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Setting Goals

Throughout this course, you have gone through the process of Education and Career/Life

Setting and revising goals is a healthy habit. It is important to plan how you intend to achieve goals in the
short term as well as the long term. The focus of this course has been on Education and Career/Life
planning. Now it is time to set some goals.

What is your long-term goal? In ten years I see myself…

Working a good sustainable job to support my future family

What is your short-term goal? In the next 3 years, I see myself…

Having good enough grades to be able to qualify for a scholarship

In order to get yourself there, you will set a series of goals. Complete the chart below in as much detail
as possible. To get you started, use the suggestions to get you thinking.
My Goals…
Personal Social
(wellness and stress management, volunteering, (extra-curricular club, sport or group)
your interests, passions and values)

Achieving good grades while still being social and Be in at least one club or team each year of high
not overloaded school and university

Educational Career/Life
(course selections, personal profile) (part-time work, networking, experiences)

Staying in academic through all of the school and Having a good enough parttime job to be able to
still achieve good grades go into university with as much money as possible

(savings, credit building, borrowing, living within your means)

Have a good enough job to stay with as little debt possible through all of the schoolings and just out of

Reflection: In a format of your choice, answer the following questions.

● Why is it important to review and evaluate your choices and goals, and possibly revise them on a
regular basis?
It is important to revise them so that you can keep them in mind and keep them reasonable to
what you can do
● What have you asked yourself in order to assess if you were on a path that would get you closer
to your goal?
I asked myself things like is it possible to keep this achievable for me to achieve with all of the
other things I like to do
● What did you learn about yourself and about areas you may need to work on?

I learned that I need to have more of a schedule to keep on track with all of the things that I would
like to do
● How was this information helpful in identifying or rethinking your goals?
I found this helpful to rethinking my goals because I never really had that many goals set before
this because I had never really thought about things like this in this kind of detail before

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