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Home  [Free Audiobook] The Complete Law Of Attraction Guide (With Actual Real World
Application): How Anyone Can Manifest Their Dream Life

[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of

Attraction Guide (With Actual Real
World Application): How Anyone Can
Manifest Their Dream Life

‘It is the cause perfection of all things, throughout the universe’ — The Emerald
Tablet (Circa 3000 BC).

Before I get started here. I run one of the biggest LoA sites around now but I
absolutely began as a cynic. And this is (partly) because there is so much useless
information circulating around our community. Some make shit up to make a buck
or maybe just for attention. Whatever the reason I wanted something I could give
you guys with real actionable advice you can start using today. And, as luck would
have it, I was able to give it away for free.

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[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of Attraction...

Now, I’ll be brutally honest. I’d seen The Secret on bookshelves plenty of times
and not given it a second look in the past. I’m not big on self-help books or
anything which seems… a little new age.

When you hear someone talk about their success with the Law of Attraction
(LoA) or The Secret, you’ve likely witnessed a passionate, excited person describe
what seems like impossible magic.

To me, my immediate reaction was always ‘yeah, yeah…’.

Law of Attraction fans will tell you that their wildest dreams easily come true, and
positive thinking makes it happen.

But how does it work? And why is it so mysterious?

Rhonda Byrne was going through life as most of us do. Struggling to make ends
meet financially, struggling with relationships and just as she felt she was hitting
her absolute lowest — her daughter handed her a 100-year-old book which turned
her life around in the next 90 minutes. In a minute I’m going to show you how you
can make the same kind of change (admittedly our broken down version is more
like 6 hours — but it’s easier to follow).

The internet already has a million articles about the Law of Attraction (LoA) from
die-hard fans. In my case, however, I was a die-hard cynic.

Yep. I said ‘was’. Wouldn’t have seen myself admitting that a few months ago.

What Is The Law of Attraction?

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[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of Attraction...

In an interview with Larry King, Oprah

Winfrey described the success that the Law
of Attraction brought into her life.

In fact, Oprah credits her understanding of it

with much of her success in life. And she’s
not the only famously successful person to
use the system either.

Will Smith, Jim Carrey, and Arnold

Schwarzenegger, among others, have all
practiced working with the Law of Attraction
and found great success because of it.

So, what’s the definition of the Law of

Attraction anyway?

Believe it or not, the Law of Attraction isn’t a

complicated magic ritual that requires
initiation into an ancient, mystery school or
secret order.

In fact, the Law of Attraction is a simple and

unchanging universal principle.

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[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of Attraction...

Think of the Law of Attraction as gravity.

Toss a penny from your roof, it lands on the

ground. Try to jump off your couch, you will

Gravity is an unchanging law of our

universe. Not believing in the law of gravity
is not important — stuff will still fall and may
break upon landing. But, believing in the law
of gravity allows you to predict and expect
what will happen.

The Law of Attraction works the same way.

This made sense to me. Alright, so it doesn’t involve dancing around a candle
naked. We’re on to a good start in the logic and reason department.

Things within our universe have a tendency

to migrate toward other like things. We’re
using the word “things” here because this
law encompasses thoughts, feelings,
people, objects and everything else in our

It’s a universal principle, so it applies to all

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[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of Attraction...

the things.

Like attracts like.

Like migrates toward like.

Alright… With you so far.

And even the cynic in me has to admit that, if you think about it, we actually see
this fairly often in everyday life without really trying too hard.

But how does that actually help us?

Believing it’s true or untrue doesn’t change

anything. It’s a simple universal principle.
However, if you believe it and get in tune
with it, you can start predicting and
expecting what happens to you, for you.
Your awareness of the Law of Attraction can
affect your life.

Do me a favour and read that part again.

And really think about it. If you’ve ever looked a the concept of Game Theory
before this might start ringing some bells.

It’s Not Magic, It’s Science

At this point, you may still remain

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[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of Attraction...

unconvinced that this universal principle — 

which attracts like to like — still seems
interwoven in magic and, therefore, unreal.
Perhaps it’s because we’re talking about
intangible concepts like thoughts and
feelings. At least with gravity, an apple
thrown up into the air falls onto the ground.
You may not understand it, but you can
visibly and immediately experience the

It’s difficult to imagine that thoughts and

feelings can have an effect on the world
around us. Fortunately, advances in
technology and science allow us to visibly
and immediately experience the effects of
our thoughts. Just like watching an apple
fall through the air, there are experiments
that demonstrate the immediate effects of
thoughts and feelings.

Believe it or not, there are volumes of

scientific evidence to prove that our
thoughts alone have immediate and tangible
effects on ourselves and the environment
around us.

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[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of Attraction...

The studies are interesting. I know people tend to switch off when I start a
sentence with ‘Scientific studies have shown…’ so let’s not get too bogged down in
the studies themselves.

Because, to be honest, if you’re anything like me it’ll be pretty hard to convince

you that there’s anything to this. Without seeing it for yourself.

Luckily I do have a solution to that.

I’m going to suggest listening to The Power yourself. It’s not going to cost you a
thing except 6 hours of your time and (because it’s an audio-book) you can listen
while doing… basically anything else.

Amazon has a deal giving you the entire audio-book if you sign up to Audible for
free. Even if you don’t actually use Audible you still get to keep the whole book.

You can download The Secret for free here.

You don’t need to fling yourself into it heart and soul. Give it a listen and try it on
a small scale yourself. Seeing is believing as they say.

How To Use The Law Of Attraction (And

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[Free Audiobook] The Complete Law of Attraction...

What For)?

Now that you understand what the Law of

Attraction really is and how it works, let’s
talk about the ways you can use it to
improve your life. The Law of Attraction is a
universal principle that is already working in
your life. Start intentionally thinking and
feeling what it is you want to attract into
your life — such as money, love and
relationships, health and spirituality — to
make the Law of Attraction work for you.

Really, this is massively personal.

The common ones are things like money, relationships and health. Although
some just want to attract a little fun and adventure into their lives.

Personally, for me, it’s led to me traveling the world with a laptop and a battered
backpack for the last 6 months.


Mind Valley on Law of Attraction

Psychology Today on LoA

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