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Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry –

Dessureault, Ganguli, Kecojevic & Dwyer (eds)

© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 04 1537 449 9

Effects of heterogeneous hydrocyclone feed in a magnetite grinding circuit

T.C. Eisele, C.H. Nurnberger & S.K. Kawatra

Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA

ABSTRACT: Hydrocyclones classify particles based on both density and size, with the d50 size becoming
finer as the particle density increases. As a result, when the hydrocyclone feed is a heterogenous mixture of
particles with different densities, each type of particle follows a different efficiency curve. This can lead to the
bulk efficiency curve deviating markedly from the ideal S-shaped efficiency curve that occurs when particles
have a uniform density. To evaluate the effect that this has on an operating mineral processing plant, samples
from a magnetite grinding circuit which exhibited a non-S-shaped hydrocyclone efficiency curve were analyzed
with respect to size distribution and magnetite assay, and individual magnetite and quartz efficiency curves
were calculated. The particle density effect was shown to cause significant retention of the fine magnetite in
the grinding circuit by the hydrocyclone, resulting in over-grinding of magnetite and a subsequent waste of
approximately 7% of the total grinding energy. Suggested sizing improvements either the addition of screens
to the grinding circuit to supplement the hydrocyclones, or the complete replacement of hydrocyclones with

1 INTRODUCTION of low-density and high-density particles is exempli-

fied in Figure 1, which includes the efficiency curves
Hydrocyclone classification is based on both the den- for pyrite (specific gravity = 5.0) and non-sulfides
sity and particle size distribution of the feed stream, (specific gravity 2.7), as well as the combined bulk
and classification performance is expressed in terms efficiency curve for the mixture. Both of the pure com-
of efficiency curves. When a hydrocyclone processes ponents clearly follow portions of classic S-shaped
material of a uniform density, a single bulk effi- efficiency curves, but the combined curve deviates
ciency curve adequately describes the performance of markedly from an S-shape.
a hydrocyclone. It is generally assumed that the d50 of Unlike efficiency curves for particles of homoge-
an efficiency curve is only dependent on the hydrocy- nous density, heterogeneous efficiency curves are not
clone dimensions and the feed flowrate, percent solids,
and density, and over a broad range of particle sizes it
is not a function of the size distribution of the feed par- 100%
ticles. This relationship is shown in Equation 1 (Plitt,
% Feed to Hydrocyclone

1976): 80%

where d50c = corrected d50 (µm); φ = volumetric Pyrite Feed
fraction of solids in feed; Dc = cyclone diameter (cm); Bulk Feed
h = free vortex height (cm); Di = inlet diameter (cm); Non-sulphide Feed
Q = volumetric flowrate of feed (L/min); Do = over-
10 100 1000
flow diameter (cm); ρs = solid density (g/cm3 ); Du =
Particle Size (µm)
underflow diameter (cm); ρ = liquid density (g/cm3 )
Equation 1 shows that the higher the density of Figure 1. Hydrocyclone efficiency curves from a pyrite
a material, the smaller the d50 (Plitt, 1976; Napier- ore concentrator (Plitt, 1976). The homogeneous pyrite and
Munn et al., 1996). With a heterogeneous feed contain- non-sulfide efficiency curves have a normal S-shape, while
ing particles that vary in density, each feed component the heterogeneous bulk feed efficiency curve has a peculiar,
follows the appropriate efficiency curve for particles non-S shape. The bulk feed curve has a plateau that extends
of its density. The effect of this on a synthetic mixture from ∼90 µm to 250 µm.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

independent of the feed size distribution – they are are already smaller than the nominal cut size for the
affected by the feed distributions of their individual hydrocyclone.
components (Laplante and Finch, 1984). Each size The effect of the re-circulation of the ground under-
fraction of the bulk feed is comprised of both com- flow is minimal if there is only a small overall per-
ponents in varying percentages, and the value of the centage of the dense component in the circuit new
bulk efficiency curve at a specific size fraction is feed. The weight percentage of the dense fines in the
the weighted average of the component efficiency re-circulating load is then negligible, and the high-
curve values. The component efficiency curves are density particles do not accumulate to high levels.
weighted according to the respective weight percent- However, when the percentage of the dense component
ages of dense and light components contained in the in the circuit new feed is high, the presence of excess
feed stream (Heiskanen, 1993). This is calculated as dense fines in the re-circulating load is significant.
shown in Equation 2 (Napier-Munn et al., 1996): This excess of the dense component at fine particle
sizes is the necessary condition for the bulk efficiency
curve to deviate from the S-shape. Therefore, the
resulting peculiar, non-S shaped bulk efficiency curve
where S = bulk efficiency curve value for size fraction
can be considered a symptom of excessive amounts of
x; SL = efficiency curve value of light feed compo-
dense particles being trapped in the circuit.
nent for size fraction x; SH = efficiency curve value
The practical significance of this effect is that the
of heavy (dense) feed component for size fraction x;
denser particles are ground to finer than the tar-
fL = weight fraction that is the light feed component
get grind size and therefore much energy can be
for size fraction x; x = particle size (µm).
wasted grinding material that is already fine enough
When a given size fraction in the feed stream
to be passed from the circuit (Heiskanen, 1993). In
primarily contains a single component, the bulk effi-
order to reduce the amount of wasted energy, clas-
ciency curve value is proportionally closer to the
sification must be improved so that the amount of
efficiency curve of that component. This trend is evi-
overground, high-density fines in the hydrocyclone
dent in Figure 1, where the coarser sizes are primarily
underflow is reduced. Bond’s energy equation (Bond,
non-sulfide quartz while the finer sizes are enriched
1952), shown in Equation 3, is commonly used to
in pyrite. Thus, the bulk efficiency curve in Figure 1
determine the amount of energy required to grind a
follows the non-sulfide efficiency curve at particle
specific feed particle size to a specific product particle
sizes larger than 250 µm, and switches to following
size, and is therefore used to calculate energy savings
the pyrite efficiency curve at particle sizes finer than
achieved from the reduction of overground fines in the
90 µm. The particle size fractions of the bulk feed
larger than 90 µm but smaller than 250 µm contain sig-
nificant portions of both pyrite and non-sulfides, so the
bulk efficiency curve values fall between the single-
component efficiency curve values for each particle
size fraction in this range. This causes a “bump” or
plateau in the bulk efficiency curve (Laplante and where W = work input (kWh/MT); Wi = work index
Finch, 1984). (kWh/MT); P = 80% passing size of product (µm);
This type of non-S shaped bulk efficiency curve is F = 80% passing size of feed (µm).
a characteristic of many heterogeneous hydrocyclone Peculiarly-shaped bulk efficiency curves have been
feed streams (Mapier-Munn et al., 1996; Laplante and observed in the past for industrial magnetite-silica ore
Finch, 1984; Heiskanen, 1993; Flintoff et al., 1987; systems (Lynch, 1977). However, direct measurements
Lynch, 1977). As explained above, for this to occur of the quantities of the individual feed components in
the heterogeneous hydrocyclone feed streams must each individual size fraction have not previously been
consist of a fine dense component and a coarse light made using samples from full-scale plants so that indi-
component. The occurrence of this type of particle dis- vidual component efficiency curves could be calcu-
tribution in hydrocyclones used in grinding circuits is lated directly. It has therefore not been confirmed that
not surprising when a typical layout of a classifying – the shape of the curves has been due to density effects,
grinding circuit is considered. The d50 of the denser and has not been previously determined how much
hydrocyclone feed component is smaller than the d50 energy is being expended in overgrinding of dense
of the light component, so the dense component con- particles trapped in the grinding circuit. The purpose
tinues to report to the hydrocyclone underflow at a of this paper is to show that the industrially-observed
finer particle size than the light component. There- non-S shaped bulk efficiency curve for magnetite ore
fore, the hydrocyclone underflow is enriched in fine is a result of hydrocyclone feed with heterogenous
dense particles that are smaller than the d50 size for densities, and then to calculate the energy lost in over-
the light particles. These particles are then returned grinding of the magnetite. Possible solutions to the
to the grinding mill and reground even though they problem are also discussed.


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

% of Feed to Hydrocyclone Underflow
Pebble Mill Discharge 108 MTPH Solids 100%
(Trommel Unders)
Overflow 90% 25µm
Flotation Circuit
Circuit New Feed 45 MTPH Solids
Primary Mill
(Cobber Conc.) (30% of total feed) 80%
43 MTPH Solids cyclone 70%
Chips 2 MTPH Solids 52µm
(Trommel Overs)
Sample Points Underflow Pebble 8mm 50%
106 MTPH Solids Mill Trommel
(70% of total feed, 40%
78% Magnetite
22% Non-Magnetite) 4 MTPH Solids 30%
Magnetite Feed
20% Bulk Feed
Figure 2. Classification-grinding circuit of Plant A. Sam- 10% Quartz Feed
ples were taken from the indicated sample points and were
used in size analyses and assay determinations.
10 100
Top Particle Size (µm)

2 EXPERIMENTAL Figure 3. Hydrocyclone efficiency curves from magnetite

concentrator Plant A. The d50 sizes were 20 µm for the
Samples of circuit new feed, hydrocyclone underflow, homogeneous magnetite efficiency curve and 39 µm for the
hydrocyclone overflow, and pebble mill discharge were homogeneous quartz curve. The homogeneous magnetite and
collected from an operating plant (PlantA) at the points quartz curves follow the standard S-shape.The heterogeneous
in the grinding circuit shown in Figure 2. Size analyses bulk efficiency curve has a deviates from the ideal S shape
were carried out by three methods: 1. Wet-sieving at because it was influenced by the amount of each compo-
25 µm using a woven-wire test sieve, followed by dry nent per size fraction. It was located evenly between the two
sieving of the +25 µm particles using woven-wire test component curves at particles sizes coarser than 52 µm, but
was located closer to the magnetite curve at particles sizes
sieves in a Ro-Tap sieve shaker; 2. Micro-sieving of smaller than 52 µm. This was particularly noticeable at the
dry powders using electroformed nickel-foil sieves in a 25 µm size fraction.
Sonic Sifter apparatus, which allowed sieving down to
10 µm particle size; and 3. A Microtrac® laser diffrac-
% of Hydrocyclone Underflow

tion particle size analyzer was used to measure particle
35% Magnetite
sizes down to 1 µm. For the sieved samples, each indi- Quartz
vidual size fraction was assayed using a dichromate 20µm 39µm
titration method by Plant A personnel to determine the
iron assay of each sieved size fraction for each stream
mentioned above. The size distribution and assay data
was then mass balanced, and the magnetite concentra-
tion in each size fraction was calculated from the iron
assays. 1 10 100 1000 10000
Top Particle Size (µm)

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 4. Size distribution of the hydrocyclone underflow

in terms of its components. The particles larger than 20 µm
The efficiency curves in Figure 3 were constructed and smaller than 39 µm were primarily magnetite. This was
from the mass balanced data from Plant A. As can a result of the d50s of the magnetite and quartz efficiency
be seen by comparing Figure 3 with Figure 1, the curves.
magnetite ore hydrocyclone efficiency curves for the
feed stream components and the bulk feed were sim- so as predicted by Equation 1 and seen in Figure 3,
ilar in shape to those for the pyrite ore system. The the d50 of the denser magnetite was smaller (20 µm)
homogeneous component magnetite and quartz effi- than the d50 of the less dense quartz (39 µm). Thus,
ciency curves followed the typical S-shape. The bulk the particles in the hydrocyclone underflow that were
efficiency curve was midway between the two single- coarser than 20 µm and finer than 39 µm were almost
component efficiency curves at particle sizes larger entirely magnetite, as seen in Figure 4. As a result, a
than ∼52 µm. Between 52 and 25 µm, the bulk effi- large percentage (78 percent) of the total hydrocyclone
ciency curve became progressively closer to the pure underflow was magnetite, most of which had already
magnetite curve, and at less than 25 µm it was nearly been ground to finer than the target product size.
identical to the magnetite curve. Once the hydrocyclone underflow was recombined
The specific gravity of magnetite is 5.2 and the with fresh feed, the size distributions of each com-
specific gravity of quartz is 2.7 (Barthelmy, 2004), ponent in the resulting hydrocyclone feed were as


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

35% the magnetite fraction was 80% passing 20 µm, and
% of Hydrocyclone Feed

30% Magnetite this magnetite made up 67% of the cyclone overflow
Quartz solids. Assuming a target grind size of 80% passing
25 µm, Bond’s energy equation (Equation 3) (Laplante
and Finch, 1984) was used to estimate the amount of
energy expended in overgrinding this material. While
10% the work index of the magnetite alone was unavailable,
5% the average work index of the ore was 11.6 kw-hr/ton.
0% When this value is used in the energy calculation, the
1 10 100 1000 10000 energy consumed in overgrinding is:
Top Particle Size (µm)

Figure 5. Size distribution of the hydrocyclone feed stream

in terms of its components. There were nearly equal amounts
of the two components at particle sizes coarser than 52 µm.
There was significantly more magnetite than quartz at parti- equal to 2.74 kw-hr per ton of magnetite overground.
cles sizes smaller than 52 µm, particularly at the 25 µm size Since the magnetite is 67% of the cyclone overflow,
fraction. this corresponds to (0.67)(2.74) = 1.84 kw-hr per ton
of grinding circuit feed. Since the grinding circuit was
shown in Figure 5. There were nearly equal amounts consuming a total of 25.61 kw-hr per ton of grind-
of magnetite and quartz at particle sizes coarser than ing circuit feed, a total of 7.16% of the total energy
52 µm, which resulted in the bulk efficiency curve used was wasted in overgrinding of the magnetite.
shown in Figure 3 falling evenly between the mag- This clearly indicates that energy savings are avail-
netite and quartz efficiency curves at particle sizes able through the reduction of fines in the hydrocyclone
larger than 52 µm. At particle sizes finer than 52 µm, underflow.
it is seen in Figure 5 that the magnetite weight percent The performance of classification in a grinding
of the bulk hydrocyclone feed per size fraction was circuit can be altered in a number of ways, includ-
significantly higher than the corresponding weight ing (1) adding a second hydrocyclone in series with
fractions of quartz. As a result, the bulk efficiency the original hydrocyclone, (2) adding screens to the
curve shifted to closely following the efficiency curve grinding circuit to supplement the hydrocyclones,
for pure magnetite. This occurrence is the main con- or (3) completely replacing the hydrocyclones with
tributor to the non-S shape of the bulk hydrocyclone screens. Adding a second hydrocyclone, such that the
efficiency curve. underflow of the original hydrocyclone feeds the sec-
A practical effect of the heterogeneity of the hydro- ond hydrocyclone, is primarily useful for reducing
cyclone feed on the Plant A grinding circuit was that the bypass fraction for increased classification and
energy was being wasted by re-grinding magnetite that increasing circuit capacity (Heiskanen, 1993). Derrick
was already finer than the target grind size and should corporation has also had considerable success by com-
have been removed from the grinding circuit. Since the pletely replacing hydrocyclones with polyurethane
target grind size for the classification-grinding circuit multi-deck screens. This caused the effects of hetero-
was 25 µm, it can be seen from Figure 4 that 47 per- geneous feed to be non-existent, as screen classifi-
cent of the magnetite in the hydrocyclone underflow cation is solely based on size and is not affected by
was smaller than the target grind size, but was nev- particle density (Valine, 2004). National Steel Pellet
ertheless being returned to the mill for regrinding. It Co., in conjunction with Derrick Corporation, has
was calculated that 37% (39 metric tons per hour) of had success reducing energy costs and increasing the
the hydrocyclone underflow was magnetite that ideally circuit capacity by adding ∼150 µm opening multi-
should have been removed from the circuit through the deck screens to their grinding circuit, where the target
hydrocyclone overflow. At the same time, the amount grind size is 45 µm. The grinding mill discharge was
of quartz smaller than the target grind size in the under- introduced to the screen and the screen oversize was re-
flow was negligible (1%). Since the underflow was the circulated back to the grinding mill feed stream, while
feed for a pebble mill, as shown in Figure 2, the fine the screen undersize was the grinding circuit product
magnetite was over-ground and re-circulated back to (Valine, 2004; Derrick, 1999/2000).
the hydrocyclone feed. This cycle of classification, re- This suggests several possible approaches to
grinding, and re-circulation continued for a particle of improving particle sizing in the plant under study.
magnetite until it was smaller than the 20 µm d50 of A second stage of hydrocyclones could be installed
the magnetite efficiency curve and could be removed in order to reduce the bypass fraction, but since the
by the hydrocyclone. bypass fraction is already under 5% this is unlikely
Examination of the size distribution of the mag- to be of much benefit. Another possibility is to add
netite contained in the cyclone overflow showed that screens to the grinding circuit in order to remove


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

a majority of the minus 25 µm material from the the circuit. With existing technology, the most effective
re-circulating load. The screen oversize would be re- approach will be a combined screen/hydrdocyclone
circulated to the grinding circuit, directly to the pebble configuration where the hydrocyclone is used to mini-
mill feed, and the screen undersize would be removed mize the load on the screens while the screens provide
from the grinding circuit. The hydrocyclones would final, positive control of particle size.
then only be processing the new feed to the grind-
ing circuit, not the combined new feed/pebble mill
discharge. Another potential method to improve classi-
fication is to remove the hydrocyclone completely and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
replace it with screens, as screening efficiency is not
determined by density and is therefore unaffected by This project was partially supported by the U.S.
a heterogeneous feed. It has yet to be determined what Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FC26-
size screen openings would be necessary to ensure sig- 01NT41062. The support of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron
nificant energy savings, or if screens with the required Co. is also gratefully acknowledged.
opening size would be viable in terms of capacity
and screen life. The primary concern in the screening
approach is that screening at 25 µm is difficult and
requires a large screen area. It is therefore important
to design the circuit to minimize the fraction of the
Barthelmy, David, 2004. Minerology Database.
slurry that must be screened. <>, 03 June, 2004.
Bond, F.C. 1952. The Third Theory of Comminution. Trans.
AIME 193, 484.
4 CONCLUSIONS Derrick Corporation, 1999/2000. FR199: Iron Ore: Improved
Grinding Efficiency Through Better Classification.
The values of the non-S shaped hydrocyclone effi- <
ciency curve for magnetite concentrator Plant A were 29> July, 2004.
demonstrated to be the assay-weighted averages of the Plitt, A.J., 1976. A Mathematical Model of the Hydrocyclone
individual efficiency curve values of the components Classifier. CIM Bull. 69, 776, 115–123.
Flintoff, B.C., Plitt, L.R., Turak, A.A., 1987. Cyclone
(magnetite and quartz) contained in the hydrocyclone modeling: a review of present technology. CIM Bull. 80,
feed. The shape and d50 of the homogeneous mag- 905, 39–50.
netite and quartz efficiency curves were dependent on Heiskanen, K., 1993. Particle Classification, first ed.
material specific gravity and size distribution, so the Chapman & Hall, London. 59–60, 87, 264–272.
bulk efficiency curve was also a function of these vari- Laplante, A.R., Finch, J.A., 1984. The Origin of Unusual
ables. This was of practical interest as the magnetite Cyclone Performance Curves. Int. J. Min. Proc. 13, 1–11.
efficiency curve d50 was finer than the target grind Lynch, A.J., 1977. Mineral Crushing and Grinding Cir-
size of the circuit, which caused a significant amount cuits, first ed. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company,
of fine magnetite to be un-necessarily re-ground by the Amsterdam. 117–119.
Napier-Munn, T.J., Morrell, S., Morrison, R.D., Kojovic, T.,
grinding mill associated with the hydrocyclones. The 1996. Mineral Comminution Circuits: Their Operation
subsequent waste in grinding energy was calculated to and Optimisation. JKMRC – University of Queensland.
be approximately 7% of the total. This waste of energy 326–327.
could be avoided by improved sizing/classification to Valine, Steve, 2004. Private Communication (Derrick
prevent high-density particles from being retained in Corporation).


Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

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