Integrating Uncertainty in Block Cave Production Scheduling: E. Rubio & W.S. Dunbar

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Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry –

Dessureault, Ganguli, Kecojevic & Dwyer (eds)

© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 04 1537 449 9

Integrating uncertainty in block cave production scheduling

E. Rubio & W.S. Dunbar

University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada

ABSTRACT: The long term plan in a block cave mine is based upon a number of assumptions about the
behavior of the rock mass. Production forecasts will rely on these assumptions even when data is available to
suggest modifications to those assumptions. This can compromise not only the economics of the project but
also the global geomechanical stability of the mine. Even though there might be several goals that a production
schedule of a block cave mine could follow, at the moment, there is no tool to measure how precisely those goals
are met. Reliability theory introduces a new metric to production schedules which ultimately will measure the
ability of different production strategies to achieve production targets. In this approach the reliability of a draw
point can be computed using historical forecasts versus historical production data. The individual draw point
reliabilities can then be linked though a set of equations to compute the overall block cave reliability. This aims to
provide a different means to schedule block cave mines adding an index of uncertainty to the overall production
schedule as well as the factors that contribute to it. Several examples will be presented as a proof of concept.

1 INTRODUCTION a successful mine plan in this paper is the means to

be able to forecast the correct amount of resources
Historically, production schedules in Block Caving needed to achieve a desired production target. Opera-
operations have been computed using heuristic meth- tions research tools in mine planning tend to be limited
ods learned over the years during the operation of the to strategic mine planning or long term production
mine. Some research on planning or scheduling block schedules that do not incorporate the degree of detail
cave operations has focused on the use of operations needed at the operational levels.
research tools to allocate resources such as equip- Reliability systems theory has been extensively
ment and labor (Rubio, Scoble and Dunbar, 2001) used in mechanical engineering to compute mainte-
or to minimize costs or maximize net present value nance plans and derive operational decisions. One of
(Smith and Rahal, 2001; Rahal et al, 2003). There is the advantages of this methodology is that it can inte-
no published record of the regular application of such grate all the operational components of a production
methods in a block caving operation. Recently, opera- system, incorporating the failure rate of the com-
tions research tools have been introduced to facilitate ponents as part of the forecasted availability of the
the planning methodology either on the short term production system as a whole.As an analogy, this could
planning (Chanda, 1990) or the long term planning be implemented in a mine that is composed out of dif-
(Guest et al, 2000) activities of the mine. Neverthe- ferent processes in which every one of the components
less, there is still a need to introduce algorithms that are has a different failure rate.
able to adapt to the dynamic conditions of an under- This paper aims to demonstrate the ability of reli-
ground mine. One of the main problems that block ability models to integrate operational information in
cave mines are facing at the moment is the lack of the estimation of the best production strategy.
integration of operational information into the con-
struction of production schedules. There have been
a few attempts to integrate uncertainty models into 2 CAVING METHODS AND UNCERTAINTY
operations research models stochastical programming MODELS
methods (Smith, 1999) have not been able to provide
an easy way of integrating the variance of the rock Block caving has gained increased popularity in recent
mass models into the mine planning system. It is clear year due to its ability to produce large tonnages at
that the success of a production plan will depend upon low operating cost. However, there are several issues
the ability of the mine planning system to incorporate that add considerable uncertainty to the mining method
uncertainty found in rock mass behaviour and in the such as: caveability in competent and highly stressed
mining system. The understanding of what constitutes ore bodies (De Nicola and Fishwick, 2000); seismicity


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

due the presence of high stresses that could adversely Observed tons Planned Tons

affect the mining method (Dunlop and Gaete, 1995);


stress redistribution due to a particular draw strategy; 1.20

Tonnage Millions tons

ultimate fragmentation that may have been poorly esti- 1.00

mated for the rock mass; lack of precision in estimating 0.80

the grade distribution within the ore body; and dilution 0.60

or the manner in which waste is included in the caved 0.40

rock mass as it moves toward the draw points (Dolipas 0.20

2000). Inadequate recognition and understanding of -

these issues can lead to disruption of production per-

Ja 0

Ju 1

M 1

M 1

N 1

Ja 1

N 2

Ja 2

M 2

M 2

M 3
M 03
Se 1

Se 2

















formance. However, it has been observed that some

block cave operations perform better than others when
facing these uncertainties. It seems that the amount of Figure 1. Production back-analysis of an existent operation.
planning and its ability to integrate the above men-
tioned issues plays a significant role in the success of
a block caving operation.
point productivity clearly reflects the uncertainty in
predicting rock mass behavior to plan the production
3 PLANNING AND SCHEDULING METHODS associated with a particular schedule.
APPLIED TO CAVING METHODS Production from a draw point depends on several
rock mass and design parameters such as: equipment
In order to ensure that the ore production rate meets size, layout configuration, stresses on the production
requirements and to efficiently allocate resources such tunnels, haulage infrastructure, seismic activity. One
as capital, equipment and labor, a block cave mine plan of the most relevant parameters, however, appears to be
and schedule must be defined. The aspects of mine the ultimate fragmentation of the rock mass. Fragmen-
planning that need to be fully considered to properly tation models such as BCF developed by Esterhuinzen
plan a block cave mine are as follows: (1994), Brown (2003) and Wang et al (2003) could be
used to estimate the fragmentation curve of a given
• Draw point sequence: i.e. the order and timing by rock type and thus forecast the frequency of oversize
which the draw points should be incorporated in and hang ups occurring at draw points. These frag-
production. mentations models will finally affect the draw point
• Active area: i.e. the number of draw points that productivity. However, current practice is to employ a
should be developed per period. trial and error process until full production is achieved
• Draw rate: i.e. how fast can material be extracted without introducing the interruptions that the sec-
from these draw points to provide the best value to ondary blasting activity adds to the production system.
the operations. Generally by adding the secondary blasting activity
• Draw constraints: i.e. identification of the main then the productivity of a block or a production unit
operational constraints that limit the productivity of decreases and therefore the time to achieve full produc-
a draw point. tion is usually longer than planned. The impact of this
• Draw profile: i.e. what should be the distribution situation on the economics of the mine is significant.
of tonnages within an active panel to guaranty the Fragmentation models are also used to define other
global stability of the mine. aspects of the design and planning of a block cave
• Geotechnical constraints: i.e. how does the draw mine, such as: draw point layouts (Laubscher, 1994);
profile affect the geomechanical response of the mixing within the caved zone; amount of secondary
rock mass. blasting activity (Dessureault, Scoble, Rubio, 2000).
There is a lack of published work dealing with the rela-
The above factors are linked through several pro- tionship of fragmentation to production scheduling.
duction rules that traditionally have been derived Fragmentation tends to vary across the active area due
from heuristics and experience at different operations. to factors such as discontinuity frequency, rock mass
Figure 1 shows an operating mine that has successfully strength, and other geomechanical factors such as the
forecast its production ramp-up as a result of using the stresses acting in the rock mass. In turn, the stresses
factors above and the appropriate heuristic rules. are related to rock mass properties, the rate of draw,
Currently, when a production plan is computed then the draw pattern and the location of draw points as
all draw points have the same chance of being part the operation proceeds. These relationships are com-
of the schedule. However, in every block cave opera- plex and are likely to be site-dependent. Thus it seems
tion there are draw points that tend to produce more clear that a robust production planning tool should
easily than others or the productivity of draw points be empirically based and should integrate available
varies across the active area. This variance in draw production data with measured geomechanical data,


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

12000 90%

Relative Tonnage Deviation

10000 Under
Planned Tonnage

8000 60%

4000 30%
Over 20%
Pull 10%
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

01 01F
03 01F

03 02F
05 01F
05 02F
07 01F
07 02F
09 01F
09 02F

11 01F
11 02F
13 01F
13 02F
15 01F
15 02F

17 01F
17 02F
19 01F
19 02F
21 02F
Observed Tonnage
Draw Point Name
Figure 2. One month of tonnage reconciliation per draw
point. Figure 3. Monthly average relative deviations between
forecast and actual tonnages.

such as: deformation, stress indicators, fragmentation

The reliability of a production plan is computed as
data, and rock mass properties.
a function of the individual draw point reliability. The
reliability of a draw point is computed as another prop-
erty of a draw point, alongside grade, dilution, draw
4 UNCERTAINTY IN BLOCK CAVE rate, as follows:
PRODUCTION PLANNING Draw points i = 1 . . . I , Periods j = 1 . . . J
The difference between forecast and actual production
of a draw point could be used as a measure of the
reliability of the draw point to produce ore. Figure 2
compares one month of production between forecast
and actual tonnage taken from the same operation as j
T αi , actual tonnage drawn from draw point i in
shown in Figure 1. Note that even though the global period j
tonnage forecasted has been fulfilled, the distribution j
T βi , planned tonnage to be drawn from draw point i
of tonnage per period across the active area has not in period j
been achieved. This tonnage variance leads to two well
known operational problems: Under Pulling and Over
Pulling. Under pulling means that the actual tonnage
is less than the forecast for the draw point and over
pulling means that the draw point has exceeded its
planned tonnage. over a deviation K of the plan with respect to the actual
It is generally accepted that under pull and over pull tonnage drawn. Finally the reliability of the draw point
behaviour leads to early dilution entry, over induced is computed as:
stresses, and increased discrepancies between planned
and operational performance. Therefore it seems clear
that production plans need to be based on a draw point
by draw point basis; otherwise imprecise analysis can
place at risk the life and economic return of the mine.
Figure 3 shows the monthly average relative devia-
tion between forecast and actual tonnages drawn from Tables 1 and 2 show a production plan and the actual
40 draw points during a 36 month period at an actual tonnages drawn from four of the 40 draw points showed
mine. It demonstrates that draw points can vary con- in Figure 3. Table 3 shows the relative deviation
siderably in the precision of estimating production between forecast and actual tonnages.
performance. It also demonstrates the need for produc- The reliability of a draw point will be evaluated by
tion planning to integrate a new way of quantifying the assuming that a 50% or less average monthly relative
historical production variance between forecast and tonnage deviation is acceptable. Then the reliability
actual. Then this variance could be used to correct the index is computed as the percentage of the time that
future forecast or even better help to study the relation- a draw point has been reliable during its life. Thus
ship between this deviation and rock mass properties. the reliability index of draw point 09 01H would be
This paper now will introduce this concept through ¾ = 75%, since the deviations in March, April and
a method that computes a reliability parameter as a May were less than 50%. The reliability of the selected
measure of production variance. four draw points is shown in Table 4.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

Table 1. Production forecast for four draw points. 01 02F 02 03F 03 02H 13 01F

Planned tons Mar-98 Apr-98 May-98 Jun-98 0.7


Tonnage Reliability
09 01H 1500 2500 3500 3000 0.5

09 02F 1500 3000 5000 0.4

09 02H 1000 2500 0.3

11 01F 1200 1900 0.2


N 9

Ja 9

M 0

M 0

Se 0

N 0

Ja 0

M 1

M 1

Se 1

N 1

Ja 1

M 2

M 2

Se 2


















Table 2. Actual tonnage drawn.












Actual tons Mar-98 Apr-98 May-98 Jun-98

Figure 5. Change of reliability index with time for different
09 01H 1800 3500 2500 500 draw points.
09 02F 3000 4500 5500
09 02H 2500 2400 As more observations are made, then the reliability
11 01F 1350 2150 index can be recomputed. Figure 5 shows the change of
the reliability index with time for four draw points cho-
sen from the 40 draw points of Figure 3.This shows that
Table 3. Relative tonnage deviation: actual versus forecast. the reliability index cannot be assumed to be indepen-
dent of time and therefore an adjustment of the index
Deviation Mar-98 Apr-98 May-98 Jun-98 will be necessary to develop long term schedules.
The next step in developing the application of the
09 01H 0.20 0.40 0.29 0.83
09 02F 1.00 0.50 0.10
reliability theory to block cave planning is to assemble
09 02H 1.50 0.04 the individual draw point reliabilities into the block
11 01F 0.13 0.13 cave reliability.

Table 4. Draw point reliability.

Draw point Reliability (%)
The reliability of the system relates to the probability
09 01H 75 of an entire system failing, based on the knowledge
09 02F 67 of the failure distribution associated with the system’s
09 02H 50 component (Kaufmann et al, 1977). Reliability the-
11 01F 100 ory has been used extensively to analyze mechanical
systems, even the process of ants foraging (Herbers,
1981). In order to compute the reliability of the system,
0.8 it is first necessary to map its component processes.
0.7 The relationships between these processes also need to
Tonnage Reliability

be established. Then an analogy with electric circuits
is used to compute the system reliability. For example,
0.3 the reliability of two dependant processes is computed
0.2 as if these two processes were connected in series. The
0.1 same applies for two independent processes in which
the reliability is computed as if the processes were con-

nected in parallel. Figure 6 shows a few different kinds
























Draw Point Name of process connections, Herbers (1981), as follows:

Figure 4. Reliability index of draw points in figure 1. 1. in series

2. in parallel
3. parallel–series
Applying the same concept to the data shown in 4. in series–parallel
Figure 3 it is possible to see in Figure 4 that there is
a variation of reliability within the active panel. Con- Each of the above would have a different formula
sequently for the next monthly forecast there will be to compute the overall system reliability.
more confidence in predicting draw point 13 02F than Consider a mine with three production panels. Each
01 01F in achieving the production target. panel has an ore pass and several draw points linked


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

Table 5. Production area reliability by panel for different

Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 System R

Base case 0.799 0.794 0.768 0.487

Case 1 0.797 0.794 0.768 0.486
Case 2 0.799 0.794 0.72 0.456
Figure 6. Processes connections presented by Herbers
Table 6. System reliability for a new draw point
in panel 1 (shown in bold).
Ore Passes Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3

ROPi 0.8 0.8 0.8

RDi1 0.8 0.8 0.8
D11 D21
RDi2 0.8 0.8 0.5
RDi3 0.8 0.8
RDi4 0.8
D12 D22 D32
RDi5 0.8
RPi 0.8 0.79 0.72
System R = 0.46
D13 D23

reliability would be R = 0.487. Now consider two
Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Case 1: Suppose that the reliability of any draw
point in panel 1 decreases to 0.5 due to poor draw
Figure 7. Representation of a block cave mine. control and operational factors. Then the reliability of
the production area would be R = 0.486 (See Table 5),
to it, as shown in Figure 7. Each of the panels has to not a significant difference from the base case.
produce an equal tonnage at any given period to main- Case 2: If instead the reliability of any draw point
tain the uniform draw pattern in order to avoid early in panel 3 (the cave front) decreases to 0.5, then the
dilution as well as high stresses in the production area. reliability of the entire system would be R = 0.456.
The ore passes, numbered from 1 to 3, and draw This is an interesting result; since the reliability model
points are indexed according to position with respect to suggests that it is more important to keep draw points
ore pass and draw point, e.g. Dij would be the jth draw at the cave front in proper operation rather than old
point in ore pass i. Draw points in the same panel will draw points to enhance the performance of the produc-
be in parallel and in series with the ore pass. Therefore tion area.
the reliability of a panel is given by: The reliability model could also be used to help
decide where to open a new draw point by showing
in which way the system becomes more reliable. For
example, consider Case 2 above where there is a draw
point in the cave front with low reliability and it is
desired to open a new draw point (with reliability 0.8)
where RPi is the reliability of panel i, ROPi is the so that the entire production area becomes more reli-
reliability of ore pass i, and RDij is the reliability of the able. Suppose also that operational constraints in panel
jth draw point located on panel i. J (i) is the number 2 mean that the new draw point can only be located in
of draw points in panel i. Since the three panels in panels 1 or 3. The calculation of the system reliability
Figure 7 operate in series, then the reliability of the for both these scenarios is shown in Tables 6 and 7
system shown is given by: respectively.
The results in Tables 6 and 7 show that the effect
of opening a new draw point at the cave front is much
greater than opening it at the back of the active area.
The base case scenario will consist of having the This is because the contribution of the extra draw point
same reliability for all elements equal to 0.8, i.e. in panel 3 to the overall reliability is much larger than
ROPi = RDij = 0.8 for all i and j. Then the system in panel 1.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

Table 7. System reliability for a new draw point needed in the mine plan to reach a given produc-
in panel 3 (shown in bold). tion target. The whole concept is based on planning
the redundancy of the system. In this particular case
Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 redundancy is introduced on the number of draw points
that are included as part of the production plan. From
ROPi 0.8 0.8 0.8
Figure 7 we can see that the whole mine production
RDi1 0.8 0.8 0.8
RDi2 0.8 0.8 0.5 should come from ore pass 1, 2 and 3. In other words
RDi3 0.8 0.8 0.8 every one of the panels as a target depending on the
RDi4 0.8 spread of the total target, in particular, every panel
RDi5 would have a call equal to 33% of the total target.
RPi 0.8 0.79 0.78 Then we need to decide how many draw points are
System R = 0.50 going to be part of the schedule to fulfill that 33%. For
example if the target for the panel is 4000 tpd and the
maximum draw point yield is 500 tpd then at least 8
draw points are needed to reach the target. However, it
However, a new draw point in the cave front will is known that draw points fail due to secondary blast-
lead to increased stresses at the corners of the active ing activities and repairs. Therefore having a plan that
area, possibly damaging the rock mass and affect- consists of just 8 draw points will not reach the panel
ing fragmentation at other draw points. This could target (4000 tpd). Consequently “extra” draw points
render production from other draw points difficult or need to be added to the plan to overcome this problem.
impossible, even though the reliability model suggests The traditionally solution for this problem has been to
otherwise. This clearly illustrates the need to inte- decrease artificially the draw point yield to increase the
grate the reliability model with geomechanical factors. flexibility of the system (deWolfe, 1981). The problem
Moreover, since geomechanical data are measured with this approach is that the updated draw rate breaks
during operations, these relationships should account rules of the long term plan, eventually impacting the
for the observed time variation in production reliabil- reliability of the plan, which has been reviewed in the
ity, thus providing a physical basis for adjustment of previous chapter of this paper. The introduction of the k
the draw point reliability. out of n method provides a statistical tool to compute
In addition to constraints imposed by geomechan- the flexibility needed in the system as a function of the
ical factors, there may also be operational constraints target and the individual draw point failure rates.
on the development and operation of draw points such The k component of the system is the minimum
as equipment availability and logistics associated with number of draw points required to achieve the target.
draw point development. These issues are more related Taking the above example this would be 8 draw points.
to short term planning but could also affect the reliabil- Now the idea is to increase the number of draw points
ity of the entire production system. During production to n and compute the reliability of the system based
from a panel, it is common for the fragments in one on the binomial distribution as follows:
or more draw points to become so large that a “hang-
up” occurs. Production from the draw points may still
proceed, however, at a lower reliability. If production
stops, then caving still occurs but this induces poten-
tially damaging stresses onto the adjacent draw points,
thus affecting production from the panel in the long
Development of a realistic and robust production R(Pt ) is the reliability of panel t
planning model for block caving operations is a chal- nt is the number of draw points included in the
lenging task. The issues and factors described above schedule for panel t
should also be included in such a model. k is the minimum number of draw points to
achieve the target of panel t
ρ is the reliability of the draw points in panel t
6 K OUT N MODEL USED TO INTRODUCE By introducing the above formulation on the current
FLEXIBILITY IN THE PRODUCTION scheduling methodology the chart shown in Figure 8
SCHEDULE can be derived. This representation of the scheduling
says that the amount of draw points to be included in
At the moment we have reviewed the application of the daily or weekly call should depend on the requested
reliability theory to assess the uncertainty on a given system reliability and the tonnage target for the panel.
production plan. A different view of this theory can For example if 80% is the reliability cut off, then to
assist mine planners to decide upon the flexibility produce 3000 tpd just 8 draw points would be needed.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

110% of view. There is a need to integrate the more funda-
100% mental process models and field monitoring data to
90% improve the precision of production scheduling.
K out of n models can assists mine planners to com-
Panel Reliability (R(Pt))

3000 tpd pute the required mine flexibility to achieve a given
60% target. Also this technique allows mine operations to
5000 tpd
integrate the operational upsets as part of the mine
planning methodology.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of Dpts in the Schedule ( nt)
The authors are grateful to Gemcom Software Interna-
Figure 8. Draw point scheduling using k out of n method. tional Inc. for time and funding to complete the work
and submit this paper.

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Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

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