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(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Elayampalayam – 637 205, Tiruchengode, Namakkal Dt., Tamil Nadu.

Question Paper Code :


Fourth Semester
U15BT407 – Bio Heat &Mass Transfer
(Regulation 2015)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer Any Eight Questions (8 x 3 = 24 marks)
1. Draw the temperature profile for heat conduction in flat wall having cross
sectional area of ‘A’ and thermal conductivity of ‘k’ of thickness L.
2. Calculate the heat loss per m2 of surface area for an insulating wall composed of 25.4 mm
thick-fiber insulating board, where the inside temperature is 352.7 K and the outside
temperature is 297.1 K.
3. State Buckingham pi theorem.
4. Differentiate film wise and dropwise condensation.
5. Two large vessel are connected by a tube of 5 cm diameter and 15 cm in
length. Vessel –I contains 80% of N2 and 20% of O2. Vessel – II contains
20% of N2 and 80% of O2. The total pressure is 2 atm. If N2 diffuses from
vessel – I to vessel –II, For steady state equimolar counter diffusion, What will be the
change of partial pressure of N2 along the diffusion path.
6. Write the analogy between conductive heat and mass transfer.
7. What is the effective method for the removal of CO2 from water gas?

8. What are the different types of packing materials used in packed column?

9. A mixture of benzene and toluene boils at 368 K (95℃) under a pressure of 101.325 kPa.
Determine the composition of the boiling liquid assuming that mixture obeysRaoult's
law. At 368 K (95℃), the vapour pressure of benzene is 155.56 kPa and that of toluene is
63.98 kPa.
10. Draw the equilibrium boiling point diagram for maximum boiling azeotrope.


Answer Any 4 Questions (4 x 19 = 76 marks)

1. a) Steam at 3500 C flowing in a pipe k=80w/m k of 56cm inner diameter and 5.6cm
outer diameter is covered with 3cm thick insulation of k=0.05w/m k, Heat is lost to
the surrounding at 50C by natural convection and radiation the combined h being
20w/m2 k, Taking the heat transfer co efficient inside the pipe as 60w/m2k
determine (a)the rate of heat loss from the steam per unit length of the pipe,(b)the
temperature drops across the pipe and insulation.
b) i) A cold storage room was constructed of an inner layer of 12.7mm of pine wood, a
middle layer of 101.6mm of cork board and an outer layer of 76.2mm of concrete.
The wall surface temperature is 255.4 k inside the cold room and 297.1k at the
outside surface of the concrete. The thermal conductivities for pine wood is 0.151,
for cork 0.0433 and for concrete 0.762 w/mk. Calculate the heat loss in watts for
1m2 and the temperature at the interface between the wood and cork board. (14)

ii)What are the two common types of circular fins? With neat
diagram, differentiate them. (5)

2. ` a) A fluid of density ‘ρ’ is flowing through a tube of diameter‘d’ and length

‘L’ with velocity ‘v’. The specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity
of the fluid is ‘C
p’ and ‘k’. Assume forced convective heat transfer. For
this case, obtain the non-dimensional groups and the form of the empirical
correlation can be used to predict the heat transfer coefficient.
b) Consider a process of film condensation occurring on the surface of the flat
vertical plate. The origin is at the upper end of the plate. The film formed
flows under action of gravity. Obtain the expression for (i) velocity of the
film, (ii) film thickness and (iii) expression for heat transfer coefficient.

3. a) Under equimolar counter diffusion in a gas mixture of O2 and nitrogen find the rate
of diffusion of O2 between 2 phases 0.25cm apart with 15% and 28% concern of
O2 at 298K 1 atm DAB=0.181Cm2/sec
b) How are different mass transfer theories used to predict the mass transfer

4. a) Acetone is absorbed from acetone-air mixture using absorption oil. The inlet
gas contains 30 mole % acetone and the entering absorption oil is free from
acetone. If 97% of acetone is absorbed and the bottom of the tower, the

acetone concentration in the solvent is 10 mole %. Determine the number of
the ideal stage, if the equilibrium relationship is y = 1.9 x. (10)

ii) Explain the process of absorption combined with chemical reaction with
an example. (9)
b) i) Explain channeling, loading and flooding. (6)

ii) 5000 kg/hr of So2-air mixture containing 5 % per volume of So2 is to be

scrubbed with 200000kg/hr of water in a packed tower. The exit concentration of
So2 is reduced to 0.15%. The tower operates at 1 atm. The equilibrium relation is
given by Y=30X
Where,Y= moles of So2 X= moles of So2
moles of air moles of water
If the packed height of tower is 420cm, estimate the height of transfer unit. (13)

5. a) i) A 2.8 m diameter furnace operating at 1000oC has a 20 cm inner

lining of refractory bricks followed by a 15 cm layer of rockwool
insulation. On the outside, the furnace is covered with a 5 mm
carbon steel plate. If the outer wall temperature is 50oC, calculate
the rate of heat loss and the boundary temperature between the
layers of the refractory and bonded wool. The thermal
conductivity of the refractory lining is 1.5 W/m C and that of the
bonded rockwool is a linear function of temperature, k = 0.648 +
1.55 x 10-4 T, W/m oC, where T is in oC. (15)

ii) Comment on why extended surface is used in heat exchangers. Explain

its types. (4)
b) In 30 TPH of a benzene-toluene mixture, Benzene is to be separated from
Toluene using a continuous fractionating column. The feed contains 40 %
benzene. Overhead product contains 97% benzene and bottom product
contains 98% toluene. Assume the reflux ratio is 3.5. The molal latent heats
of benzene and toluene are 7.360 and 7.960 kcal/gmol respectively. The
relative volatility is 2.5 determine, number of ideal plates and position of the
feed plate. Feed is at its boiling point and also it is liquid.

6. a) i) Derive Rayleigh’s equation for the case of constant relative volatility α (6)

ii) A methanol-water solution contains 50% by wt. methanol. It is to be

continuously rectified in a column operating at atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa)
to obtain a distillate containing 95% methanol and a residue containing 5%
methanol (by weight). The feed enters the column at its bubble point. It is required
to operate the column at a reflux ratio of 1.5. Find graphically the number of

theoretical plates required to
effect a given separation and the position of the feed plate. (13)
x 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
y 0. 0.27 0.42 0.57 0.66 0.73 0.78 0.83 0.87 0.93 0.96 1.0
b) A Distillation column is to be designed to separate 8 tons /hr of a mixture of 40%
of benzene and 60% of toluene into an overhead product containing 98% benzene
and bottom product containing 97% toluene (all in wt%) . A reflux ratio of 3.25 is
to be used calculate the moles of overhead product and bottom product per hr.
Determine the no of ideal plates (No of stages) and the position of feed plate, if the
feed is a liquid at its bubble point.

Eqm data:
XA C6H6 in liquid 1 0.78 0.58 0.40 0.26 0.19 0.13

YA C6H6 in vapour 1 0.90 0.78 0.63 0.46 0.39 0.26


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