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Your Trusted Partner all the Time

MW Solution for Rise RFP

5G*800 sites

16th Apr 2019

1/12/2020 1 Highly Confidential
MW Design Criteria (Main/Major cities)

WL Scope: LastMile* Non scope: Lastmile

300~700 E-Band SA (1.5Gbps SDB (1.5Gbps 1+0 E- 2+0 XPIC 56Mhz
1+0 XPIC K-band for Major/1+0 E- 1+0/3Gbps 1+0 XPIC E-band for band/3Gbps 1+0 XPIC E-band 150~300Mbps(56Mhz)
band or SDB for Main if existing is 1+0
5G 3.7GHz) for 5G 3.7GHz) Dual band 1.4Gbps
and need HW modernize
Antenna for 15G/18/23/38GHz
Depend on Utilization
4CC/L800/MM for 5G<2Km 2Km<5G<5Km 5G>5Km (exceed 60%)

• Notes: For E-band configuration : 0.3m antenna to use for distance which less than or equal 1km and 0.6m antenna to be use for distance which greater than 1km ~5km
• For south and central region: 1+0 XPC 56Mhz to be use as lastmile in Massive MIMO sites

Aggregation links FTK sites

 Links configuration is 1+0 XPIC
Main Major
Currnet links is less than 2+0 XPIC  Current links is less than 2+0 XPIC
A. ≤ 2km : 1+0 E-band stand alone Aggregation links to be upgraded into 2+0 XPIC
B. 2km≤ x ≤ 5km: 1+0 E-band with  If links is 2+0 XPIC
existing links (SDB: 1+0 E-band + Existing configuration) Aggregation links : to be upgrade by 56Hz
A. > 5Km : K-band 2+0 XPIC
 If links is 2+0 XPIC
Capacity: to be upgrade by 56Hz

All dismantling to be reused for the expansion/modernize ODU/FTK sites

1/12/2020 2 Highly Confidential

Availability 99.999% @ 128QAM/28Mhz for K-band and 99.995% @16QAM/500MHz for E-band
Fade Margin 30dB and above @ 128QAM/28Mhz for K-band and 25dB@16QAM/500MHz for E-band
Frequency Bands Follow CITC roles and using 7GHz, 13GHz, 15GHz, 18GHz,23GHz, 32GHz ,38GHz .80GHz
Protection 1+1 SD: 7&13GHz and Depending upon terrain roughness
MW Features highest Modulation, AM, and L1 LAG enabling in all new IDU
Antenna UHP range from 0.3m to 2.4m

MW Assumption
 At the network delivery and Implementation stage, the initial Microwave planning needs to be modified accordingly after a detailed LOS survey. The scope of the
Microwave will be changed based on the new detailed planning result
 All the frequency resource is considered enough to avoid the interference and accommodate required frequency for high configuration links
 There is enough interface and capacity in fiber nodes for MW aggregation.
 The planning is based on the assumption that there is enough space on all the towers (collocated and sharing) and can bear the load of newly introduced equipment.
 The planning will consider the existing/2019 plan fiber nodes and FTTM, so if there is any change in fiber node list that will be reflected on BoQ and price will be change.
 There is available space to Install/HLD RTN980 Racks in fiber nodes & Hub sites.
 The planning is based on the assumption that E-band links will be Install on minimum height to avoid any fluctuation on the links especially on monopole

1/12/2020 3 Highly Confidential

Main cities: DDK
Rise Scope Expansion links

Cards and ODU need to be replace by Link configuration Qty Action

80G_RTN380AX 1+0 XPIC_0.6m/0.3m & 38G_XMC3_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 12 Install/HLD E-band + Install/HLD New K-band
Type Qty
80G_RTN380AX 1+0_0.6m/0.3m & 23G_XM3_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 23 Install/HLD E-band + Install/HLD New K-band
CSHOF 226 80G_RTN380AX_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 10 Install/HLD E-band with Existing k-band
CSHUF 678 80G_RTN380AX_1+0 _0.6M 62 Install/HLD E-band with Existing k-band
80G_RTN380AX_1+0 XPIC_0.3m 15 Install/HLD E-band
80G_RTN380AX_1+0_0.6m 168 Install/HLD E-band
EX1 123 80G_RTN380AX_1+0_0.3m 120 Install/HLD E-band
ISV3 86 80G_RTN380AX_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 9 Install/HLD E-band
ODU 32 13G_XMC3_2*(1+1SD) 3 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
13G_XMC3_2+0_XPIC 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
Grand Total 1274 15G_XMC3_2+0_XPIC 0 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
18G_XMC3_2+0_XPIC 3 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
23G_XMC3_2+0_XPIC 2 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
7G_XMC3_2*(1+1SD) 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
15G_XMC3_128Q_56M_1..4G_2+0 XPIC_0.9m 1 install/HLD k-band
FTK sites
15G_XMC3_128Q_56M_600M_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 32 install/HLD k-band
15G_XMC3_128Q_56M_600M_1+0 XPIC_0.9M 1 install/HLD k-band
Links Configuration Qty Action 15G_XMC3_128Q_56M_600M_2+0 XPIC_1.2m 1 install/HLD k-band
RTN 950A (32G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 0.6m S 0.6m) 7 18G_XMC3_128Q_56M_1.4G_2+0 XPIC_0.9M 4 install/HLD k-band
Install/HLD new
RTN 950A (38G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 0.3m S 0.3m) 8 18G_XMC3_128Q_56M_600M_1+0 XPIC_0.9M 6 install/HLD k-band
links + HLD + LOS
23G_XMC3_128Q_56M_1.4G_2+0 XPIC_0.6M 5 install/HLD k-band
RTN 950A (38G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 0.6m S 0.6m) 40 services 23G_XMC3_128Q_56M_600M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 16 install/HLD k-band
SW upgrade 200Mbps 128 SW capacity upgrade
MW traffic Shifting 98 Services
Dimsantling ,traffic shifting ,packing and transport IDU to the warehouse in Riyadh 130 Services
Links to be dismantled Installation and Commissioning for RTN IDU for Split MW, per Pcs 70 Services
Service request, for 3rd Party or FON-FON migration (includes cabling) per SOR 200 Services

1/12/2020 4 Highly Confidential

Main cities: Madinah
Rise Scope Expansion links

Proposed Configuration QTY Action

Cards and ODU need to be replace by 13G 2+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 0.9m S 0.9m 1 Install/HLD K-band
Type Qty 15G 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 0.9m S 0.9m 54 Install/HLD K-band
CSHOF 285 15G 1+1 SD XPIC 400M Dual S 0.9m + S 0.9m S 0.9m + S 0.9m 1 Install/HLD K-band
CSHUF 324 15G 2*(1+1 SD) XPIC 400M Dual S 1.2m + S S 1.2m 1 Install/HLD K-band
CSHUN 56 18G 2+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 0.9m S 0.9m 1 Install/HLD K-band
EG04+ EX1 248 23G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual C 0.9m C 0.9m) 16 Install/HLD K-band
ODU 340 23G 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.9m C 0.9m 2 Install/HLD K-band
Grand Total 1253 23G 2+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 0.9m S 0.9m 2 Install/HLD K-band
38G 2+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 0.6m S 0.6m 11 Install/HLD K-band
15G 4+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 0.9m 1 Install/HLD K-band
80G_1+0_RTN380AX_0.3m 49 Install/HLD E-band
FTK sites 80G_1+0_RTN380AX_0.6m 74 Install/HLD E-band
80G_1+0_RTN380AX_0.6m SDB 59 Install/HLD E-band with Existing k-band
Links Configuration Qty Action 80G_RTN380AX 1+0_0.6m & 23G_XM3_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 2 Install/HLD E-band + Install/HLD New K-band
SW Upgrade to 56MHz 38 SW capacity upgrade
Install/HLD new MW traffic Shifting 85 Services
38G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0XPIC_0.3 5 links + HLD + LOS
Dimsantling ,traffic shifting ,packing and transport IDU to the
38G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0XPIC_0.6) 25 services 90
warehouse in Riyadh Services
Installation and Commissioning for RTN IDU for Split MW, per
Links to be dismantled Pcs Services
Service request, for 3rd Party or FON-FON migration (includes
cabling) per SOR Services

1/12/2020 5 Highly Confidential

Main cities: DDK
1. Pre-Rise scope 2. Golden Cluster

Item Quantity Action Item Quantity Action

RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 Dual 0.6m 0.6m) Install/HLD 1+0 E-band with existing K- RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 XPIC Dual)+ K-band 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.6m 6
13 Dismantle 1+0 0.6m link and
SDB upgrade band RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 XPIC Dual)+ K-band 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.6m 12
Install/HLD SDB( 1+0 XPIC E-
Dismantle 1+0 0.6m link and Install/HLD RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 XPIC Dual)+ K-band 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.6m 2 band& 1+0XPIC k-band
RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 Dual 0.3m 0.3m) 38
1+0 E-band
Cards swap 2129 Dismantle Cards and Install new cards Dismantle Cards and
EG04 + EX1 52 Install/HLD new cards

3. Massive MIMIO sites

Item Quantity Action

RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 XPIC Dual)+ K-band Install/HLD 1+0 E-band with new K-
1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.6m-SDB band

RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 Dual 0.3m 0.3m) 2 Dismantle 1+0 0.6m link and Install/HLD
1+0 E-band

1/12/2020 6 Highly Confidential

Main cities: Madinah
1. Pre-Rise scope 2. Golden Cluster
Item Quantity Action Item Quantity Action
Install/HLD 1+0 E-band with RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 XPIC Dual)+ K-band 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.6m 8
RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 Dual 0.6m 0.6m) SDB upgrade 3 Dismantle 1+0 0.6m
existing K-band RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 XPIC Dual)+ K-band 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.6m 2
Dismantle 1+0 0.6m link and link and install SDB(
RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 Dual 0.3m 0.3m) 3 RTN 380AX (4000M 1+0 XPIC Dual)+ K-band 1+0 XPIC 400M Dual C 0.6m 3 1+0 XPIC E-band&
Install/HLD 1+0 E-band
1+0XPIC k-band
RTN 950A (15G 4+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 1.2m S 1.2m Sub AA) 1 Dismantle 1+0 1.2m link and
RTN 950A (18G 4+0 XPIC 400M Dual S 1.8m + S 1.8m ) 1 install/HLD 1+0 K-band EG04 + EX1 54 Dismantle Cards and
Dismantle Cards and Install new install new cards
Cards swap
457 cards

1/12/2020 7 Highly Confidential

Major cities: Central region
Rise Scope
Expansion links
Cards and ODU need to be replace by Proposed Configuration QTY Action
Type Qty 13G_XMC2_128Q_28M_182M_2*(1+1SD)_XPIC_1.2M 1 Install/HLD k-band
CSHOF 450 13G_XMC2_128Q_28M_182M_2*(1+1SD)_XPIC_1.8M 2 Install/HLD k-band
15G_XMC3_128Q_56M_322M_1+0 XPIC_1.2M 13 Install/HLD k-band
15G_XMC3_256Q_56M_368M_2+0 XPIC_1.2M 3 Install/HLD k-band
18G_XMC3_128Q_56M_322M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 1 Install/HLD k-band
EG04 313 18G_XMC3_128Q_56M_322M_1+0 XPIC_1.2M 0 Install/HLD k-band
ODU 106 18G_XMC3_256Q_56M_368M_2+0 XPIC_0.6M 2 Install/HLD k-band
Grand Total 1346 18G_XMC3_256Q_56M_368M_2+0 XPIC_1.2M 1 Install/HLD k-band
23G_XMC3_128Q_56M_322M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 0 Install/HLD k-band
23G_XMC3_256Q_56M_368M_2+0 XPIC_0.6M 2 Install/HLD k-band
23G_XMC3_256Q_56M_368M_2+0 XPIC_0.9M 4 Install/HLD k-band
38G_XMC2_128Q_56M_322M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 0 Install/HLD k-band
38G_XMC3_128Q_56M_322M_1+0 XPIC_0.3M 18 Install/HLD k-band
Links to be dismantled 38G_XMC3_128Q_56M_322M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 7 Install/HLD k-band
7G_XMC2H_128Q_56M_322M_2*(1+1SD)XPIC_1.2M 1 Install/HLD k-band
7G_XMC2H_256Q_28M_182M_2*(1+1SD) XPIC_0.9M 1 Install/HLD k-band
7G_XMC2H_256Q_28M_182M_2*(1+1SD) XPIC_1.2M 1 Install/HLD k-band
MW traffic Shifting 24 Services
SW Upgrade to 56MHz 131 SW capacity upgrade
Dimsantling ,traffic shifting ,packing and transport IDU to the warehouse in
Riyadh Services
Installation and Commissioning for RTN IDU for Split MW, per Pcs 160 Services

1/12/2020 8 Highly Confidential

Major cities: South region
Expansion links
Rise Scope
Link configuration Qty Action
SW upgrade 196 SW capacity upgrade
Installation and Commissioning for Additional Antenna for Split MW, per Antenna 18 install antenna
Cards and ODU need to be replace by Installation and Commissioning for Anddtional Antenna for Split MW SD, per 2 Antennas 8 install antenna
Dismantling and transport to the Mobily warehouse or an other site for Antennas for
Type Qty Split MW, per Antenna 34 Dismantle Antenna
CSHOF 134 18G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_0.9M 81 install/HLD k-band
CSHUF 602 18G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_1.2M 9 install/HLD k-band
18G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_2+0 XPIC_1.2M 1 install/HLD k-band
CSHUN 237 23G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 13 install/HLD k-band
EG04+ EX1 333 23G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_0.9M 6 install/HLD k-band
ODU 722 23G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_2+0 XPIC_0.6M 2 install/HLD k-band
Grand Total 2028 32G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_0.3M 1 install/HLD k-band
32G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 3 install/HLD k-band
38G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_0.3M 83 install/HLD k-band
38G_XMC3_258Q_56M_332M_1+0 XPIC_0.6M 40 install/HLD k-band
15G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.9m 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
Links to be dismantled 15G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_1.2m 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
18G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
23G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
23G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.9m 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
32G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.3m 5 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
32G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 11 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
38G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.3m 10 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
38G_XMC3_128Q_28M_161M_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 20 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
38G_XMC3_128Q_56M_323M_1+0 XPIC_0.6m 1 partial upgrade from 1+0 XPIC to 2+0 XPIC(install +HLD)
MW traffic Shifting 229 Services
Dimsantling ,traffic shifting ,packing and transport IDU to the warehouse in Riyadh 230 Services
Installation and Commissioning for RTN IDU for Split MW, per Pcs 170 Services
Service request, for 3rd Party or FON-FON migration (includes cabling) per SOR 500 Services

1/12/2020 9 Highly Confidential

66 sites E// swap
Expansion links
Design criteria of swap sites Item Quantity Action
13G 1+1 SD XPIC 200M Dual C 1.2m + C 1.2m 2 install/HLD k-band
13G 1+1 SD XPIC 200M Dual C 1.8m + C 1.8m 1 install/HLD k-band
13G 1+1 SD 200M Dual C 1.2m + C 1.2m 6 install/HLD k-band
A. Last Mile: 360 Mbps @ 28Mhz 1+0 XPIC 13G 1+1 SD 200M Dual C 1.8m + C 1.8m 2 install/HLD k-band
B. Aggregation link : need to consider below average capacity 13G 2*(1+1 SD) XPIC 200M Dual S 1.2m + S S 1.2m 3 install/HLD k-band
for each technologies as table in aggregation links : 13G 2*(1+1 SD) XPIC 200M Dual S 1.8m + S S 1.8m 5 install/HLD k-band
15G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual C 1.2m C 1.2m 3 install/HLD k-band
15G 1+0 200M Dual C 1.2m C 1.2m 4 install/HLD k-band
2G= 5Mbps,U900=15Mbps ,3G=25,FDD=50Mbs,TDD=80Mbps 15G 2+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 1.2m S 1.2m 7 install/HLD k-band
15G 2+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 1.8m S 1.8m 1 install/HLD k-band
18G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual C 0.9m C 0.9m 1 install/HLD k-band
18G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual C 1.2m C 1.2m 1 install/HLD k-band
18G 1+0 200M Dual C 0.9m C 0.9m 7 install/HLD k-band
18G 1+0 200M Dual C 1.2m C 1.2m 3 install/HLD k-band
18G 2+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 0.9m S 0.9m 2 install/HLD k-band
18G 2+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 1.2m S 1.2m 6 install/HLD k-band
23G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual C 0.6m C 0.6m 3 install/HLD k-band
Links to be dismantled 23G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual C 0.9m C 0.9m 1 install/HLD k-band
23G 1+0 200M Dual C 0.6m C 0.6m 3 install/HLD k-band
23G 2+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 0.6m S 0.6m 2 install/HLD k-band
23G 2+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 0.9m S 0.9m 4 install/HLD k-band
38G 1+0 XPIC 200M Dual C 0.3m C 0.3m 1 install/HLD k-band
38G 1+0 200M Dual C 0.3m C 0.3m 1 install/HLD k-band
38G 1+0 200M Dual C 0.6m C 0.6m 1 install/HLD k-band
38G 2+0 XPIC 200M Dual S 0.6m S 0.6m 1 install/HLD k-band
7G 1+1 SD XPIC 200M Dual C 1.2m + C 1.2m 2 install/HLD k-band
7G 1+1 SD 200M Dual C 1.2m + C 1.2m 3 install/HLD k-band
7G 1+1 SD 200M Dual C 1.8m + C 1.8m 2 install/HLD k-band
7G 2*(1+1 SD) XPIC 200M Dual S 1.2m + S S 1.2m 1 install/HLD k-band
7G 2*(1+1 SD) XPIC 200M Dual S 1.8m + S S 1.8m 1 install/HLD k-band
install Rack 49 install
LOS 44 Services

1/12/2020 10 Highly Confidential

MW scope : Common
OSS : NCE Management + analyser
LOS Obstacles :
 Dismantle existing U20001+1 and uTraffic 1+0
Scope Qty
Link configuration Qty MW LOS 80
NCE 1+1 1 Redirection Services for Split MW (half Link dismantling, half
Link reinstallation, realignment) , per Link
NE SW release upgrade :
 SW release upgrade for 1 year AM Features:
SW Scope Qty
MW SW release upgrade 8237 AM Features ER NR CR SR
Qty 123 290 1049 921
Site relocation :
 135 Sites Relocation MW

Scope Qty
Sites Relocation MW 135

1/12/2020 11 Highly Confidential

E-band scenario
5G site(3.7GHz)
10 GE
Add 380AX links and
dismantle existing link

Same logic for other IDU like RTN950 and RTN980 also if the existing links are XPIC 10 GE
5G site(2.6GHz)
10 GE
Add 380AX links and
dismantle existing link

Same logic for other IDU like RTN950 and RTN980 also if the existing links are XPIC 10 GE

1/12/2020 12 Highly Confidential

SDB scenario
5G site(3.7GHz) EBAND
10 GE XMC3
Add 380AX links
with existing link

Same logic for other IDU like RTN950 and RTN980 also if the existing links are XPIC
4G BBU RTN950A 10 GE

5G site(2.6GHz)
10 GE XMC3
Add 380AX links
with existing link

Same logic for other IDU like RTN950 and RTN980 also if the existing links are XPIC
4G BBU RTN950A 10 GE

1/12/2020 13 Highly Confidential

K-band upgrade Scenario

1+0 XPIC 2+0 XPIC
Upgrade existing link into 2+0- XPIC and reuse XMC-3 P
dismantled links for FTK or modernize Existing
Same logic for other IDU like RTN950 and RTN980 EG04
RTN950A GE also if the existing links are high configuration XPIC


1/12/2020 14 Highly Confidential

RTN380AX: Industry 1st E-band XPIC, throughput up to 20Gbps
10G E-band: RTN 380AX For extreme high capacity usage

XPIC 10GE(o) combo

RTN 380AX Throughput (Gbps) 20



250MHz&1024QAM 500MHz&512QAM 2000MHz&64QAM 2000MHz&64QAM&XPIC


 Highest spectral efficiency (1024QAM) , 2.2Gbps@250MHz

Specifications RTN 380 AX  20Gbps per carrier(2000MHz, XPIC), leading in the industry
Frequency 71~76/81~86GHz
Channel Bandwidth 62.5/125/250/500/750/1000/1500/2000 MHz
Industry 1st E-band XPIC, double capacity with same
Max. Throughput 10Gbps
Modulations Schemes BPSK~1024QAM
frequency fee
Service Interface 2*10GE(SFP)+2*GE
SDB (super dual band) Yes (as master or slave)
CPRI Support Yes E-band XPIC
XPIC Support Yes V 20Gb/s V
Power Consumption 60W (typical)
Dimensions 285*265*73 mm H
Weights 4.5Kg H
Power Supply P&E 10Gb/s
0.2 m, 0.3 m, and 0.6 m dish antennas/0.3 m flat
Antenna Options antenna/0.6m dual-band antenna/0.3m and 0.6m dual 10Gb/s
pol. antenna

1/12/2020 15 Highly Confidential

RTN 950A All Service Interface In One Controller
GE3/STM-1-1 GE4/STM-1-2 10GE1 10GE2



System Control Switching and service access board

Slot5: backplane bus 2*2.5Gbps Slot6: backplane bus 2*2.5Gbps
Slot3: backplane bus 2*2.5Gbps Slot4: backplane bus 2*2.5Gbps
Slot1: backplane bus 10Gbps Slot2: backplane bus 10Gbps

Main Features Radio Capability: Service Interfaces :

• Bandwidth Accelerator + XPIC = Max. capacity: 2G bps/carrier • 10 RF • FE, GE (e/o),10GE(O),
• PLA/EPLA,SDB • 1+1SD/FD/HSB / 2+0 / XPIC • 16/32E1, STM-1 (Native and CES)
• IEEE 1588V2 full mode (OC/TC/BC) . • 7 / 14 / 28 / 40 / 56/112/224 MHz Dimensions:
• 442 x 44 x 220 mm (W x H x D)
• OAM: 802.1ag, 802.3ah, Y.1731, MPLS-TP • CA,MIMO

• USB interface site startup. Switching Capacity:

• uses a card plug-in design • 90Gbps
• TDM/Hybrid/Packet/Routing unified platform

1/12/2020 16 Page 3316 Highly Confidential

RTN 980 - Highest Integration Nodal Packet MW


10GE(SFP) 2*STM-1/4 2*GE(E)

Slot 13: backplane bus 2*2.5G Slot 14: backplane bus 2*2.5G
Slot 11: backplane bus 2*2.5G Slot 12: backplane bus 2*2.5G
Slot 9: backplane bus 2*2.5G Slot 10: backplane bus 2*2.5G
System Control and Switching (CSHNU)
Slot 7: backplane bus 2*2.5G Slot 8: backplane bus 2*2.5G
System Control and Switching (CSHNU)
Slot 5: backplane bus 2*2.5G Slot 6: backplane bus 2*2.5G
Slot 3: backplane bus 2*2.5G Slot 4: backplane bus 2*2.5G
Slot 1: backplane bus 10G Slot 2: backplane bus 10G

Main Features Radio Capability: Service Interfaces :

• Bandwidth Accelerator + XPIC = Max. capacity: 2G bps/carrier • 20 RF • FE, GE (e/o),10GE(O),
• 1+1 / 2+0 / XPIC • 16/32E1, STM-1 (Native and
• IEEE 1588V2 full mode (OC/TC/BC) .
• 7 / 14 / 28 / 40 / 56/112/224 MHz CES)
• QPSK - 8192QAM Dimensions:
• OAM: 802.1ag, 802.3ah, Y.1731, MPLS-TP
• USB interface site startup. • 442 x 44 x 220 mm (W x H x D)
• uses a card plug-in design Switching Capacity:
• TDM/Hybrid/Packet/Routing unified platform • 120Gbps

1/12/2020 17 Highly Confidential

RTN 950 The Most Powerful Convergence IDU In the Industry.


Control, switching and timing board : 1+1 backup

System Control and Switching System Control and Switching
Slot5: backplane bus 10Gbps Slot6: backplane bus 2*2.5Gbps
Slot3: backplane bus 10Gbps Slot4: backplane bus 2*2.5Gbps
Slot1: backplane bus 10 Gbit/s Slot2: backplane bus 10 Gbit/s

Main Features Basic Specifications

• Bandwidth Accelerator + XPIC = Max. capacity: 2G bps/carrier Radio Feature: Service Intefaces:
• PLA/EPLA,SDB • FE, GE (e/o), 10GE(o)
• 8 RF
• IEEE 1588V2 full mode (OC/TC/BC) . • 1+1 / 2+0 / XPIC • 16/32E1, STM-1 (Native and
• SNCP, ERPS, STP/RSTP/MSTP, APS 1:1, ETH LAG. • 7 / 14 / 28 / 40 / 56/112 /224MHz CES)
• OAM: 802.1ag, 802.3ah, Y.1731, MPLS-TP • QPSK - 8192QAM
• USB interface site startup. • CA,MIMO Dimensions:
• uses a card plug-in design Switch Capacity • 442 x 44 x 220 mm (W x H x D)
• TDM/Hybrid/Packet/Routing unified platform • 120Gbps

1/12/2020 18 Highly Confidential

10GE Interface, Less Fiber and Easy Expansion
Problem 10GE Solution and its Benefits
3rd CDN 10GE
EPC interface

RTN 980/RTN 980L

Bandwidth > 1G
Now or future  EX1 supports 10GE Line speed
 leading 10GE Solution help you to
resolve the high capacity

EX1: 10GE interface card

• need 2 or more GE interfaces • Less Fiber:only one fiber for 10Gbps instead of N(up to 10) fibers of GE..
and fibers.
• Carefree upgrade when bandwidth increased: No need to change the fiber
• Weak Balance: only L2LAG for
connection when the capacity within 10Gbps, so 10GE card is better for the hub
Ethernet port.
• Adding fiber if capacity > site.
1Gbps. • More “Balance”than GE: Single fiber for 10GE, no need balance technology

1/12/2020 19 Highly Confidential

Thank You

Copyright©2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

The information contained in this document is for reference purpose only, and is subject to change or withdrawal
according to specific customer requirements and conditions.

1/12/2020 20 Highly Confidential

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