Of Arachnid Control: XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 8,000

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Amulet of Arachnid Control

of Arachnid Control allows a saving throw vs. spell to avoid any spe-
XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 8,000 cial attacks from undead (aging, energy drain,
War Captain's Companion fear, disease, Strength drain). Physical attacks
This amulet can control one giant or 1d10 nor- and spells cast by undead are unaffected. A suc-
mal arachnids of any type. This includes beings cessful saving throw against an undead attack
who have magically assumed arachnid form in uses one charge, except the following: a two-level
whole or in part. Arachnids are allowed a sav- energy drain uses two charges, and aging uses
ing throw if they have an Intelligence of three one charge per 10 years of aging. The amulet has
or better. Unlike the ring of arachnid control, 2d10 charges and is not rechargeable.
all neogi (even the Great Old Masters) must
make a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty in Cartographer's
order to avoid being magically compelled to XP Value: 3,000 GP Value: 21,000
obey the command of the amulet's wearer. (If Revenge of Alphaks
successful, the neogi can choose whether or not This amulet, constructed from a huge flawless
to obey.) jacinth, is cut into a lens-shaped disk 6 inches in
diameter and 'A inch thick. It has a platinum set-
of the Beast ting and chain. Twelve diamond chips are placed
XP Value GP Value at 30° intervals on the left side of the setting and
Ivory: — 3,500 a single rune surrounds the top chip.
Silver: — 5,000 With the proper command words, the user can
RAVENLOFT* Campaign Set direct the amulet to display a scale map of the
Two versions of the amulet exist—one is made of immediate, surrounding area once every three
silver, the other of ivory. Both show the image of days. Remaining on the face of the amulet for one
a wild, wolfish beast bonded in chains. Each turn, the map can show either a small or large
amulet is round, and has a small hole at the top area. The rune indicates true north. The amulet
for threading a cord or chain. must be held in the user's hand when the com-
The silver amulet functions only when worn by mand word is spoken.
a lycanthrope. As long as the creature carries the The small area map, when used indoors, shows
amulet somewhere on his or her person, lycan- the area within the 60-foot, radial area of the
thropy is suppressed. Even a true lycanthrope amulet. The map shows passages, stairways,
cannot change shape while holding the silver doors, and other normal features such as foun-
amulet. No magical force prevents its removal, tains, furnishings and loose treasure. The user
but the owner may protect it by other means. sees in the amulet what would be seen viewing
The ivory amulet, when touched to a character, the displayed area with normal vision in daylight.
gives its victim the symptoms of lycanthropy. (It The map does not however, reveal traps, secret
does not affect creatures who are already lycan- doors, creatures, nor the nature of what is shown.
thropes.) Most ivory amulets produce "were- Once the map is invoked, the user can describe
wolves," but a given amulet could mimic any up to four objects and the amulet locates them by
form of the disease. The amulet is magically number on the map. The user must know exactly
attached to its owner until a remove curse spell is what each object is. It is possible that secret doors
cast. Even then, the victim must save vs. spell or very familiar types of traps could be located in
successfully to be free of the amulet. Not every the same manner. If there are two or more of a
victim wants such freedom, however. When the particular object within range, only the one clos-
amulet is gone, so are the symptoms of lycan- est to the amulet is shown. The user can describe
thropy. the same object more than once, up to a limit of
four times.
of the Cairn Hills Outdoors, the small area map displays the area
XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 18,000 within a 60-yard radius of the amulet showing
GREYHAWK* Adventures hills, cave mouths, buildings, and other terrain
Originally created to protect the common folk features. Hidden objects do not appear if the user
from the spirits that haunt these hills, this amulet could not discern them in daylight using normal
has become a favorite among grave robbers. It vision, although they may be located if the user
Amulet of Transformation

foot radius around the owner. Sharks cannot pen- magic and attacks that directly affect the soul or
etrate the circle, but the protection is forfeited if spirit (Like trap the soul, magic jar, a ghost
the user attacks. attack, or possession). The amulet also provides a
25% magic resistance against ESP and telepathy
Shield that cannot be waived.
XP Value: 750 GP Value: 7,500 If the wearer dies while wearing the amulet, his
POLYHEDRON Newszine 67 essence is held in stasis until freed. While in sta-
These small amulets of carved stone contain up sis, the essence cannot progress to any other
to 24 charges. After uttering the command word plane of existence that may be waiting for it; the
(usually inscribed on the amulet), the wearer is person cannot be raised, resurrected or reincar-
protected with a shield spell, cast at the 12th level nated; and speak with dead and similar spells
with a duration of six turns. Each use expends won't work at all. To free the essence, the amulet
one charge, and the item cannot be recharged. must be removed from contact with the body,
then the spells bless, protection from evil, and
of Sleeplessness chant must be cast over the body.
XP Value: — GP Value: 1,000
DRAGON Magazine 91 ThetofPtah
This magic item is the same as the amulet of pro- XP Value: GP Value: —
tection from sleep. When worn, it performs all of Gods, Demigods, & Heroes
the same functions, with all of the same restric- Ptah enjoys new ideas and devices. When a being
tions and dangers, However, it cannot be removed creates a device that is highly useful (DM's
from the wearer's neck by anything less than a option), there is a 10% chance that the deity will
limited wish or alter reality spell. reward that being with a thet. This device is an
amulet geared to do one of two things—either
of Spinecastle project an antimagic shell around the user that
XP Value: 900 GP Value: 4,500 does not affect the user's ability to cast spells, or
GREYHAWK Adventures allow the wearer to go ethereal once a week.
The wizards of the Kingdom of Aerdy created
this amulet to aid in the war against the northern of Timekeeping
barbarians. After the fall of Spinecastle, the XP Value: 100 GP Value: 500
amulet disappeared. Scholars assumed it didn't The Book of Marvelous Magic
survive the wrath of the barbarians, but stories of This simple hexagonal medallion is inscribed
the amulet's use still surface in the Bone March. with three lines connecting the points and cross-
Once per hour this golden amulet can be com- ing in the center. Upon command, the six sections
manded to radiate a magical aura in a 30-foot of the amulet slowly turn color, one at a time.
radius for one turn. The aura has negative effects Each color shift is gradual, taking one turn. When
on all northern barbarians, raising their supersti- the last section completes its color shift, exactly
tious fears and generating hatred for magic. one hour after the command, the entire medallion
Those of the 1 st to 4th level must save vs. spell or returns to its original color and resumes the
immediately retreat out of the area of effect for process. It stops keeping time on command of the
1dS turns. Those of the 5th to 7th level must save user. The amulet functions only on the Prime
vs. spell or be stunned for one round. Those of Material Plane and stops in mid-change if taken
higher level suffer a -1 on their attack rolls. to another plane.

of the Spirit of Transformation

XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 5,000 XP Value: 350 GP Value: 3,500
Fate of IsUis DRAGON Magazine 187
This item is a small gold disk on a thin chain. The These amulets, carved from oak bark, are hung
use of detect magic and similar spells indicate a around the neck by cords of woven mistletoe.
strong dweomer, but won't give any idea of Each amulet enables a druid to transform into a
exactly what the amulet's powers are. specific animal—mammal, bird, reptile, amphib-
Anyone wearing the amulet is immune to ian, fish, or insect. This transformation is like the
Anvil of the Lortmil Mountains

strength; horse shoes are just the right size; and from the bottom of each smaller globe. A steel,
everything worked on this anvil has a little extra tubular arch links each smaller globe to the
shine and a cleaner finish. In actual game terms, mother sphere above.
the smith works at six times the usual speed, A third, and still smaller series of globes rings
The anvil is too massive to transport except the entire base of the tripod, linked together like a
with the most elaborate methods, and using it is chain by thin glass tubes. A bewildering array of
hard work. The smith must have a minimum metal and glass—rods, wires, and plates—joins
Strength of 15 and can work only as many days in the circle of spheres to the two human-sized glass
one stretch as his or her Constitution score chambers.
divided by five (rounded down) before resting for Lightning energizes the apparatus. The steel
a like period of time. rings on top focus electricity into the mother
globe. To fully charge, the apparatus requires 12
of the Lortmil Mountains lightning strikes within the span of three hours;
XP Value; 3,000 GP Value: 30,000 over a longer period, the charge fades. The energy
GREYHAWK Adventures is convened into a magical force by the spinning
This blacksmith's tool was enchanted in a shrine ball of sulphur within the globe.
of Moradin, king of the dwarven gods. It allows a This contraption can perform a number of
dwarven weaponsmith to create extremely strong monstrous and misguided tasks. The first is a
and sharp blades. Each weapon takes twice as "transpossession." It can cause the exchange of
long to create, but, when finished, is either a nor- minds, between two intelligent subjects—even an
mal weapon (on an unsuccessful proficiency intelligent creature and a man. The subjects must
check) or a weapon of fine quality (on a success- stand in the formidable glass chambers. On the
ful proficiency check). All weapons of fine qual- 12th lightning strike, the psyches of the two indi-
ity created by this anvil are worth 100 times the viduals are exchanged. All mental abilities go
cost of a normal weapon of the same type. It is with the psyche, all physical abilities stay with
rumored that this anvil forged legendary magical the body. Both subjects fall unconscious for 1d3
weapons for the dwarves. turns. Any attempts to determine the alignment or
true nature of a transpossessed subject fails.
Apparatus Spells such as know alignment, detect evil or true
"Apparatus" is an all-encompassing term used to seeing act as if the subject had a truly neutral
describe a machine so complex, it is impossible alignment.
to associate a name with its function. Other terms The second function of this machine requires
that could work as well are "magical machine," the rod ofRastinon. When the rod is placed in the
"contraption," or "mechanism." Most apparati are glass tube connecting the two large chambers, a
too large to move or relocate due to the possibil- subject's personality can be split in two. An intel-
ity of breakage, ligent subject must stand in one of the big globes.
On the 12th lightning strike, the psyche splits. In
The Apparatus a flash, a duplicate of the subject appears in the
XP Value: — GP Value: — adjacent chamber. Physically, they are almost
RAVENLOFT Campaign Set twins. Mentally, they are unique. As of this writ-
This huge machine stands over 30 feet tall and it ing, the split has involved only good and evil,
is 20 feet wide at the base. A glass globe, 15 feet separating the dark side from the light. Other
high, rests upon a massive tripod made of wood divisions may be possible.
and steel. The tripod lifts the globe over 15 feet The "dark side" is a being of such evil that
from the floor. The globe encases a great, spin- Ravenloft's dark powers envelop him or her,
ning ball of sulphur. A network of rings, made of granting a lordship and a domain. They may also
cold-forged steel, tops the enormous glass give great powers, and transform the character
sphere. physically. The individual immediately seeks to
Two smaller globes, each the height of a man, destroy the other half, because only then is he or
are suspended below the large one. The pair, she secure.
linked by a narrow glass neck, looks like an hour- According to legend, the apparatus can also
glass on its side. A 3-foot-wide trap door opens rejoin the psyches it has divided. Both halves
Cube of Sweetness

of Sweetness select exactly which one is most appropriate from

XP Value: 5 GP Value: 25 those in the campaign. In a F OK GOTTEN REALMS
The Book of Marvelous Magic setting, Lathander could be used, while in the
This cube appears to be an ice cube. If offered to GREYHAWK campaign, Pelor would be appropri-
any ordinary, nonmagical creature of animal ate. (Note that these items are not found in DARK
intelligence, the beast may eat it (+3 bonus to SUN campaigns.)
reaction roll). If the cube is eaten, the creature No matter what the faith, according to the
becomes charmed by the user (no saving throw, sect's dogma, the cup and talisman were given by
standard duration). The cube reappears in the the deity after a great disaster that brought untold
user's pocket 24 hours later. This charm does not devastation and suffering to the land. The two
improve communication, but it certainly encour- items appeared before the high priest in a dream.
ages obedience. Each use of the cube costs one When the clergyman awoke, the cup and talisman
charge, and the cube has 2d10 charges when were there, still sparkling with the radiance of the
found, deity. Blessed with the items and the knowledge
of their use, the holy man went out and cured the
Cup multitude of sick and injured people.
A cup is an open container, generally made of Unfortunately, the miraculous powers of the
metal, glass, crystal, or china. A cup usually has cup and talisman did not bring happiness to the
one handle and is used to drink hot beverages-- people nor peace to the temple. When travelers
usually coffee or tea. A cup can be almost any returned to their distant homelands with tales of
size, but the usual capacity ranges from a few these two wonders, emperors, kings, and warlords
ounces to one pint. A chalice (see Chalice) is coveted the items. Driven by greed and fear, they
simply a metal cup without a handle. marched their armies and sent their agents, to
seize the treasures.
ofAl'Akbar Just what battles occurred and who won them
XP Value: — GP Value: — is lost along with the names of those who fought
Book of Artifacts for the artifacts. Perhaps one was victorious over
The cup ofAl'Akbar is hardly an inconspicuous theothers only to have both treasures seized. Per-
item. Tt is a large chalice, big enough that, were haps they were stolen. What is known is that
it filled, it would take two hands to lift. The ves- when the wars finally ceased, they had disap-
sel is made of hammered gold and chased with peared forever.
a silver filigree. Twelve great gems (each worth Even today, however, the legend of their mirac-
5,000 gp) are set in mounts of electruin to form ulous power lives on in expressions such as
a band around the rim. Overall, the craftsman- "cured by the cup" for any miraculous healing or
ship is clearly the work of a goldsmith of extra- "By the star of Akbar," an oath to ward off dis-
ordinary skill and artistry. Although it does not ease.
radiate magic, the cup is always bathed in a The cup and talisman ofAl'Akbar, because of
golden aura. their powerful healing abilities, are both excel-
Constant Powers: Anyone of good alignment lent items for the PCs to acquire and use, and
who touches the cup receives the benefits of a yet unbalancing devices that are best taken out
bless spell. This lasts for 24 hours. of player characters' grasp quickly in any cam-
Invoked Powers: The powers of the cup are paign where they appear. The cup and talisman
activated by filling it with holy water, usable once can be immensely useful items in an incredibly
per day. If all of the water is drunk, it acts as a dangerous adventure where the characters fre-
cure critical wounds or neutralize poison spell, or quently face horrible injury and death. These
it can be divided into three portions that act as two artifacts may be vital for keeping the char-
cure light wounds spells, although these fade in acters alive long enough to have a hope of con-
12 hours. cluding the adventure.
Legend: The cup and talisman ofAl'Akbar The DM should not use the cup and talisman
(see Talisman) are major holy relics. The two more than once in this manner. The powers of the
artifacts are always associated with a powerful cup and talisman allow the PCs to flaunt death
god or goddess of healing, although the DM must and perform supremely heroic acts, but if this risk
Cushion of Regeneration

is removed from all adventures, things grow dull of Death

very quickly. XP Value: — GP Value: 1,000
1deally, the characters find the cup, talisman, The Book of Marvelous Magic
or both as the prelude to an even more harrowing These are identical to curtains of spying, but the
task. The characters need the life-giving powers first character to notice them must make a saving
of these artifacts in order to travel to the Outer throw vs. death magic with a -5 penalty to the
Planes (where their own magic will not function) roll, or die. After slaying one victim, they become
and defeat a great foe. The items may be needed nonmagical.
to survive a perilous journey of great importance.
Furthermore, the cup and talisman are of great of Scenery
interest to nearly everyone. Followers of the orig- XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 5,000
inal deity will want their relics returned. Warlords The Book of Marvelous Magic
will want the healing power for their armies. Wiz- These curtains will, upon command, display any
ards may covet the potion making powers of the indoor or outdoor scene upon which the user con-
items. Characters must be ready to fight to keep centrates. They read the user's memory to create the
them. scene. The scene may be changed once an hour,
Once their need has passed, the artifacts should
be removed. 1deally, the characters return the of Spying
relics to their proper masters, or else they finally XP Value: 1,800 GP Value: 9,000
fall prey to the relentless efforts to buy, steal, or The Book of Marvelous Magic
seize the items. If absolutely necessary, the origi- These appear to be ordinary curtains when
nal deity can appear and claim the items. Woe to viewed on one side, but they are transparent from
the characters who would at this point be foolish the other side. They function as one-way observa-
enough to refuse. tion devices. When found, there is a 70% chance
Suggested Means of Destruction: they are lying about wrong-side up and are unde-
• The cup must be filled with water from the tectable unless touched or a detect invisibility
river Styx and the talisman dissolved in it. spell used.
• Ten thousand curses must be cast upon the tal-
isman, and then it must be struck against the Cushion of Regeneration
cup, destroying both. XP Value: 4,000 GP Value: 20,000
• They must both be touched by the deity of dis- POLYHEDRON Newszine 43
ease and death. Usually found mixed with bedclothes or on furni-
ture, this magical cushion doubles the rate at which
of Wine hit points are regained and cuts in half the time
XP Value: 60 GP Value: 600 needed in rest to regain spells, etc. Time must be
DRAGON Magazine 73 spent actually reclining against the cushion.
Once per day this cup turns ordinary water within
it into high-quality wine. No magic word is

A curtain is a piece of fabric that is hung over a
window to keep light and prying eyes out of a
room. They are generally hung with a series of
rings on a metal rod mounted on an interior wall.
Curtains are also used to partition rooms and pro-
vide privacy.
Deities and Clerics of Greyhawk

he gods often visit the Prime Material Plane in when a deity infuses part of its life force into a physical
avatar form to aid their worshippers or just to form. Greater deities have been known to use as many as
enjoy themselves. In one way or another, they three avatars a t the same time. Lesser deities have never
influence the actions of all creatures on the been known to use more than one. Demigods cannot use
Plane. This chapter provides a detailed look a t avatars. Deities usually create equipment to go along with
9 the most influential deities. It describes their avatars, the form. Only the most common avatar for each deity is
their clerics, and the special powers the deities use (and listed here, but avatars of considerably greater power are
grant to their clerics) in the Prime Material Plane. known to exist.
For some unknown reason, the city of Greyhawk gets an Some deities keep several avatars on their home planes,
unusual amount of attention from these deities-at least in case one is destroyed. (Destroying an avatar does not
one of these beings usually has an avatar in the city. Many harm a deity in any way, however.) When an avatar is
ballads tell of awe-inspiring confrontations between ava- destroyed, its equipment is usually destroyed along with it,
tars of opposing alignments on the city’s crowded streets. but the deity might choose to leave it behind if doing so
Needless to say those streets needed considerable repair would serve its purposes.
when the battle was done. Deities send avatars to the Prime Material Plane in
order to influence, help, or instruct their worshippers.
Many of the greatest heroes of any race of people or intelli-
Terms Used In This Book gent creatures were avatars sent to help that race. Each
Each deity’s particulars are presented in three parts: a avatar will take great pains not to reveal that they are part
section on the deity itself, a section on the avatar most com- deity. If an avatar dies, the body will vanish after several
monly used by the deity, and a section describing the dei- days. This body cannot be revived by magical means. Ava-
ty’s clerics. The spells listed with the deity are always tars usually appear in desolate areas and move towards the
available to the clerics of his or her order. The special, spell- people they would protect.
like powers are available to the head cleric of any temple of
that deity. These powers are granted to the cleric during Abbreviations
times of special need. The following abbreviations are used throughout this book
to describe characters of all sorts. Information applying
The Deity only to avatars is listed in italics.
The deity’s name is given first, followed by its status H D Hit Dice. The number of hit dice the avatar has.
(Greater Deity, Lesser Deity, or Demigod). A deity’s status THACO Acronym for ““b Hit Armor Class 0”. The score
reflects its power in relation to other deities. Status also needed on a twenty-sided die to hit an opponent that has
helps to determine how powerful a deity’s avatars are, how an armor class of 0. The score needed to hit targets with
many avatars there are, and what special abilities the dei- other armor classes is easily calculated from this num-
ty has when its avatars are at full power. Note that only the ber. Note that the THACO does not take into account “to
powers of the deities’ avatars are given here. hit” adjustments from strength or magic.
S p A Spell Ability. The class and level at which the char-
Abbreviations acters casts spells (MU = magic-user; CL = Cleric).
A L Alignment. Indicates the deity’s behavior (see PHB Note that the deity’s unique spell-like abilities are cast at
and DMGfor notes on the various alignments). A listing a higher level which reflects the deity’s true power
in parentheses after alignment indicates a deity’s ten- MV: Movement. This is how fast a creature moves:
dency to stray from the primary alignment. I#” = flying speed
WAL: Worshippers’ Alignment. The alignment of the dei- I/#” = swimming speed
(#”) = burrowing speed
ty’s non-clerical worshippers.
SoC: Spheres of Control. The ideas, events, or subjects the *#” = speedinweb
deity controls or is interested in, and what the deity is A C Armor Class. This is the character’s frontal armor
class, taking into account its dexterity, magical protec-
worshipped for.
Symbol. The sign by which the deity is known.Clerics must tions, and innate toughness. The armor class could be
have a copy oftheir deity‘s symbol in order to cast spells. worse if the character is attacked from the flank or from
C R Color. The color most commonly associated with the behind.
deity. A deity’s avatars and clerics often dress in this col- hp: The character’s hit points. This is number of hit points
or. Visible effects of spells cast by clerics of this deity the deity ‘loans” the avatar (usually about one third of
will always be in hues of this color. its total hit points).
P N Plane. The plane where the deity maintains its pri- #AT: Number of Attacks. The number of attacks the char-
mary residence. acter can make in a single round.
Dmg: Damage. The damage inflicted by a single attack.
M R Magic Resistance. The chance of a spell failing when
Avatars used against the character, usually about half the deity’s
An avatar is a physical manifestation of a god created true magic resistance.

Tenser's Tantalus

The event occurred on another fines. No matter what pressures are exerted
plane of existence -20% against it, the tantalus will protect objects within
The user has previously observed the its field from the effects of violent motions and
same even t in the disk of history +20% other external shocks unless those shocks are
Apply only one of the following: powerful enough to destroy the metal disc. For
Event is one in which the user +20% this purpose, treat the disc as a metal shield, using
participated Table 29: Item Saving Throws in the DMG.
User is well informed about the event +10% Since the quasi-magnetic force doesn't affect
User is slightly informed about the event +5% objects only partially within its area of effect,
bottles taller than the 1-foot field cannot be held
The DM may use the disk of history to answer by a Tenser's tantalus unless laid on their sides.
questions about previous DRAGONLANCE game Bottles can be stacked, but that is difficult.
events, as well as to review previous events of the Reaching through the glowing field and grabbing
current adventure, an object on the disc frees the object—when an
object is grabbed, the field reacts as if the object
Tenser's Tantalus is physically connected to the arm and thus as if it
XP Value GP Valne extends beyond the edge of the field.
Normal: 3,000 15,000 Because objects only partially within the field
With Alarm: 3,500 17,500 aren't affected, a thrown spear can wreak havoc
DRAGON Magazine 194 on the disc's load—a spear is long enough that
A tantalus is a nonmagical piece of furniture, a part of it is always outside of the field. On the
liquor-stand that uses wooden or metal rods to other hand, a sling bullet hurled at the bottles can-
keep the bottles and glasses in the stand from not break them because the field affects it as soon
moving about. Tenser's tantalus is a mobile, mag- as the bullet is fully within its boundaries, leaving
ical version of the same sort of device, designed the bullet suspended in midair, just inside the
to transport magical potions or other fragile edge of the field. For maximum protection,
items, keeping them safe and within easy reach potions should be placed as close to the center of
for the mage's use. the Tenser's tantalus as possible, protecting them
Although there is no evidence that this magical from weapons shorter than the 1 ^-foot radius of
item was created (or even used) by Tenser, the the disc. If the disc is fully loaded, items close to
famed wizard of Greyhawk, the reasons its origin the edge can be easily affected by short weapons
was erroneously attributed to him are obvious; such as hand axes or daggers.
Tenser's tantalus is a flat metal disc, 3 feet in A Tenser's tantalus can hold up to 20 pounds
diameter, which floats at a constant 3 feet above of bottles and contents (the average potion in a
the surface of the ground (under most circum- glass bottle weighs about half a pound), and will
stances) and at the same 3 feet distance from its smoothly accelerate and decelerate to safely, fol-
user unless specifically commanded otherwise. lowing its owner at any speed up to 18, including
But while it shares much in common with the climbing stairs. If the user moves beyond the 50-
Tenser's floating disc spell, it also has a number foot, effective range of command, the tantalus
of significant differences, the primary one being ceases all movement and hovers in place until
that Tenser's tantalus is a permanent magical either its user returns or another wizard takes
item, not a temporary magical spell. control of it.
The disc's upper surface emits a soft glow A Tenser's tantalus will follow its owner if he
extending for about a foot above the metal. Any or she falls into a pit, but because of the owner's
objects placed entirely within this field are sub- rapid acceleration, the wizard will soon out-strip
ject to a powerful, quasimagnetic force that holds the disc's power to follow. In a pit less than 75
any nonliving matter (including once living mate- feet deep, the disc gently descends to the bottom
rials such as paper, leather, or a small dead body, a few seconds after its owner. If the pit is deeper,
as well as completely inanimate matter like glass, the owner will eventually accelerate out of the
metal, or crystal) firmly to the surface of the disc, 50-foot range, meaning that the disc will stop in
but that has no effect on living flesh, even crea- midair some 50 feet down from the top of the pit,
tures small enough to fit within the field's con- waiting for someone to come within range and
Disk of the Azure Sea

The material to be obliterated is placed inside Displacer

the chamber, door is closed, and the activation XP Value: 2,000 GP Value: 10,000
button is depressed. The interior of the chamber Rary the Traitor
and its doomed contents begin to glow a sickly Rary's favored mode of transportation throughout
green, and the material vanishes, leaving only his fortress is a system of devices he calls dis-
fine dust. Creatures and objects that successfully placer disks. Each disk resembles an intricate,
save vs. spell are not affected, but must attempt circular pattern inlaid in a fine marble or tile
another saving throw every time the chamber is floor, and is magically triggered by a code word
reactivated. known only to Rary and Robilar. The disks' code
The size of any given chamber can be deter- words can be changed at will by Rary alone.
mined from the table below. A single master disk controls all the others. An
individual who knows the proper code words can
Roll Size be instantly teleported without error, either from
1 1' cube the master disk to one of the other disks through-
2 2'x2'x3'box out the fortress, or from a lesser disk back to the
3 3'x3'x6'box master disk. Transport between the minor disks is
4 3'x5'x6'box not possible. Rary must first teleport back to the
5 5'x5'xlO'box master disk in order to move to a different room.
6 10'xlO'xlO'box Each lesser disk has a different code word. A sec-
ond, entirely different code word is required to
In the larger sizes, the devices are most often teleport back to the master disk.
installed permanently and cannot be carried away
as part of treasure, unless arrangements are made of History
to transport a small room or shack. XP Value: 1,500 GP Value: 7,500
In Ravenloft: Placing a person in one of these DRAGON Magic
chambers is cause for a Ravenloft powers check. This crystal disk is about 5 feet thick and 25 feet
Even placing the lord of a domain in one necessi- in diameter. It is a disk of history, similar to a
tates the check. crystal ball, used by the dragons to observe past
events. Events observed in the disk of history are
Disk seen as a series of silent images, the end of one
Disks are round, flat objects found singularly or blending into beginning of the next. A user must
in groups. Their enchantments often are unusual concentrate on the event he or she wants to
or unique. observe. The event appears in the disk in 3d20
minutes. It is important that the user concentrate
of the Azure Sea on a specific event. For instance, concentrating
XP Valne: 1,000 GP Value: 10,000 only on a mental image of Artha won't work.
GREYHAWK Adventures However, concentrating on Artha's last stand on
This item, popular among sea traders, was orig- the Peak of Clouds in the Aslivar Range will dis-
inally sold to a rich merchant on the coast of play that battle.
Keoland. As wide as a man's hand, the wooden Success with the disk of history is not auto-
disk bears a small circle of gold in the center. matic. It cannot conjure images more than 500
When it is set on the bow of a ship and a prayer years old. A character may attempt to use it only
is spoken to Fharlanghan, god of travel, the ship once per day. A person's base chance of success is
is protected for the nest 24 hours. During that 10%. A dragon's base chance of success is 20%.
time, if buccaneers, pirates, or raiders from This is modified by:
beneath the waves try to attack, there is a 76%
chance a misty fog comes up, allowing the ship Apply any of the following:
to escape with no damage. Failing that, the Dragons, each age level above +5%
attack occurs as normal. very young
Others, each point of Wisdom +5%
above 15
Brandobaris's Dagger

before the dagger arrived in the City of Brandobaris's

GREYHAWK. His task is to pass on information XP Value: 1,150 GP Value: 9,250
to a spy of the Cult of luz within the Thieves' Monster Mythology
Guild. The spy's name is Bey Wyvernthorn and The avatar wields a dagger +3 that can transform
he can be found in a secret cave located in the into a sling of seeking +2 if Brandobaris so
sewers near the Thieves' Quarter of the City. wishes.
Under no circumstances does the haunt reveal
exactly what his information is (the DM chooses Buckle Knife
whatever best suits the campaign). XP Value GP Value
One way to lay the haunt to rest is to find a +1: 100 1,000
suitable volunteer and allow the haunt to com- +2: 200 2,000
plete its task (a volunteer might be found among +3: 300 3,000
the party, or among the close friends of any dead +4: 400 4,000
victim). Of course, by doing so, the party also has +5: 500 5,000
the opportunity to flush out a spy of the Cult of DUNOEON MASTER Guide, 1 st Edition
luz who is currently inside the Thieves' Guild of This magical blade has a hilt that looks just like a
the City, If they attempt to go to the Thieves' large belt-buckle ornament or a complete small
Guild with the name of the spy, no one will buckle. The hilt can be grasped easily and the
believe them. Even if they approach the City weapon drawn from its belt sheath. The knife
Guard or Night Watch, they are not believed. blade is short but has a very sharp point—it
They are told that "all of luz's followers got inflicts damage as a knife.
flushed a-coupala moons ago."
Bladestar is a magical dagger of exceptional Roll Bonus
quality and craftsmanship. It is also an intelligent 01-03 +1
weapon of chaotic neutral alignment. The dagger 04-06 +2
is elegant, forged of a strange black metal. The 07-08 +3
handle of blades tar is also made of black metal 09 +4
and wound with a dark red, patterned cord, which 10 +5
reveals the black metal beneath. Embedded in its
pommel is a sapphire of deepest blue, encircled Buckler Knife
by an array of tiny diamonds. Its exquisite appear- XP Value GP Value
ance hides a dark purpose, and great powers. +1: 100 1,000
Biadestar is an intelligent dagger +2. It com- +2:200 2,000
municates by telepathy only, and only with its +3:300 3,000
wielder (Intelligence 15, Ego 11). It can detect +4:400 4,000
invisible creatures and objects in a 10-foot radius. The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror
It can also charm person on contact (three times This magical weapon has a hilt that exactly
per day), as well as bestow a strength spell on the resembles an ornament on a belt buckle. Its hilt
wielder (once per day). When used in a backstab can be grasped easily, and the weapon drawn
attack, on a roll of 19 or 20, the blade inflicts the from its sheath. The knife blade is short, but
maximum damage. Thus, if used by a 2nd-level sharply pointed and keenly edged, so it inflicts
thief for a backstab attack, a roll of 19 or 20 damage just as a larger knife. There are four
inflicts 10 points of damage—dagger damage (4), types:
times 2 for backstab attack (4x2 = 8), +2 for its
magic bonus (8+2 = 10). Roll Dweomer Type
Finally, bladestar is a dagger of slaying lawful l^t +1
creatures. This ability can only be used success- 5-7 +2
fully once per month. Any lawful creature struck 8-9 +3
by the weapon must make a saving throw vs. 10 +4
death magic or perish instantly.

Baravar Cloakshadow's higher than the modified chance of success, the

XP Value: 1,500 GP Value: 10,000 dagger has no effect (note that spells of 8th level
Monster Mythology or greater can never be affected).
His dagger +4 drips paralyzing venom that Consider all magical item effects to have the
immobilizes victims for 1d8 rounds. level of the item's creator, if known; otherwise,
use one level greater than the level of any equiva-
of Blackflame lent spell. The DM may choose to consider all
XP Value: 22,000 GP Value: 175,000 unknown defensive magic to be 7th or 8th level,
The Five Shires and all artifacts to be 12th level or greater. To act,
This normal-appearing dagger has powers quite the dagger need not be drawn or wielded. Its
different from a sword of black/lame. It is a dag- destructive nature is constant, regardless of the
ger +2 that can extinguish all flames it touches, caster's wishes, and need not be activated or
affecting a 10-foot, spherical area per round. invoked. If thrown or thrust through a barrier that
Flames caused by a continuing process, such as a it does not bring down, the blade (and wielder, if
lava flow, will reignite ld6+5 rounds after the in contact with it) suffers the magic's full normal
dagger's touch. This automatic power occurs effects. If the blade destroys the barrier, no dam-
whenever an unsheathed dagger of blackflame age is done to the wielder.
comes into contact with flames.
The dagger's flame-quenching power allows Bladestar
safe passage through flames. Note that blast XP Value: 2,700 GP Value: 27,000
effects, intense heat, and hazards such as falling Treasures of GREYHAWX
timbers can still harm creatures using the protec- Also known as the haunted dagger, this small
tion of such a weapon to pass through a burning blade is ornate, with several jewels (rubies and
building. Once every turn any absorbed sapphires) encrusted in its hilt. The metal of the
flames can be released as a spurt of flames blade is black steel, inscribed with various runes.
extending in a line up to 40 feet long from the If a detect magic spell is cast on the dagger, it
dagger's tip, by the wielder's use of a command reveals a powerful dweomer; detect evil reveals
word. All absorbed fire will be released at once; that the dagger is strongly evil. Any attempts to
none can be saved for later. If the release of fire is use an identify spell on the dagger will fail due to
unleashed as part of a physical attack, all flames the presence of the haunt.
will strike the target (add to physical damage) The night that the dagger is taken, the haunt
and will not spurt beyond it. The DM should esti- possessing the blade attacks and attempts to take
mate the fiery damage absorbed (and released) as over the person who carries it. If the owner
1d6 per round of normal fire, 10-foot radius engages the haunt in combat and reduces it to 0
absorption, and 2d6 per round of magical fire hit points, it dissipates, only to return one week
absorption. later, at which time it continues the pattern of tak-
ing over others until it finds one of compatible
Blade of Banishing alignment (any nongood alignment).
XP Value: 4,600 GP Value: 22,500 The haunt's alignment can be determined
DRAGON Magazine 169 through use of a know alignment spell. If cast
This dagger twists any magical barriers, protec- successfully, the party learns not only the align-
tions, and illusions that it touches. Whenever it ment of the haunt, but also which alignments can
grazes a being or an area under an illusion, pro- survive the haunt's attentions. The haunt is
tective magic, or magical barrier, there is a per- chaotic evil, thus its host can be of any nongood
centage chance that the dagger will destroy the alignment. Possessed characters of any good
magic. The weapon has a base 60% chance of alignment attempt suicide.
success, plus a random bonus of 1 d20%, minus The haunt's task can be found by using a
10% per level of the magic contacted (a shield spe'ak with dead spell. The spell needs to be cast
spell is a 1 st-level spell and gives a modifier of at the haunt either just after it takes form (after
-10%). Percentile dice are rolled. If the roll is dark), or while it is in the body of a suitable
less than or equal to the modified chance of suc- host. If the spell is successfully cast, Aliar
cess, the dagger destroys the magic. If the roll is Daraan reveals that he was killed only two days

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