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Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry –

Dessureault, Ganguli, Kecojevic & Dwyer (eds)

© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 04 1537 449 9

Integrated sensor networks for rock-mass characterization and

material handling

D. Hopkins, W.B. Davis & D. Türler

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA

J. Kemeny
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

ABSTRACT: Work is underway to develop techniques to integrate, analyze and display data collected during
mining that builds upon previous work focused on development of technology to collect data while drilling to
improve blasting results and material handling in open-pit mines. This research demonstrated the feasibility of
measuring the elemental composition of the rock mass from samples automatically collected during drilling,
and drill vibration data measured by a wireless system mounted to the drill stem. The project demonstrated
how these data can be used in conjunction with drilling, geological, and post-blast-fragmentation data for blast
design, material handling, and potentially, to improve mineral processing. This paper describes how these newly
developed rock-mass characterization techniques can be further developed so that they are sufficiently automated
to allow the data collected to be easily integrated into a mine-wide information system. Emerging technologies in
sensors, networking, communications, and probabilistic network modeling are described that promise to enable
process-control applications.

1 INTRODUCTION allow identification of relationships among rock char-

acteristics, process variables and energy consumption
There is increasing realization in the mining industry that could be used to improve efficiency and lower
that a systems approach to managing operations can costs.
have a tremendous impact on energy use and mining Advances in sensor, communication, engineering,
costs. Emerging sensor and information technologies manufacturing, and computing technologies are all
stand to dramatically impact mining operations by contributing to making devices and systems that meet
greatly increasing the amount of information available the cost, ease-of-use, portability, robustness and reli-
and providing a means to integrate and present the data ability required for mining applications. Advances in
in formats customized for the end user. A necessary sensor technology are reducing costs while improv-
requirement for optimization over the complete mine- ing resolution and expanding the range of what can
to-mill feedback loop is continuous and accurate data be measured. Emerging wireless technologies have
at all steps of the mining process. These data include the advantage of relatively low installation costs, and
the characteristics of the rock about to be blasted; the will allow deployment of large numbers of sensors
mineralogy and precise location of ore as required that can be networked to enable distributed process-
to route the blasted rock to the appropriate process- ing and communication between sensors and other
ing stream; and the characteristics of the rock at each devices. These systems promise networks of small,
stage of the reduction process. This information would self-powered, wireless radio nodes that require little
allow mineral content and the blastability, crushabil- more than placement before they automatically form
ity, grindability, and leachability of the blasted rock to an ad-hoc network and begin delivering sensor data
be evaluated simultaneously with other key variables. to process-control computers. Advances in machine
Only recently have on-line systems been developed intelligence promise to improve the performance of a
to provide some of this information on a continuous variety of tasks useful in sensor networks, including
basis. In an ideal system, these data would be ana- sensor validation and “fusion,” data mining, pattern
lyzed and used in a feedback loop to modify mining recognition, and probabilistic forecasting. These and
operations and process-control variables as necessary other emerging technologies in sensor networking,
to improve performance. Process monitoring in con- communications, and graphical interfaces promise to
junction with monitoring of the rock at each step would enable new process-control applications. In parallel,


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

advances in micro, nano, and MEMS engineering are lower-level functions necessary for any sensor net-
resulting in smaller and lighter components that are work, including data compression, channel coding,
helping to make portable systems that are well suited adaptive filtering, sensor fusion, sensor validation,
for use in the field. and pattern recognition. Some of the theoretical
As these new technologies increase the amount of advantages of Probabilistic Network Modeling are
information that can be obtained during mining and described, and a scenario is outlined in which PNM is
processing, they create new challenges in understand- used to manage a distributed sensor network. Exam-
ing how this information can best be analyzed and syn- ples are used to illustrate how these technologies
thesized to reduce dilution and increase the efficiency are creating new opportunities for improved process
of downstream mineral processing. These issues are efficiency and energy savings in mining and other
being addressed by increasingly affordable comput- industries.
ing power combined with high-speed data acquisition
and transmission options that are making real-time
data processing feasible. At the same time, research
1.1 Implications for mining
underway in mathematics, statistics, and computer
science is yielding powerful tools for data analysis The technologies discussed above have potential appli-
and display. The challenge of creating an effective cations in all mining processes. Adoption of new
user interface is to utilize information visualization and emerging technologies for mining applications
and other tools to facilitate the rapid and accurate depends on the ability of these technologies to
analysis of large quantities of complex and quickly meet challenging constraints including reliability, cost,
changing data. Effective process control and opti- portability, ease-of-use, and the ability to survive in
mization relies on decision making based on this harsh environments. The examples discussed in the
information. following sections focus on two areas: (1) charac-
Work underway to develop techniques to integrate, terization of the rock mass and potential benefits
analyze and display data collected during mining in extraction operations and material handling, and
builds upon previous work focused on development (2) process monitoring for crushing and grinding
of technology to collect data while drilling to improve operations and potential cost and energy savings.
blasting results and material handling in open-pit As discussed above, a necessary requirement for
mines funded by the Department of Energy’s Office of optimization over the complete mine/mill/leach oper-
Industrial Technologies (Hopkins et al. 2000, Hopkins ation is continuous and accurate data at all steps of
et al. 2002).This research, conducted as part of a highly the process allowing such things as fragmentation,
collaborative project among the Lawrence Berkeley crushability/grindability/leachability, slope stability,
National Laboratory, the University of Arizona, and and safety to be evaluated simultaneously. In an ideal
partners in the mining industry, demonstrated the fea- system, these data would be analyzed and used in
sibility of measuring the elemental composition of the a feedback loop to modify mining operations and
rock mass from samples automatically collected at process-control variables as necessary to improve per-
five-foot intervals during drilling, and drill-vibration formance. Figure 1 shows some of the kinds of data and
data collected using a wireless acoustic-monitoring information that could be gathered and the potential
system installed in a steel collar mounted to the drill flow of information among processes.
stem. The project demonstrated how these data can Although adopting new technologies requires
be used in conjunction with drilling, geological, and investment, there is increasing evidence that providing
post-blast-fragmentation data for blast design, mate- additional information has the potential to yield overall
rial handling, and potentially, to improve mineral cost savings. For example, because the size distribution
processing. However, to fully realize the benefits of the of the blasted rock mass has a significant impact on
available information requires tools that allow integra- the total energy required to reach the targeted material-
tion, analysis and visualization of data from a variety size distribution, improved blasting practices that lead
of sources in a manner that allows mine personnel to to better control of fragmentation can result in sub-
effectively utilize the information. stantial economic benefits. Significant improvements
This paper describes how newly developed rock- in process-plant throughput resulting from improved
mass characterization techniques can be further devel- blasting strategies have been documented in practice.
oped so that they are sufficiently automated to allow For a diamond mine, Bulow et al. (1998) demonstrated
the data collected to be easily integrated into a mine- that a 17% increase in blasting costs resulted in dou-
wide information system. Probabilistic Network Mod- ble that degree of cost savings downstream and a net
eling (PNM) is well suited for data processing in decrease in total mining costs. For run-of-mine heap
networks of many small, low-power processors. In leaching, Floyd (1998) concludes that fragmentation
addition to providing application-specific software, resulting from blasting is one of the major factors
PNM can also be utilized to perform a variety of controlling the percentage of ore recovered.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

reduced, and the potential for damage to structures in
the vicinity of the mine is minimized. Wall and slope
stability are improved, thereby improving the safety of
the mine, and blast noise and dangerous flyrock are
also reduced.
In the following section, emerging technologies
for sensors and sensor networks are briefly discussed
along with mathematical tools for managing the net-
works and the resulting data. Challenges in realizing
viable mining systems are also discussed. In the final
section of the paper, two scenarios are presented to
illustrate how new sensor and information technolo-
gies could be used to improve blasting results and
improve efficiency during crushing and grinding.


2.1 Sensors
Advances in sensor technology are reducing costs
while improving resolution and expanding the range
of what can be measured. Sensors exist or are being
developed for a wide range of applications including
detection and analysis of chemicals and radionuclei-
des; detection and enumeration of bacterial indicators;
measurement of stress, strain, and acceleration; and
measurement of a host of environmental variables
Figure 1. Existing and potential information flows. including temperature, pressure, moisture content, and
light. Technologies allowing miniaturization of sen-
Cost savings that result from improved blast designs sors are enabling new applications, while also reducing
are largely derived from a reduction in energy costs power requirements. Micro Electro Mechanical Sys-
associated with downstream crushing, grinding, and tems (MEMS) refers to silicon micro devices that
processing operations. Recent work indicates that the are composed of miniature electromechanical compo-
reduction in energy required to crush and grind rock nents that are fabricated with processing techniques
results not only from reductions in fragment size, originally developed in the semiconductor industry.
but also from a higher degree of microfracturing that MEMS technologies stand to enable development of
occurs in relatively small fragments, which reduces relatively low-cost, extremely small sensors.
their compressive strength (Tunstall & Bearman 1997,
Nielsen & Kristiansen 1995). The potential energy 2.1.1 Wireless sensors
savings resulting from improved blast design can be Wireless sensors under development offer new func-
quantified in terms of the size of rock headed to the tionality. Sensors are typically integrated with a micro-
primary crusher. For a mine crushing 100,000 short processor, wireless communication, and an operating
tons of rock per day and operating 365 days a year, a system. These features enable onboard processing
three-inch reduction in the 80% passing size can result and storage of data, networking and communication
in energy savings on the order of several millions of between sensors and other devices, and distributed pro-
KWh per year. cessing, allowing sensors to work together. Among the
In addition to cost savings associated with improved sensors that have recently become available are those
control of fragmentation, the technologies under developed by the University of California at Berkeley
development would provide data on rock properties and Crossbow Technology, Inc. who partnered to man-
and mineral content that could be used to improve the ufacture wireless sensors called MICA Motes. MICA
efficiency of material handling. Knowing the exact Motes run the open-source Tiny OS Operating System,
location of waste rock, rock to be milled, and rock which is a modular, embedded software platform for
to be leached can minimize the amount of dilution the Motes. The embedded software allows multi-hop
that occurs during mucking and hauling. Improved ad-hoc routing, and allows programmers to write cus-
blast designs also confer substantial environmental and tom applications. This ability is essential to enabling
safety benefits. Undesirable blast vibration effects are large-scale demonstration projects.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

For wireless technologies, power management is approach is to design a passive optical-sensor network
an issue at all levels of the sensor component that and configure it for testing in a particular application.
includes the communications level, operating system One advantage of fiber optics is that it allows a pas-
application level, and microprocessor level. Technolo- sive sensor array to be deployed throughout a harsh
gies are required that address battery life, transmission environment, while allowing associated electronics
distance, frequency (sampling rate), and power con- and electro-optics to be centrally located in a con-
sumption. At the communication level, power supply trolled environment to increase reliability and allow
limits range, data rate, and quality of service. Power easy access for maintenance and repairs. The passive
issues for sensors include operation time, sampling sensor array can be optically multiplexed, providing a
rate, and onboard processing capability. At the sen- highly reliable low-maintenance system. Systems of
sor level, research is underway to develop wireless this type have been proven to be extremely robust and
and battery-free sensors that would power themselves reliable in harsh operating environments.
by converting energy from mechanical vibrations or
changes in temperature or light into electrical power.
The concept is based on using different energy con- 2.2 Sensor networks
verters to produce electricity from natural energy
In addition to power consumption, network commu-
variations. For example, piezoelectric materials pro-
nication technologies must meet specifications for
duce electricity when subjected to strain, pyroelectric
range, data throughput, reliability, and quality of ser-
materials produce energy when differences in temper-
vice.As described above, for wireless communications
ature occur, and solar cells convert natural light into
these functions are all sensitive to power. Existing
electricity. The difference in energy induces a potential
technologies that help address the power manage-
that is used to supply the low-power electronics and
ment issues at the communications level include RF
to generate radio signals. This enables measurement
protocols (such as Bluetooth and 802.11b) and ultra
and data transmission without batteries or an exter-
wideband (UWB). Recent advances in sensor net-
nal power supply. The amount of energy generated by
working are consolidated in the IEEE 1451 standards
these devices is small and varies from one converter to
for transducer networking. Compliant devices promise
another. However, if used in conjunction with capac-
to be “plug-and-play” interoperable, greatly facilitat-
itors, they would be able to store energy. In addition,
ing integration of systems requiring a diversity of
sensor miniaturization reduces power requirements,
off-the-shelf components, including multiple sensor
and improves the viability of these converters for
modalities. Transducers include sensors as well as
powering micro sensors.
actuators, and nodes in IEEE 1451 networks can also
include DSPs, CPUs, RAM, power and communica-
2.1.2 Fiber-optic sensors tions. These networks are ad-hoc, dynamically self-
Fiber-optic sensors and instrumentation are well suited forming and self-healing. IEEE 1451 includes close
for long-term monitoring of many variables of inter- tie-ins to and in some areas is largely based on IEEE
est including stress, strain, temperature, fluid pressure, 802.11.x for radio ethernet, allowing these networks
chemistry, and radionucleides. Fiber-optic technolo- to be wireless (or wired). Wireless 1451 networks
gies allow buildings and other structures to be instru- promise to greatly improve the ability of industry to
mented with high-resolution sensors that have proven acquire and process control data in real time.
to be extremely reliable in harsh environments. Fiber- Wireless sensor networks offer additional advan-
optic sensors have the advantage of being passive tages, and the main disadvantages for WLANs have
components, which are generally more reliable than been greatly reduced. The principal advantages of
competing technologies based on active components wiring, that electricity is easily delivered along with
that are more susceptible to failure. Fiber-optic sensors high data rates, have been lost, as low power sensors
have the additional advantage of being well suited for and high data rate wireless communications are devel-
installation in tight spaces and small-diameter holes; oped, in combination with better batteries and new
a fully protected multi-mode fiber-optic sensor can “self-powering” alternatives. Resistance to multipath
be fabricated and housed in a cable with a diame- and electromagnetic interference, which is impor-
ter as small as 250 microns. On the order of 20–40 tant in many industrial environments, has also been
optical fibers can be housed in a single half-inch- improved, and security issues have been addressed.
diameter cable. Reliability is increased at marginal The principal advantage of wireless is the reduction
cost by installing multiple sensors in the same cable. or complete elimination of expensive, bulky, unreli-
The most cost-effective long-term strategy for the able cabling, resulting in more robust sensor networks
use of fiber-optic technologies in monitoring applica- that are easily installed, repositioned, and removed.
tions is a distributed communication network in which This enables applications requiring retrofit, and tem-
data from sensor arrays and control signals are pro- porary installations that previously were impossible
cessed centrally and used in a feedback loop. A viable or economically infeasible when wiring was required.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

Wireless can extend network coverage to almost all Advances in machine intelligence and data visual-
areas of the mine. ization allow real-time interpretation of the volumes
UWB communication is based upon transmission of of information that can be generated by high data
modulated pulses of energy, less than one nanosecond rate, dense sensor networks. As described above,
in duration, using a wide signal bandwidth. In terms probabilistic network models, also known as graph-
of signal power, the advantage of UWB transmitters is ical models (GMs), are particularly powerful. Intel
that they send short bursts of energy with extremely corporation has recently released a beta version of its
low power rather than transmitting continuous waves. Probabilistic Network Library, an open-source library
The processing of RF signals requires complex mod- of probabilistic GM algorithms. Applications of prob-
ulation onto an analog carrier and demodulation at abilistic GMs are wide-ranging, including: automating
the receiver end, and thus requires a constant use human interface elements including language recog-
of power. In contrast, UWB transmitters only need nition and biometrics; data mining and visualization;
to send pulses intermittently, and thus require less sensor fusion and validation; machine vision and
energy than RF. UWB enables high transmission data pattern recognition; reliability modeling, fault diag-
speeds with good penetration, and has the additional nostics, and process control. GMs are amenable to
advantages of being low power and low cost. UWB network implementations, where processing and con-
also enables very precise local positioning of sensor trol are distributed and decentralized. GMs are also
nodes, which is extremely useful in some applica- scaleable, supporting: ad hoc (sets of) and lost nodes;
tions. A challenge in implementing UWB technology prior (and lost) information; and new and discon-
is that receivers require pulse-decoding techniques tinued processes. GMs support all standard signal
to extract extremely precise timing and amplitude processing, filtering, and control operations, and have
information. advantages in real-time performance for many cases.
GMs perform well for many automation tasks, and
when the control remains supervised, GMs provide
2.3 Mathematical tools for managing graphical interface elements for screen display that
sensor networks prompt the memory of users, and encode process
control information in a natural language.
These sensor applications have common require-
Graphical models for intelligent transducer net-
ments including: calibrating sensors and eliminating
works combine these trends synergistically, offering
noise; collecting and integrating data from multi-
many new opportunities for mining process control
ple data streams (sensor fusion); synchronizing the
and optimization.A wireless sensor network, with soft-
data; adding and removing sensors dynamically dur-
ware for sensor fusion and validation, and other types
ing operation without interruption; and monitoring
of inference, optimization, and control, can find appli-
sensor status and the reliability of incoming data.
cations throughout all phases of mining operations.
Tools are also required for node and network manage-
Local positioning locators can improve asset allocation
ment, application administration, data management,
and workforce deployment, safety, and security. Equip-
and representing information in a useful manner. A
ment could be monitored to anticipate maintenance
challenging task is sensor fusion, which synthesizes
needs, and prevent damage and outages, increasing
the output from many sensors, possibly of different
productivity. The wireless network could also be used
types, to increase the accuracy of the estimate of
to deliver synthesized information to miners in the
the state of the object being sensed. PNM is a very
field, helping to direct their activities for improved
promising approach to sensor fusion and data manage-
yield. We expect that wireless data networks will
ment in general (Davis 2004). For the applications of
become more pervasive than phone networks, and will
interest, where nodes are sensors with processors, net-
eventually become as essential and taken for granted.
work computation is parallel and distributed, requiring
The widespread availability of these networks, with
communication protocols. PNM allows utilization of
standards for incorporating sensors and actuators, and
multiple channels of sensor data, possibly from differ-
with improved data processing and decision support,
ent types of sensors, for increased speed and accuracy
will improve process efficiency in many industries,
of the estimation of the state of the object being sensed.
including mining.
The approach is appealing because it allows algorithms
to be defined in terms of graphical representations that
closely correspond to the network map, embedding the
2.4 Examples of new mining technologies
underlying mathematics. Graphical model theory also
provides methods that enable the network to self diag- The collaborative project described in the introduc-
nose sensor errors. Algorithms for noise reduction and tion focused on rock-mass characterization with three
calibration can also be described in the framework, as primary goals: (1) to provide better information on
can many techniques for interpreting the sensor data rock properties during drilling, particularly on frac-
and automating decision making in the network. tures and discontinuities that can be used to optimize


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

blast design; (2) to develop technology to sample and dust samples drop out at the bottom of the cyclone
analyze rock dust/cuttings during drilling to allow con- and clean air exits at the top, through an exhaust port.
struction of a three-dimensional mineralogical map of Recovery of up to 99% of the solid material is possi-
the bench; and (3) to develop an adaptive blast-design ble. Figure 4 shows a picture of the prototype collection
tool. The technology developed and used as part of the system mounted on a drill rig.
project is described in the following sections. Several hundred dust/cutting samples have been
collected during drilling using the collection system
described in the previous section. Samples were
2.4.1 Online sample collection during drilling
collected continuously over the entire drilling length of
and measurement of mineral content
60 ft. The collection jar was changed manually approx-
Determining mineralogy prior to mucking in an open-
imately every five feet; thus, each sample represents
pit mine is important for routing the material to the
an average over the sample length. XRF spectroscopy
appropriate processing stream. XRF spectroscopy is
is most accurate when applied to finely crushed mate-
one approach that is routinely used to analyze atomic
rial. An open question is whether dust and cuttings
composition in a wide range of applications. The chal-
collected directly from the borehole are suitable for
lenges in adapting the technology for use as a field
XRF analysis as is, or whether they should be crushed
measurement tool include ensuring reliable and accu-
further. For the results presented here, the samples
rate measurements under field conditions, creating a
collected in the field were crushed to powder with a
robust system that can survive the harsh mining envi-
small ball mill and analyzed with XRF spectroscopy.
ronment with minimal maintenance, and minimizing
Figure 5 shows the copper concentration measured
interference with drilling operations. Measurements
in six boreholes located on the same bench. Copper
are made by irradiating a sample with high-energy
concentrations can be measured reliably with a high
photons such as X-rays or gamma rays and measur-
level of accuracy (greater than 1 ppm). The borehole
ing the resulting radiation emitted by the material
profiles shown in the figure indicate that the distribu-
(Giauque et al. 1993). Because of the well-defined
tion of copper ore varies considerably over the length
energy signature of each element, it is possible to deter-
of the borehole, and between boreholes on the same
mine the elemental composition of a sample with very
bench. These results must be confirmed by analyzing
high precision. Detection resolution depends on the
the effect of sampling bias introduced by the collection
source, but is on the order of 1–25 ppm. Accuracy
improves with increasing time of exposure; measure-
A next step in moving toward a stand-alone field
ment times are on the order of seconds to a few
system is automating the sample collection. The sys-
minutes. Accuracy also depends on the atomic num-
tem could include an XRF analysis capability, or the
ber of the element being measured; elements with high
samples could be logged and analyzed elsewhere.
atomic numbers are easier to measure than those with
There is also interest in determining if the XRF
low numbers. However, other techniques can be used
data can be used to help identify rock types or rock
in this case that may be viable for mining applications.
properties such as hardness that would be valuable
XRF spectroscopy requires only very small quan-
information for blasting engineers. As a first step
tities of material for analysis. During drilling, large
toward this goal, the XRF measurements described
amounts of dust are produced and flushed out of the
above were grouped using an empirical-classification
borehole with compressed air. To obtain representative
scheme (Fig. 6). The technique is described in detail in
borehole samples during drilling, a prototype dust-
Türler et al. (2002), along with descriptive data analy-
collection system was designed and fabricated (see
sis and statistical clustering techniques being applied
Fig. 3). A detailed description of the system is given
to the same data. The graphs displayed in Figure 5 are
in Türler et al. (2002). The harsh mining environment
based on XRF analysis of 71 samples, for which 11
and vibration of the drill rig require that the system be
groups were identified. The rock classification task
robust and simple, making it desirable to have as few
is complicated by several factors including sampling
moving parts as possible. It is also essential that the col-
errors, mixing of dust particles in the borehole, and the
lection system not interfere with the drilling process,
difficulty of trying to discern rock properties based on
or require special handling when the drill is moving
elemental composition. The accuracy of classification
between locations. For the prototype system, dust and
techniques can be improved by including site-specific
cuttings are collected through a nozzle placed near the
information in the analysis.
borehole. A venturi-suction system using compressed
air supplied from the drill rig provides a continuous
sampling of material during drilling. Exhaust from the 2.4.2 Wireless drill monitoring system
venturi system is routed to the cyclone where the solid As discussed above, fractures in the rock play a
material is separated from the air. The cyclone operates very significant role in blast fragmentation. Although
without any moving parts, and does not contain filters parameters such as penetration rate and pull-down
or any other consumables that need to be replaced. The force that can be obtained from existing drill systems


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Microphone Sounder Magnetometer


Light Sensor Accelerometer

Figure 2. Sensor board for wireless MICA Motes developed by UC Berkeley and Crossbow Technologies. The board includes
several sensors, as well as an Atmel 4 MHz processor, 4 K of RAM, 128 K of code space, and a 916 MHz RF communication
capability at 10/40 kbits.

Figure 3. Schematic drawing of prototype dust collection Figure 4. Prototype dust collection system mounted on a
system. drill rig.

are related to the degree of fracturing in the rock, conducted using sensors attached to the rig. For max-
a more direct measure of fracture properties is imum sensitivity to rock conditions, acoustic sensors
highly desirable. To determine the feasibility of using should be placed as close to the drill bit as possible. In
accelerometers to measure drill-rig vibration data dur- placing the sensors, care must also be taken to iden-
ing drilling, and using the data to infer information tify the position of vibration dampners installed by the
about rock and fracture properties, field tests have been drill manufacturer. For field experiments conducted at


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

Figure 5. Mineral content measured during drilling in
six adjacent boreholes. White corresponds to high copper
concentrations compared to darker colors, which indicate
relatively low copper concentrations.
Figure 7. Installation of steel collar housing accelerometers
and a wireless transmission system on a drill rig.

relationships between data collected during drilling

and blast results, and to help construct blast models.
In the longterm, online fragmentation analysis is envi-
sioned as an important part of the information system,
providing continuous data that can be used to monitor
blasting results, improve site-specific blasting mod-
els, and provide feedback to crushing and grinding
processes. A proven method to assess fragmentation
is to acquire digital images of rock fragments, and to
process these images using digital image-processing
techniques (Scoble et al. 1996). For post-blast size
Figure 6. Rock groups identified in six adjacent boreholes characterization, this is the only practical method to
using an empirical classification scheme (copper concen- estimate fragmentation because screening is impracti-
trations measured in the same boreholes are displayed in cal on a large scale. The image processing techniques
Figure 5).
used for the assessment of fragmentation were devel-
oped at the University of Arizona between 1990 and
the Morenci and Sierrita mines, vertical and tangen- 1997. Since 1997, development work has continued at
tial capacitive accelerometers were potted in epoxy in Split Engineering, LLC. These steps are described in
a steel collar. Two of each kind of sensor were installed detail in Kemeny et al. (1999) and Kemeny (1994).
in the collar so that coherency between signals could At the Phelps Dodge Sierrita Mine in Arizona, a
be monitored, and to provide backup against sensor Split-Online system is installed at the in-pit primary
failure. A picture showing the accelerometer collar crusher, where digital images of both feed and product
being installed on the drill rig is shown in Figure 7. are continually processed and recorded. These sys-
The accelerometers have a bandwidth of 400 Hz, and tems are set to process three contiguous images of
a range of ±40 g. The collar was placed around the either feed or product approximately every 90 sec-
drill stem just below a vibration dampner that is origi- onds. The feed cameras are located at the truck dump
nal equipment on the drill rig. This placement allowed bays; the product cameras are located above the dis-
the accelerometers to be as close to the drill bit as charge belts. The resulting size data from the Split
possible. Data was transmitted via FM radio at 418 system is imported into a mine-wide database where
and 433 MHz to a PC-based data-acquisition system. truck-by-truck averages of the feed and product sizes
A sampling rate of 2000 samples/sec/channel was used are determined. Several new technologies are being
to collect the data. The use of a wireless transmission utilized to trace the crusher feed and product size infor-
system allowed installation of the collar on the drill mation back to the original position of the rock on
stem and data collection during drilling with mini-mal the bench. This is accomplished on a truck-by-truck
impact on the rig and drilling operation. basis utilizing technologies that include an accurate
time/date stamp incorporated into the Split data asso-
2.4.3 Fragmentation analysis ciated with each truckload of ore, Modular Mining’s
An important part of the project was post-blast char- dispatch system to trace the trucks back to the bench,
acterization of fragmentation. This information is and GPS-equipped shovels to determine the location
being used initially to help determine and verify of the material dumped into each truck.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

2.4.4 Adaptive blast design rock properties, as well as the volume and shape of
There are many strategies currently being used for the rock unit (burden, spacing, and height). Blasting
blast design in open-pit hard-rock mines (Cunningham parameters include the amount and type of explosive
1987, Segui 2001). In mines that have relatively uni- used in each hole, as well as the hole diameter, powder
form rock conditions, using uniform hole patterns factor, and delay. After blasting, the fragmentation of
and blast energies produces good results. In mines the rock volume is characterized by the image anal-
with predictable variations in rock properties, the ysis system. Imaging can take place at the muck pile
hole patterns and blast energies can be systematically during digging, or by monitoring trucks at the primary
varied from one region to the next. It is not uncom- crusher or leach pile. As explained below, image data
mon, however, for in-situ rock conditions to change is tracked so that the original position of the rock in
dramatically and unpredictably from one area of the the shot pattern is known.
mine to another, even within relatively small areas such As described above, the first step in implementing
as those that constitute a single shot. It is only recently an adaptive blast-design strategy is to collect data on a
that technologies have become available to character- hole-by-hole basis and use this data to develop a site-
ize these dramatic variations in rock-mass conditions specific blast model. The second step is to utilize the
accurately enough for blast design purposes. Even model for adaptive blast design and optimization. One
where variations in rock mass conditions were known, novel aspect of the adaptive strategy is that it largely
reliable mine-specific blast models did not exist to eliminates the need for separate trials testing new blast
allow variations in rock-mass strength to be accounted designs. Rather, the system develops its own intelli-
for in determining optimum hole patterns and blast gence based on the natural variations in rock-mass
energies. properties throughout the mine and the response of
Adaptive blast design means that the blast design the blasting parameters to these variations.
can be modified in real time, by changing hole patterns As described in the previous sections, recent tech-
or the type and amount of explosive, based on newly nologies have allowed important pre- and post-blast
acquired information about the rock mass. In order to information to be obtained on a hole-by-hole basis.
implement an adaptive blast-design strategy for open- This includes the fragment-size distribution that comes
pit mines, two problems must first be solved. First from the Split system and the drilling specific energy.
of all, technologies must be developed to accurately The explosive energy per ton of rock (kcal/t) can
predict in-situ rock-mass properties. These properties also be estimated for each hole. The approach used
must be available for a given shot before or during the to date is simple, and is based on only three vari-
drilling of holes for the shot. Secondly, accurate blast ables per hole: drilling specific energy, blast energy
models must be available to provide guidance on how (kcal/ton), and post-blast F80 (Kemeny et al. 2001).
modifications to the blast design should be made in We recommend this as a first step in implementing an
light of new information. For greatest accuracy, these adaptive blast-design strategy. However, a limitation of
models must be mine specific, and constantly evolving this relatively simple approach is that it does not take
based on new data.This requires feedback mechanisms into account several other important parameters, most
in the operation that provide updated information on notably fractures and the specific mineralogy of each
in-situ rock conditions, blasting parameters, and post- volume unit of the rock mass. In addition, it uses only
blast fragmentation. single variables to account for the blast parameters
Two technologies form the basis for the adaptive (kcal/ton) and to characterize post-blast fragmentation
blast-design strategy: (1) drill monitoring systems that (F80). Although the model predicts fragmentation, it
allow characterization of in-situ rock mass conditions, does not predict other quantities that are critical for
and (2) image-analysis software to assess post-blast downstream processing such as the crushability and
fragmentation. Drill monitoring systems encompass grindability of the fragments (for mill processing), or
existing technologies that measure drilling parame- the leachability of the fragments (for SX-EW process-
ters such as torque, down-hole pressure, and rotational ing). Technologies under development that provide
speed, in addition to new technologies such as those data during drilling can be used to improve adaptive
that are presently being investigated (vibration of the blast-design models.
drill stem and XRF analysis of the drill cuttings). For
rock-mass characterization during drilling, the small-
est data unit in the proposed strategy is the volume of
rock associated with each blast hole. The in-situ con- 3 SCENARIOS FOR IMPLEMENTATION
ditions of this rock volume are determined from the OF SENSOR NETWORKS AND DATA
drill monitoring system, either during drilling, or by VISUALIZATION
extrapolating properties measured during the drilling
of neighboring holes. The blasting parameters associ- The DOE task force on the future of the mining
ated with this rock volume are based on the measured industry has identified hauling and comminution as


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

Figure 8. Gold mining process overview.

the mining processes that use the largest share of

energy consumed in the mining sector, and are there-
fore high priorities to target for improved efficiency
and energy savings. The emerging technologies dis-
cussed in the previous section promise to reduce
mining energy consumption in all stages of material
handling and processing. This paper concentrates on
emerging technologies for upstream, mine-to-mill pro-
cessing, distinguished from downstream processing,
as indicated in Figure 9.
Upstream (or mine-to-mill) processing includes
in-situ rock-mass characterization, drill and blast opti- Figure 9. Mine-to-Mill processing stream.
mization, grade identification, loading and hauling,
and all stages of comminution. Upstream processing
does not include chemical treatment and refining. The Table 1. Typical comminution costs.
arcs in Figure 8 (and Fig. 9) may represent materi-
als or information flows, or both. While concentrating Costs
on so-called upstream processing, this paper takes a
Process $ per ton kWh per ton
holistic view, presenting an integrated framework for
mine-to-mill process control.An integrated framework Blasting 0.20 –
allows the relevant control variables of one subprocess Crushing 0.80 2.0
to be included in other processes, so that global rather Grinding 4.00 20.0
than local optimization can be achieved. Improved net-
working and data processing improves the availability
of sensor and other process control data at all stages
of processing. Graphical model theory (GMT) provides the means
The following example illustrates how global opti- by which global optimization can be decentralized as
mization is necessary to minimize total processing far as possible, to reduce the time lag in the optimiza-
costs. The costs of comminution, in both dollar and tion control loop. When decentralized optimization
energy terms, increase exponentially as ore passes is still too slow, GMT also provides faster methods
through the blasting, crushing, and grinding phases. for approximate inference and optimization, which
Typical comminution costs are shown in Table 1. are likely to find the optimal control settings with
Total comminution costs are therefore reduced if some small margin of error. GMT also provides a
comminution effort can be shifted from grinding to natural interface that represents network processing
crushing, and especially to blasting. Improving blast in an easily intelligible manner. Consider Figure 8,
yield is an important target for energy and cost sav- which describes upstream processing in more detail.
ings. This conclusion can only be drawn from the A graphical model looks very similar (loops cause
holistic perspective that globally optimizes the entire complications and are often disallowed in directed
upstream processing stream. When many control vari- graphical models). The graphical representation is eas-
ables are involved, however, global optimization may ily elicited from and intelligible to domain experts
be impossible to perform in real time. (miners in this case).


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

GMT is expressive and powerful. Among the many management, environmental monitoring, and secu-
tasks for which it provides algorithms are sensor fusion rity. Although installing new sensor and measurement
and pattern classification, an example of which is devices requires investment, there is increasing evi-
represented at the top of Figure 9. Using GMT, mea- dence that greater efficiency, increased throughput,
surements from a seismic network could be fused with reductions in energy consumption, and improved pro-
drill-stem acceleration data, GPR and resistivity data, cess monitoring can result in overall cost savings. To
core samples, and local mineralogy, to infer the spa- evaluate costs and benefits, there is tremendous value
tial distribution of characteristics of the rock mass, in projects that integrate emerging technologies into
including rock type, ore concentration, and fractures. information networks, and that test and demonstrate
In general, sensor fusion improves classification per- these networks in large-scale applications.
formance by reducing error rates. For example, one
type of sensor may be better at discriminating some
pairs of rock types, while another may be better at ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
discriminating between other pairs; fusing the mea-
surements in effect allows each method to be applied This work was supported by the U.S. Department
where it performs best. of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098.
GMT is scaleable and extensible. It’s scaleability The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribu-
makes GMT well suited for large problems, such as tions of their colleagues at the University of Arizona,
complex optimization programs necessary for min- Phelps-Dodge Mining, Split Engineering, and Aquila
ing process control. Its extensibility allows the easy Mining Systems.
introduction of new sensors and processes, without
significant modification to the existing infrastructure.
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