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Day 7: China Is A Technocracy

Thanks to early members of the Trilateral Commission, China was

brought out of its dark ages Communist dictatorship and onto the world
stage. Furthermore, the Trilateral Commission orchestrated and then
facilitated a massive transfer of technology to China in order to build up
its non-existent infrastructure.

Professor Antony C. Sutton and I co-authored Trilaterals Over

Washington, Volumes I and II between 1978 and 1979, and in those
books we thoroughly documented the so-called “China trade”:

Trilaterals propose to build up Communist China. Trilateralist policy

is clear cut. The West must aid the construction of Communist
China: this is expressed in An Overview of East-West Relations (Tri-
angle Paper No. 15, 1978, p. 57) as follows:

“To grant China favorable conditions in economic relations is defi-

nitely in the political interest of the West” adding “…there seems to
exist sufficient ways for aiding China in acceptable forms with
advanced civilian technology.”
Triangle paper 15 also adds:

“The situation is different… where arms supplies or advanced mili-

tary technologies are concerned, except for types of equipment that
by their nature serve purely defensive purposes.” (p. 58)

In fact, as we shall see later, Trilateral firms have exported even

advanced military technology to Communist China.

Further, as part of one world, Trilateralists see an ultimate merging

of free enterprise Taiwan with the Communist mainland. Even more
remarkable, the paper envisages that Communist China will return
to an expansionist aggressive policy under two conditions:

1. as Communist China “gets stronger,”

2. if relations with the Soviets are “normalized.”

The paper adds, “already now, the activity of Communist Guerrillas

in Thailand and Malaysia, linked to each other and looking to China,
persists and even seem to be on the increase.” (page 59)

So far as Communist China is concerned, we may conclude that


want to build Communist China into a military

wish to do this with the full and clear understanding that
China will likely resume its expansionist course in the
Far East, and
are willing to subsidize guerrilla activities in Thailand
and Malaysia (much of the “civilian technology” cur-
rently being transferred has usefulness for guerrilla

In hindsight, it’s clear that we absolutely nailed the issue. It wasn’t that
we were so smart but that we were simply reading what they themselves
wrote and then we reported on it.

It has been widely noted that China was initially brought into the
mainstream of global trade by Trilateral Commission co-founder
Zbigniew Brzezinski. As a failed Communist dictatorship, China was a
blank slate with over 1.2 billion citizens under its control. However,
Chinese leadership knew nothing about capitalism and free enterprise,
and Brzezinski made no effort to teach them about it. Instead, he planted
seeds of Technocracy.

Once diplomatic relations were normalized with China, global

corporations connected to the Trilateral Commission rushed in to build
infrastructure, factories, educational facilities, financial centers, etc. In
the 20-year period from 1980 to 2000, a transformation took place that
was considered nothing short of an economic miracle; but it was not of
China’s doing. Rather, it can be fully attributed to the masters of
Technocracy within the ranks of the Trilateral Commission.

In 2001, an article appeared in Time Magazine. The editor of Time,

Hedley Donovan, was a founding member of the Trilateral Commission,
and his publication was one of several media outlets that collaborated
with Trilateral initiatives. The article, Made in China: The Revenge of the
Nerds accurately and plainly revealed what had taken place during the
prior 20 years:

The nerds are running the show in today’s China. In the twenty
years since Deng Xiaoping’s reforms kicked in, the composition of
the Chinese leadership has shifted markedly in favor of tech-
nocrats. …It’s no exaggeration to describe the current regime as
a technocracy.

After the Maoist madness abated and Deng Xiaoping inaugurated

the opening and reforms that began in late 1978, scientific and
technical intellectuals were among the first to be rehabili-
tated. Realizing that they were the key to the Four Modernizations
embraced by the reformers, concerted efforts were made to bring
the “experts” back into the fold.

During the 1980s, technocracy as a concept was much talked about,

especially in the context of so-called “Neo-
Authoritarianism” — the principle at the heart of the “Asian
Developmental Model” that South Korea, Singapore, and
Taiwan had pursued with apparent success. The basic beliefs
and assumptions of the technocrats were laid out quite
plainly: Social and economic problems were akin to engi-
neering problems and could be understood, addressed, and
eventually solved as such.

The open hostility to religion that Beijing exhibits at times — most

notably in its obsessive drive to stamp out the “evil cult” of Falun
Gong — has pre-Marxist roots. Scientism underlies the post-Mao
technocracy, and it is the orthodoxy against which heresies are
measured. [Emphasis added]

I will take momentary leave to request that my skeptics and critics stop
insisting that China is a Communist dictatorship and not a Technocracy.
Can you just read the article above?

China’s Technocracy In Full Bloom

Today’s China is a scientific dictatorship nightmare. With 600 million
facial recognition cameras to be installed by 2020, China will have one
monitoring camera for every seven citizens and facial recognition
Artificial Intelligence software to instantly locate, identify and track
everyone. In short, China is totally obsessed with surveillance and
absolute control over its population using state-of-the-art technology.

Here are some examples of Technocracy at work in China:

China’s Social Credit Scoring system registers all citizens, their

activities and their behavior in order to deny or award privileges.
Citizens cannot purchase a new cell phone without first providing a
facial scan and other identification information.

Companies in China, regardless of national origin, are also assigned

Social Credit scores in order to control their behavior. All companies are
required to install government-accessed cameras within their own
offices and factories.

China supports “anything goes” genetic engineering on plants, animals

and humans.
China intends to dominate space and space travel, having recently
landed an exploration vehicle on the dark side of the moon. It is already
testing a Mars lander and pledges to colonize the red planet.

China currently leads the world in 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of

Things, Quantum Computing, and it intends to dominate all areas of
science and technology.

China is aggressively exporting its surveillance technology to nations

around the world, in an effort to establish its Technocracy as widely as

The list goes on, but the evidence supports the analysis: China is a full-
blown Technocracy and it is the first of its kind on planet earth, thanks
to the clever manipulation and support of Western elites like the
Trilateral Commission. Furthermore, its intentional Technocracy is
spreading like a cancer to other nations, including India, Asia, Europe,
Africa and South America. The combined population of China and India
alone represents over 36 percent of world population; by comparison,
the number of people living under Marxist-style governments is very

In conclusion, the clear and present danger to world domination is not

any kind of Marxist derivative, but rather neo-authoritarian
Technocracy. Living under such a system will be far more oppressive
and painful than Socialism, Communism or Fascism.

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