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Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)

1. Derive the expression of power in terms of force. (or) Show that the power is the
product of the force and the velocity.

Ans: By definition, P =
Since W = F s,
P= = =Fv( v= )
Therefore the power is the product of the force and the velocity.

2. Show that .

Ans: Output work = load distance moved by load

Input work = effort distance moved by effort
Mechanical advantage (MA) =

Velocity ratio (VR) =

3. Find the pressure at the depth “h” in liquid of density “ρ”. (or) Derive an equation to
calculate the pressure in a liquid. (or) Show that the pressure in a liquid is directly
proportional to the depth.

Ans: Let the height of liquid = h

the bottom surface area = A
the density of liquid = ρ
the volume of the liquid, V = Ah h
the mass of liquid, m = ρ V = ρ Ah
the weight of the liquid, w = mg = ρ g A h A

Thus, the pressure exerted by the liquid at the bottom surface is

F w ρgAh
p = = =
p =ρgh
The true pressure at the depth h in the liquid will be
p = patm + ρ g h (patm = the atmospheric pressure)

Therefore the pressure under the liquid is directly proportional to the depth.

4. Show that “the upward thrust = the weight of liquid displaced” (or) Verify Archimedes’

Ans: Let us consider a block which is totally immersed in a liquid of density as shown in Figure.
Let the top of the block be at the depth of h1 from the surface of the liquid, the thickness of the
block be H, and its top and bottom surface area be A.

Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)
The pressure on the top surface of the block is
p1 = patm + g h1
The pressure on the bottom surface is
p2 = patm + g (h1 +H)
The downward force which is acting on the block, F1 = Ap1
The upward force is F2 = Ap2
The forces acting on the sides of the block cancel out.
The net force (upward thrust) acting on the block in the upward direction is
F = F2 - F1 = A ( p2- p1 ) = A gH = V g ( V = AH)
upward thrust = the weight of liquid displaced

5. Show that the radio of the densities is equal to the ratio of the volume of the immersed
portion to the volume of the whole body (or) (i.e., = )
Ans: A body will float in a liquid (fluid) if the upward thrust, due to the liquid (fluid), acting on it is
equal to its weight.
The volume of the portion of the body which is immersed in the liquid (fluid) is Vs,
The upward thrust = g Vs
where is the density of the liquid (fluid).

The weight of the body is

w = mg = g V ( m = V) where is the density of the body
Since the body is in equilibrium,
w = upward thrust
gV = g Vs
Therefore, the ratio of the densities is equal to the ratio of the volume of the immersed portion
to the volume of the whole body.

6. Show that nx x = ny y for a ray of light passing through two media x and y. Whose
treatment is it?

Ans: If vx and vy are the velocities of light in media x and y respectively, and nx and ny are the
refractive indices of media x and y respectively, then
c c
nx  and ny 
vx vy
n x c / vx vy
Therefore,   or nx vx = nyvy
n y c / vy vx
Since v = f and when the light passes from one medium to another the frequency remains
the same but the wavelength alters.
Since nx vx = ny vy and nx f x = ny f y
n x  x = ny  y
where x = wavelength of light in medium x, y = wavelength of light in medium y

It is Huygens’ treatment.

Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)
7. Show that the refractive index of the medium ‘y’ with respect to ‘x’ is equal to the
reciprocal of the refractive index of the medium ‘x’ with respect to ‘y’.
Ans: By Snell's law, for the refraction from medium x to medium y,
sin i
x ny  (1)
sin r
According to the principle of reversibility of light, for the
refraction from medium y to medium x,
sin r
y nx  (2)
sin i
Multiplying equation (1) by (2),
sin i sin r
x ny  ynx   =1
sin r sin i
x ny 
y nx

Therefore, the refractive index of the medium y with respect to x is equal to the
reciprocal of the refractive index of medium x with respect to y.

8. Show that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence for a ray passing
through a glass slab with parallel sides. (or) Show that the incident ray and the
emergent ray are parallel for a ray passing through a glass slab with parallel sides.
sin i
Ans: For the first refraction a ng 
sin r
sin r
For the second refraction g n a 
sin i '
Since a n g g n a  1

sin i sin r
 1
sin r sin i '
sin i = sin i'
i = i'
Therefore, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence for a ray passing through a
glass slab with parallel sides. (or) The incident ray and the emergent ray are parallel for such a
pair of media.
9. Derive the lateral displacement ‘d’ between the incident ray and the emergent ray which
are parallel for a ray passing through a glass slab with parallel sides.
Ans: The perpendicular distance PR between the incident ray and the emergent ray is a lateral
displacement, denoted by d.
The thickness of the glass slab = t.
In the triangle OPR of Fig. 6.4  POR = i – r
PR d
sin (i – r ) = =
d = OP sin (i – r ) ………(1)
ON' t
In the triangle OPN', cos r = 

Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)
OP = ………(2)
cos r
By substituting equation (2) to equation (1)
t sin(i  r )
Therefore, the lateral displacement d =
cos r

10. Show that the refractive index of medium z with respect to y is the ratio of the refractive
index of z with respect to air to the refractive index of y with respect to air. (or)
Show that y n z  z .
Ans: A ray in medium x is .refracted through media y and z
and emerges into medium x.

sin i
For the first refraction x ny 
sin r1
sin r1
For the second refraction y nz
sin r2

sin r2
For the third refraction z nx 
sin i'
sin i sin r1 sin r2
x ny  ynz  znx =   =1
sin r1 sin r2 sin i '

Therefore, nz
x n y z n x

1 nz
Since x nz  , y nz  x

z x x ny

If medium x is air, we have y nz
Therefore, the refractive index of medium z with respect to y is the ratio of the refractive index
of z with respect to air to the refractive index of y with respect to air.

11. Show that the product of the sine of angle of incidence and the refractive index of the
medium containing the incident ray is equal to the product of the sine of angle of
refraction and the refractive index of the medium containing the refracted ray.
Ans: For two different media ‘x’ and ‘y’,
Since ,

= ,
Therefore, the product of the sine of angle of incidence and the refractive index of the medium
containing the incident ray is equal to the product of the sine of angle of refraction and the
refractive index of the medium containing the refracted ray.

Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)
13. The object O is in medium ‘y’ and the observer is in medium ‘x’(air). Show that ny = (real
depth) /(apparent depth)

Ans: In Figure PO = u, PI = v and we have

Sin i = , sinr =
sin iPQ / OQ IQ
Then n = = =
sin r PQ / IQ OQ
Since P is very close to Q, IQ = PI and OQ = PO.
sin i PI v
Therefore n = = 
sin r PO u
The refractive index of the medium in which the object is situated.
1 real depth
x ny  
y nx apparent depth
Therefore the refractive index of the medium in which an object is situated is the ratio of the
real depth to the apparent depth.

14. Derive the relation between critical angle and refractive index by using Snell’s law. (or)
Show that n = and illustrate your answer. (or) The refractive index of the medium in
which the object is situated is equal to the reciprocal of the sine of the critical angle.

Ans: In the case of refraction in Figure using Snell's law

sin i
y nx Optically less
sin r r = 90°
dense medium (x)
When i = ic , r = 90°
sin i c Optically denser
Therefore y nx  medium (y)
sin 90
Since sin 90° = 1, y n x  sin i c i = ic
1 1
Since x n y x n y
y nx sin i c
The refractive index of the medium in which the object is situated is equal to the reciprocal of
the sine of the critical angle.
If medium x is air n y
sin i c
Therefore, the refractive index of the medium in which the object is situated is equal to the
reciprocal of the sine of the critical angle.

15. Show that m = = .

Ans: If OO' is the height or the size of the object and II' is the height or the size of the image, then the
magnification m is
Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)
In Figure, the triangles OO'P and II'P are similar
Therefore, '

PI = v = image distance
PO = u = object distance

When the corresponding sign conventions are used, II'

II' v II' v
 '
 or '
OO u OO u
II' v
Therefore, m= '
OO u

16. Derive the electric field intensity due to the point charge Q using Coulomb’s law.
Q + + F
Ans: By Coulomb’s law,
1 Qq
The force on q exerted by Q, F = . 2 ,
4 0 r
F 1 Q
Since E = , E =
q 4 0 r 2
where, E = electric field intensity
Q = electric charge
r = distance

17. Show that 1 NC-1 = 1 Vm-1. For which physical quantity are these units used for?

Ans: By the relation E = , the unit of E is NC-1. 1 NC-1 =

Also E = , the unit of E is Vm-1. (

1 NC-1 = 1 Vm-1 (
These units are used for electric field 1 NC-1 1 Vm-1
intensity. These units are used for electric field intensity.

18. Derive the relation between electric field intensity and potential difference for two
parallel plates having charges of equal magnitude and opposite
Ans: The work done in bringing the unit positive charge from the negative
plate to the positive plate against the force is W = Ed. +Q E -Q

By the definition of the electric potential difference, the work done in

bringing a unit positive charge from B to A is, in fact, the electric
potential difference between those two plates, V = W. d

Therefore, V = Ed (or) E = .

Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)
19. Compute the energy stored by the capacitor. (or) Derive the formula for the electrical
energy stored by the capacitor. (or) Show that W = ½ noting Vav = .
Ans: Suppose that after the capacitor is charged each conductor receives a charge of magnitude Q
and the potential difference between the conductors is V.
If the average potential difference of the capacitor before and after it is charged is
If the work done for transferring charge Q between two conductors

W = V Q = QV
This amount of work is, in fact, the electrical energy stored by the capacitor in the form of an
electric field.
Therefore the energy of the capacitor = ½ QV
Since C = Q/V, the energy, W, of the capacitor can be expressed as
W = ½ QV = ½ CV2  ½
20. Draw a parallel plate capacitor and show that C = (or) C = assuming E = .

Ans: E= and E=


Since C = ,C=

C= ( (where permittivity of a medium, permittivity of


21. Show that for three capacitor in parallel C = C1 + C2 + C3 (or) Derive the formula for
the capacitance of the equivalent capacitor when the three capacitors are connected in
Q1 C1
Ans: V = V1 = V2 = V3 + -
Q A Q2 C2 B
C  , Q = C V + -
V Q3 C3
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + -
 CV = C1V + C2V + C3V V
 C = C1 + C2 + C3

C = equivalent capacitance
The equivalent capacitance of the capacitors connected in parallel is the sum of the capacitance
of the individual capacitors.

1 1 1 1
22. Show that for three capacitor in series    (or) Derive the formula for the
C C1 C2 C3
reciprocal of the equivalent capacitance is the sum of the reciprocals of their individual
capacitances, when the capacitors are connected in series.
Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)
Ans: Q = Q1 = Q2 = Q3 +Q - Q B +Q - Q C +Q - Q
C , V C2 C3
V C C1
V = V1 + V2 + V3 V1 V2 V3
  
C C1 C2 C3
Q 1 1 1
 Q(   )
C C1 C2 C3
1 1 1 1
  
C C1 C2 C3
C = equivalent capacitance
When the capacitors are connected in series, the reciprocal of the equivalent capacitance is the
sum of the reciprocals of their individual capacitances.

23. Show that for three resistors in series R = R1+ R2 + R3 (or) Derive the formula for the
resistance of the equivalent resistors when the three resistors are connected in series.
R1 R2 R3
Ans: I = I1 = I2 = I3 A B
By Ohm’s law, V = IR I V1 V2 V3
V = V1 + V2 + V3 V
IR = IR1+ IR2 + IR3 R

R = R1+ R2 + R3
R = equivalent resistance
When the resistors are connected in series, the equivalent resistance of the reisitors connected
in series is the sum of the resistance of the individual resistors.

1 1 1 1
24. Show that for three resistors in parallel = + + (or) Derive the formula for
R R1 R2 R3
the resistance of the equivalent resistors when the three resistors are connected in
parallel. R1
Ans: V = V1 = V2 = V3 A I2 R2 B I
V I3
By Ohm’s law, V = IR , I  R3
= + +
R R1 R2 R3 R

1 1 1 1
= + +
R R1 R2 R3
R = equivalent resistance
When the resistors are connected in parallel, the reciprocal of the equivalent resistance is the
sum of the reciprocals of their individual resistances.
Dr Zaw Myo Hlaing - BSc, MSc, MRes, PhD(Physics), MSc(Computer Science)

25. Show that W .

Ans: Since the work done or the electrical energy W produced by the battery is W = QV,
W = V It ( Q = It)
W = I2Rt ( V = IR)

W= (

26. Show that P = .

Ans: If the work W is done in the time t, then the electrical power P =
Since W = QV = V It = I2Rt = t,
P =VI (or) P = I2 R (or) P =

27. Show that H = = .

Ans: The work done or the electrical energy W supplied by the battery is transformed into heat in
the resistor R, Suppose that the amount of heat produced by the resistor R is H. The work done
W is related to the amount of heat H as follows.

H = where J is a constant called Joule's mechanical equivalent of heat.

When W = VIt = I2 Rt = ( I = V/R)

Therefore H = =

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