What Particular Challenges Do Adolescents Face

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What Particular Challenges do Adolescents Face?

o Learn to say NO
o Keep a good company
1. Attitude and Behavior Towards Sexuality and Sexual
o Do not be afraid to talk to people when you
are dealing with peer pressure
a. Puberty drives the adolescent to experience
urges of sexual desire which often lead them  Peer conflict
to experimentation and exploration. o Make a commitment to resolve the problem
b. The attitude of being RESPONSIBLE for o Be clear with your intention of resolving the
one’s actions is the guiding principle conflict
towards a healthy sexual relationships. o Stick with your facts
c. Being RESPONSIBLE also implies that o Deal with anger and control it
entering into relationship is all about 4. Health and Nutrition
genuine loving and caring for the other a. A healthy mind and body is what every
person, not just to satisfy one’s urges and adolescent (and everybody else) should
needs which can lead to bigger problems. strive for.
d. The adolescent is also prone to exploring b. However, since adolescents are gifted with
pornography, which usually starts out of of much energy that seems inexhaustible,
curiosity. resulting in abuse of one’s body and mind.
e. It is natural to feel way “into the hormones” c. Learn to listen to your body
but do not forget that the hormones and the 5. Developing or Regaining Self-Esteem
sensations that come with them are not only a. Adolescents who are creating their SELF-
things that make you human. You also have IDENTITY should be objective and balance
your free-willed, logical circuit-your when viewing themselves.
personal human mind b. When it comes to identity development, it
2. Academic concerns was said that if we were to force an apple to
a. The role of a student is the primary role of be skillful in becoming an orange, we cannot
an adolescent who is still in school. expect it to succeed.
b. Discipline, openness, perseverance, c. You need to know your gender orientation
diligence, excellence, curiosity, analytical personally.
and critical thinking, memory, d. Adolescents at this stage are very self-
understanding, cooperation and team work, conscious, and often view themselves as
respecting other people's opinion and unattractive, lacking the kind of physical
beliefs, social interactions, leadership, and look that is often dictated by the advertising
fellowship are some of more important skills and image businesses.
and values that an adolescent student can e. The healthy thing for adolescents is to
also learn in school. understand that there is such a thing as body
c. There are times when the demands in school types and their genes dictate each body type.
can really be challenging. 6. Roles
d. Major reason why time management a. Adolescents must learn to integrate all these
problems occur: roles and it should be clear that these roles
i. Poor planning are related to the tasks expected of them by
ii. Lacking organizational skills, others.
delaying/procrastinating b. The healthy adolescent will recognize not
iii. Low need for achievement merely the roles but the VALUES being
3. Group Belongingness/Relationships expected from him/her such as personal and
a. An adolescent wants to belong. family responsibility, love for family and
b. There is an urge to seek a replacement of basic survival
their prior support system, this time in the 7. Family Expectations
form of social groupings such as school a. Often the problems stems from wanting to
friends, memberships in organizations or establish identity and independence on the
community. part of the child, and the desire of parents to
c. This also includes peer challenges such as: continuously give guidance and protection
peer pressure and peer conflict. to their children.
d. It is always good to find people who b. It can’t be helped that parents set certain
influence you in doing positive things. rules at home, assign roles and chores to do,
 Peer pressure curfews, and even make a choice of
o Avoid groups that ask you to do things that company you should go with.
are against your will 8. Career Choice
a. The adolescent who is creating identity for o It means that a person wants to
himself is faced with an urgent need to inflict harm to other people,
identify what course to take in college and through physical or psychological.
establish a career path for the future. o They are also avoid manipulators,
b. Adolescents need to know what their getting what they want to the cost
interests are, what things they find exciting, of another.
and what their skills are.  DELINQUENCY BEHAVIOR
c. Be ready to make sacrifices before you can o If an adult is manipulative or overly
attain the kind of wealth and fame that may aggressive, it might mean that this
come in doing what you love to do. adolescent was raised similarly.
9. Values, Beliefs and Behaviors o Delinquency and anti-social
 Imaginary Audience behaviors are beyond the managing
o The adolescent believe on having skills of adolescents. It requires
an IMAGINARY AUDIENCE - professional psychotherapeutic aid,
that a group of followers exist to the peers being the support group.
consciously watch and judge their
every move, verbalization, and
public or private behavior.
o It would amplify certain moods,
which can explain the moodiness of
some teenagers.
o An adolescent belief that he or she
is highly special and unlike anyone
else who has ever walked the earth.
o The adolescent thinks that because
others could be so obviously
amazed by him or her, he or she
must be a very distinct brand of
o Psychologically, because of
personable fable and the adolescent
predisposition, to please one’s
social circle or someone’s object of
admiration, one would be inclined
to be impulsive into going headfirst
to particular three seeking
behaviors for the ultimate goal of
being “cool.”
o Hormonically, the euphoric hit of
adrenaline amplifies athleticism
and others strenuous activities.
o These lead to sexual behaviors that
may be maladaptive, unwise and
o Thrill-seekers and excessive risk-
takers need to slow themselves
down. Its like a flame burning so
large and furious but so fast.
o “Anti-social” doesn’t mean that a
person hates to socialize, is a kill
joy, or is a loner.

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