DylanGate: How Bob Dylan Helped Get Trump Elected

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©JANUARY 25, 2019

ISBN: 9781791543822

Institute for Advanced Dylanology

318 Third Avenue
Room 520
NYC 10010





In 2014 activist Loren Collins filed a complaint against Joel

Gilbert with the Federal Election Commission, saying that the
filmmaker was required to disclose the donor who financed the
pre-election mailing of millions of unsolicited DVDs of an anti-
Obama film to voters in several swing states.

The slip cover of the Dreams DVD describes the film

as "the alternative Barack Obama autobiography,
offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped
our 44th President's life and politics." The film is
narrated by an actor impersonating Obama, recited
from a first-person perspective. The design elements
of the film and its marketing materials mirror
Obama's authorized autobiographical account,
Dreams of My Father: A Story of Race and
Inheritance; first published in 1995 and re-released
in 2004 after the nomination of Obama as a
Democratic candidate for the US Senate in Illinois.

The film's narration commences with the statement,

"Everywhere you look in my background, you'll find
people who despise America and want to transform
it radically. Americans often wonder: why am I so

comfortable with anti-American extremists, and why

are they so comfortable with me?" The film then
generally asserts that Obama sought to deceive the
American public through a web of lies and concealed
relationships, all stemming from the central
allegation that Franklin Marshall Davis, an American
communist, was Obama's real father. Ultimately the
film ties these various allegations together in a final
"chapter,'' which commences with historical footage
of Obama speaking on election night 2008, after
which the Obama voice actor asserts that his "real
father was right: 'Frank Marshall Davis Jr. could not
have won, but Barack Hussein Obama could lead
America to socialism." The film then displays footage
and clips of Obama's presidential campaign logos,
addresses the pending 2012 re-election campaign,
and concludes with the Obama actor's statement
that, "America will be irreversibly socialist, without
ever realizing how it happened.” Gilbert solicited
private investors through DFMRF to finance the
film's distribution and obtain distribution contracts.
Highway 61 signed a contract with MVD
Entertainment Group to sell DVD copies of the film
on hundreds of websites and to provide the film
through the Netflix and Amazon video streaming
services. As of this date, Dreams remains available on
Amazon, which also offers the DVD version for sale
and reflects over 800 customer reviews. Highway 61
also sells the Dreams DVD on its own website and
through an official website established for the film.
Gilbert and DFMRF claim that they engaged in
significant efforts to obtain a theatrical release or
television broadcast contract for Dreams, which they
contend would have been more profitable than
selling DVDs or streaming the video alone. By July
2012, however, they concluded that a theatrical or
broadcast release of the film was unavailable.
According to the Respondents, DFMRF and Gilbert
undertook to create grassroots demand for a
significant theatrical release. Respondents represent
that they mailed several hundred thousand copies of
the Dream DVD to households innumerous states;
modeling that distribution strategy on the allegedly
similar grassroots campaign of the producers of The
Passion of the Christ. Information provided with the

Complaint tends to suggest that the Respondents

may have distributed far more free DVDs than the
Response acknowledges. The Complaint provides a
copy of a speech that Gilbert apparently gave on July
19, 2012, at the National Press Club, where Gilbert
announced that "DFMRF would "send a free copy of
the DVD in the US mail direct to millions of
households." He reportedly further stated that,
"within three weeks, hundreds of thousands [of]
DVDs will be mailed across the United States until
every American sees this DVD and understands the
deadly Marxist dreams Obama has for us, from his
real father, Frank Marshall Davis." Moreover, the
official website of the film states that 15 million
DVDs were sent to Florida, 700,000 to Colorado, and
12 million to Ohio. The Complaint also alleges that
Gilbert targeted "voters in swing states." Gilbert's
own statements indicate that he mailed free DVDs to
households in states that were generally considered
"swing" states, but also intended to mail DVD copies
of the film to a variety of other states, including
Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, New York, and Arizona.
The Complaint further alleges that, in addition to
these free mailings, the Respondents held public
screenings of the film in the months prior to the
November 2012 election, including two free events
in Des Peres, Missouri in October 2012, and four
screenings of the film at the "Republican National
Conference" in August 2012.

 The Washington Post reported that in March 2016, the FEC,

split evenly between Republican and Democratic members, ruled
that Gilbert’s DVD mailing was considered “press”, and therefore
not subject to donor disclosure as the mass-mailing could be argued
to be a "marketing effort". [19] Here is the Federal Election
Commission’s verdict:

As discussed below, the record before the

Commission reflects that a legitimate filmmaking
entity, unconnected to any political committee,
candidate, or party, produced and distributed the
film. Further, the costs incurred to produce, sell, and
distribute the film through traditional commercial
channels and to place the challenged advertisement
all constitute legitimate press activity within the

scope of the media exemption. As to the

Respondents' alleged distribution of free copies of
the film before the election, the Respondents assert
that that distribution was designed to market the
film and was promotional in nature, and the
filmmaker's contemporaneous statements are
consistent with that representation. Further, the
challenged free distribution appears consistent with
the activity of at least one similarly situated media
vendor to which the Commission previously afforded
protection under the media exemption — an entity
that also recently prevailed in a constitutional
challenge enjoining a state from requiring disclosure
under that state's media exemption. Thus, although
the factual record concerning the commercial basis
for the challenged distribution strategy is not
comprehensive, under these circumstances we
recommend that the Commission dismiss the
allegations that the Respondents violated sections
30104(c) and 30120(a) of the Act (formerly 2 U.S.C.
§§ 434(c), 441d (a) in the exercise of the
Commission's broad prosecutorial discretion.

The FEC had no knowledge of Gilbert’s close connection to

Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi who have close connections to
Donald Trump.

The New York Times reported:

A new anti-Obama DVD is dropping into voters’

mailboxes, claiming that the president is the love
child of an illicit relationship between his mother,
Stanley Ann Dunham, and Frank Marshall Davis, a
Communist Party loyalist…Mr. Gilbert will not say
where he received the money to distribute his
movie — he claims to have sent out four million
copies. “It’s a private company, so we don’t disclose
who’s part of it,” he said. He also blamed the
mainstream media for not looking deeper into the
story he uncovered, telling The New York Times, “I
hope you’re not angry or jealous that I beat you to it
and might win the Pulitzer Prize.”


Bob Dylan had secretly given Joel Gilbert the money to mail
out these DVD’s that alleged that Obama’s real father was Frank
Marshall Davis, a brilliant CPUSA African-American poet Obama
mentioned peripherally in Dreams From My Father. Gilbert turns
Davis into a photographer who specializes in S & M soft core porn
rather than a high grade Black intellectual. And guess who Davis
took pictures of? Obama’s mama.

How do I know Bob Dylan was behind this illegal attempt to

influence an election? Dylan sent Joel Gilbert around to spy on me
hoping for some good news like “Weberman’s got cancer.” Joel ran
a Dylan tribute band and made DVD’s about Bob Dylan. He
contacted me after I got out of prison about 18 years ago and
interviewed me for his DVDs. He introduced me to Hurricane Carter


and told me he was guilty. It was then that I knew he had some
brains. He compted my wife and I to several Dylan Tribute Band
performances and dinners at B. B. Kings on Times Square. The
American songwriter reported:

After Like a Rolling Stone, Gilbert invites A.J.

Weberman, the infamous Dylanologist who once got
into a brawl with Dylan, to the stage. An elderly man
in liberal New Yorker clothing, he seemed kindly and
respectful enough. He broke down a verse of “Gates
of Eden,” arguing that Dylan was always a patriot.
According to Weberman’s interpretation, the Gates
of Eden represent the United States, and the Bill of
Rights is alluded to in the line “at times I think there
are no words but these to tell what’s true.

So Joel and I became friends. I invited him for dinner at my

apartment but he wouldn’t eat the shrimp we had prepared or the
pork main course. Then Joel had Jews for Jesus back him in a
showing of Inside Bob Dylan’s Jesus Years. The scumbags want to
wipe out Jews via conversion and are sponsored by Southern
Baptists. They claim to be pro-Israel but their ultimate goal in the
eradication of Judaism and Israel is a Jewish State.

I felt Joe’s connection to Jews for Jesus was strange for

someone who had done research for the definitive work on Zev
Jabotinsky and who spoke Hebrew and Arabic having studied in
Morocco. Joel: “In the history of modern Zionism, Shmuel Katz was
a giant. I met Shmuel when I was a student in Israel at the age of 18.
Only a year later, I began studying at the University of London. I was
honored when Shmuel asked me to be his London researcher for his
planned two volume work on Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky, Lone Wolf
(or just Jabo in Hebrew).” Dylan made a reference to the Lone Wolf
as Jabotinsky in Tough Mama.



Sweet Goddess
Born of a blinding light and a changing wind,
Now, don't be modest, you know who you are and where
you've been.
Jack the Cowboy went up north
He's buried in your past.
The Lone Wolf went out drinking
That was over pretty fast.
Sweet Goddess
Your perfect stranger's comin' in at last.

“Sweet” sweet on Informal enamored of; in love with

“Goddess” Israel “Born of a blinding light” born of the will of the
Almighty; in the study of the physical presence of God, the Lord is
always shielded by a blinding light “and a changing wind” and a
volatile political climate in Germany that became inconceivably


“Now don't be modest” the fact that Israel exists is in itself a

miracle. Also ironic; you are moderate or limited in size “you know
who you are” you are the survivors “and where you've been” of the
Nazi death camps “Jack, the cowboy” the heroic Zev Jabotinsky
“went up north” went to New York “he's buried” lost, difficult to
find out about, because he was a Zionist revisionist “in your past” in
the history of Israel “The lone wolf” Zev Jabotinsky; A book about
him by Shmuel Katz with research by Joel Gilbert was entitled The
Lone Wolf “went out drinking” went out of life in a state similar to a
broken man “that was over pretty fast” because the Jews of Europe
were murdered in a methodological fashion and as result it
happened too quickly for Jabotinsky to stop it “Sweet Goddess”
sweet Israel “Your perfect stranger's coming in at last” a person
who is totally new to loving you, who in fact at one point hated you,
is finally coming home. The prodigal son, someone who acts
irresponsibly and later regrets it, has returned.

Silver Angel With the badge of the lonesome road sewed in

your sleeve,
I'd be grateful if this golden ring you would receive.
Today on the countryside it was a-hotter than a crotch
I stood alone upon the ridge and all I did was watch.
Sweet Goddess
It must be time to carve another notch.

“Silver Angel” eloquent, time-tested moral and spiritual

guide “With the badge of the lonesome road sewed in your sleeve”
who is displaying the symbol of the worst part of the Diaspora, the
Nazi era, where Jews were forced to wear Stars of David on their
arms “I'd be grateful if this golden ring you would receive” I would
be grateful if this precious musical composition you would receive
“Today on the countryside it was a-hotter than a crotch” in 1973
the Arab armies prepared for war against the Jewish State and in
October 1973 the Yom Kippur War was fought “I stood alone upon
the ridge and all I did was watch” I was in Israel where terrace
farming involving ridges is prevalent but I was unable to take part in
the battle “Sweet Goddess” Israel a land built on high moral
grounds “It must be time to carve another notch” it must be time to
put another notch in your UZI or Galil assault rifle and kill another
enemy of the Jewish people.


It was around this time that the mass media reported that
Dylan had pledged to send fifty percent of his Rolling Thunder tour’s
profits to Israel. This author was quoted in Newsweek Magazine as
saying “He is an ultra-Zionist. He is doing the tour to raise money
for Israel. He has given large sums of money to Israel in the name of
Abraham Zimmerman.” Boy, was I intent on digging my own grave!
Dylan had previously sent an orthodox Jew to visit me at 6 Bleecker
Street also known as the Dylan Archives and the National Institute
of Garbology and offer me 20K in a Swiss bank account to lay off of
Dylan. He also told me what a schmeil I was to go after Bob when
he was laundering money and sending it to Israel in order to
purchase fighter Jets.

I had the Jewish Defense Organization call Joel up and

threaten him for collaborating with the Christian cultural genocide
types. When Joel did a DVD entitled Inside Bob Dylan’s Jesus Years a
reviewer wrote: “Only Dylanologist A. J. Weberman mentions, in
passing, that Dylan was addicted to heroin in the late 1970s, still
reeling from his recent divorce and dislocation. He was, indeed, a
lost soul—and Jesus found him.” Joel admitted that one of the Jews
for Jesus guys he met he knew from Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was not
a Jew. Then fucking Joel did a very valuable disc called Farewell to
Israel about Iran and nuclear weapons and another called Atomic
Jihad so we forgave him for the Jesus Freak shit. The Zionist
Organization of America, headed by the brother of the crook Burt
Zeibon, sent out Farewell to Israel to hundreds of thousands of

In any event Joel would visit whenever he was in town and

snap a picture of me. One day he slipped up and told me “Dylan has
his metal sculptures on his front lawn, errrr you can see them from
the street.” Dylan lives in a walled compound and the only way you
can see what is in front of his house is if you enter the grounds.
Dylan wouldn’t want to turn his estate into a tourist attraction, as I
did with 94 McDougall.


Dylan had others spying on me like Oliver Foote, who ran

Project Orbis to train doctors to perform sophisticated eye
operations in Third World countries. Oliver eventually confessed he
knew “Bob.” Oliver was a much higher grade spy than Joel who got
a spot on Infowars and was determined to get me to come on his
show and discredit myself.

Joel would ask me over and over and over again if I wanted
to come on Infowars and say whatever I wished even if it involved
exposing what sick pond scum capitalizes on the death of children
in Sandy Hook other than crypto-fucking-Nazis. But I told him to
forget and let it slide although I don’t like having people around me
offering me a chance to make a bad decision. The last straw was
when Joel appeared with a Holocaust denier, Jeff Rense, a founder
of Jew hatred on the net. He told me that his publicist hooked him


and he didn’t know who Rancid was but in reality he was a regular
on the show as was the Nazi David Duke.


Throughout Chronicles 2004 Dylan sings the praises of various black

musicians, composers and lyricists, such as Robert Johnson, ointing
out how their genius influenced him. Dylan sang at the March On
Washington in 1963, he wrote Blowin' In The Wind but now this is
what he has to say about David Duke, a Nazi, Klansman and
convicted embezzler:

"The ex-Klansman David Duke from Metairie in

Jefferson Parish had been elected to the Louisiana
State House of Representatives and he was being
interviewed. He said that welfare wasn't working
and that workfare would be better make people
on welfare work for the community instead of
getting a free ride. He also wanted to put
prisoners from state pens on work programs.
Didn't want them getting a free ride, either. I
hadn't seen Duke before; he looked like a movie
star. I gathered myself together [allowed him to
help formulate my ideas, I accumulated my ideas]
and went back in to work with Dan."

Is this all Dylan has to say about David Duke, that he looked like a
movie star? By his absence of criticism as a one time member of the
Civil Rights Movement Dylan is tacitly endorsing David Duke. Dylan
should be saying, "Ban the Klan! Death to the Klan!" Dylan had a
wife and daughter who David Duke would call Niggers. Dylan has
worked with numerous black people. And all Dylan can say about
Duke is that he looked like a movie star and wanted to stop Blacks
from getting a free ride. THE ONLY FREE RIDE BLACKS GET IN THIS
ideas. Factor this into the equation when you decide if Dylan is a
racist or not? “Work programs?” The Klansman David Duke wanted
to bring back chain gangs, a form of torture!! The “movie star”
David Duke paid a plastic surgeon to make him look like was Colonel
Ben Cameron, the head Klansman from Birth of a Nation.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Joel had moved too far to
the right and into the area of self-hatred. Only Bob Dylan could take
a Jabotinsky biographer and turn him into someone who would deal
with Holocaust deniers because as we will soon see, Bob Dylan is
himself a Holocaust denier.



Dreams From My Real Father was a treasure trove of fake news.


a. That President Obama's grandfather, Stanley Dunham, was

secretly a CIA agent assigned to Hawaii to spy on Frank Marshall

b. That Frank Marshall Davis took nude photographs of President

Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, which he then published in men's

c. That Frank Marshall Davis and Ann Dunham had a sexual

relationship, which resulted in the conception of future-President
Barack Obama;

d. That Stanley Dunham bribed Barack Obama Senior to pretend to

be the father of his daughter's illegitimate child;

e . That President Obama was born at home, and not at Kapiolani·

Medical Center as stated on his birth certificate;

f. That President Obama learned that Davis was his biologicai father
at age 12, and that in the years that followed he was raised by Davis
and received frequent lessons on Marxism;

g. That Obama's Harvard Law School education was the result of

the, advice and assistance of former Weatherman BiII Ayers and the
Ayers family; and

h. That Obama's 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father! was

ghostwritten by Bill Ayers.

Only a crackpot like Dylan would sponsor this kind of insanity. The
Hudson Institute or the Zionist Organization of America, former
sponsors, would get behind this one because part of Joel’s theory is
that Obama’s mama not only posed for dirty magazines but did so
along with Honey Bruce, along with Lenny Bruce’s wife.


When it was shown to Republican focus groups it was immediately

rejected. Once he got Kitty Bruce mixed up in this I knew we were in
fantasy land. Joel Gilbert is a graduate of the University of London
where he studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies and
the London School of Economics (BA 1986) and has an MBA degree
from George Washington University in Washington D.C. (1991). He
owns and manages real estate in L.A. and his father is a
Neurosurgeon. The question arises “Does an intelligent individual
like Joel really believe this crap or is he carnival barker out to
influence the rubes? “Step right up ladies and gentlemen, only 25
cents to see the President’s mom bare naked!” These (fake) photos
of Stanley Ann Dunham were first distributed on the Internet during
the 2008 election cycle. Joel brought them back for the 2012
elections and "the rubes" are embracing them once more and
attaching whatever negativity they will to the President. Discredited
itself, the original website, "Discrediting Leftism" that originally
published these photos (said to have been 'discovered' in Australia)
has been taken down.



Before Joel visited me he would visit Roger Stone, who stayed with
the former "Manhattan Madam" Kristin Davis and was a political
protégé of President Donald Trump's informal advisor Roger Stone.
Roger Stone, who is Jewish by the way, came to the Yippie Museum
Café which I ran at the time and asked Aron Pieman Kay if he could
buy marijuana. He refused to sell it to him. Stone went up to the
second floor of 9 Bleecker Street took his shirt of and showed
everyone the tattoo of Nixon on his back. A Yippie told him he
always wanted to assassinate Nixon.


232 E 74th Street


A day after rival Hillary Clinton fell ill at the 9/11 ceremony at the
World Trade Center, a pro-Donald Trump SuperPac put together by
Roger Stone ran a digital ad in Times Square depicting Trump as
Superman. The 55-foot digital billboard sponsored by the
Committee to Restore America’s ran from Sept. 13-16, 2016 and the
following week along the I-4 Corridor in Central Florida.
The billboard is on Broadway between 46th and 47th Street. The
Super Trump costs a super $25,000, according to Trump adviser
Roger Stone. Conservative filmmaker Joel Gilbert, who produced
the video, said the depiction of Trump contrasts with Clinton’s
health woes. “Donald Trump has the stamina to be president,”
Gilbert said. San Diego tech mogul Dr. Robert Shillman, founder and
chairman of Cognex Corp. donated funds for the Times Square
campaign. Dr. Shillman, is a proud Jew and fighter against Radical
Islam, who never would associate with Nazis Arab or otherwise.
Note Joel was open about the funding for the Trump Superman sign
in Times Square but not for the DVD distribution.


Another associate of Joel, who was almost on a Nazi Internet Radio

Show but who canceled out at the last minute is Jerome Corsi, who
has achieved a high degree of media expose due to his part in the
Mueller Investigation. When I had lunch with Joel and Jerry at the
Harvard Club, Jerry was on the phone with his sources who had
turned Hillary Clinton into a victim of Parkinson’s disease or a
human Petri dish. He’s a dangerous political operative who swift
boated Kerry and was in Flamingo Park in 1972 working for LEAA.
Paul Manafort was also in Flamingo Park.

More evidence that Dylan was behind this illegal activity: In

a poem about Obama Dylan wrote: You've got the same eyes that
your mother does You have the same genetic inheritance as the
source from which you sprang, that is a given If only you could


prove who your father was there is no disputing that however the
question arises who your father was, was he Frank Marshall Davis
the porn loving, white woman loving Negro?

I asked Joel about this obvious reference to his work in a Bob Dylan
poem. He said “He must be a fan.” I told Joel he was exploiting the
racist belief that “All coons look alike.”


Let’s look at this entire screwball fantasy assassin poem in order to

establish that it is about Obama:

Well I'm grinding my life out steady and sure 

Nothing more wretched than what I must endure 
I'm drenched in the light that shines from the sun 
I could stone you to death for the wrongs that you've done 
But sooner or later you'll make a mistake 
I'll put you in a chain that you never will break 
Legs and arms and body and bone 
I'll pay in blood but not my own. 

Well I'm grinding “grind” as Informal performing a laborious task or

routine: the daily grind of touring my life out to my very last breath
steady and sure “steady” continuously as in a steady gig. “Sure”
physically secure or dependable a sure footing. Bob Dylan goes on
tour, plays his music, writes his poetry, records his CDs – and he
pays his taxes with regularity. Even I can’t call him a bum. Nothing
more wretched than what I must endure and as such he finds that
there is nothing more inferior in quality, nothing worse short of
hell, than having a “socialist parasite” like Obama in the White
House who wants to tax the top 2% which of course Bob Dylan is a
part of I'm drenched: I am soaked “soak” Slang to overcharge a
person in the light that shines from the sun by a person or thing
considered as a source of radiant glory like Obama I could stone you
to death I could kill you employing your own favored method of
execution because I know you are really a Muslim mole. Stoning
people to death is mandated by Shar’ia law for the wrongs that
you've done for your welfare state policies But sooner or later you'll
make a mistake but eventually you will screw up and everyone will
know you are a thieving “nigger” I'll put you in a chain that you
never will break and when this finally happens I will do to you what
you have done to me with the IRS only literally. I will see that you
return to your rightful role that of a servant or slave “chain” as
captivity bondage: threw off the chains of slavery and you will never

escape into civilized society again. I will limit your Legs “legs” the
ability to last or sustain success, especially by appealing to an
audience: a presidency that has legs and arms “arms” power or
authority: the long arm of the federal law and body “body” as in
legislative body such as the U.S. Congress and bone “bones” as the
fundamental plan or design, as of the platform of Democratic party
I'll pay in blood but not my own. In Dylan’s symbolism “blood” is
death. This is from Dylan’s Long Ago Far Away: “The war guns they
went off wild the whole world bled its blood. Men's bodies floated
on the edge of oceans made of mud.” If the poem is about Obama
and Dylan will pay - get revenge on; requite in blood (or death) “but
not my own” then I can only conclude this is a threat on the
President’s life couched in poetry.

Night after night, day after day 

They strip your useless hopes away 
The more I take, the more I'll give 
The more I die, the more I'll live 
I've got something in my pocket make your eyeballs swim 
I've got dogs could tear you limb from limb 
I'm simpering around the southern zone 
I'll pay in blood but not my own. 


Night after night, day after day that is continuously, unrelentingly,

monotonously, DEATH AND TAXES, they strip to rob of wealth or
property; plunder or despoil: stripped the palace of its treasures.
your useless ineffective hopes away hope: something that is hoped
for or desired such as money. Additionally HOPE was an Obama
campaign slogan. The more I take, the more I'll give the more
money I take in from my occupation the more taxes I have to pay
due to the progressive income tax. The more I die The more I stop
working or operating: the more I live the more money I get from
welfare or unemployment.

I've got something in my pocket got a gun in my pocket make your

eyeballs make you roll your eyes back in your head like a Minstrel
Show character which is really what you are Obama!



I've got dogs could tear you limb from limb if necessary I will return
to days of Jim Crow where vicious dogs were set on Negros (as
Blacks were called back then even in the liberal media) to prevent
them from polluting the White race with their inherently inferior
genetic makeup by allowing them near White girls I'm simpering I
am a simpering wimp “wimp” Slang: a timid person: around the
southern zone and I am afraid to state in plain terms that I favor the
Confederacy, slavery, Jim Crow, segregation. Also “zone” as a
section of an area or territory established for a specific purpose, as
a section of a city restricted to a particular type of race. In a Rolling
Stone interview Dylan said slavery screwed up America and there
were better ways to end it than the Civil War. The crypto-Nazi Ron
Paul said the same thing because both of these neo-Confederates
were on the side of the South. I'll pay in blood but not my own (in
your dreams you will).

Low cards I would have got 

But I'll play this hand whether I like it or not 
I've sworn to uphold the laws of God 
You can put me out in front of a firing squad 
I've been out and around with the riding men 
Just like you my handsome friend 
My head is so hard it must be made of stone 
I'll pay in blood but not my own. 


Low opening act cards billing I would have got I would have got had
I expressed by true beliefs but I'll play this hand whether I like it or
not but I will pretend to be a liberal whether I like it or not I've
sworn to uphold the laws of God  I have an evangelical mentality
You can put me out in front of a firing squad  you might think this is
treasonous I've been out and around with the riding men I have
come out of the closet and hooked up with the Knight Riders of the
Klu Klux Klan? This makes little sense considering Dylan
(Zimmerman) is Jewish Just like you my handsome friend just as you
have my non-Jewish looking friend My head is so hard my brain is
hard-headed stubborn; stiff necked it must be made of stone these
ideas must be set in stone like the Ten Commandments I'll pay in
blood but not my own blah blah blah

Another politician pumping out the piss 

Another ragged beggar blowin’ you a kiss 
You've got the same eyes that your mother does 
If only you could prove who your father was 

Another politician pumping out the piss another politician named

Obama pumping money into the economy, and pissing taxpayer
money away when no matter how much money you throw at the
problem you cannot solve it because it is genetic and cultural.

In Subterranean Homesick Blues Dylan wrote,

Look out kid

They keep it all hid
Better jump down a manhole
Light yourself a candle
Don't wear sandals
Try to avoid the scandals
Don't wanna be a bum
You better chew gum
The pump don't work
'Cause the vandals took the handles.


Look out kid / They keep it all hid” hey naive White boy, hey son, be
on your guard against the liberal Democratic government because it
has a hidden agenda “Better jump down a manhole” you all better
gain access to an underground structure like the Klan or the White
Citizens Council “Light yourself a candle” burn a cross “Don't wear
sandals” don’t make yourself into a martyr like Jesus Christ who
wore sandals “Try to avoid the scandals” don’t get in the media
“Don't wanna be a bum” don’t wanna be a lazy and shiftless person,
especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others, like
a welfare “nigger” “You better chew” you better meditate on,
ponder; ‘chew a problem over’ “gum” sticking together with other
Whites like gum, like glue “The pump don't work” pumping welfare
money into the Black community doesn’t work “Cause the vandals”
because the liberals who purposely damage and destroy public
institutions such as Congress, the Supreme Court “took the
handles” have taken the means of enforcement used to keep this


uncivilized race in line - the ax handles have been taken away from
the Southern racists, like restaurant owner Lester Maddox, who
distributed ax handles to all his costumers to be used to keep the
“nigger’s” in their place. Lester Maddox subsequently became
Governor of Georgia. In Only a Pawn in Their Game describing the
racist who kept the Blacks in line by shooting Medgar Evers, one of
their leaders, Dylan wrote that “a handle hid out in the dark.”

Another politician pumping out the piss / Another ragged beggar

another politician named Obama pumping money into the
economy, and pissing taxpayer money away along with his
counterpart, another imperfect, indigent collector of food stamps,
disability, Obamacare etc. rather than a productive individual
blowin’ you a kiss who is repaying you, kissing your Black ass and
voting for you. Dylan was asking if there is a flaw in America
democracy. Did the 2012 Presidential Election results prove him
right? People in the states with high populations of Blacks most
getting Government benefits voted 97% for Obama.

The Hispanics didn’t give a rat’s ass about abortion, gay marriage
and other precepts of the Roman Catholic Church and also went
overwhelmingly for Obama so they could get their benefits. In 2008,
about 28.2 million people used food stamps compared to about
33.5 million in 2009 and 40.3 million in 2010. The population of the
United States is around 311,907,122, meaning that almost 15
percent of U.S. residents use food stamps.

Mitt Romney agreed with Dylan and told attendees of a $50,000-a-

plate dinner that 47% of Americans - those who back President
Obama - are "victims" who are "dependent upon government" and
"pay no income tax." He noted: "My job is not to worry about those
people. I'll never convince them they should take personal
responsibility and care for their lives."


Romney reiterated this belief after the election: "What the

president's campaign did was focus on certain members of his base
coalition, give them extraordinary financial gifts from the
government, and then work very aggressively to turn them out to
vote, and that strategy worked." Romney's campaign manager,
Matt Rhoades, listed a few specifics: "Whether it was free
contraceptives for 18 to 29 year-old women, DREAM Act waivers,
student loan interest rate cuts for college students, and other
initiatives geared toward energizing their coalition. They
succeeded." Romney: "It's a proven political strategy, which is give a
bunch of money to a group and, guess what, they'll vote for you.
...Immigration we can solve, but the giving away free stuff is a hard
thing to compete with."

Many Blacks and Hispanics would have voted Democratic even if

there was no Food Stamp Program, however they would not have
turned out in the numbers they did. According to Tea Party favorite
Rep. Paul Ryan “The surprise was some of the turnout, some of the
turnout especially in urban areas, which gave President Obama the
big margin to win this race. When we watched Virginia and Ohio
coming in, and those ones coming in as tight as they were, and
looking like we were going to lose them, that’s when it became
clear we weren’t going to win.”

You've got the same eyes that your mother does  You have the
same genetic inheritance as the source from which you sprang, that
is a given If only you could prove who your father was there is no
disputing that however the question arises did your mother have an
affair with Frank Marshal Davis.

Someone must have slipped a drug in your wine 

You gulped it down and you crossed the line 
Man can't live by bread alone 
I'll pay in blood but not my own.

Someone must have slipped someone placed or inserted smoothly

and quietly a drug something to stupefy or dull with or as if with a
medicine in your wine in your taste in entertainment, wine as in
wine and dine You gulped it down you swallowed my songs hook
line and sinker: “swallow” Slang believe without question and you
crossed you encountered in passing: His path crossed mine the line
my lyrics Man can't live by bread alone and these lyrics state that
man cannot live a Communist atheist materialist way of life and be
happy but you haven’t got an inkling of this I'll pay in blood but not
my own sure you would.

How I made it back home nobody knows 

Or how I survived so many blows 
I been through hell what good did it do? 
You bastard I'm supposed to respect you? 
I'll give you justice - I'll fatten your purse 
Show me your morals that you reverse
Now hear me holler, hear me moan 
I'll pay in blood but not my own. 

How I made it back home nobody knows how I made in through

histoplasmosis no one knows Or how I survived so many blows or
how I survived the nightmare of HIV I been through hell what good
did it do? I have been through Hell to stay alive and now we have a
Black president? Was it worth it? You bastard I'm supposed to
respect you? And after all I suffered I am supposed to respect you?
Dylan disrespected Obama when Dylan came to play at the White

In the long heart-to-heart between the president and the Rolling

Stone magazine editor, my old buddy Jann Wenner, Obama recalls
his encounter with Bob who played at the White House for “In
Performance at the White House: A Celebration of Music from the
Civil Rights Movement” in February 2010:

“[Bob Dylan] wouldn’t come to the rehearsal; usually, all these guys
are practicing before the set in the evening. He didn’t want to take
a picture with me; usually all the talent is dying to take a picture
with me and Michelle before the show, but he didn’t show up to
that. He came in and played “The Times They Are A-Changin’.” A
beautiful rendition. The guy is so steeped in this stuff that he can
just come up with some new arrangement, and the song sounds
completely different. Finishes the song, steps off the stage — I’m
sitting right in the front row — comes up, shakes my hand, sort of
tips his head, gives me just a little grin, and then leaves. And that
was it — then he left. That was our only interaction with him.” I
pointed out on The Call, a conservative website, that the reason
Dylan did this was because he was a racist

I'll give you justice - I'll fatten your purse sarcastic: I will do the right
thing and not give you a campaign contribution, also “purse” as a
symbol of homosexuality as in “If you call me a fag again I’ll hit you
with my purse!” Show me your morals that you reverse because
you support marriage between two perverts reverse turned
backward in position, direction, or order. “Pervert” from Old French

pervertir, from Latin pervertere to turn the wrong way, from per-
(indicating deviation) + vertere to turn Now hear me holler, hear me
moan now I can tell you what I really think because we are not
meeting in person I'll pay in blood but not my own

You get your lover in the bed 

Come here I'll break your lousy head 
Our nation must be saved and freed 
You've been accused of murder - how do you plead? 
This is how I'll spend my days 
I came to bury, not to praise 
I'll drink my fill and sleep alone 
I'll pay in blood but not my own.


You get your lover in the bed this is a reference to the death of

Osama Bin Laden who was killed in his bed. Dylan wanted to fly him
back to the United States and give him a fair trial. Come here I'll
break your lousy head this is a reference to torturing terrorist
suspects in order to obtain intelligence information Our nation must
be saved and freed / You've been accused of murder - how do you
plead? Our country is in the hands of a dictator who can kill at will.
This is a reference to the use of drones and the kill list of Americans
carrying out terrorist acts from abroad like Anwar Al-Awlaki who
inspired the Fort Hood massacre of American soldiers This is how I'll
spend my days came to bury, not to praise Friends, Romans,
countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar (Obama),
not to praise him.

Dylan sympathizes more with the enemies of America than he does

with Americans. Again this sounds like Ron Paul, who like Dylan,
opposes the Patriot Act, wants to close Guantanamo and stop the
CIA from using advanced interrogation techniques. Dylan had this to
say about Obama in the Rolling Stone interview:
So what are we talking about? People changing their
minds? Well who are these people that changed
their minds? Talk to them. What are they changing
their minds for? What’d they vote for him for? They
should have voted for somebody else if they didn’t
think they were going to like him! Look, I only met
him a few times. I mean, what do you want me to
say? He loves music. He’s personable. He dresses
good. What the fuck do you want me to say?



After Bob and Joel failed effort to prevent Obama from becoming
elected they went on to revive an old Tabloid story that Bill Clinton
had sex with a black hooker outside in Little Rock Arkansas, in some
bushes, and produced a black son. Joel Gilbert picked up on this
with a film and hauled the young crack head to Washington and
gave him a speech to read to the TV cameras at the National Press
Club. “As you can see I’m the black son of former president Bill
Clinton and the stepson of Hillary Clinton,” Danney Williams, read
as Gilbert, off to the side, mouthed many of the words. Actually,
you could only see him as Clinton’s son if you imagined Clinton six
inches shorter, with a different build and different facial features.
But no matter. “At this time I am reaching out to Miss Lewinsky,
Monica Lewinsky,” Williams went on, looking to Gilbert for
instruction and holding up a letter. “I’m asking that Miss Lewinsky
allow me to borrow her blue dress in order to obtain a DNA sample
of my father’s, former president Bill Clinton, in order to finally prove

that he is my father.” In fact, Danney Boy DNA was tested, 17 years

ago, when his mother sold it and her story to a tabloid, which
compared the boy’s genetic material to Clinton’s DNA markers and
concluded Clinton wasn’t his father. That ended the false news
story — until late last year, when longtime Donald Trump adviser
Roger Stone declared: “I will get justice for Danney Williams — stay
tuned.” The Trump confidant who was arrested by the FBI for lying
to Mueller’s investigators had decided the original DNA work was
wrong, and he teamed up to make that case with conspiracy-
minded radio host Alex Jones, an avid Trump backer who lent his
InfoWars news outlet to the cause. The pro-Trump outlet Breitbart
News, whose former chief Stephen Bannon ran Trump’s campaign,
and the Drudge Report began to trumpet the Danney Boy Story.
Gilbert is a fixture on InfoWars.

Danney Boy seems unclear on his motives. He said that he was

seeking the former president’s DNA because “I want to know my
dad.” But moments later he was calling Clinton a “deadbeat” and a
“big felon.” Danney Boy wants to raise $100,000 for his campaign
but said he had only $2,800; Gilbert booked the room and said he
funded the film. Gilbert quickly lost control of the event. One
woman declared she was going to baptize Williams and then, failing
to find oil in her handbag, performed the ritual with bottled water.
There were prayers and laying on of hands and shouts from the
participants that the press is “racist” and “bought off.” Conservative
activist Cliff Kincaid told the gathering I was there “to write a story
making fun of” Williams. But I wouldn’t make fun of Williams. The
ones worthy of ridicule are the powerful and unscrupulous men
exploiting him.


Joel was an okay guy and only someone who made a pact with the
Devil by his own admission, could convince him it is ok to associate
with Holocaust deniers. That individual is Bob Dylan a Holocaust
denier. He first expressed this pathological belief in Tweedle De
Tweedle Dum 2001 which concerns the similarities between the
Likud and Labor Parties in Israel:

Well a childish dream is a deathless need

And a noble truth is a sacred creed
My pretty baby, she’s lookin’ around
She’s wearin’ a multi-thousand dollar gown

“Well, a childish dream” Well, let me explain, the unrealistic

idealistic dream of the State of Israel existing in the hostile
environment of the Middle East “is a deathless need” is the
desperate need of a people who do not wish to be subject to Nazi
genocide again “And a noble truth” and the grand and stately truth
is that the Jews must not be subject to another Holocaust because
they are stateless “is a sacred creed” is an unquestionable formal
statement of religious and secular Zionist belief “My pretty” but my
considerable in size “baby” truth, love, intellect “she’s lookin’
around” she is questioning if the number of people killed in the
Holocaust was exaggerated, “She’s wearin’” bearing, carrying, and

maintaining “a multi-thousand dollar” a belief that hundreds of

thousands of Jews, rather millions, were murdered “gown” based
on the findings of academics; “gown” a distinctive outer robe worn
by those pretending to be scholars such as the Nazis at the Institute
for Historical Review, a front group dedicated to Holocaust denial.
Alternatives to College 1965, “welcome this notorious moment”
graduation “wearing the robe & blindfold.”

In 2017 Zimmermann stated:

I don’t think “Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum” is a

strange song at all, by any measure. I think it was
pretty standard then and I think the same now, so
that particular song could go anywhere.

So the dirtbag is still a Holocaust revisionist.

Bob was the most genetically challenged Jew I ever associated with.
He advocated his own genocide and that of his children. He is in
another universe. He believes that because he has blue eyes he is
part of a superior race.


In a recent interview Bob recalled a conversation he

had with Frank Sinatra: “Sinatra was funny, we were
standing out on his patio at night and he said to me,
“You and me, pal, we got blue eyes, we’re from up
there,” and he pointed to the stars. “These other
bums are from down here.” I remember thinking
that he might be right.” (Interview w/Bill Flannigan)

In his autobiography, Chronicles, we discover Hitler wasn’t Aryan

enough for Bob because he didn’t have blue eyes.

Yeah sure, looking back in hindsight, you can see that

someone would have to take control. But still, it’s so
perplexing. Like why him? You could see that the
man’s a total mutt. No Aryan characteristics
whatsoever. You couldn’t guess his ancestry. Brown
hair, brown eyes, pasty complexion, no particular
type of stature, Hitler mustache, raincoat, riding
whip, the whole works. He knew something.

Another Sinatra episode indicative of Dylan's racism was revealed

when Dylan described an encounter with Frank Sinatra Jr. “He
[Frank Sinatra Jr.] talked about the Civil Rights Movement, said his
father had been active in civil rights and had always fought for the
underdog-that his father felt like he was one himself. Frank Jr.
seemed pretty smart, nothing faked or put-on or ritzy about him.
There was a legitimacy about what he did, and he knew who he
was. The conversation rolled along. ‘How do you think it would
make you feel,’ he said, ‘to find out that the underdog had turned
out to be a son of a bitch?’ ‘I don't know,’ I said, ‘probably not so


Zimmermann fails not only to challenge someone who in my

opinion sounds like a racist pig, he agrees with him. Frank Jr. was
saying that "the underdog had turned out to be a son of a bitch" -
all Black people were gangbangers, bad-assed or lazy Blacks,
dopers, rip offs, welfare mothers and Dylan agreed with him?
Zimmermann said he was with his wife, which wife? The African-
American one or the Jewish one?

This is what Bobby thinks constitutes a superior race: 1960: He gets

fucked up the ass and gives blow jobs to or get blow jobs from
sleazoids he picks up in bars near Times Square. Almost gets
snuffed. 1961 suicidal, threatens to jump off Brooklyn Bridge, ends
up in Bellevue, so he’s a mental case, next he gets addicted to
heroin, so he’s a dope fiend. Starting god knows when he becomes
a sex addict, then get’s HIV Positive and this turns into AIDS and he
almost dies. He’s a racist all along praises Adolf Hitler becomes a
Jewish Holocaust denier and remains one in 2017. And this is Bob
Bob’s idea of a member of a superior race: a Jew who becomes
complicit in paving the way for another Holocaust because if the
first one can be denied so can the next. But, of course, no one is
aware of this thought except myself, and these brainwashed idiots
think Dylan is a nationalistic proud Jew from Neighborhood Bully
and a believer in the Holocaust as in With God on Our Side 1962:

When the Second World War

Came to an end
We forgave the Germans
And we were friends
Though they murdered six million
In the ovens they fried
The Germans now too

At an unknown point in time, circa 1990, Bob began omitting this

verse from the song at concerts. To demonstrate that I am not
taking this key verse from Tweedle out of context here is a
translation of the entire poem.


Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee

They're throwing knives into the tree
Two big bags of dead man's bones
Got their noses to the grindstones


“Tweedle-dee Dum” the Likud Party “and Tweedle-dee Dee” and

the Labor Party, the two major political parties of Israel in 2001
“They're throwing knives into the tree” they are attempting to
defeat the Palestinians by underhanded means as the Bible says
that Arabs and Jews share a common family tree or ancestry: “Two
big bags” two large amounts of human game taken or legally
permitted to be taken, body bags “of dead man's bones” of the
remains of dead Palestinians and Israelis “Got their noses” they
have their work cut out for them “to the grindstones” killing
Palestinian youth who throw rocks at them, note the use of the
plural, grindstones.

Living in the Land of Nod

Trustin' their fate to the Hands of God
They pass by so silently
Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee

“Living in the Land of Nod” thriving in Israel, “Nod” a biblical land

East of Eden also existing because of the assent of Israelis “Trustin’
their fate to the Hands of God” making coalitions with the religious
parties in order to govern “They pass by” the two major Israeli
parties serve as a barely acceptable substitute “so silently” like an
unspoken curse “Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee” Labor
and Likud.

Well, they're going to the country, they're gonna retire

they’re taking a streetcar named Desire
Looking in the window at the pecan pie
Lot of things they'd like they would never buy

“Well, they're going to the country” sarcastic: they are only

pretending to go for a two state solution to the Palestinian problem


“they're gonna retire” more sarcasm: they are going to lead troops
away from action; withdraw from the occupied territories so that a
Palestinian State can be formed “They're taking a streetcar named
Desire” sarcastic: they are going to move back to Tel Aviv and other
large Israeli cities as streetcars only exist in urban areas “Looking in
the window” looking at an interval of time during which an activity
can or must take place: a window for peace “at the pecan pie” at
the sweet reward of peace “Lot of things they'd like they would
never buy” in reality they would never go for, assent to, buy, a two
State solution.

Neither one gonna turn and run

they’re making a voyage to the sun
"His Master's voice is calling me,"
Says Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee

“Neither one gonna turn and run” neither party is going to change
its policies and withdraw from the occupied territories “They're
making a voyage to the sun” they are making a distant journey
toward becoming politicians whose actions and opinions strongly
influence the course of world events, they are making a journey to
extinction like a moth flying into a flame "His Master's voice” one
whose teachings and doctrines are accepted by the settlers such as
Rabbi Kahane or Rabbi Kook “is calling me” is telling me to live on
the West Bank of the Jordan in order to hasten the coming of the
Messiah “Says Tweedle-dee Dum” says Likud “to Tweedle-dee Dee”
to Labor.

Tweedle-dee Dee and Tweedle-dee Dum

All that and more and then some
They walk among the stately trees
They know the secrets of the breeze

“Tweedle-dee Dee and Tweedle-dee Dum / All that and more and
then some” both political parties share certain ideas that can only
be alluded to “They walk among the stately trees” they exist in an
environment where many nation states want to punish and execute
them “They know the secrets of the breeze” they know that
intelligence is half the battle, “breeze” to seemingly engage in idle
conversation, to collect intelligence in a clandestine manner, a
breeze for the Israelis.

Tweedle-dee Dum said to Tweedle-dee Dee

Your presence is obnoxious to me.


They're like babies sittin' on a woman's knee

Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee

“Tweedle-dee Dum said to Tweedle-dee Dee” Likud said to Labor

“Your presence” your “presence” diplomatic, political, and military
influence in the United States, “is obnoxious to me” is detrimental
to me “They're like babies sittin' on a woman's knee” they are like
little children jockeying for position in order to curry favor from the
United States by seeing who is the more subservient, who will kneel
deeper “Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee.”

Well, the rain beating down on my windowpane

I got love for you and it's all in vain
Brains in the pot, they're beginning to boil
They're dripping with garlic and olive oil

“Well, the rain” well the hatred “beating down” forcing me to

surrender “on my windowpane” my faith in Israel, shattering my
illusions about Israel like glass “I got love for you and it's all in vain”
I still have some truth to impart to you but your policies toward the
Palestinians make it all an exercise in futility “Brains in the pot”
intellectuals in Israel “pot” Informal a large amount. “beginning to
boil” are beginning to become extremely angry “They're dripping
with” they are oozing or are saturated with “garlic and olive oil”
secular Greek culture or “Hellenistic” culture that Orthodox Jews

Tweedle-dee Dee - he's on his hands and his knees

Saying, Throw me somethin', Mister, please.
What's good for you is good for me,
Says Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee


“Tweedle-dee Dee - he's on his hands and his knees” the Labor
Party is subservient to Likud “Saying, ‘Throw somethin', Mister,
please’” commit yourself to giving me a cabinet post please “What's
good for you is good for me” we both share a common interest
“Says Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee.”

Well, they're living in a happy harmony

Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee
They're one day older and a dollar short
They've got a parade permit and a police escort

“Well, they're living in a happy harmony / Tweedle-dee Dum and

Tweedle-dee Dee” both major Israeli political parties exist in a state
of peaceful agreement and cooperation with the United States
“They're one day older and a dollar short” despite having been in
existence for some time they still need monetary aid from the
United States “They've got a parade permit” both parties are
allowed to behave so as to attract attention; parade themselves all
over the media “and a police” and it is politically incorrect to attack
them; “police” informal; a group that admonishes anyone who
attacks them like the Anti-Defamation League “escort” bodyguard.

They're lying low and they're makin' hay

They seem determined to go all the way
They run a brick and tile company
Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee

“They're lying low” they have underground missile silos “and

they're makin' hay” and they are taking full advantage of an
opportunity make hay while the sun shines “They seem determined
to go all the way” both parties seem determined to go all the way
when it comes to using nuclear weapons against an enemy state
“They run a brick and tile factory” they are extremely violent and
play games with people’s lives “tile” as in games: a marked playing
piece, as in mahjong “Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee.”
“Brick” as violence Po’ Boy 2001:

All I know is that I'm thrilled by your kiss

I don't know any more than this
Po' boy, pickin' up sticks
Build you a house out of mortar and bricks

“All I know is that I'm thrilled by your kiss” all I know is that I am
happy about the approval I received from the folk community “I
don't know any more than this” I don’t want to know about my fans

true nature “Po' boy” Dylan the folksinger “pickin' up sticks” taking
up arms “Build you a house” create an audience “out of mortar” out
of a portable, muzzle loading cannon used to fire shells at low
velocities, short ranges, and high trajectories “and bricks” and

Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee continues:

Well a childish dream is a deathless need
And a noble truth is a sacred creed
My pretty baby, she's lookin' around
She's wearin' a multi-thousand dollar gown

“Well, a childish dream” well let me explain, the unrealistic idealistic

dream of the State of Israel existing in the hostile environment of
the Middle East “is a deathless need” is the desperate need of a
people who do not wish to be subject to Nazi genocide again “And a
noble truth” and the grand and stately truth that the Jews must not
be subject to another Holocaust because they are stateless “is a
sacred creed” is an unquestionable formal statement of religious
and secular Zionist belief



“My pretty” but my considerable in size “baby” truth, love, intellect

“she's lookin' around” she is questioning if the number of people
killed in the Holocaust was exaggerated in order to justify the
establishment and existence of the State of Israel, “She's wearin'”
bearing, carrying, and maintaining “a multi-thousand dollar” a belief
that hundreds of thousands of Jews, rather millions, were murdered
“gown” and this belief is based on the findings of academics;
“gown” a distinctive outer robe worn by those pretending to be
scholars such as the Nazis at the Institute for Historical Review, a

front group dedicated to Holocaust denial. Dylan was not always a

Jewish historical revisionist. In Talkin John Birch Society Blues 1962
he wrote, “Now we all agree with Hitler’s' views / Although he killed
six million Jews.”

When I read Mahmoud Achmadinajad’s 2011 UN speech I noticed

an uncanny resemblance between Dylan and the Iranian Hitler.
Ahmadinejad: “They view Zionism as a sacred notion and ideology.
Any question concerning its very foundation and history is
condemned by them as an unforgivable sin.” This reminded me of
the line “And a noble truth is a sacred creed.” Tweedle-dee Dum
and Tweedle-dee Dee continues:

Tweedle-dee Dee is a lowdown, sorry old man

Tweedle-dee Dum, he'll stab you where you stand
"I've had too much of your company,"
Says, Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee

“Tweedle-dee Dee is a lowdown” the Israeli Labor Party is sneaky

“sorry” inferior; paltry “old man” bunch of old line Socialists
“Tweedle-dee Dum, he'll stab you where you stand” and Likud will
betray America by running spy operations in the United States “I've
had too much of your company” I am becoming the victim of your
intelligence operations, The Company as the CIA. “Says, Tweedle-
dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee.

Dylan sunk to a new low by denying the deaths of millions of Jews

and by doing so bears some of the guilt for mass murder. The
victims of Hitler were robbed of their lives. Dylan takes it one step
further and robs them of their death. There are no words to
describe my hatred for this sick self-hating Jew. There is one dude
who deserved to get AIDS.


Forty years ago Bob Dylan was one proud Jew. Now Dylan is in the
land of sick, self-hating and Israel hating Holocaust denial
psychopathology. As a researcher for the Jewish Defense
Organization I have witnessed a progression that Jews like
Zimmerman make from anti-Zionism to Holocaust denial. Alfred
Lilienthal was the first Jew to come out against the State of Israel in
a piece for Readers Digest Magazine. From there Lilienthal went on
to claiming that the Diary of Anne Frank was a forgery and
speaking at Holocaust denial meetings of the Institute for Historical
Review, a Nazi front group. I have witnessed a similar progression

take place in Bob Dylan. He started out by writing pro-Hitler lines in

his 1965 book Tarantula and the liner notes to his LPs after he
crashed with a Nazi named Ray Gooch. From there he embedded
racist subcontent in his lyrics. Then, during his Christian period, he
wrote that the Jews were forever cursed and exiled for having killed
Christ. Next he protested against Israeli suppression of the intifada
in Under the Red Sky. He went on to compare Israel to Nazi
Germany and finally wrote that hundreds of thousands, not millions
of Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. His latest CD also
contains embedded racist content. So we are really not dealing with
a human being here. We are trying to understand schtick dreck.


In Chronicles, Dylan’s autobiography Dylan crossed the line and

became a neo-Nazi thinker - but fortunately there is no perception
of this by the public due to the fact that no journalist or reviewer
wants to be out of step with the rest of the media and point out
certain passages from Chronicles 2004 that on their face indicate
that there is something seriously wrong with Dylan's thinking -
something that reeks of a diseased mind. Robert Allen Zimmerman,
Jewish on both sides of his family, was born in May 1941. Had Nazi
Germany had triumphed over the Allies the Zimmerman family
would all have been rounded up and systematically murdered. You
would think self-preservation, the first law of nature, would have
made Robert Allen Zimmerman hate Nazis and Nazism. But for most
of his life this sick puppy admired Adolf Hitler. Dylan’s beliefs were

reinforced or inculcated by his benefactor Raymond Gooch who

was born on February 16, 1931 and died on October 15, 1991.
Gooch’s SS #224-38-4122 was issued in Virginia. Gooch was a
follower of neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell and a member of the
American Nazi Party. Chronicles, “I was in New York City,
communists or no communists. There were probably plenty around.
Plenty of fascists, too. Plenty of would-be left-wing dictators and
right-wing dictators. Radicals of all stripes…”


Dylan kept his association with Gooch secret for decades. He told
reporters that in 1961 he crashed in doorways and was a street
person. Dylan, however, would have frozen to death. He wrote that
he lived with Dave and Terry Van Ronk, in their roach infested 15th
Street pad.



"David was the grand dragon. If you were on McDougal Street in

the evening and out to see somebody play, he'd be the first and last
vital choice of the night." This is how Dylan describes Dave Van
Ronk, a socialist and anti-racist until his recent death? A Grand
Dragon is a high-ranking member of the Klan! To become a Grand
Dragon you got to do some shit, like kill, injure, and mess up some
Black people. Dylan sings the praises of Van Ronk throughout his
book and everyone knows that Dylan's first album was not much
different than Van Ronk's early work which everyone back then
would listen to ask themselves, "You believe this dude is white?"
Hey I lived through this era sports fans. What did Dylan do for Van
Ronk anyway? Did he ever try to help his career, did he ever let him
open at one of his concerts?

He also stated that he crashed at the Hotel Earle, a flea bag hotel
located not far from Washington Square Park. Then he wrote that
he moved in with McKenzie family on West 30th Street. Maybe he
crashed in all these places but in his autobiography Chronicles he
revealed for the first time that spent most of his time in the far
West Village pad of Ray Gooch. Chronicles,

Ray was maybe ten years older than me - from

Virginia he was like an old wolf, gaunt and battle
scarred - came from a long line of ancestry made up
of bishops, generals, even a colonial governor. He
was a nonconformist, a nonintegrator and a
Southern nationalist. Ray had said that New York City
was the city that won the Civil War, came out on top-


that the wrong side had lost, that slavery was evil
and that the thing would have died out anyway,
Lincoln or no Lincoln. I heard him say it and thought
it was a mysterious and bad thing to say, but if he
said it, he said it and that's all there is to it.

What is a motherfucking "nonintegrator"? A segregationist. A racist.

I believe I heard of a dude named Ray who lived on the far West
Side from a cat named Dave Moore who lived next door to me at
146 Sullivan Street in 1965. Gooch was a smack dealer. No wonder
Dylan never mentioned him before. Previously Dylan wrote that he
stayed with MacKenzie’s and with Van Ronk then said he got a pad
on the Lower East Side and trekked or shmecked his way to the
Village for gigs.

He and Chloe lived in the place like they were hiding

out. Ray was like a character from out of some of the
songs I'd been singing, someone who had seen life,
done deeds and lived romances-had traipsed around,
had a broad grasp of the country, its conditions.
Though there was an undercurrent of upheaval
reverberating, and in a few years the American cities
would tremble, Ray took little interest, said the real
action was "in the Congo."

“Ray was maybe ten years older than me - from Virginia he was like
an old wolf, gaunt and battle-scarred” old wolf sounds like Rommel,
the Nazi desert wolf “came from a long line of ancestry made up of
bishops, generals, even a colonial governor” his ancestor, Sir
William Gooch was a colonial governor of Virginia. He was a real
American, not some child of second generation immigrants like
Dylan “He was a nonconformist” he did not go along with the liberal
orientation of New York City “a nonintegrator” he believed in the
separation of the races, he was a racist “and a Southern nationalist”
and he believed the South should succeed from the Union rather
than give up Jim Crow “He and Chloe lived in the place like they
were hiding out. Ray was like a character from out of some of the
songs I'd been singing, someone who had seen life, done deeds and
lived romances-had traipsed around, had a broad grasp of the
country, its conditions” he was unhappy with the way Whites were
being treated “Though there was an undercurrent of upheaval”
though there was an undercurrent of a great change and
disturbance “reverberating” which would have a prolonged and
continuing effect “and in a few years the American cities would
tremble, Ray took little interest, said the real action was ‘in the

Congo’” if you really want to kill n-worders become a mercenary in

the Belgian Congo.

Ray had an elite background, even studied at

Camden Military Academy in South Carolina, which
he had left with ‘sincere and utter hatred.’ He'd also
been ‘expelled with gratitude’ from Wake Forest
Divinity School, a religious college. Ray wasn't like
that. He wasn't somebody who would leave any
footprints on the sands of time, but there was
something special about him. He had blood in his
eyes, the face of a man who could do no wrong---
total lack of viciousness or wickedness or even
sinfulness in his face. He seemed like a man who
could conquer and command anytime he wished to.
Ray was mysterious as Hell.

Had Gooch been expelled because of his Nazi beliefs? Dylan wrote
that “Ray wasn't somebody who would leave any footprints on the
sands of time” Ray would not make history “but there was
something special about him” yet he had an amazing influence on
me, more so than anyone else “He had blood in his eyes” “blood”
descent from a common ancestor; parental lineage was apparent in
his thoughts “the face of a man who could do no wrong” he was a
White American Protestant Southerner, the pride of the White race
“total lack of viciousness or wickedness or even sinfulness in his
face” and his race manifested the highest qualities of America “He
seemed like a man who could conquer and command anytime he
wished to” it was men like Ray Gooch who made America a world
power “Ray was mysterious as Hell” mysterious, Satan is also
mysterious. Keep this word in mind when I translate the “the
mystery tramp” as Hitler in Like a Rolling Stone.


Dylan described Ray’s arms cache “Everything in plain sight. A lot of

firearms, too. You'd think that Ray was part of the police force or a
licensed gunsmith or something. There were different parts of guns
- of pistols, large frame, small frame, Taurus Tracker pistol, a pocket
pistol, trigger guards, everything like in a compost heap, altered
guns” semi-automatics converted to machine guns “guns with
shortened barrels” sawed-off shotguns “different brands of guns -
Ruger, Browning, a single-action Navy pistol, everything poised to
work, shined out. You'd walk into this room” you would enter his
life “and feel like you were under the vigilance of some unsleeping
eye.” Gooch was a vigilante “It was weird. Ray was anything but a
macho tough guy. I asked him once what he did with all this stuff
back there, what it was for. ‘Tactical response,’ he said.” A tactical
response is an armed response involving paramilitary operations
that are small, close to base, and of short-term duration, like
shooting a n-worder that riots. Ray Gooch was a walking time bomb
as many Nazis are. Chronicles continues:

Ray was a Southerner and made no bones about it,

but he would have been antislavery as much as he
would have been antiunion. ‘Slavery should have
been outlawed from the start,’ he said. ‘It was
diabolical. Slave power makes it impossible for free
workers to make a decent living-it had to be

Gooch did not look at slavery in terms of racism but from the point
of view of a poor White competing with the Blacks for jobs and
even Dylan had to admit:

Ray was pragmatic. Sometimes it was as if he had no

heart or soul. Ray was not a guy who had nothing on
his mind. He knew what he thought and he knew
how to express it, didn't make room in his life for
mistakes. The mundane things in life didn't register
with him. He seemed to have some golden grip on
reality, didn't sweat the small stuff, quoted the
Psalms and slept with a pistol near his bed. At times
he could say things that had way too much edge.
Once he said that President Kennedy wouldn't last
out his term because he was a Catholic. When he
said it, it made me think about my grandmother,
who said to me that the Pope is the king of the Jews.


Not only did Gooch hate Blacks, he hated Catholics just as the Klan
once did. Dylan’s remark about his grandmother makes me wonder
if he inherited some particular gene from her? Dylan didn’t hate
Catholics and thought this remark could be a self-fulfilling prophecy
and that Gooch was a potential assassin of President Kennedy.
Chronicles continued:

How much did I know about that cataclysmic event

[the Civil War]? Probably close to nothing. There
weren't any great battles fought out where I grew
up. No Chancellorsvilles, Bull Runs, Fredericksburgs
or Peachtree Creeks. What I knew about it was that it
was a war fought about States' Rights and it ended

“States Rights” is a dog whistle phrase meaning racism and


Ray had said that New York City was the city that won the Civil War
came out on top that the wrong side had lost that that slavery was
evil and that the thing would have died out anyway Lincoln or no
Lincoln. I heard him say it and thought it was a mysterious and bad
thing to say but if he said it, he said it and that's all there is to it.

“Ray had said that New York City was the city that won the Civil War
came out on top” Ray, a neo-Confederate, blamed the Jews for
starting the Civil War so that they could benefit economically “that
the wrong side had lost” that the Confederacy should have won
“that that slavery was evil and that the thing would have died out
anyway” after how long? “Lincoln or no Lincoln” and that Lincoln
was evil “I heard him say it and thought it was a mysterious.” it
created a feeling of strangeness, curiosity, and wonder, again the
word “mysterious” in connection with a racist leader “and bad thing
to say” and was a bad thing to express; but not to think about “but
if he said it, he said it and that's all there is to it” but if the great
Raymond Gooch said it, it was true!


Ray was working in a tool-and-die factory in

Brooklyn, but before that had drifted around, had
been employed at the Studebaker plant in South
Bend and also at an Omaha slaughterhouse on the
kill floor. Once I asked him what that was like. ‘You
ever heard of Auschwitz?’

Gooch compared the slaughter of animals to the slaughter of Jews;

if Gooch would have known that Dylan was Jewish he would
probably not have asked him if he ever heard about Auschwitz.
What Jew hadn’t? Dylan responded:

Sure I had, who hadn't? It was one of the Nazi death

camps in Europe and Adolf Eichmann, the chief Nazi
Gestapo organizer who'd managed them, had been
put on trial recently in Jerusalem. He'd escaped after
the war and was captured by the Israelis at a bus
stop in Argentina. His trial was a big deal.

In other words the Eichmann trial was blown out of proportion; In

his book Tarantula Dylan wrote, “so i shoot dope once in a while.
big deal.”

Dylan was not always a Jewish traitor and historical revisionist. In

Talkin John Birch Society Blues 1962 he wrote, “Now we all agree
with Hitler’s' views / Although he killed six million Jews.” In With
God On Our Side 1962 he wrote “though they murdered six million
in the ovens they fried / The Germans now too have God on their
side” however, at an unknown point in time, Dylan began omitting
this verse from the song.

Evidence that there was something radically wrong with Bob

Dylan’s brain surfaced in Eleven Outlined Epitaphs 1964, “I talked
with one of the sons of Germany” I spoke with a Nazi who was
really nothing more than a patriotic German. The word “son” can be
looked at in two ways. It can mean a young man or a patriot, as in
“sons of the American Revolution “while walkin’ once on foreign
ground” while visiting East Germany “an’ I learned that he regards
Adolf Hitler as we here in the states regard Robert E. Lee” I and
learned that he regards Hitler as a misguided patriot.

In Some Other Kinds of Songs 1964 Dylan ridiculed Israelis for not
forgiving the Nazis and expressed sympathy for the mass murderer
Eichmann and the high-ranking Nazi and Hitler henchman Rudolph
Hess who was the only prisoner at Spandau Prison after being
convicted of War Crimes at Nuremberg. Dylan calls him a “hermit.”

irma goes t’ Israel an’ writes me that there, they hate

nazis much more ‘n we over here do. eichmann dies
yes, an’ west germany sends eighty-year-old pruned-
out gestapo hermit off t’ the penitentiary.

In his book Tarantula 1965 he wrote, “down with you sam. down
with your answers too. Hitler did not change history. Hitler WAS
history” Down with America, Uncle Sam, and your reasons for
fighting in World War II. What Zimmerman is saying here is that
Hitler was not a leader who was a charismatic demagogue who
imposed his genocidal and militaristic ideas on Germany, but Hitler
came to power because of history – that is the Treaty of Versailles
imposed unfair harsh penalties on Germany and the German
people. Never a bad word about Hitler of Nazism from Herr

In Promoting Democracy--An Obsession Whose Time Has Passed

crypto-Nazi Ron Paul stated:

Promoting democracy is now our nation’s highest

ideal. Wilson started it with his ill-advised drive to
foolishly involve us in World War I. His utopian
dream was to make the world safe for democracy.
Instead, his naiveté and arrogance promoted our
involvement in the back-to-back tragedies of World
War I and World War II. It’s hard to imagine the rise
of Hitler in World War II without the Treaty of



Here is what Dylan writes about Lindbergh, "There were other

Minnesotans, too, that I felt akin to. Charles Lindbergh, the first
aviator to fly nonstop across the Atlantic in the '20s. He was from
Little Falls."


In September 1939, two weeks after the Nazi invasion of Poland,

Lindbergh delivered a nationwide radio address urging the United
States to stay out of the war. In this speech Lindbergh proclaimed
that Nazi victory in Europe was certain and because of this America
should stay out and deal with the consequences. Later in the
speech, Lindbergh commented “These wars in Europe are not wars
in which our civilization is defending itself against some Asiatic
intruder.” A later article by Lindbergh in Readers Digest continued:
“Our civilization depends on a western wall of race and arms which
can hold back…the infiltration of inferior blood."


In a letter from Archibald MacLeish Archie made mention of some

lines in a song of mine that places T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound
symbolically fighting in a captain's tower: "Pound and Eliot were too
scholastic, weren't they?" he says. What I know about Pound is that
he was a Nazi sympathizer in World War II and did anti-American
broadcasts from Italy. I never did read him. I liked T. S. Eliot. He was
worth reading. When T. S. Eliot spoke at the University of Virginia
aren't a few weeks after Hitler came to power, he said that in a well
ordered society "Reasons of race and religion combine to make any
large number of free-thinking Jews undesirable." I don't care you
good a poetry this guy wrote, he was a piece of shit and that's that.



This paragraph is from Chronicles 2004: "Hitler, Churchill, Mussolini,

Stalin, Roosevelt - towering figures that the world would never see
the likes of again, men who relied on their own resolve, for better
or worse, every one of them prepared to act alone, indifferent to
approval - indifferent to wealth or love, all presiding over the
destiny of mankind and reducing the world to rubble." Hitler was a
towering figure? The dictionary defines towering figure as: very
great - a towering figure in the British art world. Dylan's view of
Hitler appears to be not unlike that of Louis Farrakhan, a notorious
Jew hater, "Here come the Jews [sic] don't like Farrakhan, so they
call me a Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great
man." It also reminds me of a statement that Nazi collaborator
Gertrude Stein made in 1937: "There is too much fathering going on
just now and there is no doubt about it fathers are depressing.
Everybody nowadays is a father, there is father Mussolini and father
Hitler and father Roosevelt and father Stalin..." Stein was one of the
few Jews to meet with Adolf Hitler. Somebody should have put a
bullet through this bitch! She should never have been an icon of the


In Chronicles 2004 Dylan continued to express sympathy for Adolf

Eichmann, who would have put him in an oven:

Ray Gooch was working in a tool-and-die factory in

Brooklyn, but before that had drifted around, had
been employed at the Studebaker plant in South
Bend and also at an Omaha slaughterhouse on the
kill floor. Once I asked him what that was like. "You
ever heard of Auschwitz?" Sure I had, who hadn't? It
was one of the Nazi death camps in Europe and Adolf
Eichmann, the chief Nazi Gestapo organizer who'd
managed them, had been put on trial recently in
Jerusalem. He'd escaped after the war and was
captured by the Israelis at a bus stop in Argentina.
His trial was a big deal. On the witness stand
Eichmann declared he was merely following orders,
but his prosecutors had no problem proving that he
had carried out his mission with monstrous zeal and
relish. Eichmann had been convicted and his fate was
now being decided. There was a lot of talk about
sparing his life, even sending him back to Argentina,
but that would have been foolish. Even if he was set
free he probably wouldn't last an hour. The State of
Israel claimed the right to act as heir and executor of
all who perished in the final solution. The trial
reminds the whole world of what led to the
formation of the Israeli state.



Dylan asked Ray Gooch, the smack dealer Dylan crashed with when
Dylan first hit New York City, what it was like to work in a plant
where animals were slaughtered. Gooch compared it to a prison
where people were slaughtered. The first thing that caught my
attention was that when Gooch compared Auschwitz to a
slaughterhouse in the Midwest Dylan did not report registering any

“Gestapo organizer?” Zimmermann makes Eichmann into a death

camp victim “Organize” death camp jargon for stealing or
scrounging clothing, food etc. that frequently made the difference
between life and death “manage [the death camps].” “manage” as
in succeed in accomplishing or achieving, especially with difficulty.


SS Commander Reinhard Heydrich disclosed to Eichmann in autumn

1941 that all the Jews in German-controlled Europe were to be
murdered. In 1942, Heydrich ordered Eichmann to attend
the Wannsee Conference where Germany's anti-semitic measures
were set down into an official policy of genocide. Eichmann was
given the position of Transportation Administrator of the "Final
Solution to the Jewish Question", which put him in charge of all the
trains that would carry Jews to the death camps in the territory
of occupied Poland. Eichmann was never in charge of the death
camps. “His trial was a big deal.” Dylan implied that his trial was
blown out of proportion; Tarantula, “so i shoot dope once in a
while. big deal.” A big deal can be defined as something of special
importance but it can be also sometimes used ironically as an
interjection. Dylan went on, "There was a lot of talk about sparing
his life, even sending him back to Argentina, but that would have
been foolish. Even if he was set free he probably wouldn't last an
hour." Set free? Who the fuck even suggested he be set free? Much
of the talk about returning Eichmann to Argentina came from
Argentina's military dictatorship and from Nazi groups that had
brought him there in the first place. In 1964 Dylan was one of those
who thought it was wrong to execute Eichmann or go after Nazi war
criminals "irma goes t' israel an' writes me that there, they hate
nazis much more 'n we over here do. eichmann dies yes, an' west
germany sends eighty - year - old pruned - out gestapo hermit off t'
the penitentiary." The Nuremburg prosecutors failed to prove that
Eichmann was not just following orders and all they could prove was
that he just got overly enthusiastic in doing so. “Eichmann had been
convicted and his fate was now being decided. There was a lot of
talk about sparing his life, even sending him back to Argentina, but
that would have been foolish” No one talked about freeing him and
sending him back to Argentina except other Nazis and Bob Dylan
“Even if he was set free he probably wouldn’t last an hour” because
some dirty Jew might kill him. Also setting him free was the wrong
thing to do not because it was immoral, but because it would be

On the witness stand Eichmann declared he

was merely following orders, but his
prosecutors had no problem proving that he
had carried out his mission with monstrous
zeal and relish.

Chronicles continued, “The State of Israel claimed the right to act as

heir and executor of all who perished in the final solution” they
claimed the right to do this to receive reparations from Germany as

all these money grubbing Jews were interested in was gelt “The trial
reminds the whole world of what led to the formation of the Israeli
state” it was only a show trial to justify the existence of the “Zionist
entity.” What a sick Jew. Not only did Dylan admire Nazis, he also
admired the Klan and Robert Allen Zimmermann, ex-bar mitzvah
boy, wrote this in Chronicles 2004:


In an interview with Bill Flannigan in April 2009 Dylan was asked

about Hitler:

BF: Do you think actors have to be sincere?

BD: Not at all. Mae West wasn’t. She was just who she was on the
screen. Just like Jimmy Stewart and Burt Lancaster. Yeah, Lon
Chaney, too.

BF: Could that mean that Alec Guinness is Hitler?

BD: Well sure, a part of him is. But of course he’s not Hitler. And
neither is anybody else. Hitler was Hitler.

BF: Do you remember images of Hitler from growing up?

BD: No, not growing up. He was dead by the time I was four or five.
I never had a real understanding of that.

BF: Never had an understanding of what?

BD: How you take a failed landscape painter and turn him into a
fanatical mad man who controls millions. That’s some trick. I mean
the powers that created him must have been awesome.

BF: Well, the social and economic conditions of the Weimar

Republic were so different than now.

BD: Yeah sure, looking back in hindsight, you can see that someone
would have to take control. But still, it’s so perplexing. Like why
him? You could see that the man’s a total mutt. No Aryan
characteristics whatsoever. You couldn’t guess his ancestry. Brown
hair, brown eyes, pasty complexion, no particular type of stature,
Hitler mustache, raincoat, riding whip, the whole works. He knew
something. He knew that people didn’t think. Look at the faces of
the millions who worshipped him and you see that he inspired love.

It’s scary and sad. The torch of the spoken word. They were glad to
follow him anywhere, loyal to the bone. Then of course, he filled up
the cemeteries with them.

BF: It brings to mind Hitler talking to the crowd in Triumph of the

Will by Leni Riefenstahl.

BD: Yeah, it’s clear as day.

Dylan began with a statement that on its surface says nothing

“Hitler is Hitler.” Why is Dylan being non-judgmental here? Then
when asked about Hitler and Nazism Dylan replied that “I never had
a real understanding of that.” What he is saying here is the way the
history of Hitler and the Nazis was taught to him in school and the
way the media portrays it was false. This takes the interviewer by
surprise “Never had an understanding of what?” as he senses that
Dylan is about to defend Nazism. Dylan responded, “How you take a
failed landscape painter and turn him into a fanatical mad man who
controls millions. That’s some trick. I mean the powers that created
him must have been awesome.” Who took a failed landscape
painter and turned him into a dictator? What sinister, behind the
scenes power created him? What group has enough power to
control the world? The Zionist Jews more often than not get this
distinction, in forgeries such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Flannigan is starting to see that Dylan is demented. Instead of
asking him “What hidden powers created Hitler and Nazism?” he
says “Well, the social and economic conditions of the Weimar
Republic were so different than now.” Dylan was not talking about
social and economic conditions; he was talking about some sinister
conspiracy that installed Hitler and the Nazis. “Yeah sure, looking
back in hindsight” looking back at the establishment of the State of
Israel “you can see that someone would have to take control” you
can see that the Zionist Jews put Hitler in power. Note: Dylan is not
talking about Hitler, he is talking about these mysterious
conspiratorial forces. Dylan’s only objection to Hitler is that he was
not racially pure enough to be a symbol of Nazism:

You could see that the man’s a total mutt. No Aryan

characteristics whatsoever. You couldn’t guess his
ancestry. Brown hair, brown eyes, pasty complexion, no
particular type of stature, Hitler mustache, raincoat,
riding whip, the whole works.


Dylan continues, “He knew something. He knew that people didn’t

think. Look at the faces of the millions who worshipped him and
you see that he inspired love. It’s scary and sad.” Hitler knew that
people’s emotions were more important than their thoughts and he
inspired the emotion of love in the German people. Dylan had to
qualify his remarks with “this is scary and sad” rather than
“frightening and tragic” but then he calls Adolf Hitler “The torch of
the spoken word” “torch” anything regarded as a source of
enlightenment, guidance, etc. the torch of Nazism. “They were glad
to follow him anywhere, loyal to the bone.” The German were
justified in their loyalty to Hitler “Then of course, he filled up the
cemeteries with them” however he was a poor military tactician.
What all this boils down to is that the much loved Bob Dylan is a
hardcore self-hating racist pig who embraces conspiracy theories
that could have originated with Lyndon LaRouche. He is the lowest
form of a Jew on the planet earth.

This kind of thinking would lead to Bob Dylan becoming a Holocaust

revisionist. The Holocaust Revisionist Movement is merely a Nazi
front. Its members know there was a Holocaust and they know that
at least 6 million Jews perished but they deny it so that there can be
another Holocaust which they can also deny. But Dylan is a special
kind of Holocaust denier: while these men are not Jewish, Dylan is.
He joins the ranks of Jews like Norman Finkelstein and Alfred
Lilienthal. These scums either deny the Holocaust ever occurred at
all or claim that the number of Jews killed was exaggerated in order
to justify the establishment of the State of Israel. By Bob Dylan


saying that hundreds of thousands of Jews died rather than millions

of Jewish people died this scum bears some of the guilt of the mass
murderers. Once again Robert Allen Zimmermann, a Jew on both
sides of his family, is shtick dreck.

Since Dylan was influenced by Gooch in 1961 or 1962 Dylan

immediately took the racist road and embedded racist dog whistle
messages in songs that ostensibly were anti-racist. No one is going
to believe that the anthem of the civil rights movement advocated
apartheid. I can understand this. It is a revolutionary concept
formulated by a revolutionary.



Click for MP3 Blowin’ In The Wind

How many roads must a man walk down

Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

How many roads

“Road” as occupation. Dylan: “I’m walkin’ a road many men have

gone down” Dylan commenting on his folk singing career as he is
living the life of poverty just as so many other folksingers who have
come before him.

must a man

 a member of any of the living races of Homo sapiens,
walk down
Participate in

Before you call him a man

Before you realize he can be nothing more than a man servant, a

subordinate, a slave.

How many seas must a white dove sail


How many seas must a female woman or child colonialist or

immigrant of white European descent cross?

Before SHE sleeps in the sand?

Before she raped by Blacks? Sleep:To have sexual relations with in

this case involuntarily after being thrown down in the dirt. Sand:
dirt, earth.

Very interesting use of pronouns. The key word here is “she” very
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls

How many times must the loose cannons: a person who behaves in
a way that you cannot predict, often with serious or damaging


fly off the handle Informal to become suddenly enraged

Before they're forever banned?

Are banned from interacting with Whites = Jim Crow. Segregation,

Slavery, apartheid

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

The answer is blowin' in the wind

The answer is the Ku Klux Klan who kept the Blacks “in their place”
by lynching them when these crackers believed they stepped out of

Billy Holiday in strange fruit.

Southern trees bear strange fruit / Blood on the leaves and blood at
the root / Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze / Strange
fruit hanging from the poplar trees

Get it? Bodies Blowin’ in the Wind after a lynching.

Yes, 'n' how many years can a mountain exist

Before it's washed to the sea?

Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist

Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Yes, 'n' how many years can a mountain exist

How many years can an indefinite quantity that is above the

average in size or magnitude such as the North, the Yankees the
Union continue to exist?

Before it's washed to the sea?

Before THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN and drown them out of

Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist

Some people, the people of the South, continue to be; persist: old
customs that still exist in Southern areas.

Before they're allowed to be free?

Not controlled by another country or political power; independent:

a free nation.
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man

Back to the man metaphor, “man” a slave or former slave

turn his head
Turn: To change or reverse one's way, course, or direction:

Head: A person who leads, rules, or is in charge; a leader, chief, or


How many times can a freed slave vote in an election during


How many times can a former slave vote?

And pretend that he just doesn't see?

And not realize he is being played by white scallywags and carpet

baggers who took advantage of Reconstruction to hold public office.


The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

The answer is blowin' in the wind

The answer is to have the KKK take vigilante action against the

Yes, 'n' how many times must a man look up

Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Yes, 'n' how many times must a man look up

To search for and find, as in as in the Constitution

Before he can see the sky?

Before he sees the highest law in the land which deems Blacks 3/5 th
Article I, Section. 2 [Slaves count as 3/5 persons]
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the
several States which may be included within this Union, according
to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding
to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to
Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three
fifths of all other Persons [i.e., slaves].

Also he writes before “he can really see the sky”

Yes, 'n' how many ears

Sympathetic or favorable attention: "[The president] wavers

between the two positions, depending on who last had his ear"

must ONE MAN have Before he can hear people cry?

Must ONE man, the number one man, the president, Abe Lincoln,
have before he can hear the cries of the South? (Also sings must
one person have.)

Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows that too many
people have died?


618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and
258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in
American history.

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

The answer is blowin' in the wind

How many seas must a white dove sail

Before she sleeps in the sand?


Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

The answer is blowin' in the wind

Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?


Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have

Before he can hear people cry?

Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows

That too many people have died?

Dylan made chumps out of his political opponents by having them

adopt a song with an embedded racist message as their national
anthem however only a miniscule number of people were aware of
this so in the long run he furthered the cause of what he considered
to be wrong. He was a racist, absurdist and opportunist. Hard Rain
is another racist poem written under Gooch’s influence in the early


And what did you see my blue eyed son,

And what did you see my darling young one
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it

I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it

I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin'
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin'
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand takers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children
And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard
It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.

“I saw a newborn baby” I saw a new born White American

Protestant child “with wild wolves all around it” surrounded by a
wolf pack of vicious Blacks “I saw a highway of diamonds” I saw a
road of opportunity “with nobody on it” with Black too lazy to get
on it “I saw a black branch” a Black branch of humanity “with blood
that kept drippin'” still taking human life like bloodthirsty savages
“Blood” as death; Long Ago Far Away 1962, “The war guns they
went off wild” freely “The whole world bled its blood” “I saw a
room full of men” I saw a Congress which was composed of almost
all White men “with their hammers a-bleedin'” trying to pass
bleeding heart Civil Rights legislation “I saw a white ladder all
covered with water” I saw the upward ladder of economic mobility
for Whites covered in sorrow, in tears “I saw ten thousand talkers
whose tongues were all broken” I saw a bunch of Blacks who spoke
in dialect that sounded like a different language, in broken English “I
saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children” I saw

guns and knives in the hands of these genetically and intellectually

inferior people “And it's a hard” it is a resistant to persuasion and
appeal; obdurate “rain gonna fall” hatred gonna fall on the Blacks.

“Hammer” as legislation; Eleven Outlined Epitaphs 1964, “where

state lines” the borders of the Soviet State “don't stand” do not
endure “an' knowledge don't count” and Leftwing propaganda is
dismissed “when feelings are hurt” when people are oppressed “an'
I am on the side a them hurt feelings” I am on the side of dissidents
living in the Soviet Union “plunged on” cast suddenly, violently, and
deeply into a given state or situation “by unsensitive hammers” by
insensitive heartless legislation “an' made t' bleed by rusty nails”
and made to suffer by antiquated, gangrenous laws.

“Water” as trouble, sorrow; ‘above water’ idiomatic expression for

out of trouble. Poem to Woody 1961, “And yer knee-deep in the
dark water with yer hands in the air” Precious Angel 1979, “You
were drawing water for your husband, you were suffering under the
law” Gonna Change My Way of Thinking 1979, “Blood and water
flowing through the land” death and sorrow happening in a land
that should be flowing with milk and honey.

And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?

And what did you hear, my darling young one?
I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin'
I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world
I heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin'
I heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin'
I heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin'
Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter
Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley
And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.

“And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son? / And what did you
hear, my darling young one? / I heard the sound of a thunder” I
heard the sound of the Soviets testing a hydrogen bomb “it roared
out a warnin'” the loud hostile sound of the explosion warned me
of the danger it posed “I heard the roar of a wave that could drown
the whole world” I heard danger coming from a wave of
Communism that was sweeping the world and could destroy
freedom “I heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-
blazin'” I heard a small minority trying to drum up support for a
revolution by throwing Molotov cocktails at tanks “I heard ten
thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin'” I heard numerous

Hungarians and Czechs privately, secretly express discontent with

the Russian Communist totalitarian regime “I heard one person
starve” I heard one person die in a Siberian Gulag, “starve” archaic:
to suffer and die from cold “I heard many people laughin’” I heard
many Communists express derision and contempt for dissidence
“Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter” in 1952 fifteen
Soviet Jews, including five prominent Yiddish poets, were secretly
tried and convicted of treason by Stalin’s puppet judiciary; multiple
executions soon followed in the basement of Moscow's filthy
Lubyanka prison “Heard the sound of a clown” heard the sound of
President Eisenhower, a former General “who cried in the alley”
who was more worried about the Blacks in the ghetto than the
oppressed in the Soviet Union and its slave states and as a result
appointed the race traitor Earl Warren to the Supreme Court “And
it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall” and someone is going to pay for all of

“Clown” as soldier; Queen Jane Approximately 1965, “When all the

clowns that you have ommissioned / Have died in battle and in
vain / And you’re sick of the this repetition” war after war “Won’t
you come see me Queen Jane” register and vote Republican
Conservative Tarantula, “the apprentice clown, Tomboy, at her feet
- he's known professionally as Rabbit Rough” Tarantula, “she peeks
from tanks & repeats herself - - she stays away from the merry-go-
round & you must love her too / she lives in armor & prejudice ...
she is frightened of the clowns.”

“Alley” as slum, ghetto; Poem to Woody 1961, “And yer sun decked
desert and evergreen valleys / Turn to broken down slums and
trash can alleys” Some Other Kinds of Songs 1964, “little children /
shoot craps / in the alley garbage pot” For Dave Glover 1962, “An
the dirt in the alley's risin’” Tarantula, “praying for her purse to be
stolen up gunpowder alley!”

Oh, who did you meet my blue-eyed son?

Who did you meet, my darling young one?
I met a young child beside a dead pony
I met a white man who walked a black dog
I met a young woman whose body was burning
I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow
I met one man who was wounded in love
I met another man who was wounded with hatred
And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.


“I met a young child” same as “young children” in the previous

verse; a person from an immature race “beside a dead” beside a
consumed; as in ‘another dead soldier’ “pony” bottle of alcohol, I
met a drunken Black “I met a white man” I met a true American
named Ray Gooch who, in Chronicles, Dylan described a “non-
integrationist” “who walked a black dog” who knew that the
drunken Black shiftless bums had to be kept on a short leash “I met
a young woman whose body” I met a young woman whose posse
“body” a number of persons regarded as a group “was burning” was
into burning crosses at meetings or on uppity Blacks’ lawns. This
was Chloe Kiel Ray Gooch’s room-mate who had been in the Ku Klux
Klan. Dylan implied this in Chronicles, “Chloe, a Southern girl with
Northern blood, was skilled in the use of bathroom clotheslines and
sometimes I'd find one of my shirts hanging in there” “I met a young
girl, she gave me a rainbow” Joan Baez, who was into the Civil
Rights Movement and gave Dylan an illusory hope that the Negroes
were deserving of equal rights “I met one man who was wounded in
love” I met one man who was diseased, impotent; Chronicles
regarding Ray Gooch and Chloe Kiel, “They lived as husband and
wife, or brother and sister, or cousins, it was hard to tell, they just
lived here, that's all.” “I met another man who was wounded with
hatred” I met another part of that same man that was hurt in life
just as a soldier is wounded in battle simply because of his views on
Negroes; Chronicles, “Ray had an elite background, even studied at
Camden Military Academy in South Carolina, which he had left with
‘sincere and utter hatred.’” “Rainbow” as illusory hope connected
with the then popular Joan Baez who was Queen of Folk while
Dylan was King; Tarantula, “somewhere over the rainbow &
blinding my married lover into the ovation maniacs.” Beyond the
Horizon 2006 “Beyond the horizon” beyond the range of one's
knowledge “behind the sun” in a place or time that has been passed
or left by the luminaries of medicine “At the end of the rainbow” at
the end of the search for an illusory hope, a cure “life has only

“Wounded” as diseased; Jack-A-Roe 1993, “And sent for her

physician to quickly heal his wounds / Oh, to quickly heal his
wounds” Tarantula, “Claudette, the sandman's pupil, wounded in
her fifth year in the business & she's only 15 & go ahead ask her
what she thinks of married men & governors & shriner conventions
go ahead ask her” Chronicles, “Even the horrifying news items of
the day, the gunning down of the Kennedys, King, Malcolm X... I
didn't see them as leaders being shot down, but rather as fathers
whose families had been left wounded” whose families had been
exposed to the disease of the Left.

And what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son?

And what'll you do now my darling young one?
I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin'
I'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where the people are a many and their hands are all empty
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
Where the executioner's face is always well hidden
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten
Where black is the color, where none is the number
And I'll tell and think it and speak it and breathe it
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it
Then I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin'
But I'll know my songs well before I start singin'
And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard
It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.

“And what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son? And what'll you do

now my darling young one? I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts
a-fallin'” I am going back out before race riots destroy America “I'll
walk to the depths of the deepest black forest” I will go to the same
depths the Germans did in destroying the Jews when it comes to
getting rid of the Blacks. “Black Forest” as in Bavaria, Germany,
where Hitler began his rise to power “Where the people are a
many” where the Whites outnumber the mud people “and their
hands are all empty” and they are poor Whites with future fates
that offer no promise, lacks substance, nor can they express this in
writing “Where the pellets” the shotgun pellet “of poison” of
something that destroys, murders, of illegal weapons “are flooding
their waters” are overwhelming the decent White folk with trouble.
“Where the home in the valley” where the clean White
neighborhoods “meets the damp dirty prison” turns into the ghetto
when the Blacks move in “Where the executioner's face is always
well hidden” where these primitive tribal people break down
civilization with a code of silence when someone is murdered, if the
murderer is of their race “Where hunger is ugly” where their
‘human’ desires like reproduction turn into animalistic rape “where
souls are forgotten” and they act in a psychopathic manner “Where
black is the color” where a bunch of porch monkeys live “where
none is the number” and no Whites want to live because it is a
jungle where there is no respect for human life “And I'll tell and
think it and speak it and breathe it” and live it “And reflect it from
the mountain so all souls can see it” and reflect on this problem so
all souls can realize that it exists “Then I'll stand on the ocean until I

start sinkin'” but I would be sunk as a superstar if I took this sort of

stand “But I'll know my songs well before I start singin'” so I will
hide these thoughts in sophisticated poetry before I start singing
them “It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall” the Blacks are gonna get
what’s coming to them!

“Poison” as something murderous, something fatal; Tombstone

Blues 1966, “The hysterical bride in the penny arcade” the White
girl in the worthless Black school “Screaming she moans, I've just
been made” I missed my period and I am pregnant “Then sends out
for the doctor who pulls down the shade” then sends out for the
family doctor who tells her she is pregnant with a child that she
knows will be partially dark; “shade” “Says, ‘My advice is to not let
the boys in’” and he refuses to give her an abortion and advices her
to have sex with White men not with Blacks “boys” “Now the
medicine man comes and he shuffles inside” the Black who has
impregnated a White girl shuffles inside, just like Step N’ Fetch-it
shuffled and he is gonna remedy things “He walks with a swagger”
he is either drunk or proud of himself or both for having
impregnated a White bitch “and he says to the bride” and he says
to his victim “Stop all this weeping, swallow your pride” stop all of
this regret, swallow your racial pride, your arrogance Tarantula,
“tragedy, the broken pride” “You will not die, it's not poison” having
a Black baby is not fatal, at least for me. Desolation Row 1965;
“Then they'll kill him with self-confidence / After poisoning him with
words” Mississippi 1997, “I'm drowning in the poison, got no future,
got no past.”

“Face” as race; in regard to James Meredith enrollment at the

University of Mississippi; Oxford Town 1963, “Guns and clubs
followed him down / All because his face was brown.” When The
Ship Comes In 1963, “the sun” a person whose actions and opinions
strongly influence the course of events “will respect” avoid violation
of, and interference with, “every face on the deck” every racial
group that exists “the hour that the ship comes in” after the

“Deck of cards” as a racial group; Señor (Tales Of Yankee Power)

1978; “There's a wicked” evil by nature and in practice “wind still
blowing” destructive force spreading “on that upper deck” on the
superior White racial group “There's an iron cross still hanging
down from around her neck” and so Dylan continues to embrace
Nazi thought. Tight Connection To My Heart 1985, “Never could
learn to drink that blood and call it wine” I never could accept, drink
in, the patently false myths of Christianity, I never could even get

them straight “Never could learn to look at your face and call it
mine” I never could learn to look at your race and call it mine as I
always regarded myself as Jewish. Some Other Kinds of Songs 1964,
“man in borrowed stomach” a man pretending he can stomach
Blacks “slams wife in the face” reproves his wife about inter-racial
relationships “an' rushes off t' civil rights meeting.” Some Other
Kinds of Songs 1964, “orchard street through all those people on
orchard street “pants” embarrassing “legs” one of the branches of a
forked object such as a family tree “in my face” in my race
“‘comere! comere!’ ‘comere! comere!’ i don't need no clothes” I
don’t need no Hassidic dress such as a yarmulke “an' cross the
street” and leave that section of Manhattan, none-the-less “skull
caps climb by themselves out of manholes” my Jewish heritage is
revealed by the media as if it were sewage.

Once upon a time you dressed so fine

You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
You thought they were all kiddin' you

“Once upon a time” when you were in fantasy land, in a story-book

like land “you dressed so fine” you applied medication to a social
wound and it was satisfactory; it worked just fine “You threw the
bums a dime” you casually gave colored folk welfare, such as Aid To
Dependent Children (ADC) wherein mothers were paid by the child
thus increasing the Black birthrate “in your prime didn't you?” on a
federal level as in U.S. Government Grade A Prime or as in ‘The
prime rate’ “People'd call” demand a meeting of; convene a


legislative session “say Beware doll” and say beware you doll, you
who acts so kindheartedly “you're bound to fall” you are destined
to decline in political influence and in ratio to the non-White
population “You thought they were all kiddin' you” and you thought
they were joking; putting you on and America could never be
overrun by non-Whites.

You used to laugh about

Everybody that was hangin' out
Now you don't talk so loud
Now you don't seem so proud
About having to be scrounging for your next meal

“You used to laugh about / Everybody that was hangin' out” you
used to laugh off, not take seriously, all the pregnant Black welfare
mothers on ADC “Now you don't talk so loud” now you are not so
insistent, no more loud denials, Mr. White American? “Now you
don't seem so proud?” now you no longer show racial pride, do you
White man? “About having to be scrounging” about having to be
foraging in an effort to acquire something at no cost, asking for
charity “for your next meal” so that you can feed your own White
American family while your tax dollars goes to feed countless
illegitimate Black babies.

How does it feel?

To be on your own
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

“How does it feel” sarcastic: it doesn’t feel so good does it? “To be
on your own” to have lost your birthright as a White American
“With no direction” with no authoritative indication, order and
command “home” to get you to your goal of preserving your race
“Like a complete unknown” like a member of the silent majority,
like a person whose action and effect is unknown and unpredictable
“Like a rolling stone?” like a Rightwing political force that is
gathering momentum.

“Stone” as reactionary, Rightwing; to the Left in It Ain’t Me Babe

1964 “Go melt back into the night / Everything inside is made of
stone” The Times They Are a-Changin’ 1964, “And accept it that
soon / You'll be drenched to the bone” to the core; Property of

Jesus 1981 “He's the property of Jesus / Resent him to the bone” “If
your time” life “to you is worth savin' / Then you better start
swimmin'” you better get into the swim of things “Or you'll sink like
a stone / For the times they are a-changin'.”

You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely

But you know you only used to get juiced in it
And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street
And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it

“You've gone to the finest school all right,” at one time you
attended safe, highly rated public schools when the Rightists
controlled America “Miss Lonely” where the children there were all
White and well behaved, one lone race “But you know you only
used to get juiced in it” but you lost political power over your school
district and now a bunch of n-worders are being bused in. “Juice”
slang, political power and influence;

clout “And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street”
and you were brought up in a civilized fashion with a mother and
father not by a single mother in the slums so you don’t know how
to survive in a jungle, the ghetto “streets” the streets of a city
viewed as the scene of crime, poverty, and dereliction “And now
you find out you're gonna have to get used to it” and now thanks to
these race mixing politicians whose children attend private schools
the thing you love best in the world, your children, are being mixed
in with a bunch of savages.

“Juice” as influence; What Was It You Wanted 1989, to the

Communists, “What was it you wanted? Can I be of any use? Can I
do something for you? Do I have enough juice? Wherever you're off
to, one thing you should know. You still got seven hundred miles yet
still to go."

You said you'd never compromise

With the mystery tramp, but know you realize
He's not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And say do you want to make a deal?

“You said you'd never compromise” you said you would never
make a concession to something detrimental and pejorative;
compromise your morality when it came to dealing with certain
people such as “With the mystery” with a person that arouses
curiosity and suspense because of an unknown, obscure, and
enigmatic quality; a racist leader “tramp” who will tread down;
trample upon these untermenchen until they are driven back into
the ghetto or shipped off to Africa “but now you realize” but after
having your kids thrown in with a bunch of baboons it has suddenly
dawned on you “He's not selling any alibis” racists are not making
any excuses for these jigaboos “As you stare into the vacuum of his
eyes” as you look with wonderment into his thoughts wherein he
proposes to vacuum, make clean by removing dirt, filth, or
unwanted people like n-worders “And say do you want to make a
deal?” now you have come to your senses and are willing to
compromise and you say how about formulating programs and
policies to promote economic recovery and social reform that
would benefit Whites like a racist variation of the New Deal? Dylan
is actually promoting George Lincoln Rockwell, the most dangerous
Nazi in America at that time.


You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and
the clowns
When they all come down and did tricks for you
You never understood that it ain't no good
You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you

“You never turned around” you never changed direction and moved
to the Right “to see the frowns” so that you could observe the
displeasure of “the jugglers” the police “and the clowns” and the
soldiers, the National Guard “When they all come down” when they
came down to the ghetto, the inner city, when they came down on
the n-worders case “and did tricks for you” and performed a
convention or specialized skill peculiar to a particular field of activity
‘learned the tricks of riot suppression’ and quelled the racial
disturbances there for you “You never understood that it ain't no
good / You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you” you
should have formed a vigilante group and did the job yourself with
much more brutality, mutilate a couple of n-worders, like what was
done to Emmet Till, that will put the fear of God in them!

“Jugglers” as police; Tarantula, “lenny” Lenny Bruce who was

busted by the fuzz on numerous occasions “laughing in a fake
sombrero & the jugglers trying to smother the queers” Obviously
Five Believers 1966, “Fifteen jugglers / Five believers” true believers
in Catholicism “All dressed like men / Tell yo' mama not to worry
because / They're just my friends.”

“Tricks” knack, specialized skill; Tarantula, to the folk community

“yowee i'm here because i'm starving” desperate “& swallowing”
believing and accepting without questioning or challenge “your

tricks” your conventions or specialized skills peculiar to a particular

field of activity, getting the knack of playing folk music “into my
stomach” even though a lot of it is difficult to stomach, bear,
tolerate Chronicles, “On weekends, if you played all the joints from
dusk 'til dawn, you could make maybe twenty dollars. Weeknights it
was hard to tell. Sometimes not much because it was so
competitive. You had to know a trick or two to survive.”

You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
Ain't it hard when you discovered that
He really wasn't where it's at
After he took from you everything he could steal

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat….

“You used to ride” you used to allow to continue without

interference, you used to support “on the chrome horse”
candidates who supported regimes that practiced apartheid (South
Africa is the world’s biggest producer of chrome) “with your
diplomat” and your government had diplomatic relations with them
while the South Africans “carried on his shoulder” shouldered a
burden, the White Man’s Burden of having to uplift inferior races
and cultures such as “a Siamese” a closely connected or very
similar; twin “cat” slang for a Black man, the South Africans also
have to deal with the burden of living with n-worders “Ain't it hard
when you discovered that” ain’t it hard for Whites to really believe

“He really wasn't where it's at” that apartheid was an evil system
and was worthy of economic and political sanctions “After he took
from you everything he could steal” after you learned that
apartheid was “stolen” from Jim Crow a practice that originated
with Whites in America. “Steal” to use, appropriate, or preempt the
use of another's idea. In other words, apartheid is as American as
apple pie.

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people

They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
Exchanging all precious gifts
But you'd better take your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it

“Princesses” the outstanding men in a particular group or class “on

the steeple” of the Protestant clergy “and all the pretty people” and
all the ostensibly and superficially attractive but lacking in
substance and conviction people, the liberals “They're drinkin'”
taking it in eagerly through the senses and intellect “thinkin' that
they got it made” thinking they were responsible for the Civil Rights
Movement “Exchanging all precious gifts” desegregating the
schools, sending children, God’s most precious gifts, to Black
schools and having Black students attend White schools “But you'd
better take your diamond ring” but you better take your separatist
principles and take the risk of expressing them. “you'd better pawn
it babe” and are put at risk for their lives “pawn” risk, hazard; ‘pawn
one's life.’ “Diamonds” are a Dylan symbol for South Africa which is
the world’s number one producer of diamonds.


“Steeple” as church; I Shall Be Free 1962, “Now, the man on the

stand he wants my vote / He's a-runnin' for office on the ballot note
/ He's out there preachin' in front of the steeple / telling me he
loves all kinds of people” Tarantula, “Matty Groves, who secretly at
midnight tries to chop down the church steeple.”

You used to be so amused

At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.

“You used to be so amused” at one time you didn’t take this

seriously and you laughed at, ridiculed “Napoleon” a person who
you initially believed was crazy “in rags” and whose ancestors were
Jews in the garment industry; Senator Barry Goldwater “and the
language that he used” and the tough language that he used when
it came to integration and forced busing “Go to him now, he calls
you, you can't refuse” vote for him now, it is in your self interest, it
is an urgent matter that you do so “When you got nothing, you got
nothing to lose” when the government has taken away your right to
protect your loved ones from harm what more can you lose?
“You're invisible now” sarcastic; you can’t be discriminated against
now because you are White since your skin color is not visible “you
got no secrets to conceal” so you no longer have to be ashamed of
being a member of the White Race as the race mixers want you to
be. The message about bussing in Like A Rolling Stone is totally
different than what he wrote in Iron Train A-Travelin’ 1962 “Does
the burning of the buses give your heart a pain?”

This next poem was the poem that tipped me off that Dylan was a
racist and changed my entire perspective on his poetry. Like once
you have this key it all fits into place. But the question that arises is
“Is it better that I accomplished my life’s goal of understanding
Dylan’s poetry” or could I have gone to David Duke’s website and
learned the same things?


He sits in your room, his tomb, with a fist full of tacks

Preoccupied with his vengeance
Cursing the dead that can't answer him back
I'm sure that he has no intentions
Of looking your way, unless it's to say
That he needs you to test his inventions.

“He sits” the Democratic Party occupies a seat as a member of a

body of officials; “sits” in the Senate or the House “in your room” in
your area, your Congressional or Senatorial District; a space that
may or may not be occupied; Hard Rain 1962, “a room full of men
with their hammers a-bleedin.’” “his tomb” the prison he has
constructed for White people “with a fist full of tacks” sustained by
a fist full of tax dollars. A Fistful of Dollars was a spaghetti western
that was popular at the time this poem was composed.
“Preoccupied with his vengeance” focusing his attention on war;

“He just needs you to test his inventions”

World War II and the Korean War were initiated by Democratic

Administrations “Cursing the dead that can't answer him back”
damning those who died in previous wars by his current actions
“I'm sure that he has no intentions” I am convinced that the
Democrats have no honorable purpose “Of looking your way” of
doing something on your behalf “unless it's to say / That he needs
you to test his inventions” unless it’s to say that he needs you to
test his new military hardware, such as nuclear weapons, invented
during Democratic Administrations, on the battlefield.

“Tomb” as prison, a place of confinement; Tarantula, “accept this

tomb, this want of Recollection & reward” Day of the Locusts 1970,

Oh, the benches were stained with tears and perspiration

The birdies were flying from tree to tree
There was little to say, there was no conversation
As I stepped to the stage to pick up my degree


“Oh, the benches” oh the place where the players on a team sit
when they are not participating in a game “were stained” were
disgraced “with tears and perspiration” by my emotion and fear,
sweat. What You Gonna Do On That Dreadful Day 1962, “You're
gonna start to sweat / And you ain't gonna stop / You're gonna
have a nightmare / And never wake up.” “The birdies were flying
from tree to tree” I was hurrying between venues where the
audience was intent on punishing me “Tree” as punishment; Ballad
of Donald White 1962, “I guess you'll feel much better when I'm on
that hanging tree.” Unbelievable 1990 “That don't come back with
stories untold are hanging on a tree.” “There was little to say, there
was no conversation” sarcastic: I told them off during my sets “As I
stepped to the stage to pick up my degree” as I went on stage to
increase my relative social rank, dignity and position.

I glanced into the chamber where the judges were talking

Darkness was everywhere, it smelled like a tomb
I was ready to leave, I was already walkin’
But the next time I looked there was light in the room

“I glanced into the chamber” I took a furtive look into the politically
charged area “where the judges were talking” where those who
determine the winner of a contest were debating my fate
“Darkness was everywhere” darkies were everywhere in their
minds “it smelled like a tomb” it had the aura my career becoming
extinct “I was ready to leave” I was leaving the folk scene “I was
already walkin'” I was getting a walk from the judges, they were
getting rid of me entirely “But the next time I looked there was light
in the room” but the next thing I knew there was hope in my life.


“Tomb” as extinction, Black Diamond Bay 1975, “You can take your
money [talent], but I don't know how / You'll spend it in the tomb.”
Chronicles, “When he said to the crowd that I preferred isolation
from the world, it was like he told them that I preferred being in an
iron tomb with my food shoved in on a tray.” Chronicles, “ghosts of
women and men who have sinned and who've died and are now
living in tombs.”

Can you please crawl out your window?

Use your arms and legs it won't ruin you
How can you say he will haunt you?
You can go back to him any time you want to.

“Can you please crawl” can you please crawl” advance slowly,
feebly, laboriously “out your window?” and disregard the faith you
have in your political party? “Use your arms” use your power,
White Power, also use an administrative or functional branch, as of
an organization, like the local Republican Club, which is an arm of
the Republican Party “and legs” and become active. Also vote in
one of several contests that must be completed successfully in
order to determine the winner of a competition, vote in a political
primary “it won't ruin you” it will not reduce you to poverty or
bankruptcy as the Democrats claim it will “How can you say he will
haunt you” how can you say the Democrats will continually pervade
the American political scene because of their actions during World
War II and the Great Depression “You can go back to him any time
you want to” sarcastic; you can go back to the Depression Era
Democrats anytime you want to as they have not changed since the

He looks so truthful, is this how he feels

Trying to peel the moon and expose it
With his businesslike anger and his bloodhounds that kneel
If he needs a third eye he just grows it
He just needs you to talk or to hand him his chalk
Or pick it up after he throws it.

“He looks so truthful” the Democrats seem as if they are going to

advance science “is this how he feels?” is this their real motivation?
“Trying to peel the moon” trying to pull off, effectuate a moon shot
“and expose it” and photograph a man on the moon; “expose”
subject a photographic film to the action of light “With his business-
like anger” with his friends in organized crime, Murder
Incorporated, “and his bloodhounds” and his policemen, detectives
“that kneel” that are subservient and do his

bidding because they are corrupt “If he needs a third eye” if he

needs an additional vote ‘the ayes have it’ “he just grows it” he
commits election fraud “He just needs you to talk” he just needs
you to spread rumors; gossip about conservative Republicans “or to
hand him his chalk” or to get him elected, vote totals are written in
chalk “Or pick it up” or vote for his opponent “after he throws it”
after he purposely loses a fixed primary or election.

“Kneel” as in submit; George Jackson, “He wouldn't take shit from

no one / He wouldn't bow down or kneel.” “Knees” as subservient;
Shot of Love 1981 “Don't need a shot of turpentine, only bring me
to my knees.” don’t need a shot of alcohol it will only make me
subservient to it.

Why does he look so righteous while your face is so changed

Are you frightened of the box you keep him in
While his genocide fools and his friends rearrange
Their religion of the little ten women
That backs up their views but your face is so bruised
Come on out the dark is just beginning.


“Why does he look so righteous” why does he think what he is

doing to White people is morally justifiable “while your face” while
your race “is so changed” is being changed and polluted by the Civil
Rights Movement “Are you frightened of the box you keep him in”
are you afraid of the ballot box, are you afraid to vote for
Republicans who don’t believe in integration? “While his genocide
fools” while the Democratic Party’s race mixing, mix master
politicians who plan to dilute, then virtually exterminate, the White
race through miscegenation “and his friends” and their friends; the
Earl Warren Supreme Court “rearrange” put into a new social order
and arrangement “Their religion of the” their “religion” a cause
pursued with zeal; such as that of an activist jurist “little ten
women” of the Supreme Court of the United States with less (little)
than ten justices “That backs up their views” that supports with
their legal decisions such as Brown v. Board of Education, the
Democrats push for Civil Rights and integration “but your face is so
bruised” but it is your race that is being blackened, discolored, n-
worderized, by being forced to associate with a bunch of coons
“Come on out” sarcastic; come on out, be part of it “the dark” the
race mixing with the darkies “is beginning” has just taking its first
steps to fruition.


The guilty undertaker sighs

The lonesome organ grinder cries

The silver saxophones say I should refuse you

The cracked bells and washed-out horns
Blow into my face with scorn
But it’s not that way
I wasn’t born to lose you
I want you, I want you
I want you so bad
Honey, I want you

“The guilty undertaker” the Blackman convicted of murder “sighs”

vocally expresses unhappiness - Hard Times Come Again No More
1992, “Though her voice it would be merry, 'tis sighing all the day.”
“The lonesome” dejected because of a lack of companionship
“organ” a euphemistic word for penis “grinder” slang an erotic
rotation of the pelvis – the n-worder rapist “cries” emits a rallying
call or signal: a cry to arms. “The silver saxophones say I should
refuse you” the liberal Democratic party hacks say I should be
unwilling to accept you “The cracked bells” “cracked” informal crazy
Christian clergy (church bells) “and washed-out horns” and the
depleted of strength or energy Jewish establishment (shofars –
ram’s horns) “Blow into my face with scorn” remind me I am Jewish
and reject or refuse me with derision “But it’s not that way / I
wasn’t born to lose you” but it’s my destiny to awaken the White
race and not lose the superior European civilization it has created!

“Undertaker” as murderer: I Wanna Be Your Lover 1965, “Well, the

undertaker in his midnight suit / Says to the masked man, "Ain't you
cute!" well the murdering communist in his darkest hour
appreciates the masked anti-Communist, Bob Dylan. Blind Willie
McTell 1983 “I can hear them tribes a-moaning” I can hear the
twelve tribes of David being tortured to death “I can hear the
undertaker's bell” I can hear the mass murderers toll the bell
“(Yeah), nobody can sing the blues / Like Blind Willie McTell” yeah
no race has had it worse than the Jews.

The drunken politician leaps

Upon the street where mothers weep
And the saviors who are fast asleep, they wait for you
And I wait for them to interrupt
Me drinkin’ from my broken cup
And ask me to
Open up the gate for you

“The drunken politician leaps” the politician, intoxicated with

power, quickly advances, leaps on his prey, exploits “Upon the

street” upon the streets of a city viewed as the scene of crime,

poverty and dereliction “where mothers weep” where mother’s
mourn for their children deliberately killed by savage Blacks or by
stray bullets “And the saviors who are fast asleep” and the George
Lincoln Rockwell’s and other Nazi leaders who lie dormant as fringe
group figures “they wait for you” they wait for the White race to
awaken “And I wait for them to interrupt / Me drinkin’ from my
broken” I wait for them to interrupt me taking in knowledge
through my exhausted or weakened, as through genetics or
misfortune, “cup” lot in life “And ask me to / Open up the gate for
you” and ask me to let the Whites out of the prison they have
created for themselves.

Well, I return to the Queen of Spades

And talk with my chambermaid
She knows that I’m not afraid to look at her
She is good to me
And there’s nothing she doesn’t see
She knows where I’d like to be
But it doesn’t matter

“Well, I return” well I deliver or render a verdict “to the Queen of

Spades” to the head n-worder “spade” offensive slang used as a
disparaging term for a Black person. “And talk with my
chambermaid” and end up talking to a female domestic “She knows
that I’m not afraid to look at her” she knows that I am not afraid to
look down on her - to regard her with contempt or condescension.
“She is good to me” the Blacks support Dylan “And there’s nothing
she doesn’t see” sarcastic; the Blacks have no idea that he is a racist
“She knows where I’d like to be” sarcastic: she knows I would like to
be in a lily-white America “But it doesn’t matter” but she is too
stupid to understand. “Spade” as “n-worder” Tarantula, “jack of
spades - vivaldi of the coin laundry - wearing a hipster's dictionary -
we see him brownnosing around the blackbelts & horny racing car
drivers - dashing to & fro like a frightened uncle remus.”


The world’s biggest neckless

FROM I MARRIED ISIS 1975: “I was thinkin' about turquoise” I was

thinking about a gemstone that is produced in South Africa “I was
thinkin' about gold” I was thinking about South Africa, the largest
producer of gold “I was thinkin' about diamonds” I was thinking
about DeBeers diamonds, Dylan’s symbol for South Africa and
apartheid “and the world's biggest necklace” and the South African
n-worders who put burning tires around the necks of informants
working against the African National Congress “As we rode” as we
were sustained and supported “through the canyons” by the crater,
the emptiness of Al’s mind “through the Devilish cold” through the
fact that he had not gotten a clue to my views of race and twisted
my thoughts around to support race mixing “cold” as informal (of a
seeker) far from the object of a search “I was thinkin' about Isis,
how she thought I was so reckless” I was thinking about the Left and
how it would have labeled me the same way it did Barry Goldwater.
Goldwater was characterized as being reckless in regard to United
States – Soviet relations. Dylan would be labeled as being “reckless”
when it came to race relations.


One would think that during Dylan’s Christian period he would cool
out the racism. He did to some extent in regard to Blacks but he
focused on the Jews-killed-Christ aspect of Christianity. I am certain
he didn’t express these views to the other members of the Vineyard
Christian fellowship otherwise they would have kicked his
converted tochus out of their church so he expressed them in the
lyrics of his Christian songs.


My so-called friends have fallen under a spell.

They look me squarely in the eye and they say, “All is well.”
Can they imagine the darkness that will fall from on high
When men will beg God to kill them and they won’t be able to

“My so-called friends have fallen under a spell” it is not I who has
fallen under the spell of Christianity but my Jewish friends and
family who have fallen under the false religion of Judaism “They
look me squarely in the eye” they are exposed to my
conservative Christian values “square” a formal and conservative
person with old-fashioned views; Tarantula, “a dangerous nickel”
a nickel bag of heroin “lays on the town square” is laid on
some- one it should not be “and they say, ‘All is well’” I am happy
being an immoral Jew “Can they imagine the darkness that will
fall from on high / When men will beg God to kill them and they
won’t be able to die?” can’t these Jews realize that all is not well
and they should think about, imagine, the fate that awaits them
when they end up in hell for rejecting the Son of God, Jesus Christ,
as their Lord and Savior?

You’re the queen of my flesh, girl, you’re my woman, you’re my

You’re the lamp of my soul, girl, and you torch up the night.
But there’s violence in the eyes, girl, so let us not be enticed
On the way out of Egypt, through Ethiopia, to the judgment hall
of Christ
(also the judgment of those who killed Christ).

“You’re the queen” you have eminence and supremacy “of my

flesh, girl” over my rapacious sexual appetite “you’re my woman,
you’re my delight” you are my sex object, my pleasure “You’re
the lamp of my soul girl” you light the path with knowledge for
my soul to travel and offer me hope “and you torch up the night”
and you illuminate the present state of my art “But there’s
violence in the eyes, girl, so let us not be enticed” but there is
violence in the thoughts of the Jews, Jesus, so let us not be
lured into a trap by them, as you were, otherwise there might be
a great penalty for God’s chosen people “On the way out of Egypt,
through Ethiopia,” on the route the Jews took after being exiled by
the Romans “to the judgment hall of Christ” to the judgment
which the Jews justly deserved, 2,000 years of exile, for killing

the Son of God, for committing the only known act of deicide. I
hear this lyric as “to the judgment of those who killed Christ.”


Dead man, dead man

When will you arise?
Cobwebs in your mind
Dust upon your eyes.

“Dead man” putrid walking rotting corpse of a Jew “dead man”

dirty hell bound kike “When will you arise?” when you gonna
wake up and accept Jesus? “Cobwebs in your mind” the Talmud in
your mind and not the Old Testament “Dust upon your eyes”
garbage, excrement in your thoughts.

The glamour and the bright lights and the politics of sin,
The ghetto that you build for me is the one you end up in,
The race of the engine that overrules your heart,
Ooh, I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it,
Pretending that you’re so smart.

“The glamour and the bright lights” the Hollywood celebrity

scene “and the politics of sin” and letting celebrities off the
hook with light sentences or acquittals for their crimes “The
ghetto that you build for me is the one you end up in” the
Hollywood that you created for me is the hell you will end up in
“The race of the engine” the racial group that used its superior
intellect to achieve a purpose “that overrules your heart” that
prevents your emotions from objecting “Ooh, I can’t stand it /
Pretending that you’re so smart” I can now longer endure you
pretending to be intellectually superior to the goyim when you
can’t even see something as simple and apparent as the fact the
Jesus was the Messiah.


The iron hand it ain’t no match for the iron rod

The strongest wall will crumble and fall to a mighty God.
For all those who have eyes and all those who have ears
It is only He who can reduce me to tears.


“The iron hand” the inflexible, unchangeable, repressive, ironclad

lot that God dealt me when I was born an Old Testament Jew “it
ain’t no match for the iron rod” is no equal for the ironclad
corrective power of Christianity “The strongest wall” the most
impregnable barrier to conversion of the Jew to Christianity “will
crumble and fall” will collapse and appear to be immoral,
sinful “to a mighty God” to the commanding, dominating truth
of Jesus Christ “For all those who have eyes” for all those Jews
who have thoughts “and all those who have ears” and all those
Jews who have sympathy; Shylock’s soliloquy in Shakespeare’s The
Merchant of Venice, “Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands,
organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?” “It is only He
who can reduce me to tears” it is only Jesus who can reduce me
to sorrow, to be emotional about, to grieve about, having been
born a Jew.

Don’t you cry and don’t you die and don’t you burn
For like a thief in the night
He’ll replace wrong with right
When He returns.

“Don’t you cry” sarcastic; you deserve to cry out in pain “and
don’t you die” you deserve to die. Also more Merchant of Venice,
“if you poison us, do we not die?” “and don’t you burn” and you
deserve to burn in hell “Like a thief in the night” like someone
acting covertly “he’ll replace wrong with right” the Jews will get
what’s coming to them and be put in a lower status since,
according to The
New Testament, only 144,000 of them will be left and these
remaining few will convert to Christianity “When he returns”
when Jesus is resurrected from the dead and the rapture takes

Surrender your crown on this blood-stained ground, take off your

He sees your deeds, He knows your needs even before you ask.
How long can you falsify and deny what is real?

“Surrender your crown” take off your yarmulke crown: the top or
upper part of a hat; confess to your crowning achievement “on
this blood-stained ground” which is killing the Son of God “take
off your mask” take off your disguise as a human being, you devil
“He sees your deeds” he sees your contract with Satan and your
evil deeds “He knows your needs even before you ask” he knows

you worship Mammon even before He hears your prayers

begging Him to make you rich “How long can you falsify and deny
what is real?” how long can you lie about Jesus Christ not being the

How long can you hate yourself for the weakness you
Of every earthly plan that be known to man, He is
He’s got plans of His own to set up His throne When He returns.

“How long can you hate yourself” you are the true self-hating
Jew, not me. I love myself for accepting Jesus “for the weakness”
mental weakness “you conceal? / Of every earthly” of every
not heavenly or divine “plan that be known to man” scheme you
Jews have cooked up “He is unconcerned” God will negate them
“He’s got plans of His own to set up His throne” he has a
scheme of his own to destroy most of the Jewish people and
convert the few that are left to Christianity “When He returns” so
look out Jew boy one day the Son of God will return!

Although Christianity brought out Dylan’s self hatred it did have

a positive effect on Dylan’s addiction. Bob was able to kick dope
with the help of Jesus by substituting one addiction for another.




God knows you ain't pretty,

God knows it's true.
God knows there ain't anybody
Ever gonna take the place of you.
God knows it's a struggle
God knows it's a crime
God knows there's gonna be no more water
But fire next time.

“God knows you ain't pretty” the Lord knows Arab freedom fighters
act in an ugly, violent fashion “God knows it's true” God is certain of
this because one of His commandments was Thou Shalt Not Kill
“God knows there ain't anybody / Ever gonna take the place of you”
but the Lord knows that the Jews are not going to replace
Palestinian Arabs in the land of Palestine therefore “God knows it's
a struggle” God knows the Palestinian uprising is not terrorism but
a struggle for a wronged people’s self-determination “God knows
it's a crime” the Lord knows that passing off the suffering of the
Jews at the hands of the Nazis on the Palestinians is a crime “God
knows there's gonna be no more water” God knows that the
Palestinians are going to stop using watered-down methods of
warfare “But fire next time” but will use bullets, live fire, the next



God didn't call it treason

God didn't call it wrong,
It was supposed to last a season
But it's been so strong for so long.

“God didn't call it treason” the Palestinians didn’t take up arms

against their own government “God didn't call it wrong” God thinks
they are doing the right thing fighting the Israelis “It was supposed
to last a season” the Israelis believed they could suppress this
rebellion, this intifada, quickly “But it's been so strong for so long.”


The cat's in the well and grief is showing its face

The world's being slaughtered and it's such a bloody disgrace.
The cat's in the well, the horse is going bumpety bump.
The cat's in the well, and the horse is going bumpety bump.
Back alley Sally is doing the American jump.



“The cat’s in the well” the Jews are poisoning the well in the Middle
East just as they did to the Christians’ wells during the Middle Ages
“and grief is showing its face” and intense sorrow caused by the loss
of a loved one is prevalent in the countenances of many Palestinian
Arabs, and the cause of the grief is the Jewish race “The world’s
being slaughtered” the Palestinians are being exterminated “and it’s
such a bloody” “bloody” accompanied by or giving rise to bloodshed
“disgrace” and it is bringing disfavor and discredit to Israel and to
Jews in other countries “The cat’s in the well, and the horse” the
Jews are in the Middle East and the rightwing revisionist Likud
candidate Yitzhak Shamir “is going bumpety bump” is assigning
peace to a lower position and priority “Back alley Sally” Israel, a
country that engages in back channel, back alley, diplomacy “is
doing the American jump” is eagerly going along with American
foreign policy.

The cat's in the well, and papa is reading the news.

His hair is falling out and all of his daughters need shoes.
The cat's in the well and the barn is full of bull
The night is so long and the table is oh, so full

“The cat’s in the well” the Israelis are polluting the Middle East and
“and papa” and an American worker “is reading” learning from,
understanding, deciphering “the news” the news about Israel “His
hair is falling out” he losing his political strength “and all of his
daughters need shoes” and all his children need jobs, positions; in
other words the money spent on foreign aid to Israel that is used to
suppress the intifada would be better spent domestically “The cat’s


in the well and the barn” Israel is polluting the Middle East and the
“barn” a building located in the country: Camp David “is full of bull”
is considered to be a load of bullshit by Israel “The night is so long”
the absence of morality of the present time persists much longer
than it should “and the table” and the negotiating table “is oh, so
full” sarcastic: is filled with delegates. Also is oh so full of shit.

The cat's in the well and the servant is at the door.

The drinks are ready and the dogs are going to war.
The cat's in the well, the leaves are starting to fall
The cat's in the well, leaves are starting to fall
Goodnight, my love, may the lord have mercy on us all.

“The cat’s in the well and the servant” the Jews are polluting the
Middle East and the Israeli soldier “is at the door” is guarding the
borders “The drinks are ready” Israel has been drinking in military
knowledge from the United States “and the dogs” and the Israelis,
the slaves of the United States, the dogs of war “are going to war”
are going to war “The cat’s in the well, leaves” the Jews are
polluting the Middle East and the leafs, entire pages of the Bible
“are starting to fall” are beginning to fail and fall into disfavor with
the Israelis “Goodnight, my love” good-bye my truth “may the lord
have mercy on us all” and may God forgive Jews for their sins,
including Bob who once supported Israel. “Goodnight” as good-by,
Ten Thousand Men 1990, “10.000 women all dressed in white”
numerous religiously ultraconservative, fundamentalist Israeli Arabs
“Standing at my window” taking aim at my faith, “wishing me
goodnight” wishing to see the State of Israel destroyed, hoping to
wish it goodbye and good riddance.

2X2 1990

One by one, they followed the sun

One by one, until there were none.
Two by two, to their lovers they flew
Two by two, into the foggy dew.
Three by three, they danced on the sea
Four by four, they danced on the shore
Five by five, they tried to survive,
Six by six, they were playing with tricks.


“One by one they followed the sun.”

“One by one, they followed the sun” one by one the majority of
Palestinians were turned into refugees after the 1948 Israeli-Arab
war and followed a person whose actions and opinions strongly
influenced the course of events, the Chief Mufti of Jerusalem who
told the Palestinians to flee for their lives “One by one, until there
were none” one by one until there were no Palestinians left in the
State of Israel just ‘Israeli Arabs’ “Two by two, to their lovers they
flew” many went to refugee camps in the West Bank, many to
refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon, and others to an Egyptian
run camp in the Gaza Strip “Two by two, into the foggy dew” two by
two they went into an uncertain future “Three by three, they
danced on the sea” three by three the Palestinians danced the
dance that Israel had choreographed for them. Also danced at
weddings and reproduced in Gaza which is on the Mediterranean
Sea “Four by four, they danced on the shore” four by four they
began to multiply in the West Bank “Five by five, they tried to
survive / Six by six, they were playing with tricks” eventually they
became terrorists “trick” an artifice or stratagem; a cunning
contrivance; a sly procedure.

How many paths did they try and fail?

How many of their brothers and sisters lingered in jail?
How much poison did they inhale?
How many black cats crossed their trail?
How many tomorrow's have are they given away?
How many compared to yesterday?
How many more without any reward?
How many more can they afford?


“How many paths did they try and fail?” how many other ways did
the Palestinians try to get their land back before resorting to
terrorism? “How many of their brothers and sisters lingered in jail?”
how many Palestinians were jailed for something as petty as the
possession of a Palestinian flag? “How much poison did they
inhale?” how much teargas did the Israelis use to quell the rioting
and rock throwing? how much fatal nerve gas did they inhale as the
PLO accused Israel of employing? “How many black cats crossed
their trail?” how many informants, cultivated by the Israelis, have
spied against them? “black” as clandestine. “How many tomorrows
have they given away?” how many human lives have they
sacrificed? “How many compared to yesterday?” how many deaths
compared to the time they lived in what was once Palestine? “How
many more without any reward?” how many more deaths without
a homeland? “How many more can they afford?” how many deaths
can they bear without disadvantage or risk?


It's unbelievable, it's strange but true

It's inconceivable it could happen to you.
You go north and you go south
Just like bait in the fish's mouth.
Ya must be livin' in the shadow of some kind of evil star.
It's unbelievable it would get this far.

“It's unbelievable” it’s terrible and shocking “it's strange” it’s

something so new that I am unaccustomed to it “but true” but true
none-the-less “It's inconceivable” it is so unlikely or surprising as to
have been thought impossible “it could happen to you” that Israel
would turn into a repressive state “You go north” you occupy the
Syrian Golan Heights in the North “and you go south” and you
occupy Gaza in the South “Just like bait” and, as a result, Israel is
responsible for Jew-baiting, anti-Semitism “in the fish's mouth” as
Israel has become the Jewish people’s spokesperson, a mouthpiece
for most of the world “Ya must be livin' in the shadow” you must be
living under the influence of a dominating presence that has
shadowed you for 2,000 years “of some kind of evil star” and be
cursed ‘in the stars’ in relation to your future, your destiny.
Additionally this is a reference to the Mogen David, the Star of
David on the Israeli flag “It's unbelievable it would get this far” it’s
unbelievable that Israel still exists.

It's undeniable what they'd have you to think

It's indescribable it can drive you to drink.

They said it was the land of milk and honey

now they say it's the land of money.
Who ever thought they could ever make that stick.
It's unbelievable you can get this rich this quick.

“It's undeniable” it’s impossible to deny “what they'd have you to

think” what the Israelis would have American Jews believing about
the Palestinian uprising “It's indescribable” it’s exceeding
description “it can drive you to drink” it can force the American
Jewish community to drink in a lot of information about Israel “They
said it was the land of milk and honey” the Zionists said Israel was a
land flowing with milk and honey as it says in the Bible “now they
say it's the land of money” now all the Israelis have talent in one
area “Who ever thought they could ever make that stick?” who ever
thought that the Jews, who in the past had never produced their
own weapons, could do so now? “It's unbelievable you can get this
rich this quick” it is beyond comprehension that you could become
wealthy by selling these arms on the world market to every tin-
horned dictator in Central America.

Every head is so dignified, every moon is so sanctified

Every urge is so satisfied as long as you're with me.
All the silver, all the gold, all the sweethearts you can hold
That don't come back with stories untold, are hanging on a tree.


“Every head is so dignified” many people wear knitted yarmulkes on

their heads as a mark of distinction to indicate they are Jews “every
moon is so sanctified” the Jews go by the lunar calendar and special
prayers are said when there is a new moon “Every urge” every
instinctive motive to kill “is so satisfied as long as you're with me” is
approved by the religious parties who are part of the government’s
coalition “All the silver, all the gold” all the valuable information you
have received from spies “All the sweethearts you can hold” all the
spies cherished for their excellent qualities; Time Passes Slowly
1970, “Once I had a sweetheart, she was fine and good-looking.”
“That don’t come back with stories untold, are hanging on a tree”
that don’t come back with secrets are allowed to be executed. This
is a reference to The Lavon Affair, a false flag operation Israel ran
against the Egyptians. Israeli spies, who had carried out terrorist
acts in Egypt and blamed them on the Moslem Brotherhood, were
allowed to be hung in Cairo, after Israeli military intelligence
disowned them and refused to exchange them for Egyptian spies in
Israeli custody.




Thunder on the mountain, and there's fires on the moon

A ruckus in the alley and the sun will be here soon
Today's the day, gonna grab my trombone and blow
Well, there's hot stuff here and it's everywhere I go

“Thunder” (to utter violent denunciation. In It’s Hard Rain A-Gonna

Fall Dylan "heard [learned by common report, such as the news
media] / the sound [as in "sound the alarm"] / of a thunder [violent
denunciation. In the historical context of 1962 when this poem was
composed; threats of nuclear war being exchanged by the Soviet
Union and the United States over the issue of Russian missiles in
Cuba] / it roared [syn. For thunder] out a warning."

“On the mountain” (mountain - bully pulpit, especially in Israel: In

Hard Rain Dylan wrote, "And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and
breathe it / And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it"
just as Jesus did when he gave the Sermon on the Mount outside
Jerusalem. “Thunder on the mountain” becomes roughly, "A violent
denunciation of the State of Israel!"


“And there's fires” (fire - passions as in "Dylan is getting all fired-

up") “On the moon” (about a problem that is unlikely to be solved -
"Reach for the moon" means you are trying to achieve something
that is very difficult. In Chronicles Dylan writes "There was no way I
could make its purpose mine, but it was great meeting him, a man
who had reached the moon when most of us scarcely make it off
the ground") “a ruckus in the alley” (and there is a disturbance; a
commotion and conflagration in Israel. The alley as Israel metaphor
first appeared in Dylan's CD UNDER THE RED SKY which was poetic
allegory about Israel and the Intifada. In It’s Unbelievable on UNDER
THE RED SKY Dylan wrote, “they said it was the land of milk and
honey [“So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the
Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and
spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey --”Exodus 3:17)]
now they say it’s the land of money / How could you ever make that
STICK? [How could Israel, a Jewish state, fabricate weapons and
become a world class arms merchant?] / Its unbelievable you could
get rich that quick [sarcastic, it is understandable judging from the
desire of dictatorships to obtain armaments such as the Uzi
submachine gun and Israel's desire for money]”

On UNDER THE RED SKY ALLEY appears in The Cat’s In The Well:
“The cat’s in the well [the Jews are in the Middle East poisoning the
well - this time metaphorically: In medieval times we were accused
of literally poisoning wells] / and grief is showing its face [and as a
result there is misery for the Palestinians] / The world’s being
slaughtered and it’s such a bloody disgrace [the first intifada had
already broken out when Dylan wrote this in the early 1990’s. Dylan
and others such as Woody Allen were ashamed of Israeli soldiers for
shooting rubber bullets and live ammunition at Palestinian children
who were armed only with rocks] / The cat’s in the well, and the
horse [a horse of a different color a person of a different kind - the
Israelis are more often than not Europeans rather than Middle-

Eastern looking. Also horse as cavalry, army] / is going bumpety

bump [is removing or forcing the Palestinians from a position or
dwelling previously occupied; "The Jews bumped the Palestinians by
demolishing the homes of suspected intifada and terrorist leaders."
Also bumping off, assassinating, PLO leaders] / Back ALLEY [sneaky
Israel, a country that is subject to back channel, back alley,
diplomacy] / Sally [Sarah - the Matriarch of Judaism] / is doing the
American jump [is eagerly going along with American foreign policy,
having mimicked what America did to the Native Americans by
having forced the Palestinians from Palestine. Also jump as in "claim
jumper" - someone who steals someone else's rights to land].”
Continuing this recurrent Palestinian-Israeli theme in another poem
on UNDER THE RED SKY Dylan wrote, "There was a little boy [the
Palestinian Arabs] / and there was a little girl [the Jews] / and they
lived in an alley under the red sky [in an atmosphere that is
changing for the worse; old adage “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.
Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning”]

Thunder On The Mountain continues: “And the sun will be here

soon” (SUN - Knowledge, brilliance, in the public eye; but in this
particular context SUN is fusion energy as in Dylan’s Gates of Eden:
“Upon four-legged [bestial, fierce] / forest [dense] / clouds
[mushroom clouds produced by an atomic explosion. In a first draft
of Gates of Eden Dylan wrote, “Upon the fungus forest cloud” -
fungus - any of a major group (Fungi) of saprophytic and parasitic
spore-producing organisms that include mushrooms] / The cowboy
[someone who is reckless or irresponsible] / angel [and is the
guiding force of America and its military might] / rides [thrives] /
With his candle [enhanced intellectual illumination that no one can
hold a candle to, qualify for comparison with] / lit into the SUN
[tapping the energy of the sun - energy production in the sun is
accomplished by nuclear fusion] / Though its glow [intensity - glow:
shine with an intense heat. Additionally there is a common
misconception that radioactive substances glow in the dark] / is
waxed [increases in its phase or intensity] / in black [hopelessness,

will initiate the doom of civilization].” The SUN is fusion energy - an

atomic explosion is going to take place in Israel shortly due to the
proliferation of nuclear technology)

“Today's the day” (an era of existence) “gonna grab” (make a

grasping or snatching motion with the hand) “my trombone” (my
weapon. The word trombone appears three times in the body of
Dylan’s writing. In Tarantula he wrote, “empty ships on the desert
& traffic cops on the Broomstick & weeping & hanging onto a goofy
sledgehammer & all the trombones coming apart, the xylophones
cracking & flute players losing their intimates...” Examination of
these words reveals a common thread in their lesser used meanings
- broomstick has the word broom and stick in it that as you can see
by clicking is used consistently as "weapon." The hammer in
sledgehammer can mean a part of a gun that detonates a bullet's
primer as in the expression, "I dropped a hammer on him." Coming
apart can mean disassembled, as in what is done to weapons when
they are cleaned. Cracking can mean make a very sharp explosive
sound; "His gun cracked."


Note: In Chronicles written decades later, it was no coincidence that

Dylan again associated trombones with traffic, “He could imitate
just about anything-clogged water pipes and toilets flushing,
steamships and sawmills, traffic, violins and trombones.” The word
trombone derives from the Italian, from tromba trumpet. "Blow ye
the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all
the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the lord cometh,
for it is nigh at hand." Joel 2:1 Thunder On The Mountain continues:
“and blow” (blow: land a powerful stroke with a weapon; "The
Israelis gave Hamas a blow it will never recover from when they
assassinated Sheikh Yassin") “Well, there's hot stuff here” (there's
radioactive material such as plutonium and enriched uranium in
Israel: hot stuff as in Smithsonian Magazine The Hunt For Hot Stuff
In The Former Soviet Union. NOTE: hot stuff as radioactive material
fits ingeniously and complexly with sun as fusion) “and it's
everywhere I go” (and enriched uranium is now in the hands of
Pakistan, India, North Korea and soon the Islamic Republic of Iran
will be able to produce it).”

I was thinkin' 'bout Alicia Keys, couldn't keep from crying

When she was born in Hell's Kitchen,
I was living down the line
I'm wondering where in the world Alicia Keys could be
I been looking for her even clear through Tennessee

I “was thinkin' 'bout Alicia Keys” (nuclear proliferation brought to

mind the State of Israel. Alicia Keys is an arbitrary metaphor for
Israel discernible only through context. Note: The singer and
composer Alica Keys was born in Harlem, not in Hell's Kitchen)
“couldn't keep” (this forced Dylan) “from crying” (cry - to say
something or protest in public) “When she was born in hell's


kitchen (Israel was born after the Nazis cooked up a living hell for
the Jews of Europe by putting them in ovens - crematoriums. Also
the Middle East was a hostile environment for the establishment of
a Jewish State.) “I was living down the line” (Dylan believed in the
necessity for its existence and followed the Zionist line. In 1962
Dylan wrote, I’m Walkin’ Down the Line - Dylan is towing the
folksinger line, following a moral boundary agreed upon by a group
of people. On another level "live down" means live so as to annul
some previous behavior; "NEVER AGAIN!" - was the slogan of Meir
Kahane's Jewish Defense League) “I'm wondering where in the
world Alicia Keys could be?” (so at this point in time Dylan
wondering when a Jewish homeland would come into existence?) “I
been looking for her even clear” (Dylan and other Jews were
searching for homeland with a mindset characterized by freedom
from troubling thoughts; especially e.g. guilt; "a clear conscience")
“through Tennessee” (to the point where they would accept an
Israel that had to secure itself by developing nuclear weapons. A
secret site was erected at rural Oak Ridge Tennessee for the large-
scale production and purification of uranium-235).

Feel like my soul is beginning to expand

Look into my heart and you will sort of understand
You brought me here, now you're trying to run me away
The writing on the wall, come read it, come see what it say


“Feel like my soul” (soul - the seat of real life or vitality; the source
of action; the animating or essential part of the State of Israel) “Is
beginning to expand” (is beginning to become more and more
expansionist annexing large areas of Jordanian, Egyptian and Syrian
territory. 15,500 websites contain the words "Israeli expansionism")
“Look into my heart” (heart - the choicest or most essential or most
vital part of some idea or experience: "the heart and soul of the
Jew"; Judaism mandates certain borders for the State of Israel that
include the West Bank of the Jordan River, what the settlers call
Judea and Sameria) “and you will sort” (sort - items segregated into
groups according to a specified criterion) “of understand” (and you
might get some inkling of Israel’s rationalization for this but unless
you are Jewish you will never truly understand)


“You brought me here” (G-d brought the Jewish people to the land
of Israel in biblical times and said that Israel should border the
Jordan River) “Now you're trying to run me away” (but now G-d is
forcing me to cut and run by pressuring me to leave the West Bank.
He is also putting WMD's in the hands of my enemies) “The writing
on the wall” (according to biblical mythology, on the night of a royal
feast in Babylon writing mysteriously appeared on a wall at which
no one stood and shortly thereafter Emperor Belshazzar of
Babylonia was killed and the Persians (Iranians) took over the
kingdom of Babylonia. Presumably G-d was the author of "the
writing on the wall" and it meant that the future looked disastrous)
“Come read it” (interpret its significance) “Come see what it say”
(say - communicate or express nonverbally; "What do the problems
in the Middle East say about Israeli policies?)"

Thunder on the mountain, rollin' like a drum

Gonna sleep over there, that's where the music coming from
I don't need any guide, I already know the way
Remember this, I'm your servant both night and day

“Thunder on the mountain” (an ominous threat) “rollin'” (rolling -

increasing in intensity) “like a drum” (like a threat that is growing
more and more genocidal - when the Soviets excavated the Lublin
Death Camp they found furnaces containing human bones and
more than five hundred drums of Zyklon B gas) “Gonna sleep”
(sarcastic - sleep - be content or complacent) “over there” (with the
way Israel treats the Palestinians) “that's where the music coming
from” (that's where the new concentration camps have been
established. The Nazi concentration camps typically had an
orchestra which played classical music as the prisoners marched to
work or to the gas chambers) “I don't need any guide” (a model or


standard for making comparisons such as comparing the

concentration camps of the Third Reich to the Palestinian refugee
camps. Also reference to Dylan's Zionist buddy One-Legged Terry
who worked as a tourist guide in Israel) “I already know the way” (I
already know the way you treat the Palestinian Arabs) Remember
this, I'm your servant both night and day” (sarcastic: like the
Palestinians I am your slave laborer - servant - one in a state of
constant – “night and day” - subjection or bondage. "Thou wast a
SERVANT in the land of Egypt" -- Deuteronomy v 15.)

The pistols are poppin' and the power is down

I'd like to try somethin' but I'm so far from town
The sun keeps shinin'
And the North Wind keeps picking up speed
Gonna forget about myself for a while,
Gonna go out and see what others need

“The pistols are poppin'” (the war in Iraq is raging) “and the power”
is down (and the power of the United States to influence world
events, such as preventing Iran from producing nuclear weapons,
has declined sharply) “I'd like to try somethin' but i'm so far from
town” (Israel would like to bomb the Iranian centrifuges but they
are scattered about in remote areas to the North of Israel) “The sun
keeps shinin'” (shine - become eminent, conspicuous - the issue of
fusion devices is conspicuously in the public eye) “And the north
wind keeps picking up speed” (speed - rate of motion - and the
Iranian centrifuges are spinning faster and faster) “Gonna forget
about myself for a while” (going to forget about Israel having
nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them) “Gonna go out and
see what others need” (going to worry about Iran and others
obtaining the materials they need to have a nuclear arsenal -
sardonic - sounds like a statement of selflessness).

I've been sittin' down studyin' the art of love

I think it will fit me like a glove
I want some real good woman to do just what I say
Everybody got to wonder what's the matter
with this cruel world today

“I've been sittin' down” (sarcastic: I have been passive) “studyin' the
art of love” (the art of war) “I think it will fit me like a glove” (more
sarcasm: Israel already has a close connection to it, as in hand in
glove. Dylan associated violence with gloves in the liner notes to
THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN "the gloves of garbage had
clobbered the canvas") “I want some real” (real - not to be taken
lightly) “good” (most suitable or right for a particular purpose)
“woman to do just what i say” (I want soldiers, male

and female, who will follow orders to the utmost extent) In Handy
Dandy on UNDER THE RED SKY Dylan wrote, “Handy Dandy if every
bone [argument, contention] / in his body [in the body of Israeli law
and in Torah law] / were a-broken [were violated by Israel’s actions]
he would never admit it / He got an all girl [the Israeli army has 50%
women in it as they are subject to the draft] / orchestra [a band of
people with instruments, in this case instruments of war. Note the
continuation of the musical instruments as weapons metaphor as in
trombone ] / and when he says strike [make a sudden attack, inflict
damage on] / up the band [a group of people with a common
interest - a band of armed Palestinians] / they hit it [hit them with
gunfire or artillery fire right on the mark] / Handy dandy, he got a
STICK [weapon] / in his hand [ability] / and a pocket full of

money…”) Thunder On The Mountain continues: “everybody” (the

civilian population, women in the IDF) “got to wonder” (be amazed
at) “what's the matter” (some situation or event that is thought
about such as) “with this cruel world today?” (Palestinian suicide
bombers. cruel describes weapons or instruments causing suffering
and pain "cruel weapons of war" while cruel world is a stereotypical
phrase from a suicide note - "Goodbye cruel world!")

Thunder on the mountain rolling to the ground

Gonna get up in the morning walk the hard road down
Some sweet day I'll stand beside my king
I wouldn't betray your love or any other thing

“Thunder on the mountain” (an enormous threat) “rolling” (rolling -

steadily increasing) “to the ground” (and spreading to the masses of
Israelis. ground - the masses. In the liner notes to The Times They
Are A-Changin Dylan wrote “for my road is blessed with many
flowers [the best artists] / an' the sounds of flowers / lost voices
[cultural and political expressions] / of the ground’s people [the
oppressed masses"]) “Gonna get up in the morning” (wake up in
the morning - come to a realization while Israel was still in the early
part of its existence. In Rollin' and Tumblin' Dylan sings "I rolled

and I tumbled, I cried the whole night long /Woke up this mornin' I
must have bet my money wrong") “walk the hard road down”
(Israel will take a path in economics and politics that causes
hardship, pain or sorrow. Example: hard times have come for some
Israelis) “Some sweet” (sweet - rewarding; "he had a sweet hustle
going on") “day” (period of prominence) “I'll stand beside my king”
(a competitor who holds a preeminent position; a very wealthy or

powerful businessman: "an oil baron" - America) “I wouldn't betray

your love” (be unfaithful to the fundamental truth of American
capitalism. LOVE - truth. In LOVE MINUS ZERO Dylan wrote, "My
love she speaks like silence / without ideals or violence") “or any
other thing” (or, sarcastic, betray you in the sense of "to deliver to
an enemy by treachery” like the Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard did
when betrayed the United States by spying for Israel).

Gonna raise me an army, some tough sons of bitches

I'll recruit my army from the orphanages
I been to St. Herman's church, said my religious vows
I've sucked the milk out of a thousand cows

“Gonna raise me an army / Some tough sons of bitches”

(kibbutzniks - socialist collective farmers - who turned the desert
into an oasis through intensive labor. Also Sabras - native born
Israelis - named after the pear cactus - tough on the outside, soft in
the inside) “I’ll recruit my army from the orphanages” (the
Kibbutzniks children were often separated from their parents and
raised in another area of the Kibbutz as an experiment in socialism)
“I been to St. Herman’s church” (Saint Herman, Russian Saint born
in Moscow. The Kibbutz movement is largely leftwing. Also Mount
Hermon is located in Israel and is surrounded by kibbutzim) “Said
my religious” (paid lip service to socialism. religion - politics, usually
leftwing politics. In Tarantula Dylan wrote this to his former
leftwing folk fans, “watcha doing? how's the new religion? feel any
different? gave it up myself”) “vows” (a promise of fidelity - In My
Back Pages Dylan wrote, “Equality,” [the sameness in state and
continued course as Whites] / I spoke the word [preached, wrote it
my poetry] / As if a wedding vow [as if I was wedded to this


concept]" “I've sucked” (I have attracted by using an inexorable

force, inducement, etc) “the milk (the money) “Out of a thousand
cows” (from innumerable cash cows. In other words Israel sucked
both conservative and liberal American Jews into contributing

This is also a continuation of the kibbutz references, as the

kibbutizim were initially primarily agricultural. MILK - money. In
Ballad of A Thinman Dylan wrote this about the interaction
between the media and the Civil Rights Movement, “You see this
one-eyed midget [eye - mind. A minority group with a single
thought, single-minded] / shouting [protesting, chanting] / the word
'Now' [Freedom Now! - the slogan of the Civil Rights Movement in
the 1960’s] / You ask for what reason? [the media asks a stupid
question] / And he says ‘How?’ [the Blacks are not interested in
answering questions, all they want to know is how to achieve their
freedom] / And you say ‘What does this mean?’ [and you still don’t
understand what the Civil Rights Movement is about] / And he
screams back [with all his effort] / ‘You’re a cow [you have material
wealth - Golden Calf, cash cow also a you are a sacred cow - a
person unreasonably held to be immune to criticism] / give me
some MILK [wealth] / or else go home.)”

I got the pork chops, she got the pie

She ain't no angel and neither am I
Shame on your greed, shame on your wicked schemes
I'll say this, I don't give a damn about your dreams

Thunder On The Mountain continues: “I got the pork chops” (Israel

has the pork - money from pork barrel legislation, special pet
projects - Israel is the largest recipient of American foreign aid)


“She got the pie” (pie - distribution of wealth as in I finally got a

piece of the pie America has the a large proportion of the world’s
wealth) SHE AIN'T NO ANGEL (ANGEL - guiding influence. America is
not a guiding moral influence rather America is a “cowboy angel”)
“and neither am I” (nor is Israel beyond chicanery) “Shame on your
greed” (shame on Israel for taking this money from the United
States in return for carrying out its policies) “Shame on your wicked
schemes” (shame on the Israel Lobby for taking over Congress by
making large campaign contributions that are in reality bribes.
Shame on men like Jack Abramoff! Psalms 26 “Do not take away my
soul along with sinners, my life with bloodthirsty men, in whose
hands are wicked schemes, whose right hands are full of bribes”


Wicked schemes also appear in The Book of Ester and mean

genocide, "But when it came to the king's attention, he commanded
by letter that his wicked scheme which he had devised against the
Jews, should return on his own head, and that he and his sons
should be hanged on the gallows") I'LL SAY THIS (at the risk of
hurting my career since the entertainment industry is controlled by
Jews) “I don't give” (give - contribute to some cause; "I gave at the
office") “a damn about your dreams” (Dreams - a visionary scheme;
a wild conceit; an idle fancy; in this sense, applied to an imaginary
or anticipated state of happiness; as, a dream of bliss; the dream of
a Jewish State”)

Thunder on the mountain heavy as can be

Mean old twister bearing down on me
All the ladies in Washington scrambling to get out of town
Looks like something bad gonna happen, better roll your airplane

“Thunder on the mountain heavy as can” be (heavy - troublesome

psychologically or intellectually) “Mean old twister” (an unforeseen
development; "events suddenly took an awkward turn for the Israel
lobby") “bearing down on me” (overthrowing or crushing it by
force; as, to bear down an enemy) “all the ladies in Washington”
(ladies - oligarchy, someone in charge, in authority, AIPAC, an Israeli
special interest group recently implicated in an Israeli-American
espionage scandal in Washington, D.C.) “scrambling to get out of
town” (making haste to leave Washington, also making
unintelligible by encoding as in "scramble the message" since some
are Mossad spies) “Looks like something bad gonna happen” (some
Israeli spies are going to end up in federal prison) “better roll your
airplane down” (better roll up your spy operation in the United
States, better jump on El-Al Airlines and head back to Israel).


Everybody going and I want to go to

Don't wanna take a chance with somebody new
I did all I could, I did it right there and then
I've already confessed - no need to confess again

“Everybody going” (going to bomb Iran's nuclear reactors) “and I

want to go too” (Israel also wants to take part in this mission but
cannot, since if it did it would look as if the strike were on Israel's
behalf) / “Don't wanna take a chance with somebody new” (Iran's
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a relatively obscure figure in
Iranian politics until his election in 2005) “I did all I could, I did it
right there and then” (on June 7, 1981 16 American-made Israeli
warplanes bombed and destroyed Iraq's


Osirak nuclear research facility near Baghdad) “I've already

confessed” (admitted to this reprehensible thing. This represents a
360 degree shift in position for Dylan. In Neighborhood Bully Dylan
wrote this about Israel, "Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody
was glad / The bombs were meant for him / He was supposed to
feel bad / He's the neighborhood bully") “no need to confess again”
(no need for me to have to bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities when
Christian America will do it for Israel!)

Gonna make a lot of money, gonna go up north

I'll plant and I'll harvest what the earth brings forth
The hammer's on the table, the pitchfork's on the shelf
For the love of God, you ought to take pity on yourself

“Gonna make a lot of money” (money - currency, credibility)

“Gonna go up north” (engage in a ground war with Iran, same
metaphor as "the North Wind is pickin up speed") “I'll plant and I’ll
harvest” (“As ye sew, so shall ye reap”) “What the earth” (earth -
"the ground's people" - humanity) “brings forth” (brings to light,


makes manifest. Since the Jews have sewn hatred in humanity

because of their devilish oppression of the Palestinians Arabs they
will reap millions of deaths when the atomic bombs fall on Tel Aviv,
Haifa and other major Israeli cities) “the hammer” (hammer -
justice, a gavel, here justice for the Palestinians) IS ON THE TABLE (is
on the negotiating table) “the pitchfork's” (the instrument the devil
uses to prod people into something, in this case nuclear weapons)
“on the shelf” (on the shelf - currently in a state of inactivity. In
Workingman Blues#2 Dylan wrote, "My cruel weapons have been
put ON THE SHELF") “For the love of god, you ought to take pity”
(have the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others
and do something about it) “on yourself” (on not only the
Palestinians but on yourself as nothing good can come out of this
sort of oppression).


If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break
Everybody saying this is a day only the Lord could make

“If it keep on rainin'” (if the war between the Israelis and
Palestinians continues - RAIN - war, destruction. In the liner notes to
THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN Zimmermann wrote, "it was as
though the rains of wartime had left the land bombed out an'
shattered") “the levee gonna break” (the concrete security barrier
constructed by Israel to keep out terrorists will be useless levee: a
barrier constructed to keep something out) “Everybody saying this
is a day only the Lord could make” (Zimmerman uses day in the

sense of period of prominence. Zimmermann believes that the State

of Israel, now in its heyday, should exist ONLY when THE LORD
sends the Messiah, the Moshiach to the Jewish people. “And
HaShem your G-d will bring you to the land your fathers inhabited
and you shall inhabit it, and He will be good to you and you will
increase even more than your fathers” - Deuteronomy 30. Could
Zimmermann be in agreement with my cousin, Rabbi Mordechi
Weberman, that the existence of the current State of Israel is
standing in the way of both the Messiah coming and the Day of
Redemption arriving so - the Zionist illegitimate "State of Israel"
must be totally annulled?)

Well, I worked on the levee, Mama, both night and day

I worked on the levee, Mama, both night and day
I got to the river and I threw my clothes away

“Well, i worked on the levee, mama, both night and day” (I worked
continuously at keeping out the Egyptians, Syrians, Palestinians and
others from crossing the 1948 borders of the State of Israel during
numerous wars) “I got to the river” (when Israel reached the Jordan
River during the Six Day War of 1967) “I threw my clothes away”
(Israel discarded its wordy declarations that it had no intention of
expanding its borders and it annexed the West Bank of the River
Jordan. clothes - words as in "he clothed his meaning")

I paid my time and now I'm good as new,

I paid my time and now I'm as good as new.
They can't take me back unless I want 'em to


“I paid my time” (I performed my compulsory service in the Israeli

Defense Forces) “and now i'm good as new” (although as a settler I
knew that I was being used by the Israeli Government) “They can't
take me back” (the Israeli authorities cannot force the Settlers back
behind the Green Line, to the pre-1967 borders of Israel) “unless i
want 'em to” (because I will use the knowledge I acquired in the IDF
and forcibly resist).

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break
Some of these people gonna strip you of all they can take

“If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break some of these people
gonna strip” (take away possessions from someone; "The Nazis
stripped the Jews of all their assets") “You of all they can take” (of
your home, farms, factories after Israel and the West Bank becomes
Palestine and the Jews are finally driven into the sea as Egyptian
strongman Gamal Abdel Nassar threatened to do in 1956)

I can't stop here I ain't ready to unload

I can't stop here I ain't ready to unload
Riches and salvation can be waiting behind the next bend in the


“I can't stop here i ain't ready to unload” (I cannot leave the

occupied territories and I am definitely not ready to unload -
disarm, take the bullets out of my weapon. Additionally in From A
Buick Six Zimmermann wrote, "I need a dump truck baby to
UNLOAD my head" using the word in the sense of "to relieve from
anything onerous." The settlers are incapable of leaving the West
Bank; a move that would get them out of a potentially deadly
situation) “riches” (an abundance of land, the rich, fertile soil of
Judea and Samaria) “and salvation” (sarcastic: saving someone from
harm) “can be waiting behind the next bend in the road” (sardonic:
Note Zimmermann's use of BEHIND rather than AFTER. This is a
reference to settlers being ambushed by terrorists as they travel
through the occupied West Bank)

I picked you up from the gutter and this is the thanks I get
I picked you up from the gutter and this is the thanks I get
You say you want me to quit ya, I told ya,
'No, not just yet.'


“I picked you up from the gutter” (I raised the standard of living of

West Bank Arabs! Gutter: to cut or form into small longitudinal
hollows; to channel - Shakespeare. Using this definition GUTTER
represents a Wadi - a gully or streambed in Israel or in its territories
that remains dry except during rainy season. The Jewish Settlers
tend to live on hilltops while the indigenous population most often
lives in the valleys where the Wadis are prevalent) “and this is the
thanks I get?” (and you try to kill me and my family and friends as I
travel through Judea and Samaria?) “You say you want me to quit
ya” (you say you want end the occupation and settlement of the
West Bank) “I told ya, 'no, not just yet.'” (not until I repay you for
the bloodshed you have caused, probably never).

Well, I look in your eyes, I see nobody other than me

I look in your eyes, I see nobody other than me
I see all that I am and all I hope to be

“Well, I look in your eyes i see nobody other than me” (when I look
into the settlers' thoughts about the future I see an Israel that


contains no one other than Jews like myself - Zimmermann is a Jew

named Zimmerman - as the Israeli Arabs and the West Bank
Palestinians have been expelled. Many of the settlers are followers
of Rabbi Meyer Kahane the former leader of Israel’s radical Kach
party. Kahane advocated the forcible expulsion of all Arabs from
Israel, the annexation of the West Bank and Gaza territories, and
the unrestricted building of Jewish settlements. In 1971
Zimmermann wrote Rabbi Kahane a check for several thousand
dollars, despite my having warned him against doing so) “I see all
that i am and all i hope to be” (sarcastic; Zimmermann wants
nothing more to do with the Kahanists)

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break
Some of these people don't know which road to take

“If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break / some of these people
(some of "these people" - some of the Jews - namely the Israeli
Settlers and their allies in the Knesset such as the former Prime
Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu) “Don't know which road to

take” (are more interested in taking the road to war than the road
to peace which was called Performance-Based Roadmap to a
Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

When I'm with you, I forget I was ever blue

When I'm with you, I forget I was ever blue
Without you there's no meaning in anything I do


“When i'm with you, i forget i was ever blue” (blue - Honest, loyal as
in "true blue." In Hard Rain Zimmermann asked rhetorically,
"Where have you been my blue-eyed son?") “Without you there's
no meaning in anything i do” (sarcastic - there was no higher
purpose in expelling Palestinians from their land)

Some people on the road carryin' everything that they own

Some people on the road carryin' everything they own
Some people got barely enough skin to cover their bones

“Some people on the road carryin' everything that they own” (the
Palestinian refugees on their way to Gaza and other destinations in
1948 carrying all their possessions with them after being chased out
at gunpoint by the Haganah and Irgun militias) “Some people got
barely enough skin to cover their bones” (many of the Jews who
forced the Palestinians to leave Palestine and fought in the 1948
War Of Independence were death camp survivors who had become
emaciated from the systematic starvation


that was the first part of the Nazis "final solution to the Jewish
question." Ironically, like the Palestinians, these Jews had also been
uprooted from their homes. In Chronicles Zimmermann said
essentially the same thing about why Israel came into being, "The
State of Israel claimed the right to act as heir and executor of all
who perished in the final solution. The [Adolf Eichmann] trial
reminds the whole world of what led to the formation of the Israeli

Put on your camp clothes, mama, put on your evening dress

Put on your cat clothes, mama, put on your evening dress
Few more years of hard work, then there'll be a 1,000 years of


“Put on your camp” (the lyrics here most often read cat clothes
rather than camp clothes as there is a Carl Perkins song titled Put
Your Cat Clothes On. I hear Dylan sing camp clothes once then sing
cat clothes. Dylan is masking this word due to the sensitivity some
people have when it comes to concentration camps) “Put on your
camp clothes, mama” (camp clothes are a prisoner’s uniform - a
textile design consisting of lines or bands against a plain background
as in those worn by death camp inmates. What Dylan is saying here
is bring up the Holocaust again and again in order to justify your
own Nazi-like actions and use this to raise money from rich
American Jews) “Put on your evening” (evening - just before a
decline, such as "the 2006 signaled the evening of Jews in Gaza")
Dress (dress - way of preparing something for market, embellish,
hype. Also evening dress as formal attire worn to a fundraiser for
Israel) “few more years of hard work” (a few more years of
oppressing the Palestinians in a Nazi-like fashion and raising money
in America to finance it.


Note: Not enough skin to cover their bones and camp clothes has
Nazi connotations as does hard work. One of the Nazi's slogan's was
Freedom Through Work originally in German: Arbeit Macht Frei.
This motto above the main gate greeted all who entered the
Auschwitz death camp during WWII) Then there'll be a thousand
years of happiness” (sarcastic: then you will hasten the arrival of the
Messiah as the Settlers believe they are doing by living in Judea and
Samaria. More Nazi connotations as the Third Reich was also
referred to as the Thousand Year Reich as it was intended by Hitler
to last a thousand years.


Here Dylan is equating the Settlers and other rightwing Jews

treatment of the Palestinians to the Nazis treatment of the Jews
implying that Israel has become the new Nazi Germany. When I first
heard put on your camp clothes I thought to myself, Zimmermann
has become a singing Professor Norman Finkelstein, author of THE
JEWISH SUFFERING. Finkelstein claims that the Holocaust is being
used by racist Jews to justify their presence in Palestine and to
oppress Arabs. In a December 2001 speech in Beirut, Lebanon,
Finkelstein compared Israeli behavior to "Nazi practices" during
World War II.)

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break
I tried to get you to love me,
but I won't repeat that mistake

“If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break / I tried to get you to
love me” (I tried to get you to see my truth) “But I won't repeat that
mistake” (mistake one thing for another; confuse Israel with
anything but what it really is, a repressive settler state)
If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break
If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break
Plenty of cheap stuff out there and still around that you take

“If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break / Plenty of cheap stuff”
(low-priced or free land) “out there” (in the territories and around
Jerusalem) “and still around” (Israel refused to declare a
moratorium on new settlements in the West Bank) “that you take”
(that you can expropriate from its rightful owners)


I woke up this morning, butter and eggs in my bed

I woke up this morning, butter and eggs in my bed
I ain't got enough room to even raise my head.

“I woke up this morning” (the Jewish Settlers came to the

realization) “butter” (Jewish blood - on Under the Red Sky in Ten
Thousand Men Zimmermann wrote, "Ten thousand men looking so
lean [to have a tendency or disposition to do something; to be
inclined] / and frail [having the attributes of base man as opposed
to divine beings] / Each one of 'em got seven wives, each one of 'em
just out of jail [they are Moslems - Islam allows up to four wives -
and are Palestinian terrorists just freed from Israeli prisons] / Ten
thousand women all sweepin' [violent and general destruction; as,
the sweep of the intifada was far reaching] / my room [a particular
portion of space appropriated for occupancy, living space] / Spilling
[to cause to flow out and be lost or wasted; to shed, or suffer to be
shed, as in battle; as, a man spills another's blood] / my buttermilk
[Israeli blood, what is left over after an "extraction" performed by
the Nazis] / sweeping it up [and the Israelis cleaning it up, winning
an overwhelming victory] / with a BROOM [with a weapon])" The
Levee's Gonna Break continues: “and eggs” (have egg on one's face
colloquialism: made to look foolish - the settlers have Jewish blood
on their hands and egg on their face) “in my bed” (because they
have made their bed and have to lie in it - they to have to accept
the disadvantages or problems that result from their own actions or
past decisions) “I ain't got enough room” (in Hitler's book Mein
Kampf he made clear his belief that the German people needed
Lebensraum - "living space", i.e. land - the settler's believe they
don't have enough Lebensraum) “to even raise my head” (to be
proud Jews - proud of acting like Nazis who occupied much of

Come back, baby, say we never more will part

Come back, baby, say we never more will part
Don't be a stranger with no brain or heart

“Come back, baby, say we never more will part” (make something
into two parts, "Moses parted the Red Sea" as the Settlers have
done to Israel) “Don't be a stranger” (the Torah instructs Jews: “You
shall not abhor an Egyptian, for you were a stranger in his land”
Deuteronomy 23:8) stranger - alien, someone who does not belong
in the West Bank) “with no brain” (common sense, survival instinct)
“or heart” (or feeling for the inhabitants of the West Bank)

If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break


If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break

Some people still sleepin', some people are wide awake

“If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break / Some people still
sleepin'” (SLEEPING - overly complacent) “some people are wide
awake” (some people see the threat coming. Also in the
settlements Shomrim stay awake all night watching for terrorists).
So, after praising Palestinian terrorists, comparing Israel’s treatment
of them to the way Nazi Germany treated the Jews Dylan finally
descended into the spiritual abyss of a Jew who denies the


What was this all about? Dylan digging up old magazine covers and
changing the wording? How very creative! Note Mel Gibson
reference. Gibson’s father is Australian Nazi.


Mel Gibson calls Jews oven dodgers and denies the Holocaust and
Bob were close:


This entire “art exhibit” was a scam allowing Dylan to use the word
“revisionist” without anyone associating it with “historical


Bob Dylan focuses his hatred mainly on Black men although he has
problems with Black single mothers (like his ex-wife Carolyn Dennis
was for a time). I think that I am the only one in the world that
openly believes this since many people point to the marriage with
Carolyn Dennis as proof just the opposite is true. But remember
Dylan had HIV when he married her and could have infected her
with it. So that explains the contradiction and a lot more about the
character of Dylan. This tune has a typical black blues beat.

All the early Roman kings

In their shark skin suits
Bow ties and buttons
High top boots

“All the early” all those belonging to an initial stage of

development: Africans are an early form of human life “Roman”
“roamin’” wandering aimlessly in search of pleasure “kings” King,
Martin Luther, Jr. 1929-1968 “In their shark skin suits” in the
clothing of the Whiteman “Bow ties” neckwear like Black
supremacist Farrakhan and The Fruits of Islam wear “and buttons”
and a round flat badge that bears a design or printed information
and is typically pinned to a garment: an Obama campaign button
“High top boots” “booted” Slang an unceremonious dismissal, as
from a job. Last to get hired first to get fired.

Drivin' the spikes in

Blazin' the rails
Nailed in their coffins
In top hats and tails
Fly away over

Fly away flap your wings

Fly by night
Like the early Roman kings

“Drivin'” forcing to go through or penetrate: drove the needle into

his arm the “spikes in” “spike” Slang for a hypodermic needle.
Shooting dope “Blazin'” shooting rapidly and continuously: Machine
guns blazed “the rails” “rail” to express objections or criticisms in
abusive language: n-worders shooting each other over a perceived
diss “Nailed” Slang To stop and seize; catch: Police nailed the
suspect “in their coffins” finally getting the justice they deserve –
death “In top hats” high hats, symbols of civilization “and tails” and
the posterior part of an animal, especially when elongated and
extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body. To put it
bluntly Dylan believes that the reason some black people’s asses
stick out is because there was once a tail attached to it. “Fly away
over” die “Fly away flap your wings” fly away you little angels “Fly
by night” engage in your illegal scams – as in a fly by night business
“Like the early Roman kings” like a bunch of n-worders gangbangers
always do.

Coming down the mountain

Distributing the corn
Speeding through the forest
Racing down the track
You try to get away
They drag you back
Tomorrow is Friday
We'll see what it brings
Everybody's talking
Bout the early roman kings


“Coming down the mountain” a Black political leader like Al

Sharpton "I've Been to the Mountaintop" is the popular name of
the last speech delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr. King spoke on
April 3, 1968, at the Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee. The
next day, King was assassinated “Distributing the corn” the corn:
Slang something considered trite, dated, melodramatic, or unduly
sentimental, disseminating rabble rousing speeches about an
alleged White on Black crime “Speeding through the forest”
“speed” to further, promote, or expedite a legal action, someone is
being railroaded in the “forest” the cites “forest” as a dense area,
the inner city, a Black ghetto. Hard Rain “I've stepped in the middle
of seven sad [deplorable] forests.” “Racing down the track” these
ideas are spreading throughout the racist black communities that
are located on the wrong side of the tracks. “Race” a local
geographic population distinguished as a more or less distinct group
by genetically transmitted physical characteristics. “Tracks” as the
boundary, formerly often delineated by train tracks, that separates
two neighborhoods of different social class: grew up on the wrong
side of the tracks. “You try to get away” you try to move to a decent
community, a gated community in Sanford, Florida for instance
“They drag you back” then your dope-dealing, gangbanging son,
who is living with his mama and has been suspended from school
visits you and starts to case White people’s pads “Tomorrow is
Friday” and he thinks his future holds nothing but a menial position
“Friday” as in “Man Friday.” “We'll see what it brings” so I am going
rip off a crib and see what the stolen items fetch “Everybody's
talking ‘bout the early roman kings” everybody is talking about that
jive gangbanging n-worders, Trayvon Martin, and George
Zimmermann, the neighborhood patrol volunteer who killed


Trayvon in self defense but is going to be lynched by the Black

community that is always looking for an excuse to riot and loot, and
Zimmermann getting off the hook will provide that excuse.

Dylan sounded like a burn out and like a total space case in the
recent Rolling Stone interview but I know that he is not and he was
up to something. He talked about being transfigured with another
Robert Zimmerman, a Hell’s Angel who died in a motorcycle
accident, but you know which Zimmerman he was really
transfigured with?

Bob: Yeah, poor Bobby [George Zimmerman]. You know what this is
called? It’s called transfiguration. Have you ever heard of it? Well,
you’re looking at somebody. [that … has been transfigured?] I’m not
like you, am I? I’m not like him, either. I’m not like many others. I’m
only like another person who’s been transfigured. How many
people like that or like me do you know? Transfiguration: you can
go learn about it from the Catholic Church, you can learn about it in
some old mystical books, but it’s a real concept. It’s happened
throughout the ages. Nobody knows who it’s happened to, or why.
But you get real proof of it here and there. It’s not like something
you can dream up and think. It’s not like conjuring up a reality or
like reincarnation – or like when you might think you’re somebody
from the past but have no proof. It’s not anything to do with the
past or the future. So when you ask some of your questions, you’re
asking them to a person whose long dead. You’re asking them to a
person that doesn’t exist. But people make that mistake about me
all the time. I’ve lived through a lot. Have you ever heard of a book
called No Man Knows My History? It’s about Joseph Smith, the
Mormon prophet. The title could refer to me. Transfiguration is
what allows you to crawl out from under the chaos and fly above it.
That’s how I can still do what I do and write the songs I sing and just
keep on moving.

“So when you ask some of your questions, you’re asking them to a
person whose long dead. You’re asking them to a person that
doesn’t exist.” What Dylan is saying here is that George Zimmerman
is a dead man already because his fate has been sealed by the
media and by the African-American community. “Transfiguration is
what allows you to crawl out from under the chaos and fly above
it.” The key words here are “crawl out” as they trace back to Please
Crawl Out Your Window

They're peddlers and they're meddlers, they buy and they sell
They destroyed your city, they'll destroy you as well

They're lecherous and treacherous, a hell-bent for leather

Each of them bigger than all men put together
Sluggers and muggers wearing fancy gold rings
All the women going crazy for the early Roman kings.

“They're peddlers and they're meddlers” the darkies are dope

peddlers who handle something idly or ignorantly; tamper and
destroy people’s lives “They buy and they sell” they buy and sell
dope “They destroyed your city” they destroyed cities like Camden,
New Jersey, Detroit, Michigan “They'll destroy you as well” and you
might be murdered because of their actions “They're lecherous and
treacherous” they cheat on their wives and eventually abandon her
and her family “A-Hell bent for leather” moving recklessly fast “Each
of 'em bigger than all men put together” each one thinks he is going
to get away with it despite the power of law enforcement. Also they
think they have large genitals. “Sluggers” slugger - a boxer noted for
an ability to deliver hard punches “and muggers” mugger - a robber
who takes property by threatening or performing violence on the
person who is robbed (usually on the street) “Wearin fancy gold
rings” wearing bling flashy, ostentatious jewelry; "the rapper was
loaded with bling" “All the women going crazy for the early Roman
kings” all the rap fans going crazy for them gangsta niggas!

I can dress up your wounds with a blood-clotted rag

I ain't afraid to make love to a bitch or a hag
If you see me coming, and you're standing there
Wave your handkerchief in the air
I ain't dead yet, my bell still rings
I keep my fingers crossed like the early Roman kings.

“I can dress up your wounds” I can make any injury or slight to your
feelings or reputation look better “with a blood-clotted rag” with a
Slang “rag” a newspaper specializing in sensationalism. At one point
in his career Dylan would write songs based on newspaper accounts
of bloody racist activities against Blacks “I ain't afraid to make love
to a bitch or a hag” I am not afraid to write songs like The Ballad of
Hattie Carroll, about a decrepit Black maid, a bitch who had it
coming “If you see me coming, and you're standing there / Wave
your handkerchief in the air” The Ballad of Hattie Carroll contained
the line “Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all
fears / Bury the rag deep in your face / For now's the time for your
tears” if you see me coming it would be wise to surrender “I ain't
dead yet, my bell still rings” I am old but I can still write songs and
play music. Subterranean Homesick Blues “Ring bell hard to tell if
anything is gonna sell” “I keep my fingers crossed” “finger” to mark

(a score) with indications of which fingers are to play the notes – I

also play and compose music “like the early Roman kings.”

I can strip you of life, strip you of breath

Ship you down, to the house of death
One day you will ask for me
There'll be no one else that you'll wanna see
Bring down my fiddle tune up my strings
I'm gonna break it wide open like the early roman kings

“I can strip you of life, strip you of breath” I can send you to the gas
chamber were you will choke to death “Ship you down to the house
of death” or send you to prison “One day you will ask for me” one
day you will ask to meet with me, the devil “There'll be no one else
that you'll wanna to see” because you will wish to sell your soul to
me “Bring down my fiddle, tune up my strings” as in The Devil Went
Down to Georgia “I'm gonna break it wide open” I am going to open
up the wide open, sinful (as in “open city”) gates of Hell for you
“like the early Roman kings” like you have done for White America.

I was up on Black mountain the day Detroit fell

They killed them all off and they sent them to hell
Ding-dong daddy, you're coming up short
Gonna put you on trial in a Sicilian court
I've had my fun, I've had my flings
Gonna shake them all down like the early Roman kings.

“I was up on Black mountain” I seemed to be a fan of Martin Luther

King, I was dealing with the mountainous problem of the Negro in
America. Blowin In The Wind “How many years can a mountain exist
before it is washed to the sea?” how many years can the
mountainous, insurmountable Black problem exist before they are
put on boats and sent on an involuntary one-way trip back to
Africa? “the day Detroit fell” the day when Detroit became a city
with a Black majority “They killed them all off and they sent them to
hell” after the n-worders killed off the White population by turning
the city into a living hell “Ding-dong daddy, you're coming up short”
Mayor Ding Dong of Detroit, who can’t keep his ding dong in his
pants, you have been caught looting public funds “Gonna put you
on trial in a Sicilian court” going to see that Whites get a chance to
convict you then kill you “I've had my fun, I've had my flings” “fling”
a brief sexual relationship “Gonna shake them all down” going to
extort money from companies that want to do business with
Detroit City “like the early Roman kings” just like the corrupt
“African-American” politicians do time and time again.

This is what Dylan had to say about Blacks in Rolling Stone.

This country is just too fucked up about color. It’s

a distraction. People are at each other’s throats
just because they are a different color. It’s the
height of insanity and it will hold any nation back
– or any neighborhood back. Or anything back.
Blacks know that some Whites didn’t want to give
up slavery – that if they had their way they would
still be under the yoke, and they can’t pretend
they don’t know that. If you got a slave master or
Klan in your blood blacks can sense that…If slavery
had been given up in a more peaceful way,
America would be far ahead today.

What Dylan is saying here is that Blacks are messing up this country
and it is distracting America from its economic and cultural goals.
When he says “People are at each other’s throats” he means the
Blacks are mugging, assaulting and murdering Whites although
most crime is Black on Black. It is true that there are not many
White on Black muggings. Black crime and the Brothers and Sisters
who protect criminals with NO SNITCHING tribalistic behavior not
only “holds neighborhoods back” it destroys them.

Dylan went on to say the Blacks can smell a racist implying they are
animals with an enhanced sense of smell due to their being the
missing link between homosapien erectus and primates - large
nostrils and lips, fur instead of hair, long arms and backsides that
protrude. According to Dylan racism runs in the White man’s blood.
Finally we get to see the real Bob Dylan when he says there were
better ways to end slavery and the Civil War was morally wrong.
This is pure Ron Paul:

Tim Russert: I was intrigued by your comments about

Abe Lincoln. "According to Paul, Abe Lincoln should
never have gone to war; there were better ways of
getting rid of slavery."

Ron Paul: Absolutely. Six hundred thousand

Americans died in a senseless civil war. No, he
shouldn't have gone to war. He did this just to
enhance and get rid of the original intent of the
republic. I mean, it was the iron fist…


Russert: We'd still have slavery.

Ron Paul: Oh, come on, Tim. Slavery was phased out
in every other country of the world. And the way I'm
advising that it should have been done is do like the
British Empire did. You buy the slaves and release
them. How much would that cost compared to killing
600,000 Americans and where it lingered for 100
years? I mean, the hatred and all that existed.
So every other major country in the world got rid of
slavery without a civil war. I mean, that doesn't
sound too radical to me. That sounds like a pretty
reasonable approach.


A few years earlier, Kurtis Blow, a rapper from

Brooklyn who had a hit out called "The Breaks" had
asked me to be on one of his records and he
familiarized me with that stuff, Ice-T, Public Enemy,
N.W.A., Run-D.M.C. These guys definitely weren't
standing around bullshitting. They were beating
drums, tearing it up, hurling horses over cliffs. They
were all poets and knew what was going on.
Somebody different was bound to come along
sooner or later who would know that world, been
born and raised with it ... be all of it and more.
Professor Griff the Mental Stiff of Public Enema had previously said
anti-Semitic remarks on stage but his quotation that Jews were
responsible for "the majority of the wickedness that goes on across
the globe" were greeted with shock and outrage, especially by
White critics that previously embraced the group. Faced with a
major crisis, Chuck D faltered. At first he fired Griff, then he brought


him back to the group and then he broke up the group. Griff gave
one more interview where he attacked Chuck D and PE, which led
to his permanent departure from the group.

Dylan is a great artist. But as far as the human being thing goes he is
sinking lower and lower. I know what is going on in what is left of
his mind - his anti-Zionist beliefs are starting to turn really sour and
is becoming Jew-hatred. How could a Jew be an anti-Semite? It
happens more often than one would expect. Lyndon LaRouche, a
Nazi economist, has a shitload of Jews working for him. Fred
Newman, a Jew himself, runs a Jew hating cult in New York City.
Rabbi Mordechi Weberman, my own freakin' cousin, meets with
Jew haters on a regular basis. Dylan has a whole history of self-hate.
After he converted to Christianity, unlike the other members of the
Vineyard Christian Fellowship, he focused on the Jews killed Christ
aspect of fundamentalism and wrote, "on the way out of Egypt
through Ethiopia, the judgment of THOSE WHO KILLED CHRIST" or
"to the judgment hall of the Christ" however you hear it. Then came
the Swiftian allegory about Israel on UNDER THE RED SKY and how it
was unbelievable that Israel acted the way it did during the Intifada.
Dylan is downplaying the evil of the Nazis by comparing Nazi
Germany to modern day Israel in MODERN TIMES.
Dylan is committing suicide via his own self-destructive political
philosophy. For the love of G-d, take pity on yourself.


Let Bob Dylan’s life be a lesson to you. Start off hating Blacks and
end up hating yourself. Dylan knows the difference between right
and wrong yet he chose to do wrong. During his brief periods of
sanity he actually wrote an anti-Nazi pro-Kahane song:


Man thinks 'cause he rules the earth he can do with it as he please

And if things don't change soon, he will.
Oh, man has invented his doom
First step was touching the moon.
Now, there's a woman on my block
She just sit there as the night grows still.
She say who gonna take away his license to kill?

“Man thinks 'cause he rules” the Nazis think because they make
generalized statements “the earth” about the different races of

humanity “he can do with it as he please” he can wipe out an entire

race of people “And if things don't change soon, he will” and if the
Nazis are allowed to continue to exist when the circumstances are
right they might come to power again “Oh, man has invented” the
Nazis have made up; fabricated “his doom” the inevitable tragic and
ruinous fate of their race “First step” first goose step into history
“was touching the moon” was matching in quality; equaling the
thoughts of a lunatic “Now, there's a woman on my block” now
there’s a Rabbi who is part of a like set of like items, a block, the
Jewish Defense League who will block the Nazis “She just sit there
as the night grows still” who currently waits there for the Nazis to
crawl out of the woodwork and start their killing again “She say
who gonna take away his license to kill?” Rabbi Meir Kahane asks
who is going take out the baseball bats and smash the Nazis heads

Kahane will take away the

Nazis license to kill Jews

Now, they take him and they teach him and they groom him for
And they set him on a path where he's bound to get ill
Then they bury him with stars,
Sell his body like they do used cars.


Now, there's a woman on my block

She just sit there facin' the hill.
She say who gonna take away his license to kill?

“Now, they take him” now they take the White man and fool him,
take him for a ride “and they teach him” and they indoctrinate him
“and they groom him for life” and they prepare him for a specific
position and purpose, to die for the White race “And they set him
on a path where he's bound to get ill” and they point him in a
direction where he will ascribe an objectionable quality to another
race; ‘hold an ill view of Jews’ “Then they bury” then they have him
occupy himself with deep concentration “with stars” with emblems
such as the swastika “Sell his body” market his corpse or carcass
“like they do used cars” “car” the part of a balloon or airship that
carries people and cargo. Sell him like they sold the Hindenburg to
the world as an example of superior Nazi technology “Now, there's
a woman on my block” now there is a militant Rabbi in my corner
“She just sit there facin' the hill” who is confronting the politicians
on Capitol Hill about the existence of the Nazis “She say who gonna
take away his license to kill?” he says who is going to put these sub-
humans out of their misery, because the only good Nazi is a dead

Now, he's hell-bent for destruction, he's afraid and confused

And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill.
All he believes are his eyes
And his eyes, they just tell him lies.
But there's a woman on my block
Sitting there in a cold chill.
She say who gonna take away his license to kill?

“Now, he's hell-bent for destruction” now the evil in the Nazi makes
him Hell bent on committing genocide “he's afraid” he is insecure
about the real value of his race “and confused” and fails to
distinguish between right and wrong “And his brain has been
mismanaged with great skill” and he has been brainwashed with
Nazi propaganda that proved effective in creating the mass murder
of European Jews “All he believes are his eyes” all he believes in are
his own thoughts and not those of other more enlightened people
“And his eyes, they just tell him lies” and because he is dumb his
thoughts reflect this and are totally false “But there's a woman on
my block” but there is a man, a Rabbi, Meir Kahane “Sitting there in
a cold” waiting in a cold state, lacking in emotion, dead serious
“chill” who is ready to ice the Nazis “She say who gonna take away
his license to kill?” who is going to ban Nazism as a criminal
conspiracy to commit mass murder?

Ya may be a noisemaker, spirit maker

Heartbreaker, backbreaker,
Leave no stone unturned.
May be an actor in a plot
That might be all that you got
'Til your error you clearly learn.



“Ya may be a noisemaker” you may make sounds that are

disagreeable like Sieg Heil! you might make noise smashing
windows during Kristalnacht “spirit maker” you may infuse others
with the Nazi spirit as Hitler did or “Heartbreaker” or you may
produce an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or
bereavement by murdering Jews in death camps “backbreaker” or
by putting them into forced labor camps “Leave no stone unturned”
you may find every Jew, devise every form of punishment, you also
may desecrate their graves by overturning gravestones “May be an
actor in a plot” you are nothing more than a criminal cooking up a
plot to kill Jews “That might be all that you got” but you might end
up getting killed maggot! “'Til your error you clearly learn” until you
realize you cannot do this and hope to get away with it. Later Dylan
said this about neo-Nazi David Duke, “I hadn't seen Duke before; he
looked like a movie star.”

Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool

And when he sees his reflection, he's fulfilled.
Oh, man is opposed to fair play
He wants it all and he wants it his way.
Now, there's a woman on my block
She just sit there as the night grows still.
She say who gonna take away his license to kill?


When he sees his reflection he’s fullfilled

“Now he worships at an altar of” now the Nazi honors and loves as
a deity “a stagnant pool” a gene pool showing little or no sign of
activity or advancement; not developing or progressing since it is
very narrow “pool,” an available supply, the use of which is shared
by a group “And when he sees his reflection” and when he sees the
manifestation or result of inbreeding, someone with the same racial
characteristics as himself, more like a “pure breed” dog than a
human being, “he's fulfilled” he has achieved all the potential he is
ever going to achieve because he has made himself genetically
inferior and subject to congenital disease “Oh, man is opposed to
fair play” oh, the Nazis are opposed to an honorable standard of
behavior when it comes to the distribution of wealth “He wants it
all and he wants it his way” the Nazis want all the wealth by stealing
it from others “Now, there's a woman on my block” now there’s a
Rabbi who is an obstruction and a hindrance to the Nazis “She just
sit there as the night grows still” she waits there as evil Jew hatred
again increases as it once did and always has and always will “She
say who gonna take away his license to kill?” who is going to off
these Nazi pigs? Now check the use of the word license in
Neighborhood Bully:

Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim
That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him,
'Cause there's a noose at his neck and a gun at his back
And a license to kill him is given out to every maniac.
He's the neighborhood bully.

“Well, the chances are against it and the odds are slim / That he'll
live by the rules that the world makes for him” it is highly unlikely
that Israel will abide by international law after the world did
nothing to stop the Holocaust “'Cause there's a noose at his neck

and a gun at his back / And a license to kill him is given out to every
maniac” instead, the international community issued a veritable
license to mass murder Jews, a “License to Kill” “He's the
neighborhood bully.”

In Duquesne Whistle Bob Dylan is referring to the Duquesne spy

ring. In it he calls me a Nazi. What a fucking joke in light of what
you’ve read in this e-book.

Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing

Blowing like it's gonna sweep my world away
I wanna stop in Carbondale and keep on going

That Duquesne train gon' rock me night and day

Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowin' listen to that Nazi

Weberman spouting his rhetoric like a whistle blower, exposing
alleged wrong-doing. Fritz Joubert Duquesne was a South African
Boer who was a Nazi secret agent, military officer, big game hunter,
saboteur, and journalist. Imprisoned on numerous occasions, he
narrowly avoided execution by firing squad and once escaped from
prison by feigning paralysis. While spying for Germany, he and 32
others were arrested in the FBI's 1941 takedown of the Duquesne
Spy Ring. The movie classic The House on 92nd Street was based on
Duquesne. So I’m a Nazi and not Dylan. Zimmermann is Nazi
sympathizer and Holocaust denier. He is the Nazi loving pig, not me.

Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowin' / Blowing like it's gonna

sweep my world away Listen to that Nazi Weberman blowing off
like he is going to wipe out my heroin addiction with a single stroke
“sweep” as often used with away: The exposure in effect swept
away his habit or sweep as clean up, clean up his act I wanna stop
in Carbondale I want to do up some dugi. This is similar to
Champagne Illinois another song about heroin, “I certainly do enjoy,
Champagne Illinois.” This is an example of the alcohol/heroin
metaphor found in Country Pie: “Just like old saxophone Joe when
he’s got the hogshead up on his toe oh me oh my love that country
pie.” “Up on his toe” is similar to a line in Mr. Tambourine Man
where Dylan wrote “my toes too numb to step” meaning he can’t
dance or get high and then he asks Mr. Tambourine Man to “cast
your dancing spell my way I promise to go under it.” What all this
adds up to is simply I wanted do shoot some smack and keep on
going and continue being a schmecker - a Jewish junkie That
Duquesne train gon' rock me night and day but the Nazi Weberman,
with his pig mentality, is going to hassle me about my dope habit
night and day “rock” to disturb the mental or emotional equilibrium
of; upset: news of Dylan’s addiction rocked New York town.

You say I'm a gambler, you say I'm a pimp

But I ain't neither one
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Sounding like it's on a final run

You say I'm a gambler you say I am a capitalist pig as in Woody

Guthrie’s song I Ain’t Got No Home In the World Anymore “gamblin’
man is rich and the working man is poor and I aint got no home in
this world anymore” you say I'm a pimp you say I am a pig who
panders to the Left But I ain't neither one but I am something you

haven’t thought of Al because you were unable to pick up on the

embedded meaning of the majority of my poetry Listen to that
Duquesne whistle blowing listen to that Nazi Weberman spouting
off his theories Sounding like it's on a final run sounding like the
underground newspaper he works for is folding. Run as in the
production achieved during a period: the East Village Other had a
final press run of 15,000 copies.

Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing

Blowing like she never blowed before
Blue light blinking, red light glowing
Blowing like she's at my chamber door

Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing listen to that Nazi

Weberman denouncing me in front of my crib during the Bob Dylan
30th Birthday Party, a day that will live in the anals of infamy
Blowing like she never blowed before reaching new lows of hatred,
ridicule Little light sarcastic: much public attention: brought the
scandal to light blinking shining intermittently, as in signaling doom
red light glowing cops called in to stop a riot instigated by police
informant who I had identified as such on a previous occasion. This
informant, who had infiltrated Vietnam Vets Against the War had
witnessed his fellow soldiers in Vietnam being killed and maimed
and when he returned to the United States ended up in a mental
institution. From then on he was determined infiltrate and destroy
the Left. Blowing like she's at my chamber door messing with me in
front of my townhouse, endangering my wife, my children, forcing
me to leave my beloved Greenwich Village. Fuck this idiot wind, I
wanna see fucker dead. That is why I detect an image of an LED
blinking on a handgun then turning to red which indicated the laser

pointer was activated after someone chambered a few rounds of

ammunition. Dylan was packing because he was his own
bodyguard. He had a carry permit when I knew him. Dylan was
always asking me “You want to go for a ride, Al?” I asked “Where
to?” He replied, “Oh down near the old Brooklyn Navy Yard. We can
get a good look at the river.”

You smilin' through the fence at me

Just like you always smiled before
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Blowing like she ain't gon' blow no more

You smiling through the fence at me you are going through my

garbage again and having a great time of it Just like you've always
smiled before just like you did before you agreed to cease and
desist. Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing listen to the stinking
Nazi Weberman lying Blowing like she ain't gon' blow no more
because he only pretended he wasn’t going to stalk me anymore.
After Dylan did the Bangladesh Benefit Concert I promised to lay off
but went back to the trash anyway where I was confronted by
Sarah, Dylan’s wife, an event that led to Dylan jumping me on
Elizabeth Street. It was an unfortunate confluence of events.

Can't you hear that Duquesne whistle blowing?

Blowing like the sky's gonna blow apart
You're the only thing alive that keeps me going
You're like a time bomb in my heart


Can't you hear that Duquesne whistle blowing? Can’t you hear that
Nazi Weberman writing? Blowing writing like the sky's like his
future “sky” as future from Trails of Trouble “I walked down by the
river, I turned my head up high. I saw that silver linin' / That was
hangin' in the sky” gonna blow apart going to be demolished from
Dylan blows to his head You're the only thing alive that keeps me
going you’re the only thing alive that I would like to see dead and
this keeps me going - going around the block on my bicycle stalking
you You're like a time bomb in my heart you caused my emotions to
explode into violence. Dylan came from behind and attacked me on
Elizabeth Street. He sings about “The laughter down on Elizabeth
Street” in Journey through White Heat.

There's a neon light ablaze in the green smoky haze,

And laughter down on Elizabeth Street
And a lonesome bell tone in that valley of stone
Where she bathed in a stream of pure heat


There’s a neon light ablaze

“There’s a neon light” there’s a superstar, Tell Me 1983, “Tell me,

do those neon lights blind your eyes?” tell me does stardom deprive
your thoughts of perception and insight? “ablaze” emotionally
aroused; ‘ablaze with anger’ “in this green” in this new to me but
productive “smoky” really quick “smoke” to go and proceed at high
speed, to smoke Weberman out “haze” hazing; beating “laughter”
ridicule of the great revolutionary A. J. Weberman “down on
Elizabeth Street” Dylan attacked me on Elizabeth Street between
Bleecker and Houston “And a lonesome bell tone” and the death
bell tolled for A. J. Weberman and the Dylan Liberation Front as he
faced the music; Can’t Escape From You 2008, “The dead bells are
ringing” “in that valley of stone” in the city street surrounded by
brick buildings that became the area where Weberman would
finally be punished, “stoned” “where she bathed in a stream of pure
heat” where that maggot who calls himself “A. J.” bathed in a
steady flow and succession of punches for a change rather than
bathing in the spotlight or limelight. Also “pure” as racially pure;
‘pure White heat’.

I can hear a sweet voice steadily calling

Must be the mother of our lord
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Blowing like my woman's on board

I can hear a sweet I can hear a sarcastic: pleasing to the mind or

feelings, gratifying voice  sound over a phone steadily unwavering
in purpose; steadfast calling “call” to communicate or try to
communicate with by telephone: I recorded a telephone call. Must


be the mother sarcastic must be the “mother” conscience of our

lord to a man who has mastery in a given field or activity as Dylan
does in the field of poetry, must be Weberman on the phone Listen
to that Duquesne whistle blowing listen to the Nazi Weberman
talking Blowing like my woman's on board talking as if I was once a
leftist, I once took on board those politics but sold out. The truth
was Dylan was a rightwing racist on the down low but I had no idea
of this at the time. Take on board Definitions: To accept (new ideas,
situations, theories, etc.

Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing

Blowing like it's gon' blow my blues away
You old rascal, I know exactly where you're going
I'll lead you there myself at the break of day

Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing blowing like it's gon' blow
my blues away “blow” as in blow job You old rascal you
disreputable person I know exactly where you're going to Times Sq.
I'll lead you there myself at the break of day I turned tricks there
when I first came to New York City.

I wake up every morning with that woman in my bed

Everybody telling me she's gone to my head
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Blowing like it's gon' kill me dead

I wake up every morning with that woman in my bed I come to the

realization each day that I have contracted in incurable Sexually
Transmitted Disease – HIV. “Bed” as to have sexual relations which
is found in Maggie’s Animal Farm:

I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s pa no more

No, I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s pa no more
Well, he puts his cigar
Out in your face just for kicks
His bedroom window
It is made out of bricks
The National Guard stands around his door
Ah, I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s pa no more

“I ain't gonna work for Maggie's pa no more” I ain't gonna work for
the Soviet Union, the father of Communism no more, “Well, he puts
his cigar” well he puts his Communist propaganda pushing Civil
Rights “Out in your face” out in the White race’s midst “just for
kicks” just to cause trouble, so he can get his version of kicks “His

bedroom” but his sexual moirés, “bedroom” as sexually suggestive;

‘a bedroom comedy’ as dictated by the Communist Party of the
USSR “window” as an interval of time during which certain
conditions or an opportunity exists - a window of sexual
vulnerability “It is made out of bricks” bars inter-racial marriage as
the White Russian race must be preserved, it’s sexual policies are
dictated by Party stalwarts, “brick” a reliable person. “The National
Guard stands around his door” and that makes the Communists no
different than Southern racists. Alabama Governor George Wallace
stood at the door of Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama
in a symbolic attempt to block two Black students from enrolling at
the school. They were escorted inside by members of the
federalized National Guard. “Face” as race; in regard to James
Meredith’s enrollment at the University of Mississippi; Oxford Town
1963, “Guns and clubs followed him down / All because his face was
brown.” I wake up every morning with that woman in my bed
Everybody telling me she's gone to my head all the Doctors are
advising me that it will eventually destroy my brain Listen to that
Duquesne whistle blowing listen to that Nazi Weberman blowing
smoke Blowing like it's gon' kill me dead writing that my HIV is
gonna kill me dead when it is not.

Can't you hear that Duquesne whistle blowing?

Blowing through another no good town
The lights on my lady's land are glowing
I wonder if they'll know me next time 'round

Can't you hear that Duquesne whistle blowing? Can’t you hear that
Nazi Weberman doing his Dylan translations wherein he belittles
me and characterizes me as the lowest scum on earth? Blowing
through another no good town being expressed in another no good
book The lights the knowledge, the wisdom, the enlightenment on
my lady's land are glowing in my poetry is outstanding I wonder if
they'll know me next time 'round I wonder if after I am dead the
meaning of my poetry will ever be expressed properly, not in the
crude fashion Al does it.

This is some stupid shit here expressed in a complex manner. If

Dylan thinks the scholars of the future are going to discover the
meaning of his poetry he is wrong. You got to have lived through it
and witnessed Dylan’s career unfold and more importantly played
an important part in its development; you got to be into all kinds of
drugs, politics and music of a certain period to understand it. Like
Dylan started out on the street and no college professor is ever


going to know that street like I know it. I’m the only game in town.
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

I wonder if that old oak tree's still standing

That old oak tree, the one we used to climb
Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
Blowing like she's blowing right on time

I wonder if that old oak tree's still standing I wonder if that old
lynching tree is ready to go back into action and terrorize the Blacks
into behaving? That old oak tree, the one we used to climb you
know, the lynching tree from years back which I protested against
in ostensibly anti-racist Blowin in the Wind and used to climb to the
top of the record charts Listen to that Duquesne whistle blowing
blowing like she's blowing right on time listen to the way that Nazi
Weberman translates my poems. That hypocrite is in sync “right on
time” with my views on “Blacks.” He is conversant with racialist
thinking and is a little too articulate when it comes to expressing
racist view, especially when Blacks are involved.

When this Duquesne video first hit the streets many

observers were wondering why all the violence? The answer is
simple, the stalker is A. J. Weberman – Dylan hates me and would
like to hit me in the knees with a baseball bat, knee cap me a la the
Red Brigade in Italy. In 1971 Dylan loved to threaten me. Dylan
would tell me while I was coming down from caffeine citrate after
hanging out all day with him in his studio as the sky grew
progressively gray. “Al, if you get into my life I might gain a soul.” I
get it. The girl in the video! Dylan told me if I ever messed with his

wife he would beat the shit out of me and I had messed with her
that very day when he came after me on Elizabeth Street and that
lonesome bell tolled in that valley of stone as I bathed in his pure
white heat. The woman in the video is Sarah Dylan.

The Gasolio Brothers? There is no such group. Live in concert. This is

the sickness implying that many Jews gassed during the Holocaust
are actually alive. He will get his someday.

One of the first videos I posted on You-Tube was called FEEDING



I lived at 6 Bleecker Street when I knew Bob.


In the early 1970’s I became friendly with John Lennon and Yoko


Here I am going through trash. Then something weird happens. The

trash comes alive and I get a bullet in me.


Note the badge. Dylan said I had a pig mentality. Said I outta wear a

Note the open door. I had plenty of opportunity but I passed it up.


Dylan would have liked to shut me up.

In Chronicles Dylan said he broke his hand as a metaphor for getting



After Dylan attacked me on Elizabeth Street he ripped off my FREE

BOB DYLAN DLF button and threw it to the ground. Just before I am
dumped someone throws a small object out the window of the van.

Here I am, a stalker who got what was coming to him for interfering
with a superstar’s life and career. Walk all over to intimidate and
maltreat someone or something. This is an illustration from Mondo



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