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1) The water was filthy.

Was the water filthy? uses the target language to check itself, especially if it's a tense/structure

Was the water dirty? (Yes)

A little dirty or very dirty? (Very dirty)

2) He's just bought a new motorbike.

Has he bought a new bicycle? doesn’t check the target language

Does he have the motorbike now? (Yes)

Did he buy it a long time ago? (No, short time ago)
Do we know exactly when he bought it? (No)

3) "I'm sorry I'm late," he mumbled.

Is' 'mumble' a verb or a noun? Is it in the past or the present? focuses on form, not meaning

Did he speak loudly or quietly? (Quietly)

Could the other person hear him clearly? (No)

4) I wish I'd gone to the party.

If I had actually gone to the party, do I think I would have had a good time? doesn’t cover all areas of
concept and potential confusion

Did I go to the party? (No)

How do I feel about my decision now? (Unhappy, sorry, regret it)
Do I want something to change now or in the past?

5) He bought an alarm clock.

Did he buy a telephone? Did he buy a watch? Did he buy a computer? Did he buy..? Did he buy..?
doesn’t check the target language/ is a guessing game

Where do you put an alarm clock? (By the bed)

Why? (To wake you up)
What noise does it make? (Beep, beep, beep etc.)

6) Tim went to the pub to drown his sorrows.

What happens when you drown? uses the target language to check itself….and in the wrong

How did Tim feel before he went to the pub? (Unhappy)

What did he drink? (Alcohol)
How much did he drink? (A lot, probably)
Why did he drink a lot? (To make himself happier)

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