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Example of a policy

Develop and Manage Quality Customer Service Practices

Name of policy:

Grooming and Presentation Policy

Purpose statement/scope:

The purpose of this policy is to provide a standard of dress and personal

presentation code for all staff members to follow while on shift and to ensure
that all staff are aware of the importance of this policy within the workplace.
Staff appearance and grooming is one of the most important components that
can have a direct impact on how guests view the workplace image as well as
how you are viewed by colleagues and management.

Staff guidelines for this policy:

All staff must adhere to the following guidelines concerning their grooming and
personal presentation:

1. All staff should arrive at work with sufficient time to dress in uniform
and store personal belongings before starting work
2. All staff are to ensure that their uniform is ironed, neat and tidy before
starting shift
3. Hair should be clean, well-kept and combed, long hair to be tied back
and beards to be trimmed with neat edges
4. All staff are to ensure that they wear their name badge at all times
5. All staff are to ensure that they wear black enclosed and flat shoes
6. Maintain a high level of personal hygiene and care standards
7. All staff are to ensure that they wear well-fitted, correct uniform that is
provided by the business
8. Staff are to ensure all face piercings are removed or covered with a skin
coloured bandage
Example: One stud earring in each ear is permitted, however all others should
be covered

Staff Responsibilities

Staff are required to dress as per guidelines and correctly follow this policy at
all times while on shift or representing the business.

It is the staff member’s responsibility to look after their own name badge and
ensure their uniform has been laundered prior to every shift.

Being dressed incorrectly without advising a manager of the reason is not

acceptable and staff should not have contact with guests if this is the case.

This organisation is inclusive and celebrates diversity. Any staff member

requiring additional uniform items to accommodate should contact
management prior to shift.

Management Responsibilities

The Manager’s responsibility is to ensure they understand the policy and are
able to answer any questions about this policy to staff.
They must monitor and make sure that all staff members present are in
accordance with this policy before they begin work.
Management are to ensure that implementation and any subsequent changes
of this policy is provided to staff in a timely manner.
Management are to ensure that all staff are provided with appropriate
induction training along with a copy of this policy.
It is expected that the executive and management team endorse and support
this policy in the execution of their responsibilities.

Date created: 30/04/2019

Review date: 30/04/2020

Signature of Manager: Rebecca Seale

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