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Your Challenge:

All cars that burn fossil fuels should be banned and electric cars should replace them. Do
you agree or disagree?


As a matter of fact, automobiles are consuming a numerous amount of energy resources.
Lately, there has been a heated debate over whether combustion engines be banned and
substituted by the electric ones.

State opinion and main reasons:

From my own standpoint, I believe that electric cars would be the best alternative for the gas
driven cars by dint of the benefits they bring to people’s daily lives.


Topic sentence:
Unlike gas driven cars, hybrid ones do not play the instrumental role in creating noise and air
pollution, a phenomenon causing grave concerns among authorities and citizens.

Cars generated by electricity do not produce emissions contributing to climate change,
namely carbon dioxide like a normal car does. Thus, these engines are likely to help improve
public health and reduce ecological damage.

Accordingly, this advantage is also the reason why the car industry have a preference for
manufacturing electric vehicles.

Researchers have shown that by means of introducing electric cars to the public, air and noise
pollution are bound to be reduced by 60%.


Topic sentence:
Another notable factor is that using electric vehicles do not demand for high expense but still
meet consumers’ needs.

In comparison with typical cars, hybrid cars are considered to be much more economical and
efficient in their performance.

Moreover, they gives a helping hand to provide one nation with a more diverse fuel choices
for transportation.

In the USA, putting electric cars into practice reduces the threat of price spikes and supply
disruptions on account of the power generating the cars comes from domestic and renewable


Reiterate opinion and summarise:

In a nutshell, it is shown that gasoline driven cars are advisably altered by hybrid engines by
virtue of their environmental friendliness and efficiency. Hopefully, authorities and
manufacturers will make joint efforts in order to spread the use of electric cars worldwide.

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