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SGD for NCD and Disease Occurrence

Group 4

Dela Cruz, Gaudine
Patel, Maulik Kumar
A. Data
 60 males and 67 females
 42 had blood pressure of 120/80; 4 had systolic pressure of 130 and above while 12 had
diastolic pressure of more than 90.
 8 were smokers
 74 with history of alcoholic beverage intake
 Family history
o With family history of hypertension/heart disease and other related
condition : 103
o With family history of diabetes : 95
o With family history of cancer : 56
o With family history of COPD/Asthma : 17

1. Based on the limited information, assess the health condition of the class as a
whole (Concerning non-communicable diseases)

 Profile:
o General Data
Males Females Total
60 67 127

o Blood Pressure
Normal BP Elevated BP Unknown
42 16 69
33.1% of the total population have normal BP, 12.6% have
elevated BP, 54.3% unknown.

o Smokers
Smokers Unknown
8 119
6.3% of the population are smokers and 93.7% are not known.

o Alcohol
Drinks Alcohol Unknown
74 53
58.3% drinks alcohol and 41.7% are not known

o Family History
Other related Diabetes Cancer COPD/ Asthma
103 95 56 17
81% have family history of hypertension, heart diseases and other related
conditions, 74.8% have family history of diabetes, 44.1% have family history
of cancer and 13.4% have family history of COPD and asthma.
Based on the given data, 12.6% of the total population who have elevated
BP, 6.3% who are smokers, 58.3% who drinks alcohol, and those who have
family history of CVD (81%), DM (74.8%), cancer (44.1%), COPD/asthma
(13.4%) have higher risk to develop non-communicable disease assuming that
an individual has two or more risk factors.

2. Identify possible risk factors of having Non-communicable disease

Non-Modifiable Modifiable
 Age  Unhealthy diet
 Gender  High blood sugar levels
 Family History  Smoking
 Ethnicity  High blood pressure
 Prior stroke or heart attack  High cholesterol
 Physical inactivity
 Overweight
 Excessive alcohol
 Stress

3. As a medical student, come up with a project/program for the class in order to

have healthy lifestyle (3-5 years)
 Exercise program
 Cessation of smoking and drinking
 Diet
B. A study of cigarette smoking and lung cancer gave the following results: a total of 2714
subjects were observed, of the 1357 cases, 1350 that has cancer were smoking and of the
1357 control, 61 were none smoker

1. Construct a 2x2 table

With Cancer Control grp Total

Smoker 1350 1296 2646
Non-smoker 7 61 68
1357 1357
2. Compute for the relative risk

3. Compute for the odds ratio

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