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Topic: Countable and Uncountable nouns

There is // There are : Haber

There is a cat. = SINGULAR

There are two cats. = PLURAL

Countable Nouns

-Son aquellos que se pueden contar utilizando números para cantidades conocidas: two apples,
six dogs, a car.

-Se pueden utilizar con las expresiones there is/there are: There is a car (hay un carro)/ there are
two cars (hay dos carros).

-Se pueden escribir en plural: cat/cats, lemon/lemons, box/boxes.

Uncountable nouns

-No se pueden contar por sí solos: arena, agua, humo, respeto, etc. Se necesita colocar un
CUANTIFICADOR antes de la palabra y una cantidad si es conocida: 3 granos de arena, 2 botellas
de agua, etc.

-No tienen forma plural. Ejemplos:

-Se pueden usar cuantificadores como los siguientes:

-Box: caja -Packet: paquete -Bag: bolsa -Bottle: botella -Jar: frasco -Glass: vaso

-Cup: taza -Bar: barra -Piece: pieza -Grain: granos -slice: rebanada -can: lata

-drop: gota -tube: tubo -a bit: un pedazo -roll: rollo

Two packets of Sugar

I bought 3 boxes of cereal.

Apples- 10 apples

Carrots- 5 carrots

Toothpaste- a packet of toothpaste

Oranges- 3 oranges

Aluminium foil- one box of aluminium foil

Coffee- two cups of coffee

Wáter- four glasses of water

-Se pueden usar unidades de medida:

Weight (Peso): grams/kilograms Distance (Distancia): Meters/ kilometers

Time (tiempo):

Second: Segundo Month: Mes

Minute: Minuto Year: año

Hour: Hora

Day: Día

Week: Semana
Cuantificadores para cantidades desconocidas

Countable Uncountable
Few Pocos/Poco Little
Fewer Menos Less
Many Muchos/Much Much
Several Varios
So many Tantos/Tanto So much
Too many Demasiados/Demasiado Too much

Cuando se desconoce una cantidad concreta, se usan cuantificadores. Si queremos usar el verbo
haber, se usara “There are” para countable nouns y “There is” para uncountable nouns:

4 bottles of milk

There is much milk


Candy /// Milk

There are few candies.

There is Little milk.

There are fewer candies.

There is less milk

There are many candies

There is much milk

There are several candies

There is much happiness.

There is Little justice

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