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 The role of economic values to the development of personal values
 The role of social values to the development of personal values
 The role of political values to the development of personal values

Great day everyone!

I hope you’ve been doing great things these days and staying safe as always!
Today we’re gonna talk about the rest of the topics under PERSONAL VALUES AND ITS

To continue….
The following are as follows:
 The role of economic values to the development of personal values

 The role of social values to the development of personal values

 The role of political values to the development of personal values

Now let’s start with…..

The role of economic values to the development of personal values

So like any form of values, economic values play a major part that truly contributes to
the growth of one’s personal development.
It determine how one, acts based on his needs such as food, shelter and other
necessities in life.
In an excerpt from our book PERSONAL VALUES AND ITS DEVELOPMENT….
As it says…
The more the man is deprived by such basic needs in terms of their unavailability to him,
the more his need has become intense so that the temptation to acquire the same has become
more urgent. Hence, usually those lack of spiritual values or whose foundation of the same is
weak, are tempted to commit crimes against properties such as thief, robbery, hold-up, or

In this part, we will think of it as something that human nature does show.
In some cases, if we will ask ourselves “ how badly we need these basic necessities at
our ends “….
It will be always a no brainer to say that probably 98 to 99% of us agree that we badly
need it!
Well, very simple.
We all need these things in order to survive!
Moreover, other so called necessities….

All play a major role to humankind, the ability to supply, sustain, and survive for a
Imagine life or our lives without having these things….
Do you think you (or we) can survive for a lifetime?

You see…
By any means, people will do anything at their best to get such from time to time.
And when unavailability comes in….
There often leads some people to commit certain crimes especially in times where there
seems nowhere to go or no one to lean on.
The things that basically what make us people survive are actually the areas of concern
which prompt people to do either terrible or unwanted actions that don’t just break humanity
in a general context….
……..But also freeing spots that may destroy our build as a whole human being.
To a certain distinction….
…….And as highlighted within our book….
Hence, usually those lack of spiritual values or whose foundation of the same is weak, are
tempted to commit crimes against properties such as thief, robbery, hold-up, or estafa.
This is a great example that people must develop and sustain strong personal and
spiritual values within at all times.
For while personal beliefs and integrity create a strong appreciation to the things
around (and you have)….
It’s what I believed that our spiritual affirmations and beliefs as well, lead us to weight
our initial personal decisions before doing it.
Personally, I used to it.
Yes I did.
On the context as a human being with a firm belief of advantages of having spiritually
Whenever I make decisions, I always consider if after all my decisions would lead to my
internal pleasures:
My Integrity.
And so on.
______Or simply satisfy only temporary and external pleasures.
As a human being, I do believe that internal gratitude is far better than a mere external
For the true essence of humanity is humanity itself and humanity to humanity.
I mean, being human to yourself and appearing as human to the others.
It’s where we humans even become extraordinary ones.
Not only for ourselves, but pretty much for the others!

Now moving on.

Economic values determine man’s attitude toward his fellowmen as to whether he is

selfish or philanthropist, whether he is spiritually or materially motivated and ultimately
whether he is a corrupt public officer or one who is true and dedicate public servant.

This is very evident.

Especially when you are going to reflect on the people that surrounds us.
Look at your friends, colleagues, and acquaintances….
Do their social status resembles their personal values as to how they speak, act, and
interact with people?
Do everything align with them as a whole human being?
Most of the time, I (or we) find it all very true.

You see it’s not a coincidence….

……..But a concrete view that when someone is being fulfilled within himself in the first
place, he’ll likely spread that fulfilment towards to other people.
What he got in total value may contribute also to the value he may give to people that
surrounds him.
Think the wealthiest…
Or very successful people….
Do you think some or most of them are giving money or helping people because they
have the social means to help in terms of having a vast of wealth?
While certainly, it’s considered but after all….
That’s not only the case.
The point is….
The reason behind if you think it deeply as how we reflect this view to our previous
points about understanding the importance and role of economic values to personal values by
an individual…..
Is simply….
People help or give people because not only they have it but also they’re used to it to
certain degrees of their lives.
When they fulfil other people, the sense of fulfilment even greater back to themselves.
Isn’t it the beauty of true gratitude as human beings?
I bet you would agree.
Like who doesn’t want to be fulfilled and fulfil other people?
Or vice versa.

By understanding and applying the role of economic values to the development of

personal values….
Not only we could learn and develop our core importance as human beings to other
But eventually learn and develop a good practice to how we interact with each other’s
And that’s what we’ll cover on this next topic.

The role of social values to the development of personal values

Social values constitutes the man’s outlook on a given society to which he belongs.
Social values form an important part of the culture of the society.
They provide the general guidelines for social conduct.
Values such as fundamental rights, patriotism, respect for human dignity, rationality, sacrifice,
individuality, equality, democracy etc. guide our behaviors in many ways.
These are the criteria people use in assessing their daily lives; arrange their priorities and
choosing between alternative courses of action.

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