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The Fluidity of Student Exchange

Gender Norms & Racial Bias in the Study of “Student Exchange”

A student exchange program is a program in which students from secondary school or

university abroad at one of their institution’s partner institution.
A student exchange program may involve international travel, but does not necessarily require
the students to study outside their home country. Foreign exchange program provide student with
an opportunity to study in a different country environment experiencing the history and culture
of, as well as meeting new friend to enrich their personal development. International exchange
program also effective to challenge students to develop a global perspective.
The term “Exchange” means that partner institution accept the students, but does not necesseraly
mean that the students have to find a counterpart from the other instituition with whom to
exchange. Exchange students live with a host family or in a designated place such a hosel, an
apartement, or a students lodging. Cost for the program vary by the country and instituition,
participant fund their participation by scholarship, loans, or self-funding. Student exchange
become popular after WORLD WAR II, and are to intended to increase the participant’
understanding and tolerance of other cultures, as well as improving their language skill and
broadening their social horizons. Student exchange also increase after the end of COL WAR. An
exchange student typically stay in the host country for a period of 6 to 12 months however,
student may opt to stay for one semester at one time. International student or those on study
abroad programs may stay in the host country for several years. Some exchange programs also
offer academic credit.
Types of exchange programs
Short-term exchange
A short-term exchange programs is also know as summer/intensive or cultural exchange program
these focus on homestay, language skill, community service, or cultural activities. High school
and university student can apply for the program through varios government or non-
governmental organitazion that organize the program. A short-term exchange lasts from one
week to three months and doesn’t require the student to study in any particular school or
institution. The students are exposed to intensive program that increases their understanding of
other cultures communities, and languages
Long-term exchange
A long-term exchange is one which lasts six to ten month or up to one full year. Participants
attend high school or university in their host countries, through a student visa. Typically guest
students coming to the united states are issued a J-1 cultural exchange visa or an F-1 foreign
student visa students are expected to integrate themselves into the host family, immersing
theselves in the local community and surroundings, upon their return to their home country they
expected to incorporate this knowledge into their daily lives, as well as give a presentation on
their experience to their sponsors. Many exchange program expected to incorporate this
knowledge in the language of the host country, at least on a basic level. Some programs require
students to pass a standardized test for English language comprehension prior to being accepted
into a program taking them to the united states. Other programs do not examine language ability.
Most exchange programs, such as congress-bundestag youth exchange, are government-funded
The Council on standards for international educational travel is a not-for-profit
organizationcommitted to qualiy international educational travel andexchange for youth at high
school level.

Application process
Long-term exchange applications and interviews generally take place 10 months in advance of
departure, but sometimes as little as four months. Students generally must be between the ages of
13 and 18. Some programs allow students older than 18 years of age in a specialized work-study
Some program require a preliminary application from with fees, and then schedule interviews
and a longer application form. Other programs request a full application from the beginning and
then schedule interviews. High school scholarship programs often require a set GPA of around
2.5 or higher. Programs select the candidates most likely to complete the program and serve as
the best ambassador to the foreign nation. Students in some programs, such as rotary, are
expected to go to any location where the organization place them, and students are encouraged
not to have strict hope

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