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Test Math (Chapter #2: Real and Complex Number) Date: 20th June 2020

Q.No.1: MCQs (1x18 = 18)

1. Every real number is a.

A) Positive integer C) Rational number
B) Negative integer D) Complex Number

2. A Non-terminating Non-recurring Decimal Represents

A) Rational Numbers C) Irrational Numbers
B) Complex Number D) None
3. ⁄
√ √
A) C)
√ √
B) D)
4. Write √ in exponential form.
A) x C)
B) D)

5. ( )
A) C)
B) - D) -
6. The conjugate of 5+4i is
A) -5-4i C) 5-4i
B) -5+4i D) 5+4i
7. Which of the following sets have closure property w.r.t addition?
A) {0} C) {0,-1}
B) {0,1} D) {1,√ , }
8. Real part of 2ab( ) is :
A) ab-2i C) 2abi
B) -2ab D) 2ab
9. Imaginary part of –i(3i+2) is
A) -2 C) 2
B) 3 D) -3
Test Math (Chapter #2: Real and Complex Number) Date: 20th June 2020

10. =? and for =?

A) 1 B) -1
C) i D) –i
11. Conjugate of 4i + 3 is
A) 4i+3 C) –i4+3
B) +(4i-3) D) -4i-3
12. Who was the first to use the symbol i for the number √
A) Henry Briggs C) Leonor Euler
B) Arthur D) None
13. Write ⁄
with the radical sign
A) √ B) √
C) √ D) √
14. If z<0 then x<y is
A) xy < yz C) xz > yz
B) xy = yz D) All of above
15. {0,±1, ±2,±3,….} is called
A) Natural Number C) Whole Number
B) Integars D) Rational Number

16. Simplified form of ( )

A) - C)
B) - D)
17. 0.̅̅̅̅= ……..,
A) 0.23333…. C) 0.123123….
B) 0.232323… D) 0.323232…
18. If a+b=b+c then a=b ∀ a,b,c ∊ R
A) Transitive property C) Additive Property
B) Multiplicative property D) Cancellation Property

Q.No. 2: Attempt all short questions. (2x6 = 12)

1. Define rational numbers

2. Define additive Identity. ?
3. Define conjugate of a complex number.
Test Math (Chapter #2: Real and Complex Number) Date: 20th June 2020

4. Express the concept of radicals and radicands.

5. Represent in number line.
6. Convert the fraction into decimal fraction.

Q.No. 3: Simplify the following questions. (4x5 = 20)


3. ÷

4. √ x√ x√

5. (√ )

Q.No.4. Attempt all question given below. (6x6+7x2=50)

1. Find the value of x and y, if x+yi+1=4-3i

2. Simplify and write your answer in from of a+bi.
3. Simplify ( )
4. Solve the equation for real x and y.
5. Use laws of exponents to simplify.

6. Simplify
i. ( ) ( )
7. Simplify

a). √

Test Math (Chapter #2: Real and Complex Number) Date: 20th June 2020

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