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Table of contents Pages

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Define both type of communication channels

 Formal channel
 Informal channel

3.0 Explanations for formal channels within groups and teams

 Wheel Network
 Chain Network
 Circle Network
 All Channel Network

4.0 Explanations for informal network

 Grapevine
 Gossip Chain
 Cluster Chain

5.0 Recommendation to organisation for better approaches

in communication especially in groups and teams

6.0 Summary

7.0 Reference

1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this assignment is to study the differences between formal and
informal communication within groups and teams.

3.0 Define both type of communication channels

 Formal channel
 Informal channel

Culture can be defined as a set of values shared by groups while communication is the
process of communicating information in the form of concepts or ideas from sender to
receiver. Cross-cultural communication refers to the communication between people of
different cultures. Communication is between two parties that transcends national borders and
involves many languages and cultures.

Communication according to Suhaimi Arif Samiun (2014, March 16) is one of the important
elements of human life. each person communicates and interacts in their daily life to achieve
a certain satisfaction or need. As with basic things like food and shelter, communication is
very important. In the context of work, employees will communicate with each other to
launch their day-to-day work and routines, which often involves the process of exchange and
coordination of information. Therefore, communication influences most of the day-to-day
activities as it determines the efficiency and progress of an organization.

There are two types of channels in the communication chain for information flow. These
types of channels are both formal and informal channels. Formal channels flow upward along
the power chain and are restricted to communications-related work. Informal channels are
known as 'rumors' that flow freely in all directions across levels of power and meet the social
needs of groups.
Examples of formal channels are requests, directives, orders and reports, while examples of
informal channels are feelings sharing, casual discussions and gossip.

3.0 Explanations for formal channels within groups and teams

 Wheel Network
 Chain Network
 Circle Network
 All Channel Network

There are four basic channels for groups and teams. These include wheel networks, chain
networks, circle networks and all channel networks. Figure 1 below shows the network of
communication in groups and teams.

Figure 1: Network of communication in groups and teams.

(Source: OUM Books)

Wheel Network

Wheel network represent information channels that flow to or from team members who often
act as leaders. This type of network is usually able to achieve its goal of communicating
through leaders even when other people are not communicating with each other. Wheel
network exist in groups that perform tasks in groups where each member of the team is
responsible and has their own role in completing a task. The network is ideal for simple tasks
and requires efficient and accurate solution. However, the wheel network is not suitable for
complex tasks or tasks. There is no denying that many people find the wheel network to be
unattractive and not the usual choice as it requires close interaction between members.

Chain Network

Chain networks show members communicating with each other through a multi-level formal
chain command. Chain networks exist in a working group that relies on task sequences such
as line assembly. Worker B's job depends on employee's job A. The shape of the network
solves simple and complex tasks in simple speed and accuracy. This network pattern certainly
gives a limited satisfaction to all group members. However, chain networks are rarely
practiced in groups as they offer limited interaction among members.

Circle network

In a circle network, members of the group are free to communicate with people with
experience, trust, expertise, background, office location and more. Certain team members
usually prefer to communicate with more experienced people or from similar backgrounds.
This type of network enables decisions made quickly and correctly for complex tasks. The
circular network opens up space for any individual to provide feedback. This network is
usually used by the working group as all members have a better job satisfaction through it.

A network of all channels

Networks of all channels can be categorized as higher level communication within a group.
Each team member communicates with each other in a team. Top management and its own
management team as well as cross-cultural often use all types of network networks.
4.0 Explanations for informal network

 Grapevine
 Gossip Chain
 Cluster Chain

Formal communication is known as formal communication. Informal communication is

known as grapevine. An informal network refers to the transmission or process of sending a
message from one person to another without the use of a formal channel that results from the
flow of organizational charts. this informal network can be understood by the rumors that
exist within an organization. This rumor exists because of the curiosity factor about what
happens in an organization that affects other people. However, rumors are an important
source of information evidenced by a source saying that as many as 75% of workers receive
first-hand information related to the latest issues in the organization through news. It is not
surprising that between 75% - 95% of the information obtained from rumors is accurate. This
is due to the following factors:

1. Information disseminated is interesting, up-to-date and timely

2. Face-to-face information provides instant feedback or response from newsletters. Thus, it

is possible to ensure the correct interpretation of a message and to prevent communication
errors to ensure the accuracy of the message

3. Accurate information can be verified by obtaining direct confirmation from employees.

Rumor has three main features:

1. Not controlled by management

2. Information obtained from rumors is more reliable and reliable than formal communication

3. Most rumors are used to take care of yourself

There are two types of rumor networks. First, the gossip chain and the second is the group

Gossip chain

The gossip chain involves individuals with powerful influential information sharing with
many users and employees. The information conveyed to the recipient will affect them. The
response or response of the recipient is immediate because the communication takes place
spontaneously and in two ways.

Group chain

Unlike gossip chains, group chains occur when individuals share information with a few
specific friends. The propagation of the information flow and the difference in the speed of
information distribution between these two networks can be illustrated in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Newsletters communication network.

(Source: OUM Books)

5.0 Recommendation to organisation for better approaches in communication
especially in groups and teams

In recent years, the modern office environment has changed a lot. The demands, expectations,
policies, norms, regulations, and work culture of workers are very different. The success of a
project depends on many of your teams, it must be strong and it can only be strong if there
are effective communication strategies. As a result, the importance of regular, seamless
relationships has increased significantly in recent years. Regular communication means to
keep everyone in the loop personally and through technology. Business leaders and experts
should be careful how to keep employees informed through regular communication
monitoring in the interests of team communication.

According to Kamaruzaman Moidunny (2012, September 17), effective communication has

five specific features:

(1) Understanding of information,

(2) Fun while communicating information,

(3) Influences on attitudes, values and beliefs as a result of the information to be conveyed,

(4) Improved relationships and

(5) There is a subsequent action.

Effective communication depends on three components:

(1) The message carrier is able to convey the message clearly and well,

(2) The medium used to deliver the message does not affect the message delivered and

(3) The recipient of the message may receive the message as delivered, be able to process the
message and respond accordingly.
The importance of effective team communication

Changing technologies bring about change in the workplace with a focus on very important
communications. It is important for team members to clearly know what their team members
are selected for, their ideas and their plans for the project. Managers or team leaders should
delegate roles and responsibilities in the interests of their teams. In the event of any
communication breakdown, it can take a toll on the workload, leading to new challenges to
consider. Communication is an early challenge. Eventually, the communication will lead to a
wonderful reception overall. Communication stories can be used to achieve various
organizational goals such as trusting one another, getting things done better and in an easier
way and knowing what to say and when to say it.

There are some ways how to communicate with our team more effectively.

(1) Addressing communication disorders

(2) Use the latest technology

(3) Freedom of expression

(4) Restructuring the organization

(5) Improve interpersonal relationships

1. Addressing Communication Disorders

One of the major problems facing effective communication is communication disruption.

Interruptions in communication are those that interfere with and hinder the effectiveness of
communications that result in incorrect information being misinterpreted or misinterpreted.
There are two types of disruptions: technical disruption and disruption of meaning. Technical
disruptions are factors that may cause the listener to misunderstand or misunderstand the
message he or she is listening to. Examples include speakers talking stutters or other noises.
Meaning disruption or otherwise referred to as semantic disruption occurs when the listener
and speaker do not agree on the meaning.
These communication disorders can be attributed to the factors of distance, time, language,
systems and rules that exist. The farther away when communicating the more information
becomes fuzzy or lost, so it is very important for an employer to stay close to its subordinates
when communicating. Employers also need to determine when it is best to convey
information such as taking five minutes each morning to convey information to their

The use of uniform, easy-to-understand language when communicating information will help
employers increase the effectiveness of their communication. In this case the use of the
Malay language is the official standard should be emphasized in order to standardize its use
in the office. The systems and rules used in the office should support the delivery of all three
forms of communication, verbal, written and non-verbal. Thus, the employer should create
the space and opportunity for its subordinates to provide verbal, written and non-verbal
information. For example, subordinates are free to submit information in a direct (verbal) or
formal (written) conversation. The specific rules for submitting such information should be
emphasized by the employer at the general meeting.

In conclusion, the factors of distance, time, language, system and rules that exist must be
examined in order to establish effective communication. If the above interruptions are
handled properly, the subordinates will not be fuzzy and will not be confused with the
information presented. This will create uniformity in the understanding of the information
presented. As such, they will be able to work together to create a dynamic workforce as all
actions are based on the same understanding.

2. Using the latest technology

Effective communication not only needs to convey information that is accurately and
accurately understood, but it must be fast and fast. The use of phones, fax machines, Short
Message Service (SMS) and electronic mail (e-mail) can help administrators deliver
information faster.
In conclusion, the use of the latest technology has made communication more efficient as
information can be conveyed quickly and accurately. Information leakage can be reduced if
the employer can use the technology. The ability to use the latest technological tools can
certainly create a dynamic working group in the office. This can certainly produce workers
who act in line with the mission and vision set by the organization.

3. Freedom of Expression

Employers should give employees the freedom to offer their views and comments on
establishing effective communication. New ideas put forward by the workers can lead to
excellent job performance. Encouragement and motivation should be given during the
communication process to show how well the ideas are presented, greatly appreciated by the
employer. Healthy competition among workers with new ideas can create a dynamic working
group. They will be exposed to new situations, understandings and actions that will drive
excellence and work performance. Indirectly, innovation and creativity will be formed. In
turn, their productivity and quality of work will increase in line with their employers' goals
toward their goals.

If the freedom to give views is restricted it will make the workers afraid to give their views
and comments. They will feel that their views and comments will not be appreciated by the
employer. These kinds of communication barriers will make them vulnerable and often
remain silent when two-way discussions are held. organizations are at a disadvantage because
their employees' potentials and capabilities are not fully realized.

It can be concluded here that freedom of expression is an important element in successful

communication. Generally, employees are rewarded when they are free to give their views
and create excellent job performance. In addition, this freedom will be able to create a
dynamic workforce as they have the opportunity to compete competitively through their

4. Restructuring the organization

The restructuring of organizations in the context of effective communication is to ensure that
information can be conveyed more efficiently and quickly. Some of the most important
structures to note are communication training as well as communication channels. Effective
communication training among employees needs to be re-evaluated to see which aspects can
be improved. Communication exercises that emphasize verbal and non-verbal communication
are seen as a special requirement that focuses on soft skills. The use of body language
techniques such as face to face and body language should be mastered because of its impact
on communication. Non-verbal communication techniques such as official correspondence,
memos, meeting minutes, emails, proposal papers, reports, critical papers and articles should
also be used in order to improve communication effectiveness.

In light of the above, cross-cultural communication training should be given particular

attention if the organization has more than one ethnicity. Cross-cultural communication
training will help organizations that have more than one ethnic Malay, Chinese and Indian.
This is because different ethnicities have different perceptions of information because their
beliefs and values systems are different from one another. When they communicate, they
bring their own experiences, values and meanings. Accordingly, information, signs and
symbols may be interpreted differently based on their own experience and background.
Therefore, these cross-cultural communication exercises will bring about a universal idea that
is acceptable to all ethnic groups involved.

Formal communication channels should ensure that they work properly in all directions or
situations. Top-down, bottom-up, horizontal and external communications should be effective
in any situation facing the employer.

It can be concluded here that restructuring the organization in the context of effective
communication will encourage all parties to act as the organization intends. Indirectly, small
groups acting in the same direction will be able to form dynamic work groups.

5. Improve Interpersonal Relationships

A good interpersonal relationship between the employer and his subordinates will produce an
effective level of communication. If the subordinate feels that the employer is the 'standard'
person in the communication process, the flow of information will be passed more easily.
Communication is no longer a form of directive or judgment but rather a result of bilateral
discussions. Subordinates are free to express their views without fear in discussing the
information provided. Understanding can be easily achieved and the end result can be
achieved without any pressure. Subordinates will carry out an activity or act with great intent
and sincerity.

Good interpersonal relationships between employees also need to be improved so that

information can be transmitted efficiently and effectively. If all employees feel that the
information they get from their employer is a responsibility that needs to be fulfilled, then
achieving the ultimate goal of communication will be easier. Good interpersonal relationships
will move them in groups towards the end goal. This explains why there is a dynamic
workgroup based on effective communication processes.

In fact, improving interpersonal relationships between employers and their subordinates or

subordinates with subordinates will make the communication process more effective. This
effective communication process will create a dynamic working group.

6.0 Summary (stress the importance of communication in organisations)

Each type of communication has different functions as appropriate. An effective

communication channel determines the level of effectiveness of a message in achieving its
objectives and coordinating the information it wishes to convey within an organization. The
rapidity of systems and technologies has changed the structure and processes of
communication in an organization today. The importance of communication in an
organization is to avoid uncontrolled rumors. There is no denying that the information
obtained from the rumors is accurate. However, rumors need to be controlled to reduce
employee dissatisfaction with the organization and management. This can be evidenced by
the opinion (Faizuniah Pangil, et. al., 2014) that most workers find information obtained
from rumors to be more reliable and reliable than formal communication.

7.0 Reference

Suhaimi Arif Samiun. (2014, March 16). Huraikan empat kepentingan komunikasi kepada
sesebuah perniagaan. Dilayari dari

Faizuniah Pangil, Fais Ahmad, Ooi Yeng Keat, Hanissah A Razak, Naslina Zakaria, Zulkufli
Aziz, Ruhana Busu & Husna Johari. (2014, Disember). BBGO4103: Gelagat Organisasi.
Open University Malaysia.

Kamaruzaman Moidunny. (2012, September 17). Penggunaan elemen komunikasi berkesan

oleh pengetua dan guru besar bagi membentuk pasukan kerja yang dinamik. Dilayari dari

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