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The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to three London Museums
between 2007 and 2012.

Exercise 1
Identifying Data

Identify Graph 15 above by completing the table below. You may draw a pyramid to
help you understand the data.

General Data: People Visited Three London Museums

Data A: Single (People in London)

Data B: Multi (visited National Gallery, Victoria &Albert Museum, British Museum)

Type: Dynamic, Single-Multi

Place: London

Time: 2007-2012

Unit: Millions of Visitors

What to Report: Comparison and Trend (Change)

Reporting Style: Descending Order and Chronological Order

Language: Language of Comparison and of Change

Exercise 4
Sentence Completion

Complete the sentences below with appropriate words and/or data available in the
given list.

1. In addition, there was a significant increase in the number of visitors of National

Gallery over the whole six-year period, with the figure finishing at almost 16 million.

2. The former number doubled and the latter rose by more than 50%, finishing at
14.5 and 40 million respectively.

3. However, there was a gradual upward trend in the number of visitors of both British
Museum and Victoria and Albert from 2010 to 2012.

4. while that of British Museum, dropped significantly by 50%, from 12 million to 6

million and remained at this level in 2009.

5. In detail, in the first two years of the period, the number of visitors of Victoria and
Albert Museum remained stable at 13.5 million, and then fell to 9 million in 2010,

6. Overall, what stands out from the graph is there was a gradual upward trend in the
number of visitors of the National Gallery, which became the most visited museum
from being at last place, while the Victoria and Albert Museum followed the
opposite trend.

7. The bar chart illustrates information about how many people per year visited three
London museums over six-year period from 2007 to 2012.

List of Words and Data

A. how many people per year visited three London museums

B. gradual upward trend
C. the opposite trend
D. remained stable
E. fell
F. dropped significantly
G. this level
H. from 2010 to 2012
I. doubled
J. by more than 50%
K. the figure finishing
Exercise 5
Report Completion

Combine the sentences you have completed in Exercise 4 into a complete report
with a correct and logical order.

7. The bar chart illustrates information about how many people per year visited three
London museums over six-year period from 2007 to 2012.

6. Overall, what stands out from the graph is there was a gradual upward trend in the
number of visitors of the National Gallery, which became the most visited museum
from being at last place, while the Victoria and Albert Museum followed the
opposite trend.

5. In detail, in the first two years of the period, the number of visitors of Victoria and
Albert Museum remained stable at 13.5 million, and then fell to 9 million in 2010,

4. while that of British Museum, dropped significantly by 50%, from 12 million to 6

million and remained at this level in 2009.

3. However, there was a gradual upward trend in the number of visitors of both British
Museum and Victoria and Albert from 2010 to 2012.

2. The former number doubled and the latter rose by more than 50%, finishing at
14.5 and 40 million respectively.

1. In addition, there was a significant increase in the number of visitors of National

Gallery over the whole six-year period, with the figure finishing at almost 16

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