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5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

Total Ques ons : 30

1 - Ques on: (26179) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 86.32 %

The vegeta ve propagule of Bryophyllum is:

(1) Bulbil

(2) Leaf buds

(3) Rhizome

(4) Offset

Correct Op on: 2

Explana on:

(2) Read page 7, XII NCERT

2 - Ques on: (26181) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 72.36 %

Isogametes are seen in:

(1) Cladophora

(2) Fucus

(3) Human beings

(4) Ficus

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

(1) Read page 10, Figure 1.5, XII NCERT

3 - Ques on: (26182) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 53.97 % 1/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

When both male and female flowers are present on the same plant, then
plant is said to be:

(1) Bisexual

(2) Monoecious

(3) Unisexual

(4) Dioecious

Correct Op on: 2

Explana on:

(2) Read page 11, XII NCERT

The best answer is 2 because plants are monoecious or dioecious

but flowers are unisexual or bisexual.

4 - Ques on: (29492) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 93.04 %

Ginger is vegeta vely propagated through:

(1) Rhizome

(2) Bulbil

(3) Stolon

(4) Offset

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

(1) Read page 7, Fig. 1.4, XII NCERT

5 - Ques on: (30100) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 74.78 %

Ro fers: 2/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

(1) Exhibit adult reproduc ve structures in juvenile phase

(2) Are plants that can be both monoecious or dioecious

(3) Produce gametes by mitosis

(4) Are animals capable of reproducing by parthenogenesis

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

(4) Page 14, XII NCERT

Some ro fer species consist only of females that producetheir

daughters from unfer lized eggs, a type of reproduc on
called parthenogenesis. In other words,
these parthenogenic species can develop from an unfer lized
egg, asexually.

6 - Ques on: (39344) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 74.72 %

Asexual reproduc on is common:

(1) Among single celled organisms only

(2) Among plants only

(3) Among single celled organisms, plants and all animals

(4) Among single celled animals, plants and animals with simple
organiza ons

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

(4) fact. Page no.5

7 - Ques on: (39347) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 62.66 %

Examine the figures given below and select the right op ons out of (a -
d); in which all the 4 items A, B, C and D are iden fied correctly: 3/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin


(1) Tuber Rhizome Bulb Leaf buds

(2) Offset Sucker Stolon Leaf buds

(3) Offset Sucker Stolon Leaf buds

(4) Tuber Rhizome Bulbil Leaf buds

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

(4) fact. Page no.7, fig 1.4

8 - Ques on: (50147) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 88.83 %

Match the following

1. Zoospores P- Yeast
2. Conidia Q- Amoeba
3. Buds R- Chlamydomonas
4. Gemmules S- Penicillium
5. Budding T- Hydra
6. Binary fission U- Sponge
A.1-R, 2-S, 3-T, 4-U, 5-P, 6-Q
B.1-P, 2-Q, 3-U, 4-T, 5- S, 6-R
C. 1-R, 2-S, 3-T, 4-P, 5-Q, 6-U 4/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

D.1-R, 2-S, 3-U, 4-T, 5-P, 6-Q

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

P-6 , FIG

9 - Ques on: (50149) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 95.64 %

An invasive weed found in standing water is

A. Grass
B. Lotus
C. Aquarium oxygen plant
D. Water hyacinth

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

P-8 , PARA-1

10 - Ques on: (50155) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 77.07 %

There are various types of reproduc on. The type of reproduc on adopted
by an organism depends on:
A.The habitat and morphology of the organism
B.Morphology of the organism
C.Morphology and physiology of the organism
D.The organism’s habitat, physiology and gene c makeup

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

P-1 , PARA-1, P-3 Para- 1,2 5/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

11 - Ques on: (50156) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 65.29 %

There is no natural death in single celled organisms like Amoeba and bacteria
A.They cannot reproduce sexually
B.They reproduce by binary fission
C.Parental body is distributed among the offspring
D.They are microscopic

Correct Op on: 3

Explana on:

P-1 , PARA-1

12 - Ques on: (50158) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 89.39 %

Non-flagellate spores are called conidia. In which organism they are seen?
B. Hydra
C. Chlamydomonas
D. Amoeba

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

P-6 , PARA-2

13 - Ques on: (50163) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 79.91 %

Find the monoecious plant

C.Both A and B 6/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin


Correct Op on: 3

Explana on:

P-11 , PARA-3

14 - Ques on: (50164) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 69.67 %

If the gametes are similar in their appearance they are called as

D.Both C and B

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

P-11 , PARA-1

15 - Ques on: (50165) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 81.59 %

In which of the following mammal Oestrus cycle is absent:


Correct Op on: 3

Explana on:

P-9 , PARA-4

16 - Ques on: (50166) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 51.2 % 7/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

Which of the following is developed by parthenogenesis:

B.Queen Honey bee
C.Worker honey bee
D.Both B and C

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

P-14 , PARA-3

17 - Ques on: (50167) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 83.08 %

__________ is formed just a er fer liza on.


Correct Op on: 3

Explana on:

Point 1.2.3 NCERT

18 - Ques on: (50172) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 65.52 %

In which organ the growth of pollen tube is observed, ll it reaches the

A.Pollen tube
D.S gma

Correct Op on: 2 8/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

Explana on:

P-14 , PARA-1

19 - Ques on: (50174) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 80.1 %

Iden fy the mismatch statement regarding post fer liza on events from the
following statements.
A.Wall of ovary is converted in to pericarp
B.Outer integument is converted in inner integument
C.Triploid nucleus develops as endosperm
D.Ovary is developed as fruit.

Correct Op on: 2

Explana on:

P-16 , PARA-2

20 - Ques on: (50179) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 53.21 %

Match the following

(P) Fission (i) Ulothrix, Saprolegnia
(Q) Budding (ii) Oedogonium, Chlamydomonas
(R) Fragmenta on (iii) Algal, Fungi, Monera
(S) Sporula on (iv) Dictyota, Fucus, Protosiphon
(A) P-i, Q-ii,R-iii, S-iv
(B) P-ii, Q-iii, R-iv, S-i
(C) P-iii, Q-iv, R-i, S-ii
(D) P-iii, Q-iR-ii, S-iv

Correct Op on: 3

Explana on: 9/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

P-5, Point 1.1

21 - Ques on: (50180) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 81.78 %

Iden fy the structure





Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:


22 - Ques on: (50184) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 81.46 %

Iden fy A and B

A- Antheridium, B-Oogonium
A-Oogonium, B- Antheridium 10/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

A-Ovary, B- Endosperm
A- Ovary, B-Seed

Correct Op on: 2

Explana on:


23 - Ques on: (50185) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 71.75 %

Organism in which both male and female gametes are mo le are

A. Algae
B. Fungi
C. Fish
D. Both A and B

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

P-13 , PARA-2

24 - Ques on: (50186) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 46.49 %

The most vital event of sexual reproduc on is perhaps the fusion of gametes.
This process called _________ results in the forma on of a diploid
A. Syngamy, Zygote
B. Fer liza on, Zygote
C. Copula on, Foetus
D. Both A and B are true

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

P-14 , PARA-2 11/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

25 - Ques on: (50188) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 77.2 %

Small aqua c animals produce large number of gametes in surrounding

A. to enhance the chances of syngamy
B. to produce large number of offspring
C. offspring are extremely vulnerable to predators threatening their survival
D. Both A and C

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

P-14 , PARA-4

26 - Ques on: (50190) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 90.53 %

Strobilanthus kunthiana (neelakuranji), flowers once in _______ years.

A. 10
B. 20
C. 12
D. 16

Correct Op on: 3

Explana on:

P-9 , PARA-3

27 - Ques on: (50191) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 84.39 %

Vegeta ve phase in plants is same as ___________ in animal.

A. Sexual phase
B. Juvenile phase 12/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

C. Reproduc ve phase
D. Syngamy phase

Correct Op on: 2

Explana on:

P-9 , PARA-1

28 - Ques on: (50197) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 91.54 %

Asexually produced organism inheri ng all the character of parent is


Correct Op on: 2

Explana on:

P-5 , PARA-3

29 - Ques on: (50199) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 86.68 %

Binary fission is a type of

A.Nuclear fragmenta on
B.Vegeta ve propaga on
C.Sexual reproduc on
D.Asexual reproduc on

Correct Op on: 4

Explana on:

P-5 , PARA-3 13/14
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

30 - Ques on: (50200) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 59.75 %

Natural parthenogenesis occur in

C.Honey bee

Correct Op on: 3

Explana on:

P-14 , PARA-3 14/14

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