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Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the simple present verb.
1. Lisa studies (study) English in N.L.C.
2. The Seamstress sews dresses.
3. Firefighters extinguish fires.
4. The o zone layer has a hole.
5. Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves.
6. We celebrate Christmas in December.
7. Internet is very useful nowadays.
8. The car needs gasoline to move.
9. Receptionists give information.
10. People decorate Christmas trees with many ornaments.

Now that you have finished Exercise 1, you must write the question form of the sentences
using the correct auxiliary verb and structure. Remember to remove the “s” from the verb
when using “does”.

1. Lisa studies English in N.L.C.
Does Lisa study English in N.L.C.?
2. Does the Seamstress sew dresses?
3. Do Firefighters extinguish fires?
4. Does the ozone layer have a hole?
5. Do the Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves?
6. Do we celebrate Christmas in December?
7. Does the Internet is very useful nowadays?
8. Does the car need gasoline to move?
9. Do the Receptionists give information?
10. Do the People decorate Christmas trees with many ornaments?

Fill in the blanks with the past form of the verbs and write what happened first.

1. When the phone rang (ring), I answered it (answer) it.

First the phone rang.

2. I was answering (answer) the phone when it rang. (ring)

First I was answering the phone.

3. She was crying (cry) when she found (find) out that her daughter was getting married.

First she found out that her daughter was getting married.
4. The veterinarian clapped (clap) when he was seeing (see) how well the puppy was

First he saw how well the puppy was doing.

5. The astronaut got (get) excited when he heard that they were choosing (choose) him to
go into space.

First he heard that they were choosing him to go into space.

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the simple past verb and make
the questions.

1. Lisa studied (study) English in N.L.C. last year.

2. The Seamstress saw (sew) many dresses for the wedding last Friday.
3. The Firefighters extinguished (extinguish) the fire in the hotel.
4. The ozone layer has (have) a smaller hole 10 years ago.
5. The Koalas ate (eat) all of the eucalyptus leaves that we gave them.
6. We celebrated (celebrate) Christmas in my grandmother’s house last year.

7. Internet was (Be) very useful to us when we made our final project.
8. The car needed (need) more gasoline.
9. The Receptionists gave (give) information to that man.
10. People decorated (decorate) Christmas trees with many ornaments in New York last
time that I went.
He will be sleeping when we arrive.
We will be finishing our homework by the time you come.

Write the correct structures using the verbs in parenthesis
1. They will be travelling (travel) on the airplane by the time you call.
2. He will be finishing (finish) high school by next September.
3. We will be starting (start) the course when he is ten years old.
4. The doctor will be operating (operate) the patient when his family arrives.
5. The children will be sleeping (sleep) when Santa Claus comes through the chimney.

Identify the tenses of the following sentences.

1. – I worked in an office last year _past simple______________
2. – I will play golf tomorrow at 10:00 _future_ simple future_____________
3. – I sing sad songs. ___simple present____________
4. – I’m studying for my test. __present continuous_____________.
5. – I was sitting in an armchair when you came in. ___past continuous____________.
6. – I will be practicing the guitar tomorrow at four. __future continuous_____________
7. – She was listening to music when you called. __ past continuous _____________
8. – They were playing in the back yard when we heard that loud noise _ past
9. – Tom was writing a letter when you dropped the tray. __ past continuous _____________.
10. – Sheila and Sharon were sleeping when the phone rang. __ past continuous _____________
11. – Carla read the book last night. ___ simple present ____________.
12. – They will go to the movies tomorrow. __simple future_____________.
13. – We are writing a story for school. _present continuous______________.
14. – We play cards. __present perfect_____________.
15. – We played cards. __past simple_____________.
16. – We will play cards. ___ simple future ____________.
17. – We are playing cards. __present continuous_____________.
18. – We were playing cards when John came in. _ past continuous _____________
19. – We will be playing cards when you call. Progressive. _ future continuous ______________
20. – Paul is writing a letter. _ present continuous ______________
21. –He was drinking coffee when they called. __ past continuous _____________
22. –They will be playing soccer while you eat . ___ future continuous ____________
23. –When the glass fell I was opening the refrigerator. __ past continuous _____________.
24. – It is snowing. __ present continuous _____________.
25. – We were reading a book when you called. ____ past continuous _____________.
26. – I ate on apple. __ simple present ____________.
27. – I was eating pizza yesterday. ___ past continuous ______________
28. – She drank beer ___ simple present ____________.
29. – We are planning a party. __ present continuous _____________.
30. – They walk fast. ___ simple present ____________.
31. – They walked fast. __simple past_____________.
32. – They will walk fast. ___simple future____________.
33. – They are walking fast. present continuous _______________.
34. – They were walking fast when I yelled. __ past continuous _____________.
35. – They will be walking fast when I yell. ___ future continuous ____________.
36. He went to John’s party. __simple past_____________
37. – He goes to John’s parties. ___ simple present ____________.
38. – He will go to John’s party. ___simple future____________.
39. –He is going to John’s party. ____ present continuous _____________.
40. He was going to John’s party, but his man got sick. ____ past continuous _____________.
41 He will be going to John’s party at seven when you get here. _ future continuous

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