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Level I

Term 1 (9 weeks plan-3 sentences weekly)

I felt anxious as I waited to find out what my test
anxious : Je me suis senti anxieux en attendant les
1 anxious .‫ ِع ْندَما ُكنْتُ أ َ ْنتَظِرُ نَتائِ َج ٱمْ تِحانِي‬،‫ق‬
ِ َ‫ش َعرْ تُ ِب ْالقَل‬
َ : anxious
results would be. résultats de mon test.
Once the wood was burnt, all that was left was ash : Une fois le bois brûlé, il ne restait plus que la
2 ash .ُ‫ ﻻ يَبْقى إِ ﱠﻻ الرﱠ ماد‬، ُ‫ ِع ْندَما يَحْ ت َِر ُق ْال َخشَب‬: ash
ash. cendre.
You should be ashamed of yourself for being ashamed : Tu devrais avoir honte d'être grossier
3 ashamed . َ‫ ي َِجبُ أَنْ ت َ ْخ َج َل مِ نْ نَ ْفسِكَ ِﻷَنﱠكَ ُك ْنتَ فَظا َم َع أ ُ ِمّك‬: ashamed
rude to your mother. envers ta mère.
awkward : Il est difficile de répondre à des
4 awkward It is difficult to answer awkward questions. ِ ‫ع ِن ْاﻷ َ ْس ِئلَ ِة ْال ُم‬
.‫حْر َج ِة‬ َ ُ‫اﻹجابَة‬
ِْ ‫ب‬
ِ ‫ص ْع‬
‫ ِم َن ال ﱠ‬: awkward
questions délicates.
We could not breathe because smoke had filled breathe : Nous n’arrivions plus à respirer à cause
5 breathe .َ‫ لَ ْم نَت َ َمكﱠنْ مِ نَ التﱠنَفﱡ ِس ِﻷَنﱠ الدﱡخانَ َم َﻸ َ ْالغُرْ فَة‬: breathe
the room. de la fumée qui emplissait la chambre.
caution : Les enfants doivent faire preuve de
Children should use caution when using a knife
6 caution prudence lorsqu’ils utilisent un couteau ou une .‫َص‬ ٍّ ‫دام ِس ّكِي ٍن أ َ ْو مِ ق‬
ِ ْ‫طفا ُل ْال َحذَ َر ِع ْندَ ٱ ْستِخ‬
ْ َ ‫ ي َِجبُ أَنْ يَت ََوخﱠى ْاﻷ‬: caution
or a pair of scissors.
paire de ciseaux.
I must confess, I am much happier now than I confess : Je dois avouer que je suis beaucoup plus
7 confess
once was. heureux maintenant qu’avant. ِ ِ‫علَ ْي ِه فِي السﱠاب‬
.‫ق‬ َ ُ‫ف أَنﱠنِي أ َ ْكثَر‬
َ ُ‫سعادَة ً ْاﻵنَ ِم ﱠما ُكنْت‬ َ ‫ي َِجبُ أَنْ أ َ ْعت َِر‬: confess
flame : Les flammes s’amplifiaient au fur et à
8 flame The flames grew higher as the fire spread. .‫ اِزْ دادَ اللﱠ ِهيبُ أ َ ْكث َ َر ِع ْندَما ٱزْ دادَ ْال َح ِري ُق ٱ ْنتِشارً ا‬: flame
mesure que l’incendie se propageait.
Don't hesitate to ask me if you are unsure about hesitate : N'hésite pas à me demander si tu n'es
9 hesitate ٍ َ ‫غي َْر ُمت َأ َ ِ ّك ٍد مِ نْ أ‬
.‫مْر ما‬ َ َ‫ ﻻ تَت ََردﱠدْ فِي أَنْ تَسْأَلَنِي إِذا ُك ْنت‬: hesitate
anything. pas sûr de quoi que ce soit.
The children were looking forward to their holiday : Les enfants étaient impatients d’aller en ْ ‫طفا ُل يَت ََرقﱠبُو َن ع‬
ْ َ ‫ كانَ ْاﻷ‬: holiday
10 holiday .‫ُطلَت َ ُه ْم فِي إِسْبانِيا‬
holiday in Spain. vacances en Espagne.
Some kids believe in imaginary things like imaginary : Certains enfants croient en des choses
11 imaginary
monsters and tooth fairies. imaginaires comme les monstres et les fées. ِ ‫ت ْاﻷَس‬
.‫ْنان‬ ِ ‫طفا ِل بِأَشْيا َء خَيا ِليﱠ ٍة ِمثْ َل ْال ُوح‬
ِ ‫ُوش َو ِج ِنّيﱠا‬ ْ َ ‫ْض ْاﻷ‬
ُ ‫يُؤْ مِ نُ بَع‬: imaginary

The audience shrieked with laughter as the laughter : Le public s'est tordu de rire quand le
12 laughter .ِ‫ع ِن ْال َمس َْرح‬
َ ‫اِ ْنفَ َج َر ْال ُج ْمهُورُ ضاحِ ًكا ِع ْندَما َوقَ َع ْال ُم َه ِ ّر ُج‬: laughter
clown fell off the stage. clown est tombé sur scene.
It is important to write an outline before writingoutline : Il est important d'établir un plan avant de
13 outline .ِ‫ص ِميمٍ قَ ْب َل كِتابَ ِة ْال َم ْوضُوع‬
ْ َ ‫ ِم َن ْال ُم ِه ِ ّم كِتابَةُ ت‬: outline
an essay. rédiger un essai.
The mailman delivered a small package to the package : Le facteur a livré un petit colis à la
14 package .‫صغِيرً ا إِلى ْال َمن ِْز ِل‬ َ ‫سلﱠ َم ساعِي ْالب َِري ِد‬
َ ‫طرْ دًا‬ َ : package
house. maison.
Money and expensive belongings were kept in treasury : L'argent et les objets précieux ont été
15 treasury .‫ت ْالقَيِّ َم ِة فِي ْالخ َِزينَ ِة‬
ِ ‫ظ بِ ْالما ِل َوبِ ْال ُم ْمتَلَكا‬
ُ َ‫ يُ ْحتَف‬: treasury
the treasury. conservés à la trésorerie.
The little girl takes her toys with her wherever wherever : La petite fille emporte ses jouets là où ّ ِ ‫ ت َأ ْ ُخذُ ال‬: wherever
16 wherever . ُ‫ْث تَذْهَب‬
ُ ‫ِيرة ُ لُعَبَها َمعَها َحي‬
َ ‫صغ‬‫ط ْفلَةُ ال ﱠ‬
she goes. elle va.
The woman stroked her crying son's face and wipe : La femme caressa le visage de son fils en
17 wipe
wiped away his tears. pleurs et essuya ses larmes. َ ‫ت ْال َمرْ أَة ُ َو ْجهَ ٱ ْبنِها ْالباكِي َو َم‬
.ُ‫س َحتْ دُ ُمو َعه‬ َ ‫دا‬: wipe
ِ َ‫عب‬
rust : Si tu laisses ton vélo sous la pluie, il va
18 rust If you leave your bicycle in the rain, it will rust. .ُ ‫صدَأ‬
ْ َ ‫ست‬ َ ‫ ِإذا ت ََر ْكتَ دَرﱠ ا َجت َكَ فِي ْال َم‬: rust
َ ‫ط ِر‬
The scenery from the top of the mountain was scenery : Du haut de la montagne, le panorama
19 scenery .‫يﻼ مِ نْ قِ ﱠم ِة ْال َجبَ ِل‬ َ ‫كا َن ْال َم ْن‬: scenery
ً ‫ظرُ َج ِم‬
beautiful. était très agréable.
The student got a zero because he cheated cheat : L'étudiant a eu un zéro parce qu’il a triché
20 cheat .‫ِحان‬ ‫ص ْف ٍر؛ ِﻷَنﱠهُ غ ﱠ‬
ِ ‫َش فِي ِاﻻمْ ت‬ َ ُ‫ص َل الت ّ ِْلمِ يذ‬
ِ ‫على د ََر َج ِة‬ َ ‫ َح‬: cheat
during the test. pendant le test.
The parents held a feast for their son's feast : Les parents ont organisé une fête pour le
21 feast َ ‫ع ْودَةِ ٱ ْبنِ ِهما إِلى ْال َو‬
.‫ط ِن‬ َ ً‫قام ْالوالِدا ِن َولِي َمة‬
َ ِ‫على ش ََرف‬ َ َ ‫ أ‬: feast
homecoming. retour de leur fils au pays.
I didn't get a full grade because I made some grammatical : Je n'ai pas eu de note maximale car ‫ْض ْاﻷَخْ طاءِ فِي‬
َ ‫على د ََر َج ٍة كامِ لَ ٍة ِﻷَنﱠنِي ٱرْ ت َ َكبْتُ َبع‬ ُ ْ‫لَ ْم أَح‬: grammatical
َ ‫ص ْل‬
22 grammatical
grammatical errors. j'ai fait quelques erreurs grammaticales. .‫ْالقَوا ِع ِد‬
Everything was heavenly about our vacation, heavenly : Tout était paradisiaque pendant nos ‫ َوﻻ ِسيﱠما ال ﱠ‬،‫ي ٍء رائِعًا فِي إِجازَ تِنا‬
23 heavenly ُ ‫ط ْق‬
.‫س‬ َ ‫ كا َن ُك ﱡل‬: heavenly
ْ ‫ش‬
especially the weather. vacances, en particulier la météo.
homework : Avez-vous beaucoup de devoirs à faire
24 homework Do you have a lot of homework for tomorrow?
pour demain ? َ ‫ت ْال َمد َْر ِسيﱠ ِة‬
‫غدًا؟‬ ِ ‫هَلْ لَدَيْكَ ْال َكثِيرُ ِمنَ ْال‬: homework
ِ ‫واجبا‬
inventor : Thomas Edison est l'inventeur de
25 inventor Thomas Edison is the inventor of the light bulb.
l'ampoule électrique. ّ ‫ع ْالمِ صْباحِ ْال َكه َْربا ِئ‬
.ِ ‫ي‬ ُ ‫تُوماس ِإديسُون ه َُو ُم ْخت َِر‬: inventor
The doctor advised him to exercise in moderation : Le médecin lui a conseillé de ‫ أ َ ْوصاهُ ال ﱠ‬: moderation
26 moderation .‫ياضيﱠ ِة بِٱ ْعتِدا ٍل‬
ِ ‫الر‬ ِ ‫س ِة الت ﱠ‬
ّ ِ ‫ماري ِن‬ َ ‫مار‬
َ ‫طبِيبُ بِ ُم‬
moderation. s’entrainer avec modération.
The famous writer accepted the award with modesty : Le célèbre écrivain a reçu le prix avec
27 modesty .ٍ‫ اِ ْستَلَ َم ْالكاتِبُ ْال َم ْشهُورُ ْالجائِزَ ة َ بِ ُك ِّل ت َواضُع‬: modesty
modesty. modestie.
moonlight moonlight : L’eau ressemblait à une coulée
28 The water looked silver in the moonlight. .‫ض ْوءِ ْالقَ َم ِر‬
َ ‫ضيﱠةً فِي‬
ّ ِ ِ‫ت ْال ِمياهُ ف‬
ِ َ‫ بَد‬: moonlight
d'argent au clair de lune.
convenient What time would be convenient for you to meet convenient : À quelle heure te convient-il de me
with me? rencontrer ? َ ‫ي ن َْلتَق‬
‫ِي؟‬ ْ ‫ ما ه َُو ْال َو ْقتُ ْال ُمناسِبُ ِبالنِّ ْسبَ ِة ِإ َليْكَ ِل َك‬: convenient
30 friendship I value our friendship very much. friendship : J'apprécie beaucoup notre amitié. .‫صداقَت َنا َكثِيرً ا‬ َ ُ‫ أُقَ ِدّر‬: friendship

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