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Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1/2, pp. 13-24, 1991 0895-9811/91 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain © 1991 Pergamon Press plc
& Earth Sciences & Resources Institute

S e i s m i c i t y and t e c t o n i c d e f o r m a t i o n in the E a s t e r n
C o r d i l l e r a and the s u b - A n d e a n z o n e of c e n t r a l P e r u
L. DORBATH 1'2, C. DORBATH 1'2, E. JIMENEZ 2, a n d L. RIVERA 2
1ORSTOM, 213 Rue La Fayette, 75480 Paris Cedex 10, France; 2Ecole et Observatoire de Physique du Globe
de Strasbourg, 5 Rue Ren~ Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France
(received April 1990; accepted January 1991)
A b s t r a c t - - A microearthquake survey, conducted in 1985 on the Eastern Cordillera and the sub-Andean
zone of central Peru, provides a precise description of the crustal seismicity of this region. The activity is
mainly concentrated in the eastern foot of the high chain and defines a fault that strikes NW-SE and dips
steeply to the west. Focal mechanisms show mainly inverse dip-slip solutions, and hypocenter depths reach
35 kin. The seismic belt follows the border between the Eastern Cordillera and the lowlands in the south
and is separated from the Cordillera north of llos, in the most seismically active part. The amount of
shortening, deduced from a study of major earthquakes that have occurred in the region, is about 4 ram]year.
We propose a process of shortening along this active tectonic fault involving a large part of the crust, if not
its entirety. The intense seismicity on this fault is associated with the uplift of the Andes and their
widening toward the north.
R e s u m e n - - U n estudio microsismico, desarrollado en 1985 en la Cordillera Oriental y la zona sub-Andina
del Perti central, provee una descripcion precisa de la sismicidad cortical en esta regi6n. La actividad esth
esencialmente concentrada en el horde Este de la cadena, y define tma falla NO-SE, de fuerte pendiente y
buzando al Oeste. Los mecanismos focales son en su mayoria inversos y las profundidades de los hipocentros
alcanzan 35 km. En su parte sur, la sismicidad coincide con el limite entre la Cordillera Oriental y el
Piedemonte; en cambio, al norte de I l°S, en la parte m~s aetiva, dicho limite cambia de direcci0n mientras
que ]a sismicidad continua en la misma linea. El acortamiento, asociado a los terremotos m~s importantes
occuridos en esta zona, es de 4 mndafio aproximadamente. Se propone un proceso de acortamiento a 1o largo
de la falla antes mencionada involucrando toda la corteza o al menos una gran parte de ella. La intensa
sismicidad asociada a esta falla es testigo del levantamiento de los Andes y de su ensanchamiente hacia el

INTRODUCTION A l t h o u g h n o r m a l f a u l t i n g a p p e a r s to b e t h e p r e -
valent style of deformation throughout much of the
THE SHALLOW SEISMICITY o f t h e A n d e a n r e g i o n is high Andes, thrust faulting has been reported in
m a i n l y c o n c e n t r a t e d w i t h i n two b e l t s p a r a l l e l to t h e some parts, particularly in the Eastern Cordillera of
c h a i n on b o t h s i d e s o f i t (Fig. 1). To t h e w e s t , t h e f i r s t central Peru near the Huaytapallana range. Two
belt underlies the contact between the subducted e v e n t s o c c u r r e d i n J u l y a n d O c t o b e r 1969 a n d p r o -
N a z c a p l a t e a n d t h e S o u t h A m e r i c a n p l a t e . T h e sec- duced surface breaks along two segments of the
ond belt of seismic activity lies within the overriding Huaytapallana fault, which crops out at a mean ele-
c o n t i n e n t a l p l a t e to t h e e a s t o f t h e c h a i n , in t h e s u b - v a t i o n o f 4 8 0 0 m e t e r s a b o v e s e a l e v e l ( B l a n c et al.,
Andean region.
A l t h o u g h t h e s e i s m i c a c t i v i t y is p r e d o m i n a n t in 84 ° 82 ° 80 ° 78 ° 76 ° "74 ° 72 ° 70 °
these two belts, several events occur within the high
chain. Most of them reveal normal faulting. The
g r e a t e s t i n t r a p l a t e e v e n t in r e c e n t t i m e in P e r u w a s
t h e 1946 A n c a s h e a r t h q u a k e . Observations on the
s c a r p s p r o d u c e d b y t h i s e v e n t ( S i l g a d o , 1951) a s f a u l t -
p l a n e s o l u t i o n s ( D o s e r , 1987, D e v e r c h 6 r e et al., 1989)
s h o w t h a t n o r m a l f a u l t i n g o c c u r r e d on a p l a n e r o u g h -
l y p a r a l l e l to t h e A n d e s a n d d i p p i n g 45 ° to t h e w e s t .
S p e c t a c u l a r n o r m a l f a u l t s b o r d e r t h e w e s t e r n f l a n k of
the Cordillera Blanca of central Peru (Dalmayrac and
M o l n a r , 1981), a n d a m i c r o e a r t h q u a k e s u r v e y in t h e
area indicates a component of extension perpendicu-
l a r to t h e r a n g e ( D e v e r c h 6 r e et al., 1989). E x t e n s i o n
is d o c u m e n t e d in s e v e r a l o t h e r l o c a l i t i e s in t h e h i g h
A n d e s ( S ~ b r i e r et al., 1985, S ~ b r i e r et al., 1988).
, v

Address all correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr. C. Fig. 1. Shallow seiemicity of Peru from ISC bulletin (most
Dorbath, EOPGS, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France (Telephone: reliable solutions)between 1965 and 1983. Shaded area is above
33-88-416300; Fax:33-88-616747). 3000 meters elevation.

tion of the Andes by eastward migration of t h r u s t

faulting involving the whole crust, resulting in crust-
76 = 75 = 74 = 73 °
10 ° al thickening and uplift. The g r a v i t a t i o n a l body
forces acting on the region of high topography and the
buoyancy forces caused by the crustal root balance
the horizontal compressive stress applied on the
The crustal seismic activity within the Eastern
Cordillera and its eastern margin is quite low com-
pared to the subduction zone. Very few events are
likely to give reliable fault-plane solutions. More-
over, the hypocentral locations d e t e r m i n e d by the
International Seismological Center (ISC) are not
accurate enough to produce precise information about
the position of active faulting due to the lack of local
12 °
seismological stations and the uneven distribution of
d i s t a n t ones. This is p a r t i c u l a r l y true for focal
depths. In order to achieve such information, we in-
stalled a temporary network of portable stations in
the Eastern Cordillera and western side of the sub-
Andean zone.
13 °

Fig. 2. Tectonicand topographic map of the area under study.

Lightlyshadedregionsare above2000 meterselevation,and dark G E O L O G I C AND T E C T O N I C S E T T I N G
ones above 4000 meters. Seismictemporary stations are shown
by squares (digital)or diamond-shaped(analogic)symbols. Thick The array lies over three morphostructural zones:
solid lines are faults after M6gard(1978). Opencirclesare towns. the Mantaro Basin, which is the extension of the Alti-
plano to the north, the Eastern Cordillera, and the
sub-Andean zone (Figs. 2 and 4). The Mantaro Basin
1983). Microtectonic study of the scarp and fault- and its tectonic units were described in a previous
plane solutions show reverse faulting with some left- paper (Dorbath et al., 1990).
lateral strike-slip motion on planes dipping about 50 ° The Eastern Cordillera is an Andean anticlinor-
to the east (Philip and M6gard, 1977; Suarez et al., ium, about 100 km wide, bordered on both sides by
1983). faults. Outcrops are mainly crystalline Precambrian
From May 13 to June 12, 1980, a temporary net- and early Paleozoic rocks. However, large areas show
work of portable seismographs was operated in the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic cover; the latter has been
high plateaux and Eastern Cordillera of the Central folded during the Andean orogeny, principally during
Andes of Peru, in the vicinity of Huancayo (Suarez et the Late Cretaceous and late Eocene, and f a u l t e d
al., 1990). Only a few events occurred in the crust during the Miocene (Audebaud et a/.,1973; M6gard,
beneath the network, except along the Huaytapa- 1978). The most recent deformations correspond to a
llana fault. Most of the crustal microearthquakes ENE-WSW compression along the active Huaytapa-
were located to the east, in the western part of the llana fault (Philip and M6gard, 1977; Dorbath et al.,
sub-Andean region, at large distances from the net- 1990). In the area under study, the Eastern Cordi-
work, and therefore their focal depths are poorly con- llera culminate in the Huaytapallana range at more
strained. Most of the sufficiently well located events than 5500 meters. The elevation rapidly decreases
occurred at mid-crustal depth between 15 and 25 km, toward the east down to 500 meters in the sub-
and a significant number (10%) at depths greater Andean zone. The boundary between the E a s t e r n
than 35 km and up to 55 km. On the other hand, Cordillera and the sub-Andean region is g e n e r a l l y
Suarez et al. (1983) determined the focal depths of shown to be the zone of west-dipping reverse faults
large intracontinental earthquakes using synthetic that follows the 2000-meter contour line (Fig. 2).
waveforms and concluded that they range from 10 km The sub-Andean Zone is a 200-km-wide belt be-
to 38 km. These two sets of data suggest that the tween the Eastern Cordillera and the stable Brazilian
lower crust and possibly the uppermost mantle are in- Shield. It consists of sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic
volved in brittle deformation. Fault-plane solutions to Quaternary age, deposited without unconformities
of events in the sub-Andean region show reverse up to the Paleogene, and possibly up to the mid-Plio-
faulting on steeply west-dipping planes striking NW- cene (S6brier et al., 1988). The thickness of this sedi-
SE. This style of deformation would reflect the un- mentary cover is poorly known in the region but,
derthrusting of the Brazilian Shield under the East- more to the north, thicknesses up to 10 km have been
ern Cordillera. reported from seismic reflection s t u d i e s (Pardo,
The coexistence of normal faulting in the high 1982); it narrows and thins from north to south.
parts of the chain and reverse faulting on both sides Since mid-Pliocene time it has been folded, and asso-
led Suarez et al. (1983) to propose a model of construc- ciated steep west-dipping reverse faults developed,
Seismicity and tectonic deformation, central Peru 15

some of which are thought to affect the basement Product L4C vertical seismometers (lhz natural fre-
(Audebaud et al., 1973). This compressive regime of quency); the seismic signals were recorded on smoked
deformation continues up to now. paper at a speed of 60 mrrdmn. The internal clock
The western part of the sub-Andean zone, 30 km supplied a time mark every second. Drifts of the in-
to 40 km wide, is formed by NNW-SSE isopach cylin- ternal clocks were checked every 48 hours, by record-
drical folds, frequently overturned to the east. The ing time signal transmitted by WWV. Clock drifts
anticlines are generally flanked by west-dipping were linear and smaller than 0.05 s/day. We also
thrusts. This part of the sub-Andean region is limited checked that within a day the non-linear variations
to the east by a major reverse fault, first described by were inferior to the reading errors. The 9 other sta-
H a m m and Herrera (1963) (Fig. 2). Its vertical throw tions were digital 3-component magnetic tape Geo-
could reach 5000 meters. To the east, the intensity of stras recorders, developed at the IPG Strasbourg,
tectonic deformation rapidly decreases, and the dis- with Mark Products L22 seismometers (2 hz natural
tance between two successive folds increases. The frequency). The timing system was provided by a
Shira and Vilcabamba anticlines are the main feat- crystal clock synchronized by radio signal from the
ures. They are limited to the east by west-dipping Argentina transmitter of the Omega system.
faults. Toward the Brazilian Shield, some isolated A careful search of sites offering good recording
anticlines appear, separated by large flat synclines. conditions, e.g., quarries, closed mine galleries, allow-
The total amount of shortening is not well con- ed the set of gains at 84 db and 90 db for the stations
trolled, due to the absence of seismic profiling. In located on the Eastern Cordillera and from 78 db to
northern Peru, oil exploration data led Pardo (1982) 90 db for the ones in the sub-Andean region, despite
to interpret the sub-Andes as a thin-skinned fold-and- the scarcity of outcrops and the abundance of vegeta-
thrust belt. There, the shortening since mid-Pliocene tion in the lowlands. A filter with the band pass up-
times is about 50 km. This value is probably an upper per edge limit set at 30 hz was used.
limit in central Peru. The geographic coordinates and elevation of the
stations on the Eastern Cordillera were determined
using topographic maps at scales of 1/25,000 and
D E S C R I P T I O N OF THE NETWORK AND 1/100,000 from the Instituto Geografico Militar del
DATA A N A L Y S I S Peru; those in the sub-Andean region were deter-
mined using maps at scales of 1/25,000 and 1/10,000
Twenty short-period portable autonomous seis- from the Ministerio de Agricultura and unpublished
mic stations were operated during July and August army documents. The errors in locations are esti-
1985, equally distributed over the Eastern Cordillera mated to be 250 meters at the most.
and the sub-Andean region (Fig. 2, Table 1). We used The uncertainties in arrival times depend on the
11 Sprengnether MEQ-800 seismographs with Mark type of station. For the smoked paper analog record-

Table 1. Temporary network.

Elevation Model
Code Name Latitude Longitude (meters) Type ( T a b l e 2)

ACO Acopalca 11 ° 58.93S 75 ° 05.91W 3933 MEQ M

AMT Amauta 10 ° 59.07S 74 ° 46.57W 590 MEQ J
ANA SantaViviana 11 ° 21.41S 74 ° 43.10W 1200 GEO J
CAL Calabasa 11 ° 30.45S 74 ° 49.65W 2000 MEQ J
CAR Caracol 11 ° 24.46S 74 ° 30.76W 880 MEQ J
CHJI Chilifruta 1l ° 59.52S 74 ° 57.80W 3790 GEO M
HUA Huanca 11 ° 40.56S 74 ° 53.15W 4140 GEO M
HUY Huaytapallana 11 ° 57.67S 75 ° 02.54W 4325 MEQ M
MAY Maraynioc 11 ° 39.66S 75 ° 01.30W 3850 MEQ M
MAZ Mazamari 11 ° 17.88S 74 ° 27.43W 560 MEQ J
OCO Sta Rosade Ocopa 11 ° 51.50S 75 ° 16.65W 3543 GEO M
PUE PuebloPardo 10 ° 56.36S 75 ° 17.61W 730 GEO J
RAM SanRamon 11 ° 07.08S 75 ° 20.17W 700 MEQ J
RIC Ricran 11 ° 34.56S 75 ° 26.54W 4510 MEQ M
RIO RioNegro 11 ° 11.91S 74 ° 40.58W 750 GEO J
SAC Sacsacancha 11 ° 46.73S 75 ° 12.02W 4350 MEQ M
UBI Ubiriqui 10 ° 52.72S 75 ° 00.35W 810 MEQ J
UNC Mina SanVincente 11 ° 17.88S 75 ° 20.58W 2330 GEO J
YAU Yauli 11 ° 40.99S 75 ° 29.12W 3500 GEO M
YUR Yuracmayo 11 ° 27.62S 75 ° 31.40W 3620 GEO M

ers, the use of a magnifying lens allows a precision of Table 2. Velocity models.
0.05 mm, and thus the uncertainties in P-wave ar-
Mountain dungle
rival times are less than 0.1 second. For S-waves,
these uncertainties are of course greater; from com- km km/s km km/s
parison with digital records and an a posteriori con-
trol, we estimate S-wave arrival time uncertainties to 0 5.8 0 5.8

be about 0.5 second. Digital records were read on a 15 6.2 12 6.2

microcomputer, and we consider the uncertainties in 30 6.8 25 6.8
arrival times to be reduced by a factor of two with 50 8.0 40 8.0
respect to the analog records.
The earthquakes were located using the computer
program HYPOINVERSE (Klein, 1978), modified to ture from the epicenter without station lesser than
compensate for the differences in station elevation, 300°; epicentral distance to the nearest station less
because our network ranged from less t h a n 1000 than calculated focal depth. This set of the most reli-
meters above sea level to more than 4500 meters able hypocenters is labeled MRH. 4962 phases were
above sea level. used to compute Rtt hypocenters p a r a m e t e r s , and
The velocity structure in central Peru is poorly 2531 for MRH, that is 12 phases on average for each
known. Refraction studies were carried out in south- event from this last set.
ern Peru and northern Bolivia (Ocola et al., 1971; The focal depth is the parameter that generally
Ocola and Meyer, 1973), in s o u t h e r n Colombia displays the poorest resolution. The use of S phases
(Meissner et al., 1976), and in Ecuador (Durand, guarantees a good control on depths. It is worth not-
1987). Several tests were performed on selected ing that only 7% and 2%, respectively, of the RH and
earthquakes to determine the dependence of hypo- MRH focus were computed using only one S arrival
central locations on the choice of velocity structure. time, and 66% and 87%, respectively, were deter-
As in previous studies (e.g., Grange, 1983; Suarez et mined using 3 or more S phases. 90% of the events
a/.,1990), we found that epicentral coordinates do not have standard errors on depth less than 4.5 km and
strongly depend on the velocity model and that focal 3.5 km for Rlt and MRH sets, respectively. Neverthe-
depth is the parameter most sensitive to structural less, focal depth accuracy strongly depends on the
changes. Typical values are 2 to 4 km for changes in relative positions of hypocenters and seismic net-
epicentral coordinates and 4 to 8 km for depth vari- work. Figure 3 shows some typical RMS variations
ations. As expected, the earthquakes that show the with depth for an event near the H u a y t a p a l l a n a cor-
smaller hypocentral changes are events inside the dillera (Fig. 3a), two events in the sub-Andean zone
network or close to it. The Vp/V S ratio was deter- inside the array (Figs. 3b and 3c) and another one
mined from Wadati plot to be 1.73; this value has away from the network (Fig. 3d). The half-width of
been used throughout the data treatment. the curves where RMS = 1.5 R M S m i n , arbitrarily chos-
Two different structures have been used to simu- en as the uncertainty on the depth, varies from 2 to
late the increase in crustal thickness from the sub- 2.5 km for focus which lies inside the array or very
Andean region to the high chain. The model in Table close to it, to more than 5 km far outside. Finally, we
2 was adopted to locate all the events because it pro- estimate that the precision of the location is about 3
duces the smallest root mean square values of travel km in epicentral position and 5 km in depth for the
time residuals. This model is quite comparable to events inside the a r r a y or in its vicinity, t h a t is
those established in southern Colombia and Ecuador generally belonging to the MRH set, and twice these
and to that used by Grange et al. (1984). Station time estimations far from the network.
corrections were applied to all arrival times. These The magnitudes were computed from the dura-
delays were obtained from a previous location by av- tion of the coda using the relation established for
eraging the residuals of a selection of well located Alaska (Klein,1978), already used by Grange et al.
events at each station, ttowever, the delays were (1984) in southern Peru.
small and had only a weak influence on the final
Four hundred and eighty crustal events were S E I S M I C I T Y OF T H E E A S T E R N
located that meet the following criteria: 6 or more C O R D I L L E R A A N D SUB-ANDEAN ZONE
phases including one S; RMS less than 0.50 second;
conditioning number (ratio of the l a r g e s t to the
Huancayo Basin and Eastern Cordillera (Fig. 4)
smallest singular values of the matrix of partial deri-
vatives) less than 100. The locations of these events A detailed account of the seismicity of the Man-
with various velocity models differ by less than 10 km taro Basin and the Huaytapallana fault has already
even when they are located outside the array. These been published in previous papers (Suarez et al.,1990;
events form a set of reliable hypocenters labeled RH. Dorbath et a1.,1990), summarized briefly here.
Among this set, 215 events meet more restrictive cri- Along the H u a y t a p a l l a n a fault in the E a s t e r n
teria which insure that they are very well located: 8 Cordillera, the depths of the loci are less than 10 km.
or more phases including at least one S arrival time; Reverse faulting occurs on a plane dipping 50 ° to the
RMS less than 0.3 second; maximum azimuthal aper- east in a g r e e m e n t with the m e c h a n i s m s and the
Seismicity and tectonic deformation, central Peru 17

1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 km 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 km

Huaytapallana Amauta Cluster (Shallow)

20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 4 0 km 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 4 4 km

Amauta Cluster (Deep) Far f r o m t h e array

Fig. 3. VariationsofRMSwith depth for sometypicalevents.

neotectonic observations of the July 24 and October 1, centers agrees with field observations of the west-dip-
1969 large earthquakes. Precise relative determina- ping Altos del Mantaro fracture zone separating the
tion of hypocenters shows clustering around gaps that Western Cordillera from the Mantaro Basin (M6gard,
were not broken during the 1969 crisis, so that earth- 1978; Blanc, 1984}. In other parts of the high chain,
quakes of similar sizes may be expected in the future the activity is sparse.
in these locations. During the 1985 survey, another
cluster appeared in the Eastern Cordillera near Pam- Sub-Andean Zone
pas. These events lie outside the seismic array, and,
therefore, their depths are not well resolved; how- Figure 5 shows the epicenters of all the events
ever, they probably do not exceed 15 km. Focal mech- from the RH set. Figure 6 shows only the central part
anisms are comparable to those of the Huaytapallana of Fig. 5 where hypocenter parameters are better con-
fault zone. strained, because events are inside the n e t w o r k or
On the other side of the Mantaro Basin, seismic very close to it, and where focal m e c h a n i s m s m a y
activity has been found on the eastern flank of the have been produced; nearly all of these events belong
Western Cordillera. The spatial distribution of hypo- to the MRH set.
East of the Eastern Cordillera, a belt of intense
seismic activity is in evidence; it follows the general
strike of the chain. It is noteworthy that the activity
is much more abundant between 10.5°S and 11.5°S.
This pattern is not an artifact due to the n e t w o r k
geometry, and the criteria events have to be fulfilled
in order to be selected. This is obvious south of
11.5°S, where the seismicity rapidly decreases, al-
though several stations are close to it. In the same
latitude range the topography, outlined by the 2000-
meter contour line, and the different fault systems do
not follow a straight trend. Thus the seismic activity
concentrates where the eastern border of the Andes is
sharply deflected.
South of about 11.5°S, the epicenters lie west of
the fault that marks the border of the Eastern Cordi-
llera, in agreement with its westward dip recognized
on the field. Between 11.5°S and 10.8°S the epi-
centers lying to the southwest of the same fault define
a narrow weak band of activity following and even
accentuating the shift of the structures; it runs nearly
Fig. 4. Seismicity of the Mantaro basin and Eastern Cordillera east-west just south of 1 l°S. More to the north, very
(closed squares) and focal mechanisms of selected events from few events may define a band t u r n i n g back to t h e
Dorbath et al. (1990). Open triangles are seismic stations, open
circles are towns. Shaded regions are above 3500 meters eleva-
N140 ° azimuth as in the southern part. Therefore,
tion. Solid and segmented lines are faults after M~gard (1978) the fault t h a t marks the b o u n d a r y b e t w e e n the
and Blanc (1984). Andean range and the sub-Andean zone, recognized
SAES~4: I/2- -B

76 ° 75 ° 74 ° 73 °
10 °

11 °



Fig. 5. Seismicity of the aub-Andean region of central Peru on a topographic and tectonic frame (see Fig. 2). Depth of events is
indicated by increasing shades: 0-12.5 kin, 12.5-22.5 kin, > 22.5 kln. Also shown are the locations of the cross-sections on Fig. 7.

75.75 °

Fig. 6. Central part of Fig. 5 with individual focal mechanisms deduced from the inversion of polarities (Rivera and Cisternas,
Seismicity and tectonic deformation, central Peru 19

by geologists, is an active feature, even if this activity 8Z:45' I/2:?,5km L/Z:3Bkm

74,99 l d8 #1
is not as intense as that observed more to the east. -I0,95

The depths of the hypocenters do not exceed 25 km,

which is relatively shallow for the region, as will be
seen later on. Only a few focal mechanisms have
been constructed. Taking as fault plane the nodal 18 c~ ~ ~ 19 2
plane striking the same direction as the general trend
of the seismicity, almost all of them are pure sinistral
strike-slip faulting along the offset; a strong dip-slip Z9 D ZO;
inverse component is present elsewhere. Thus, from
its geometry and faulting type, this fault appears to
be formed by two parallel segments, where inverse z 38 ~ 39
faulting is dominant and offset by a sinistral wrench
z 35 35-
fault where the seismicity is more superficial. " 4
As already asserted in a previous paper (Dorbath , 4
et at., 1986) describing only a subset of all events, a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

major seismically active zone exists beyond the boun- ~Z:45° i/2:iBkm L/Z:3~a ?5.88 ;18 ~1
dary between the Eastern Cordillera and the sub-
Andean hills, within the sub-Andes. The epicenters
define an elongated zone about 120 km long and 20 ] ,L_
km wide, striking N140 °. It includes several clusters
where activity is very high, like that which we called ifl := 19 :
the Amauta cluster in the first paper. To the south, : 2 !
IS ~L- - -:: 15 -,
this seismic belt joins with that associated with the s
fault bounding the E a s t e r n C o r d i l l e r a at a b o u t
11.5°S. Focal mechanisms are dominantly inverse >[ ~ ?c

dip-slip faulting, but some of them are s i n i s t r a l

strike-slip (Fig. 6). ,- ~ ]

The uncertainty of the hypocenters parameters do

not allow a fine description of each of these clusters,
particularly to the north. A cross-section across the
A m a u t a cluster (see Fig. 5) is shown on Fig.7a. Fig. 7. a) Cross-section t h r o u g h the A m a u t a cluster following the
Depths of events range from 5 to 35 kin; the activity a z i m u t h N45 °. The arrow shows t h e trace of t h e fault. No v e r t i c a l
mainly occurs within the hanging block of the high- exaggeration, b)Cross section n o r t h of the previous one. S a m e
dipping fault which Ham and H e r r e r a (1963) des- characteristics as (a }.
cribed as separating the western part of the sub-
Andean zone, where tectonic deformation is very deformed zone to the east. These two fault systems
strong, from its eastern part, where tectonic de- are gathered south of 11.5°S to form only one.
formation is weaker. The dip of this fault is about In the eastern sub-Andes, some events have been
45°; H a m and Herrera (1963) measured more than 50 ° located. Since they are far from the seismic array,
at the surface. On the same cross-section a linear only events of relatively large magnitude were re-
dense concentration of hypocenters from 5 to 20 km corded by enough stations to be located, and among
suggests an antithetic fault steeply dipping eastward. them only the deepest ones passed the selection cri-
The result of inverse dip-slip movement along these teria. Thus, the overall picture is biased. Neverthe-
two faults should be the uplift of the prism bounded less, some epicenters may be related to the main
by them. Unfortunately, no precise topographic map geological faults mapped from SLAR imagery.
is available for this area, but this style of deformation
has been documented in other parts of the sub-Andes, State of Stress
e.g., in northern Argentina, where the absence of
vegetation allows direct observation of the faults Fifty-six events with a total amount of more than
(Jordan et al., 1983). Another cross-section (Figs. 5 600 polarities of first P-wave motion have been used
and 7b) displays a quite similar pattern relative to to determine the orientation and shape factor of the
the trace of the fault mapped by tIam and Herrera stress tensor (Fig. 8) using the method developed by
(1963). Rivera and Cisternas (1990}. The focal mechanisms
Therefore, the overall seismicity occurring in the presented in Figs. 6 and 7 are a by-product of the
western sub-Andes can be associated with two west- method. Generally the number of polarities is not
dipping fault systems: (i) the fault system that marks sufficient to identify one of the two focal planes as the
the boundary between the high chain and the sub- fault plane, as this method is potentially able to do.
Andean region, active all along this boundary and 92% of the polarities are explained by a single stress
more active south of ll°S; and (ii) the fault system tensor, and the likelihood, which takes into account
t h a t d i v i d e s the s u b - A n d e a n region b e t w e e n a the distance from the polarity to the nodal plane, is
strongly deformed belt to the west and a g e n t l y 0.95. The maximum principal stress is horizontal and

Subandean Zone
0 10 20 30 40 50 km

o 10 2~0km
Fig. 9. Distribution of d e p t h s for the m o s t r e l i a b l e e v e n t s
(TMRCRU) in the sub-Andean zone and in the Eastern Cor-

R= -0.9+/-0.4 to close solutions. Four other events were located at

Likelihood= 0.951 depths greater than 40 km, but they belong to the RH
Score= 0.918 set, so that their depth is not as well constrained as
Fig. 8. Stress tensor for the sub-Andean zone deduced from the
the first two. As there is no well determined activity
inversion of polarities of first arrivals. Lower hemisphere pro- between 35 km and 50 km (Fig. 9), it is tempting to
jection (Rivera and Cisternas, 1990). postulate that these events take place in the upper
mantle, which may be fragile under some conditions
(Chen and Molnar, 1983). It is not the only region
strikes 85°E; the minimum one is nearly vertical. where such an observation is reported. In the Tian
The direction of the compression is, therefore, very Shan, where the crust is being shortened along steep-
close to that of the convergence between the Nazca ly dipping inverse faults in a way very similar to that
plate and the South A m e r i c a n plate, a b o u t 80 ° which we observe in the sub-Andean zone, at least
according to Minster and Jordan (1978). The shape one well located event occurred between 40 and 50
factor, R = ol - 02 / o~ - o~ = -0.9, indicates a strong km (Molnar and Chen, 1982).
compressive regime.


SINCE 1947
One very peculiar feature of the crustal seis-
micity in the sub-Andean zone is the great depth of In this section we present focal mechanisms of the
the hypocenters in comparison with other active main earthquakes that occurred in the sub-Andean
regions in the world. Suarez et al. (1983) and Suarez region of central Peru, determined using the method
et al. (1990) assert that the whole crust may be af- developed by Jimenez et aI. (1989) (Fig. 10). In this
fected by faulting; however, in both studies determi- method focal mechanisms are determined by the ana-
nation of the depths is not of the best quality accord- lysis of three components: surface waves of single
ing to the authors. We present in Fig. 9 the distribu- station records, by inversion of the source phase, and
tion of the most reliable hypocentral (MRH) depths amplitude spectra in terms of the seismic m o m e n t
for the sub-Andean zone and the Eastern Cordillera. tensor components.
In the latter case, faulting affects only the upper part The first well documented earthquake in the area
of the crust. In strong contrast, in the sub-Andean under study occurred on November 1, 1947. Its epi-
zone, 42% of the events occurred at depths greater center, l l°S, 75°W according to USCGS, is situated
than 20 km, 10% at depths greater than 30 km and up within the main zone of activity we observed during
to 35 km. the 1985 field experiment. The m a g n i t u d e of this
Because the depth of the Moho is unknown, it is event was Ms=7.5 (USGS), and it is thought to be the
not possible to conclude that the whole crust has a greatest event in the region. Damage was particu-
fragile behavior, but our results strongly confirm that larly noticeable in Satipo, and the area of maximum
at least most of the crust, including its lower part, is intensity (IX M.M.) is just to the s o u t h e a s t of the
brittle. As assumed before, this observation may be calculated epicenter (Silgado, 1948). Goller (1949)
related to the underthrusting of the Brazilian Shield studied the aftershocks recorded at the H u a n c a y o
along the west-dipping fault previously set up, so that observatory; he determined their distances using S-P
cold material of the upper crust is buried. times and their azimuth from the P-wave polariza-
Two events occurred inside the network at depths tion. His results are shown on Fig. 10. The epicen-
close to 50 km, nearly at the vertex of the boundary ters lie east of the main shock location and of the
between the high chain and the lowlands (Fig. 6). seismic activity observed during our field work; this
Several attempts with different velocity models lead discrepancy probably results from the velocity model
Seismicity and tectonic deformation, central Peru 21

76 ° 75 ° 74 ° 73 °
100 j I


o o~

HES PAS d ~° o
0 0 GUHO
0 []
11° _
= B o~oo n 0

[] [] o n R °



12 ° • O

• [] 1947 (7.3) 0 <>

• z~ 1976 (6.6)

• 0 1977 (5.6)

• o 1982 (6.5)
13 ° , ,

Fig. 10. Main shocks (closed symbols) and their respective aftershocks sequences (open symbols) since 1947 (1947 from Goller,
others from ISC). Insets display focal mechanisms from single station inversion (Jimenez et al., 1989).

used by Goller and from e r r o r s i n h e r e n t in his The 17-km depth of the hypocenter is a value more
method. realistic than the 5 km given by the ISC. The seismic
To determine the focal mechanism of this event, moment, 5x l 0, corresponds to a magnitude
we used records from Weston (WES, USA), Pasadena Mw=7.1. This value is significantly higher than that
(PAS, USA) and Saint Maur (PAR, France). Purely given by NEIS; however, the two stations where the
inverse dip-slip faulting is found on a plane striking calculation of the seismic moment was possible indi-
about N155 ° and dipping about 30 ° (Fig. 10). This cate the same value.
last value seems to be too small compared with the The earthquake of March 8, 1977 (Ms=5.6) was
dips we observed previously (cf. Fig. 7a), and it will be located to the south of the previous one, but it was
the same for the two following events without any impossible to obtain its mechanism due to poor signal
obvious reason to explain this discrepancy. The depth to noise ratio.
is calculated at 22 km, which is rather shallow for the Finally, we studied the November 19, 1982 earth-
region. The moment, between 5 and 8.5×10 ~ dyne. quake, which was situated in the northern part of the
cm, corresponds to a magnitude Mw=7.1 to 7.2, a region: 10.61°S, 74.69°W from ISC. The inversion of
value close to that of Gutenberg and Richter (1954) the data from Toledo (TOL, Spain), Charters Tower
and Abe (1981), both of whom give a magnitude of 7.3 (CTAO, Australia), and Guam (GUMO, M a r i a n a s
for this event. Islands) leads to an inverse mechanism with a very
The second event we studied occurred on May 15, small sinistral component of strike-slip. The f a u l t
1976, at 11.62°S, 74.45°W, and at a depth of 5 km plane strikes about N150 ° and dips 30 ° to the south-
following ISC, with a magnitude Ms=6.6 (NEIS). ISC west. This solution is quite comparable to the focal
located only a few aftershocks following this event. mechanism obtained by the NEIS from first motion
The aftershock zone is contiguous to that of the 1947 (PDE) and to that of Dziewonski et al. (1983). The
earthquake but poorly defined. The focal mechanism aftershock zone (from ISC bulletins) depicts an elon-
was determined from the records obtained from Scott gated cluster about 50 km long to the north of the
Base (SBA, Antarctica), Riverview (RIV, Australia), 1947 one. We calculated a seismic moment ranging
and Rabaul (RAB, New Britain). It corresponds to an from 0.7 to 2x102e, thus a m a g n i t u d e M w
inverse fault with a small sinistral strike-slip compo- between 6.5 and 6.8, in agreement with M s .
nent if the plane dipping to the southwest is taken as The overall picture given by the major earth-
fault-plane. This strikes N115 ° and dips 37 °, a value quakes and their aftershocks is quite compara!~le to
close to that expected from microseismicity results. that produced by the microearthquake s u r v e y (see

Figs. 5 and 10), although the belt of activity at the uplift of a western sub-Andean block between the two
boundary between the E a s t e r n Cordillera and the fault systems. This last uplift can be noticed on topo-
sub-Andean zone north of l l ° S is not indicated by graphic maps (see Fig. 5); here, extensional stress due
teleseismic data. Among the two parallel branches to the increasing elevation compensates compressive
where seismic activity concentrates in this part of the stress, and the amount of activity decreases on the
area (see Fig. 5), it is by far the weakest. The two bordering fault. This assumption is in a g r e e m e n t
observations converge, but it cannot be asserted that with the low activity observed along the b o u n d a r y
any big earthquake could not occur there. The main fault at these latitudes. The process just described
shock and aftershock sequence of 1982 are about 25 leads to the widening of the chain toward the east in
km to the east of the b r a n c h defined by micro- such a manner that the ll°S topographic offset will
earthquakes; however, the relocation by Dziewonski progressively be removed.
et al. of this earthquake places the epicenter 0.25 ° It is well known that the shallow seismic activity
westward, i.e., within the active belt of the 1985 is very weak within the sub-Andean zone of southern
survey. Such an error of epicentral position by ISC is Peru and northern Bolivia (Jordan et al., 1983), i.e.,
not unusual in this portion of the Andes (Dorbath et along the widest part of the chain where the Alti-
al., 1990). Using the Dziewonski et al. location and plano is present. In Peru, the most seismically active
the distribution of activity determined by our net- area occurs between 9° and 13°S. Thus, the tectonic
work, the teleseismically located major earthquake process we proposed before leads to widening of the
and the following aftershock sequence are in fairly chain immediately north of the segment, where the
good agreement, the latter being, of course, more chain is already very wide. In the southern extremity
scattered. One may conclude that most of the major of the Altiplano, the chain again strongly n a r r o w s
earthquakes in this area occur on the fault bordering and intense seismic activity is also found, with a
the high chain south of l l ° S and its direct pro- thick-skin tectonic style similar to that which we ob-
longation to the north. Therefore, both microseismic served in central Peru and in a symmetric position
activity and major earthquakes take place on a single relative to the Altiplano (Jordan et al., 1983; Smalley
narrow fault system t h a t appears to be the main and Isacks, 1990). It must be emphasized that these
tectonic feature in the region. two zones where the width of the chain a b r u p t l y
changes, in central Peru and n o r t h e r n A r g e n t i n a ,
roughly correspond to changes in the slab shape.
DISCUSSION Between these two deflections, the subduction is
"normal" with a constant 30 ° dip, whereas north and
The configuration of the network warrants reli- south it is subhorizontal at a depth of 80-100 km
able depth determinations, at least for events belong- (Grange et al., 1984; Jordan et al., 1983). Therefore,
ing to the MRH set. The distribution of events with at both extremities of the Altiplano, the sub-Andean
depth (see Fig. 9} in the sub-Andes shows that even if zone is a zone of intense deformation where western
the whole crust is not involved in the shortening sub-Andean blocks are uplifted and accreted to the
process, at least a large part of the lower crust is. Eastern Cordillera.
This style of deformation, prevailing in the western During the last 50 years, the complete segment
part of the sub-Andes where depths are well control- between 10.5°S and 12.5°S has been broken by large
led, is in strong contrast with the thin-skin tectonics earthquakes (Fig. 10). Therefore, recurrence times
documented in southern Peru, Bolivia, and northern for these earthquakes should not be much larger than
Argentina (Allmendinger et al., 1983; Martinez and this time interval, because otherwise, the probability
Tomasi, 1978; Martinez, 1980), where the Altiplano for this segment being entirely broken d u r i n g this
becomes the major feature of the chain. More to the time interval would be very small. Since all the
east, the seismicity, sparse and far from the array, earthquakes have taken place on the same fault sys-
does not allow us to generalize the thick-skin tectonic tem, Brune's (1968) approach is sufficient to compute
deformation process to the entire sub-Andean belt. the rate of deformation. If Si and di are, respectively,
Moreover, the studies made by Ham and H e r r e r a the ruptured surface and the slip during the event i,
(1963) as well as Pardo (1982) suggest thin-skin then:
tectonics along a d~collement that may connect to the 1
western fault systems. Z Sid i = -
~t Z M o i
Our microseismic study reveals two active fault
systems, at the boundary between the Eastern Cor- where Moi is the static seismic moment. The mean
dillera and the sub-Andes and within the sub-Andes. slip distributed on the complete surface S is:
South of ll°S, these two systems gather to form only
one along the boundary. North of l l°S, they are ZSid i 1 ZMoi
parallel, a few tens of km apart. The faults dip west-
S ~ S
ward at angles of about 45 °. Focal mechanisms of and
microearthquakes, as with major shocks, are mostly
inverse dip-slip faulting. The consequence of such
movement is the uplift of the Eastern Cordillera 7 1 ZMoi
along its east-bordering fault and, north of ll°S, the d -
Seismicity and tectonic deformation, central Peru 23

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Acknowledgements--This work is part of a F r e n c h - P e r u v i a n Interiors 33, 76-90.
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