Findings and Discussion A. General Description of Modern Islamic Boarding School Al-Junaidiyah

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A. General Description of Modern Islamic Boarding School Al-Junaidiyah

Biru, Bone

Modern Islamic Boarding School Al-Junaidiyah Biru Bone was established

on 21st July 1969, which at the time focused on Qismul Huffadz (memorizers of

the Qur'an) and recitation of Kitab Kuning (literally yellow book). On March 18,

1973,it was inaugurated as Pondok Pesantren Modern which was then known as

the big four Pondok Pesantren in South Sulawesi. The existence of Pondok

Pesantren Al-Junaidiyah Modern Blue as an educational institution received a

positive response from the community and government. The response of the public

is evidenced by the inclusion of students who are not only from Bone but also

from other provinces, while the response from the government evidenced by

accreditation of madrasah tsanawiyah likened to the Decree of the Head Office of

the Ministry of Religious Affairs, South Sulawesi No. 69 On February 11, 1999.

Thus, Madrasah Aliyah has been accredited by National Accreditation Board in

1995 and re-accredited by National Accreditation Board on June 17, 2014.

The existence of Pondok Pesantren will be always essential due to the

human resources with faithful and devoted to Allah and also Indonesia as our


The education system that organized by Petta Kalie was just concern on

Islamic studies, such as Fiqh, Arabic Language, Syariah and Qismul Huffadz.

Thus, santri who lived there in 1969 era familiarly called “santri kalong”. Santri

means a student who study in Islamic Boarding School whereas Kalong means bat.

Thereupon, Santri Kalong means a student who just lived and learned in Pesantren


at night but transform into a regular scholar in the morning before officially

inaugurated in 1973. Nevertheless, this education program was still and will

always be parallel and in accordance Law on the nation education system. No.

20/2003 : “Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a good vibe

at learning and the learning process so that learners will actively to develop their

potential as their aims are to have the spiritual strength of religious, control and

personality, intelligence, character, and skills needed for him and society itself"

B. The Steps In Applying Total Physical Response (TPR) Method In Teaching

Imperative Sentence at The Eigth Grde Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
AL-Junaidiyah Biru

3.1 The Implementation of TPR (Total Physical Response) Method

The researcher conducted observation three times. The first observation

was on 23rd February 2020, the second observation was on 24th February 2020 and

the third observation on 1st March 2020 . The result of observation will be

explained as follows:

3.1.1 The first meeting (23rd February 2020)

In the first meeting, the Researcher provided three steps in teaching

English especially in teaching Imperative Sentence at the eighth grade student’s of

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al- Junaidiyah Biru Kab. Bone. They are preteaching,
whilst-teaching, post-teaching. Each of them has different activities.

The researcher taught the students by using bilingual. The researcher

would explain as below:

Subject :English

Topic : Imperative sentence (command)

Method : TPR

Class : VIII/II

Day/Date/Month/Year : Sunday, 23rd February 2020

Time :12.20-13.30

1. Pre-teaching

In pre-teaching, the Researcher did some teaching activities as follow:

a. The Recearcher said greeting first to the students

Researcher : Good afternoon students?

Students : Good afternoon sir... (together)

Researcher : How are you guys?

Students : Fine... (together)

Researcher : Ok, thank you.

b. Before English subject was started, the Researcher asked the students to pray

to the almighty Allah together.

c. After that, the Researcher gave warming up to the students about the previous

topic, for example:

Researcher : Are you ready to leran English now?

Students : Yes we are ready Sir

Researcher :Did you still remember class, what is the meaning of

tangan (Indonesian) in English? (the Researcher show his

hands to the students)

Students :Hands... (together)

Researcher : Good job class. Kalau bahasa inggrisnya “tepuk tangan”

(Indonesian) itu apa ya ? (the researcher demonstrated

clapping his hands to indicate the meaning of clapping)

Students : Clapp hand sir... (together)

Researcher : Well, very good guys.

Students : Thank you sir... (together)


Researcher : Apakah kalian ingin pintar berbahasa inggris? (Indonesian)

Do you want to be clever to speak English ? (English)

Students :Yes sir... (in chorous)

Researcher :Ok, sekarang saya akan mengajarkan pada kalian tentang

kalimat perintah (Indonesian) imperative sentence (English).

Sebelumnya, apakah ada yang tau apa imperative sentence

itu? (Indonesian)

Students : ..... (nobody answer)

Researcher : Ok, today we will study about imperative sentence

d. The Researcher asked to the students to be silent and pay great attention to the

material. Based on the activities in the pre-teaching above, the researcher saw the

interaction between Researcher and students by using language mixing. It means

that the researcher sometimes used mother tongue to explaine the material to the

students in order to the students were easiest to the researcher’s instruction. The

use of mother tongue by the researcher in the teaching English indicates one of the

carachteristics of implementing TPR method. Beside that, the researcher also

found out the reseaercher’s role was as a model. The researcher demonstrated the

action fisrt based on the topic, an after that the researcher ask to the students to

imitate his action. By doing this, it made the students can be easy to predict it. It
means that, the students were easiest to imitate than to memorize. Here, the

researcher found the role of students were as imitators. It is also one of

characteristic of TPR method. From preteaching activities, it can be concluded that

the researcher implemented few of characteristics in TPR method.


2. Whilst-teaching

a. The researcher started the English lesson by explaining about the topic

(imperative sentence). Here the Researcher explained to the students about

Imperative sentence included the definition, kinds of imperative sentences, the

use of imperative sentences.

b. The researcher wrote down the topic on the whiteboard and complete with its

meaning. Beside that, the researcher also wrote down the examples of

imperative on the whiteboard. In this case, there were six examples, such as


 Stand up! : Berdiri (Indonesian)

 Sit down! : Duduk (Indonesian)

 Jump! : Lompat (Indonesian)

 Raise your hands! : Angkat tanganmu (Indonesian)

 Clap your hands! : Tepuk tanganmu (Indonesian)

 Turn around! : berputar (Indonesian)

c. The researcher asked to the students to sit in a circle.

d. The researcher explained the meaning of each imperative and he also

demonstrated these actions.

e. The researcher asked to the students to imitate him in reading these imperative
utterances rapidly.

f. The researcher demonstrated again these imperative physically. In this case, he

asked to the students to imitate his action based on their instruction. These

activities were conducted by him rapidly in order to the students were able to

understand what he instructed.

g. Then the researcher put four chairs in front of the class


h. The researcher asked to the students to be volunteer to other students to

perform the command in front of the class, if no one wanted to be volunteer, so the

researcher himself will point directly the students to be volunteer in front of the


i. The researcher gave chance to the students to practice it in front of the class

j. The researcher gave reward to the students who can reply the researcher’s

instruction correctly.

k. Finally, the researcher asked to the students again practice it together with him

by followed responses physically. In whilst-teaching, the researcher found some

characteristics and the principles of TPR method in the English teaching activities,

such as;

1. The English material was presented by the researcher in command form.

according to richard theory the principle of this method consider the

comprehension approach because the students must pay great attention to the

teacher instructions. It comes from the students listening comprehension.1

2. The spoken languge is emphasized over written language. It is one of

characteristic of TPR method.

3. Vocabulary of imperatives above are also emphasized over other language

areas. These are embedded within imperative. it is supported by Krashen and

Terrell that the students listen to the teacher’s instruction using target language

communicatively.2 Then, the researcher helped the students to understand his

instruction by giving demonstration such as the examples of imperative

utterances above.

Jack C. Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches’ and Methods in Language
Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1992), p. 87
Krashen, S, and T. Terrell, The Natural Approach: Language Acqusition in the
Classroom. (Oxford. Pergamon 1983), p.,,75-77

3. Post-teaching

a. The researcher concluded the English lesson at the time by mentioning kinds

of imperative.

b. The researcher and students read kinds of imperative sentences together with

their responses physically.

c. The researcher motivated the students in order to study hard and practice it in

teir daily life.

d. The researcher close the meeting by reciting Hamdalah together.

In the post-teaching, we can see that the implementing of TPR method is

pointed by the researcher and students read imperatives and performs together. It

means that they read the imperatives first and after that they respond by physically.

3.1.2 The second meeting (24th February 2020)

The researcher gave different topic but it was still in imperative context.

Subject : English

Topic : Imperative (parts of the body)

Method : TPR

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Day/Date/Month/Year : Monday, 24th February 2020

Time : 11.00-12.00

1. Pre-teaching

In pre-teaching, the researcher did some teaching activities as follow:

a. The researcher said greeting first to the students. It was the same with the

previous meeting.

b. Before English subject was started, the researcher asked the students to pray to

the almighty Allah together.

c. The researcher gave brainstorming about the previous study, for example:

Researcher : What was the topic yesterday?

Students : Jump... jump... sir. (one of the students replying)

Researcher : Ok, well done. Any else?

Students : Rise your hand…Sit down… Clap hand . (few students replying)

Researcher :Well, yesterday we studied imperative sentence . Dalam bahasa

Indonesia artinya kalimat perintah (Indonesian). Siapa yang masih

ingat apa bahasa inggrisnya “berdiri” ? (Indonesian)

Students : Stand up (in chorous)

Researcher : Excellent. How about berputar ?(Indonesian)

Students : Turn around (in chorous)

Researcher : Great... Now we learn about “parts of body”. Who knows, what

are they?

Students : head, hands, eyes, nose (students reply by various answers)

Researcher : Ok, thank you. And before starting our English lesson. We would

like to play a game, this is what we called “We don’t change the

fact we just change the shape”. The fact is an Elephant is big and
an Ant is small, so the rule is when the researcher say an Elephant

is big then followed by the students’ responses by making a small

shape with their hand, then when the researcher say an ant is small

then followed by the students’ responses by making a big shape.

So do you understand how to play the game class ?

Students : Yes sir (In chorus)

Researcher : Well, so lets play the game


d. The researcher asked to the students to be silent and pay great attention to the

material. Based on the result of second observation in preteaching, the reseacher

saw the students were happy and enjoyable in learning English because at this

section, the teacher stimulate the students first by playing a game with undertitle

“We don’t change the fact we just change the shape”. The purpose is to make

the students have great spirit and more focus on the English material.

2. Whilst-teaching

a. The researcher started the English lesson by explaining a certain topic at the


b. The researcher wrote down the certain topic “parts of body” on the whiteboard.

c.The researcher put the pictures that indicate parts of body on the whiteboard.

d. The researcher labeled them. Besides, he also wrote down the meaning of them

in Indonesia in order to be understood easily by the students, for example:

 Head : kepala (Indonesian)

 Eyes : mata (Indonesian)

 Nose : hidung (Indonesian)

 Mouth : mulut (Indonesian)

 Lip : bibir (Indonesian)

 Ears : telinga (Indonesian)

 Hands : tangan (Indonesian)

 Feet : kaki (Indonesian)

e. The researcher asked to students to make a circle and he explained parts of body

on the whiteboard.

f. The researcher pointed and read parts of body one by one follewed by the

students. Then, he translated them into Indonesia.


g. The researcher showed parts of body himself to the students by using English.

Then, the students imitated together his action rapidly.

h. The researcher used the imperative sentences to indicate parts of body, for


 Touch your nose : sentuhlah hidungmu (Indonesian)

 Touch your mouth : sentuhlah mulutmu (Indonesian)

 Touch your lip : sentuhlah bibirmu (Indonesan)

 Touch your ears : sentuhlah telingamu (Indonesian)

 Point your head! : tunjuk kepalamu (Indonesian)

 Point your eyes! : tunjuk matamu (Indonesian)

 Point your feet! : tunjuk kakimu (Indonesian)

i. The researcher demonstrated them by using imperative. Then, he asked to the

students to imitate his action in introducing parts of body.

j. The researcher mentioned parts of body in English and then the students are

asked to response them physically. These activities were did by the researcher

rapidly in order to be understood easly by the students.

k. The researcher provided four group that consists of four students each group.

Then, he examined the students to response physically based on his instruction.

l. The researcher gave reward for the students in each group who could response

Actually, the whilst-teaching in the second observation is similar with the

previous. But, it has different topic. Here, the implementation of TPR method

appear when the researcher asked to the students to demonstrate English

vocabulary about part of body by using imperative. Then, he asked to the students

to imitate his action. It means that the researchers’s role is as a model and the

students’ role are imitator or performer. It is appropriate with the characteristic of

TPR method.

3. Post-teaching

a. The researcher concluded the English lesson “parts of body”.

b. The researcher and students read parts of body together with their meanings.

c. The researcher motivated the students in order to study hard and practice it in

teir daily life.

d. Before the English teacher close the meeting, he invited the studens to listen a

song together with under title “Lucky Strike” by maroon five. Finally,the

researcher closed the meeting by reciting hamdalah. The purpose of giving the

students a chance to sing was to maintain student’s interest in language learning

when English is not seen as an important factor for their needs, in line with

Rosova argued that songs have a place in the classroom for helping create a

friendly and co-operative atmosphere for language learning, but they can offer

much more. He also mentioned the idea that songs are effective tools in

education. 3

3.1.3 The third meeting

In the third meeting , just the same with the previous meeting the

researcher provided three steps in teaching English especially in teaching

Imperative Sentence at the eighth grade student’s of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-

Junaidiyah Biru Kab. Bone. They are preteaching, whilst-teaching, post-teaching.

Rosova (1999). The effect of songs paired with singing on receptive vocabulary skills of
elementary ESL students. Journal of Music Therapy , 36, 110-124

Each of them has different activities. The English researcher taught the students by

using bilingual. The researcher will explain as below:

Subject : English

Topic :Imperative (common classroom expressions)

Method : TPR

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Day/Date/Month/Year : Sunday, 1st March 2020

Time : 11.00-12.00

1. Pre-teaching

In pre-teaching, the English teacher did some teaching activities as follow:

d. The Recearcher said greeting first to the students, for example:

Researcher : Good morning students?

Students : Good morning sir... (together)

Researcher : How are you?

Students : Fine... (together) Teacher

Researcher : Ok, thank you.

e. Before English subject was started, the Researcher asked the students to pray

to the almighty Allah together.

f. After that, the Researcher gave warming up to the students about the previous

topic, for example:

Researcher : Are you ready to leran English now?

Students : Yes we are ready Sir

Researcher :Did you still remember class, what is the meaning of mata

(Indonesian) in Eglish? (the Researcher show his eyes to the


Students : Eyes sir... (together)

Researcher : Good job class. Kalau Kalau bahasa inggrisnya “tunjuk

matamu” (Indonesian) itu apa ya? (the researcher

demonstrated pointing his eyes to indicate the meaning of

point )

Students : point your eyes sir (together)

Researcher : Well done guys, so clap your hands for you all

Students : Ok, sir... ( the students clapp hands together)

Researcher : Ok, sekarang saya akan mengajarkan pada kalian tentang

imperative especially common classroom expressions. Ada

yang tau nggak, apa common classroom expressions itu?

Students : ..... (nobody answer)

Researcher : Ok, today we will study about imperative sentence

especially common classroom expressions

d. The Researcher asked to the students to be silent and pay great attention to the

material. Based on the activities in the pre-teaching above, the researcher provided

the interaction between Researcher and students by using language mixing. It

means that the researcher sometimes used mother tongue to explained the material
to the students in order to the students were easiest to the teachers’ instruction. The

use of mother tongue by the teacher in the teaching English indicates one of the

carachteristics of implementing TPR method. Beside that, the researcher also acted

as a model. The researcher demonstrated the action fisrt based on the topic, an

after that the researcher ask to the students to imitate his action. By doing this, it

made the students can be easy to predict it. It means that, the students were easiest

to imitate than to memorize. Here, the researcher found the role of students were

as imitators. It is also one of characteristic of TPR method. From preteaching

activities, it can be concluded that the researcher implemented few of

characteristics in TPR method.

2. Whilst-teaching

c. The researcher started the English lesson by explaining about the topic


d. The researcher wrote down the topic on the whiteboard and complete with its

meaning. Beside that, the researcher also wrote down the examples of

imperative on the whiteboard. In this case, there were six examples, such as


Please come forward! : Maju ke depan (Indonesian)

Rise your hand(s), please! : Acungkan tangan (Indonesian)

Clean the Whiteboard, please! : Lompat (Indonesian)

Open the door please! : Buka pintu (Indonesia)

Close the door please! : Tutup pintu (Indonesian)

Open your book please! : Buka bukumu (Indonesian)

Close your book please! : Tutup bukumu (Indonesia)

Show your pen please : Perlihatkan pulpenmu (Indonesia)

Take out a piece of paper! : Keluarkan secarik kertas


Please, exchange papers to others! : Tukar kertas ke yang lain


f. The researcher asked to the students to sit in a circle.

g. The researchere xplained the meaning of each imperative and he also

demonstrated these actions.


h. The researcher asked to the students to imitate him in reading these imperative

utterances rapidly.

f. The researcher demonstrated again these imperative physically. In this case, he

asked to the students to imitate his action based on their instruction. These

activities were conducted by him rapidly in order to the students were able to

understand what he instructed.

g. Then the researcher put two chairs in fron of the class.

h. The researcher asked to the students to be volunteer to other students to

perform the command in front of the class, if no one wanted to be volunteer, so the

researcher himself will point directly the students to be volunteer.

i. The researcher gave chance to the students to practice it in front of the class.

j. The researcher gave reward to the students who can reply the teacher’



k. Finally, the researchrr asked to the students again practice it together with him

by followed responses physically. In whilst-teaching, the researcher found some

characteristics and the principles of TPR method in the English teaching activities,

such as;4

4. The English material was presented by the researcher in command form.

according to richard theory the principle of this method consider the

comprehension approach because the students must pay great attention to the

teacher instructions. It comes from the students listening comprehension.

5. The spoken languge is emphasized over written language. It is one of

characteristic of TPR method.

James J.Asher in Robert W. Blair, Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching,
(Massachussets: Newbury House Publisher,1992), P.20

6. Vocabulary of imperatives above are also emphasized over other language

areas. These are embedded within is supported by Krashen and

Terrell that the students listen to the teacher’s instruction using target language

communicatively.5 Then, the teacher help the students to understand her

instruction by giving demonstration such as the examples of imperative

utterances above.

3. Post-teaching

a. The researcher concluded the English lesson “common classroom


b. The researcher and students read the example of commonn classroom

expression together with their meanings.

c. The researcher motivated the students in order to study hard and practice it in

teir daily life especially in claaroom.

d. Before closing the meeting the researcher gave a motivation game by using

ballons. Here the researcher gave the students the ballons with different colour, the

different colur can be seen or consider as the students’ ability in mastering the

knowledge or lesson, and each students has different ability, such as there is a

student good in Mathematic, good in Arabic, good in Indonesian, good in Sport,

good in Art, good in Science, good in History etc. Furthermore the rule is the
students should break out another ballons of their friend, till rest the only one a

ballon. Who could protect their ballon till the end of game automaticaly the winner

belong to him. After getting the winner the researcher would explain the purpose

of the game to the students. The purpose of the game is to tell them that to be the

best between anothers one, we should not to break anothers light but we should

Krashen, S, and T. Terrell, The Natural Approach: Language Acqusition in the
Classroom. (Oxford. Pergamon 1983), p.,,75-77

support, meaningfull and beneficial for another in order to create a better education

in the future.

In line with a hadith that sataed by prophet Rasulullah Muhammad pbuh as

the Messenger of Allah;

ِ ‫َّاس أَْن َفعُ ُه ْم لِن‬
‫َّاس‬ ِ ‫َخْيُر الن‬


Narrated from Ahamd, ath-Thabrani, ad-Daruqtuni,"The Messenger of

Allah said, "The best of humans is the most beneficial to human beings" (Narrated

by Ahmad, This hadith is assigned by al-Albani in Shahihul Jami 'no: 3289).6

Based on the result of observation, most of young learner students at the

eighth grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Modern Islamic Boarding School Al-

Junaidiyah Biru Bone more interest to learn English when the researcher asked

them to practice the English lesson by giving responses physically because young
learner prefer to learn English with simple expressions, imitating, drilling, etc. In

the context of teaching, most people assume that they learn a foreign language in

the same way that they learn their mother tongue. Basically, they are potential in

acquiring and learning a foreign language, and even they learn it more quickly

6 Accessed the 2nd April, 06.58

than those who are learning the foreign language after puberty . 7 So, learning

English for young learner is not difficult exactly. However, the English teacher

should be selective and creative in selecting the teaching method in order to they

are still Great Spirit, happy, brave, enjoyable, and memorable the English lesson.

Here are parts of teaching English activity that can motivate the students greatly

such as below:

1. From the first observation

It was indicated that the students more motivate and antusius to join with

English teaching process in the classroom at the whilst-teaching because in this

section, the students looked like happy, enjoy, and more atractive to join with the

subject. They tried to demonstrate the imperative utterances by using physical

responses interchangeable. According to Linse that young learner prefer to learn

foreign language by music and movement. 8 This statement can support the result

of research finding ata the first observation. In the whilst teaching, they did not

stop to try imperative utterances by using phyisically. In this case, they want to try

and try again rapidly. They more interest if they were asked as a model in the

classroom. They were also more confident when they could response to the

researcher’s instruction correctly.

The researcher motivated to learn English greatly, for example in whilst-

teaching, the teacher demonstrated an action of “jump” instead of melompat

(Indonesian). So, the most students imatated to the researcher’s action together by

McLaughlin, B. 1978. Second Language Acquisition in Childhood. Boston:Allyn and
Bacon, p…133-134

Linse, C. 2005. The Childrens Response: TPR and Beyond. English Teaching Forum
43/1: p….8-11.

saying jump... jump... jump...! They said “jump” together happily. They looked

like never felt tired and boring to practice it.

2. From the second observation

For the second observation, the researcher found the students more interest

to join with the English teaching learning process at whilst-teaching and post

teaching. In whilst-teaching, the students great payed attention to the parts of body

pictures. The researcher wrote the names of parts of body on the pictures. So that,

the students were easy to understand them. It can help the students to memorize

them fastly. In this case, the researcher saw that most students were active in the

English teaching learning process. In fact, they had great motivation to response

the researcher’s instructions. They response it by louder voice. Furthermore, the

students also motivated greatly to learn English at the post-teaching. In this phase,

the students appeared atractive and active when the researcher asked them to sing

a song together with under title “Lucky Strike”. The English song still related to

the English lesson at the time. In fact, they were enjoy and great spirit to sing it.

They still asked to the researcher to sing again although the time was over.

3. From the third observation

For the third observation, the researcher found the students more interest to

join with the English teaching learning process at whilst-teaching and post

teaching. In this case the researcher explained and gave example to the students

about the common classroom expressions that generally used in the classroom to

ask their friends to do something such as, open the door please, close the door

please, clean the whiteboard please etc.

Then before closing the meeting the researcher gave a game to them by

using ballons and it was indicated that the students really enjoy the game couse

they should break out their frinend’s ballon to be the winner of the game and it

made the classroom really fun and the student did not feel under pressure in

learning English as foreign language

C. The Students’ Responses Toward The Implementation of Total Physical

Response (TPR) Method In Teaching Imperative Sentence at The Eigth Grde

Students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah AL-Junaidiyah Biru

TPR (Total Physical Response) method has been appropriate to be

implemented in the English teaching learning process for the at the eigth grade

students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah AL-Junaidiyah Biru because they are young

learners. They prefer to learn English by imitating, memorizing, repeating, and

demonstrating by using response physical totally. Teaching English for young

learner should be happy, interest, enjoy, fun, unbarring, understandable, and

memorable for them. So, they can implement it easily in their daily life.

Based on the result of interview for the the eighth grade students of

Madrasah Tsanawiyah AL-Junaidiyah Biru, the researcher knew about the

students’ responses after English teaching learning process by implementing TPR

(Total Physical Response) method. Firstly, the researcher would like to explain the

result of interview for the students. Generally, most students were interest, happy,

and antusius when they joined with the English subject because they were still

young learner. Moreover the researcher provided some games in teaching and
learning process in the classroom it made the students felt happy and it built a

good fun siatutaion so the sdtudents very enjoy the learning process

According to Muhren that singing, imitating, demonstrating, and

imperative drilling are the easy strategy to teach foreign language for young

learners.9 They could practice it directly in the classroom. They also felt easier to

understand the English lesson explained by the teacher because the teacher gave
Muhren, A. 2003. Total Physical Response (TPR) : An Effective Language Learning
Method at Beginner/Intermediate Level,..p.. 113

clues to the students to try rapidly until they got the point. In addition, there were

little students also did not great pay attention in English learning process because

they prefer to play by himself or herself.

Secondly, the researcher known the students’ responses from the English

teacher interview at Madrasah Tsnawiyah Al-Junaidiyah Biru Bone. It was

obtained that the students usually felt borring and lazy in learning English if the

English teacher was not creative and selective in choosing her/his English teaching

method. Furthermore, in order to they can learn English happily, great spirit,

unfear, unworry, and enjoy, so the English teacher can teach English by

implementing TPR (Total Physical Response) method because in this method, the

teachers are responsible for giving commands and monitoring actions taken by the

learners. On the contrary, the learners are imitators of teachers verbal and

nonverbal models.

In teaching-learning process, the first phase is modeling. In this case, a

researcher issues commands to students, and performs the actions with them. In

the second phase, students demonstrate that they grasp the commands by

performing them alone. The reseeacher monitors the learners actions. Above all,

the interaction between a researcher and students is signified by the researcher

speaking and the students res-ponding nonverbally. Later on, the learners become
more verbal and the researcher responds nonverbally. In doing so, the students can

be easier to remember the English lesson.

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