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Baravar Cloakshadow's higher than the modified chance of success, the

XP Value: 1,500 GP Value: 10,000 dagger has no effect (note that spells of 8th level
Monster Mythology or greater can never be affected).
His dagger +4 drips paralyzing venom that Consider all magical item effects to have the
immobilizes victims for 1d8 rounds. level of the item's creator, if known; otherwise,
use one level greater than the level of any equiva-
of Blackflame lent spell. The DM may choose to consider all
XP Value: 22,000 GP Value: 175,000 unknown defensive magic to be 7th or 8th level,
The Five Shires and all artifacts to be 12th level or greater. To act,
This normal-appearing dagger has powers quite the dagger need not be drawn or wielded. Its
different from a sword of black/lame. It is a dag- destructive nature is constant, regardless of the
ger +2 that can extinguish all flames it touches, caster's wishes, and need not be activated or
affecting a 10-foot, spherical area per round. invoked. If thrown or thrust through a barrier that
Flames caused by a continuing process, such as a it does not bring down, the blade (and wielder, if
lava flow, will reignite ld6+5 rounds after the in contact with it) suffers the magic's full normal
dagger's touch. This automatic power occurs effects. If the blade destroys the barrier, no dam-
whenever an unsheathed dagger of blackflame age is done to the wielder.
comes into contact with flames.
The dagger's flame-quenching power allows Bladestar
safe passage through flames. Note that blast XP Value: 2,700 GP Value: 27,000
effects, intense heat, and hazards such as falling Treasures of GREYHAWX
timbers can still harm creatures using the protec- Also known as the haunted dagger, this small
tion of such a weapon to pass through a burning blade is ornate, with several jewels (rubies and
building. Once every turn any absorbed sapphires) encrusted in its hilt. The metal of the
flames can be released as a spurt of flames blade is black steel, inscribed with various runes.
extending in a line up to 40 feet long from the If a detect magic spell is cast on the dagger, it
dagger's tip, by the wielder's use of a command reveals a powerful dweomer; detect evil reveals
word. All absorbed fire will be released at once; that the dagger is strongly evil. Any attempts to
none can be saved for later. If the release of fire is use an identify spell on the dagger will fail due to
unleashed as part of a physical attack, all flames the presence of the haunt.
will strike the target (add to physical damage) The night that the dagger is taken, the haunt
and will not spurt beyond it. The DM should esti- possessing the blade attacks and attempts to take
mate the fiery damage absorbed (and released) as over the person who carries it. If the owner
1d6 per round of normal fire, 10-foot radius engages the haunt in combat and reduces it to 0
absorption, and 2d6 per round of magical fire hit points, it dissipates, only to return one week
absorption. later, at which time it continues the pattern of tak-
ing over others until it finds one of compatible
Blade of Banishing alignment (any nongood alignment).
XP Value: 4,600 GP Value: 22,500 The haunt's alignment can be determined
DRAGON Magazine 169 through use of a know alignment spell. If cast
This dagger twists any magical barriers, protec- successfully, the party learns not only the align-
tions, and illusions that it touches. Whenever it ment of the haunt, but also which alignments can
grazes a being or an area under an illusion, pro- survive the haunt's attentions. The haunt is
tective magic, or magical barrier, there is a per- chaotic evil, thus its host can be of any nongood
centage chance that the dagger will destroy the alignment. Possessed characters of any good
magic. The weapon has a base 60% chance of alignment attempt suicide.
success, plus a random bonus of 1 d20%, minus The haunt's task can be found by using a
10% per level of the magic contacted (a shield spe'ak with dead spell. The spell needs to be cast
spell is a 1 st-level spell and gives a modifier of at the haunt either just after it takes form (after
-10%). Percentile dice are rolled. If the roll is dark), or while it is in the body of a suitable
less than or equal to the modified chance of suc- host. If the spell is successfully cast, Aliar
cess, the dagger destroys the magic. If the roll is Daraan reveals that he was killed only two days

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