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Experiment: Calorimetry & Specific Heat




Calorimetry is the science of measuring a quantity of heat. Heat is a form of energy associated with the
motion of the atoms or molecules of a substance. Heat (often represented as “q”) is measured in the units
Joules or calories.

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy (molecular motion) of the atoms/molecules in a
substance. When the temperature of a substance increases, the average kinetic energy of its atoms or
molecules increases. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius.

Heat and temperature are not the same thing (which is why they have different units). Heat is a form of
energy and can do work. It will flow from hotter substances to colder ones. Heat is the total energy of
molecular motion in a substance and depends not only on the speed of the atoms or molecules present but
also on the number of particles present. The temperature of the water in a lake and in a cup can be the
same. However, the heat content of the whole lake is much more than the heat content of the water in the
cup because it has more water molecules and thus more total energy.

Watch the Bill Nye The Science Guy video clip below (2 minutes)

Temperature and heat are related to each other by the specific heat (sp ht) of a substance. Specific heat is
defined as the quantity of heat needed to raise one gram of a substance by one degree Celsius (J/g°C or
cal/g°C). The higher the specific heat of a substance, the more energy required to change its temperature.

The relationship between quantity of heat (q) and specific heat (sp ht) can be mathematically expressed by
the equation:

q = (m)(sp ht)( t)

where q = heat (J or cal)

m = mass
t = change in temperature

Since mass and temperature can be measured, we can calculate heat (q) if we know the specific heat for a
substance. Or, we can calculate specific heat if we know the amount of heat (q) of a substance.
The specific heat of water is exactly 1.00 cal/g°C. The SI unit of energy is the Joule and it is related to
the calorie by 1 calorie = 4.184 J. Thus, the specific heat of water is also 4.184 J/g°C.

Specific heat is a physical property (like boiling point or color). In this experiment, we will use
calorimetry to determine the specific heat of a metal. Heat energy is transferred from a hot metal to water
until the metal and water have reached the same temperature. This transfer is done in an insulated
container to minimize heat losses to the surroundings. We then assume that all the heat lost by the metal
(qmetal) was absorbed by the water and is equal to the heat gained by the water (qwater). Since we know the
specific heat of water, we have all the variables needed to calculate how much heat the water gained qwater
using the equation:

qwater = (mwater)(sp htwater) (twater)

Since qwater is equal to qmetal, we can say

qwater = qmetal = (mmetal)(spht)metal(tmetal)

This relationship can be used to calculate sp ht of a metal since both mmetal and tmetal can be measured.

Sample Calculation:

A metal sample weighing 68.3820 g was heated to 99.0 °C, then quickly transferred into a Styrofoam
calorimeter containing 62.5515 g of distilled water at a temperature of 18.0 °C. The temperature of the
water in the Styrofoam cup increased and stabilized at 20.6 °C. Calculate the specific heat of the metal
and identify it using the information in Table 1. (Use 4.184 J/g°C for the specific heat of water.)

1st we must use our information about water:

tw = 20.6 °C – 18.0 °C = 2.6 °C

qw = (mw)(sp htw) (tw)

= (62.5515 g)(4.184 J/g°C)(2.6 °C)

qw = 680 J (heat absorbed by the water)

The heat absorbed by the water came from the hot metal, so we know how much heat was in the metal

qwater = qmetal = (mmetal)(sp htmetal) tmetal

tmetal = 99.0 °C - 20.6 °C = 78.4 °C

680 J = (68.3820g)(sp htm) (78.4 °C)

Solve for sp ht.
sp htmetal = 0.13 j/g °C
Looking at Table 1 below, the unknown metal is either lead or gold. (How could you make your final


Table 1. Specific Heats of Some Metals

Metal Atomic Mass (amu) Specific Heat (J/g°C)
Aluminum 26.98 0.900
Copper 63.55 0.385
Gold 197.0 0.131
Iron 55.85 0.451
Lead 207.2 0.128
Silver 107.9 0.237
Tin 118.7 0.222


A typical set-up for the experiment is shown below.

Heating the metal Calorimeter

The video link below provides an overview of the experiment. Answer the following questions while
watching the video from start to the 1:57 time mark.

1. Why is it important that the water level in the beaker is higher than the metal sample in the test tube?

2. After heating, the metal sample should be transferred quickly into the calorimeter and the lid put into
place. Why is it important to do the metal transfer quickly?


Watch the Specific Heat video (7 minutes) below.

Data for the experiment has been provided below. Two Trials were done with the same metal sample.
One using room temperature water in the calorimeter and one using cold water in the calorimeter.
Perform the calculations needed complete the table and identify the metal sample. Be sure to report your
answers using the correct number of significant figures.
Data & Calculations
Trial 1 Trial 2
Room Temp. Water in Cold Water in Calorimeter
1. Mass of metal sample 24.30 g 24.30 g

2. Mass of calorimeter 6.54 g 6.54 g

(Styrofoam cup)

3. Mass of calorimeter + water 38.50 g 66.92 g

4. Mass of water

5. Initial water temperature 22.8 °C 15.2 °C

6. Temperature of heated metal 99.9 °C 99.1 °C


7. Final temperature of water 25.5 °C 17.1 °C

and metal

8. Change in temperature (Tw)

of the water in the calorimeter

9. Change in temperature (Tm)

of the metal sample

10. Specific heat (sp ht) of 4.184 J/g°C 4.184 J/g°C


11. Heat (qw) gained by water

12. Heat (qm) lost by metal

13. Specific heat (sp ht) of the

metal (calculated value)

14. Average of Trial 1 & 2

Specific Heat Results

15. Metal identity

16. Theoretical Specific Heat

(from Table 1)

17. % error
(Recall formula from Lab 1)

1. Why is the metal heated in a dry test tube rather than just putting it straight into the boiling water?

2. When you place the test tube containing the metal sample into the boiling water, why do you need to
leave there for 10 minutes before proceeding?

3. When the student measures the temperature of her boiling water, why does she hold the thermometer
in the middle of the beaker instead of letting it rest on the bottom of the beaker?

4. Why is it important for there to be enough water in the calorimeter to completely cover the metal
sample when it is transferred into it?

5. The water in the beaker gets its heat energy from the _________________ and the water in the
calorimeter gets its heat energy from ____________.

6. During the video, one student team had a problem occur when transferring their metal sample.

a) What was the problem?

b) The students noticed what happened and corrected the situation. However, what error would this
introduce into their experiment?

c) What would the impact of that error be on their experimental specific heat value? Circle the correct
choice and explain.

It would raise the value.

It would lower the value
There would be no effect.

d) If the students had not noticed the problem, that would also have introduced an error into their
experiment. If they had not noticed and continued with the experiment, what would the impact on their
metal’s experimental specific heat value? Circle the correct choice and explain.

It would raise the value.

It would lower the value
There would be no effect.
4. Should the initial temperature of the water in the calorimeter affect the value of the metal’s specific
heat? Explain.

Prepare a written discussion on the experiment. Be sure to include:

-purpose of the experiment

-summary of the procedure
-discussion of the theory behind the experiment
-discussion of the results, including the identity of the metal, the accuracy and precision of the results

Additional Questions

1. You mix two samples of water.

Sample A: 100.0 g at 50.0 °C
Sample B: 100.0 g at 20.0 °C

The temperature of the resulting mixture is 35.0 °C.

a) Which sample gained heat?

Sample A
Sample B

b) Did Sample A change more in temperature than Sample B?

No. Sample B experienced a smaller change in temperature compared to Sample A.
No. The change in temperature for Sample A and Sample B were equal.

c) Which sentence(s) describe(s) the motion of the water molecules? (Select all that apply).

No change in motion of water molecules.

All water molecules sped up
All water molecules slowed down.
Water molecules at higher temperature slowed down.
Water molecules at lower temp sped up.

d) You repeat the experiment except now you mix two new samples of water.
Sample A: 100.0 g at 50.0 °C
Sample B: 50.0 g at 20.0 °C

Would you expect the final temperature to be the same as before (35.0 °C), higher, or lower? Explain.
2. What is the specific heat in J/g°C for a metal sample with a mass of 95.6 g which absorbs 841 J of
energy when its temperature increases form 30.0 °C to 98.0 C?

3. Look at the data in Table 1 Specific Heats of Some Metals.

a) What is the range of values for atomic mass?

b) What is the range of values for specific heat?

4. Graph the data in Table 1. You may graph it by hand or by using a graph generator on your computer.
In your graph, use atomic mass as the independent variable (the x-axis) and specific heat as the dependent
variable (y-axis). Be sure to include the following in your graph.
-increments for each axis
-labels for each axis
-data point for each metal

Insert graph here.

5. In looking at your graph, summarize the relationship between the atomic mass of metal atoms and the
specific heat of metals.

6. The specific heat measured for an unknown metal sample was 0.54 J/g°C. Using your graph, estimate
the atomic mass of the metal.

7. If a metal has an atomic mass of 112 amu, use your graph to estimate the specific heat expected for the

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