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Wolaita Sodo University

Assignment 1 30 %

Department: Information Technology

Course Title: Social, Professional and Ethics in IT

Program: Week-End


 Read the course materials attached to your email address and other related materials of
your interest from various sources for 2 weeks to successfully complete the assignment
 Do not copy the answers from your friends
 Read all the questions very carefully and try to answer correctly
 Write all the necessary information about yourselves, such as name, ID No, Section etc
at the top of the first page
 Do not use any Application to prepare the answers for the assignment but pen and paper
 Every Students Should Submit the assignment on June 16/2012

1. Briefly explain the term ethics and morality
2. Even within the same society, people can have strong disagreements over important moral
issues.(True/False with justification)
3. Ethics has risen to the top of the business agenda because the risks associated with
inappropriate behavior have increased, both in their likelihood and in their potential negative
impact. (True/ False with at least 5 lines of justification).
4. Organizations have five good reasons for promoting a work environment in which they
encourage employees to act ethically such as to gain the goodwill of the community, to create
an organization that operates consistently, to foster good business practices, to protect the
organization and its employees from legal action, and to avoid unfavorable publicity.
(True/False with Justification of the statement)
5. An organization with a successful ethics program is one in which employees are willing to
seek advice about ethical issues that arise, employees feel prepared to handle situations that
could lead to misconduct, employees are rewarded for ethical behavior, employees are not
rewarded for success gained through questionable means, and employees feel positively about
their company. (True/False with at least 5 lines Justification).
6. There are many ethical issues about which people hold very strong opinions such as abortion,
gun control, and the death penalty, to name a few. If you were a team member on a project
with someone whom you knew held an opinion different from yours on one of these issues,
how would it affect your ability to work effectively with this person and think of at least one
ethical issue related to information technology and explain how would it affect you if you face
the same challenge from one of your coo- workers?
7. It is a common practice for managers to hold people accountable to meet “stretch” goals,
quotas, and budgets. How can this be done in a way that does not encourage unethical
behavior on the part of employees?
8. Do you think that ethics training can really be effective in changing the behavior of
employees? Why or why not?
9. It can be difficult for a large organization to act ethically consistently across all facets of its
business. Identify a recent example of a usually ethical company acting in an unethical
10. Explain code of Ethics

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