Project CAD Standards V1.0 11feb2020

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General Requirements

1. CAD files shall be delivered in AutoCAD 2013 to 2016 version only.

2. Designs that have been developed using DWG/DGN file formats, shall:
a. Have layers, line-types, line-weights, fonts and colors mapped to those fully compatible
version of AutoCAD mentioned above.
3. Ownership of the data contained within CAD files shall be clear. (As per EIR)
4. Each contracted organization is responsible for the entire content of their CAD files.
5. Each contracted organization is responsible for ensuring their CAD files are compliant with this
6. DO Not Rename Anywhere to any placeholder name or file. Otherwise it will not proceed properly
& will create issue for every next submission.
7. Keep File Name, Placeholder name, File Number same for all revisions.

CAD File Requirements

1. CAD file requirements shall apply to model files, composite models and drawing Definition files.
2. Document numbers shall be assigned following the CAD file naming convention standards
3. Custom line styles shall use a scale factor of 1 (one) and be delivered to [User Name] within a
design library file.

Model Files Requirements (Refer Detailed EIR)

1. All model files (including Composite Models) shall be given a title to identify the contents,
captured as file meta-data.
2. Model files (including Composite Models) shall contain a single model design only.
3. Elements shall be placed in the model file at a scale of 1:1.
4. All references within Model Files shall have display turned off when issued to [User Name].

Drawing Definition Requirements

1. Drawing definition CAD files shall contain a single drawing definition only.
2. Drawing borders shall be referenced in the sheet model at a scale of 1:1.
3. Dimensions shall be associative for all ‘drawn to scale’.
4. Non-displaying references shall be detached prior to being issued to [User Name].
5. Delete all unnecessary data from cad drawing, Purge it to clean.
6. Use Always Standard color code upto 254, do not customize.
7. If any CAD file reference is there, bind it.
8. The submission of 2D drawing should be a flattened file with Z value as Zero.
9. Insert Title block in Cad layout which is provided by GC/5D BIM, Do not rename Title block, Do
not explode it or don’t change any attributes also don’t keep it on def point layer.
10. Use the CTB Files in your layouts for plot/field submit the same to GC/5D BIM to configured in
Common Data Environment (CDE).
11. Do not update the fields of title block in cad file which are provided in ProjectWise Attributes.
12. Layout name must be same like as CDE number.

CAD Seed file/template with drawing border and Title block

Layer naming convention,

Reference File Logical Names

Drawing Revisions

Scales, Scale factors

CAD Symbols and Blocks

Text Fonts, Text Heights and Widths

Color Table (NOT TO USE COLOR 255)

Line Types


North Arrow

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