brandon is taking pictures of Mariah, Tobias and Mike. He asks
them, " How many different ways could you three stand in a line?"

A.) 3 B.) 4 C.) 5 D.) 6 E.) 9 F.) NG

1.) C

2.) D

3.) A

4.) E

5.) B

6.) D

7.) A

8.) A

9.) F

10.) C

11.) B

12.) D

13.) E

14.) B

15.) C

16.) A

17.) D
1.) The Soccer Shop is having a sale. Everything is 20%
off. Shannonbought a pair of goalie gloves and some shin guards. The
original prices were $30 for the gloves and $15 for the shin guards. How
much didShannon save all together?
A.) $9.00 B.) $15.00 C.) $18.00 D.) $36.00 E.) NG

2.) There were 30 questions on a math test. Chaz got 80% of them correct. How many
questions did he answer correctly?
F.) 24 G.) 18 H.) 15 J.) 6 K.) NG

3.) Teeka made a design using tiles. For every 2 square tiles she used, she used 8
triangles. When she was finished, Teeka had used 48 square tiles. How many triangles did
she use?
A.) 96 B.) 182 C.) 240 D.) 384 E.) NG

4.) If 6 computer disks cost $8.00, what is the greatest number of the same computer disks you
can buy for $40?
F.) 40 G.) 30 H.) 24 J.) 20 K.) NG

5.) The letters of the words AMERICAN PIES are placed in a bag. What is the probability
that you will draw an E or an I if you chose one letter from the bag?
A.) ¼ B.) 1/3 C.) 1/8 D.) 5/12 E.) NG

6.) An average of 35 paperback books fit on each shelf of a bookcase. There are 4 shelves
in each bookcase. How many bookcases will be needed to shelve 1540 books?
A.) 140 B.) 14 C.) 11 D.) 10 F.) NG

1.) A

2.) F

3.) E

4.) G

5.) B

6.) C
1. The equation 5y^2 - 3x^2 = 25 will yield what type of graph?
(Note: ^ is used as "raised to the power of".)





2. 2x + 3y = 19 and 6x - 3y = 21. Find x and y.





3. In trigonometry, "sin x" is equal to which of the following?

1/sec x

1/cos x

1/cot x

1/csc x

4. Set R has 17 members. Set S has 10 members. Set R contains 4

of the same members as set S. How many members would be in the
union of set R and set S?




5. In geometry, which of these is not a triangle congruency

theorem? Note: A triangle congruency theorem is something that
can be used to prove two triangles congruent. For example, Angle-
Angle-Side is a triangle congruency theorem. This means that two
angles in two triangles are congruent as well as a side. Angle-
Angle-Side would be different from Angle-Side-Angle, however,
because the side in the latter is in between the two congruent
angles. (S is side and A is angle.)





6. Which of these is not a prime number (a number that is only

divisible by one and itself)?





7. 5! equals what?
Answer: (One Number, do not use

8. A parabola is the locus of all points equidistant from a point and

a line. What is the term for that point, and what is the term for that
line, respectively?

Focus and Directrix

Focus and Latus Rectum

Directrix and Focus

Directrix and Latus Rectum

9. If a?b means a(a+b) and a#b means b(a-b), find 5?(8#3).





10. How many roots does the equation

"x^4 + 6x^3 - 8x^2 + 10x + 88 = 0" have?

Submit my Answ ers!
1. The equation 5y^2 - 3x^2 = 25 will yield what type of graph? (Note:
^ is used as "raised to the power of".)
Your Answer: Ellipse
The correct answer was Hyperbola
In a circle, the x and y coefficients must be equal and positive. In an ellipse, they
have to be positive. In a parabola, only one of the terms would be squared.
35% of players have answered correctly.

2. 2x + 3y = 19 and 6x - 3y = 21. Find x and y.

Your Answer: (5,3)
Add the two equations together, and you get "8x = 40". Divide both
sides by 8, and x = 5. Plug x back in to one of the equations and y will
equal 3.
80% of players have answered correctly.

3. In trigonometry, "sin x" is equal to which of the following?

Your Answer: 1/csc x
Cos x equals 1/sec x, and tan x equals 1/cot x.
44% of players have answered correctly.

4. Set R has 17 members. Set S has 10 members. Set R

contains 4 of the same members as set S. How many
members would be in the union of set R and set S?
Your Answer: 31
The correct answer was 23
You would not count twice those four members that are in both sets.
72% of players have answered correctly.

5. In geometry, which of these is not a triangle congruency

theorem? Note: A triangle congruency theorem is something
that can be used to prove two triangles congruent. For
example, Angle-Angle-Side is a triangle congruency theorem.
This means that two angles in two triangles are congruent as
well as a side. Angle-Angle-Side would be different from
Angle-Side-Angle, however, because the side in the latter is
in between the two congruent angles. (S is side and A is
Your Answer: ASA
The correct answer was SSA
Side-Side-Side, Angle-Side-Angle, and Side-Angle-Side are all triangle
congruency theorems.
51% of players have answered correctly.

6. Which of these is not a prime number (a number that is

only divisible by one and itself)?
Your Answer: 111
111 is divisible by 3 and 37.
71% of players have answered correctly.

7. 5! equals what?
Your Answer: 120
The "!" means factorial. The natural number preceding that is
multiplied by every natural number below it down to 1. 5*4*3*2*1 is
64% of players have answered correctly.

8. A parabola is the locus of all points equidistant from a point

and a line. What is the term for that point, and what is the
term for that line, respectively?
Your Answer: Focus and Directrix
The vertex of the parabola is one-half the way in between the focus
and the directrix.
54% of players have answered correctly.
9. If a?b means a(a+b) and a#b means b(a-b), find 5?(8#3).
Your Answer: 120
The correct answer was 100
3(8-3) is 15, and then 5(5+15) equals 100.
61% of players have answered correctly.

10. How many roots does the equation

"x^4 + 6x^3 - 8x^2 + 10x + 88 = 0" have?
Your Answer: 3
The correct answer was 4
An equation always has the same amount of roots as the
highest power of the variable, however sometimes these
solutions can be the same. Ex: (x - 1)(x - 1) = 0. x = 1 for each
of these factors.
59% of players have answered correctly.

1. Fresh Mango contains 70% water by

weight whereas dry mango contains 10%
water by weight. What is the weight of dry
mango that can be obtained from 20 kg of
Fresh Mango?

Cannot be determined

6.84 Kg

6.66 Kg

6 Kg

2. What is the remainder when 2^1344452457 is divided by 11?



3. If a is a prime number and a[(a-1)! + 1] is divisible by 2a, then a^a

(! : factorial)

No solution

More than one solution

4. Easy one: The average of a set of seven consecutive integers is

(X+1) and that of a different set of seven integers is (X-1). Find the
average of all the integers in both the sets considering all the
common integers only once?

Answer: (One Word)

5. Starting with 1, positive integers are written one after the other.
What is the 40,000th digit that will be written?

6. How many three digit numbers are there which when divided by
7 or 8 gives a remainder of 4 in each case?




7. The sum of seven consecutive integers is 1,617. How many of

them are prime?


8. In my class, there are 99 students other than me. 50 of us play

soccer, 45 basketball and 50 play volleyball. Only 15 of us play all
three games. Everyone plays at least one game. How many play
only two games?




Cannot be determined

9. What is the number of players in a chess tournament, if a total of

63 matches have been played?
(The tournament is in a knock out format i.e. any player who loses
is out of the tournament and there were no 'byes')
Answer: (Number (less than 100))

10. What is the sum of all the numbers formed by taking each of the
digits 2,3,5,6 and 8 once?




1. Fresh Mango contains 70% water by weight whereas dry mango contains
10% water by weight. What is the weight of dry mango that can be obtained
from 20 kg of Fresh Mango?
Your Answer: 6.84 Kg
The correct answer was 6.66 Kg
From 20 kgs of fresh mango, we get 6 kg of pure solid (no water) i.e. 30 % of 20 kg.
Since we know dry mango contains 10% water, just divide 6 kgs by 0.9 to get the
40% of players have answered correctly.

2. What is the remainder when 2^1344452457 is divided by

Your Answer: 7
2^1 divided by 11 gives a remainder of 2
2^2 divided by 11 gives a remainder of 4;
2^3 gives a remainder of 8,
2^4 gives a remainder of 5
2^5 givesa remainder of 10
2^6 gives a remainder of 9
2^7 gives a remainder of 7
2^8 gives a remainder of 3
2^9 gives a remainder of 6
2^10 gives a remainder of 1
2^11 gives a remainder of 2
So the cycle of remainders repeats in cycles of 10.
In the question, 7 values are left after (removing all the cycles of 10);
hence the remainder will be the same as 2^7 divided by 11 i.e. 7.
36% of players have answered correctly.

3. If a is a prime number and a[(a-1)! + 1] is divisible by 2a,

then a^a is?
(! : factorial)
Your Answer: 4
Since a[(a-1)! + 1] is divisible by 2a, it means [(a-1)! + 1] is divisible by
which is possible for only two values of a i.e. 1 & 2 {all other values of
a, (a-1)! is an even number, and hence [(a-1)! + 1] will be an odd
number (which in turn means that it is not divisible by 2)}
Now only 2 is the prime number, therefore a=2 and 2^2=4.
36% of players have answered correctly.

4. Easy one: The average of a set of seven consecutive

integers is (X+1) and that of a different set of seven integers
is (X-1). Find the average of all the integers in both the sets
considering all the
common integers only once?
Your Answer: gjug
The correct answer was X
he first set of numbers will be from (X-2) to (X+4).
the second set of numbers will be from (X-4) to (X+2).
So there will be 9 consecutive numbers from (x-4) to (x+4) in the final
set and the average or middle number of this set is X.
49% of players have answered correctly.

5. Starting with 1, positive integers are written one after the

other. What is the 40,000th digit that will be written?
Your Answer: 2
The correct answer was 1
From 1 to 9 : 9 digits will be written;
From 10 to 99 : 90*2 (180) digits will be written;
From 100 to 999 : 900*3 (2,700) digits will be written;
From 1,000 to 9999 : 9000*4 (36,000) digits will be written;
Now, 1111 digits are still needed.
Since 10,000 onwards, each number will contribute 5 digit, we will
divide 1110 (nearest multiple of 5) by 5 to get 222.
Upto 10221, we have written 39,999 digits.
The 40,000 digit will be the first digit of the next number i.e. 1 (the
number being 10222).
36% of players have answered correctly.

6. How many three digit numbers are there which when

divided by 7 or 8 gives a remainder of 4 in each case?
Your Answer: 16
Let K be a number.
The required number is in the form of :
K*LCM(7,8) + 4 {LCM: Lowest Common Multiple)
= 56k + 4
now, 56k + 4 has to be less than 999.
Which implies k has to be less than 18
Therefore maximum value of k = 17; but when k=1 , the number is a
two digit number, therefore
k= 17-1 = 16.

33% of players have answered correctly.

7. The sum of seven consecutive integers is 1,617. How

many of them are prime?
Your Answer: 2
1617 divided by 7 is 231; so the numbers are
234,233,232,231,230,229 and 228. The prime numbers are 229 and
38% of players have answered correctly.

8. In my class, there are 99 students other than me. 50 of us

play soccer, 45 basketball and 50 play volleyball. Only 15 of
us play all three games. Everyone plays at least one game.
How many play only two games?
Your Answer: 10
The correct answer was 15
Let the people who play only two games be :
x (Soccer and basketball)
y(soccer and volleyball)
z(Volleyball and basketball)
Therefore, 100 = 50 + 45 + 50 -(x+15) -(y+15) -(z+15) + 15.
Solving, we get x+y+z=15.
31% of players have answered correctly.

9. What is the number of players in a chess tournament, if a

total of 63 matches have been played?
(The tournament is in a knock out format i.e. any player who
loses is out of the tournament and there were no 'byes')

Your Answer: 97
The correct answer was 64
The number of players will be (n + 1) where n is the number of
42% of players have answered correctly.

10. What is the sum of all the numbers formed by taking each
of the digits 2,3,5,6 and 8 once?
Your Answer: 6,399,936
The sum of the digits will be equal to
(n-1)!*(sum of all the digits)*(11...11)n times (where n is the number of
here n=5
therefore, sum= 4!*(2+3+5+6+8)*(11111) = 6,399,936

1. $100: 3,453,899 x 0 = ?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 0
Anything times zero equals zero.
92% of players have answered correctly.
2. $200: If x = 3 then 2x = ?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 6
Plug in 3 for x into 2x and you get 2(3) = 6.
93% of players have answered correctly.

3. $300: Which of the following numbers is between 1/5 and

Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 0.21
1/5 = 0.20 and 1/4 = 0.25. So 0.21 is between 1/5 and 1/4.
86% of players have answered correctly.

4. $500: A bag contains 3 blue marbles and 2 red marbles.

What is the percentage of blue marbles in the bag?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 60 percent
The total amount of marbles in the bag equals 5. So the percentage of
blue marbles is 3/5 = 0.60 or 60 percent.
86% of players have answered correctly.

5. $1,000: If two angles of a triangle sum to 150 degrees,

what is the measurement of the third angle?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 30 degrees
The sum of the three angles of a triangle equal 180 degrees. So if two
angles sum to 150 degrees, then the third angle is 180 - 150 = 30
84% of players have answered correctly.
6. $2,000: What is the derivative of (2x - 3)^2 with respect to
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 4(2x - 3)
Use the chain rule and you get 2(2x - 3)(2) which equals 4(2x - 3).
42% of players have answered correctly.

7. $4,000: What kind of a shape would you have if you

graphed (x^2)/25 + (y^2)/4 = 1?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was ellipse
The standard form of an ellipse centered at the origin is x^2/a^2 +
y^2/b^2 = 1.
42% of players have answered correctly.

8. $8,000: (3,60 degrees) in polar coordinates equals what in

rectangular coordinates?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was (1.5, 2.6)
In converting polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates,
x=rcos(theta) and y=rsin(theta). In this problem, x=3cos60 which is
3(0.5) which equals 1.5. And y=3sin60 which is 3(0.866) which equals
2.6. So the rectagular coordinate is (1.5, 2.6).
50% of players have answered correctly.

9. $16,000: What is the value of i^160, where i is an

imaginary number?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 1
In order to calculate i raised to a large number, take the exponent,
divide by 4 and see what the remainder is once you do the division.
This remainder is the equivalent exponent to the large exponent (since
the exponents of i are periodic). So, in this problem, 160/4 equals 40.
The remainder is 0. Therefore, i^160 = i^0 which equals 1.
46% of players have answered correctly.

10. $32,000: What is the magnitude of the vector 15i-

Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 25
The magnitude of a vector is calculated by taking the square root of
the sum of the squares of the values multiplying i, j and k. So in this
problem, magnitude = square root [15^2 + (-12)^2 + 16^2] = square
root(625) = 25.
33% of players have answered correctly.

11. $64,000: In a Poisson distribution, if the variance equals

9, then what is twice the mean less one standard deviation,
equal to?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 15
In a poisson distribution, the mean equals the variance. Plus, the
standard deviation is the square root of the variance. So, twice the
mean less one standard deviation equals 2(9)-square root(9) = 18 - 3 =
25% of players have answered correctly.

12. $125,000: What is the accumulated value of $500

invested for 5 years at 6 percent per annum, convertible
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was $674.43
Since this is convertible monthly, you have to convert the 6 percent
interest rate to a monthly rate. So, .06/12 = 0.005. Then take 1.005,
raise it to the power of 12 times 5, or 60, which is the number of
months in 5 years. Then multiply by 500. So, 500(1.005)^60 = 674.43.
32% of players have answered correctly.
13. $250,000: Find the volume of the solid generated by
revolving the region between the curves y = x^2 and y = x^3
about the y-axis.
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was pi/10
The general formula for calculating the volume of an area between two
equations rotated about the y-axis is the integral from a to b of 2pi
times x[f(x)-g(x)]dx. In this problem, the two curves intersect at x=0 and
x=1. So the integral is from 0 to 1 of 2pi times x[x^2 - x^3]dx. This
equals the integral from 0 to 1 of 2pi times (x^3 - x^4)dx. This equals
2pi(x^4/4 - x^5/5)from x=0 to x=1. Plugging in x=1 and then subtracting
when you plug in x=0 gives you 2pi[(1/4)-(1/5)] which equal 2pi(1/20)
which equals pi/10.
22% of players have answered correctly.

14. $500,000: It is known that all items produced by a certain

machine will be defective with probability 0.2, independently
of each other. What is the probability that in a sample of three
items, at most one will be defective?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 0.896
This is a binomial random variable. At most one defective means
finding the probability that zero are defective plus the probability that
one is defective. The probability that zero is defective is (3 "choose" 0
times)*(0.2)^0(0.8)^3 + (3 "choose" 1 times)*(0.2)^1(0.9)^2 which is
0.512 + 0.384 = 0.896.
26% of players have answered correctly.

15. $1,000,000: A farmer has observed that the amount of

rainfall in a month can be modeled as follows:

i)The probability of rain in any day is 0.10.

ii) The daily amounts of rain are mutually independent.

iii) If rain occurs on a given day, the amount of rain has a

gamma distribution with mean 0.50 and variance 0.50.
If S is the total rainfall in a month of 30 days, what is the
variance of S?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 2.175
The variance of an aggregate distribution is Var(S)=E[N]Var(X)+
{(E[X])^2}Var(N). E[N] is the expected value of the number of day of
rain in a month of 30 days. This is 30(0.1)=3 since it is binomial. The
variance of the binomial function is Var(N)=30(0.1)(0.9)=2.7. It is given
that E[X]=0.5 and Var(X)=0.5. So, Var(X)=(3)(0.5)+(0.5)^2(0.5)=2.175.

1. Lindsay is building a swimming pool. On the blueprint for the pool

the scale is 3in. to every 5ft. If the length of the pool is 9in. on the
blueprint how many feet is the actual length of the pool?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 15ft.
The easiest way to find the answer is to use a proportion. The inches always
stay on the top and the feet stay on the bottom. 3in. over 5ft. = 9in. over xft. After
setting up the proportion you take the cross products. 5*9 = 3x. (3x = 45). Then
you divide each side by 3 to get 15ft. Don't forget the units!
88% of players have answered correctly.

2. Christopher ordered an eighteen slice pizza from Crazy

Joe's Pizzeria. For dinner, Chris ate 3 slices. In simplest form,
what fraction of the pie did he eat?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 1/6
Chris ate 3/18 of the pizza but to get it in simplest form you have to
divide the numerator and denominator by a common factor which in
this case is 3. Therefore, Chris ate 1/6 of the pie.
91% of players have answered correctly.

3. Robert is 2 years older than Vivian. The sum of their ages

is 106. How old is Vivian?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 52
You can solve this problem using the equation x+(x+2) = 106. Let x =
Vivian's age. First you distribute. x+1x+2 = 106. Then you combine like
terms. 2x+2 = 106. Next you subtract 2 from both sides. 2x = 104.
Finally you divide each side by 2 to get 52 years.
82% of players have answered correctly.

4. Jessica bought a dress that was originally $68.00. The

sales tax is 8.5% but she had a 20% off coupon. How much
did Jessica pay for the dress?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was $59.03
First you subtract the discount and then you add the tax. 20% of 68 is
13.60. 13.60 taken away from 68 is 54.40. 8.5% of 54.40 is 4.624.
4.624 added to 54.40 is 59.024. If you round to the tenths place it
comes to $59.02. You must always round up when dealing with money
in order not to lose any money so the answer is 59.03.
60% of players have answered correctly.

5. Brian is eating a bag of Skittles. In the bag there are 5 red,

2 green, and 4 purple Skittles. What is the probability that
Brian will pick a red Skittle, eat it, and then pick a green
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 1/11
The probability of picking a red Skittle is 5/11. The probability of
picking a green Skittle is 2/11 but since he ate a red Skittle there are
no longer 11 Skittles. The probability of picking a green Skittle would
therefore be 2/10 or 1/5. When you multiply 5/11 times 1/5 it comes out
to 5/55. The all you need to do is simplify your answer to 1/11.
46% of players have answered correctly.

6. Erin reads an average of 20 books per year. She read 23,

17, 20, and 19 books in four different years. How many books
did Erin read in the 5th year to make it an average of 20 per
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 21
Using the equation 23+17+20+19+x=20*5 you can figure out how
many books she needed to read in order to keep the average 20. After
you combine like terms the equation is 79+x = 100. 100 minus 79 is
21. If Erin reads 21 books her average will be 20 books per year.
83% of players have answered correctly.

7. Katelyn owns a candy shop. The ratio of Milky Way bars to

Snickers bars is 2 to 3. The ratio of Starbursts to Milky Way
bars is 1 to 2. If Katelyn has 51 Snickers bars how many
Starbursts does she have?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 17
First you set up a proportion comparing Milky Ways to Starbursts. 2
over 3 = x over 51. x = 34. You have 34 Milky Way bars. Then you can
set up the proportion comparing Starbursts to Milky Ways. 1 over 2 = x
over 34. x = 17. There are 17 Starbursts.
54% of players have answered correctly.

8. Michael ate a pound of steak for dinner. Gina ate 3 eighths

of a pound and Jimmy ate 19 twenty-fourths of a pound. How
much steak did they eat in total?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 2 and 1/6 pounds
First you need to find a common denominator for the fractions. The
easiest common denominator would be 24. Then you add up the
fractions. 1+9/24+19/24 = 13/6 The you need to change the improper
fraction to a mixed number. 13/6 = 2 and 1/6.
69% of players have answered correctly.
9. Kelly, Orlando, and James received 65 Christmas presents
in total. James received 7 more presents than Kelly and
Orlando received 13 more presents than Kelly. How many
presents did Orlando receive?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 28
You can figure out how many presents Kelly received by using the
equation x+x+7+x+13 = 65. First you combine like terms. 3x+20 = 65.
then you subtarct 20 on both sides. 3x = 45. Lastly you divide both
sides by 3. x = 15. Kelly received 15 presents. To find the amount of
presents Orlando received you have to add 13 to the amount of
presents Kelly received. 15+13 = 28. Orlando received 28 presents.
43% of players have answered correctly.

10. Paul took a science test in school. If he got 23 out of

27 questions right what percentage did he score?
Please round to the nearest percent.
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 85%
You can divide 23 by 27 and multiply the answer by 100. If you
have any questions or comments about this quiz please send
me a message.

1. Lindsay is building a swimming pool. On the blueprint for the pool

the scale is 3in. to every 5ft. If the length of the pool is 9in. on the
blueprint how many feet is the actual length of the pool?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 15ft.
The easiest way to find the answer is to use a proportion. The inches always
stay on the top and the feet stay on the bottom. 3in. over 5ft. = 9in. over xft. After
setting up the proportion you take the cross products. 5*9 = 3x. (3x = 45). Then
you divide each side by 3 to get 15ft. Don't forget the units!
88% of players have answered correctly.
2. Christopher ordered an eighteen slice pizza from Crazy
Joe's Pizzeria. For dinner, Chris ate 3 slices. In simplest form,
what fraction of the pie did he eat?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 1/6
Chris ate 3/18 of the pizza but to get it in simplest form you have to
divide the numerator and denominator by a common factor which in
this case is 3. Therefore, Chris ate 1/6 of the pie.
91% of players have answered correctly.

3. Robert is 2 years older than Vivian. The sum of their ages

is 106. How old is Vivian?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 52
You can solve this problem using the equation x+(x+2) = 106. Let x =
Vivian's age. First you distribute. x+1x+2 = 106. Then you combine like
terms. 2x+2 = 106. Next you subtract 2 from both sides. 2x = 104.
Finally you divide each side by 2 to get 52 years.
82% of players have answered correctly.

4. Jessica bought a dress that was originally $68.00. The

sales tax is 8.5% but she had a 20% off coupon. How much
did Jessica pay for the dress?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was $59.03
First you subtract the discount and then you add the tax. 20% of 68 is
13.60. 13.60 taken away from 68 is 54.40. 8.5% of 54.40 is 4.624.
4.624 added to 54.40 is 59.024. If you round to the tenths place it
comes to $59.02. You must always round up when dealing with money
in order not to lose any money so the answer is 59.03.
60% of players have answered correctly.

5. Brian is eating a bag of Skittles. In the bag there are 5 red,

2 green, and 4 purple Skittles. What is the probability that
Brian will pick a red Skittle, eat it, and then pick a green
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 1/11
The probability of picking a red Skittle is 5/11. The probability of
picking a green Skittle is 2/11 but since he ate a red Skittle there are
no longer 11 Skittles. The probability of picking a green Skittle would
therefore be 2/10 or 1/5. When you multiply 5/11 times 1/5 it comes out
to 5/55. The all you need to do is simplify your answer to 1/11.
46% of players have answered correctly.

6. Erin reads an average of 20 books per year. She read 23,

17, 20, and 19 books in four different years. How many books
did Erin read in the 5th year to make it an average of 20 per
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 21
Using the equation 23+17+20+19+x=20*5 you can figure out how
many books she needed to read in order to keep the average 20. After
you combine like terms the equation is 79+x = 100. 100 minus 79 is
21. If Erin reads 21 books her average will be 20 books per year.
83% of players have answered correctly.

7. Katelyn owns a candy shop. The ratio of Milky Way bars to

Snickers bars is 2 to 3. The ratio of Starbursts to Milky Way
bars is 1 to 2. If Katelyn has 51 Snickers bars how many
Starbursts does she have?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 17
First you set up a proportion comparing Milky Ways to Starbursts. 2
over 3 = x over 51. x = 34. You have 34 Milky Way bars. Then you can
set up the proportion comparing Starbursts to Milky Ways. 1 over 2 = x
over 34. x = 17. There are 17 Starbursts.
54% of players have answered correctly.
8. Michael ate a pound of steak for dinner. Gina ate 3 eighths
of a pound and Jimmy ate 19 twenty-fourths of a pound. How
much steak did they eat in total?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 2 and 1/6 pounds
First you need to find a common denominator for the fractions. The
easiest common denominator would be 24. Then you add up the
fractions. 1+9/24+19/24 = 13/6 The you need to change the improper
fraction to a mixed number. 13/6 = 2 and 1/6.
69% of players have answered correctly.

9. Kelly, Orlando, and James received 65 Christmas presents

in total. James received 7 more presents than Kelly and
Orlando received 13 more presents than Kelly. How many
presents did Orlando receive?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 28
You can figure out how many presents Kelly received by using the
equation x+x+7+x+13 = 65. First you combine like terms. 3x+20 = 65.
then you subtarct 20 on both sides. 3x = 45. Lastly you divide both
sides by 3. x = 15. Kelly received 15 presents. To find the amount of
presents Orlando received you have to add 13 to the amount of
presents Kelly received. 15+13 = 28. Orlando received 28 presents.
43% of players have answered correctly.

10. Paul took a science test in school. If he got 23 out of 27

questions right what percentage did he score? Please round
to the nearest percent.
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 85%
You can divide 23 by 27 and multiply the answer by 100. If you have
any questions or comments about this quiz please send me a
1. A very easy one to warm up with!
Six sevens are ?
Your Answer: 42
Primary or elementary maths should have made sure that you know your tables
well enough to do this one.
83% of players have answered correctly.

2. What is XLII in Arabic numerals?

Your Answer: 42
L is 50
X is 10
Placing the X before the L indicates that it is to be subtracted, giving
I is 1, so II is 2.
Placing the II after the XL indicates that 2 is to be added to 40, giving
73% of players have answered correctly.

3. 101010 looks like a big number, but it's written in binary.

What is its decimal equivalent?
Your Answer: 0.10
The correct answer was 42
Binary is just base two instead of base ten, which we use every day.
So the columns represent 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc.
101010 is equivalent to (1 x 32) + (0 x 16) + (1 x 8) + (0 x 4) + (1 x 2) +
(0 x 1) = 32 + 8 + 2 = 42.
53% of players have answered correctly.

4. What do you get if you divide the number of hours in a

week by the sum of the sides on a triangle and the number of
natural satellites of the earth?
Your Answer: 23
The correct answer was 42
168 hours in a week.
3 sides on a triangle.
1 natural satellite of the earth.
168 / (3 + 1) = 168 / 4 = 42.
54% of players have answered correctly.

5. What do you get if you regard the first two decimal places
of Pi as an integer, and multiply it by the integral part of Pi?
Your Answer: 628
The correct answer was 42
To two decimal places, Pi = 3.14
14 x 3 = 42.

Some Americans celebrate Pi (or pie) day on 14th March (3/14), which
is confusing to Britons, because we would write that date as 14/3!
58% of players have answered correctly.

6. A spider finds it easier to work in base eight rather than

base ten.
What is the decimal equivalent of a spider's 52?
Your Answer: 52000
The correct answer was 42
Base eight means that the columns represent 1, 8, 64, etc.
52 in octal is equivalent to (5 x 8) + (2 x 1) = 42.
50% of players have answered correctly.

7. Which number has just the three prime factors of two, three
and seven?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 42
If the number has just three prime factors, it must be the product of
those factors.
2 x 3 x 7 = 42.
64% of players have answered correctly.
8. Back to binary, again.
1100001 - (1011 x 101) = ?
Give the answer in binary.
Your Answer: 100
The correct answer was 101010
Binary arithmetic works just like decimal, remembering that as soon as
you have "2" or "10" as a total it needs moving to the next column.
1011 x 101 = 101100 + 1011 = 110111
1100001 - 110111 = 101010

Alternatively, you can convert the numbers to decimal, and back

97 - (11 x 5) = 97 - 55 = 42.
42 is 101010 in binary (see question 3).
30% of players have answered correctly.

9. The Romans again, now.

Multiply XXI by II and give the answer in Roman numerals.
Your Answer: iv
The correct answer was XLII
XXI = 21
II = 2
21 x 2 = 42
42 is XLII in Roman numerals, which you already knew if you got
question 2 correct.
52% of players have answered correctly.

10. Divide the number of days in a leap year by the number

of feet in a yard, then subtract the product of the number of
ounces in a pound and the number of cents in a nickel.
Your Answer: 265
The correct answer was 42
366 days in a leap year.
3 feet in a yard.
16 ounces in a pound.
5 cents in a nickel.
366/3 = 122
16 x 5 = 80
122 - 80 = 42

1. The greatest number of Mondays that can occur in the first 45 days
of a year is ___?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 7
Other accepted answers: seven
If the first day is a Monday, then every seventh day is also a Monday, and
Monday falls on the following numbered days: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, and 43. In the
first 45 days of the year, the maximum number of Mondays is seven.
61% of players have answered correctly.

2. The expression (n-2) ^ 2 + 7n is divisible by 7 when n = 2.

What is the largest integer n < 100 for which (n-2) ^ 2 + 7n is
divisible by 7?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 93
Since n is an integer, and since the second term of the expression
(n-2) ^ 2 + 7n is always divisible by 7, the whole expression is divisible
by 7 whenever (n-2) ^ 2 is a multiple of 7. The square of the integer (n-
2) ^ 2 is a multiple of 7 if and only if the integer (n-2) is a multiple of 7.
The possibilities are (n-2) = 7, 14, 21, ..., 91, 98. The largest such
integer such that n is less than 100 is n = 93.
34% of players have answered correctly.

3. If you have 3 weights, each with an integer value, you can

measure food parcels weighing from 1 kg - 13 kg (also
integers). What are the possible values of the three weights
(in ascending order)?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 1 39
Other accepted answers: 1, 3, 9
It is basically power of 3.
If you try process of elimination you will find that using the weights 1
kg, 3 kg, and 9 kg you can measure all weights from 1 kg - 13 kg.
17% of players have answered correctly.

4. What is 2^2007-2^2006? 2^______

Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 2006
Again the answer involves the base of 2. Therefore the previous
exponent of 2 is its half.

2^5 - 2^4
= 32-16
=16 or 2^4
40% of players have answered correctly.

5. I wake up if and only if both of my alarm clocks ring at the

same time. My alarm that's 3 minutes fast first rings when it
reads 10:14. It then rings every 9 minutes thereafter. My
alarm that's 4 minutes fast first rings when it reads 10:09. It
then rings every 7 minutes thereafter. Where will the minute
hand be when I wake up?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 47
Let M be the number of minutes after 10:00 that the two clocks ring at
the same time. Then M = 11 + 9x = 5 + 7y, or 6 = 7y-9x, for some non-
negative integers x and y. From this last equation, y must be a multiple
of 3. The least such y is 6, from which x = 4 and M = 47.
15% of players have answered correctly.

6. Tuesday's high temperature was 4 degrees Celsius

warmer than that of Monday's. Wednesday's high
temperature was 6 degrees Celsius cooler than that of
Monday's. If Tuesday's high temperature was 22 degrees
Celsius, what was Wednesday's high temperature?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 12
Other accepted answers: twelve
If Tuesday's high temperature was 22 degrees Celsius then Monday's
high temperature was 18 degrees Celsius. Wednesday's temperature
was 12 degrees Celsius since it was 6 degrees Celsius than that of
Monday's high temperature.
49% of players have answered correctly.

7. If a, b and c are distinct positive integers such that abc =

16, then the largest possible value of (a^b – b^c + c^a) is...
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 263
If a, b and c are distinct then the correct factorization is 16=1×2×8.
Since a, b and c must be some permutation of 1, 2 and 8, there are
exactly six possibilities which give the values –247, – 61, 65, 249, 263,
and 63. Of these, 8^1−1^2+2^8 or 263 is the largest.
30% of players have answered correctly.

8. A cube has a volume of 125 cm cubed. What is the area of

one face of the cube?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 25
If the volume of the cube is 125 cm cubed, then the length, width, and
height are each 5 cm. The area of one face is 5 x 5 or 25 cm squared.
55% of players have answered correctly.

9. Janet has 10 coins consisting of nickels, dimes, and

quarters. Seven of the coins are either dimes or quarters, and
eight of the coins are either dimes or nickels. How many
dimes does Janet have?
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 5
Other accepted answers: five
If Janet has n nickels, d dimes and q quarters, we can write
n + d + q = 10 (1)
d + q = 7 (2)
n + d = 8 (3)

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1), we get n = 3. Substituting

this in (3), we get
d = 5.
Thus, Janet has 5 dimes.
43% of players have answered correctly.

10. Which
of the
is an odd
the digit 5,
is divisible
by 3, and
12^2 and
Answer: [No
The correct
was 165
Since 12^2
=144 and
we can
175 as
Since 156 is
even it can
also be
The only
left are 147
and 165 but
since 147
does not
contain a 5 it
can also be
The only
left is 165
and it can
easily be
checked that
it meets the
of the

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Results for Find that Number!

1. A natural number is doubled when added to its

reciprocal. Find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 1
Let the number be "x". This gives:
x + 1/x = 2x
=> 1/x = 2x - x
=> 1/x = x
=> x^2 = 1
=> x = [plus or minus] 1

Since x is a natural number, it has to be positive; therefore x = 1.

(In case you didn't know, the carat (^) sign is used before
exponential powers, e.g., "seven cubed" is written as "7^3".)
66% of players have answered correctly.

2. The logarithm (base ten) of five hundred times an

integer is three. Find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 2
Let the unknown number be "x".

log(500x) = 3

Notice that 3 can be written as "log(1000)", because 10^3 = 1000.

Substituting "3" with "log(1000)",

log(500x) = log(1000)

Cancelling log from both sides,

500x = 1000
=> x = 2

And so the value of the integer is 2.

39% of players have answered correctly.

3. A natural number is halved when reduced by thirteen.

Find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 26
Other accepted answers: twenty six twenty-six
Let the number be "x". (Pardon me for using "x" each time to
represent the unknown quantity, just don't want to deviate from

x - 13 = (1/2)x
=> x - (1/2)x = 13
=> (2x - x)/2 = 13
=> x/2 = 13
=> x = 26
77% of players have answered correctly.

4. Twice a negative integer is eight less than its square.

Find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was -2
Let the number be "x". According to the given data:

2x = x^2 - 8
=> x^2 - 2x - 8 = 0
=> x^2 - 4x + 2x - 8 = 0
=> x(x - 4) + 2(x - 4) = 0
=> (x + 2)(x - 4) = 0

This gives x = -2 or x = 4. However, as it's a negative integer

we're looking for, 4 cannot be the answer, which means it is -2.
64% of players have answered correctly.

5. A positive integer is equal to 4 times its reciprocal. Find

that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 2
Let tbe positive integer be "x". This means its reciprocal is (1/x).

x = 4(1/x)
=> x = 4/x
=> x^2 = 4
=> x = 2 or -2
Since "x" is supposed to be positive, the number is 2.
69% of players have answered correctly.

6. The sum of the square of a negative integer and itself

is zero. Find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was -1
Let the negative integer be "x".

x^2 + x = 0
=> x(x + 1) = 0
=> x = 0 or -1

As we're looking for a negative integer, -1 is the answer.

58% of players have answered correctly.

7. The product of a positive integer and the integer that

succeeds it is twelve. Find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 3
Let the unkown number be "x". Therefore, the number that
succeeds it is (x + 1). According to what's given,

x(x + 1) = 12
=> x^2 + x = 12
=> x^2 + x - 12 = 0

Factorising the left hand side of this quadratic equation,

(x - 3)(x + 4) = 0

This gives x = 3 or -4. However, since it's a positive integer we're

looking for, we reject x = -4, thus leaving only x = 3 as a possible
67% of players have answered correctly.
8. The digit in the units place of a two-digit number
exceeds that in the tens place by one. If the number is
equal to four times the sum of its digits, find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 12
Other accepted answers: twelve
Let the digit in the tens place be "x". Since the digit in the units
place exceeds that in the tens place by 1, it becomes (x + 1).

The sum of the digits = x + x + 1 = 2x + 1

Any two-digit number can be expressed in the following manner:

10*(digit in the tens place) + (digit in the units place)
e.g. 34 = 10*3 + 4; 71 = 10*7 + 1

Thus, the number we are seeking can be expressed as [10x + (x +


According to the given data,

4(2x + 1) = 10x + (x + 1)
=> 8x + 4 = 10x + x + 1
=> 3x = 3
=> x = 1

Hence, the digit in the tens place is 1. The digit in the units place
is given by (x + 1) = 1 + 1 = 2.

And so the number is 12.

49% of players have answered correctly.

9. A number added to twice itself gives twenty-one. Find

that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 7
Other accepted answers: seven
Let the number be "x".

x + 2x = 21
=> 3x = 21
=> x = 7

Whoever said algebra was tough? :-)

73% of players have answered correctly.

10. The fourth power of a positive integer is equal to four

times its square. Find that number!
Your Answer: [No Answer]
The correct answer was 2
Let the number be "x". This gives:

x^4 = 4x^2
=> (x^2)^2 = 4(x^2)

To make things simple, let x^2 = y.

=> y^2 = 4y
=> y^2 - 4y = 0
=> y(y - 4) = 0
=> y = 0 or 4

If y = 0 then x = 0 and if y = 4 then x = 2 (because two squared

equals four). Since it is given that x is a positive integer (which 0
isn't), the number is 2.

I hope this quiz helped exercise your grey matter and you had a
good time playing it!
57% of players have answered correctly.

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