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The Use of Authentic Materials in Teaching Vocabulary

Polina Yakubivska


Research Supervisor: Viktoriia V. Matvieichenko

Kyiv 2020


Vocabulary is an indispensable part of teaching English. Having observed some

classes during my school trainee practice, I have noticed that usually students are taught new

lexis provided in their course-books. The purpose of this project is to research the usefulness

of authentic materials in teaching vocabulary and whether they are interesting to deal with

while learning. In order to find the answers, I have prepared a survey to enquire whether the

students deal with authentic materials during their classes and also I wanted to check the

students' willingness to deal with them. The participants were the students of the 11th form

consisting of 12 members. The major findings are that the learners often use original sources

be themselves, outside the classroom, in order to find information, facing unknown

vocabulary. Nevertheless, the students rarely use them as learning materials in the classroom,

but they are interested in working with them during their English lessons. So, it is necessary

to provide learners with authentic materials, as they might face not only new vocabulary, but

also lexical chunks and structures, which simplify their understating of the English language.

In this project, activities are based on authentic materials such as a song and a trailer,

providing both auditory and visual inputs. They are filling gaps, matching and communicative


Key words: authentic materials, vocabulary, a communicative task, a matching task,



There is a lot of information in English, which learners face both in their classrooms

and outside them. It is not enough to supply students only with their course-books lexis –

learners should use the language outside the classroom and be aware of the real vocabulary

that is used on the Internet, media, etc. As such materials are not usually provided during the

classes, working with original sources might cause difficulties. It can be the reason why

students are less motivated to study the language, as they believe that their efforts are

unfruitful. My research is based on using authentic materials in the classroom and their

effectiveness in teaching vocabulary. My goal is to show that authentic materials in a form of

a song and a trailer play an important role in teaching new lexis and the language. I am

convinced that using such materials make the learning process more effective. Moreover, I do

believe that using additional materials makes the learning process much more fascinating.

While working in such a way, learners not only gain new knowledge but also enjoy their

classes. It is essential to show the language which is used in original sources and encourage

students to work with them and expand their knowledge of English. Teachers should explain

and show students the importance of the language and the usage of English in the world.

To summon up, the question of my research is to find out whether authentic materials

have an impact on developing vocabulary. Thus, the hypothesis is whether authentic materials

in the form of a song and a video are effective in teaching vocabulary. To check my

hypothesis I decided on using a song and a trailer to a film. I also created handouts, which

compile the vocabulary tasks, developing communicative and semi-communicative skills,

from these materials. Some of the activities are based on the communicative approach and are

aimed at developing creative and critical thinking. Moreover, the research supposes to actuate

interest in using English outside the classroom and finding information in the target language.

Literature review

Authentic materials focus on real-world problems and their solutions. Going beyond

the usual handouts and course-books, authentic materials provide new perspectives, habits,

ways of thinking and working (Lombardi, 2007).

Lewis and Hill (1992) emphasize that it is important for students to be able to handle

and understand different information outside the classroom. That is why, it is needed to

supply students not only with the lexis from their textbooks, as authentic materials help EFL

learners to analyze real-world information.

Rao (2019) claims that some students face English outside the classroom and do not

feel completely comfortable in using and applying their knowledge. He also claims that the

use of authentic materials in the classroom will establish the connection between the real

world and teaching English in the classroom.

There are many authentic materials to teach English. Rao (2019) provides such

sources as Newspapers, Brochures, Pamphlets, Flyers, Advertisements, Greeting Cards,

Invitation Cards, Post-Cards, Wall Papers, Comics, Cartoons, Story Books, Agony Columns,

Directories, Maps, Magazines, Journals, Pictures, Audio Cassettes, Images, TV Programmes,

TV Ads, Movies, Songs, Internet Notices and so on. From this long list of the alternatives we

have decided to choose a song and a trailer as the sources which will help to reduce a huge

gap between classroom materials and the real world. Trailers provide the students with new

lexis through visual input, keeps them engaged and fascinated. With the help of such sources

as songs, students become aware of social and cultural events, at the same time developing

their language skills. Songs and trailers as teaching materials should be selected by the teacher

according to learners’ interests and levels, to make the learning and teaching process more

enjoyable and effective. Moreover, there is a huge amount of British songs and films, which

are available, and some of them are updated daily, making them actual. Making the use of

original sources like songs and trailers can motivate students to dig deeper and find more

information on a particular sphere or topic. After facing and understanding the lyrics, a sense

of achievement and motivation is produced among the learners. As these materials are taken

from the real world, they contain vocabulary, which is actual and closer to everyday life. The

major aim of using authentic songs in the classroom is enhancing learners' L2 communicative

competence. It is essential to prepare EFL learners for real, everyday life communication at

the current time. One of the main advantages of using songs and trailers in the classroom is

that they are oriented on practical learning, making this process more fascinating and

engaging for the learners. Moreover, such materials are more natural than non-authentic ones,

which are made for pedagogical aims. (Murray, 2015).

Researches by Thornbury (2002) note that authentic matetials are full of vocabulary

learning potential, as a big part of their coherence concerning their lexical patterning. So,

authentic materials play an important role in teaching vocabulary. Song and trailers are grate

sources, as the lexis, which is used in them, is more natural and prepares students to face and

use the English language outside the classroom with a lower level of frustration. A teacher has

to motivate students to find information in English and teach how to work with it, that is the

reason why using authentic materials is important during classes. Moreover, after facing

songs and trailers in the classroom, students will be able to analyze these authentic materials

by themselves, which in turn, will develop their autonomy work. It is essential to take into

account that these materials can contain non-standardized language, non-complete sentences,

contractions and so on. That is the reason why the sources for teaching vocabulary should be

selected with accuracy. Using a song as an authentic material while teaching vocabulary is

considered to be a great teaching tool as it is universal appeal, connects cultures, provides the

students with auditory input and increases learners’ motivation. Lots of useful exercises can

be built around songs to develop students’ vocabulary.

All in all, authentic materials are are easily obtainable, provide vocabulary, enjoyable

speaking, listening, cultural aspects and are fun for the students. ESL teachers should consider

songs and trailers as regular parts of teaching process.

During my observation experience, I paid a lot of attention to the methods and

approaches in teaching vocabulary, and especially to the materials, which were used in the

learning process. Having observed the classes during my school practice, and after reflexing

on my experience of learning English, I came up with some valuable conclusions. I noticed

the tendency to teach new vocabulary using only the material, which is provided in course-

books and to follow one particular approach. The main question in which I was interested in

was what extra materials can be applied in teaching new vocabulary. I recollected the sessions

on ELT Methodology and paid my attention to authentic materials. I decided to do a survey to

research whether the learners are interested in using off standard such as songs, films,

journals, etc. The majority of responders admitted that these materials would be interesting to

deal with. As a consequence, I started selecting the materials, which would be actual and

suitable. One more detail, which I paid my attention to, is that I required these sources to

illustrate the British culture for students to become more intelligent and erudite.

The participants are students of the 11th form of Kyiv School #20 that consists of 12

people. The school is with an in-depth study of the French language, but lots of attention is

given to teaching English. The students have a good level of English, they are eager to speak,

using the lexis, which is provided in their course books. While observing the classes, I noticed

that the students of senior classes were not provided with authentic materials while learning

new vocabulary. Learning English requires using authentic sources, but teaching methods,

which deal with authentic materials, are usually neglected. Not only these materials prepare

the learners for actual situations and life communication, but they also immerse in the British

culture. Consequently, the students of senior classes can use the lexis, which their coursebook

covers, but the vocabulary, which is actual to everyday life, is not used in their speech.

2. Materials and tools

To teach new vocabulary, I have created handouts (HO1 and HO2) for the lesson,

which are based on authentic materials. I was very specific while choosing the materials, as

they should be relevant and interesting to deal with. Moreover, it was essential for me to

provide the students with some cultural make-up. At the same time, the materials have to be

modern, and cause the willingness to learn.

The materials are a song “We are the champions” performed by the British rock band

“Queen” and a trailer to the film “Bohemian Rhapsody”.

3. Procedures

The first activity was based on teaching new vocabulary through visual input, using

the trailer to the film “Bohemian Rhapsody”, filling the gaps activity and a communicative

task. The activity purpose: teaching new vocabulary, while watching the trailer and using new

words and phrases in speech, while dealing with a communicative task in groups.

Materials: HO2 and a laptop

Layout: One large table

The teacher’s instructions: Have you ever heard about the rock band “Queen”? What

do you know about them? You are going to watch a trailer to the film “Bohemian Rhapsody”,

in which the story of the band is described. Before watching, look through new words in your

handouts and read their meaning. Ready to watch? While watching the trailer concentrate on

the emotions this video evokes. Share your impressions. Did you like the trailer? Would you

like to watch this film? Now, you have to watch it once again and complete the sentences with

new words from the table below. Before watching, look through the sentences and fill the

empty spaces with the words. Now, watch the trailer for the second time and check your

sentences. Do you have any questions? Let’s form small groups. Now, you have to discuss the

questions from your handouts in your groups. Ready? Who is willing to share their opinion?

Procedure: The first step was a short discussion where students shared their

background knowledge about the rock band with the whole class. After that, I told the leaners

that they would watch a trailer to a film about this band. Before watching, I instructed the

students to look through the table with new words and phrases. I ask the students to

concentrate on the feeling this video evokes, for them to reflect on their emotions. After

watching the trailer, they shared their impressions with their classmates. I told the students to

look at the sentences and complete them with the phrases above. After they were ready, they

watched the trailer for the second time and checked their ideas. Later, I formed small groups

of students to discuss the questions from the handout. While discussing, the learners used new

words in their speech.

Input: Auditory and visual input, with the assistance of which the learners are also

provided with phonology and language usage.

Modes of interaction: whole-class discussion, individual work, teacher-student,

student-student, group work.

Output: Students applied new lexis in group discussion, assimilating previously

acquired knowledge.

Feedback: The students were highly motivated while working with authentic material.

I noticed that they were highly involved in doing vocabulary exercises. My subordinate aim

was also to cause an extrinsic motivation, not only for learning new vocabulary, using an

authentic trailer, but also to develop students’ linguistic and sociolinguistic skills. After

dealing with this material, some students expressed their willingness to watch the film in


The second activity I have conducted was based on new words and phrases, including

filling the gaps and matching tasks. I have prepared a worksheet with vocabulary activities,

which are based on the song “We are the champions”. The learners were already familiar with

the rock band, so I decided to broaden their horizons and provide them with the Queen’s


The activity purpose: teaching new vocabulary, which is used in an authentic song and

integration in the culture, the language of which, is being learned.


Materials: HO2 and speakers with the song

Layout: Tipped U

The teacher’s instructions: Do you listen to songs in English? What British singers or

bands do you know? Can you name some of their songs? Look through the words in the box

and think about where to put them in the lyrics. Look at the “Colloquial language” box. Have

you ever faced these words? Now, we are going to listen to a song. While listening to the song

with the missing words from the box. Do you like it? Now, check your answers in pairs.

Listen to the song one more time and check it together. Below, you have one more task and

you have to match the words and phrases with their meaning in pairs. Are you ready? Let us

check it together. Do you understand the usage of these words? Now, use your imagination

and create a small story, up to seven sentences, using as many new words and phrases as

possible. Ready? Who is willing to share the story and read it aloud?

Procedure: In the beginning, I asked the students some questions as a warming-up

part. Students eagerly shared their opinions and were engaged. After that, I asked the students

to look at their worksheets and find the lyrics to the song and the boxes with the words and

look through them. I asked the students to predict where the words from the box should go in

the lyrics. I explained to the students that they should listen to the song, filling the empty

spaces. After listening, the learners checked the answers in pairs. Later, I turned the song one

more time, and students checked the words in pairs. Then, students were asked to match the

meaning of the words from the box. After they were ready, we checked it with the whole

class. After that, I asked the students to use their imagination and create a short story, using as

many of the new words as possible. As soon as they were ready, some learners shared their

stories with the whole class. With the help of this activity, I checked whether the students

could use new words in their writing and speech. I provided feedback to make students

understand that they used them properly.


Input: Auditory input, with the assistance of which the learners are also provided with

phonology and language usage. Activities are aimed to develop linguistic and sociolinguistic


Modes of interaction: group discussion, individual work, teacher-student, student-


Output: Students applied new lexis in their own stories, assimilating previously

acquired knowledge.

Feedback: The students were highly engaged in the process of learning new words, as

an authentic song was a new material for them to obtain new vocabulary. The learners of the

10th grade were also involved in British culture and gained some background knowledge,

with the help of using authentic materials in the classroom. After listening to the song, filling,

and matching activities, students used new words correctly in their context.


During my research and observation, I came up with interesting conclusions. To begin

with, I noticed that using the song and the trailer to the film highly influence students’

motivation while learning vocabulary. I was pedantic while selecting the materials as an

integral part of working with any type of material is its relevance. I was pleasantly impressed

by that fact, that the learners were highly engaged in the learning process, as they were

provided with modern, actual, and interacting materials. They were also engaged in

discussions and shared their opinions without a trace of anxiety. The usage of those materials

arose the willingness to dig deeper into the history of the rock band using the target language.

The other phenomenon was that the atmosphere was pleasant and the students were not

puzzled while dealing with the tasks, which were not based on their course-book. The learners

also used their critical thinking while discussions, using the new vocabulary. New vocabulary

and phrases were taught with the main focus on showing how this lexis is used and creative

tasks motived the students to use it in their context. They expressed their thoughts willingly,

applying the newly acquired knowledge. I must also admit that the usage of authentic sources

supplied the learners with extra knowledge concerning British culture.

Discussion of the Findings

The main idea of this research was to prove that the usage of authentic materials, in

our case the song “We are the champions” and the trailer "Bohemian Rhapsody" plays an

important role in teaching new vocabulary. I am quite satisfied with the result of my research

and I do believe that I have put this idea into action successfully.

Firstly, I really enjoyed working with senior students and I had a stake in choosing the

materials, which I consider to be quite exciting. The participants showed their active work,

dealt with new vocabulary confidently, and applied it efficiently. Modern teaching approaches

require modern materials. In the 21st century the students use technologies, and we, as

teachers, should supply them with the tasks and materials which are actual for them.

Nevertheless, using authentic materials is time-consuming, because as a teacher you should

select them and create the tasks. So, they should be used as additional materials that reinforce

the main course. I am also convinced that it is a great way to present new vocabulary as the

students can see how this lexis is used in real life, outside the classroom. One more advantage

of using them is that they also supply some cultural make-up of the target language.

Taking everything into account, I must conclude that authentic materials are useful in

teaching vocabulary. They provide motivation to learn, illustrate lifestyle language, and push

the students to probe deeper and use them in a form of self-education, which in turn, develops

their autonomy work.


Murray, L. (2015). Using Authentic Materials in the Foreign Language Classrooms,

PP. 26 - 27.

Thornbury, S. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary, 74 p.

Lewis, M. (1985,January 1) and J. Hill. Practical Techniques: For Language Teaching,

PP. 27 - 28.

Lombardi, M.M. (2007, January). Authentic Learning for the 21st Century: An

Overview, P. 2.

Rao, P.S. (2019, July). The Effective Use of Authentic Materials in the English

Language Classrooms, P. 2.

Trailer “Bohemian Rhapsody, Final Trailer HD, 20th Century FOX” [Available from:]



Bohemian Rhapsody
You are going to watch a trailer. Before you watch, check if you understand the meaning of the
words and phrases below. What is the film about? Would you like to watch it?

To get somewhere to make progress toward a goal

Darling a person who is very much loved or liked

Misfit someone who is not suited to a situation or who
is not accepted by other people because their
behaviour is strange or unusual
To belong together to go well together
Outcast a person who has no place in their society or in a
particular group, because the society or group
refuses to accept them
Rumors news that might be true or invented, and quickly
spreads from person to person
Watch the trailer again and complete the phrases with the words above

1. You can’t _____ ____________ pretending to be someone you are not.

2. You have to make an impression, ___________.
3. We are four __________, we do not ___________ _____________.
4. You are the _____________, in the back of the room
5. Freddy, could you tell us about the __________?

1. How do famous people usually get somewhere?

2. Do you believe in rumors about celebrities?
3. Is it possible to become famous if the society considers you to be a misfit or
an outcast? Why?
4. In your opinion, should the people, who work in a team or a group, belong

Ex. 1 Listen to a song and complete it with the words and phrases from the box below. Look
through the “colloquial language” box. Listen to it one more time and check. Do you like the song?

We are the champions

Words and phrases
curtain calls, paid my dues, keep on,
I've _____ ___ ______ But it's been no _____ __
ain’t gonna, commited no crime, bed
Time after time _____ no pleasure cruise
I've done sentence,
of roses, fame and fortune
my __________ I consider it a challenge before the whole human 
But _______ ___ _______ race
And bad mistakes And I _____  _____ lose
I've made a few And I need to go on and on and on and on
I've had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I've come through We are the champions - my friend
And I need to go on and on and on an And we'll keep on fighting till the end
d on We are the champions
We are the champions
We are the champions - my friend No time for losers
And we'll _____ ‘Cause we are the champions of the world
___ fighting till the end
Сolloquial language
We are the champions We are the champions - my friend
ain’t - short form of am not, is not, are not, has not,
We are the champions And we'll keep on fighting till the end
or have not
No time for losers We are the champions
gonna - informal for going to
Cause we are the champions of the wo We are the champions
rld No time for losers
Cause we are the champions
I've taken my bows
And my ______ ________
You've brought me ______ ____
And everything that goes with it
I thank you all


Ex. 2 Match the words and phrases with their meaning

1. To pay your dues a) to do

2. Sentence b) the part at the end of a performance when actors
come to the front of the stage and the people
watching clap to show their enjoyment

3. To commit a crime c) a lot of money

4. To keep on d) to do something that you do not enjoy in order to

have something that you want, or because you feel
it is your duty
5. Curtain call e) an easy and happy existence

6. Fame and fortune f) to continue

7. Bed of roses g) a punishment given by a judge in court to a person

Ex. 3 Use your imagination and create a short story (up to 7 sentences), using
as many of the words above as possible. Share your story with the class

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