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( 第 179 章 )
Matrimonial Causes Ordinance
(Cap. 179)

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( 法例發布條例》( 第 614 章 ) 第 5 條 )

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條文 Provision 頁數 Page number 最後更新日期 Last updated date

第 I 部 Part I 1-1—1-6 20.9.2018
第 II 部 Part II 2-1—2-8 20.9.2018
第 IIA 部 Part IIA 2A-1—2A-2 20.9.2018
第 III 部 Part III 3-1—3-30 20.9.2018
第 IV 部 Part IV 4-1—4-12 20.9.2018
第 V 部 Part V 5-1—5-4 20.9.2018
第 VI 部 Part VI 6-1—6-6 20.9.2018
條文 Provision 頁數 Page number 最後更新日期 Last updated date
第 VII 部 Part VII 7-1—7-8 20.9.2018
第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-1—8-20 20.9.2018
第 IX 部 Part IX 9-1—9-12 20.9.2018

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

E-1 E-2
第 179 章 Cap. 179

制定史 Enactment History

本 為 1967 年 第 1 號 —— 1967 年 第 25 號,1969 年 第 25 號,1970 年 Originally 1 of 1967 ─ 25 of 1967, 25 of 1969, 68 of 1970, 29 of 1971,
第 68 號,1971 年 第 29 號,1971 年 第 35 號,1971 年 第 37 號,1972 35 of 1971, 37 of 1971, 11 of 1972, 33 of 1972, 39 of 1972, 63 of 1979,
年第 11 號,1972 年第 33 號,1972 年第 39 號,1979 年第 63 號,1981 79 of 1981, 80 of 1982, 10 of 1983, R. Ed. 1983, 72 of 1985, 94 of 1993,
年第 79 號,1982 年第 80 號,1983 年第 10 號,1983 年編正版,1985 29 of 1995, L.N. (C) 47 of 1995 (Chinese authentic version), 58 of 1995,
年 第 72 號,1993 年 第 94 號,1995 年 第 29 號,1995 年 第 (C)47 號 法 69 of 1997, 80 of 1997, L.N. 362 of 1997, 23 of 1998, 25 of 1998, 28 of
律公告 ( 中文真確本 ),1995 年第 58 號,1997 年第 69 號,1997 年第 1998, 14 of 2003, 18 of 2003, 23 of 2003, 10 of 2005, 4 of 2008, 20 of
80 號,1997 年第 362 號法律公告,1998 年第 23 號,1998 年第 25 號, 2010, 16 of 2014, E.R. 4 of 2018
1998 年第 28 號,2003 年第 14 號,2003 年第 18 號,2003 年第 23 號,
2005 年第 10 號,2008 年第 4 號,2010 年第 20 號,2014 年第 16 號,
2018 年第 4 號編輯修訂紀錄

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20.9.2018 20.9.2018
《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

T-1 T-2
第 179 章 Cap. 179

《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

( 第 179 章 ) (Cap. 179)

目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Section Page
第I部 Part I
導言 Preliminary
1. 簡稱 1-1 1. Short title 1-2
2. 釋義 1-1 2. Interpretation 1-2
第 II 部 Part II
法院的司法管轄權 Jurisdiction of Court
3. 對離婚案的司法管轄權 2-1 3. Jurisdiction in divorce 2-2
4. 對婚姻無效案的司法管轄權 2-1 4. Jurisdiction in nullity 2-2
5. 對裁判分居案的司法管轄權 2-3 5. Jurisdiction in judicial separation 2-4
6. 對推定死亡案的司法管轄權 2-3 6. Jurisdiction in presumption of death 2-4
7. ( 廢除 ) 2-5 7. (Repealed) 2-6
7A. 根據《婚姻制度改革條例》解除婚姻的效力 2-5 7A. Effect of dissolution under Marriage Reform 2-6
8. 香港法律適用 2-5 8. Law of Hong Kong applicable 2-6
9. 批予濟助的權力只限於某些婚姻 2-7 9. Power to grant relief limited to certain 2-8
10. 慣例及程序 2-7 10. Practice and procedure 2-8

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

T-3 T-4
第 179 章 Cap. 179

條次 頁次 Section Page
第 IIA 部 Part IIA
法律程序的開始 Commencement of Proceedings
10A. 法律程序的開始及移交 2A-1 10A. Commencement and transfer of proceedings 2A-2
第 III 部 Part III
離婚 Divorce
11. 離婚的理由等 3-1 11. Ground for divorce, etc. 3-2
11A. 就呈請理由而提出的證明 3-1 11A. Proof of ground for petition 3-2
11B. 就申請理由而提出的證明等 3-3 11B. Proof of ground for application, etc. 3-4
11C. 釋義 ( 第 III 部 ) 3-3 11C. Interpretation (Part III) 3-4
12. 對結婚後 1 年內提出呈請的限制 3-5 12. Restriction on petitions within one year of 3-6
13. 先前裁判分居並不阻止離婚 3-5 13. Divorce not precluded by previous judicial 3-6
14. 被指稱的姦夫列為法律程序的一方 3-9 14. Alleged adulterer as a party 3-10
15. 離婚呈請的聆訊 3-9 15. Hearing of petition 3-10
15A. 鼓勵和解的條文 3-13 15A. Provisions to encourage reconciliation 3-14
15B. 某些情形下拒絕批出判令 3-15 15B. Decree to be refused in certain circumstances 3-16
15C. 在某些情形下撤銷暫准判令的權力 3-17 15C. Power to rescind decree nisi in certain cases 3-18
16. 代訴人的介入 3-19 16. Intervention of the Proctor 3-20
17. 批出暫准判令後的法律程序 3-19 17. Proceedings after decree nisi 3-20
17A. 某些情形下給予答辯人經濟保障 3-21 17A. Financial protection for respondent in certain 3-22
18. 離婚者再婚 3-25 18. Remarriage of divorced persons 3-26

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T-5 T-6
第 179 章 Cap. 179

條次 頁次 Section Page
18A. 法院不得以共謀或呈請人行為不當為理由 3-25 18A. Court not to dismiss petition or application 3-26
而駁回呈請或駁回將暫准判令轉為絕對判 to make absolute a decree nisi on ground of
令的申請 collusion or misconduct of petitioner
18B. 規則 3-27 18B. Rules 3-28
第 IV 部 Part IV
婚姻無效 Nullity
19. 婚姻無效的呈請 4-1 19. Petition for nullity 4-2
20. 批出婚姻無效判令的理由 4-1 20. Grounds for decree of nullity 4-2
20A. 外地婚姻 4-7 20A. Foreign marriages 4-8
20B. 對可使無效的婚姻批出婚姻無效判令 4-9 20B. Decree of nullity in case of voidable marriage 4-10
21. 批出婚姻無效判令 4-9 21. Granting of decree of nullity 4-10
22. 第 15(5)、16 及 17 條適用於婚姻無效的法 4-9 22. Application of ss. 15(5), 16 and 17 to nullity 4-10
律程序 proceedings
23. 共謀對婚姻無效法律程序中所給予的濟助 4-11 23. Collusion not to be bar to relief in nullity 4-12
不得構成禁制 proceedings
第V部 Part V
其他婚姻訟案 Other Matrimonial Suits
24. 裁判分居 5-1 24. Judicial separation 5-2
25. ( 廢除 ) 5-3 25. (Repealed) 5-4
26. 推定死亡及解除婚姻 5-3 26. Presumption of death and dissolution of 5-4
第 VI 部 Part VI
附屬濟助 Ancillary Relief
27-31. ( 廢除 ) 6-1 27-31. (Repealed) 6-2

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T-7 T-8
第 179 章 Cap. 179

條次 頁次 Section Page
32. ( 廢除 ) 6-1 32. (Repealed) 6-2
33-36. ( 廢除 ) 6-1 33-36. (Repealed) 6-2
37. ( 廢除 ) 6-1 37. (Repealed) 6-2
38-40. ( 廢除 ) 6-3 38-40. (Repealed) 6-4
41-44. ( 廢除 ) 6-3 41-44. (Repealed) 6-4
第 VII 部 Part VII
對子女的保護 Protection of Children
45-47. ( 廢除 ) 7-1 45-47. (Repealed) 7-2
48. 就子女的監管作出規定的權力 7-1 48. Power to provide for supervision of children 7-2
48A. 將子女交由社會福利署署長照顧的權力 7-3 48A. Power to commit children to care of Director 7-4
of Social Welfare
48B. 父母或監護人須將地址的更改通知社會福 7-5 48B. Parent or guardian to inform Director of 7-6
利署署長 Social Welfare of change of address
48C. 《未成年人監護條例》第 3 條的適用 7-5 48C. Application of section 3 of the Guardianship 7-6
of Minors Ordinance
48D. 禁止將兒童帶離香港的命令 7-5 48D. Order for prohibiting removal of child out of 7-6
Hong Kong
第 VIII 部 Part VIII
雜項 Miscellaneous
49. 有關婚生地位等的宣布 8-1 49. Declarations of legitimacy, etc. 8-2
50. 廢除就通姦的損害賠償及私通而提出的訴 8-5 50. Abolition of actions for damages for adultery 8-6
訟 and criminal conversation
51. ( 廢除 ) 8-5 51. (Repealed) 8-6
52. 證據 8-5 52. Evidence 8-6

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T-9 T-10
第 179 章 Cap. 179

條次 頁次 Section Page
53. 准許按條件介入訟案的權力 8-5 53. Power to allow intervention on terms 8-6
53A. 贍養費欠款的利息 8-7 53A. Interest on arrears of maintenance 8-8
53B. 贍養費欠款的附加費 8-11 53B. Surcharge on arrears of maintenance 8-12
54. 規則 8-17 54. Rules 8-18
54A. 《1982 年婚姻訴訟 ( 修訂 ) 規則》成為有效 8-19 54A. Validation of Matrimonial Causes 8-20
(Amendment) Rules 1982
54B. 取消就詐稱結婚提出呈請的權利 8-19 54B. Abolition of right to petition for jactitation of 8-20
第 IX 部 Part IX
對外地離婚及合法分居的承認 Recognition of Overseas Divorces and
Legal Separations
55. 外地離婚及合法分居在香港獲承認 9-1 55. Recognition in Hong Kong of overseas 9-2
divorces and legal separations
56. 承認的理由 9-1 56. Grounds for recognition 9-2
57. 反訴及繼合法分居後的離婚 9-3 57. Cross-proceedings and divorces following 9-4
legal separations
58. 與獲得承認有關的事實證明 9-3 58. Proof of facts relevant to recognition 9-4
59. 某些現行的與獲得承認有關的規則須繼續 9-5 59. Certain existing rules of recognition to 9-6
有效 continue in force
60. 離婚不獲第三地方承認並不禁制再婚 9-5 60. Non-recognition of divorce by third place no 9-6
bar to remarriage
61. 在例外情況下不予承認 9-7 61. Exceptions from recognition 9-8
62. 釋義及過渡性條文 9-9 62. Interpretation and transitional provisions 9-10
63. 過渡性條文 9-9 63. Transitional 9-10

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

1-1 第I部 Part I 1-2

第 179 章 第1條 Section 1 Cap. 179

本條例旨在就管限婚姻訴訟方面的法律,和就婚姻訴訟所附帶引起或 To make further and better provision in respect of the law governing
與此相關的事宜,訂定更詳盡完備的條文。 matrimonial causes and for matters incidental thereto or connected

[1967 年 1 月 20 日 ] [20 January 1967]

( 格式變更 ——2018 年第 4 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 4 of 2018)

第I部 Part I
導言 Preliminary
1. 簡稱 1. Short title
本條例可引稱為《婚姻訴訟條例》。 This Ordinance may be cited as the Matrimonial Causes Ordinance.

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
在本條例中,除文意另有所指外 —— In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires—
一夫一妻制婚姻 (monogamous marriage) 指下列婚姻 —— adultery (通姦) does not include sexual intercourse of a man who
(a) 如屬在香港締結的婚姻,指 —— is a party to a customary marriage celebrated in accordance
with section 7 of the Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap. 178)
(i) 按照《婚姻條例》( 第 181 章 ) 的規定舉行婚禮或 with a concubine (tsip) lawfully taken by him; (Added 63 of
締結的婚姻; 1979 s. 2)
(ii) 藉《婚姻制度改革條例》( 第 178 章 ) 第 8 條獲得 court (法院) means the High Court or the District Court; (Replaced
認可並根據該條例第 IV 部登記的新式婚姻;或 79 of 1981 s. 5. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
( 由 1970 年第 68 號第 26 條代替 )
deported (遞解離境) includes being prohibited from landing in
(b) 如屬在香港以外地方締結的婚姻,則指按照舉行婚 Hong Kong, being obliged to leave Hong Kong by reason of
禮的地方當時施行的法律舉行婚禮或締結的婚姻, the refusal to grant or renew, or the revocation of, a permit to
且該婚姻獲該法律承認為不容他人介入的一男一女 remain in Hong Kong and an order of expulsion;

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

1-3 第I部 Part I 1-4

第 179 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 179

代訴人 (the Proctor) 指律政司司長; ( 由 1997 年第 362 號法律 matrimonial cause (婚姻訴訟) means any proceedings for—
公告修訂 ) (a) divorce;
法院 (court) 指高等法院或區域法院; ( 由 1981 年第 79 號第 5 (b) nullity;
條代替。由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 )
(c) judicial separation;
財產 (property) 指任何土地財產或非土地財產,任何在土地財
產或非土地財產中的產業權或權益,任何金錢,任何可 (d) presumption of death and dissolution of marriage;
流轉票據,《銀行業條例》( 第 155 章 ) 第 137B 條所指的 (e)-(f) (Repealed 80 of 1997 s. 81)
任何訂明票據,任何債項或其他據法權產,以及任何其 (g) (Repealed 29 of 1995 s. 2) (Added 37 of 1971 s.2)
他不論是否在管有中的權利或權益; ( 由 1993 年第 94 號
第 39 條修訂 ) [ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 26(6) U.K.] monogamous marriage (一夫一妻制婚姻) means a marriage
which was—
婚姻訴訟 (matrimonial cause) 指就下列事宜進行的任何法律程
序 —— (a) if it took place in Hong Kong—
(a) 離婚; (i) celebrated or contracted in accordance with the
provisions of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 181);
(b) 婚姻無效;
(ii) a modern marriage validated by section 8 of
(c) 裁判分居; the Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap. 178) and
(d) 推定死亡及解除婚姻; registered under Part IV of that Ordinance; or
(e)-(f) ( 由 1997 年第 80 號第 81 條廢除 ) (Replaced 68 of 1970 s. 26)
(g) ( 由 1995 年 第 29 號 第 2 條 廢 除 ) ( 由 1971 年 第 37 (b) if it took place outside Hong Kong, celebrated or
號第 2 條增補 ) contracted in accordance with the law in force at the
time and in the place where the marriage was performed
通姦 (adultery) 不包括身為舊式婚姻的一方並合法納妾的男子 and recognized by such law as involving the voluntary
與其妾發生性關係,而該舊式婚姻是按照《婚姻制度改革 union for life of one man and one woman to the
條 例》( 第 178 章 ) 第 7 條 的 規 定 舉 行 婚 禮 的; ( 由 1979 exclusion of all others;
年第 63 號第 2 條增補 )
property (財產) means any real or personal property, any estate
or interest in real or personal property, any money, any
negotiable instrument, any prescribed instrument within
the meaning of section 137B of the Banking Ordinance
(Cap. 155), debt or other chose in action, and any other right
or interest whether in possession or not; (Amended 94 of 1993
s. 39) [cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 26(6) U.K.]

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

1-5 第I部 Part I 1-6

第 179 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 179

遞解離境 (deported) 包括被禁止在香港入境,以及由於不獲批 the Proctor (代訴人) means the Secretary for Justice. (Amended
出准許留在香港,或由於該項准許不獲再次批出或遭撤 L.N. 362 of 1997)
銷,和由於一項驅逐令,因而必須離境。 [cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 46(2) U.K.]
( 編輯修訂 ——2018 年第 4 號編輯修訂紀錄 )
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 46(2) U.K.]

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

2-1 第 II 部 Part II 2-2

第 179 章 第3條 Section 3 Cap. 179

第 II 部 Part II
法院的司法管轄權 Jurisdiction of Court
3. 對離婚案的司法管轄權 3. Jurisdiction in divorce
如屬下列情況,法院對根據本條例進行的離婚法律程序具有 The court shall have jurisdiction in proceedings for divorce under
司法管轄權 —— this Ordinance if—
(a) 在呈請或申請提出當日,婚姻的任何一方以香港為 (a) either of the parties to the marriage was domiciled in
居籍; ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 3 條代替 ) Hong Kong at the date of the petition or application;
(b) 在緊接呈請或申請提出當日之前的整段 3 年期間內, (Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 3)
婚姻的任何一方慣常居於香港;或 ( 由 1995 年第 (b) either of the parties to the marriage was habitually
29 號第 3 條代替 ) resident in Hong Kong throughout the period of 3
(c) 在呈請或申請提出當日,婚姻的任何一方與香港有 years immediately preceding the date of the petition or
密 切 聯 繫。 ( 由 1970 年 第 68 號 第 26 條 增 補。由 application; or (Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 3)
1995 年第 29 號第 3 條修訂 ) (c) either of the parties to the marriage had a substantial
connexion with Hong Kong at the date of the petition
or application. (Added 68 of 1970 s. 26. Amended 29 of
1995 s. 3)

4. 對婚姻無效案的司法管轄權 4. Jurisdiction in nullity

如屬下列情況,法院對根據本條例進行的婚姻無效法律程序 The court shall have jurisdiction in proceedings for nullity under
具有司法管轄權 —— this Ordinance if—
(a) 在呈請提出當日,婚姻的任何一方以香港為居籍或 (a) either of the parties to the marriage was domiciled in or
與香港有密切聯繫; ( 由 1970 年第 68 號第 26 條修訂 ) had a substantial connexion with Hong Kong at the date
(b) 在緊接呈請提出當日之前的整段 3 年期間內,婚姻 of the petition; (Amended 68 of 1970 s. 26)
的任何一方慣常居於香港; ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 4 (b) either of the parties to the marriage was habitually
條代替 ) resident in Hong Kong throughout the period of 3 years
(c) 在呈請提出當日,婚姻雙方均居於香港; immediately preceding the date of the petition; (Replaced
29 of 1995 s. 4)
(d) 在呈請提出當日,法律程序中的答辯人居於香港;

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

2-3 第 II 部 Part II 2-4

第 179 章 第5條 Section 5 Cap. 179

(e) 該婚姻是在香港舉行婚禮的。 (c) both parties to the marriage were resident in Hong Kong
at the date of the petition;
(d) the respondent in the proceedings was resident in Hong
Kong at the date of the petition; or
(e) the marriage was celebrated in Hong Kong.

5. 對裁判分居案的司法管轄權 5. Jurisdiction in judicial separation

如屬下列情況,法院對根據本條例進行的裁判分居法律程序 The court shall have jurisdiction in proceedings for judicial
具有司法管轄權 —— separation under this Ordinance if—
(a) 在呈請提出當日,婚姻的任何一方以香港為居籍; (a) either of the parties to the marriage was domiciled in
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 5 條代替 ) Hong Kong at the date of the petition; (Replaced 29 of
(b) 在呈請提出當日,婚姻雙方均居於香港; 1995 s. 5)
(c) ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 5 條廢除 ) (b) both parties to the marriage were resident in Hong Kong
at the date of the petition;
(d) 在呈請提出當日,婚姻的任何一方與香港有密切聯
繫。 ( 由 1970 年第 68 號第 26 條增補 ) (c) (Repealed 29 of 1995 s. 5)
(d) either of the parties to the marriage had a substantial
connexion with Hong Kong at the date of the petition.
(Added 68 of 1970 s. 26)

6. 對推定死亡案的司法管轄權 6. Jurisdiction in presumption of death

(1) 如屬下列情況,法院對根據本條例進行的推定死亡及解 (1) The court shall have jurisdiction in proceedings for
除婚姻法律程序具有司法管轄權 —— presumption of death and dissolution of marriage under this
(a) 呈請人在呈請提出當日以香港為居籍,或與香港有 Ordinance if—
密切聯繫;或 ( 由 1970 年第 68 號第 26 條修訂 ) [ 比 (a) the petitioner was domiciled in or had a substantial
照 1965 c. 72 s. 14(2) U.K.] connexion with Hong Kong at the date of the petition;
(b) 在緊接呈請提出當日之前的整段 3 年期間內,呈請 or (Amended 68 of 1970 s. 26) [cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 14(2)
人慣常居於香港。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 6 條代替。 U.K.]
編輯修訂 ——2018 年第 4 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (b) the petitioner was habitually resident in Hong Kong
(2) ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 6 條廢除 ) throughout the period of 3 years immediately preceding
the date of the petition. (Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 6.
Amended E.R. 4 of 2018)

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

2-5 第 II 部 Part II 2-6

第 179 章 第7條 Section 7 Cap. 179

(2) (Repealed 29 of 1995 s. 6)

7. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 ) 7. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)

7A. 根據《婚姻制度改革條例》解除婚姻的效力 7A. Effect of dissolution under Marriage Reform Ordinance

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,藉《婚姻制度改革條例》( 第 178 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the dissolution in accordance with
章 ) 第 8 條獲得認可,並在該條例第 3 條所指定的日期仍 Part V of the Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap. 178) of
然存續的新式婚姻,或在該條例第 3 條所指定的日期仍 a modern marriage validated by section 8 of the Marriage
然存續的舊式婚姻,如按照《婚姻制度改革條例》( 第 178 Reform Ordinance (Cap. 178) and subsisting on the day
章 ) 第 V 部予以解除,則為施行第 VI 及 VII 部的規定, appointed under section 3 of that Ordinance or a customary
該項解除須當作為法院所批出的離婚最後判令,而據此, marriage subsisting on the day appointed under section 3 of
法院在附屬濟助及保護子女方面所具有的司法管轄權及 that Ordinance shall, for the purposes of Part VI and Part
權力,與假若法院已宣判離婚最後判令則根據第 VI 及 VII, be deemed to be a final decree of divorce granted by
VII 部會具有的司法管轄權及權力相同。 ( 由 1979 年第 the court, and accordingly, the court shall have the same
63 號第 3 條修訂 ) jurisdiction and powers in respect of ancillary relief and the
(2) 按照《婚姻制度改革條例》( 第 178 章 ) 第 V 部解除婚姻的 protection of children as it would have had under Parts VI
婚姻雙方,如已就解除婚姻後其中一方須付予另一方的 and VII if the court had pronounced a final decree of divorce.
贍養費款額達成協議,並已將該協議的條款作為解除該 (Amended 63 of 1979 s. 3)
婚姻的協議或備忘錄的一部分而予以記錄,則第 (1) 款的 (2) Where the parties to a marriage which is dissolved in
規定,並無使任何法院於任何時間具有關於前度婚姻任 accordance with Part V of the Marriage Reform Ordinance
何一方贍養方面的司法管轄權的效力。 ( 由 1979 年第 63 (Cap. 178) have agreed as to the amount of maintenance
號第 3 條代替 ) to be payable by one of the parties to the other after the
( 由 1970 年第 68 號第 26 條增補 ) dissolution of the marriage and have recorded the terms of
that agreement as part of the agreement or memorandum
dissolving the marriage, subsection (1) shall not have effect
to confer jurisdiction at any time on any court in respect of
maintenance for either of the parties to the former marriage.
(Replaced 63 of 1979 s. 3)
(Added 68 of 1970 s. 26)

8. 香港法律適用 8. Law of Hong Kong applicable

在法院根據本條例具有司法管轄權的法律程序中,有關的爭 In any proceedings in which the court has jurisdiction under this
論點須按照適用的法律予以裁定,而適用的法律即假若法律 Ordinance, the issues shall be determined in accordance with

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2-7 第 II 部 Part II 2-8

第 179 章 第9條 Section 9 Cap. 179

程序進行時雙方均是以香港為居籍則會適用者。 the law which would be applicable thereto if both parties were
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 ss. 14(5) & 40(2) U.K.] domiciled in Hong Kong at the time of the proceedings.
[cf. 1965 c. 72 ss. 14(5) & 40(2) U.K.]

9. 批予濟助的權力只限於某些婚姻 9. Power to grant relief limited to certain marriages

除非是按照《婚姻制度改革條例》( 第 178 章 ) 第 7 條舉行婚禮 Nothing in this Ordinance shall authorize the court to pronounce
並按照該條例第 IV 部登記的舊式婚姻,或是一夫一妻制的婚 a decree of divorce, nullity, judicial separation or presumption of
姻,否則本條例並不授權法院就任何婚姻宣判離婚、婚姻無 death and dissolution of marriage or to make any other order unless
效、裁判分居或推定死亡及解除婚姻的判令,或作出任何其 the marriage to or in respect of which the decree or order relates
他命令。 was a customary marriage celebrated in accordance with section
( 由 1979 年第 63 號第 4 條代替 ) 7 of the Marriage Reform Ordinance (Cap. 178) and registered in
accordance with Part IV of that Ordinance or was a monogamous
(Replaced 63 of 1979 s. 4)

10. 慣例及程序 10. Practice and procedure

由本條例歸於法院的司法管轄權,在關於法院的程序、慣例 The jurisdiction vested in the court by this Ordinance shall so far
及權力方面,須按照本條例所訂定的方式行使;如本條例在 as regards procedure, practice and powers of the court be exercised
此方面並無載有特別條文,則須按照英格蘭高等法院當其時 in the manner provided by this Ordinance; and where no special
施行於婚姻法律程序的慣例、程序及權力行使任何該等司法 provision is contained in this Ordinance with reference thereto, any
管轄權。 such jurisdiction shall be exercised in accordance with the practice,
procedure and powers for the time being in force in the High Court
of Justice in England with reference to matrimonial proceedings.

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

2A-1 第 IIA 部 Part IIA 2A-2

第 179 章 第 10A 條 Section 10A Cap. 179

第 IIA 部 Part IIA

法律程序的開始 Commencement of Proceedings
10A. 法律程序的開始及移交 10A. Commencement and transfer of proceedings
(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,根據本條例進行的婚姻訴訟及任 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a matrimonial cause and any other
何其他法律程序,須在區域法院開始︰ proceedings under this Ordinance shall be commenced in the
但規則中可就下列事宜作出規定 —— District Court:
(a) 應任何一方的申請或應區域法院的要求,將任何訴 Provided that rules may make provision—
訟或法律程序移交高等法院審理;及 (a) for the transfer to the High Court of any cause or
(b) 將任何訴訟或法律程序自高等法院移交或再移交區 proceedings upon the application of any party or at the
域法院審理。 instance of the District Court; and
(2) 根據第 39 條提出的申請,須向曾作出與該申請有關的命 (b) for the transfer or retransfer from the High Court of any
令的法院提出︰ cause or proceedings to the District Court. (Amended 25
of 1998 s. 2)
作出規定。 (2) An application under section 39 shall be made to the court
that made the order to which the application relates:
(3) 縱使在法律程序中申索的款額,如非有本款規定則會是
在區域法院司法管轄權範圍以外的,區域法院仍可根據 Provided that rules of court may make provision for the
本條例行使司法管轄權。 transfer of applications from one court to the other.
( 由 1981 年第 79 號第 5 條代替。由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) (3) The District Court may exercise jurisdiction under this
Ordinance although the amount claimed in the proceedings
would, but for this subsection, be beyond the jurisdiction of
that court.
(Replaced 79 of 1981 s. 5)

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

3-1 第 III 部 Part III 3-2

第 179 章 第 11 條 Section 11 Cap. 179

第 III 部 Part III

離婚 Divorce
11. 離婚的理由等 11. Ground for divorce, etc.
提出離婚呈請或離婚申請的唯一理由,須為婚姻已破裂至無 The sole ground for presenting or making a petition or application
可挽救,而離婚法律程序可按下述任何一種方式提起 —— for divorce shall be that the marriage has broken down irretrievably
(a) 離婚呈請;或 and proceedings for divorce shall be instituted either—
(b) 離婚申請。 (a) by a petition for divorce; or
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 7 條代替 ) (b) by an application for divorce.
(Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 7)

11A. 就呈請理由而提出的證明 11A. Proof of ground for petition

(1) 離婚呈請可由婚姻的任何一方向法院提出。 (1) A petition for divorce may be presented to the court by either
(2) 除非呈請人使聆訊離婚呈請的法院信納下列一項或多於 party to a marriage.
一項事實,否則法院不得裁定該宗婚姻已破裂至無可挽 (2) The court hearing a petition for divorce shall not hold the
救 —— marriage to have broken down irretrievably unless the
(a) 答辯人曾與人通姦,而呈請人認為無法忍受與答辯 petitioner satisfies the court of one or more of the following
人共同生活; facts—
(b) 因答辯人的行為而無法合理期望呈請人與其共同生 (a) that the respondent has committed adultery and the
活; petitioner finds it intolerable to live with the respondent;
(c) 婚姻雙方在緊接呈請提出前,已分開居住最少連續 (b) that the respondent has behaved in such a way that the
1 年,且答辯人同意由法院批出判令; petitioner cannot reasonably be expected to live with the
(d) 婚姻雙方在緊接呈請提出前,已分開居住最少連續
2 年; (c) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for
a continuous period of at least 1 year immediately
(e) 答辯人在緊接呈請提出前,已遺棄呈請人最少連續 preceding the presentation of the petition and the
1 年。 respondent consents to a decree’s being granted;
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 7 條代替 )

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3-3 第 III 部 Part III 3-4

第 179 章 第 11B 條 Section 11B Cap. 179

(d) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for
a continuous period of at least 2 years immediately
preceding the presentation of the petition;
(e) that the respondent has deserted the petitioner for
a continuous period of at least 1 year immediately
preceding the presentation of the petition.
(Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 7)

11B. 就申請理由而提出的證明等 11B. Proof of ground for application, etc.

(1) 離婚申請須由婚姻雙方共同向法院提出。 (1) An application for divorce shall be made to the court jointly
(2) 聆訊離婚申請的法院除非信納下列兩項或其中一項事實, by both parties to the marriage.
否則不得裁定該宗婚姻已破裂至無可挽救 —— (2) The court hearing an application for divorce shall not hold
(a) 婚姻雙方在緊接申請提出前,已分開居住最少連續 the marriage to have broken down irretrievably unless it is
1 年;及 satisfied as regards either or both of the following facts—
(b) 在申請提出前不少於 1 年,法院接獲一份第 (3) 款所 (a) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for
指的經婚姻雙方簽署的通知書,而該通知書其後並 a continuous period of at least 1 year immediately
未遭撤回。 preceding the making of the application; and
(3) (a) 婚姻雙方可於任何時間向法院發出一份經雙方簽署 (b) that not less than 1 year prior to the making of the
的書面通知,表示雙方擬向法院申請解除婚姻。 application a notice under subsection (3), signed by each
of such parties was given to the court and that the notice
(b) 本段所指的通知書,須為根據第 54 條所訂規則當其 was not subsequently withdrawn.
(3) (a) The parties to a marriage may at any time give to the
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 7 條增補 ) court a written notice signed by each of them of their
intention to apply to the court to dissolve their marriage.
(b) A notice under this subsection shall be in such form
as is for the time being specified in rules made under
section 54.
(Added 29 of 1995 s. 7)

11C. 釋義 ( 第 III 部 ) 11C. Interpretation (Part III)

(1) 為施行本部,丈夫與妻子除非是在同一住戶共同生活, (1) For the purposes of this Part, a husband and wife shall be

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3-5 第 III 部 Part III 3-6

第 179 章 第 12 條 Section 12 Cap. 179

否則須被視為分開居住。 treated as living apart unless they are living with each other
(2) ( 由 2008 年第 4 號第 15 條廢除 ) in the same household.
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 7 條增補 ) (2) (Repealed 4 of 2008 s. 15)
(Added 29 of 1995 s. 7)

12. 對結婚後 1 年內提出呈請的限制 12. Restriction on petitions within one year of marriage
(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,自結婚當日起計 1 年期間 ( 本條 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no petition for divorce shall be
下稱指明期間 ) 屆滿前,不得向法院提出離婚呈請。 ( 由 presented to the court before the expiration of the period of
1995 年第 29 號第 8 條修訂 ) 1 year from the date of the marriage (hereafter in this section
(2) 有關法院的法官在接獲申請時,可基於呈請人蒙受異常 referred to as the specified period). (Amended 29 of 1995 s. 8)
的困苦,或基於答辯人的行為異常敗壞的理由,准許在 (2) A judge of the court may, on an application made to him,
指明期間內提出離婚呈請;但法官在裁定有關申請時, allow the presentation of a petition for divorce within
須顧及《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 192 章 ) 第 2 條所 the specified period on the ground that the case is one
指的任何家庭子女的權益,亦須顧及在指明期間內雙方 of exceptional hardship suffered by the petitioner or of
達成和解的合理可能性。 ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條修訂 ) exceptional depravity on the part of the respondent; but in
[ 比照 1970 c. 45 s. 35 U.K.] determining the application the judge shall have regard to
(3) 本條的規定,不得被當作禁止以指明期間屆滿前發生的 the interests of any child of the family within the meaning
事宜為理由而提出離婚呈請。 of section 2 of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property
Ordinance (Cap. 192) and to the question whether there is
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 2 U.K.] reasonable probability of a reconciliation between the parties
during the specified period. (Amended 39 of 1972 s. 33) [cf.
1970 c. 45 s. 35 U.K.]
(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prohibit the
presentation of a petition based upon matters which occurred
before the expiration of the specified period.
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 2 U.K.]

13. 先前裁判分居並不阻止離婚 * 13. Divorce not precluded by previous judicial separation*

(1) 任何人不得僅因以下理由而被阻止提出離婚呈請或離婚 (1) A person shall not be prevented from presenting or making a
申請,法院亦不得僅因以下理由而被阻止批出離婚判令 petition or application for divorce, or the court from granting
︰呈請人或申請人或答辯人曾於任何時間,以經證明並 a decree of divorce, by reason only that the petitioner or an
用作支持離婚呈請或離婚申請的事實或實質上相同的事 applicant or respondent has at any time, on the same facts

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3-7 第 III 部 Part III 3-8

第 179 章 第 13 條 Section 13 Cap. 179

實,獲批出裁判分居判令,或根據《分居令及贍養令條例》 or substantially the same facts as those proved in support of

( 第 16 章 ) 獲批出命令,或獲批出命令而該命令的效力猶 the petition or application, been granted a decree of judicial
如根據該條例作出者一樣。 separation or an order under, or having effect as if made
(2) 凡屬第 (1) 款適用的案件,法院可將有關的裁判分居判令 under, the Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance
或該款所描述的命令視為此等判令或命令獲批理由的足 (Cap. 16).
夠證明;但就此等案件而言,法院不得在未收取呈請人 (2) In a case to which subsection (1) applies the court may treat
所提供證據的情況下,批出離婚判令;如屬離婚申請, the decree of judicial separation or the order described in
則法院不得在未收取提出申請的雙方所提供證據的情況 that subsection as sufficient proof of the ground on which it
下,批出離婚判令,但如法院認為因某宗案件情況特殊, was granted; provided that in such a case the court shall not
只收取其中一名申請人所提供的證據亦屬合理,則不在 grant a decree of divorce without receiving evidence from the
此限。 petitioner or, if the case is an application for divorce, evidence
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 9 條代替 ) from both of the applicants unless, in such a case, the court
considers it reasonable in the particular circumstances to
編輯附註: receive evidence from 1 only of those applicants.
* 第 13(3) 條 ( 由 1995 年 第 29 號 第 9 條 廢 除 ) 及 其 相 關 保 留 條 文 ( 載 於 1995 (Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 9)
年第 29 號第 18 條 ) 轉錄如下 ——
已廢除的第 13(3) 條內容如下 —— Editorial Note:
“(3) 就任何在以上情形下提出的離婚呈請而言,凡提起法律程序要求批出 * Section 13(3) (repealed by section 9 of 29 of 1995) and the related saver
裁判分居判令,或要求作出上述具有裁判分居判令效力的命令,而在 provisions (set out in section 18 of 29 of 1995) are reproduced below:
The repealed section 13(3) reads as follows—
之前的。”。 “(3) For the purposes of a petition for divorce in such a case, a period of
desertion immediately preceding the institution of proceedings for a decree
1995 年第 29 號第 18 條內容如下 —— of judicial separation or for such an order as aforesaid having the effect
“18. 保留條文 of a decree of judicial separation shall, if the parties have not resumed
凡在緊接本條例的生效日期 # 前,主體條例第 13(3) 條適用於某段 cohabitation and the decree or order has been continuously in force since
遺棄期,該條須繼續如此適用,猶如本條例第 9 條未曾制定一樣。 it was granted, be deemed immediately to precede the presentation of the
”。 petition.”.
生效日期:1996 年 6 月 24 日。 Section 18 of 29 of 1995 reads as follows—
“18. Saver
Where immediately before the commencement# of this Ordinance
section 13(3) of the principal Ordinance applied to a particular period of
desertion, that section shall continue so to apply as if section 9 of this
Ordinance had not been enacted.”.
commencement date: 24 June 1996.

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

3-9 第 III 部 Part III 3-10

第 179 章 第 14 條 Section 14 Cap. 179

14. 被指稱的姦夫列為法律程序的一方 14. Alleged adulterer as a party

(1) 凡在離婚呈請書中,婚姻的一方指稱另一方曾與人通姦, (1) Where in a petition for divorce one party to the marriage
作出該項指稱的一方須將被指稱曾與婚姻的另一方通姦 alleges that the other has committed adultery, the party
的人列為法律程序的一方;但如法院基於特殊理由而予 making the allegation shall make the person alleged to have
以免除,則不在此限。 committed adultery with the other party to the marriage
(2) 法院規則可概括地或就規則所訂明的情況而規定︰如被 a party to the proceedings unless excused by the court on
指稱曾與婚姻的另一方通姦的人在呈請書內並無被指名, special grounds from doing so.
則第 (1) 款不適用。 (2) Rules of court may, either generally or in such cases as
(3) 凡任何人依據第 (1) 款被列為離婚呈請的一方,在作出通 may be prescribed by the rules, exclude the application of
姦指稱的人完成提出其證據後,如法院認為就該項指稱 subsection (1) where the person alleged to have committed
而言,未有足夠證據指證該名如此被列為離婚呈請一方 adultery with the other party to the marriage is not named in
的人,則該人可獲免作為該訟案的一方。 the petition.
(4) (a) 法院規則可就第 (1) 款不適用的情況,訂定關於下述 (3) Where in pursuance of subsection (1) a person is made a
事宜的條文︰將在根據本條例進行的法律程序中有 party to a petition for divorce, the court may, if, after the
關通姦的指稱所牽涉的人,加入作為該等法律程序 close of the evidence on the part of the person making the
的一方,以及如此加入法律程序的任何一方獲免作 allegation of adultery, it is of opinion that as regards the
為該等法律程序的一方。 allegation there is not sufficient evidence against the person
so made a party, dismiss him or her from the suit.
(b) 憑藉本款訂立的法院規則,可就不同的情況訂定不
同的條文。 (4) (a) Rules of court may make provision, in cases not falling
within subsection (1), with respect to the joinder as
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 9 條代替 ) parties to proceedings under this Ordinance of persons
involved in allegations of adultery made in those
proceedings, and with respect to the dismissal from such
proceedings of any party so joined.
(b) Rules of court made by virtue of this subsection may
make different provision for different cases.
(Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 9)

15. 離婚呈請的聆訊 15. Hearing of petition

(1) 在任何離婚法律程序中,法院有責任在其合理能力範圍 (1) In any proceedings for divorce it shall be the duty of the
內,就法律程序任何一方所指稱的任何事實進行查訊。 court to inquire, in so far as it reasonably can, into any facts

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3-11 第 III 部 Part III 3-12

第 179 章 第 15 條 Section 15 Cap. 179

( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 10 條代替 ) alleged by any party to the proceedings. (Replaced 29 of 1995

(2) 法院如信納有關第 11A(2) 或 11B(2) 條所述任何事實的證 s. 10)
據,須在不抵觸第 (3) 款的規定下,批出離婚暫准判令, (2) If the court is satisfied on the evidence of any such fact as
但如法院根據所有證據,信納該宗婚姻並非破裂至無可 is mentioned in section 11A(2) or 11B(2), then unless it is
挽救,則不在此限。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 )[ 比 satisfied on all the evidence that the marriage has not broken
照 1969 c. 55 s. 2(3) U.K.] down irretrievably, it shall, subject to subsection (3) of this
(3) 法院在聆訊依據任何根據第 12(2) 條所批出的許可而提出 section, grant a decree nisi of divorce. (Amended 29 of 1995
的離婚呈請時,如覺得呈請人是藉就該個案的性質作出 s. 17) [cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 2(3) U.K.]
失實陳述或隱瞞而取得許可,可採取下列行動 —— (3) If it appears to the court, at the hearing of a petition for
(a) 駁回該呈請,但對於自結婚當日起計 1 年期間屆滿 divorce presented in pursuance of leave granted under section
後,以經證明並用作支持該遭駁回的呈請的事實或 12(2), that the leave was obtained by the petitioner by any
實質上相同的事實而提出的任何呈請,不得造成損 misrepresentation or concealment of the nature of the case,
害;或 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 10 條修訂 ) the court may—
(b) 如法院批出判令,可指示在該段期間內不得申請將 (a) dismiss the petition, without prejudice to any petition
該判令轉為絕對判令。[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 5(5) U.K.] which may be brought after the expiration of the period
of 1 year from the date of the marriage upon the same
(4) 如在任何離婚法律程序中,答辯人提出針對呈請人的指 facts, or substantially the same facts, as those proved
稱,並證明第 11A(2) 條所述的任何事實,則法院可給予 in support of the dismissed petition; or (Amended 29 of
答辯人濟助,而此項濟助是答辯人假若提出呈請尋求該 1995 s. 10)
項濟助則會有權獲得的。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 )
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 5(6) U.K.] (b) if it grants a decree, direct that no application to make
the decree absolute shall be made during that period. [cf.
(5) 每項離婚判令在最初批出時均屬暫准判令;在判令批出 1965 c. 72 s. 5(5) U.K.]
後未滿 3 個月,不得將判令轉為絕對判令,但如高等法
院首席法官藉一般命令,或法院在任何個案中,訂定較 (4) If in any proceedings for divorce the respondent alleges
短的期間,則不在此限。 ( 由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂; against the petitioner and proves any such fact as is mentioned
由 2005 年 第 10 號 第 12 條 修 訂 )[ 比 照 1965 c. 72 s. 5(7) in section 11A(2), the court may give to the respondent the
U.K.] relief to which the respondent would have been entitled if
the respondent had presented a petition seeking that relief.
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 6 條代替 ) (Amended 29 of 1995 s. 17) [cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 5(6) U.K.]
(5) Every decree of divorce shall in the first instance be a decree
nisi and shall not be made absolute before the expiration of
3 months from its grant, unless the Chief Judge by general
order, or the court in any particular case, fixes a shorter

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

3-13 第 III 部 Part III 3-14

第 179 章 第 15A 條 Section 15A Cap. 179

period. (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 12) [cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 5(7)

(Replaced 33 of 1972 s. 6)

15A. 鼓勵和解的條文 15A. Provisions to encourage reconciliation

(1) 如在離婚法律程序的任何階段中,法院覺得婚姻雙方有 (1) If at any stage of proceedings for divorce it appears to the
合理可能達成和解,法院可將該法律程序押後一段其認 court that there is a reasonable possibility of a reconciliation
為適當的時期,以便雙方嘗試達成和解。 between the parties to the marriage, the court may adjourn the
(2) 法院根據第 (1) 款將法律程序押後的權力,須為法院押後 proceedings for such period, as it thinks fit to enable attempts
法律程序的任何其他權力之外的附加權力。 to be made to effect such a reconciliation.
(3) 凡呈請人知道答辯人自婚禮舉行後曾與人通姦,而該宗 (2) The power of the court to adjourn under subsection (1) shall
婚姻的雙方在呈請人知道該事實後的任何一段或多於一 be additional to any other power of the court to adjourn
段的期間仍然共同生活 —— proceedings.
(a) 如該段期間或該等期間總計為 6 個月或少於 6 個月, (3) Where the parties to the marriage have lived with each other
則為施行第 11A(2)(a) 條而裁定呈請人是否無法忍受 for any period or periods after it has become known to the
與答辯人共同生活時,兩人在該段期間或該等期間 petitioner that the respondent has, since the celebration of the
共同生活一事不得列入考慮;但 marriage, committed adultery—
(b) 如該段期間或該等期間總計超過 6 個月,則為施行 (a) if the length of that period or of those periods together
第 11A(2)(a) 條,呈請人無權以該通姦事作為其所依 is 6 months or less, their living with each other during
賴的事實。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 ) that period or those periods shall be disregarded in
determining for the purposes of section 11A(2)(a)
(4) 凡呈請人指稱因答辯人的行為而無法合理期望呈請人與 whether the petitioner finds it intolerable to live with the
其共同生活,但在呈請人所依賴並獲法院裁定為可支持 respondent; but
期間,婚姻雙方仍然共同生活,如該段期間或該等期間 (b) if the length of that period or of those periods together
總計為 6 個月或少於 6 個月,則為施行第 11A(2)(b) 條而 exceeds 6 months, the petitioner shall not be entitled to
裁定是否無法合理期望呈請人與答辯人共同生活時,該 rely on that adultery for the purpose of section 11A(2)(a).
事實不得列入考慮。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 ) (Amended 29 of 1995 s. 17)
(5) 為施行本部而考慮婚姻雙方分開居住的期間是否為連續 (4) Where the petitioner alleges that the respondent has behaved
時,雙方恢復共同生活的任何一段或多於一段總計不超 in such a way that the petitioner cannot reasonably be
過 6 個月的期間,不得列入考慮,但雙方共同生活的任 expected to live with him, but the parties to the marriage
何期間,均不得計算為婚姻雙方分開居住期間的一部分。 have lived with each other for a period or periods after the
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 11 條代替 ) date of the occurrence of the final incident relied on by the

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3-15 第 III 部 Part III 3-16

第 179 章 第 15B 條 Section 15B Cap. 179

(6) 本條提述的婚姻雙方共同生活,須解釋為提述雙方在同 petitioner and held by the court to support his allegation, that
一住戶共同生活。 fact shall be disregarded in determining, for the purposes of
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 7 條增補 ) section 11A(2)(b), whether the petitioner cannot reasonably
be expected to live with the respondent if the length of
[ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 3(2)-(6) U.K.] that period or of those periods together is 6 months or less.
(Amended 29 of 1995 s. 17)
(5) In considering for the purposes of this Part whether the period
during which the parties to a marriage have lived apart has
been continuous, no account shall be taken of any period or
periods together not exceeding 6 months during which the
parties have resumed living with each other, but no period
during which the parties lived with each other shall count as
part of the period during which the parties to the marriage
have lived apart. (Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 11)
(6) References in this section to the parties to a marriage living
with each other shall be construed as references to their living
with each other in the same household.
(Added 33 of 1972 s. 7)
[cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 3(2)-(6) U.K.]

15B. 某些情形下拒絕批出判令 15B. Decree to be refused in certain circumstances

(1) 如呈請人在離婚呈請書中指稱有第 11A(2)(d) 條所述的任 (1) The respondent to a petition for divorce in which the
何事實,答辯人可以解除婚姻將令其陷入嚴重經濟困境 petitioner alleges any such fact as is mentioned in section
或其他嚴重困境,和在所有情況下解除婚姻均屬不當為 11A(2)(d) may oppose the grant of decree nisi on the ground
理由,反對批出暫准判令。 that the dissolution of the marriage will result in grave
(2) 凡有人憑藉本條的規定反對批出暫准判令 —— financial or other hardship to him and that it would in all the
circumstances be wrong to dissolve the marriage.
(a) 如法院信納呈請人有權賴以支持其呈請的唯一事實
是第 11A(2)(d) 條所述的事實;及 (2) Where the grant of a decree nisi is opposed by virtue of this
section, then—
(b) 如非因本條的規定,法院會批出暫准判令,
(a) if the court is satisfied that the only fact on which the
則法院須考慮所有情況,包括考慮婚姻雙方的行為及雙 petitioner is entitled to rely in support of his petition is
方與任何子女或其他有關人士的權益;如法院認為解除 that mentioned in section 11A(2)(d); and

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3-17 第 III 部 Part III 3-18

第 179 章 第 15C 條 Section 15C Cap. 179

婚姻將令答辯人陷入嚴重經濟困境或其他嚴重困境,且 (b) if apart from this section it would grant a decree nisi,
在所有情況下解除婚姻均屬不當,則法院須駁回該項呈 the court shall consider all the circumstances, including the
請。 conduct of the parties to the marriage and the interest of those
(3) 為施行本條,困境須包括失去取得任何利益的機會,而 parties and of any children or other persons concerned, and if
該利益是該宗婚姻若未解除則答辯人可能會取得的。 the court is of opinion that the dissolution of the marriage will
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 7 條增補。由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 ) result in grave financial or other hardship to the respondent
and that it would in all circumstances be wrong to dissolve
[ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 4 U.K.] the marriage it shall dismiss the petition.
(3) For the purposes of this section hardship shall include the loss
of the chance of acquiring any benefit which the respondent
might acquire if the marriage were not dissolved.
(Added 33 of 1972 s. 7. Amended 29 of 1995 s.17)
[cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 4 U.K.]

15C. 在某些情形下撤銷暫准判令的權力 15C. Power to rescind decree nisi in certain cases

(1) 凡法院在批出離婚暫准判令時,裁定呈請人有權賴以支 (1) Where the court on granting a decree nisi of divorce holds
持其呈請的唯一事實是第 11A(2)(c) 條所述的事實,法院 that the only fact on which the petitioner is entitled to rely in
在接獲答辯人於判令轉為絕對判令之前的任何時間提出 support of his petition is that mentioned in section 11A(2)(c),
的申請時,如信納答辯人在決定是否同意法院批出判令 it may, on application made by the respondent at any time
時所考慮的任何事宜上,曾被呈請人有意或無意誤導, before the decree is made absolute, rescind the decree if it is
則 法 院 可 將 判 令 撤 銷。 ( 由 1995 年 第 29 號 第 12 及 17 satisfied that the petitioner has misled the respondent, whether
條修訂 ) intentionally or unintentionally, about any matter which the
(2) 凡法院在批出離婚暫准判令時,信納第 11B(2)(a) 條所述 respondent has taken into account in deciding to consent to
事實,如婚姻的任何一方就此而提出申請,並使法院信 the grant of a decree. (Amended 29 of 1995 ss. 12 & 17)
納他或她在決定提出離婚申請時所考慮的任何事宜上, (2) Where a court on granting a decree nisi of divorce is satisfied
曾被另一方有意或無意誤導,則法院可於暫准判令轉為 in accordance with the requirement of section 11B(2)(a), it
絕 對 判 令 之 前 的 任 何 時 間,將 該 暫 准 判 令 撤 銷。 ( 由 may, on an application’s being made in that behalf by either
1995 年第 29 號第 12 條增補 ) party to the marriage, at any time before the decree is made
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 7 條增補 ) absolute, rescind the decree if it is satisfied by that party
that he or she has been misled by the other party, whether
[ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 5 U.K.] intentionally or unintentionally, about any matter which he or

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3-19 第 III 部 Part III 3-20

第 179 章 第 16 條 Section 16 Cap. 179

she took into account when deciding to make the application

for divorce. (Added 29 of 1995 s. 12)
(Added 33 of 1972 s. 7)
[cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 5 U.K.]

16. 代訴人的介入 16. Intervention of the Proctor

(1) 在根據本條例進行的任何離婚法律程序中 ——  ( 由 1995 (1) In any proceedings for divorce under this Ordinance—
年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 ) (Amended 29 of 1995 s. 17)
(a) 如法院認為適當,可指示將有關該事宜的所有必要 (a) the court may, if it thinks fit, direct all necessary papers
文件送交代訴人,該代訴人須委託大律師出庭就有 in the matter to be sent to the Proctor, who shall instruct
關該事宜的任何問題進行爭辯,而此等問題是法院 counsel to argue before the court any question in
認為有必要或適宜詳加爭辯者; relation to the matter which the court deems it necessary
(b) 任何人可在法律程序進行期間,或暫准判令轉為絕 or expedient to have fully argued;
對判令之前的任何時間,就任何對該案的恰當決定 (b) any person may at any time during the progress of the
具關鍵性的事宜,向代訴人提供資料,而代訴人即 proceedings or before the decree nisi is made absolute
可採取其認為必要或適宜的步驟。 ( 由 1972 年第 give information to the Proctor on any matter material
33 號第 8 條修訂 ) to the due decision of the case, and the Proctor may
(2) 凡代訴人在任何離婚法律程序中介入或提出因由反對暫 thereupon take such steps as he considers necessary or
准判令,法院可就該法律程序的其他各方支付代訴人因 expedient. (Amended 33 of 1972 s. 8)
如此行事而招致的訟費的事宜,或就代訴人支付任何因 (2) Where the Proctor intervenes or shows cause against a decree
其如此行事而令其他各方中的任何一方招致的訟費的事 nisi in any proceedings for divorce, the court may make such
宜,作出公正的命令。 order as may be just as to the payment by other parties to the
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 6 U.K.] proceedings of the costs incurred by him in so doing or as
to the payment by him of any costs incurred by any of those
parties by reason of his so doing.
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 6 U.K.]

17. 批出暫准判令後的法律程序 17. Proceedings after decree nisi

(1) 凡離婚暫准判令已批出但未轉為絕對判令,在以不損害 (1) Where a decree nisi of divorce has been granted but not made
第 16 條的規定為原則下,任何人 ( 不包括法律程序中代 absolute, then, without prejudice to section 16, any person
訴人以外的任何一方 ) 可基於關鍵性的事實並未向法院 (excluding a party to the proceedings other than the Proctor)
may show cause why the decree should not be made absolute

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3-21 第 III 部 Part III 3-22

第 179 章 第 17A 條 Section 17A Cap. 179

提出的理由,而提出該判令不應轉為絕對判令的因由; by reason of material facts not having been brought before

在此情形下,法院可 —— the court; and in such a case the court may—
(a) 將該判令轉為絕對判令,儘管第 15(5) 條另有規定亦 (a) notwithstanding anything in section 15(5), make the
然;或 decree absolute; or
(b) 撤銷該暫准判令;或 (b) rescind the decree nisi; or
(c) 要求作進一步查訊;或 (c) require further inquiry; or
(d) 按其認為適當的其他方法處理該案。 ( 由 1972 年第 (d) otherwise deal with the case as it thinks fit. (Amended
33 號第 9 條修訂 ) 33 of 1972 s. 9)
(2) (a) 凡離婚暫准判令已批出,而並無要求將該判令轉為 (2) (a) Where a decree nisi of divorce has been granted and
絕對判令的申請提出,則在本可提出該項申請的最 no application for it to be made absolute is made, then,
早日期起計 3 個月屆滿後的任何時間,可由下述人 at any time after the expiration of 3 months from the
士申請絕對判令 —— earliest date on which such an application could have
(i) 如暫准判令是依據離婚呈請而批出的,則為該 been made, an application for a decree absolute may be
判令所針對的人;或 made by—
(ii) 如該判令是依據離婚申請而批出的,則為提出 (i) in a case where the decree nisi was granted on a
申請的其中一方。 petition for divorce, the person against whom it
was granted; or
(b) 法院可就根據本款提出的申請,行使第 (1)(a) 至 (d)
款所述的任何權力。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 13 條代替 ) (ii) in a case where such a decree was granted on an
application for divorce, either of the parties by
[ 比照 1965 c.72 s.7 U.K.] whom the application was made.
(b) Where an application is made under this subsection, the
court may in relation to it exercise any of the powers
mentioned in subsection (1)(a) to (d). (Replaced 29 of
1995 s. 13)
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 7 U.K.]

17A. 某些情形下給予答辯人經濟保障 17A. Financial protection for respondent in certain cases

(1) 本條適用於下列情形 —— (1) This section shall apply where—
(a) 呈請人在離婚呈請書中指稱有第 11A(2)(c) 或 (d) 條 (a) the respondent to a petition for divorce in which the
所述的任何事實,而該項呈請的答辯人已根據本條 petitioner alleges any such fact as is mentioned in
section 11A(2)(c) or (d) has applied to the court under

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3-23 第 III 部 Part III 3-24

第 179 章 第 17A 條 Section 17A Cap. 179

向法院申請,要求法院考慮其在離婚後的經濟狀況; this section for it to consider the financial position of the

及 respondent after the divorce; and
(b) 法院已就該項呈請批出離婚暫准判令,並裁定呈請 (b) a decree nisi of divorce has been granted on the petition
人有權賴以支持其呈請的唯一事實是第 11A(2)(c) 或 and the court holds that the only fact on which the
(d) 條所述的事實。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 ) petitioner is entitled to rely in support of his petition is
(2) 法 院 在 聆 訊 答 辯 人 根 據 第 (1) 款 提 出 的 申 請 時,須 考 that mentioned in section 11A(2)(c) or (d). (Amended 29
慮 —— of 1995 s. 17)
(a) 所有情況,包括雙方的年齡、健康、行為、謀生能 (2) The court hearing an application by the respondent under
力、經濟來源及經濟負擔;及 subsection (1) shall consider—
(b) 假若呈請人先去世,在顧及雙方離婚的情況下,答 (a) all the circumstances, including the age, health, conduct,
辯人在呈請人去世後相當可能面臨的經濟狀況。 earning capacity, financial resources and financial
obligations of each of the parties; and
(3) 儘管本條例另有規定,在不抵觸第 (4) 款的規定下,如已
有申請根據第 (1) 款提出,法院即不得將離婚判令轉為絕 (b) the financial position of the respondent as, having regard
對判令,但如法院信納 —— to the divorce, it is likely to be after the death of the
petitioner should the petitioner die first.
(a) 呈請人不應被規定為答辯人提供任何經濟給養;或
(3) Notwithstanding anything in this Ordinance but subject to
(b) 呈請人為答辯人提供的經濟給養是公平合理的,或 subsection (4), the court shall not make absolute the decree of
在有關情況下是最佳的, divorce if an application has been made under subsection (1),
則不在此限。 unless it is satisfied that—
(4) 法院如認為適當,可在下列情況下無須遵守第 (2) 及 (3) (a) the petitioner should not be required to make any
款的規定而繼續行事 —— financial provision for the respondent; or
(a) 法院覺得鑑於有關情況,適宜立即將判令轉為絕對 (b) the financial provision made by the petitioner for the
判令;及 respondent is reasonable and fair or the best that can be
(b) 法院已自呈請人取得令法院滿意的承諾,即呈請人 made in the circumstances.
承諾會為答辯人提供法院所批准的經濟給養。 (4) The court may, if it thinks fit, proceed without observing the
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 10 條增補 ) requirements of subsections (2) and (3) if—
[ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 6 U.K.] (a) it appears that there are circumstances making it
desirable that the decree should be made absolute
without delay; and

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3-25 第 III 部 Part III 3-26

第 179 章 第 18 條 Section 18 Cap. 179

(b) the court has obtained a satisfactory undertaking from

the petitioner that he will make such financial provision
for the respondent as the court may approve.
(Added 33 of 1972 s. 10)
[cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 6 U.K.]

18. 離婚者再婚 18. Remarriage of divorced persons

(1) 凡 離 婚 判 令 已 轉 為 絕 對 判 令,在 下 述 任 何 一 種 情 況 (1) Where a decree of divorce has been made absolute and
下 —— either—
(a) 對該絕對判令再無上訴權;或 (a) there is no right of appeal against the decree absolute; or
(b) 就該絕對判令提出上訴的期限已屆滿而並無任何上 (b) the time for appealing against the decree absolute has
訴提出;或 expired without an appeal having been brought; or
(c) 反對該絕對判令的上訴已遭駁回, (c) an appeal against the decree absolute has been
前度婚姻的任何一方均可再婚。 dismissed,
(2) 任何神職人員不得被強迫 —— either party to the former marriage may marry again.
(a) 為任何已解除前度婚姻但前任配偶仍然在生的人主 (2) No clergyman shall be compelled—
持婚禮;或 (a) to solemnize the marriage of any person whose former
(b) 准許該人的婚禮在由該神職人員所主理的教堂內舉 marriage has been dissolved and whose former spouse is
行。 still living; or
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 8 U.K.] (b) to permit the marriage of such a person to be solemnized
in the church or chapel of which he is the minister.
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 8 U.K.]

18A. 法院不得以共謀或呈請人行為不當為理由而駁回呈請或駁回 18A. Court not to dismiss petition or application to make absolute a
將暫准判令轉為絕對判令的申請 decree nisi on ground of collusion or misconduct of petitioner
在以不損害本條例內賦權或規定法院駁回離婚或裁判分居呈 Without prejudice to any provision of this Ordinance which
請,或駁回將暫准判令轉為絕對判令的申請的任何條文為原 empowers or requires the court to dismiss a petition for divorce
則下,任何法律規則均不得被視為賦權法院或規定法院,以雙 or judicial separation or to dismiss an application for a decree nisi
方曾就提出或進行有關呈請或取得暫准判令事宜共謀為理由, to be made absolute, nothing in any rule of law shall be taken
或以呈請人的任何行為為理由,將該項呈請或申請駁回。 as empowering or requiring the court to dismiss such a petition

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3-27 第 III 部 Part III 3-28

第 179 章 第 18B 條 Section 18B Cap. 179

( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 11 條增補 ) or application on the ground of collusion between the parties in

[ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 9(3) U.K.] connexion with the presentation or prosecution of the petition or
the obtaining of the decree nisi or on the ground of any conduct on
the part of the petitioner.
(Added 33 of 1972 s. 11)
[cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 9(3) U.K.]

18B. 規則 18B. Rules

高等法院首席法官可為下列目的訂立規則 ——  ( 由 1998 年第 The Chief Judge may make rules for the purposes of—  (Amended
25 號第 2 條修訂;由 2005 年第 10 號第 13 條修訂 ) 10 of 2005 s. 13)
(a) 在離婚呈請中的呈請人依據第 11A(2)(c) 條的規定而 (a) ensuring that, where on a petition for divorce the
指稱答辯人同意由法院批出判令的情況下,確保答 petitioner, in pursuance of section 11A(2)(c), alleges
辯人所獲提供的資料足以令他明白同意判令的批出 that the respondent consents to a decree being granted,
會為他帶來的後果,以及答辯人為表示同意判令的 the respondent has been given such information as will
批出而必須採取的步驟;及 [ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 2(6) enable him to understand the consequences to him of
U.K.] his consenting to a decree being granted and the steps
(b) 規定代表離婚呈請人的律師須證明他是否已與呈請 which he must take to indicate that he consents to the
人討論有關和解的可能性,以及是否已將有資格協 grant of a decree; and [cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 2(6) U.K.]
助失和的婚姻雙方達成和解的人的姓名及地址給予 (b) requiring the solicitor acting for a petitioner for divorce
該呈請人;及 [ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 3(1) U.K.] to certify whether he has discussed with the petitioner
(c) 使婚姻雙方或任何一方,能夠在離婚呈請提出之前 the possibility of a reconciliation and given him the
或之後提出申請,將雙方所作出或建議作出的任何 names and address of persons qualified to help effect
協議或安排轉呈法院,而該協議或安排是與預期進 a reconciliation between the parties to a marriage who
行或已開始 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 的離婚法律程序有關 have become estranged; and [cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 3(1) U.K.]
(c) enabling the parties to a marriage, or either of them, on
application made either before or after the presentation
of a petition for divorce, to refer to the court any
agreement or arrangement made or proposed to be made
between them, being an agreement or arrangement
which relates to, arises out of, or is connected with,
the proceedings for divorce which are contemplated or,
as the case may be, have begun, and for enabling the

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3-29 第 III 部 Part III 3-30

第 179 章 第 18B 條 Section 18B Cap. 179

的,或是由此等離婚法律程序產生或與此等離婚法 court to express an opinion, should it think it desirable

律程序相關的;並使法院能夠在其認為適宜的情況 to do so, as to the reasonableness of the agreement or
下,就該協議或安排的合理性發表意見,以及能夠 arrangement and to give such directions, if any, in the
就有關事宜發出其認為適當的指示 ( 如有的話 )。 [ 比 matter as it thinks fit. [cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 7(1) U.K.]
照 1969 c. 55 s. 7 (1) U.K.] (Added 33 of 1972 s. 11. Amended 29 of 1995 s. 17)
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 11 條增補。由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條修訂 )

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4-1 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-2

第 179 章 第 19 條 Section 19 Cap. 179

第 IV 部 Part IV
婚姻無效 Nullity
19. 婚姻無效的呈請 19. Petition for nullity
丈夫或妻子均可根據第 20 條所述任何理由,向法院提出呈請, A husband or wife may present a petition to the court praying that
請求宣布其婚姻作廢及無效。 his or her marriage may be declared null and void on any of the
grounds mentioned in section 20.

20. 批出婚姻無效判令的理由 * 20. Grounds for decree of nullity*

(1) 凡屬在 1972 年 6 月 30 日之後締結的婚姻,該婚姻僅能 (1) A marriage which takes place after 30 June 1972 shall be
基於下列任何理由而無效 —— void on any of the following grounds only—
(a) 根據《婚姻條例》( 第 181 章 ) 第 27 條該婚姻並非有 (a) that it is not a valid marriage under section 27 of the
效婚姻,即 —— Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 181), that is to say—
(i) 婚姻雙方的血親或姻親關係是在親等限制以內 (i) the parties to the marriage are within the prohibited
的;或 degrees of kindred or affinity; or
(ii) 任何一方年齡不足 16 歲;或 (ii) either party is under the age of 16; or
(iii) 雙方的結合沒有顧及達成婚姻關係的某些規定; (iii) the parties have intermarried in disregard of certain
(b) 根據香港法律,該宗婚姻在其他方面亦屬無效; requirements as to the formation of marriage;
(c) 任何一方在結婚時已經合法結婚; (b) that the marriage is otherwise invalid by the law of
Hong Kong;
(d) 婚姻雙方,並非一方為男,一方為女。
(c) that at the time of the marriage either party was already
(2) 凡 屬 在 1972 年 6 月 30 日 之 後 締 結 的 婚 姻,除 第 (3) 款 lawfully married;
另 有 規 定 外,該 婚 姻 僅 能 基 於 下 列 任 何 理 由 而 可 使 無
效 —— (d) that the parties are not respectively male and female.
(a) 由於任何一方無能力圓房以致未有完婚; (2) A marriage which takes place after 30 June 1972 shall,
subject to subsection (3), be voidable on any of the following
(b) 由於答辯人故意拒絕圓房以致未有完婚; grounds only—
(c) 不論是出於威迫、錯誤、心智不健全或其他原因, (a) that the marriage has not been consummated owing to
以致婚姻的任何一方並非有效地同意結婚; the incapacity of either party to consummate it;

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4-3 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-4

第 179 章 第 20 條 Section 20 Cap. 179

(d) 婚姻的任何一方在結婚時雖然有能力作出有效同意, (b) that the marriage has not been consummated owing to
但當時正連續或間歇地患有《精神健康條例》( 第 136 the wilful refusal of the respondent to consummate it;
章 ) 所指的精神紊亂,而其所患的精神紊亂類別或 (c) that either party to the marriage did not validly consent
程度是使其不適宜結婚者; to it, whether in consequence of duress, mistake,
(e) 答辯人在結婚時患有可傳染的性病; unsoundness of mind or otherwise;
(f) 答辯人在結婚時已懷孕,而使其懷孕者並非呈請人。 (d) that at the time of the marriage either party to the
(3) 在 1972 年 6 月 30 日之後提起的法律程序中,如答辯人 marriage, though capable of giving a valid consent, was
令法院信納下列事實,則法院不得以有關的婚姻屬可使 suffering, whether continuously or intermittently, from
無效為理由 ( 不論該婚姻是在 1972 年 7 月 1 日之前或之 mental disorder within the meaning of the Mental Health
後締結者 ) 而批出婚姻無效判令 —— Ordinance (Cap. 136) of such a kind or to such extent as
to be unfitted for marriage;
(a) 呈請人雖明知自己可廢止有關的婚姻,但其對答辯
人的行為是會導致答辯人合理地相信呈請人不會作 (e) that at the time of the marriage the respondent was
出此舉者;及 suffering from venereal disease in a communicable
(b) 批出婚姻無效判令對答辯人並不公平。
(f) that at the time of the marriage the respondent was
(4) 在以不損害第 (3) 款的規定為原則下,除非法院信納有關 pregnant by some person other than the petitioner.
的法律程序是在結婚當日起計的 3 年內提起的,否則不
得以第 (2)(c)、(d)、(e) 或 (f) 款所述的理由而批出婚姻無 (3) The court shall not, in proceedings instituted after 30 June
效判令。 1972, grant a decree of nullity on the ground that a marriage
is voidable (whether the marriage took place before or after 1
(5) 在以不損害第 (3) 及 (4) 款的規定為原則下,除非法院信 July 1972) if the respondent satisfies the court—
第 (2)(e) 或 (f) 款所述的理由而批出婚姻無效判令。 (a) that the petitioner, with knowledge that it was open to
him to have the marriage avoided, so conducted himself
(6) 就第 (3) 款所適用的判令而言,凡任何法律規則規定可基 in relation to the respondent as to lead the respondent
於呈請人的認可、確認或缺乏誠意或類似理由而拒絕批 reasonably to believe that he would not seek to do so;
出判令者,均由第 (3) 款代替該規則。 and
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 12 條代替 ) (b) that it would be unjust to the respondent to grant the
[ 比照 1971 c. 44 ss. 1, 2 & 3(1)-(4) U.K.] decree.
(4) Without prejudice to subsection (3), the court shall not grant
a decree of nullity on the grounds mentioned in subsection
* 原有的第 20 條 ( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 12 條廢除者 ) 對在 1972 年 7 月 1 日之 (2)(c), (d), (e) or (f) unless the court is satisfied that the
前締結的婚姻仍繼續生效 ( 見 1972 年第 33 號第 26(2) 條 )。原有的第 20 條轉
錄如下 —— proceedings were instituted within 3 years from the date of
the marriage.
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4-5 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-6

第 179 章 第 20 條 Section 20 Cap. 179

(5) Without prejudice to subsections (3) and (4), the court shall
“20. 批出婚姻無效判令的理由 not grant a decree of nullity on the grounds mentioned in
(1) 任何婚姻基於下列任何理由即屬無效 —— subsection (2)(e) or (f) unless the court is satisfied that the
petitioner was at the time of the marriage ignorant of the facts
(a) 婚姻雙方的血親或姻親關係是在《婚姻條例》( 第 181 章 ) 所規
(6) Subsection (3) replaces, in relation to any decree to which it
(b) 婚姻任何一方在結婚時,其前夫或前妻仍然在生,而該婚姻一
applies, any rule of law whereby a decree may be refused by
reason of approbation, ratification or lack of sincerity on the
(c) 婚姻任何一方是因武力或詐騙而同意結婚,而在有關情形下, part of the petitioner or on similar grounds.
(Replaced 33 of 1972 s. 12)
(d) 根據香港法律該宗婚姻是無效的。
[cf. 1971 c. 44 ss. 1, 2, 3(1)-(4) U.K.]
(2) 除第 (3) 款另有規定外,任何婚姻基於下列任何理由可使無效 ——

(a) 由於答辯人故意拒絕圓房以致未有完婚;或
Editorial Note:
(b) 婚姻任何一方在結婚時 ——
* The original section 20, repealed by section 12 of 33 of 1972, continues to
(i) 心智不健全,或 have effect in relation to marriages which took place before 1 July 1972 (see
33 of 1972 s. 26(2)). The original section 20 reads as follows—
(ii) 屬《精神健康條例》( 第 136 章 ) 所指的精神紊亂的人,
“20. Grounds for decree of nullity
(1) A marriage shall be void on any of the following grounds—
(iii) 患有復發性精神錯亂或復發性癲癇症;或
(a) that the parties to the marriage are within the prohibited degrees
(c) 答辯人在結婚時患有可傳染的性病;或
of consanguinity or affinity as provided in the Marriage Ordinance
(d) 答辯人在結婚時已懷孕,而使其懷孕者並非呈請人;或 (Cap. 181);
(e) 婚姻的任何一方在結婚時是性無能或無能力圓房。 [ 比照 1965 c. (b) that the former husband or wife of either party to the marriage was
72 s. 9(1) U.K.] living at the time of the marriage and the marriage with such former
(3) 法院除非信納下列事實,否則不得就第 (2)(b)、(c) 或 (d) 款所指的情況 husband or wife was then in force;
批出婚姻無效判令 —— (c) that the consent of either party to the marriage was obtained by
(a) 呈請人在結婚時對指稱的事實並不知曉;及 force or fraud in any case in which the marriage might be annulled
on this ground by the law of England;
(b) 有關的法律程序是在結婚當日起計的 1 年內提起的;及
(d) that the marriage is invalid by the law of the Colony.
(c) 自呈請人發現有批出判令的理由後,雙方即再無在呈請人同意
下行房。 [ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 9(2) U.K.]

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4-7 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-8

第 179 章 第 20A 條 Section 20A Cap. 179

(4) 對於任何依法屬於無效但未有婚姻無效判令批出的婚姻,本條不得被 (2) A marriage shall, subject to subsection (3), be voidable on any of the
解釋為使該宗婚姻有效。 [ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 9(3) U.K.]”。 following grounds—

(a) that the marriage has not been consummated owing to the wilful
refusal of the respondent to consummate it; or

(b) that at the time of the marriage either party to the marriage—

(i) was of unsound mind, or

(ii) was a mentally disordered person within the meaning of

the Mental Health Ordinance (Cap. 136) of such a kind
or to such an extent as to be unfitted for marriage and the
procreation of children, or

(iii) was subject to recurrent attacks of insanity or epilepsy; or

(c) that the respondent was at the time of the marriage suffering from
venereal disease in a communicable form; or

(d) that the respondent was at the time of the marriage pregnant by
some person other than the petitioner; or

(3) The court shall not grant a decree of nullity in a case falling within
paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of subsection (2) unless it is satisfied that—

(a) the petitioner was at the time of the marriage ignorant of the facts
alleged; and

(b) proceedings were instituted within a year from the date of the
marriage; and

(c) marital intercourse with the consent of the petitioner has not taken
place since the petitioner discovered the existence of the grounds
for a decree. [cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 9(2) U.K.]

(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as validating a marriage which

is by law void but with respect to which a decree of nullity has not been
granted. [cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 9(3) U.K.]”.

20A. 外地婚姻 20A. Foreign marriages

(1) 凡影響任何婚姻的有效性的任何事宜,如非因有本條例 (1) Where apart from this Ordinance, any matter affecting

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

4-9 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-10

第 179 章 第 20B 條 Section 20B Cap. 179

的規定,即會 ( 按照國際私法規則 ) 參照香港以外地方的 the validity of a marriage would fall to be determined (in
法律裁定的,則第 20 條 ——  ( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 6 條 accordance with the rules of private international law) by
修訂 ) reference to the law of a place outside Hong Kong, nothing in
(a) 不得阻止按上述方法裁定該事宜;或 section 20 shall—  (Amended 20 of 2010 s. 6)
(b) 不得規定該條所述的理由或禁制適用於該婚姻,但 (a) preclude the determination of that matter as aforesaid; or
按照該等規則而適用者除外。 (b) require the application to the marriage of the grounds
(2) 如某宗婚姻是在香港以外地方締結的,並且該宗婚姻看 or bars mentioned therein except so far as applicable in
來是根據普通法締結的,則憑藉管限在香港以外地方根 accordance with those rules.
據普通法舉行婚禮事宜的規則而可使該宗婚姻無效的任 (2) In the case of a marriage which has taken place outside Hong
何理由,均不受第 20(1) 條影響。 Kong and purports to be a marriage under common law,
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 13 條增補。由 1998 年第 23 號第 2 條修 section 20(1) is without prejudice to any ground on which the
訂;由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) marriages may be void by virtue of the rules governing the
celebration of marriages outside Hong Kong under common
[ 比照 1971 c. 44 s. 4 U.K.] law.
(Added 33 of 1972 s. 13. Amended 23 of 1998 s. 2; 25 of 1998 s. 2)
[cf. 1971 c. 44 s. 4 U.K.]

20B. 對可使無效的婚姻批出婚姻無效判令 20B. Decree of nullity in case of voidable marriage

凡在 1972 年 6 月 30 日之後以婚姻屬可使無效為理由而批出的 A decree of nullity granted after 30 June 1972 on the ground that
婚姻無效判令,具有將該婚姻廢止的效用,但只限於在該判 a marriage is voidable shall operate to annul the marriage only as
令轉為絕對判令之後的任何時候才具有該效用,而儘管有該 respects any time after the decree has been made absolute, and the
判令,在該判令轉為絕對判令之前,該宗婚姻須被視為一直 marriage shall, notwithstanding the decree, be treated as if it had
存在至該時候一樣。 existed up to that time.
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 13 條增補 ) (Added 33 of 1972 s. 13)
[ 比照 1971 c. 44 s. 5 U.K.] [cf. 1971 c. 44 s. 5 U.K.]

21. 批出婚姻無效判令 21. Granting of decree of nullity

法院如信納呈請人的案已獲證實,即須批出婚姻無效判令。 If the court is satisfied that the case for the petition has been
proved, the court shall grant a decree of nullity.

22. 第 15(5)、16 及 17 條適用於婚姻無效的法律程序 22. Application of ss. 15(5), 16 and 17 to nullity proceedings

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4-11 第 IV 部 Part IV 4-12

第 179 章 第 23 條 Section 23 Cap. 179

第 15(5)、16 及 17 條須適用於婚姻無效的法律程序,猶如此 Sections 15(5), 16 and 17 shall apply in relation to proceedings for
等條文中凡提述離婚之處,均以提述婚姻無效代替一樣。 nullity of marriage as if for any reference in those provisions to
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 14 條修訂 ) divorce there were substituted a reference to nullity of marriage.
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 10 U.K.] (Amended 33 of 1972 s. 14)
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 10 U.K.]

23. 共謀對婚姻無效法律程序中所給予的濟助不得構成禁制 23. Collusion not to be bar to relief in nullity proceedings

不論是在 1972 年 7 月 1 日之前或之後締結的婚姻,亦不論有 Collusion shall not be a bar to the granting of a decree of
關法律程序是在該日期之前或之後提起的,共謀對批出婚姻 nullity, whether the marriage took place, or the proceedings were
無效判令不得構成禁制。 instituted, before or after 1 July 1972.
( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 15 條增補 ) (Added 33 of 1972 s. 15)
[ 比照 1971 c. 44 s. 6(1) U.K.] [cf. 1971 c. 44 s. 6(1) U.K.]

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5-1 第V部 Part V 5-2

第 179 章 第 24 條 Section 24 Cap. 179

第V部 Part V
其他婚姻訟案 Other Matrimonial Suits
24. 裁判分居 24. Judicial separation
(1) 婚姻的任何一方均可以第 11A(2) 條所述的任何事實為理 (1) A petition for judicial separation may be presented to the
由,向 法 院 提 出 裁 判 分 居 呈 請,而 第 11C、15A 及 18A court by either party to a marriage on the ground that any
條須適用於此項呈請,猶如其適用於離婚呈請一樣。 ( 由 such fact as is mentioned in section 11A(2) exists, and
1972 年第 33 號第 16 條代替。由 1995 年第 29 號第 17 條 sections 11C, 15A and 18A shall apply in relation to such a
修訂 )[ 比照 1969 c. 55 s. 8(2) U.K.] petition as if they apply in relation to a petition for divorce.
(1A) 聆訊裁判分居呈請的法院,無須考慮婚姻是否已破裂至 (Replaced 33 of 1972 s. 16. Amended 29 of 1995 s. 17) [cf.
無可挽救;如法院信納有關第 11A(2) 條所述任何事實的 1969 c. 55 s. 8(2) U.K.]
證據,則在符合《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 192 章 ) (1A) The court hearing a petition for judicial separation shall not
第 18 條的規定下,法院須批出裁判分居判令。 ( 由 1972 be concerned to consider whether the marriage has broken
年第 33 號第 16 條增補。由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條修訂; down irretrievably and if it is satisfied on the evidence of any
由 1995 年 第 29 號 第 17 條 修 訂 )[ 比 照 1969 c. 55 s. 8(3) such fact as is mentioned in section 11A(2), it shall, subject
U.K.] to section 18 of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property
(2) 凡法院批出裁判分居判令,呈請人即再無須與答辯人同 Ordinance (Cap. 192), grant a decree of judicial separation.
居。 (Added 33 of 1972 s. 16. Amended 39 of 1972 s. 33; 29 of
1995 s. 17) [cf. 1969 c. 55 s. 8(3) U.K.]
(3) 法院在接獲由裁判分居判令所針對的配偶以呈請方式提
出的申請,並信納呈請中的指稱屬實後,可以該判令是 (2) Where the court grants a decree of judicial separation it shall
在申請人缺席的情況下取得為理由,而於任何時候撤銷 no longer be obligatory for the petitioner to cohabit with the
該判令。 ( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 14 條修訂 ) respondent.
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 12 U.K.] (3) The court may, on an application by petition of the spouse
against whom a decree of judicial separation has been made
and on being satisfied that the allegations in the petition are
true, rescind the decree at any time on the ground that it was
obtained in the absence of the applicant. (Amended 29 of
1995 s. 14)
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 12 U.K.]

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

5-3 第V部 Part V 5-4

第 179 章 第 25 條 Section 25 Cap. 179

25. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 ) 25. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)

26. 推定死亡及解除婚姻 26. Presumption of death and dissolution of marriage

(1) 任何已婚者如指稱有合理理由假定婚姻的另一方經已去 (1) Any married person who alleges that reasonable grounds exist
世,可向法院提出呈請,請求法院推定該另一方已去世 for supposing that the other party to the marriage is dead may
和解除婚姻,而法院如信納確有該等合理理由,則可作 present a petition to the court to have it presumed that the
出推定死亡及解除婚姻的判令。 other party is dead and to have the marriage dissolved, and
(2) 在根據本條進行的任何法律程序中,如婚姻的另一方已 the court may, if satisfied that such reasonable grounds exist,
連續離開呈請人 7 年或以上,而呈請人並無理由相信該 make a decree of presumption of death and dissolution of the
另一方在該段期間內仍然在生,則此項事實即作為該另 marriage.
一方經已去世的證據,直至相反證明成立為止。 (2) In any proceedings under this section the fact that for a
(3) 第 15(5) 條及第 16 至 18 條適用於本條所指的呈請及判令, period of 7 years or more the other party to the marriage has
猶如其分別適用於離婚呈請及離婚判令一樣。 ( 由 1972 been continually absent from the petitioner and the petitioner
年第 33 號第 17 條修訂 ) has no reason to believe that the other party has been living
within that time shall be evidence that the other party is dead
(4) 共謀或呈請人的任何其他行為,即使曾於任何時候對婚 until the contrary is proved.
出的判令亦不得構成禁制。 ( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 17 條 (3) Section 15(5) and sections 16 to 18 shall apply to a petition
增補 )[ 比照 1971 c. 44 s. 6(2) U.K.] and a decree under this section as they apply to a petition for
divorce and a decree of divorce respectively. (Amended 33 of
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 14 U.K.] 1972 s. 17)
(4) Neither collusion nor any other conduct on the part of the
petitioner which has at any time been a bar to relief in
matrimonial proceedings shall constitute a bar to the grant
of a decree under this section. (Added 33 of 1972 s. 17) [cf.
1971 c. 44 s. 6(2) U.K.]
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 14 U.K.]

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

6-1 第 VI 部 Part VI 6-2

第 179 章 第 27 條 Section 27 Cap. 179

第 VI 部 Part VI
附屬濟助 # Ancillary Relief#
27-31. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 ) 27-31. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)

32. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 )* 32. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)*

編輯附註: Editorial Note:

* 第 32 條已被廢除但第 (3) 款 ( 轉錄如下 ) 繼續適用於死亡事件發生在 1972 年 * Section 32 repealed but subsection (3) (reproduced below) continues to
7 月 1 日前的個案 ( 見 1972 年第 39 號第 33(2) 條、附表 1 及附表 3)。 apply to a case where the death occurred before 1 July 1972 (see section
“(3) 在裁判分居案中 —— 33(2), First Schedule and Third Schedule of 39 of 1972).
“(3) In a case of judicial separation—
(a) 凡在判令批出當日或其後且雙方仍然分居的期間,由妻
子取得或轉予妻子的任何財產;及 (a) any property which is acquired by or devolves upon the
wife on or after the date of the decree whilst the separation
(b) 如判令是由妻子取得的,則凡屬妻子在判令批出當日有 continues; and

如 妻 子 未 立 遺 囑 而 去 世,則 須 猶 如 其 丈 夫 當 時 已 去 世 般 轉
(b) where the decree is obtained by the wife, any property to
which she is entitled for an estate in remainder or reversion
on the date of the decree,

shall, if she dies intestate, devolve as if her husband had then been

33-36. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 ) 33-36. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)

37. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 )* 37. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)*

編輯附註: Editorial Note:

* 第 37 條已被廢除但第 (4) 及 (5) 款 ( 以下轉載者 ) 藉第 40(2) 條適用 ( 見 1972 * Section 37 repealed except subsections (4) and (5) (reproduced below) as
年第 39 號第 33(2) 條及附表 3)。 applied by section 40(2) (see section 33(2) and Third Schedule of 39 of

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

6-3 第 VI 部 Part VI 6-4

第 179 章 第 38 條 Section 38 Cap. 179

“(4) 為施行第 (1) 款而考慮於何時首次取得遺產承辦時,對只限於 “(4) In considering for the purposes of subsection (1) the question when
有限制授予的土地或只限於信託財產而授予的承辦無須予以 representation was first taken out, a grant limited to settled land or
考慮,而對只限於土地產業或非土地產業而授予的承辦,除 to trust property shall be left out of account, and a grant limited to
非先前曾授予或同時亦授予只限於剩餘遺產的承辦,否則亦 real estate or to personal estate shall be left out of account unless
無須予以考慮。 a grant limited to the remainder of the estate has previously been
made or is made at the same time.
(5) 為施行任何關於法院酌情決定何人應獲授予遺產管理的法律,
任何擬憑藉本條提出申請的人,須當作為在死者遺產中享有 (5) For the purposes of any law which relates to the discretion of the
權益的人。”。 court as to the persons to whom administration is to be granted, a
person by whom an application is proposed to be made by virtue
第 40(2) 條已被 1995 年第 58 號廢除,但有過渡性安排 ( 見該條例第 33 條 )。 of this section shall be deemed to be a person interested in the
deceased’s estate.”.
Please note section 40(2) was repealed by 58 of 1995 with transitional
arrangements (see section 33 of that Ordinance).

38-40. ( 由 1995 年第 58 號第 29 條廢除 )* 38-40. (Repealed 58 of 1995 s. 29)*

編輯附註: Editorial Note:

* 過渡性安排請見 1995 年第 58 號第 33 條。 *Please note transitional arrangements in section 33 of 58 of 1995.

41-44. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 ) 41-44. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)

編輯附註: Editorial Note:

# 就第 27 條至 37 條及第 41 至 44 條的廢除及有關的保留條文,請見 1972 年第 39 號第 #
For the repeal of sections 27 to 37 and sections 41 to 44 and the related transitional
33(2) 條、附表 1 及附表 3。 provisions, please see section 33(2), First Schedule and Third Schedule of 39 of

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7-1 第 VII 部 Part VII 7-2

第 179 章 第 45 條 Section 45 Cap. 179

第 VII 部 Part VII

對子女的保護 Protection of Children
45-47. ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條廢除 ) 45-46. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)

47. (Repealed 39 of 1972 s. 33)

48. 就子女的監管作出規定的權力 48. Power to provide for supervision of children

(1) 凡法院憑藉本條例或《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 192 (1) Where the court has jurisdiction by virtue of this Ordinance
章 ) 具有就任何子女的管養作出命令的司法管轄權,而法 or of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance
院覺得由於情況特殊,該子女適宜由一名獨立人士監管, (Cap. 192) to make an order for the custody of a child and it
則法院可命令將該子女交由社會福利署署長監管,監管 appears to the court that there are exceptional circumstances
期為法院行使該項司法管轄權而將該子女交由任何人管 making it desirable that the child should be under the
養的期間。 ( 由 1972 年第 39 號第 33 條修訂 ) supervision of an independent person, the court may, as
(2) 凡依據本條的規定將任何子女交由社會福利署署長監管, respects any period during which the child is, in exercise of
對於就該子女的管養、贍養或教育而根據本條例或根據 that jurisdiction, committed to the custody of any person,
《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 192 章 ) 作出的任何命令, order that the child be under the supervision of the Director
除任何規則另有規定外,任何法院在更改該等命令方面 of Social Welfare. (Amended 39 of 1972 s. 33)
所具有的司法管轄權,須由該法院自行決定行使。 ( 由 (2) Where a child is under the supervision of the Director of
1972 年第 39 號第 33 條修訂 ) Social Welfare in pursuance of this section the jurisdiction
(3) 法院有權不時根據本條作出命令,以便更改或解除任何 possessed by a court to vary any order made with respect
依據本條所作的規定。 to the child’s custody, maintenance or education under
this Ordinance or under the Matrimonial Proceedings and
(4) 法院不得作出將年滿 18 歲的任何子女根據本條交由社會 Property Ordinance (Cap. 192) shall, subject to any rules, be
福利署署長監管的命令,而憑藉本條作出的命令在任何 exercisable at the instance of that court itself. (Amended 39 of
子 女 年 滿 18 歲 時,即 停 止 就 該 子 女 而 有 效。 ( 由 1997 1972 s. 33)
年第 69 號第 19 條增補 )
(3) The court shall have power from time to time by an order
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 37 U.K.] under this section to vary or discharge any provision made in
pursuance of this section.
(4) The court shall not make an order that a child be under the
supervision of the Director of Social Welfare under this

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7-3 第 VII 部 Part VII 7-4

第 179 章 第 48A 條 Section 48A Cap. 179

section after the child has attained the age of 18, and an order
made by virtue of this section shall cease to have effect as
respects any child when he attains that age. (Added 69 of
1997 s. 19)
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 37 U.K.]

48A. 將子女交由社會福利署署長照顧的權力 48A. Power to commit children to care of Director of Social Welfare
(1) 凡法院憑藉本條例或《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 192 (1) Where the court has jurisdiction by virtue of this Ordinance
章 ) 具有就任何子女的管養作出命令的司法管轄權,而法 or the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance
院覺得由於情況特殊,將該子女交託婚姻的任何一方或 (Cap. 192) to make an order for the custody of a child and it
任何其他人看管並不切實可行或不適宜,則法院如認為 appears to the court that there are exceptional circumstances
適當,可命令將該子女交由社會福利署署長照顧。 making it impracticable or undesirable for the child to be
(2) 法院在根據本條作出命令之前,須聆聽社會福利署署長 entrusted to either of the parties to the marriage or to any
的任何申述,包括關於作出使子女受惠的經濟給養命令 other individual, the court may, if it thinks fit, make an order
的申述。 committing the care of the child to the Director of Social
(3) 在憑藉本條作出的命令對任何子女生效期間,即使該子
女的父親或母親或另一人提出任何申索,該子女仍須繼 (2) The court shall before making an order under this section
續由社會福利署署長照顧。 hear any representations from the Director of Social Welfare,
including any representations as to the making of a financial
(4) 法院不得作出將年滿 18 歲的任何子女根據本條交由社會 provision order in favour of the child.
子 女 年 滿 18 歲 時,即 停 止 就 該 子 女 而 有 效。 ( 由 1997 (3) While an order made by virtue of this section is in force with
年第 69 號第 20 條代替 ) respect to a child, the child shall continue in the care of the
Director of Social Welfare notwithstanding any claim by a
(5) 法院有權不時根據本條作出命令,以更改或解除任何依 parent of the child or another person.
(4) The court shall not make an order committing the care of a
( 由 1983 年第 10 號第 2 條增補 ) child to the Director of Social Welfare under this section after
[ 比照 1973 c. 18 s. 43 U.K.] the child has attained the age of 18, and an order made by
virtue of this section shall cease to have effect as respects any
child when he attains that age. (Replaced 69 of 1997 s. 20)
(5) The court shall have power from time to time by an order
under this section to vary or discharge any provision made in
pursuance of this section.

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

7-5 第 VII 部 Part VII 7-6

第 179 章 第 48B 條 Section 48B Cap. 179

(Added 10 of 1983 s. 2)
[cf. 1973 c. 18 s. 43 U.K.]

48B. 父母或監護人須將地址的更改通知社會福利署署長 48B. Parent or guardian to inform Director of Social Welfare of

凡當其時有以下情況的子女 —— change of address
(a) 由社會福利署署長憑藉任何根據第 48 條作出的命令 Each parent or guardian of a child who, for the time being, is—
予以監管者;或 (a) under the supervision of the Director of Social Welfare
(b) 由社會福利署署長憑藉任何根據第 48A 條作出的命 by virtue of an order made under section 48; or
令予以照顧者, (b) in the care of the Director of Social Welfare by virtue of
其父親或母親或監護人須於其本人的地址有任何更改的 1 個 an order made under section 48A,
月內,就該項更改向署長發出通知;任何人如無合理辯解而 shall within 1 month give notice to the Director of any change of
不遵從本條的規定,即屬犯罪,可處罰款 $5,000。 address of that parent or guardian and any person who without
( 由 1983 年第 10 號第 2 條增補 ) reasonable excuse fails to comply with this section commits an
offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
(Added 10 of 1983 s. 2)

48C. 《未成年人監護條例》第 3 條的適用 48C. Application of section 3 of the Guardianship of Minors

為免生疑問,《未成年人監護條例》( 第 13 章 ) 第 3 條 ( 該條規 Ordinance
定以未成年人的福利為首要考慮事項 ) 適用於根據本條例或《婚 For the avoidance of doubt, section 3 of the Guardianship of
姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 192 章 ) 所作有關子女的管養、照 Minors Ordinance (Cap. 13) (which provides that the welfare of the
顧或監管的任何命令。 minor shall be the first and paramount consideration) shall apply
( 由 1983 年第 10 號第 2 條增補 ) in relation to any order for the custody care or supervision of a
child which may be made under this Ordinance or the Matrimonial
Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap. 192).
(Added 10 of 1983 s. 2)

48D. 禁止將兒童帶離香港的命令 48D. Order for prohibiting removal of child out of Hong Kong
(1) 本條適用於未滿 18 歲的《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 (1) This section applies to a child of the family as defined by
192 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所界定的家庭子女。 section 2(1) of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property
(2) 子女的父親或母親如是根據本條例進行的法律程序的一 Ordinance (Cap. 192) who is under the age of 18.

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

7-7 第 VII 部 Part VII 7-8

第 179 章 第 48D 條 Section 48D Cap. 179

否則禁止將該子女帶離香港,或帶離申請書內指名的人 (2) If a parent of the child is a party to any proceedings under

的管養、照顧或控制範圍以外 —— this Ordinance, that parent may apply to the court for an
(a) 法院給予許可;或 order prohibiting the removal of the child out of Hong Kong,
or out of the custody, care or control of a person named in the
(b) 該命令所指明的條款獲符合。 application, except—
(3) 除非法院另有指示,否則上述申請可單方面提出。 (a) with the leave of the court; or
( 由 2014 年第 16 號第 19 條增補 ) (b) on compliance with the terms specified in the order.
(3) Unless otherwise directed by the court, the application may
be made ex parte.
(Added 16 of 2014 s. 19)

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

8-1 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-2

第 179 章 第 49 條 Section 49 Cap. 179

第 VIII 部 Part VIII

雜項 Miscellaneous
49. 有關婚生地位等的宣布 49. Declarations of legitimacy, etc.
(1) 任何人如是以香港為居籍或聲稱在香港擁有任何土地產 (1) Any person may, if he is domiciled in Hong Kong or claims
業或非土地產業,可以呈請方式向法院申請判令,宣布 any real or personal estate situate in Hong Kong, apply by
其本人為其父母的婚生子女,或宣布其父母、祖父母或 petition to the court for a decree declaring that he is the
外祖父母的婚姻是有效的婚姻,或宣布其本人的婚姻是 legitimate child of his parents, or that the marriage of his
有效的婚姻。 ( 由 1982 年第 80 號第 2 條修訂;由 1998 father and mother or of his grandfather and grandmother
年第 28 號第 2 條修訂 ) was a valid marriage or that his own marriage was a valid
(2) 凡聲稱其本人、其父親或母親,或任何更遠的祖輩,曾 marriage. (Amended 80 of 1982 s. 2; 28 of 1998 s. 2)
成為或已成為獲確立婚生地位人士者,可以呈請方式向 (2) Any person claiming that he or his parent or any remoter
法院申請判令,或按規則所訂明的方式向區域法院申請 ancestor became or has become a legitimated person may
判令,宣布其本人、父親或母親,或更遠的祖輩 ( 視屬何 apply by petition to the court, or may apply to the District
情況而定 ),曾成為或已成為獲確立婚生地位人士。 Court in the manner prescribed by rules, for a decree
在本款中,獲確立婚生地位人士 (legitimated person) 指藉 declaring that he or his parent or remoter ancestor, as the case
任何法律或根據任何法律獲確立婚生地位或獲承認為獲 may be, became or has become a legitimated person.
確立婚生地位的人士。 In this subsection, legitimated person (獲確立婚生地位人士)
(3) 凡根據第 (2) 款向區域法院提出申請,區域法院如認為該 means a person legitimated or recognized as legitimated by or
案由於所牽涉的財產價值或其他原因,應由高等法院處 under any law.
理,可將有關的事宜移交高等法院處理;如高等法院命 (3) Where an application under subsection (2) is made to the
令該事宜須移交該院處理,則區域法院須將該案如此移 District Court, the District Court, if it considers that the case
交。在移交後,有關法律程序須在高等法院繼續進行, is one which owing to the value of the property involved or
猶如該法律程序原先是以向高等法院提出呈請方式開始 otherwise ought to be dealt with by the High Court, may, and
的一樣。 if so ordered by the High Court shall, transfer the matter to
(4) ( 由 1998 年第 28 號第 2 條廢除 ) the High Court; and on such a transfer the proceeding shall
be continued in the High Court as if it had been originally
(5) 根據本條前述條文向高等法院 ( 而非向區域法院 ) 提出的 commenced by petition to the High Court.
本條前述條文而提出的任何申請 ( 包括向區域法院提出 (4) (Repealed 28 of 1998 s. 2)
的申請 ) 時,高等法院或區域法院須作出其認為公正的

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

8-3 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-4

第 179 章 第 49 條 Section 49 Cap. 179

判令,而該判令須對女皇陛下及所有其他人具約束力, (5) Applications to the High Court (but not to the District
但 —— Court) under the foregoing provisions of this section may
(a) 如其後證明該判令是藉欺詐或共謀而取得的,則該 be included in the same petition, and on any application
判令不得對任何人有所損害;或 under the foregoing provisions of this section (including
an application to the District Court) the High Court or the
(b) 除非某人已按規則訂明的方式獲給予有關的申請通 District Court shall make such decree as it thinks just, and the
知,或該人已被列為法律程序的一方,或該人透過 decree shall be binding on Her Majesty and all other persons
接獲是項通知或被列為法律程序一方的人提出申索, whatsoever, so however that the decree shall not prejudice
否則該判令不得對該人有所損害。 any person—
(6) 根據本條提出的每宗申請,均須有一份申請書文本連同 (a) if it is subsequently proved to have been obtained by
任何附連於申請書的誓章副本,在申請提出前最少 1 個 fraud or collusion; or
任何與此有關的其後法律程序中,均須作為答辯人。 ( 由 (b) unless that person has been given notice of the
1997 年第 362 號法律公告修訂 ) application in the manner prescribed by rules or made a
party to the proceedings or claims through a person so
(7) 凡根據本條提出任何申請,在符合規則的規定下,須向 given notice or made a party.
發出有關該項申請的通知,而任何此等人士均獲准成為 (6) A copy of every application under this section and of any
法律程序的一方,亦可獲准就該項申請提出反對。 affidavit accompanying it shall be delivered to the Secretary
for Justice at least one month before the application is made,
(8) 根據本條進行的任何法律程序,對於任何具司法管轄權 and the Secretary for Justice shall be a respondent on the
的法院所宣判或作出的任何最終判決或判令,均不構成 hearing of the application and on any subsequent proceedings
影響。 relating thereto. (Amended L.N. 362 of 1997)
( 由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) (7) Where any application is made under this section, such
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 39 U.K.] persons as the High Court or the District Court thinks fit
shall, subject to rules, be given notice of the application in
the manner prescribed by rules, and any such persons may be
permitted to become parties to the proceedings and to oppose
the application.
(8) No proceedings under this section shall affect any final
judgment or decree already pronounced or made by any court
of competent jurisdiction.
(Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 39 U.K.]

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

8-5 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-6

第 179 章 第 50 條 Section 50 Cap. 179

50. 廢除就通姦的損害賠償及私通而提出的訴訟 50. Abolition of actions for damages for adultery and criminal
(1) 在本條例生效日期後,不得就以下事宜提出訴訟 —— conversation
(a) 通姦的損害賠償;或 (1) After the commencement of this Ordinance, no action shall
lie for—
(b) 私通。
(a) damages for adultery; or
(2) 對於任何於《1995 年婚姻訴訟 ( 修訂 ) 條例》*(1995 年第
29 號 ) 的生效日期前已開始的訴訟,第 (1) 款並無效力。 (b) criminal conversation.
( 由 1995 年第 29 號第 16 條代替 ) (2) Subsection (1) shall not have effect in relation to any action
that has been commenced before the commencement of the
編輯附註: Matrimonial Causes (Amendment) Ordinance 1995 (29 of
* 《
“ 1995 年婚姻訴訟 ( 修訂 ) 條例》” 乃 “Matrimonial Causes (Amendment)
Ordinance 1995” 之譯名。 (Replaced 29 of 1995 s. 16)

51. ( 由 1972 年第 33 號第 24 條廢除 ) 51. (Repealed 33 of 1972 s. 24)

52. 證據 52. Evidence

(1)-(2) ( 由 2003 年第 23 號第 9 條廢除 ) (1)-(2) (Repealed 23 of 2003 s. 9)
(3) 在任何婚姻無效法律程序中,須以非公開形式聆聽有關 (3) In any proceedings for nullity of marriage, evidence on the
性能力問題的證供,但如在任何個案中,法官信納為公 question of sexual capacity shall be heard in camera unless in
正起見,應在法庭公開聆聽任何該類證供,則不在此限。 any case the judge is satisfied that in the interests of justice
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 43 U.K.] any such evidence ought to be heard in open court.
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 43 U.K.]

53. 准許按條件介入訟案的權力 53. Power to allow intervention on terms

在任何個案中,如任何人被控與訟案的任何一方通姦,或如 In every case in which any person is charged with adultery with
法院認為為了任何尚未成為訟案一方的人的利益,應將該人 any party to a suit or in which the court may consider, in the
列為訟案一方,則法院若認為適當,可准許該人按法院認為 interest of any person not already a party to the suit, that that
公正的條件 ( 如有的話 ) 介入訟案。 person should be made a party to the suit, the court may if it thinks
[ 比照 1965 c. 72 s. 44 U.K.] fit allow that person to intervene upon such terms, if any, as the
court thinks just.
[cf. 1965 c. 72 s. 44 U.K.]

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

8-7 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-8

第 179 章 第 53A 條 Section 53A Cap. 179

53A. 贍養費欠款的利息 53A. Interest on arrears of maintenance

(1) 在本條及第 53B 條中 —— (1) In this section and section 53B—
* 生效日期 (commencement date) 指《2003 年贍養費欠款的利息 *commencement date (生效日期) means the date on which the
及附加費條例》(2003 年第 18 號 ) 開始實施的日期; Interest and Surcharge on Arrears of Maintenance Ordinance
判定債務人 (judgment debtor) 指根據贍養令須承擔法律責任的 2003 (18 of 2003) comes into operation;
人; judgment creditor (判定債權人) means a person entitled to
判定債權人 (judgment creditor) 指有權強制執行贍養令的人; enforce a maintenance order;
贍養令 (maintenance order) 指在婚姻訴訟中作出的付款命令。 judgment debtor (判定債務人) means a person liable under a
maintenance order;
(2) 凡已針對某判定債務人作出任何贍養令,而該判定債務
人沒有遵從該贍養令準時足額付款,則判定債權人有權 maintenance order (贍養令) means an order made in the
就在生效日期或該日期之後累算的贍養費欠款獲付利息。 matrimonial cause for the payment of money.
(3) 為施行第 (2) 款 —— (2) Where a maintenance order has been made against a
judgment debtor, and the judgment debtor fails to make full
(a) 就有關贍養令規定的每次定期付款、有保證定期付 and punctual payment in compliance with the maintenance
款或支付一筆款項 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 所欠下的欠 order, the judgment creditor is entitled to interest in respect
款,須 就《區 域 法 院 條 例》( 第 336 章 ) 第 50 條 而 言 of arrears of maintenance which accrue on or after the
視為判定債項; commencement date.
(b) 第 (2) 款所指的利息須按照該第 50 條計算;及 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2)—
(c) 就該第 50 條而言,有關贍養令指明的到期付款日期 (a) the arrears in respect of each periodical payment,
須視為判決日期。 secured periodical payment or payment of a lump sum,
(4) 判定債務人有法律責任繳付第 (2) 款所指的利息。 as the case may be, under a maintenance order shall be
(5) 如某贍養令規定的任何付款沒有繳付,而利息根據第 (2) treated as a judgment debt for the purposes of section 50
款就該欠款而累算,之後凡判定債務人作出付款,該付 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap. 336);
款須當作是為按以下先後次序償付下列款項而作出 —— (b) the interest under subsection (2) shall be calculated in
(a) 根據第 (2) 款累算的利息; accordance with that section 50; and
(b) 須根據第 53B 條繳付的附加費; (c) for the purposes of that section 50, the date on which
payment is due as specified by the maintenance order
(c) ( 如有任何法律程序為強制執行該贍養令而提起 ) 法 shall be treated as the date of the judgment.
(4) The judgment debtor is liable to pay the interest under
subsection (2).

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

8-9 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-10

第 179 章 第 53A 條 Section 53A Cap. 179

(d) 根據該贍養令不時到期須繳付的款項,但須按該等 (5) If any payment under a maintenance order is not paid and
款項到期支付日期的先後次序的逆序償付 ( 即最近 interest in respect of the arrears has accrued under subsection
期的欠款將會最先獲償付 ); (2), and subsequently the judgment debtor makes payment,
(e) ( 如法院在任何為強制執行該贍養令而提起的法律程 the payment is deemed to be made in the following order in
序中發出命令 ) 判定債務人須根據該命令支付 ( 不論 or towards the discharge of—
整筆或分期支付 ) 的贍養費的欠款款額。 (a) interest accrued under subsection (2);
(6) 判定債務人如認為他有合理理由不支付第 (2) 款所指的利 (b) surcharge payable under section 53B;
息,可於知悉他被規定支付利息後的合理時間內,藉傳 (c) if there are any proceedings instituted for enforcing the
票向法院提出不支付該利息的申請,並須在該申請中列 maintenance order, the costs ordered by the court to be
出該等理由。 paid under those proceedings;
(7) 如有申請根據第 (6) 款提出,則法院在決定是否規定判定 (d) any sums from time to time falling due under the
債務人繳付利息及 ( 如決定須繳付利息 ) 利息的款額時, maintenance order, with the sums discharged in the
須考慮有關個案的所有情況,包括 ( 但不限於 ) 以下各 reversed chronological sequence of the dates on which
項 —— payment is due (that is, the most recent arrears will be
(a) 該判定債務人沒有遵從贍養令,是否有合理辯解; discharged first);
(b) 該判定債務人曾否逃避法院文件的送達; (e) if the court makes an order in any proceedings instituted
(c) 該判定債務人以往與依據該贍養令或在任何法律程 for enforcing the maintenance order, the amount of the
序中所作的承諾而向判定債權人支付贍養費相關的 maintenance in arrears, whether in one amount or by
紀錄及行為; instalments, payable by the judgment debtor under the
(d) 該判定債務人曾否向該判定債權人作出因何沒有遵
從該贍養令的合理解釋;及 (6) A judgment debtor who considers that he has reasonable
grounds not to pay the interest under subsection (2) may,
(e) 該判定債務人的付款能力。 within a reasonable time after having knowledge of the
(8) 判定債務人如因第 (7) 款所指繳付利息的規定感到受屈, requirement to pay, apply by summons to the court not to pay
可根據《區域法院條例》( 第 336 章 ) 第 63 條針對有關決 the interest, and shall set out the grounds in the application.
定向上訴法庭提出上訴。 (7) If an application is made under subsection (6), in deciding
( 由 2003 年第 18 號第 8 條增補 ) whether to require the judgment debtor to pay interest and, if
so, the amount of interest, the court shall take into account all
編輯附註: the circumstances of the case, including (but not limited to)
* 生效日期 : 2005 年 5 月 1 日。 the following—
(a) whether the judgment debtor has a reasonable excuse for
his failure to comply with the maintenance order;
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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

8-11 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-12

第 179 章 第 53B 條 Section 53B Cap. 179

(b) whether the judgment debtor has evaded service of court

(c) the judgment debtor’s past record and conduct in
connection with the making of maintenance payments to
the judgment creditor pursuant to the maintenance order
or an undertaking in any proceedings;
(d) whether the judgment debtor has given the judgment
creditor a reasonable explanation for his failure to
comply with the maintenance order; and
(e) the judgment debtor’s ability to pay.
(8) A judgment debtor who is aggrieved by a requirement under
subsection (7) to pay interest may appeal to the Court of
Appeal against the decision under section 63 of the District
Court Ordinance (Cap. 336).
(Added 18 of 2003 s. 8)

Editorial Note:
* Commencement date: 1 May 2005.

53B. 贍養費欠款的附加費 53B. Surcharge on arrears of maintenance

(1) 凡已針對某判定債務人作出任何贍養令,而該判定債務 (1) Where a maintenance order has been made against a
人在沒有合理辯解的情況下,屢次沒有遵從該贍養令準 judgment debtor, and the judgment debtor, without reasonable
時足額付款,則法院即可應判定債權人提出的申請,作 excuse, repeatedly fails to make full and punctual payment
出命令規定該判定債務人須就在生效日期或該日期之後 in compliance with the maintenance order, the court may, on
累算的贍養費欠款總額,向該判定債權人繳付附加費。 application made by the judgment creditor, make an order
(2) 第 (1) 款所指的附加費的申請可 —— requiring the judgment debtor to pay to the judgment creditor
a surcharge in respect of the total arrears of maintenance
(a) 在為強制執行贍養令而提起的法律程序中提出;或 which accrue on or after the commencement date.
(b) 按 第 (3)、(4)、(5)、(6)、(7)、(8) 及 (9) 款 描 述 的 方 (2) The application for a surcharge under subsection (1) may be
式提出。 made—
(3) 為施行第 (2)(b) 款,附加費的申請須藉傳票提出,並以述 (a) in proceedings instituted for enforcing the maintenance
明以下事項的判定債權人的誓章作為支持 —— order; or
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8-13 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-14

第 179 章 第 53B 條 Section 53B Cap. 179

(a) 判定債權人的姓名,以及收取關於該項申請所送達 (b) in a manner described in subsections (3), (4), (5), (6), (7),
的文件的地址; (8) and (9).
(b) 判定債務人的姓名及供送達文件的地址或最後為人 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(b), the application for
所知的地址; a surcharge shall be made by a summons supported by an
(c) 有關贍養令的詳情; affidavit of the judgment creditor stating—
(d) 到期須付但未付的贍養費的欠款總額,以及欠款最 (a) the name of the judgment creditor and the address for
先累算的日期; service of the documents relating to the application;
(e) 要求發出命令,規定該判定債務人支付按法院根據 (b) the name and the address for service or last known
第 (11) 款決定的利率而計算的附加費; address of the judgment debtor;
(f) 要求定出聆訊該項申請的日期、時間及地點; (c) the particulars of the maintenance order;
(g) 要求在判定債務人於聆訊中缺席的情況下,發出規 (d) the total arrears of maintenance due and unpaid and the
定該判定債務人向判定債權人支付所申索的附加費 date on which the arrears first accrued;
的命令。 (e) a request for an order requiring the judgment debtor to
(4) 法院在收到傳票及誓章後,須定出聆訊該項申請的日期、 pay surcharge at a rate to be decided by the court under
時間及地點。 subsection (11);
(5) 判定債權人須將傳票的蓋印副本、誓章的副本連同聆訊 (f) a request for fixing a date, time and place for the hearing
通知書送達判定債務人。 of the application;
(6) 在不損害任何關於文件送達的成文法則的原則下以及除 (g) a request for an order requiring the judgment debtor to
另有明文規定外,傳票、誓章及通知書 —— pay to the judgment creditor the surcharge claimed if the
judgment debtor does not appear at the hearing.
(a) 可藉面交方式送達判定債務人;或
(4) On receipt of the summons and affidavit, the court shall fix a
(b) 可藉 —— date, time and place for the hearing of the application.
(i) ( 如判定債務人有法律代表 ) 郵遞方式送交代表 (5) The judgment creditor shall serve a sealed copy of the
該判定債務人的律師,或將該傳票、誓章及通 summons and a copy of the affidavit, together with a notice
知書留交該律師;或 of the hearing, on the judgment debtor.
(ii) ( 如判定債務人無法律代表 ) 郵遞方式送交該判 (6) Without prejudice to any enactment relating to the service of
定債務人所提供的供送達文件的地址或他最後 documents and save as is otherwise expressly provided, the
為人所知的地址,或將該傳票、誓章及通知書 summons, affidavit and notice may—
為人所知的地址;或 (a) be personally served on the judgment debtor; or
(c) 可藉法院所指示的其他方式送達。 (b) be sent—

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

8-15 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-16

第 179 章 第 53B 條 Section 53B Cap. 179

(7) 如判定債務人在根據第 (4) 款定出的日期沒有出席該項申 (i) if the judgment debtor is represented, by post to
請的聆訊,而法院 —— the solicitor acting for that judgment debtor, or by
(a) 信納有關傳票、誓章及通知書已妥為送達判定債務 leaving the same with the solicitor; or
人,法院可就該項申請進行聆訊,並可發出命令, (ii) if the judgment debtor is unrepresented, by post
規定判定債務人向判定債權人支付附加費; to the address for service given by him or his
(b) 並不信納有關傳票、誓章及通知書已妥為送達判定 last known address, or by leaving the same at the
債務人,法院可將聆訊押後而在它認為合適的日期、 address for service or the last known address of
時間及地點進行。 that judgment debtor; or
(8) 判定債權人須將押後聆訊的通知書送達判定債務人。 (c) be served in such other manner as the court directs.
(9) 如判定債務人在根據第 (7)(b) 款定出的日期沒有出席押後 (7) If the judgment debtor fails to appear at the hearing of the
的聆訊,則法院可就該項申請進行聆訊,並可發出命令, application on the date fixed under subsection (4), then—
規定判定債務人向判定債權人支付附加費。 (a) if the court is satisfied that the summons, affidavit and
(10) 如判定債務人於知悉根據第 (7)(a) 或 (9) 款發出的命令後 notice have been duly served on the judgment debtor, it
的合理時間內,藉傳票申請更改或撤銷該命令,而法院 may proceed to hear the application and may make an
信納判定債務人 —— order requiring the judgment debtor to pay a surcharge
to the judgment creditor;
(a) 沒有出席聆訊;及
(b) if the court is not satisfied that the summons, affidavit
(b) 沒有遵從贍養令準時足額付款, and notice have been duly served on the judgment
是有合理辯解的,則法院可按它認為合適的條款更改或 debtor, it may adjourn the hearing to a date, time and
撤銷該命令。 place as it thinks fit.
(11) 判定債務人須根據第 (1) 款繳付的附加費款額,不得超過 (8) The judgment creditor shall serve a notice of the adjourned
自贍養費欠款最先累算的日期起計至附加費繳付的日期 hearing on the judgment debtor.
為止的欠款總額的 100%。 (9) If the judgment debtor fails to appear at the adjourned
(12) 法院如發出規定判定債務人繳付附加費的命令,則須在 hearing on the date fixed under subsection (7)(b), the court
該命令中指明該判定債務人須繳付的附加費款額及付款 may proceed to hear the application and may make an order
日期。 requiring the judgment debtor to pay a surcharge to the
(13) 根據本條須繳付的附加費,可作為由判定債務人欠下判 judgment creditor.
定債權人的民事債項追討。即使追討的款額如沒有本款 (10) If the judgment debtor, within a reasonable time after having
則會超過區域法院的司法管轄權限,根據本款提出的訴 knowledge of the order made under subsection (7)(a) or (9),
訟仍可在區域法院提出。 applies by summons to vary or set aside the order, the court
may, if it is satisfied that there is reasonable excuse for the
judgment debtor’s failure to—
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8-17 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-18

第 179 章 第 54 條 Section 54 Cap. 179

(14) 判定債務人如因發出的繳付附加費命令感到受屈,可根 (a) appear at the hearing; and

據《區域法院條例》( 第 336 章 ) 第 63 條針對該命令向上 (b) make full and punctual payment in compliance with the
訴法庭提出上訴。 maintenance order,
( 由 2003 年第 18 號第 8 條增補 ) vary or set aside the order on such terms as it thinks fit.
(11) The amount of surcharge payable by the judgment debtor
under subsection (1) shall not exceed 100% of the total
arrears of maintenance calculated from the date on which the
arrears first accrued to the date of payment of the surcharge.
(12) If the court makes an order requiring the judgment debtor
to pay a surcharge, it shall specify in the order the amount
of surcharge payable by the judgment debtor and the date of
(13) A surcharge payable under this section is recoverable as
a civil debt due to the judgment creditor by the judgment
debtor. An action under this subsection may be brought in
the District Court even though the amount to be recovered
otherwise exceeds the limit of jurisdiction of the District
(14) A judgment debtor who is aggrieved by an order to pay a
surcharge may appeal to the Court of Appeal against the order
under section 63 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap. 336).
(Added 18 of 2003 s. 8)

54. 規則 54. Rules

(1) 高等法院首席法官可為更有效施行本條例的目的及條文 (1) The Chief Judge may make rules for the better carrying
而訂立規則,尤其可在不損害上文的概括性的原則下, out of the purposes and provisions of this Ordinance and
就下列事宜訂立規則 ——  ( 由 2005 年第 10 號第 14 條修 in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the
訂) foregoing, may make rules—  (Amended 10 of 2005 s. 14)
(a) 本條例規定的所有程序方面的事宜; (a) as to all matters of procedure under this Ordinance;
(b) 訂明本條例規定使用的表格; (b) prescribing the forms to be used under this Ordinance;
(c) 可根據本條例訂立規則的任何事宜;

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8-19 第 VIII 部 Part VIII 8-20

第 179 章 第 54A 條 Section 54A Cap. 179

(d) 就高等法院強制執行區域法院根據本條例所作的命 (c) with regard to any matter as to which rules may be
令而訂定條文。 ( 由 1971 年第 37 號第 4 條增補 ) made under this Ordinance;
(2) 高等法院首席法官經立法局決議批准,可訂立規則,訂 (d) providing for the enforcement in the High Court of
明根據本條例所須繳付、徵收或准許支付的收費及訟費。 orders made under this Ordinance in the District Court.
( 由 2005 年第 10 號第 14 條修訂 ) (Added 37 of 1971 s. 4. Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(3) ( 由 1981 年第 79 號第 5 條廢除 ) (2) The Chief Judge, with the approval by resolution of the
( 由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) Legislative Council, may make rules prescribing the fees and
costs to be paid, charged or allowed under this Ordinance.
(Amended 10 of 2005 s. 14)
(3) (Repealed 79 of 1981 s. 5)

54A. 《1982 年婚姻訴訟 ( 修訂 ) 規則》* 成為有效 54A. Validation of Matrimonial Causes (Amendment) Rules 1982
為免除疑問,由首席大法官根據《婚姻訴訟條例》( 第 179 章 ) For the removal of doubt, the Matrimonial Causes (Amendment)
第 54 條 訂 立 的《1982 年 婚 姻 訴 訟 ( 修 訂 ) 規 則》*(1982 年 第 Rules 1982 (L.N. 325 of 1982) made by the Chief Justice under
325 號法律公告 ),須當作是由首席大法官根據該條的規定及 section 54 of the Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap. 179), are
根據《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》( 第 192 章 ) 第 32 條的規定 deemed to have been made by the Chief Justice in the exercise
行使權力時訂立的,並須據此而被當作有效和一直有效。 of his powers under that section and under section 32 of the
( 由 1985 年第 72 號第 2 條增補 ) Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap. 192) and
accordingly to be and always to have been valid.
編輯附註: (Added 72 of 1985 s. 2)
* 《
“ 1982 年婚姻訴訟 ( 修訂 ) 規則》” 乃 “Matrimonial Causes (Amendment)
Rules 1982” 之譯名。

54B. 取消就詐稱結婚提出呈請的權利 54B. Abolition of right to petition for jactitation of marriage

任何人均無權在本條文開始實施後就詐稱結婚向法院提出呈 No person shall after the commencement of this provision be
請。 entitled to petition the court for jactitation of marriage.
( 由 1997 年第 80 號第 82 條增補 ) (Added 80 of 1997 s. 82)

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

9-1 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-2

第 179 章 第 55 條 Section 55 Cap. 179

第 IX 部 Part IX
對外地離婚及合法分居的承認 Recognition of Overseas Divorces and Legal
( 第 IX 部由 1972 年第 11 號第 2 條增補 ) Separations
(Part IX added 11 of 1972 s. 2)

55. 外地離婚及合法分居在香港獲承認 55. Recognition in Hong Kong of overseas divorces and legal
(1) 除 第 61 條 另 有 規 定 外,第 56 至 58 條 須 對 於 外 地 離 婚 separations
及合法分居的有效性在香港獲得承認具有效力。 ( 由 (1) Sections 56 to 58 shall have effect, subject to section 61,
2003 年第 14 號第 24 條修訂 ) as respects the recognition in Hong Kong of the validity of
(2) 為 施 行 第 (1) 款 的 規 定,外 地 離 婚 及 合 法 分 居 (overseas overseas divorces and legal separations.
divorces and legal separations) 指 下 列 的 離 婚 及 合 法 分 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) overseas divorces and
居 —— legal separations (外地離婚及合法分居) means divorces and
(a) 在香港以外的任何地方藉司法或其他法律程序而獲 legal separations which—
准者;及 (a) have been obtained by means of judicial or other
(b) 根據該地方的法律是具有效力者。 ( 由 2010 年第 proceedings in any place outside Hong Kong; and
20 號第 6 條修訂 ) (b) are effective under the law of that place. (Amended 20
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 2 U.K.] of 2010 s. 6)
[cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 2 U.K.]

56. 承認的理由 56. Grounds for recognition

(1) 凡任何外地離婚或合法分居,如在獲准離婚或分居的地 (1) The validity of an overseas divorce or legal separation shall be
方提起有關法律程序當日有以下情形,則該項離婚或分 recognized if, at the date of the institution of the proceedings
居的有效性須予以承認 ——  ( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 6 條 in the place in which it was obtained—  (Amended 20 of 2010
修訂 ) s. 6)
(a) 任何一方配偶慣常居於該地方;或 (a) either spouse was habitually resident in that place; or
(b) 任何一方配偶是該地方的國民。 (b) either spouse was a national of that place.
(2) 如有關地方的法律,在離婚或合法分居的事宜上是以居 (2) In relation to a place the law of which uses the concept of
籍概念作為司法管轄權的依據的,則第 (1)(a) 款所具有的 domicile as a ground of jurisdiction in matters of divorce
or legal separation, subsection (1)(a) shall have effect as if
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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

9-3 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-4

第 179 章 第 57 條 Section 57 Cap. 179

效力,須猶如其中提述慣常居住之處,亦包括提述該法 the reference to habitual residence included a reference to

律所指的居籍一樣。 domicile within the meaning of that law.
(3) ( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 7 條廢除 ) (3) (Repealed 20 of 2010 s. 7)
( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 6 條修訂 ) (Amended 20 of 2010 s. 6)
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 3 U.K.] [cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 3 U.K.]

57. 反訴及繼合法分居後的離婚 57. Cross-proceedings and divorces following legal separations

(1) 凡曾有反訴提出,在原訴或反訴提起當日有第 56(1) 條 (a) (1) Where there have been cross-proceedings, the validity of
或 (b) 段規定的情況,則在原訴或反訴中獲准的外地離婚 an overseas divorce or legal separation obtained either in
或合法分居的有效性,須予承認。 ( 由 2003 年第 14 號 the original proceedings or in the cross-proceedings shall
第 24 條修訂 ) be recognized if the requirements of paragraph (a) or (b)
(2) 凡憑藉第 56 條或憑藉本條第 (1) 款的條文可獲承認為有 of section 56(1) are satisfied in relation to the date of the
效的合法分居,在批准此項合法分居的地方被轉判為離 institution either of the original proceedings or of the cross-
婚,則此項離婚不論本身是否可憑藉該等條文而獲得承 proceedings.
認,其有效性亦須予承認。 ( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 6 條修訂 ) (2) Where a legal separation the validity of which is entitled
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 4 U.K.] to recognition by virtue of the provisions of section 56 or
of subsection (1) of this section is converted, in the place
in which it was obtained, into a divorce, the validity of the
divorce shall be recognized whether or not it would itself be
entitled to recognition by virtue of those provisions. (Amended
20 of 2010 s. 6)
[cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 4 U.K.]

58. 與獲得承認有關的事實證明 58. Proof of facts relevant to recognition

(1) 為 決 定 外 地 離 婚 或 合 法 分 居 是 否 可 憑 藉 本 部 的 規 定 而 (1) For the purpose of deciding whether an overseas divorce
獲得承認,如離婚或合法分居是藉法律程序中就事實所 or legal separation is entitled to recognition by virtue of
作的裁斷 ( 不論是明示或隱含的 ) 而獲准的,且法院亦 this Part, any finding of fact made (whether expressly or
是基於該項裁斷而在該法律程序中執行司法管轄權的, by implication) in the proceedings by means of which the
則 —— divorce or legal separation was obtained and on the basis of
(a) 如配偶雙方均有參與該法律程序,該項裁斷即為經 which jurisdiction was assumed in those proceedings shall—
裁斷的事實的確證;及 (a) if both spouses took part in the proceedings, be
conclusive evidence of the fact found; and

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9-5 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-6

第 179 章 第 59 條 Section 59 Cap. 179

(b) 在任何其他情況下,除非相反證明成立,否則該項 (b) in any other case, be sufficient proof of that fact unless
裁斷即為該事實的足夠證明。 the contrary is shown.
(2) 在本條中,就事實所作的裁斷 (finding of fact) 包括裁斷 (2) In this section, finding of fact (就事實所作的裁斷) includes
任何一方配偶慣常居於批准其離婚或合法分居的地方, a finding that either spouse was habitually resident or
或以該地方為居籍,或是該地方的國民;為施行第 (1)(a) domiciled in, or a national of, the place in which the divorce
款,任何一方配偶如曾在司法程序中出庭,須被視為曾 or legal separation was obtained; and for the purposes of
參與該等司法程序。 ( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 6 條修訂 ) subsection (1)(a), a spouse who has appeared in judicial
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 5 U.K.] proceedings shall be treated as having taken part in them.
(Amended 20 of 2010 s. 6)
[cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 5 U.K.]

59. 某些現行的與獲得承認有關的規則須繼續有效 59. Certain existing rules of recognition to continue in force

本部條文,對於承認下列在香港以外地區獲准的離婚及合法 This Part is without prejudice to the recognition of the validity of
分居的有效性,並無損害 —— divorces and legal separations obtained outside Hong Kong—
(a) 該項離婚或合法分居是憑藉與某類離婚或合法分居 (a) by virtue of any rule of law relating to divorces or legal
有關的法律規則而獲准的,而該類離婚或合法分居 separations obtained in the place of either spouse’s
即為在任何一方配偶居籍的地方獲准者,或在其他 domicile or obtained elsewhere and recognized as valid
地方獲准而在該地方獲承認為有效者; ( 由 2008 年 in that place; (Amended 4 of 2008 s. 16; 20 of 2010 s. 6)
第 4 號第 16 條修訂;由 2010 年第 20 號第 6 條修訂 ) (b) by virtue of any enactment other than this Ordinance,
(b) 該項離婚或合法分居是憑藉任何本條例以外的成文 (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
法則而獲准的, ( 由 1998 年第 25 號第 2 條修訂 ) but, save as aforesaid, no such divorce or legal separation shall be
但除屬上述情況外,任何離婚或合法分居若非依照本部的規 recognized as valid in Hong Kong except as provided in this Part.
定,在香港均不獲承認為有效。 [cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 6 U.K.]
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 6 U.K.]

60. 離婚不獲第三地方承認並不禁制再婚 60. Non-recognition of divorce by third place no bar to remarriage

( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 8 條修訂 ) (Amended 20 of 2010 s. 8)
對於在任何地方獲准的離婚,其有效性可憑藉本部的規定或 Where the validity of a divorce obtained in any place is entitled
憑藉由第 59 條予以保留的任何規則或成文法則而獲得承認的, to recognition by virtue of this Part or of any rule or enactment
任何一方配偶均不得因該項離婚在任何其他地方不獲承認為 preserved by section 59, neither spouse shall be precluded from

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

9-7 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-8

第 179 章 第 61 條 Section 61 Cap. 179

( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 6 條修訂 ) remarrying in Hong Kong on the ground that the validity of the
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 7 U.K.] divorce would not be recognized in any other place.
(Amended 20 of 2010 s. 6)
[cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 7 U.K.]

61. 在例外情況下不予承認 61. Exceptions from recognition

(1) 對於在香港以外地區獲准的離婚或合法分居,如在批出 (1) The validity of a divorce or legal separation obtained outside
或獲准時,按照香港法律 ( 包括其國際私法規則及本部的 Hong Kong shall not be recognized in Hong Kong if it was
條文 ) 雙方之間並無婚姻關係存續,則該項離婚或合法分 granted or obtained at a time when, according to the law
居的有效性在香港不得予以承認。 of Hong Kong (including its rules of private international
(2) 除第 (1) 款另有規定外,對於在香港以外地區獲准的離婚 law and the provisions of this Part), there was no subsisting
或合法分居,在下列情況下,並只在下列情況下,才可 marriage between the parties.
憑藉本部的規定或憑藉由第 59 條保留的任何規則而拒絕 (2) Subject to subsection (1), recognition by virtue of this Part
承認該項離婚或合法分居的有效性 —— or of any rule preserved by section 59 of the validity of a
(a) 該項離婚或合法分居是由一方配偶在下列情況下獲 divorce or legal separation obtained outside Hong Kong may
准的 —— be refused if, and only if—
(i) 該方配偶並未採取步驟將有關法律程序的通知 (a) it was obtained by one spouse—
給予另一方配偶,而在顧及該等法律程序的性 (i) without such steps having been taken for giving
質及所有情況下,該等步驟是該方配偶理應採 notice of the proceedings to the other spouse as,
取的;或 having regard to the nature of the proceedings and
(ii) 另一方配偶 ( 由於任何其他原因但並非由於未 all the circumstances, should reasonably have been
有接獲通知 ) 並未獲得參與法律程序的機會, taken; or
而在顧及上述事宜下,該機會是該配偶理應獲 (ii) without the other spouse having been given
給予的;或 (for any reason other than lack of notice) such
(b) 承認該項離婚或合法分居會明顯地有違公共政策。 opportunity to take part in the proceedings as,
having regard to the matters aforesaid, he should
(3) 本部不得被解釋為規定對任何在離婚或分居法律程序中 reasonably have been given; or
程序中所作的任何贍養令、管養令或其他附屬命令予以 (b) its recognition would manifestly be contrary to public
承認。 policy.
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 8 U.K.] (3) Nothing in this Part shall be construed as requiring the
recognition of any findings of fault made in any proceedings

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

9-9 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-10

第 179 章 第 62 條 Section 62 Cap. 179

for divorce or separation or of any maintenance, custody or

other ancillary order made in any such proceedings.
[cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 8 U.K.]

62. 釋義及過渡性條文 62. Interpretation and transitional provisions

(1) 在本部中,地方 (place) 包括聯合王國的殖民地或其他屬 (1) In this Part, place (地方) includes a colony or other dependent
土,但為施行本部的規定,任何人只有在下述的情況下 territory of the United Kingdom but for the purposes of this
才可被視為是所屬殖民地或屬土的國民︰該人所屬的殖 Part a person shall be treated as a national of such a colony
民地或屬土訂有獨立於聯合王國的公民法或國籍法,而 or dependent territory only if it has a law of citizenship or
該人根據該公民法或國籍法是屬於該殖民地或屬土的公 nationality separate from that of the United Kingdom and he
民或國民的。 ( 由 2010 年第 20 號第 9 條修訂 ) is a citizen or national of that colony or dependent territory
(2) 本部中關於外地離婚及合法分居,以及關於其他在香港 under that law. (Amended 20 of 2010 s. 9)
以外地區獲准的離婚及合法分居的條文,除適用於 1972 (2) The provisions of this Part relating to overseas divorces and
年 4 月 1 日之前獲准的離婚或合法分居外,亦適用於在 legal separations and other divorces and legal separations
該日或其後獲准的離婚或合法分居;如屬於在該日前獲 obtained outside Hong Kong apply to a divorce or legal
准的離婚或合法分居,則該等條文 —— separation obtained before 1 April 1972 as well as to one
(a) 規定或阻止 ( 視屬何情況而定 ) 對上述離婚或合法分 obtained on or after that date and, in the case of a divorce or
居在該日前任何時間及其後任何時間的有效性作出 legal separation obtained before that date—
承認;但 (a) require, or, as the case may be, preclude, the recognition
(b) 不會影響任何人在該日前得以有權享有的任何財產 of its validity in relation to any time before that date as
權利;如法院在該日前已就該項離婚或合法分居的 well as in relation to any subsequent time; but
有效性作出決定,則該等條文亦不適用。 (b) do not affect any property rights to which any person
[ 比照 1971 c. 53 s. 10(3) & (4) U.K.] became entitled before that date or apply where the
question of the validity of the divorce or legal separation
has been decided by the court before that date.
[cf. 1971 c. 53 s. 10(3) & (4) U.K.]

63. 過渡性條文 63. Transitional

《1997 年 婚 姻 及 子 女 ( 雜 項 修 訂 ) 條 例》(1997 年 第 69 號 )( 修 The amendments to sections 48 and 48A of this Ordinance made
訂條例 ) 第 19 及 20 條對本條例第 48 及 48A 條作出的修訂, by sections 19 and 20 of the Marriage and Children (Miscellaneous
並不就在修訂條例的生效日期 * 之前根據本條例作出的照顧 Amendments) Ordinance 1997 (69 of 1997) (the amending
或監管子女的命令而適用,而在緊接修訂條例的生效日期之 Ordinance) do not apply in relation to orders for the care or

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《婚姻訴訟條例》 Matrimonial Causes Ordinance

9-11 第 IX 部 Part IX 9-12

第 179 章 第 63 條 Section 63 Cap. 179

前屬有效的本條例條文,則繼續就該等命令而適用,猶如修 supervision of a child made under this Ordinance before the

訂條例未曾制定一樣。 commencement* of the amending Ordinance, and the provisions
( 由 1997 年第 69 號第 21 條增補 ) of this Ordinance in force immediately before the commencement
of the amending Ordinance continue to apply in relation to those
編輯附註: orders as if the amending Ordinance had not been enacted.
* 生效日期:1997 年 7 月 4 日 (Added 69 of 1997 s. 21)

Editorial Note:
*Commencement date: 4 July 1997

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