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Republic of the Philippines


Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Our Digital (R) Evolution: Driving Digital Disruption
: to Cause Chaos
Venue : Administration Bldg. Cavite State University CCAT-
: Campus
Date : January 31, 2019
Seminar Hours : 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSCPE 502-A and B
Other professionals in their respective fields

Seminar on Digital Evolution

The Student of Cavite State University-CCAT campus was participated in the 31 th

day of January 2019 leaded by MIS, Coordinator Allen Paul K. Aclan and the seminar
entitled “Our Digital(R) Evolution: Driving Digital Disruption
to Cause Chaos”. Before the start of the seminar, Mr. Aclan was introduced the topic
and the he as his experiences towards to the digital evolution and as a professional
programmer who has its willingness to help the students in preparing for the real world
and industrial practices and to create a foundation of knowledge and skill about
evolution of digital disruption. And he gave us the advantages and disadvantages to the
said topic.
The session started in a movie as his reference in discussing the digital evolution.
He stated that our life is surrounded by technology as the growing techniques to make
the life easier, he also said that it is the gateway which helps the individual to
accomplish task especially using technical processes, methods and knowledge for
informative storage and one best example is to a good influencer to generation to use
the evolution of technology which they can utilize every works of life. Lastly, he gave
us advice from his own experience that digital technology is a steppingstone through
the advancement techniques to the near future.

I have learned so much from Mr. Aclan he motivates us to pursue the dreams of
every computer practitioner as our motivation and guidelines towards success. And
also, one of the best knowledges that I remembered in the seminar is to disrupt the
world means to maximize the technology in good way.
Republic of the Philippines
Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Seminar on Electrical Power Distribution
Venue : UPHSD – Old Gym
Date : August 27, 2018
Seminar Hours : 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSEE 501-A and B
Other professionals in their respective fields


Seminar on IN2ITion: Interconnected World, Interconnected Generation

The Student of Cavite State University-CCAT campus was participated in the 27 th

day of February in Southville International School and Colleges, Luxembourg Campus
and the topic was entitled “Interconnected World, Interconnected Generation” .Before
the start of seminar, Janine Mayuga was introduce first, She is the president of their
association who handle the seminar, her goals is to interconnect everyone to the
innovation and the capabilities of internet throughout the world
Many aspirants discuss different forms of innovation and mainly discuss about the
machine learning Artificial intelligent that will provide a useful in every scope of life.
He is currently 4th year college taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
in South-Ville College, and this school recognized as of the expensive colleges in manila
because of its quality in education and facilities. All of us showed so much respect and
willingness to his talk in the session as he discussed interconnected world and interconnected
generation in terms of technology. In recent times, Ms Mayuga stated that technology is highly
needed because of 21st century advancements and expectations and through the cooperation of
inventor and developer, the technology is implemented and developing time to time. She taught
to us that technology is a tool which can use in different scope of life such as in education,
industry, infrastructure, medical process and etc., from that it will makes our life easier. And
lastly, she told to us that success is continuing process of trials that aims to strive harder and to
learn a new advancement technique to overcome those problem like what the technology
offering for us

 We have learned so much from ms. Mayuga and he inspire us to keep dreams in reality
and to be hired in a multinational and productive company.
Republic of the Philippines
Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Seminar on Electrical Engineer in the Government
and Environment Management Field
Venue : UPHSD – Old Gym
Date : August 27, 2018
Seminar Hours : 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSEE 501-A and B
Other professionals in their respective fields


Seminar on Electrical Engineer in the Government and

Environment Management Field

The Student of Cavite State University-CCAT campus was participated in the 8 th

EELYMPICS IIEE-CSC-Cavite Technical Seminar leaded by Engr. Sherwin Valeroso
and the seminar entitled “Electrical Engineer in the Government and Environment
Management Field” . Before the participants of seminar to be start, Engr. Pelago was
introduce first, and he is a Environmental Planner who has its advocacy to spread
awareness about how to conserve our ecosystem.
He is practicing his profession in the Provincial Government under of engineering office
of Cavite in Trece Cavite. In his talk he introduce to us the significance of solar panels as
renewable source of energy. He also elaborate the working principle of solar energy, and its
start in solar radiation as a high temperature energy source to produce electricity using thermal
route. These technologies are appropriate for applications where direct solar radiation is high.
The mechanism of conversion of solar to electricity is can be more productive and it will need a
large solar panel yard to accommodate and satisfy a certain types of load. As of now he told to
us the production of solar energy is not efficient but time comes it will generate huge energy.

We have learned so much from Engr. Valeroso. And, he shared that the government is
searching for outstanding researches that will contribute big impact in the environment this will
be the next project to be introduce, for us to catch energy eco-friendly and this seminar is
Republic of the Philippines
Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Seminar on EE Proficiency
Venue : CvSU CCAT Hostel Function Hall
Date : November 10, 2018
Seminar Hours : 9:00 AM to 11:050 PM
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSEE 501-A and B
Other professionals in their respective fields


Seminar on EE Proficiency

The Student of Cavite State University-CCAT campus was participated in of 4 th Midyear

Technical Seminar organized by the Makers of Technological Changes with the theme Instilling
Excellence for Global Competitiveness at Cavite State University CCAT Hostel Function Hall
leaded by Engr. Reginaldo Marinay on Electrical Engineering Proficiency.

Engr. Marinay is the owner of Power House Training and Review Center which was
located at Unit 302, 3 rd flr., Espaǹa Place Bldg. Sampaloc Manila. He holds to us the life after
we passed the board exam of Registered electrical Engineer (REE), and this a great opportunity
to look forward and make a change for a better future. The crowd was consisted of electrical
engineering students from different levels in the said campus. He served in MERALCO Inc.,
one of the biggest electrical distribution company in the Philippines. This is the gateway to
discussed the Electrical Engineering (EE) Proficiency. He told to us the parameters that will
affects the resistance of conductor, and also the certain techniques on how to deal in electrical
circuits. Furthermore, he tackled the connection represents an interruption in the conductor
material, and there is a contact resistance associated with it. Deficient connections are
associated with an increased voltage drop. This activity turns to be a more productive seminar.
We have learned so much from Engr. Marinay. And, he shared a lot of techniques on how
to easily solve the EE proficiency problems that will help us in our board exam and this seminar
is more productive.
Republic of the Philippines
Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Seminar on Calculator Technique
Venue : CvSU CCAT Hostel Function Hall
Date : November 10, 2018
Seminar Hours : 12:15 AM to 2:20 PM
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSEE 501-A and B
Other professionals in their respective fields


Seminar on Calculator Techniques

The Student of Cavite State University-CCAT campus was participated in of 4 th Midyear

Technical Seminar organized by the Makers of Technological Changes with the theme Instilling
Excellence for Global Competitiveness at Cavite State University CCAT Hostel Function Hall
leaded by Engr. James Escalona on Calculator Techniques.
Engr. Escalona is practicing his profession in CERTC Review Center in Manila as
Curriculum Director of the most competitive branch of review center from the said place. He is
an Electronics and Communication Engineer whom graduated with flying colors. He is a
winning national Quizzer in ECE and Mathematics. Engr. Escalona proudly disclosed that their
review center holds the top 1, 2, and 9 in the latest result of board examination for Registered
Electrical Engineer (REE). He is the lecturer in Mathematics.
In his discussion he told to us the problems encountered by the students in dealing basic
mathematics. He expressed that we must not depend only in the powers of calculators nor we
should strengthen their foundations in basic and be keen absorbers of what is so called a quality
education in solving mathematics. Calculators are just a tool but it will not save the electrical
practitioners in passing the board examinations. From hat he taught the conventional way of
solving different kinds of mathematical problems aside from that advance calculator techniques
on solving on it. Furthermore, he said that mathematics is not just a course but an application of
everything, one best manifestation of this is power distribution and it will use tis skill in actual
work. more productive seminar.
We have learned so much from Engr. Escalano. And, he shared a lot of techniques on how
to easily solve the mathematical problems that will help us in our board exam and also in actual
works in our profession. This seminar is more productive.
Republic of the Philippines
Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Seminar on High-Rise Building Electrical Design
Venue : Unit 302, 3rd flr., Espaǹa Place Bldg. Sampaloc Manila
Date : October 27, 2018
Seminar Hours : 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSEE 501-A and B
Other professionals in their respective fields


Seminar on High-Rise Building Electrical Design

The Student of Cavite State University-CCAT campus was participated in of 4 th Midyear

Technical Seminar organized by the Makers of Technological Changes with the theme Instilling
Excellence for Global Competitiveness at Cavite State University CCAT Hostel Function Hall
leaded by Engr. Francisco Caragatan on High-Rise Building Electrical Design.
Engr. Caragatan is the resident review lecturer of Marinay’s Power House Training and
Review Center which was located at Unit 302, 3 rd flr., Espaǹa Place Bldg. Sampaloc Manila. He
has expertise in electrical design noting his commendable achievements in designing airports,
high rise buildings, commercial establishments and other projects both in national and in
international venues.
This seminar was participated by known electrical practitioners and instructors for the
compliance of their respective requirements. He is also practicing his profession in
MEINHARDT PHILIPPINES as a senior designer in one of the biggest electrical design and
multinational firm in the Philippines. Students showed so much respect to the speaker as he
discussed the High-Rise Building Electrical Design. In his lecture, He shared techniques and
different ways in doing the respective design. He specified the wrong practice of common
engineering practitioner in doing the design and calculations. According to him, In designing
high rise bldg. as electrical engineer we must know what type of building to be establish, and
other specification needed to construct in sizing of transformer, electrical room and other
electrical system to be considered in the design and this will help us for foundation of
knowledge in designing a particular establishment.
We have learned so much from Engr. Caragatan. And, he shared a lot of techniques on
how to design electrical layout in high rise building that will serve as guidelines in actual works
of electrical practices. This seminar is more productive.
Republic of the Philippines
Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Seminar on Power Quality and Harmonics
Venue : Unit 302, 3rd flr., Espaǹa Place Bldg. Sampaloc Manila
Date : October 27, 2018
Seminar Hours : 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSEE 501-A and B
Other professionals in their respective fields


Seminar on Power Quality and Harmonics

The Student of Cavite State University-CCAT campus was participated in of 4 th Midyear

Technical Seminar organized by the Makers of Technological Changes with the theme Instilling
Excellence for Global Competitiveness at Cavite State University CCAT Hostel Function Hall
leaded by Engr. Reginaldo Marinay on Power Quality and Harmonics
Engr. Marinay is the owner of Power House Training and Review Center which was
located at Unit 302, 3 rd flr., Espaǹa Place Bldg. Sampaloc Manila. He holds to us the life after
we passed the board exam of Registered electrical Engineer (REE), and this a great opportunity
to look forward and make a change for a better future. The crowd was consisted of electrical
engineering students from different levels in the said campus. He served in MERALCO Inc.,
one of the biggest electrical distribution company in the Philippines.
Students showed so much respect and willingness to the speaker as he discussed the Power
Quality and Harmonics. He taught to us that in real world there is no ideal pure sinusoidal wave
as what school taught to us nor the wave produce by power plant is distorted. So that he
introduced to us the equipment that will help to regulate those bad waves in the system.
Because it creates a bad impact to our equipment that will leads to destroy it. Furthermore, he
told to us that wider conductor has improved conductivity, because there is more material to
carry electric current. Longer conductors have a higher resistance because current must travel a
longer distance between the source and the load. He also emphasized the needs for a new
sustainable energy supply options that use renewable energies and equipment that will help to
achieve an efficient electrical system.
We have learned so much from Engr. Marinay. And, he shared a lot of Information about
techniques on how to deal with harmonics to our system and the essence of having alternative
source of energythat will serve as guidelines in actual works of electrical practices. This
seminar is more productive
Republic of the Philippines
Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046) 437-9505 / (046) 437-6659

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Title of Activity : Fieldtrip at National Grid Corporation of the Philippines
Venue : Dasmariǹas Cavite
Date : November 15, 2018
Seminar Hours : 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Participants : CvSU CCAT BSEE 501-A
Department of Engineering Instructors


Fieldtrip at National Grid Corporation of the Philippines

The Student of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in Cavite State

University-CCAT Campus was conducted an educational visit to the Transmission and
Substation Plant of National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) at Dasmariǹas
Cavite on November 15, 2018. This activity is for the partial fulfillment to our subject
entitled “Seminars and Field Trip”. Fortifying its main objective to be globally
competitive, this seeks to develop the holistic potential of the electrical engineering
students and prepare them to the real world of engineers. First of all, Mr. Emmanuel
Castillo Frago lead us to prepare for the safety orientation, this had paved the way to
familiarize them to the facilities and best practices of the NGCP. He Told to us the three
types of area in NGCP, and those are Controlled, Inclusion and Restricted Area, also they
introduce all regulation and policies embracing the electrical corporation. The whole
section learned from the senior engineers and respective engineers assigned to electrical
safety, electrical distribution and power distribution practices of their unit. In Inclusion
area. Engr. Dimayuga guide us and to expressed belief that the most frequently used
system is the radial distribution system because it is the simplest and least expensive
system to build. He also said that the operation and expansion are simple. But the most
dealing part is maintenance of the electrical equipment because for every fault in the
system it will lead in large breakdown in certain part of the Philippines. Furthermore,
electrical service is interrupted when any piece of service equipment must be de-
energized to perform routine maintenance and service. In addition, they familiarize to us
the equipment in electrical yard and function of it to the system. He told to us that
operation and maintenance in NGCP is not easily to perform, it requires so allotted of
knowledge and skills to comply the task needed to assure a productive and safe electrical
system in the electrical corporation.
We learned on how to handle ourselves in exposing actual works in electrical
profession from that we are fully oriented to the scope of works and this will serve as
guidelines for a better future as an electrical practioneers.

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