It's Wednesday. The Class Marches in and Turns To Their Places Like Cars Pulling Into Different

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Imaginative writing

Write the opening to a story called "Missing",in which a person suddenly disappears.In
your writing, create a sense of suspense and mystery.


Dear Lily
I hope I got the address right this time.How have you been?Did you get the previous letter?I know this is not something I
should be doing but its been so long.18 years. We decided then, I know we did, but how long can we go on like this?The sands in our
hourglass of life are escaping away, so quick; I'm starting to see better in the clear glass.The softness, the ability to see in the grey too now,
it all seems so different now.We were reckless then but why are we paying for it now? They deserve to know. Please write back to me.

It's Wednesday. The class marches in and turns to their places like cars pulling into different
lanes only for Sarah to find an empty seat.No one slips past Wednesday class. Ever. With bright blue
eyes and her long hazel-brown hair tied in a ponytail, Sara begins to call the attendance; her eyes
transfixed on the chair, tucked away in the corner. How could she not?As hands go up and down, she
wishes for another voice, for someone to slice through her calls of names. Stop the hurricanes in her
mind.For all the order in the routine couldn't stop her mind travelling, spinning like a top-perpetually.
Homeroom ends.The bell rings inviting disorder and chaos everywhere.Like an old friend visiting,
it is all so comfortable and usual. Lockers opening and closing, books going in and out, laughter and
chatter echoes-all perfectly normal. Just normal but somewhere it doesn't feel right. A tilt.
Sarah enters first period, hoping not to see the empty seat again, hidden far behind.
Disappointment embraces her with cold arms. How can this happen? What is happening? The rest of
the morning passes, with her vague smiles in class but a mind fixated on something else. An empty
High school. She walks in the corridor, easily swallowed by the crowd leaving classes."NO
PHONES!" The poster screams and for once she wishes this wasn't the case.In the usual fashion, no
one really seems to notice - the paleness in her face, her teeth grinding her lips and the hasty walk,
almost like she can catch up if she just goes faster.How is everyone so normal?
What happened last night?When did I reach home?Who was there?What was going on?Did I
leave the door open?Did I eat last?Was the room clean?Did I lock the house?Or...
Questions and more roared in Sarah's mind; like waves, as one crashes against the shore, a
million others form far behind in the water, just waiting to pounce.
The bell rings. Library at last. Sarah settles in and begins to tread through an overwhelming
mind. As she glances up for a moment, just a moment, she thinks she sees the red sneakers, the
pixie blue hair with strands of the hazel brown. Fading before it even begins to materialise.Just
another shelf, towering with books, all so mighty, but not enough to silence her.
Missing. Almost like a whisper, it slips out of her mouth. So quiet, she couldn't hear it herself.
The one word, Sara didn't want to use the entire time, even think about, it's the only word that now
reverberates.A symphony plays in her mind, sending shivers through her back.
Anna.Looking at them now, no one would think they are related.But, if you look at them
together closely: the twinkle in their eyes when the rays shine, the raise of one shoulder as they walk,
their twin commonalities blossom. This was all then; before their mother passed away, before they
grew up, before the laughs and songs escaped out of their house. Now, neither of them are ever
beside each other except in school.
With a constantly travelling father due to work, they are by themselves mostly.Under the same
roof but miles apart in heart and mind.Where could she have gone, Sarah wonders as she walks out
of the library.
Driving back home, she thinks of everything going on.They were fine, not entirely, but each in
their own way, weren't they? It's been three years and not very easy years too. Anna could hide it all
so easily; slip behind a thousand masks but deep within, Sarah knows, it's not the same as it once
She passes by the post office and suddenly it strikes her.All so sudden she wonders if it is even
possible.Everything plays in her mind and slowly it unravels.The letter. The letter in the pink envelope
addressed to her mother.The letter she picked up from the driveway for which Anna was so furious
because Anna always does the mails.The letter addressed to her mom sent again and again from an
unknown address. But, what was in it? Where did the letter go after that?
Sara remembers how Anna had asked dad about their hometown and how it was before they
moved, who their friends were.... Wasn't it the same time as the letter? But this doesn't make sense,
or does it? How is the letter related to her?But, she couldn't go anywhere here because there is
nothing in this town but the army barracks, the school and then its the highway.
She drives in to the garage to see her father standing out in the garden.He is here today too!
How could she have let this happen?She should have asked about the letter.Figured it out.As her
father asks her where Anna is, like a small child, trembling upon breaking a vase, she whispers.

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