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Wednesday | July 29, 2020

CPD chief pitches police athletic league to bridge

gap between community, law enforcement
Shelton: Police must be he told members of Columbus Rota-
ry Club during their weekly meeting
Columbus Police Chief
Fred Shelton speaks
part of crime prevention, Tuesday at Lion Hills Center. “She with Rotary Club mem-
ber Dr. James Brooks
would whoop you. And then she would
not just enforcement tell your mama and you’d get another
after the club’s weekly
meeting at Lion Hills
whooping.” Center Tuesday.
Still, he said, people like Ms. Wil- Shelton spoke to the
liams contributed to a sense of com- club about community
munity and, among the local children, policing and his plans
Columbus Police Chief Fred Shel-
respect that he thinks is missing today. for a police athletic
ton said he can still remember the league, in which offi-
“watchdog” for his community when “We had a sense of value, because
cers with play sports
he was growing up. we would not cut up in public, because with teenagers to fos-
Her name was Ms. Williams and we knew what was going to happen,” ter relationships and
she lived on the seventh floor of his he said. “Now there’s a lack of respect. help keep teenagers
apartment building. If a child is not going to respect his out of trouble.
“She would snitch on everybody,” See SHELTON, 6A Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff

Council approves 10 new hires for public works, 4-County using

citing delayed services and financial recovery CARES funds
for limited
$13M project will serve
parts of Choctaw, Clay
and Noxubee counties

Rural parts of
Choctaw, Clay and
Noxubee counties
will receive broad-
band internet access
from the 4-County
Electric Power As-
sociation thanks to a
state-run grant pro- Clark
gram distributing
Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff federal funding.
City leaders vote on matters concerning whether to go back to the pre-pandemic work schedule and the hiring freezes for the 4-County execu-
public works department during a morning meeting on Tuesday at Columbus City Hall. tives say the program
could bring them
Most city departments adopt five-day work schedules Monday department has experienced
“tremendous” delays in deliv-
closer to meeting the
demand for broad-
BY YUE STELLA YU The increased manpower economic recovery since the ering services to each ward, band in rural Lown- will help address citizen com- pandemic first hit in March. said Director Casey Bush on des and Oktibbeha Turner
plaints about delays in the The public works depart- Tuesday. counties as well.
Columbus City Council department’s services, such ment is responsible for mul- The hiring freeze cut the The COVID-19 Connectivity
unanimously voted Tuesday as grass cutting and trash tiple city services, including maximum number of depart- Act, approved by the state Leg-
morning to add 10 full-time pickup, said Mayor Robert street and drainage repair, ment employees from 64 to islature and signed by Gov. Tate
employees to the city’s pub- Smith and council members grass cutting and tree re- 53, he said, and the depart- Reeves earlier this month, allocat-
lic works department, lifting during the special-call meet- moval on city property and ment has been operating ed $65 million for Mississippi’s 26
a hiring freeze on the depart- ing. The decision to lift the easements, trash pickup and with 51 since. The city also member-owned electric coopera-
ment that was supposed to freeze early was also prompt- condemned house demoli- cut department hours from tives to provide broadband service
last through December as a ed by an uptick in the city’s tion. But since the city imple- 40 to 30 per week, which he to rural areas with little or no inter-
cost-saving measure during monthly sales tax revenue, mented a series of cost-sav- said added to the burden. net access. The $65 million came
the COVID-19 pandemic. which they said suggested ing measures in April, the See COUNCIL, 6A See BROADBAND, 3A

OCH CEO: Federal relief funds likely won’t be used for employee raises, hazard pay
‘We just don’t see a clear explanation of how $13 million from
the federal Coro-
meeting. The purpose for the
money is to “offset the incre-
will be provided to the adminis-
tration on Aug. 17. The hospital
we’re going to be allowed to utilize these funds’ navirus Aid,
Relief, and Eco-
mental cost of treating COVID
patients” and not to cover extra
has to justify its use of the mon-
ey, and it might be able to claim
BY TESS VRBIN pay raises from the hospital’s nomic Security compensation for employees, payments for contract nurses supply of federal financial re- Act (CARES Act) who have been asking if that is if they were necessary to meet
lief, but administration and the and has used a possibility, he said. staffing needs, Russell said.
STARKVILLE — OCH Re- board of trustees said Tuesday about $5.1 million Chief Financial Officer Su- Much of the money is in an
gional Medical Center employ- that is unlikely to happen. so far, CEO Jim san Russell said guidelines for escrow account, meaning it
ees have been hoping to receive The hospital received about Jackson said at Tuesday’s board the use of the CARES money See OCH, 6A


1 According to a widely believed 1835 MEETINGS
New York newspapers hoax, large man- Aug. 3: Lowndes County
bats, unicorns and upright-walking beavers Board of Supervisors
lived where? meeting, 9 a.m., Lown-
2 Clove hitch, bowline and sheet bend are
des County Courthouse,
types of what?
3 What city is home to the Dynamo and
Maylen Borden the Rockets? desCountyMississippi/
4 The border between what two states is Aug. 4: Columbus City
Kindergarten, Annunciation
formed entirely by the Colorado River? Council, 5 p.m., Munici-

87 Low 74
5 What is the name of the shadowy villain
pal Complex
High in the film “The Usual Suspects”?
Aug. 7: Lowndes County
T-storms likely Answers, 8B
School District Board of
Full forecast on
Trustees budget hearing,
page 3A.
5:30 p.m., 1053 U.S. 45
Aug. 16: Lowndes Coun-
INSIDE ty Board of Supervisors
meeting, 9 a.m., Lown-
Classifieds 8B Food 5B
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B des County Courthouse,
Crossword 2B Opinions 4A
141st Year, No. 119 Dear Abby 3B Megan Helms lives in Starkville. desCountyMississippi/


2A WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Republicans tuck $8 billion

for military weaponry in virus bill
Democrats slammed the add-ons and Senate GOP ons, and Senate Republican lead-
er Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
leader Mitch McConnell said the final package said Tuesday that the final package
should not stray from the coronavi-
should not stray from coronavirus response rus response.
The weapons bazaar galled
BY ANDREW TAYLOR billion for C-130 transport planes Democrats whose votes will be re-
The Associated Press and F-35 fighters manufactured by quired to pass the bill amid wide-
Lockheed Martin Corp. Some of spread divisions inside the Senate
WASHINGTON — A new $1 tril- GOP conference on the measure.
the F-35s could be delivered to an
lion COVID-19 response package They are pressing items such as
Air National Guard unit in Mont-
by Senate Republicans is supposed food aid and funding for mail-in
gomery, Alabama.
to give the government more weap- voting.
In several cases, Shelby propos-
ons to battle the surging coronavi- “We are not going to be support-
es restoring cuts imposed by the
rus pandemic. But GOP lawmakers ing anything that does not acknowl-
have more than just the “invisible administration that diverted almost
$4 billion to help pay for construc- edge the incredible hardship peo-
enemy” in mind. ple are facing on food,” said Sen.
The Republican measure in- tion of President Donald Trump’s
Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.
cludes billions for F-35 fighters, border wall. The Pentagon won sig-
“Did you see the states it goes
Apache helicopters and infantry nificant defense increases last year
to? Maine. Arizona. Kentucky —
carriers sought by Washington’s with passage of a budget agree-
we have a list,” said Senate Minori-
powerful defense lobby. Overall, ment that erased automatic spend-
ty Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.,
the proposal stuffs $8 billion into ing cuts known as sequestration. naming states where Republicans
Pentagon weapons systems built The $8 billion weapons procure- are defending seats in the fall elec-
by defense contractors like Boe- ment package is part of a $29.4 bil- tion.
ing, Lockheed Martin and General lion defense portion of the GOP’s The administration never offi-
Dynamics — corporate titans that $1 trillion coronavirus response cially asked for the defense fund-
sit atop the Washington influence measure, a White House-backed ing. It instead delivered informal
industry. package released Monday. Pro- requests to the powerful lawmak-
The bill, drafted by Senate Ap- viding that money now would help ers like Shelby who sit atop the
propriations Committee Chair build headroom into the annual defense funding panel, aides say.
Richard Shelby, R-Ala., would defense funding bill that Congress Even those informal requests left
deposit $2.2 billion in Pentagon plans to write later this year. out the $8 billion for items like
shipbuilding accounts, boost mis- The outlook for Shelby’s pro- planes, ships and missile defense
sile defense systems in California posed defense projects could be systems, though the White House
and Alaska and deliver about $1.4 dim. Democrats slammed the add- grew to embrace some of the items.

GOP’s jobless benefit plan could mean delays, states warn

Some states took a month to figure Democrats want to
bring back the federally
what’s doable technolog-
ically, especially on soft-
out how to process the initial $600 a funded $600-a-week un-
employment bonus that is
ware many states use that
dates to the 1970s.
week benefit when it went into place expiring, saying it’s a way
to keep families and the
Some states took
a month to figure out
BY GEOFF MULVIHILL one entitled to it. economy afloat in a time how to process the ini-
The Associated Press “So the idea of chang- when there are far more tial $600 a week benefit
ing the current process people out of work than when it went into place
A Republican proposal that has taken us months jobs available. this spring, leaving laid-
to slash the $600 weekly Republicans argue the off workers in the lurch
to put into place, that is
benefit boost for those current amount is so high as the numbers of un-
still not even perfect, is a
left jobless because of the that it encourages people employed skyrocketed.
scary thought,” she said.
coronavirus shutdown to remain on unemploy- Last week, more than 16
“These changes, what-
could result in weeks or ment. They want to re- million Americans were
even months of delayed ever they end up being,
are going to create more duce it in two steps: First, receiving unemployment
payments in some states. by cutting the benefit by benefits.
Older computer sys- bureaucratic layers for
two-thirds — to $200 a
tems that took weeks to people to get the relief
week through September.
set up for the initial fed- they need. Meanwhile we
Then they want to switch
eral unemployment en- have bills to pay, we have that flat rate to a per-
hancement would need to to put food on the table, centage in which the un-
be reprogrammed again we have medical expens- employed would receive
twice under the GOP plan. es and a lot of people are benefits equal to no more
In Florida, state Rep. suffering.” than 70 percent of their
Anna Eskamani, a Dem- How to handle unem- previous incomes in No-
ocrat from Orlando, said ployment is a fiercely con- vember and December.
the state has not even tested part of the debate The debate isn’t only
gotten the original supple- as Congress negotiates about the economy and
mental benefit to every- the latest relief legislation. ideology. It’s also about

Mississippi health officials hesitant to add overflow beds

Nine of state’s largest hospitals did not ing pop-up facilities would
be addressing equipment
have any intensive care beds Monday and staffing logistics,
among other things.
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM tributed much of that to “The best place to
Associated Press/ Report a 300-patient decrease in get care is in your local
for America
non-coronavirus patients hospital, but if you can’t
statewide in Mississippi get that, then we’ll have
JACKSON — As inten-
hospitals in the last week. to find another way that
sive care units fill up at
hospitals in Mississippi, Health officials in maybe is not going to be
state health officials are Mississippi said they are as optimal,” Dobbs said.
considering opening pop- going to try to find open “But we need to make
up facilities to provide space in hospitals for ad- sure people are getting
more beds for coronavirus ditional beds before mov- taken care of, even if it’s
patients. However, they ing patients elsewhere. not the way we would nor-
say the quality of care at The challenges of open- mally want to.”
those facilities won’t be
what people are used to.
“If we need sort of a
mash-style hundred-bed
facility, where we are put-
ting patients, we will take
the necessary steps to do
that,” Gov. Tate Reeves
said last week. “Keep in
mind, the quality of care
in those facilities is not
going to be the same level
as if you go to a level one
facility in Mississippi to-
On Monday, nine of
Mississippi’s largest hos-
pitals did not have any in-
tensive care beds. At the
peak of the virus, states
like New York and New
Jersey opened up addi-
tional facilities to house
patients. Nearby, Georgia
is looking to a convention
center in Atlanta to house
overflow patients.
State Health Offi-
cer Thomas Dobbs said
Monday numbers of hos-
pitalizations — 961 coro-
navirus patients in ICUs,
as of last week — were
“stable” for now. He at-
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 3A

The following arrests

Unions sue USDA over
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Travis Blanton, 26,
faster chicken plant
was charged with posses-
sion of methamphetamine
and suspended drivers li-
production speeds
n Rakeem Wilson, 26, Blanton Wilson Murphree Brandon Mayfield Hill Unions say faster speeds make
was charges with posses-
sion of a controlled sub-
adequate worker distancing
n Christopher Mur-
during pandemic nearly impossible
phree, 46, was charged BY DAVID PIT T
with driving under the The Associated Press
influence — fourth or sub-
sequent. WEST DES MOINES, Iowa — The union rep-
Coleman Simpson McGee Nash Burkis Moore resenting workers at chicken processing plants
n Lee Brandon, 23,
was charged with felony beha County Sheriff’s Of- in six states sued the U.S. Department of Agri-
taking of a motor vehicle,
fice: culture on Tuesday, saying its policy of allowing
false information and dis- n Robert Simpson,48, companies to slaughter birds more quickly en-
obeying a traffic control
was charged with aggra- dangers workers and makes it more difficult to
device. vated domestic assault. protect against spread of the coronavirus.
n Henry Mayfield, 26, n Omartra McGee, The United Food and Commercial Workers In-
possession of a controlled
37, was charged with ternational Union and local unions representing
substance and simple as-possession of controlled 10 plants in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Ken-
Reese Yates Withers Lewis tucky, Mississippi and Missouri joined with non-
sault by threat. substance, possession
n Justin Hill, 40, was
of a weapon by a felon, was charged with sale of was charged with posses- profit consumer advocacy group Public Citizen to
charges with three counts
tampering with evidence, marijuana more than 30 sion of marijuana more file the lawsuit in federal court in Washington,
trafficking of controlled
MDOC HOLD and no grams, speeding and no than 30 grams. D.C.
substances. seatbelt. insurance. n Barron Withers, 32, The USDA first allowed line speed waivers in
n Kelvin Coleman, 37, n Benjamin Nash, 27, n Denver Reese, 25, was charged with proba- 2018 after the National Chicken Council, a poul-
was charged with pos- was charged with an in- was charged with pos- tion violation. try industry trade group, petitioned it to increase
session of controlled sub-
dictment. session of controlled sub- n Corey Lewis, 25, was speeds.
stance. n Todd Burkis, 51, was stance, no insurance and charged with two counts The lawsuit alleges that the waivers violate
charged with DUI 3rd of- driving on a suspended armed robbery, burglary the Administrative Procedure Act because USDA
The following arrests fense. license. of vehicle, and hold for failed to provide public notice or allow public
were made by the Oktib- n Demonta Moore, 20, n Kendrin Yates, 26, other agency. comment and should be set aside.
The unions claim workers are endangered
by faster line speeds and further at risk during
the coronavirus pandemic because faster speeds
make adequate worker distancing nearly impos-

“America’s poultry workers have been on the
front lines of this pandemic since day one, put-
Continued from Page 1A ting themselves in harm’s way to make sure our
families have the food we need during this cri-
from the $1.25 billion Mis- we felt we were going to percent of members must health care needs have
sis,” said UFCW International President Marc
sissippi received from the get the best bang for our vote in favor by Aug. 21, convinced people that
Perrone. “As COVID-19 continues to infect thou-
federal Coronavirus Aid, buck.” and the results will be an- broadband access is a sands of meatpacking workers, it is stunning
Relief, and Economic Se- The state provided nounced at a special-call necessity and not a luxu- that USDA is further endangering these workers
curity (CARES) Act, the $5.5 million, and 4-Coun- meeting Sept. 9. ry, 4-County CEO Brian by allowing poultry companies to increase line
relief package Congress ty will match with about Demand for broad- Clark said. speeds to dangerous new levels that increase the
passed in March in light $7.5 million, he said. The band in rural areas of the “Whether you’re a risk of injury and make social distancing next to
of the COVID-19 corona- roughly $13 million proj- Golden Triangle has been young kid trying to be impossible.”
virus pandemic. ect will serve about 7,000 a topic of discussion for educated or an elderly The lawsuit claims the USDA has allowed 53
4-County spokesman people and 2,400 homes. the past few years, with person trying to socially of 124 chicken processing plants to process up
Jon Turner said the coop- The cost to broadband both citizens and elected distance and not catch to 175 birds per minute instead of capping pro-
erative chose the portions customers and the time- officials calling for expan- COVID, this was the per- duction at 140 birds as specified in regulations
of its nine-county service line of construction and sion. Broadband access fect year to prove that ev- adopted in 2014.
territory — northeast availability are still to be and the disparities within
erybody needs access to A spokeswoman for the USDA’s Food Safety
Choctaw County, west determined. the region became even
good broadband,” Clark and Inspection Service said the agency does not
Clay County and north 4-County’s Certificate more apparent in March
said. “Before this year, comment on pending litigation.
Noxubee County — that of Incorporation needs to when the pandemic forced
are currently in the most be updated in order to cre- schools to close and stu- some people saw it as just Representatives of meat processing compa-
need of service. ate a subsidiary company dents to learn from home. entertainment, but now nies Tyson and Wayne Farms, which are men-
“We hope this is going to provide broadband to One broadband project we see there’s really a tioned in the lawsuit, did not immediately re-
to get us moving to be the three targeted areas, could cost $110 million, need for it.” spond to messages seeking comment.
able to provide (broad- so the co-op will mail which is why $13 million
band) for everybody,” ballots to its members in only covers a small por-
Turner said. “It’s a limited the first week of August, tion of the service territo-
amount of money, so we according to a Tuesday ry, Turner said.
had to allocate it in a way press release. At least 60 Current education and


Mississippi community college by news outlets Monday.
Graham said the college’s board of
renames Jefferson Davis campus trustees chose to change the name as
GULFPORT — A Mississippi com-
part of the school’s new strategic plan,
munity college has announced that it
which called for reviewing the names of
renamed one of its campuses that pre-
viously honored Confederate President all facilities “to ensure they support and
Jefferson Davis, according to school of- align with the college’s mission, vision
ficials. and values.”
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community The college was in the process of
College’s Jefferson Davis Campus in updating its publications and website
Gulfport was renamed last week to Har- to reflect the change, The Hattiesburg
rison County Campus, President Mary American quoted the college’s public in-
S. Graham said in a statement obtained formation coordinator as saying.

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thur.
Major 8:13p 9:10p
Minor 4:18p 5:24p
Major 8:41a 9:39a
Minor 2:10a 2:56a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Wear the damn mask
’ve never understood the that way. Belief must come the mask off another person to yell in Besides, that whole “rights” argu-
point of the proselytizing from more than hedging their face. ment is especially bogus when it comes
atheist. your bets. Wearing a mask It’s almost like those people want to from many of the same people who
Even as a person of Chris- during a pandemic, on the give COVID-19 to someone just to prove believed so strongly post-9/11 that we
tian faith, I understand how other hand, absolutely can be a point. What point, I couldn’t reckon. If had a “patriotic duty” to give up some of
a person’s life experiences summed up with this basic that’s the case, then give it to yourself our civil liberties to ensure our national
would lead them to decide logic. and leave me out of it. security. What happened to that? It’s
not to have faith themselves. Let’s look at the pros/ But just for fun, let’s take some of the not like the government will tap your
People, as a rule, are poor cons of wearing a mask in anti-mask arguments one at a time. phone to see if you intend to wear a
witnesses after all, and for public. Research says it helps “What if COVID isn’t as serious mask. Although, I guess with The Patri-
many atheists and agnos- keep YOU from spreading as the media insists it is?” Well, I’m ot Act, it could.
tics, bad experiences with the virus to OTHERS, not no scientist, but the virus has killed I have every right to expect my gov-
professed Christians serve Zack Plair necessarily the other way nearly 700,000 people globally since ernment — local, state and federal — to
as their primary evidence to around. Multiple scientific November, including almost 150,000 in implement policies that make citizens
not become one — as sad as that makes authorities have shown mask wearing is the U.S. since January. Seems serious protect each other’s safety. In this case,
me. effective, especially as a way to mitigate enough. if wearing a mask helps stem a public
But I’ve never fathomed why, for spreading COVID-19 while keeping the “What if the mask suffocates me health crisis, a mandate to do so is no
some, the existence of faith in God is economy open. or poisons me with trapped carbon more a violation of civil liberties than a
such a threat that they aim to convert But what if the research is wrong dioxide?” It won’t. But if you’re that lane divider painted on a highway or a
people away from it. and masks don’t really help much more concerned about lung health, maybe speed limit sign meant to protect driver
Believe me, this comes up, or at least than doing nothing? Then, we adjust you should stop smoking or refuse to be safety.
I’ve seen it dozens of times — people to something more effective when we around others who do. An anti-masker’s “feelings” about
who actively profess no faith who discover it, and all you’re out is the “Well, I don’t have a problem with it should not dictate policy. But that
fervently beseech others to also believe inconvenience. At least you tried and people wearing a mask. I might even seems to be the prevailing voice keep-
there is no God, heaven, afterlife, etc. showed your fellow man that — using wear one myself. But I don’t think the ing some governments from executing
When those conversations come my the information you had at the time — government should tell me I have to. I their charge. Both that attitude from
way, first I ask, “Why does it matter to you actually gave a damn about whether should have a choice. What about my the public and the government bending
you what I believe?” Then I take it one you might possibly kill them. That’s got rights?” to it at the expense of people’s health
step further. to be worth something. In the words of one of my favorite are disgraceful.
Say you’re right, I tell them, and I’m Yet, many anti-maskers are as angry all-time TV characters, Col. Sherman Wear the damn mask.
wrong. I’ll never know it and I won’t lose about the prospect of being inconve- Potter, “Buffalo bagels.” If you don’t, at least do us all a favor
anything for the trouble. And we’ll both nienced as proselytizing atheists are You don’t have the right to hurt and refuse to take your shoes off the
be in the same place when we die. But if about people believing in God. Some other people, negligently or otherwise. next time you’re at a TSA checkpoint.
I’m right and you’re wrong, our ends will show that anger by refusing to wear a It doesn’t matter if you agree with That ought to keep you out of the super-
be very different and you will absolutely mask and calling people who do cow- the research. The mere possibility of market for a while.
know about it. So, logically, it makes ards on Facebook. Others, as we’ve spreading a deadly virus before we have Zack Plair is managing editor of The
more sense to believe, right? seen, have gone so far as to scream at a vaccine is enough for governments to Dispatch. His email address is zplair@
Of course, faith doesn’t really work business owners who require it or rip enact measures to keep you from it.


Dismisses politically broad characterizations
In a recent letter, I tried to describe what makes Co-
lumbus and my neighborhood feel like where I belong. I
believe our neighborly cohesiveness developed because we
focus on what brings us together rather than on where we
I only wish that some of our national leaders would do
the same. Recently, Devin Nunes (R-CA) said on Fox News
that Democrats “hate white people.” What?! I’m a Demo-
crat who does not hate anyone. I know, like, and respect
a significant number of white people. None of my Dem-
ocratic friends and acquaintances has ever done or said
anything to support Nunes’ ridiculous claim.
Unlike Nunes, I would never accuse those with whom
I disagree of hating a group or not loving their country —
because I do not believe it to be true.
It is sad that I mention Nunes before John Lewis
(D-GA) whose death and funeral this past week revived
strong memories of the Civil Rights movement and of
those activists who made their stand no matter how
unpopular. Unlike Nunes, whose principles I question,
civil rights activists like Lewis did not get interviews on
Fox News — instead, they got beaten, sometimes got their
skulls fractured.
Let me expand what I said in my neighborhood letter.
I care about my neighbors because they are good people
— their politics and religion, skin color has nothing to do
with it. This is not a special rule for my neighbors — it
applies to everyone.
Hate our country? Hate the people that make it up?
Absurd. I would probably sleep better if I did not care so
much! As a perfectionist, I have never seen anything that I
did not think could be improved — my own life, in partic-
ular; no matter how it seems at the time. I view my citizen-
ship and my country the same way.
So, let me be clear. I love my country. I never want
to live anywhere else. So did John Lewis and, precisely
because of that, he pushed ceaselessly to be part of the
national conversation. That is all any of us are aiming for
when we criticize — Republican or Democrat.
We recognize that we do not have all the answers for
how best to move forward. We just want to be part of the
process that seeks to find them. Is that not what this coun-
try is supposed to be all about?!
Paul Mack

Hopes the country can unite in a bipartisan way

Froma Harrop’s July 28 column got me to thinking
about the protests being Trump’s only hope and how it is
all a ploy on his part to divide the nation for his gain. For
us as U.S. citizens to unite bipartisan would mean winning
over part of the Republican base.
Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority,
the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the
people mourn.
The nation is in a state of mourning from the rampant
disease, a plummeting economy and self isolation.
The campaign statement that “You won’t be safe in Joe
Biden’s America,” could not be further from the truth.
On the contrary I look forward to God healing our nation
under a new administration.
Proverbs 16:12 It is an abomination to kings to commit
wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.
We must continue to pray for the healing, knowing that
righteousness exalts a nation. Mary Jane Runnels Deanna Tess Vrbin
Peter Imes Luther Shields Robinson-Pugh Yue Stella Yu
Columbus William Hudson
Jackie Taylor
Jamie Morrison
A letter to the editor is an excellent way to participate ITUS BUSINESS OFFICE Isabelle Altman Christina Boyd Tina Perry
in your community. We request the tone of your letters be Birney Imes Lindsey Beck Theo Derosa Joseph Ellis Reuben Proffitt
constructive and respectful and the length be limited to 450 Debbie Foster Matt Garner Jeffrey Gore
words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, grammar Mary Ann Hardy Claire Hassler Katrina Guyton
ADVERTISING Eddie Johnson Garrick Hodge Doris Hill
and length. While commentary on national issues is always Claudi Arrington Quaylon Jones
Courtney Laury Zack Plair
welcome, we limit candidate endorsements to one per let- Amber Dumas Ben Portnoy Marvin Kyles
ter-writer. We welcome all letters emailed to voice@cdispatch. Kelly Ervin CIRCULATION Slim Smith Marquisto Miller
com or mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, Melissa Johnson Michael Floyd Jan Swoope Bobby Williams
PO Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511. Beth Proffitt Anto Tavitian
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 5A

Cosmetology students,
hairstylists describe a race divide
Some cosmetology schools include educators training. Mannequins of color are
not routine.
with experience on a range of textured hair, Kayla Naclerio, 23, of Albuquer-
que, New Mexico, is enrolled in
but students said highly textured hair is often beauty school near her home. She
plans to graduate in September.
barely mentioned during training “They don’t really tend to teach
ethnic hair,” said Naclerio, who is
BY LEANNE ITALIE They’ve been taught Black hair is white. “I would like to learn how to
The Associated Press difficult,” Alexander said. “Nobody do Black hair. I don’t really see why
will come in here and hear that there seems to be such a big lack of
NEW YORK — After repeatedly their hair is too difficult.”
being denied service by high-end education on Black hair.”
About 25 miles from Alexan- Naclerio found her own manne-
salons because her hair was per- der’s salon, in mostly white West-
ceived as “too difficult” to style, Ka- quin of color to supplement her ed-
borough, Massachusetts, Dama- ucation.
nessa Alexander took an unusual lyn Matthews knows the struggle
step. She opened a shop of her own Serving Black people in the beau-
firsthand. Matthews, who is white ty business has become increasing-
in a predominantly white Boston and Native American, has three
neighborhood with four Black styl- ly lucrative. In 2018, the Black hair
children with her African Amer-
ists serving all hair textures. care industry raked in an estimated
ican husband. She recently sent
“I wanted to be someplace $2.51 billion as Black consumers
her two oldest, ages 7 and 5, to her
where we existed but were not rep- have progressively made the switch
regular salon, a Supercuts, with her
resented,” the African American from general products to those that
21-year-old niece, who is white.
cosmetologist said of her decision cater specifically to them. Black
A white stylist grumbled that the
five years ago to set up Perfect 10 children’s race should have been women spend nine times more on
in West Roxbury, near where she disclosed when the appointments ethnic-targeted beauty and groom-
grew up. “So many salons were just were made because: “We don’t cut ing products than the average for
seeing a Black person.” Black people’s hair here,” Matthews all consumers in the hair sector, ac-
As a racial reckoning unfolds said. While service wasn’t denied, cording to Nielsen.
around the globe, Alexander and the remark and others like it made Kari Williams in Los Angeles
more than a dozen other people of by the stylist led to her termination has a seat on the California Board
color in the beauty industry trace and an apology from the salon. of Barbering and Cosmetology,
such bias and discrimination in Such stories are not uncommon, which administers exams and li-
mostly white salons to the sidelin- from outright refusals to botched censes in the state. She said most
ing of formal education on tightly treatments and cuts by stylists who beauty schools focus on salon safe-
curled, coiled or kinky hair. don’t know what they’re doing but ty and sanitation, and the use of
The lack of experience, or in- are reluctant to say so, fearing le- heat styling tools and chemicals for
terest, is particularly acute when gal retribution or out of embarrass- straightening, coloring, perming
it comes to hair worn naturally, ment or guilt. and relaxing.
a growing trend among African Some cosmetology schools in- “When you have a stylist going
American women who want to cel- clude educators with experience through 1,100 hours of training,
ebrate both personal identity and on a range of textured hair, but when it comes to Black hair, they’re
Black culture. students said highly textured hair learning how to destroy Black hair,”
“They didn’t learn Black hair. is often barely mentioned during Williams said.

Experts worry about errors if census schedule is sped up

Officials had warned as recently as early July it was already islation, but the Repub-
lican-controlled Senate
too late to have the numbers ready without an extension has yet to do so. Senate
Republicans on Monday
BY MIKE SCHNEIDER asked Congress to extend poned finishing field op- instead proposed an ad-
The Associated Press the deadlines required for erations for the 2020 cen- ditional $448 million in
the U.S. Census Bureau sus from the end of July to funding for the 2020 cen-
ORLANDO, Fla. — to turn in the head count the end of October. sus in its coronavirus-re-
After asking for corona- data used for redrawing The Democratic-con- lief bill.
virus-related deadline congressional district and trolled House agreed to
extensions in April, the legislative districts. The the extensions as part of
Trump administration Census Bureau also post- coronavirus-relief leg-
now appears to be aban-
doning that request by
asking Congress for extra
funding to wrap up the
2020 census “as quickly,
and safely as possible” in
a move that could help en-
sure the number-crunch-
ing for redrawing con-
gressional districts takes
place on President Don-
ald Trump’s watch.
Census Bureau offi-
cials had warned as re-
cently as early July that
it was already too late to
have the numbers ready
without an extension. And
outside experts predicted
Tuesday that speeding up
the timetable would lead
to an inaccurate head
count that misses people
in hard-to-count minority
“It would be like giv-
ing an expectant moth-
er in the early stages of
pregnancy a lot of mon-
ey to have the baby in
4.5 months,” said John
Thompson, a former Cen-
sus Bureau director in the
Obama administration.
The Census Bureau
is in the middle of the
2020 census, and some
of the bureau’s 500,000
door-knockers started
heading out this month to
households that haven’t
yet answered the ques-
With the new corona-
virus disrupting census
operations in April, the
Trump administration

Send in your
church event!


Religious brief
6A WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
“Right now the sched- Dispatch he also received ment will have more em- said Smith in a Tuesday
ule is trying to do … three similar complaints. The ployees than the police Facebook post.
wards in a department tried to keep department (which em- As part of the city’s
day, which up with its workload, he ploys 54 officers) and the cost-saving measures in
is hard to said, but sometimes he fire department (which April, most employees
try to do had to help pick up trash has 56 firefighters). Both began working 30 hours
with that in the ward. departments are still un- a week. Police and fire de-
30 hours,” “I’ve picked up (trash) der a hiring freeze, Smith partments’ schedules re-
Bush said. s ever a l said. mained the same during
“Right now, times my- Bush said the new the cutback.
we are … Bush self in ar- hires, as well as going The measure expires
behind may- eas, and the back to a 40-hour weekly Saturday.
be three to four weeks.” next day, work schedule, will help Beginning Monday,
As a result, multiple it’d be right a lot. public works, landfill and
council members said back there,” Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff
“That would help be- Trotter Convention Cen-
Tuesday many residents he said. “So Mayor Robert Smith leads a city leaders meeting con- cause my guys can pick ter employees will work
from their wards ex- that’s going Jones cerning the possibility of returning to the pre-pandemic up the extra 10 hours that five days a week from
pressed frustration about to be a hard work schedule and the hiring freezes for the Public we lost,” he told The Dis- 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The
the delays. problem to fix.” Works Department on Tuesday at Columbus City Hall. patch. “That would help zoning and inspection de-
Ward 3 Councilman The need for the de- my guys catch back up on partment will work from
know which way things from last year but an in- the wards.”
Charlie Box told The Dis- partment to catch up with are going to go,” Jones crease of almost $190,000 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. All other
patch he received com- its workload prompted said. “With that said, we from the May figure, said departments, except for
plaints about delays in the council’s approval of still have to maintain the Chief Financial Officer
Most city departments the police and fire depart-
grass cutting. the additional personnel, city. People want to see Deliah Vaughn at the July will work five-day ments, will work five days
“The grass is grow- Jones said, even though grass cut, they don’t like 21 council meeting. schedules a week from 8 a.m. to 5
ing so fast. it will generate extra cost snakes, they don’t like “This past month The council also unan- p.m.
We are just to the city. The 10 new grass and things like is our second highest imously voted to allow “We now see that we
short of employees at the public that.” month that we’ve had this most city departments to can go back to a full-time
people, we works department will Smith told The Dis- year,” Smith said. “Our fi- work a five-day 40-hour schedule for our employ-
can’t get it each work 40 hours a patch he has confidence nances have picked back week beginning Monday, ees and catch up on the
all done,” week at an hourly rate of in the city’s ability to up, and it’s not what we a shift from its pre-pan- work we have fallen be-
Box said. $10.30, Smith told The shoulder the cost of those thought it would be back demic four-day schedule. hind,” Smith said in the
“We need to Dispatch. That will cost 10 new hires, due to an in- when we first presented Apart from the police post. “We are a service
get the city Box the city $4,120 per week crease in the city’s month- this (plan).” and fire departments, the organization, and the
cleaned up and more than $200,000 ly sales tax revenue. The The addition will bring other city departments regular five-days-a-week
again and looking good.” a year. city collected $892,395.40 the total number of de- have worked 40 hours schedule will allow us to
Ward 5 Councilman “Finances (are) always in June, which is a de- partment workers to 61, per week from Monday serve better the citizens
Stephen Jones told The a concern, but we don’t crease of roughly $4,000 Bush said. The depart- to Thursday since 2008, that depend on us.”

Continued from Page 1A
parent, he’s not going to job skills like how to write is against defunding the people “who don’t want doesn’t think it’s neces- he added. “Summer time
respect a police officer.” resumes, how to dress for police, he does think po- to be protected,” he said sarily higher than in pre- crime rate usually always
Shelton wants Colum- interviews and how to fill licing needs to change. — either because they vious years. spikes a little bit because
bus Police Department out applications online. “Columbus Police De- refuse to wear a mask or, “During the lockdown, you’ve got more people
— along with community Many of the details partment, we’re ahead during the curfew, they I would say violent crime out of school, you’ve got
partners like the Rota- to the program are still of the game,” he said. refused to go home. was down a lot,” Swan juveniles out of school.
ry Club — to contribute being worked out, but “We’ve been practicing He said he’s increased said. “We probably were But this year’s been un-
to getting that sense of Shelton said he hopes to community policing since patrols in the areas where not as proactive as we are usual because of COVID.
community back by im- use the old Palmer Home 2015.” there is most likely to be now. 2020 has not been a year
plementing programs to property, which has been “partying” and that he “I think we’re proba- that you could really use
work with kids and fami- sold to Columbus Housing and command staff have
lies. Authority, to host some of
Crime and COVID-19 been patrolling more as
bly about average what as comparison to previous
During the meeting, we normally would be,” years anyway.”
Specifically, he said, the events. The goal is to the pandemic goes on.
Shelton also spoke about
he wants to start a police set up the program by Oc- Shelton told The Dis-
the issues CPD has dealt
athletic league for young tober, though he said the patch after the meeting
with this year, includ-
people between the ages COVID-19 pandemic is that while people were in
ing the need to enforce
of 14 and 21. The idea is complicating that. For ex- quarantine in March and
that police officers would ample, he’s not sure how restrictions set in place April, there was relative-
play and coach sports many kids they can work to curb the spread of ly little criminal activi-
with teenagers and help with at one time. COVID-19. When the pan- ty. Now that restrictions
keep them out of trouble But with more than 12 demic began in March, have been lifted, there
that way. million people in the Unit- the city of Columbus has been a jump in crime
“That fosters a rela- ed States in jail, Shelton temporarily closed busi- “as people are getting out
tionship between the po- said he doesn’t believe nesses and enacted a 10 and getting more active,”
lice officers and that fami- police are solving crime p.m. curfew. While both he said.
ly and the community,” he in the country by merely restrictions have been Possibly there is a lit-
said. arresting criminals. In- lifted, citizens are now tle more crime this year
“One of the big things stead, police need to be required to wear masks in than there was last year,
is boxing,” he continued. part of crime prevention businesses unless eating, he said, and he contrib-
“Let these little guys, in- by being involved in the drinking or exercising. utes that at least partial-
stead of shooting it out, community, helping kids “My job is to serve and ly due to COVID-19 and
box it out. And if you win and helping resolve con- to protect,” Shelton said. how people are letting out
the boxing match, you get flicts in families before “I’m to serve and protect pent-up stress and anger
a trophy instead of hand- they occur. you from gunfire, from brought on by quarantine.
cuffs. That’s a better deal: That’s particularly knife attacks and from In the county, Lown-
a trophy instead of hand- important now as nation- physical assaults. Now, des County Sheriff’s Of-
cuffs.” wide protests against po- I’m switching hats and fice Chief Deputy Brent
He hopes for part of the lice brutality in the wake I’ve got to protect you Swan said law enforce-
program to be focused on of George Floyd’s death from an unseen virus that ment has also seen an in-
helping those same young have called for changes to I can’t detect.” crease in criminal activity
people — and in some cas- law enforcement. It’s been a challenge as individuals come out
es, their parents — learn While Shelton said he particularly to protect of quarantine, though he

Continued from Page 1A
can’t be applied to the and other essential work- District 1 Trustee “right at maximum ca-
hospital’s income state- ers that “go above and Neil Amos said he un- pacity” of COVID-19
ments “until we can match beyond for these patients” derstands Brooks and patients, with 14 in the
those funds up with valid deserve extra compensa- Haddix’s concerns but hospital Tuesday, Jackson
COVID expenses,” Jack- tion since costs of living believes preventing a fi- said. Five patients were
son said. have increased due to the nancial deficit should be a in the intensive care unit,
“We just don’t see a pandemic. high priority. and one was breathing
clear explanation of how However, District 3 “I wish we were in a po-
through a ventilator.
we’re going to be allowed Trustee Linda Breazeale sition (to) give everybody
COVID-19 care and
to utilize these funds,” he said the board should a bonus and thank them
said. “We’re trying to be not “get carried away and go on,” Amos said. “normal hospital opera-
very careful that we don’t with emotions” because “I do think we need to be tions” is a “delicate bal-
spend these funds only to spending money carefully transparent with them ance,” Chief Medical
find out later they have to will preserve health care because they are hearing Officer Todd Smith said,
be repaid.” workers’ jobs in the fu- we’re getting extra mon- especially since other hos-
Trustees Michael Had- ture. Jackson agreed that ey, and it’s probably hard pitals have asked OCH to
dix of District 2 and Kim- the money might have to for them to understand care for their COVID-19
berley Brooks of District last the hospital for sev- that we can’t use that patients when they run
5 said salary increases eral months, and he said money in the way of a bo- out of beds. The hospital
and hazard pay for front- a “major challenge” for nus.” had a request from Shar-
line health care workers him as CEO is to make Operating expenses key-Issaquena Communi-
would be the most reason- sure the hospital does not for the first nine months ty Hospital, two and a half
able use of the money. operate at the multimil- of the fiscal year exceed- hours away in the Delta,
“What we’re doing lion-dollar yearly losses it ed $51.6 million, Russell this past weekend.
is we’re taking the sen- did in 2018 and 2019. said.
“That presents a very
timents out of the kind “Many hospitals just In other business, the
difficult challenge to be
of work these people do like us always seek to recent increase in positive
and we’re only looking at serve the community first COVID-19 cases has in- able to treat those pa-
the dollars,” Haddix said. with the best-quality care creased turnaround times tients being transferred
“I’m trying to understand even if it means breaking for test results to between in, in addition to treating
where we are in reference even, but you still have to five and seven days, when our local community, but
to human relationships have the financial where- it had previously been 24 as of now we’re able to
and caring for people.” withal to continue,” Jack- to 48 hours, Jackson said. meet that need,” Smith
Brooks said nurses son said. OCH is operating said.

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subject: Business brief
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 7A

As crime surges on his watch, Trump warns of Biden’s America

‘He’s turning to the old playbook — appeal Biden vows to fight racial inequality with economic agenda
to the fears of Americans and then associate THE ASSOCIATED PRESS disproportionately claims people of color as its
victims, or in an election-year reckoning with
those fears with the Democratic Party ...’ WILMINGTON, Del. — Democratic pres-
idential candidate Joe Biden promised Tues-
police violence against Black men.
Robert Spitzer, a political scientist at the State “He can’t turn the economy around. He’s de-
day that his economic agenda would combat termined to stoke division and chaos,” Biden
University of New York College at Cortland
long-standing racial inequalities as he sought said, speaking in a community center gymna-
BY A AMER MADHANI book — appeal to the fears of to draw another sharp contrast with President sium in his hometown of Wilmington, Dela-
The Associated Press Americans and then associate Donald Trump. ware. “It’s not good for the country, but Donald
those fears with the Democrat- Biden said the Republican president is ex- Trump doesn’t care. His campaign is failing and
President Donald Trump is ic Party, specifically Joe Biden.” acerbating social discord across the country, he’s looking for a lifeline.”
painting a dystopian portrait of Trump’s attempt to cast including by sending federal authorities into Biden countered with a litany of proposals
what Joe Biden’s America might Biden in that light follows a major cities under the pretense of addressing to steer federal money and tax credits to small
look like, asserting crime and pattern seen throughout his crime. And he said Trump has little interest in business and economic development programs
chaos would ravage commu- presidency, where he attempts addressing the racism that Biden said has been for minority-owned firms and disadvantaged
nities should the former vice to shift responsibility, often to laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic, which neighborhoods.
president win the White House President Barack Obama, even
in November. more than three years after tak- wane. Violent crime around the so if bad things are happening breaks into her home and get-
Left unsaid: A recent surge ing office. U.S. has been on a downward right now, they get blamed on ting a voice recording inform-
in violent crime in several With echoes of Richard Nix- trajectory for the better part of him,” Erickson said. “I don’t ing her that, because the police
American cities has happened on’s law-and-order campaign the last three decades. know how he can persuade vot- have been defunded, no one is
on his watch. in 1968, Trump is trying to en- Lanae Erickson, a senior vice ers that it’s Joe Biden’s fault.” available to take her call.
“Irony is way down the list ergize his conservative base president for social policy and Trump has tried to paint The Republican president
of things that President Trump while also making an appeal politics at the center-left think Biden as captive of his party’s recently tweeted a warning
worries about,” said Robert to a small patch of undecided tank Third Way, said Trump’s most liberal elements who have to “Suburban Housewives of
Spitzer, a political scientist at voters by posing the question: attempt to use the Nixon play- called to dramatically reshape America” that “Biden will de-
the State University of New Which man will keep you safer? book and tap into anxieties policing in America. stroy your neighborhood and
York College at Cortland whose By leaning hard on select about crime is odd given that, His campaign has aired ad- your American dream.”
research focuses on gun poli- scenes of violence, Trump is unlike Nixon in 1968, Trump is vertising in battleground states “No one will be SAFE in Joe
tics and the American presiden- banking on that unrest con- already in the White House. that shows a woman calling Biden’s America!” Trump de-
cy. “He’s turning to the old play- tinuing. But the protests could “Trump is the incumbent, police for help as an intruder clared.

US officials: Russia behind spread

of coronavirus disinformation
Moscow’s military intelligence service tial aid to the U.S. to fight
the pandemic, and “Bei-
fight falsehoods. Trump
himself has come under
is using a trio of English-language jing Believes COVID-19
is a Biological Weapon,”
scrutiny for sharing mis-
information about a dis-
websites to exploit pandemic ahead which amplified state-
ments by the Chinese.
proven drug for treating
the coronavirus in videos
of presidential election The disclosure comes that were taken down by
as the spread of disinfor-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS previously been classified, Twitter and Facebook.
mation, including by Rus-
but officials said it had sia, is an urgent concern Though U.S. officials
WASHINGTON — been downgraded so they heading into November’s have warned before about
Russian intelligence ser- could more freely discuss presidential election as the spread of disinforma-
vices are using a trio of it. Officials said they were U.S. officials look to avoid tion tied to the pandemic,
English-language web- doing so now to sound the a repeat of the 2016 con- they went further on Tues-
sites to spread disinforma- alarm about the particular test, when a Russian troll day by singling out a par-
tion about the coronavirus websites and to expose farm launched a covert ticular information agency
pandemic, seeking to ex- what they say is a clear social media campaign that is registered in Rus-
ploit a crisis that America link between the sites and to divide American pub- sia, InfoRos, and that op-
is struggling to contain Russian intelligence. lic opinion and to favor erates a series of websites
ahead of the presidential Between late May then-candidate Donald —, Infobrics.
election in November, U.S. and early July, one of the Trump over Democratic org and
officials said Tuesday. officials said, the web- opponent Hillary Clinton. — that have leveraged the
Two Russians who have sites singled out Tuesday The U.S. government’s
held senior roles in Mos- pandemic to promote an-
published about 150 ar- chief counterintelligence
cow’s military intelligence ticles about the pandem- ti-Western objectives and
executive warned in a rare
service known as the GRU ic response, including public statement Friday to spread disinformation.
have been identified as re- coverage aimed either at about Russia’s continued
sponsible for a disinforma- propping up Russia or den- use of internet trolls to ad-
tion effort meant to reach igrating the U.S. vance their goals.
American and Western au- Among the headlines Even apart from poli-
diences, U.S. government that caught the attention tics, the twin crises buf-
officials said. They spoke of U.S. officials were “Rus- feting the country and
to The Associated Press sia’s Counter COVID-19 much of the world — the
on condition of anonymity Aid to America Advances pandemic and race rela-
because they were not au- Case for Détente,” which tions and protests — have
thorized to speak publicly. suggested that Russia had offered fertile territory
The information had given urgent and substan- for misinformation or out-

Trump admin won’t accept new DACA applications

BY SOPHIA TAREEN tion of the immigration to apply, according to the
AND ELLIOT SPAGAT laws,” Wolf wrote in the nonpartisan Migration
The Associated Press
memo. Policy Institute.
CHICAGO — The About 650,000 people The government will
Trump administration are part of DACA, which deny all new applications,
said Tuesday that it will allows young immigrants limit renewals to one year
reject new applications who were brought to the instead of two, and deny
and shorten renewal peri- country illegally as chil- requests by DACA recip-
ods for an Obama-era pro- dren to work and shields ients to visit their home
gram that shields young them from deportation. countries unless there are
people from deportation, Roughly 66,000 people “exceptional circumstanc-
taking a defiant stance meet age requirements es.”
after the U.S. Supreme
Court refused to let it be
scrapped completely.
The move, detailed
in a memo from Acting
Homeland Security Sec-
retary Chad Wolf, ended
a month of uncertainty
about how the administra-
tion would respond to its
Supreme Court defeat in
an election year that has
President Donald Trump
looking for ways to ener-
gize his base.
Wolf said the adminis-
tration may try to end the
Deferred Action for Child-
hood Arrivals program
again, casting it as a law
enforcement issue that
could contribute to illegal
immigration. He said the
federal government needs
more time to consider
next steps, presenting the
measures as a temporary
“DACA makes clear
that, for certain large
classes of individuals,
DHS will at least tolerate,
if not affirmatively sanc-
tion, their ongoing viola-
8A WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Barr defends aggressive

federal response to protests
Attorney General:
‘Violent rioters and Source: US, Oregon in talks
anarchists have hijacked
legitimate protests’
about pulling agents in Portland
PORTLAND, Ore. — The Trump administration has started talks
WA S H I N G T O N with the Oregon governor’s office and indicated that it would begin to
— Attorney General draw down the presence of federal agents sent to quell two months of
William Barr defend- chaotic protests in Portland if the state stepped up its own enforcement,
ed the aggressive fed- a senior White House official said Tuesday.
eral law enforcement The official stressed to The Associated Press that the talks with the
response to civil un- office of Democratic Gov. Kate Brown are in the early stages and there
rest in America as he is no agreement. The official was not authorized to publicly discuss pri-
testified for the first vate conversations and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
time before the House Barr Brown didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment Tues-
Judiciary Committee, pushing back day. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s office also didn’t immediately re-
against angry, skeptical Democrats spond to an email.
who said President Donald Trump’s Just a day earlier, the U.S. Marshals Service and Department of
administration is unconstitutionally Homeland Security were weighing whether to send in more agents. The
suppressing dissent. marshals were taking steps to identify up to 100 additional personnel
The hearing, held Tuesday as who could go in case they were needed to relieve or supplement the
the late civil rights icon John Lew- deputy marshals who work in Oregon, spokesman Drew Wade said.
is lay in state steps away outside Homeland Security was considering a similar measure with Cus-
the Capitol, highlighted the wide toms and Border Protection agents, according to an administration offi-
election-year gulf between the two cial with direct knowledge of the plans who was not authorized to speak
parties on police brutality and sys- publicly about the plans and spoke to AP on condition of anonymity.
temic racism in law enforcement.
Massive protests have sparked un- scenes of destruction are even su- out their frustrations and cut Barr
rest across the nation following the perficial attempts by the rioters off as he attempted to answer ques-
death of George Floyd at the hands
to connect their actions to George tions.
of Minneapolis police, and calls for
Floyd’s death or any legitimate call The hearing comes during a tu-
police reform are growing louder.
for reform,” Barr said of the Port- multuous stretch in which Barr has
But Barr said “violent rioters and
anarchists have hijacked legitimate land protests. taken actions cheered by President
protests” and argued the violence The hearing marks Barr’s first Donald Trump but condemned by
taking place in Portland, Oregon, appearance before the committee Democrats and other critics. Among
and other cities is disconnected after 18 months in office, bringing them: the Justice Department’s de-
from Floyd’s killing, which he called him face-to-face with the panel that cision to drop the prosecution of for-
a “horrible” event that prompted a voted last year to hold him in con- mer Trump administration national
necessary national reckoning on tempt and is holding hearings on security adviser Michael Flynn and
the relationship between the Black what Democrats say is politiciza- Barr’s urging for a more lenient sen-
community and law enforcement. tion of the Justice Department un- tence for Trump ally Roger Stone, a
But he also said there was no sys- der his watch. But little new ground move that prompted the entire trial
temic racism in law enforcement. was uncovered; fuming Democrats team’s departure. Trump later com-
“Largely absent from these often used their five minutes to lay muted the sentence entirely.

Target joins Walmart in ending Thanksgiving store shopping

BY ANNE D’INNOCENZIO holiday and allowing their Minnesota-based Mall of always remained closed
AP Retail Writer workers to spend it with America, reversed course on Thanksgiving, noting
family. In response to the and have not to opened on they want to respect the
NEW YORK — Target backlash and also poor Thanksgiving in recent holiday.
is joining Walmart in clos- sales, some stores and years. Costco and Nord-
ing its stores on Thanks-
malls like Bloomington, strom among others have
giving Day, ending a
decadelong tradition of
jump-starting Black Fri-
day door buster sales.
The move, announced
Monday, comes as stores
are rethinking this year’s
Black Friday shopping bo-
nanza weekend — along
with other key retail days
during the holiday season
— as the country battles
the coronavirus pandem-
Stores always depend-
ed on big holiday crowds
and work as much as
a year in advance with
manufacturers on secur-
ing exclusive items. Now,
the virus has turned the
holiday shopping mod-
el upside down. Stores
have slashed orders and
crowds are an anathe-
ma. With fears of a wave
of virus cases in the fall,
the biggest nightmare
would be if retailers had
to reclose during the most
critical time of the year,
analysts said.
“Historically, deal
hunting and holiday shop-
ping can mean crowded
events, and this isn’t a
year for crowds,” Min-
neapolis-based Target
said in a corporate blog
posted. It said its holiday
deals would come earlier
than ever — starting in
Walmart, the na-
tion’s largest retailer,
announced its move last
Target opened for the
first time on Thanksgiv-
ing in 2011, joining other
stores in starting Black
Friday sales a day early
and creating a new tradi-
tion of shoppers heading
out to the stores after
their turkey feast. Many
retailers did so because
they were trying to bet-
ter compete with Amazon
and other online players.
But sales ended up eat-
ing into Black Friday and
many critics lambasted
stores for not honoring the
662-241-5000 B


BY THEO DEROSA donia, New Hope, Heri- tage Academy and Oak
Hill Academy alone.
NEW ALBANY — “That’s the first time
Miller Hancock was head- that’s happened in this
ed to Virginia. league,” Hancock said.
It’s where the gradu- Eight of the local Gen-
ate of East Webster High erals are incoming fresh-
School in Maben planned men, while the other three
on playing in a summer are rising sophomores,
baseball league after his so Hancock didn’t know
junior season at the Uni- any of his summer league
versity of West Florida teammates coming in. He
wrapped up. quickly got to see that the
But the COVID-19 pan- area players on the team
demic had other plans for knew each other well and
Hancock. After starting associated often. Many
19 games for the Argo- of the Generals played
nauts this spring, Han- together or against each
cock’s junior season was other in Little League and
cut short, though he’ll get travel ball since age 8.
a second crack at it next “They stick together,”
year. His hopes of playing Hancock said. “They’re
summer ball in Virginia good kids.”
were dashed, too. But the team’s Golden
So Hancock turned to Triangle players haven’t
the Cotton States Base- excluded everyone but the
ball League in New Alba- players with whom they
ny, where he’d spent the grew up as teammates or
summer once before. He even rivals. Cade Stacy,
knew the quality of the who graduated from Cale-
competition was up to par, donia in 2019, said joining
and he signed up. the Generals offered him
But he never expected similar opportunities to
to be placed on a team make new friends as did
with 11 players from the heading off to play at Me-
Golden Triangle area. ridian Community Col-
Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff That’s right: More than lege.
Miller Hancock (5) of the University of West Florida University hits the ball during the third inning at a summer league half of the Hill Country “It’s always fun meet-
baseball game earlier this month at BNA Bank Park in New Albany. Generals hail from Cale- See BASEBALL, 2B


MSU’s Lemonis reflects on season’s sudden end

BY BEN PORTNOY proved since the nation NBA had suspended its demic, the MSU baseball Indiana, Lemonis also deep into the Starkville shut down in mid-March, upcoming games. Upon staff has spent countless sang the praises of the night as the MSU faithful
the second-year head returning to Starkville, hours watching games recent facility upgrades roared in approval.
STARKVILLE — coach took the time Tues- the squad was told it through live broadcasts to Dudy Noble Field that “All the kids know
Chris Lemonis has had day to discuss the final would play Arkansas that nationwide in an attempt have WORD in recent about (Dudy Noble) now,”
ample time to work on his hours of MSU’s 2020 sea- coming weekend with no to maintain the usual flow years. Having undergone Lemonis said. “We get
swing, though not on a son and the shock sur- fans in the stands — a se- of summer recruiting sea- an over $60 million reno- people who come through
baseball diamond. rounding the squad when ries that never occurred. son. vation ahead of the 2018 Starkville all the time,
After Mississippi they were “We went inside there Given that persistence, season, new memories ‘Hey we just want to come
State’s season fell victim alerted to in the clubhouse in Biloxi Lemonis quipped scholar- have quickly been formed by and see the facility.’
to the COVID-19 pan- the state and let the guys shower ship offers have occurred in the age-old ball park. I just got an email this
demic after the Bulldogs of affairs and then we had to have through cyberspace rath- Among them, Lemonis morning from a family,
swept a two-game set off around the a team meeting and talk- er than in-person during offered a glowing recap ‘Hey can we come get a
then-No. 4 Texas Tech, world. ed about what happened,” the pandemic. of last season’s Super Re- tour.’ It’s a very special
Lemonis has spent much Strolling Lemonis said. “Man those “It’s crazy out there gional victory over Stan- place.”
of his offseason on the golf through the next couple days were a in the world that we’re ford. Past history aside, Le-
course alongside assis- u n d e r b e l - Lemonis blur.” in, our kids are out there Reflecting on a surreal monis has since shifted
tant coach Jake Gautreau. ly of MGM Beyond reflecting on playing ball everywhere,” ninth inning, he raved on a his optimism toward next
“I shot an 81 yester- Park in Bi- last season’s end, Lemonis he said. “Not just our kids frame in which Southeast- season — one in which
day,” he said through an loxi following MSU’s 3-2 explained how the coach- in our program but re- ern Conference all-time the Bulldogs return the
ear-to-ear grin on Tues- win over Texas Tech on ing staff has attacked the cruits. We’ve signed kids hits leader Jake Mangum bulk of their 2020 roster
day night’s Virtual Road March 11 as droves of recruiting trail in recent over the computer over slapped one final single aside from first round
Dawgs Tour episode. Bulldogs fans spilled out months. As youth base- this time frame.” onto the playing surface, picks Jordan Westburg,
“That’s my highest ever.” of the ballpark, Lemonis ball tournaments have Now heading into his before senior Elijah Mac- Justin Foscue and second
While Lemonis’ golf was alerted by a media persisted nationwide third season in Starkville Namee spent his final at- round selection JT Ginn.
game has assuredly im- relations staffer that the despite the ongoing pan- after a four year run at bat belting a home run See MSU, 2B

Tsutsugo gets key hit as Rays beat Braves 5-2

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Rays loaded the those runners got on and Joey Wendle add- of third but scored just running him out there,”
bases in the third on base, I kind of sped up ed run-scoring singles. one run on Marcell Ozu- manager Brian Snitker
ST. PETERSBURG, three walks, and then a little bit and lost (my) Tampa Bay went up 5-1 na’s two-out single. said. “You saw his stuff.
Fla. — Yoshi Tsutsu- chased Kyle Wright (0-1) grip.” when Martinez scored “I think the momen- He just needs to pitch.
go hit a two-run single with three consecutive “I don’t want to make on a wild pitch by Josh tum was started with the The only way he’s going
during Tampa Bay’s five- two-out hits. excuses, first off,” Wright Tomlin. way we got through the to learn is to go out there
run third inning, and the “That’s the most frus- added. “I usually lick my “We’re on a good win- top of the third,” Rays at this level and pitch.
Rays beat the Atlanta trating thing about it,” fingers, can’t lick my fin- ning streak,” Tsutsugo manager Kevin Cash You see that stuff the
Braves 5-2 on Tuesday Wright said. “In those gers, but it’s the rules, said through a translator. said. “That’s kind of the first two innings, it’s real-
night for their fourth first two innings, I don’t figure it out. I’ve got to do “I’m feeling very produc- ballgame.”
ly, really good.”
straight win. think I threw any more a better job of doing that. tive these days.” Ozzie Albies singled
Yonny Chirinos Pete Fairbanks (1-0)
than five balls. Those I’ve had some issues in Tsutsugo, a big league in a run in the seventh
pitched four effective in- first two innings I was the past of finding a grip, rookie after a standout for the Braves. Wright, struck out three, Ron-
nings for Tampa Bay af- just really athletic and but it’s time to get going, career with Yokohama in the fifth overall pick in ald Acuna Jr, Albies and
ter missing part of sum- trusted what I’d been time to figure it out. I Japan, has driven in five the 2017 draft, allowed Freddie Freeman, during
mer camp following a working on so much and think it’s a good learning runs in the Rays’ first five five runs and four hits in a perfect fifth to get the
positive coronavirus test. just attacked the hitters. experience for me.” games. 2 2/3 innings in his fifth win. Oliver Drake, the
He allowed one run and The third inning I felt After Tsutsugo de- Atlanta loaded the bas- career big league start. fifth Tampa Bay reliever,
four hits. I still did that but once livered, Jose Martinez es with no outs in the top “We’re going to keep See BRAVES, 2B
2B WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

MLB suspends Marlins’ season through weekend

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS staff members tested positive earli- those things add up to a real prob-
er. lem,” Biden said, “and we’re not go-
MIAMI — Major League Base- The Marlins had been scheduled ing to really overcome that until we
ball suspended the Miami Marlins’ to play at Baltimore on Wednesday follow science and get a vaccine.”
season through Sunday, and the and Thursday. Instead, the Yankees In Cleveland, Chicago White Sox
Philadelphia Phillies will remain will play at Baltimore on those days. manager Rick Renteria returned to
idled by the coronavirus pandemic Miami’s three home games this the team Tuesday after awakening
until Friday, while the rest of base- weekend against Washington were with some COVID-19 symptoms a
ball forges ahead with trepidation. postponed. Nationals players had day earlier and being isolated for 24
“There’s real fear, there’s real voted against making the trip, man- hours.
anxiety for me, for all my team- ager Dave Martinez said. And everyone across baseball
mates,” Milwaukee Brewers slug- “We all decided that it was prob- seemed to be feeling uneasy.
ger Ryan Braun said Tuesday. “I ably unsafe to go there,” Martinez “It’s important that we are able
think we’ve found it very difficult to said. “It had nothing to do with the to provide a source of entertain-
focus on baseball at all the last cou- Miami Marlins. It was all about Mi- ment and an outlet for people who
ple of days.” ami and the state of Florida, this are dealing with such a challenging
In the wake of a virus outbreak
that infected half the Marlins’
pandemic. They didn’t feel safe.”
The Marlins underwent another
time in their lives,” Braun said. “But
at the same time, the health and

team, Braun said MLB players are round of tests Tuesday, as their out-
constantly assessing whether they
safety should be the top priority for Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
break raised anew questions about all of us at all times. ... placing puzzle based on
should keep playing. Infectious dis- baseball’s attempts to conduct a “You think about all the hotel Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 8 6 7 2 5 1 3 9 4
ease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said season. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 2 4 9 7 3 6 1 8 5
employees, bus drivers, pilots,

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

the season could be in jeopardy. “This could put it in danger,” based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 5 1 4 8 9 2 6 7
flight attendants, anybody else all
But MLB came up with a patch- Fauci said on ABC’s “Good Morn- grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
the Marlins guys might have come empty spaces 4 9 5 1 7 8 6 2 3
work schedule for the rest of this given
ing America.” “I don’t believe they
into contact with, and it’s obviously so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 7 1 8 3 6 2 5 4 9
week and said that among more object
need to stop, but we just need to fol-
scary.” column and each 3x3 the
is to place box 6 2 3 5 9 4 8 7 1
than 6,400 tests conducted since numbers
contains the1same to 9 number
low this and see what happens with
Friday, there were no new positives The Marlins planned to re- 9 3 2 6 1 7 4 5 8
other teams on a day-by-day basis.” the empty spaces so
main in Philadelphia until at least only once. The difficulty 5 7 4 8 2 3 9 1 6
involving on-field personnel from His comments came before word that each row, each
Wednesday. The Philadelphia De- level increases from
any team other than the Marlins. of the Marlins’ latest test results. column and each 1 8 6 9 4 5 7 3 2
partment of Public Health said it Monday
In a statement, MLB said it “Major League Baseball — the 3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 7/28

was working with the Marlins and

wanted to allow the Marlins time players, the owners, the managers the same number only once. The difficulty level
to focus on providing care for their — have put a lot of effort into get- Phillies on contact tracing to con- increases from Monday to Sunday.
players and to plan for a resump- ting together and putting protocols tain the spread of the virus.
tion of play early next week. MLB that we feel would work,” Fauci “All of our players, coaches and
also postponed the three remaining said. “It’s very unfortunate what staff are, understandably, having a
games in this week’s Phillies-New happened with the Miami (Mar- difficult time enduring this expe-
York Yankees series. lins).” rience,” Marlins CEO Derek Jeter
The Marlins remained stranded Presumptive Democratic presi- said.
in Philadelphia, where they played dential nominee Joe Biden, speak- Additional MLB rescheduling
last weekend. The Phillies-Yankees ing to reporters in his hometown of during the week of Aug. 3 will be
games were postponed “out of an Wilmington, Delaware, expressed announced later this week. New
abundance of caution,” MLB said, reservations about sports such as York Gov. Andrew Cuomo offered
although no Phillies players have baseball and football being played up his state to any team needing a
tested positive. during the pandemic, especially in place to play.
The Marlins received positive the wake of the Marlins’ wave of in- While baseball deals with its lo-
test results for four additional play- fections. gistical challenges, the NBA and
ers, bringing their total to 15, a per- “It seems to me that when you NHL are resuming their seasons in
son familiar with the situation told have to travel, when you have to be bubble environments, with basket-
The Associated Press. The person in a hotel room and places that are ball at Lake Buena Vista, Florida,
declined to be identified because different than you’ve been the day and hockey at Edmonton, Alberta,
the results had not been publicly before, when you are in a position and Toronto.
released. where you’re walking, going into The NFL has opted not to create
Nine players on the 30-man ros- an area where there is a high con- a bubble environment as training
ter, two taxi squad players and two centration of spread of COVID, all camps open this week.

Braves quickly run out apparent injury issues and isn’t eligi- If the Braves can’t make a deal, the
ble for free agency until 2022. pitcher would be placed on waivers
of patience with Folty The Braves designated Foltyne- and any team making a claim would
ATLANTA — Call it a sign of the wicz for assignment after a 14-5 loss assume his prorated $6.43 million
at Tampa Bay on Monday night, a contract.
Facing a sprint of a season rath-
move that effectively ended his ten- Given what Foltynewicz showed
er than a marathon because of the
ure with a team that once viewed during a summer camp and in his
coronavirus pandemic, the Atlanta
him as its staff ace. first start, the Braves felt they had
Braves didn’t have time to let Mike
Foltynewicz sort out his perplexing The move came after Foltynewicz no choice other than dumping him
problems. surrendered six runs, three homers before they got too deep into the 60-
So, after a dismal showing in his and four walks in 3 1/3 innings. game season.
first outing of an abbreviated cam- “He’s been a stuff guy the entire Throughout his career, Fol-
paign, the Braves cut ties with a time we’ve had him,” manager Bri- tynewicz’s velocity had regularly
28-year-old pitcher who was an All- an Snitker said. “But his stuff hasn’t been in the mid-90 mph range. But
Star in 2018 and started two games been there.” against the Rays, he labored in the
in the NL Division Series last sea- Atlanta now has 10 days to try low 90s and struggled with com-
son. to work out a trade, though any re- mand of his pitches — continuing
It was a stunning turn for a right- turn would surely be far less than the disturbing trend he showed in ACROSS
hander just entering what should be what might’ve been expected for a intrasquad games and last week in 1 Woeful cry
the prime of his career, who has no pitcher with Foltynewicz’s resume. an exhibition against the Marlins. 5 Fill completely
9 Labor leader
11 Summer fruit

Braves 12 Critical asset

13 Have a spat
Continued from Page 1B 14 Try out
15 Work on
worked the ninth for his second save. Rays: OF Austin Meadows (positive coronavirus test) stage
got four at-bats in a simulated game at the team’s alternate 17 Courtroom
Milestone training site. ... OF Randy Arozarena (positive coronavi- crime
Atlanta catcher Alex Jackson doubled off Chirinos in rus test) has been cleared for baseball activities. ... 1B Ji- 19 Spanish king
the second for his first major league hit. Man Choi left with right shoulder soreness. 20 Map division
21 Tie the knot
Trainer’s room Up next 22 Stop
Braves: Snitker said Cs Travis d’Arnaud and Tyler The Rays and Braves shift to Atlanta for a two-game 24 Inquire DOWN sorrow
Flowers (bad cold symptoms) worked out in Georgia and series. Tampa Bay RHP Charlie Morton (0-1) and Atlanta 26 Under seda- 1 Carry on 23 In a way
could return within the next few days. Both have had mul- RHP Mike Soroka (0-0) are the scheduled starters for the tion 2 Rent agree- 24 Aviator
tiple negative coronavirus tests. Braves’ home opener on Wednesday night. 29 Band blaster ments Earhart

30 Make anxious 3 State as true 25 Quick run
32 Misapply 4 Plunked down 27 Cry of dis-
34 Aussie 5 Lowly worker covery
Continued from Page 1B hopper 6 1990s veep 28 Talked on
While Ginn is the lone loss on the pitcher’s mound, fold next spring. Other talented arms remaining in 35 Visitor from 7 Saw the sights and on
next year’s staff projects as one of the more prolific Starkville include seniors Spencer Price and Riley Self space 8 Foe 29 Segregated
bunches in school history as weekend starters Chris- in addition to newcomers Mikey Tepper and Jackson 36 Starts the 10 Good name 30 Stock holders
tian MacLeod and Eric Cerantola return. Sophomore Fristoe. bidding 11 Painter 31 Overbearing
Brandon Smith — who missed last season after un- “We’ll be throwing out guys who (could’ve) turned 38 Saturn sight Cassatt 33 Star in Lyra
dergoing Tommy John surgery — was also slated to down a million dollars in last month’s draft,” Lemonis 39 Counterfeits 16 Device for a 37 Chum
be a weekend starter last year and will be back in the said. 40 “Toodle-oo!” book lover
41 Lord’s wife

18 Face card
21 Showed

Continued from Page 1B

ing new people, just like when I went the dugout aren’t uncommon — but ing the Generals’ plethora of young-
to college,” Stacy said. “You meet that the atmosphere is friendly over- er players how to handle the infield,
friends who you’ll know forever and all. Competition in the CSBL runs with two recurring themes: “Play
probably never forget.” Friday through Monday, and five or hard and run everything out.” His
Seth Harris, who graduated from six Golden Triangle players stay in advice seems to be working, as the
Heritage Academy this year and will Oxford each weekend and carpool team has improved plenty since the
play for East Mississippi Communi- together on the 40-minute drive. start of the season June 6. A last-
ty College, said he knew New Hope “It’s nice to see these guys step up ditch comeback effort against the
players Ryan Burt, Presley Hall and and play together,” said Cook, who DeSoto Xplorers on June 10 earned
Stallone Shelton but not many others coached baseball at Columbus High the Generals a 4-3 walk-off win and
on the Generals roster. He said the School for eight years. “I watched gave them a winning record on the
ability to meet new teammates and to them grow up, so it’s kind of fun.” season.
play at a higher level of competition His roster also features Blayze “As it goes on, we’re slowly
to prepare for college baseball is what Berry of Heritage Academy, who is molding together,” Hancock said.
makes the CSBL appealing. signed to Mississippi State; Berry’s That goes for both the players
“It’s a new experience for me since high school teammate, Banks Hyde, from the Golden Triangle area and
I’ve been playing high school, but who will play for Pearl River Commu- the new friends they’ve found on
everybody welcomes you, and it’s a nity College; EMCC signees Jonah the field.
good time,” Harris said. Caskey of Oak Hill and Tony Brooks “It’s been fun,” Stacy said. “It’s
Generals coach Jeffrey Cook of Caledonia; and EMCC rising soph- been good to come out here and
said that good time is occasionally omores Beau Bates of Caledonia and have fun with people that you know
interrupted by rivalry smack talk Rye McGlothin of New Hope. and new people that you find and
— Caledonia/New Hope debates in Hancock said he’s been instruct- play baseball, finally.”
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 3B

Top NBA rookies poised to close out debut seasons in style

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to continue to get better,” choice Zion Williamson. “I’m happy we can final- moment they drafted him involved a focus on los-
said Grizzlies guard Ja “The younger players, ly get back into a gym. at No. 2 overall last June ing weight and flexibili-
Forget hitting a rookie Morant, the likely NBA I think the thing with Working in the driveway behind top pick Zion Wil- ty, and it was apparent he
wall or stumbling into the rookie of the year. “Stud- them is that they tried to wasn’t necessarily the liamson. stuck to his new workout
playoffs exhausted and ied a lot of film. Kind of stay in shape and tried to best time.” The point guard also regimen during the past
banged-up. like I had an offseason but keep themselves in a con- Not all rookies will be watched a lot of film, look- few months.
The NBA’s break be- still preparing to come ditioning situation that playing as the NBA wraps ing to improve after aver- Williamson is listed
cause of the coronavirus back and play.” they felt like, when they up the season. Coby aging 17.6 points a game at 6-foot-6, 285 pounds.
pandemic gave rookies an Improving during a came back, they wouldn’t White and his Chicago and 6.9 assists a game. The team has declined
offseason within a season. pandemic had its chal- be behind. ... We’ll have Bulls missed the cut to “He’s a great student of to specify how much
They’ve had the chance lenges. to see how it works out, keep playing in Florida. the game,” Grizzlies first- weight he has lost, but
to heal up, study film and Some rookies filled but I think those guys did So too did RJ Barrett and year coach Taylor Jenkins teammates noted how
gain some much-needed garages with weights. put in work during the hi- the Knicks, and Golden said. “So I think he put a much leaner he looked
pounds to better handle Those living in apart- atus.” State’s Eric Paschall. lot of time over the break when the Pelicans got
the grueling season in a ments or condos had to be Perfecting 3-point Rookies to watch when doing those things, and I back together a few
league filled with savvy very creative to even find shots were also was a ma- the NBA’s resumes its think we’re already see- weeks ago.
veterans. a basket to get up shots. jor focus. season: ing that right now.” “He looks amazing.
Some rookies will re- “It was challenging Heat guard Tyler Her- He looks fully healthy.
sume play a bit smarter for everyone. No one has ro spent a day putting Ja Morant Zion Williamson He looks even stronger
and stronger, giving them ever been through this,” together a portable hoop Morant worked with Williamson’s weight than he was before, if
a chance to finish off their said Pelicans coach Alvin sent to him by teammate trainers at his Mem- was an issue when he that’s even possible,”
debut seasons in style. Gentry, whose club has Jimmy Butler. phis home and put on 12 arrived at training camp Pelicans guard Lonzo
“I took the time off three first-round picks in “I definitely put it to pounds of mostly muscle. back in September. Less Ball said. “I was happy
really to ... focus on my the rotation this season, use outside getting some That’s what the Grizzlies so now. His extended re- to see him, happy to see
body, do the right things led by first overall draft shots up,” Herro said. have wanted since the hab from knee surgery that he’s in shape.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: on the computer tion about lying to you or any
Three with her. respect for your feelings, you
months ago, I have asked might prefer to simply consult
my husband ran him more than a lawyer about what your next
into a second once why this steps should be.
cousin he hadn’t relationship is DEAR ABBY: I am an
seen in 40 years. so private, and 18-year-old woman. My par-
They were close he says they are ents are divorced. My father
for a short time just friends. But says I should be out having fun
during high school when I asked to and I owe no explanations to
and saw each oth- see some of the anyone. My mother, on the oth-
er a couple times things he has er hand, is very strict. I respect
ZITS after that. written to her, he her wishes and don’t do what
I was not refused to show most people my age would
aware until me. I said fine, do. I try to be very careful with
recently that he then I will ask what I say in any conversation
had looked her up HER. Well, he with her, but it always ends up
on social media
Dear Abby blew up! with her very angry toward me.
and has been When I told I want to live my life or at least
communicating with her every him it hurts me that he spends try to. What do I do? — CLUE-
day since then. I didn’t think so much time with her in the LESS TEEN IN TEXAS
much of it when he did tell evening, he didn’t give an DEAR TEEN: An 18-year-
me — until one night when he answer. Am I overreacting? If old should be carefree and
stayed on the computer with so, can you please tell me how engaged in self-discovery. But
her until 3 a.m. to settle down and deal with people of every age are having
He has lied to me about the what is happening? — COUSIN to hunker down and curtail
number of times he has been TROUBLE IN THE MIDWEST their social activities these
GARFIELD online with her and, if she calls DEAR COUSIN TROUBLE: days because their lives could
or texts, he tells me it is some- You are not overreacting. It’s depend on it. And as to owing
one else. She sent him pictures time to do what you said you no explanations to anyone, un-
— which I saw — yet he denied were going to do — call the til you are self-supporting and
receiving them. One time he woman and ask her what has on your own, you WILL have to
forgot to sign off on a message been going on. After she fills be accountable.
he sent and, of course, I read you in, ask yourself if you Your mother may be feeling
it. To my shock, he was confid- still want to be married to insecure because her daughter
ing a lot of things he has done a man who has cheated on is now a young adult rather
while married to me that I was you emotionally and probably than her little girl who needs
unaware of. It hurt me deeply, physically. protecting. She may also be re-
and I told him so. If you feel there is any hope acting to the “advice” your dad
Recently I was in the hospi- of saving your marriage, offer is doling out. You are going to
tal. When I called him a couple your husband the option of have to figure out what triggers
of times at night, he claimed he seeing a marriage and family your mother’s anger during
CANDORVILLE didn’t pick up because he was
“tired.” I found out later he was
therapist together. However,
knowing he has no compunc-
those conversations and find a
happy medium.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (July the whole team progresses. do next. You’ll ask for, receive
29). Your head and heart hav- TAURUS (April 20-May 20). and deliver communication
en’t always wanted the same It happens today, as it has from that’s direct and succinct.
thing, which makes this solar re- time to time, an instance of LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
turn so satisfying. With perfect profundity, quick as a hand clap, You’ll spend hours in practice,
inner alignment, and the overall jarring you into an experience focusing on a particular aspect
sense that it’s what’s best for of all life as a sudden, painful of the larger picture. You’ll do it
all, you’ll glide into a beautiful flash of beauty, and then it’s fast, do it slow, do it differently
outcome. Projects and relation- over, back to normal. and when you do it wrong, you’ll
ships open professional doors. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). stop and correct in small moves
December brings a celebration One essential part of knowing until you get it just right.
BABY BLUES of love. Cancer and Pisces yourself well is knowing what VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
adore you. Your lucky numbers triggers your responses to the In this circular life, perhaps
are: 6, 40, 15, 46 and 8. world. It’s often a minor cue nothing is ever really complete.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). that sets major events in motion Yet, today it will lift your entire
You do not want people to be for you. Now, you’ll recognize being to feel that a matter of
overly reliant on you. This would just what is that cue. importance has been resolved
lead to them feeling disem- CANCER (June 22-July 22). to whatever degree it can be.
powered, and you feeling like Vague abstractions and big LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
a babysitter. When everyone explanations will get no traction. It is engaging and motivat-
knows what to do on their own, You just want to know what to ing to do purposeful work.
Sometimes, you have to find
that or even create it. You will
reconnect with the reasons you
are doing a thing, and this will
reenergize you.
21). In an ideal relationship,
it’s easy to see the confluence
of interests. Needs match up
and what is given and received
makes sense to both parties. In
a less-than-ideal relationship,
you can still focus on what’s
21). You’ll be thinking about
the many ways you build a
lifestyle, and then your lifestyle
builds you. You are very much
in control of this construction
MALLARD FILLMORE project today.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). The bad habit you want to
lose is not going to be gently
tossed aside; rather, it will need
to be ejected with great force.
Do this and you’ll experience
radical results as early as the
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). It is dangerous to spend
too much time imagining the
outcome because this could set
up a dynamic in which fantasiz-
ing is so pleasurable a payoff
FAMILY CIRCUS that no further action feels
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). There is no need to rigidly
stick to a joyless plan. Your life
is constructed of flexible stuff.
Agreements can be changed,
appointments moved around,
relationships reconsidered or

4B WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Bebe Newman tional Guard Army and born Jan. 17, 1930, in ces Johnson Campbell. He is survived by
OBITUARY POLICY was formerly employed Sandusky, Ohio, to the He was a graduate of
Obituaries with basic informa- MILLPORT — Bebe his daughter, Hannah
tion including visitation and Joy Hydrick Newman, with B&W Boilermaker late Edward Fred Voe- East Lowndes Acade- Colburn; siblings,
service times, are provided 90, died July 26, 2020. Company. He was a gle and Amanda Mary my and was formerly Ellen Campbell, Kath-
free of charge. Extended A private graveside member of Enon Bap- Moyer Voegle. She was employed in the TV
a graduate of Sandusky cable business and as a erine Marsh, Christy
obituaries with a photograph, service will be held. tist Church.
detailed biographical informa- He is survived by his High School and was supervisor with South- Campbell and Edward
Dowdle Funeral Home
tion and other details families wife, Barbara Ann Har- formerly employed as a ern Telecommunication Campbell; and three
may wish to include, are avail- of Millport is in charge
of arrangements. mon; children, Karen telephone operator. Services. grandsons.
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral Mrs. Newman was Cliett, Cindy Terry and In addition to her
homes unless the deceased’s born June 23, 1930, in Alen Harmon; brother, parents, she was
body has been donated to Millport, Alabama, to Billy Harmon; eight preceded in death by
science. If the deceased’s
the late Roy Lee and grandchildren; and one her husband, Frances
body was donated to science,
Ava Dobson Hydrick. great-grandchild. Bernard Huerkamp;
the family must provide official Memorials may be
She attended Millport daughter, Jan Caro-
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form pro- High School and was made to Mississippi line HuerKamp; and
vided by The Commercial Dis- a graduate of Florence State Veterans Affairs siblings, Gerry Riedy,
patch. Free notices must be State Teachers College Board, P.O. Box 5947, Jim and Eugene Chuck
submitted to the newspaper
and the University Pearl, MS 39202 or to Voegle.
no later than 3 p.m. the day
of Alabama. She was Enon Baptist Church, She is survived by
prior for publication Tuesday c/o Margie Cartee, her children, Judith
through Friday; no later than 4 formerly employed as
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday an educator. In addition 17708 Hwy 50W, Cedar Ann Therrell, James
edition; and no later than 7:30 to her parents, she was Bluff, MS, Cedar Bluff, Edward Huerkamp, Jef-
a.m. for the Monday edition. preceded in death by MS 39741. fery Joseph Huerkamp;
Incomplete notices must be re- her husband, Max; and John Francis Huerkamp
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
for the Monday through Friday
daughter, Anne Rector. Michael Williams and Joseph Bernard
She is survived by COLUMBUS — Mi- Huerkamp; eight grand-
editions. Paid notices must be
her children, David chael Williams, 37, died children; and nine
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
the next day Monday through Newman, Jeff Newman July 25, 2020. great-grandchildren.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 and Michelle Lange; Arrangements are Memorials may be
p.m. for Sunday and Monday and eight great-grand- incomplete and will be made to Corpus Chris-
publication. For more informa-
children. announced by Lee- ti Catholic Church,
tion, call 662-328-2471.
Sykes Funeral Home of 6357 Prairie Point Rd.,
Columbus. Macon, MS 39341 or St.
Leroy Bourland K.C. Henry Jude Children’s Hospi-
ABERDEEN ­— Le- Derrick Salter tal, 262 Danny Thomas
K.C. Henry, 72, died
roy Clinton Bourland, COLUMBUS — Der- Place, Memphis, TN
July 26, 2020, at Bap-
98, died July 26, 2020. rick Salter, 43, died in 38105.
tist Memorial Hospi-
A graveside service tal-Golden Triangle. Ft. Worth, Texas.
will be held at 10 a.m. Graveside services Arrangements are Edna Kimble
Tuesday, in Oddfel- will be at 11 a.m. incomplete and will be HEMPSTEAD, N.Y.
lows Rest Cemetery. Thursday, in Sturdivant announced by Lee- — Edna “Sutter Boot”
Tisdale-Lann Memo- Cemetery. Visitation is Sykes Funeral Home of Kimble, 81, died July
rial Funeral Home of from 2-5 p.m. today, at Columbus. 19, 2020.
Aberdeen is in charge Carter’s Funeral Ser- A graveside home
of arrangements. vices. Carter’s Funeral going celebration will
Mr. Bourland was Services of Columbus
Desi Shephard be at 11 a.m. Saturday,
born May 18, 1922, to COLUMBUS — Desi
is in charge of arrange- Shephard, 32, died July in New Cemetery of
the late Jimmy Leroy ments. Aliceville, Alabama.
Bourland and Eunice 25, 2020.
Mr. Henry was born Arrangements are Visitation will be from
Howell Bourland. He May 18, 1948, in Cale- 4-6 p.m. Friday, at
was a veteran of the incomplete and will be
donia, to the late Antho- announced by Lee- Lavender’s Funeral
United States Army ny Henry and Ollie Mae Service. Lavender’s
Air Corp and was a Sykes Funeral Home of
Henry. He was formerly Columbus. Funeral Service of
member of First United Aliceville is in charge of
employed with Phillips
Methodist Church. arrangements.
Contracting and was a
In addition to his par-
member of Hopewell Murry Anthony
ents, he was preceded COLUMBUS —
in death by his wives,
M.B. Church.
Murry Anthony, 88,
Larry Harper
In addition to his par- PICKENSVILLE,
Ruth Dickens Bradley died July 28, 2020.
ents, he was preceded Ala. — Larry Donell
Bourland and Martha Arrangements are
in death by his siblings, “Shorty” Harper, 69,
Watkins Bourland; incomplete and will be
Willis Neal Rush and died July 24, 2020, at
and siblings, Harry announced by Lee-
L.D. Henry. his residence.
Bourland, Hal Bour- Sykes Funeral Home of
He is survived by his A home going cel-
land, Jimmy Bourland Columbus.
children Marco Henry ebration will be at 11
and Addine Bourland
and Angela Craddieth a.m. Saturday, at New
He is survived by both of Columbus; and David Langford Sr. Cumberland Presbyte-
siblings, Hustyteen ARTESIA — David rian Church of Carroll-
his children, Larry
Barry, Allen Henry, Aubrey Langford Sr., ton, Alabama. Visitation
M. Bradley of Utica,
Rosetter Burnett all of 85, died July 28, 2020, will be from 2-5 p.m.
Patricia Boudreaux of
Caledonia and Annie at his residence. Friday, at Lavender’s
Dickinson, Texas and
Elizabeth Pantazis of Hill of Columbus. Arrangements are Funeral Service. Laven-
Birmingham, Alabama; incomplete and will be der’s Funeral Service of
sister, Jean Bourland Adam Bennett announced by Lown- Aliceville is in charge of

Marion Whitley
Whitworth of Hamil- WEST POINT — des Funeral Home of arrangements.
ton; seven grandchil- Adam Bennett, 89, died Columbus.
dren; 11 great-grand- at his residence. Bland Hayden
children; and three Arrangements are William Warnock Campbell III Marion Whitley passed away July 23, 2020,
great-great-grandchil- incomplete and will be CALEDONIA — COLUMBUS — at her home in New York City. She was born in
dren. announced by Carter’s William Duane “Bill” Bland Hayden Camp- Caledonia, MS to Joseph and Willie Mae Whitley.
Memorials may be Funeral Services of Warnock, 73, died July She attended schools in Caledonia and Columbus,
bell III, 62, died July 27,
made to Aberdeen Columbus. 27, 2020, at his resi- graduating from Lee High School in 1950 and
First United Methodist dence. from Mississippi State College for Women
A graveside ser-
Church, P.O. Box 93, James Harmon Arrangements are (MUW) in 1954. She was elected “Miss MSCW”
vice will be at 11 a.m.
Aberdeen, MS 39730. CEDAR BLUFF — incomplete and will be and acted in a number of theatrical productions
Saturday, in Friendship
James R. “Bobby” Har- announced by Memori- on the “W” campus. She was honored to be
Cemetery. Memorial
Bessie Wilkins mon, 81, died July 25, al Gunter Peel Funeral named Columbus’ “Miss Hospitality”, giving
Gunter Peel Funeral
STARKVILLE — 2020, at his residence. Home and Crematory a warm welcome to visitors to “The Friendly
Home and Crematory
Bessie Mae Wilkins, Funeral services will Second Avenue North City”. The old Varsity Theater in Columbus
College Street location
72, died July 21, 2020. be at 10 a.m. Friday, at location. chose Marion to compete in the “Main Street to
is in charge of arrange-
Graveside services Enon Baptist Church, Broadway” competition in Memphis, TN. This
will be at 11 a.m. Thurs- with John Dendy and Mary Huerkamp honor gained her a small role in the movie, “Jesse
Mr. Campbell was James’ Women.” She continued to pursue her
day, in Sykes Cemetery. Rev. Danny Avery offici- MACON — Mary born March 4, 1958, in
Visitation is from 1-6 ating. Burial will follow Catherine “Katie” Huer- theatrical interests in summer stock productions
Monroe, Louisiana, to in the northeast.
p.m. today, at West Me- in the church ceme- kamp, 90, died July 19, the late Bland Hayden
morial Funeral Home. tery. Calvert Funeral 2020, at Trinity Health- Marion moved to New York City, received
Campbell Jr. and Fran- a master’s degree in speech and hearing, and
West Memorial Funeral home of West Point is care of Columbus.
Home of Starkville is in charge of arrange- A private graveside until her retirement worked with deaf children
in charge of arrange- ments. service was held in and those with speech impairments throughout
ments. Mr. Harmon was Oddfellows Cemetery, the NYC school system, and particularly in
She is survived by born March 26, 1939, with Jeffrey Waldrep Harlem. She traveled the world, filling her
her children, Richard in Clay County, to the officiating. Cockrell home with furnishings and décor from many
and Wanda Wilkins; late Edith Caradine Funeral Home of Ma- countries. She served two years with the Peace
and siblings, Mitchell Harmon and James con was in charge of Corps in the Fiji Islands, continuing her work
Williams and Betty William Harmon. He arrangements. with special-needs children. Following her
Daniels. Mrs. Huerkamp was retirement, Marion was employed as a buyer for
was a veteran of the Na-
the Museum of American Folk Art in Manhattan.
She was a prolific storyteller and writer, and
an occasional contributor to this newspaper
Louis Mutch through her column, “Musings”, in which she
Visitation: shared memories of her youth in Mississippi and
Trump on his own yet again as he skips farewell to Lewis Saturday, Aug. 1 • 2-4 PM
2nd Ave. North Location observations and experiences of her life in her
beloved New York City.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS But missing was a man whose ab-
sence spoke volumes: President Donald Hayden Campbell She was preceded in death by her parents; and
Graveside Services: one sister, Celia Whitley Holder of Madison, AL.
WASHINGTON — One by one, they Trump. Saturday, Aug. 1 • 11 AM
passed through the grand Capitol Rotun- Friendship Cemetery
She leaves a daughter, Whitley Hill (Alan Hill) of
“No, I won’t be going,” Trump told re-
da to pay respects to the civil rights icon. porters when asked whether he planned College St. Location Nashville, TN; one sister, Judith Whitley Webb
It was a solemn display of unity as to pay his respects to Lewis, the first of Huntsville, AL; two grandchildren, Maya
congressional leaders from both sides Black lawmaker to lie in state in the Ro- Bill Warnock Genson (Michael Bogert) of Ann Arbor, MI and
Graveside Services: Sam Genson of Chicago, IL.; goddaughter Anna
of the aisle offered praise for longtime tunda. Lewis’ body was later moved to Friday, July 31 • 1 PM
Georgia Rep. John Lewis. There was the steps on the Capitol’s east side for a Corinth National Cemetery Lee Whitley of Huntsville, AL; along with one
Corinth, MS niece, one nephew; and a number of cousins.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called public viewing. 2nd Ave. North Location
Lewis the “conscience of the Congress”; Trump’s absence was another break A private memorial service will be held at a
and Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mc- in convention for a president who has later time.
Connell, who praised him as a model of broken so many norms, and one that un- Memorials may be made to the Egger
courage. Vice President Mike Pence and derscored his separation from much of Cemetery Maintenance Fund, P. O. Box. 73,
former Vice President Joe Biden, the pre- Washington society, along with his dis- Caledonia, MS, 39740.
sumptive Democratic nominee, came as mal relationship with Democrats on Cap-
well. itol Hill — especially members of color.
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Add variety to the weeknight

table with pierogies, or stuffed

dumplings, in dishes like this taco

Quick, easy
and delicious
school night

hen it comes to back-to-
school season, whether
students are heading back
to the classroom or learning from
home, one of the biggest challeng-
es for busy parents remains the
same: how to serve up delicious
homemade meals the whole family
will love. With the right prepa-
ration and ingredients on hand,
parents can easily pass the test.
One ingredient to consider add-
ing to your shopping list is Mrs. T’s
Pierogies. Found in the frozen food
aisle, they are stuffed with creamy
mashed potatoes, cheesy goodness
and other big, bold flavors. Avail-
Jan Swoope./Dispatch staff able in 14 varieties, including mini
Adeline Fendley of Columbus looks over blueberries in a local grocery Tuesday. July is National Blueberry Month. and full size, they can be boiled,
Read on for ways to use the nutrient-packed fruit you may not have tried before.
baked, sautéed and even grilled,
making them a versatile addition to

Blueberries go with everything from Brie to brownies your favorite everyday meals, apps,
sides and snacks.
If you’re looking for fun ways to
BY JAN SWOOPE If your pandemic-weary grocery winter and next spring serve up the spend more quality time with your list is mired in boring sameness, as right weather, and if pollinators do family this back-to-school season,
try getting everyone involved in

mine is, maybe picking up blueber- their part, she expects to welcome
hat’s round and blue and ries at the supermarket — or farm- the public back to her you-pick-’em the kitchen while prepping tasty
refreshing in the middle ers’ market if you’re in the right berry crop next growing season. recipes like Pierogy Taco Cas-
of summer’s heat? Blue- place at the right time — can add serole or Mini Pierogy Mac ’n’
berries. July is National Blueberry Cheese Skillet.
Month. The little berry high in
some pop to your menus. Snack In the meantime Visit to find
on the mildly sweet-to-tart berries When shopping for blueberries,
potassium, vitamin C and enough whole, sprinkle them on ice cream, more back-to-school recipes.
look for firm, smooth-skinned ber-
good stuff to make the roster of oatmeal or yogurt. Or use them in ries with even coloring. Shake the
“superfoods” on many health care
professionals’ “eat this” list is still
everything from fruity smoothies container gently to make sure they PIEROGI TACO CASSEROLE
to pancakes to cakes, entrees and move easily and are free of mold, Prep time: 10 minutes
making limited appearances at even cocktails, if you’re so inclined. moisture or damage. Kulze notes Total time: 35 minutes
area farmers’ markets. In much of Toss them into a green garden Servings: 4
that the darker they are, they more
the hot Deep South, most harvests salad, make a relish for grilled antioxidants they have. 1 tablespoon olive oil, divided
have wrapped. But that doesn’t chicken, a glaze for roast turkey, a Once you get blueberries home, 1 box Mrs. T’s Classic Onion Pierogies
mean we can’t enjoy what health- compote for pork tenderloin. don’t wash them. 1 red pepper, diced calls the “king of antioxi- Rhonda Head at The Blueberry 1 cup corn, drained and rinsed
“If storing the berries for use 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
dant foods” long past its Mississippi Patch in Oktibbeha County had later, wait until just before you want 1 teaspoon cumin
picking season. In fact, research a good crop this year. She was to use them to wash them,” Susan 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
by South Dakota State University introduced to blueberries years Collins Smith writes for the Mis- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
suggests frozen blueberries are ago in Maine, while her dad was in sissippi State Extension Service. 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
even higher in disease-fighting 1/3 cup shredded Mexican cheese blend
military service. When her father Washing berries before refriger- 1/4 cup diced tomatoes
antioxidants than fresh. retired to south Georgia, she and ating or freezing will make them 1/4 cup diced red onions
“I tell everyone to have a serving her sister helped a small grower break down and leak. 1 handful cilantro, roughly chopped
(about 1/2 cup) every day,” says pick berries. If purchasing frozen berries,
Dr. Ann Kulze of Charleston, South “Once you get out there, it’s al- they should feel loose and not n Preheat broiler to high heat.
n In large skillet over medium heat, add
Carolina, in a article most like a meditative thing,” said clumped together in the bag. 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and saute piero-
by Susan Seliger. “Frozen are just Head, who likes making blueberry Good sources for blueberry info gies until golden brown, about 8 minutes
as good as fresh.” ice cream and blueberry pie. If this See BLUEBERRIES, 6B per side.
n Remove pierogies and add remaining
olive oil. Saute red peppers, corn, black
beans, cumin, chili powder, salt and pep-

New food trends Take the fear out of fish

can save time FAMILY FEATURES caught. Stores generally
carry a larger selection of

ith more time frozen fish and it’s typically
and money spent in the
kitchen, people
are increasingly looking
less expensive than fresh
seafood. Because frozen
fish keeps longer, you can
to different ingredients for find greater variety and

s families continue to adjust inspiration. That includes more sustainable options.
their meal routines amidst a seafood — sales of canned Plus, it’s convenient — use
worldwide pandemic, there and frozen seafood are exactly the portion you
are trends you and your loved ones 37 percent higher than need and save the rest for
can follow to improve your gener- last year, according to IRI later — making it perfect
al health, maintain a budget and Worldwide. for meal planning.
spend more time together. If you’re not familiar
Home cooking: According with buying and cooking What about taste?
to a study conducted by Hunter seafood, there’s nothing When done right,
Public Relations on how COVID-19 to fear. Frozen seafood is freezing locks in flavor and
has changed home cooking, 54 an affordable, nutritious Use frozen salmon fillets for this pumpkin seed crusted nutrients, so you can enjoy
percent of Americans are cooking and sustainable protein salmon recipe. frozen fish that’s every bit
more and 50 percent have more that can earn a spot in as delicious as when it was
confidence in the kitchen. Many, your kitchen. Good food director Nina Damato, Why buy frozen? caught.
perhaps for the first time, found pioneers chef Nora Pouil- offer these recommenda- Frozen seafood is just
that cooking at home and learning lon, a James Beard Life- tions for sustainable frozen as high quality as fresh How long will it last?
cooking techniques could be a fun time Achievement Award seafood, from defrosting since modern techniques Frozen fish is safe indef-
family activity. winner, and her daughter, techniques to cooking tips like flash-freezing preserve initely, but for best quality,
See FOOD TRENDS, 6B Blue Circle Foods product and seasonal pairings. fish moments after it is See FISH, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
include the MSU Exten- ries, rinse before use. over medium-high heat, 40 to 45 minutes, or until only ed almonds
sion Service at extension. (Source: combine 3/4 cup blueberries, a few moist crumbs adhere to
sugar, vinegar, cornstarch toothpick when inserted into n Bake tartlets according to Another and cinnamon; bring to a boil. center. Let cool completely in package directions. Let cool
good stop that can make BLUEBERRY SWIRL Reduce heat to medium and pan. completely.
this a berry-good summer cook for 5 to 8 minutes or until n Using parchment paper, n In a small skillet set over
is CHEESECAKE thickened. Fold in remaining transfer to cutting board. Cov- medium-high heat, combine
blueberries. Let cool com- er and refrigerate for at least blueberries, honey, lem-
BROWNIES pletely. 4 hours or overnight until firm on zest, lemon juice and
BLUEBERRY Prep time: 16 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
n For cheesecake layer:
Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease
enough to cut into squares.
Note: Can be wrapped and
rosemary; bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to medium; cook,
SWISS MELTS Makes 16 servings 9-inch square baking pan with refrigerated for up to 4 days or
frozen for up to 1 month.
stirring frequently, for 10 to 12
butter. Line bottom and sides minutes, or until thickened to
2 whole-wheat English muffins, Blueberry compote: of pan with enough parchment (Source: jam-like consistency. Let cool
cut in half 1 cup fresh blueberries, paper to overhang edges. Us- completely.
4 teaspoons grainy mustard
8 slices Swiss cheese 1/4 cup granulated sugar
ing electric mixer, beat cream
cheese with sugar until light BLUEBERRY BRIE n Remove Brie from fridge;
carefully cut off rind (tip:
1 cup fresh or frozen blueber-
2 tablespoon apple cider
and fluffy; beat in egg. Add
cream and vanilla and beat
TARTLETS rind is easier to cut off when
cheese is cold). Cut into cubes
Prep time: 15 minutes
1 tablespoon fresh thyme 1 teaspoon cornstarch until well combined; set aside. Cook time: 20 minutes (+30 and place in mixing bowl. Let
1/4 teaspoon ground cinna- When it comes to uses n For brownie layer: In a minutes standing) stand for about 30 minutes
n Preheat broiler. Arrange mon for blueberries, fresh or heatproof bowl set over larger Makes 16 servings or until softened and at room
English muffins on foil-lined frozen, think outside the pot of barely simmering water, temperature.
baking sheet; broil for 30 to Cheesecake layer: box — like these blueberry melt butter and chocolate, 16 frozen, unbaked mini pastry n Using electric mixer, beat
60 seconds per side, or until 1 tablespoon butter, at room Swiss melts. stirring occasionally. Remove shells, thawed according to Brie on high for 10 to 15 min-
lightly toasted. temperature from heat. Stir in sugar, cocoa package directions utes or until smooth and fluffy,
n Spread mustard over each 8 ounce package cream 2 ounces unsweetened choco- powder and salt. Let cool 1 cup fresh or frozen blueber- scraping down side of bowl as
toast. Place one slice of Swiss cheese, room temperature slightly. Stir in eggs, one at a ries needed. Spoon into tart shells.
1/3 cup granulated sugar late, finely chopped
cheese on each toast and time, until well combined. Stir 1/4 cup honey Top with blueberry compote
1 egg, room temperature 1 cup granulated sugar in flour. Scrape into prepared and sprinkle with almonds.
divide blueberries evenly; 1 teaspoon lemon zest
top with additional remaining 1 tablespoon heavy cream, 1/4 cup cocoa powder pan; smooth top. 2 tablespoon lemon juice For a nut-free option, sprinkle
cheese slices. room temperature 1/2 teaspoon salt n Pour cheesecake layer over 1 tablespoon finely chopped with roasted pumpkin seeds or
n Broil for 1 to 2 minutes or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs top of the brownie batter. Drop fresh rosemary sunflower seeds.
until cheese is melted and 1/3 cup all-purpose flour heaping tablespoonfuls of 8 ounces Brie cheese, refrig- Note: If using frozen blueber-
bubbling; garnish with thyme. Brownie layer: blueberry compote over top; erated ries, rinse before using.
Note: If using frozen blueber- 1/2 cup unsalted butter n In a small saucepan set swirl with tip of knife. Bake for 1/4 cup finely chopped toast- (Source:

Continued from Page 5B
the USDA recommends using cold water. Pat dry with a paper protein that plays well with seasonal pairing. 1 cup pumpkin seeds
frozen fish within 3-8 months towel. many recipes. Fatty fish like To learn more about frozen 4 teaspoons pumpkin seed oil or
olive oil
after purchase. n Arrange fillets on a bak- salmon brings out the flavors seafood and purchase sustain- 2 tablespoons sliced scallions
ing sheet. Brush lightly with in seasonal veggies including able fish, visit bluecirclefoods. 2 Blue Circle Frozen Atlantic Salmon
How to thaw frozen oil on all sides and season with zucchini and summer squash, com. Fillets
salt and pepper, to taste. Bake while leaner fillets like cod can
fish safely? 25-30 minutes, or until fish is be breaded or used in tacos.
n Preheat oven to 375 F.
If you know you’ll be serving tender and flakes easily. Fish also pairs excellently
PUMPKIN SEED n Mix corn, black beans, bell
pepper, cilantro, ground cumin and
fish, pop frozen fillets in the CRUSTED SALMON smoked chili, if desired. Season with
with a variety of wines. The
fridge the night before or the salt and pepper, to taste. Spread
morning you plan to cook them.
How to season frozen fish? trick is to serve delicate fish onto baking dish.
Salt and pepper can en- with light wines and heartier 2 cups frozen sweet corn n In blender, pulse pumpkin seeds,
1 can (4 ounces) black beans, oil, sliced scallions and salt and pep-
hance seafood’s flavor. If you’re fish with richer, more sub-
How to cook directly feeling bold, a simple glaze or a stantial wines. If you’re in the
rinsed and drained
1 red bell pepper, diced
per, to taste, until paste forms.
n Coat frozen salmon fillets with
from frozen? crust of seasonings can elevate mood for salmon, try Pouil- 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped pumpkin seed paste.
n Preheat your oven to 375 your fish to the next level. lon’s Pumpkin Seed Crusted 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin n Place fillets in baking dish on top
1/2 teaspoon smoked chili (option- of black bean and corn salad. Bake
F. Salmon. This recipe also al) 25-30 minutes.
n Remove frozen fillets from What pairs well? works well with cod and can be Salt, to taste (Source: Recipe courtesy of chef
packaging and rinse under Frozen fish is a versatile served with a rosé for a tasty Pepper, to taste Nora Pouillon)

Food trends
Continued from Page 5B
Trusting frozen: many consumers that eat- country’s largest seafood grocery shopping grows to help in the process. 1/2 cup dry white wine or
Frozen foods have seen a ing at or ordering takeout companies, 75 percent in popularity, it provides If you don’t have time to seafood broth
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
renaissance in 2020. Many from a restaurant is more of Americans want to families with a conve- cook, Aqua Star’s Shrimp 1 dash crushed red pepper
families discovered that expensive than cooking eat more seafood. Sea- nient, time-saving way to Scampi MicroSteam Bowl flakes
new technologies allow at home. Eating at home food provides nutritional keep must-haves on hand is a simple way to enjoy the 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
frozen foods to deliver showed families just how benefits for a multitude of without overspending at same flavors in minutes, 1 1/2 pounds large or
extra-large Aqua Star shrimp,
innovations in flavors, much they could save, recipes, but many people the store. from the microwave, with shelled
recipes, authenticity and and this trend is likely to don’t know how to prepare Dinners with family: no clean-up required. 1/3 cup parsley, chopped
affordability without com- continue. According to it. One of the easiest ways After years of families Find more at-home sea- 1/2lemon, juice only
promising taste. For ex- a Simon-Kucher Restau- to introduce your family to grabbing meals on the food solutions at aquastar.
com. n Cook pasta according to
ample, Aqua Star’s frozen rants Survey, 26 percent of seafood is through familiar run, the pandemic has package directions.
Cutting Board Meal Kits consumers who ate meals comfort food recipes and brought many back to the n In large skillet, melt butter
and oil. Add garlic and saute
are available at grocers
nationwide and feature full
from casual restaurants
before the pandemic
convenient one-pan meals.
Online grocery
dining room table. For a
simple family meal that
SHRIMP SCAMPI until fragrant. Add wine or broth,
Cook time: 20 minutes salt, red pepper flakes and
chef-inspired meals like anticipate eating meals shopping: Nearly daily focuses on frozen seafood Servings: 4 black pepper. Bring to simmer
Chipotle Shrimp Street primarily at home for up to trips to the grocery store and pantry staples, try and reduce by half.
Tacos and Southwest a year after lockdown. can be an expensive habit this recipe for Shrimp 8 ounces pasta linguine n Add shrimp and saute until
2 tablespoons butter shrimp turn pink and opaque,
Chili-Lime Tilapia. More seafood: Accord- since impulse buying is a Scampi that involves just 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive approximately 2-4 minutes de-
Saving money: It’s ing to a national survey bane to healthy eating and a few steps of preparation oil pending on size. Stir in parsley,
common knowledge for by Aqua Star, one of the saving money. As online that can even allow kids 4 garlic cloves, minced lemon juice and cooked pasta.

School night
Continued from Page 5B
per until fragrant, about 3-4 Medley Pierogies 1 ounce cream cheese, cubed skillet. Saute white parts of ened, about 2-3 minutes. Add
minutes. MINI PIEROGI MAC ’N 2 scallions, thinly sliced, 1 cup shredded white ched- scallions over medium-high cream cheese, stirring until
n Spread red peppers, corn
and beans into square baking CHEESE SKILLET white and green parts sepa-
dar cheese heat until fragrant and trans-
lucent, about 2 minutes.
n Remove skillet from heat.
dish. Nestle in pierogies. Prep time: 10 minutes 1 cup broccoli florets n In large skillet over medium n Add broccoli, peppers and
Total time: 35 minutes Stir in cheddar cheese until
Sprinkle with shredded 1 small red pepper, diced heat, add 1 tablespoon squash. Cook 5-8 minutes
cheese. Servings: 4 1 small yellow squash, diced olive oil and saute pierogies until tender but still crisp. sauce is melted and smooth.
n Melt cheese under broiler 1 tablespoon flour until golden brown, about 6 Remove veggies from pan. Add pierogies and veggies
about 2 minutes. Top with 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt minutes per side. Remove n In same skillet, whisk back to pan, gently stirring
tomatoes, onions and cilantro divided 1/4 teaspoon black pepper pierogies from pan. flour, salt, pepper and heavy until coated. Top with green
before serving. 1 box Mrs. T’s Mini 4 Cheese 1 1/4 cups heavy cream n Add remaining olive oil to cream. Simmer until thick- scallions before serving.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 7B
February, 2001, Robert Harold

Nethery, Jr. and Sandy M. Neth-
ery, Joint with Spouse, ex-
ecuted and delivered a certain
Deed of Trust unto Jeff Surratt,
Trustee for Conseco Finance
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
Servicing Corp., Beneficiary, to
secure an indebtedness
therein described, which Deed
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
of Trust is recorded in the of-
fice of the Chancery Clerk of
Lowndes County, Mississippi in
To place ads starting at only $12,
Trust Deed Book 1359 at Page
500; and
call 662-328-2424 or visit
WHEREAS, on the 8th day of
July, 2020, Ditech Financial THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2020 n 8B
LLC fka Green Tree Servicing
LLC fka Conseco Finance Servi-
cing Corp., assigned said Deed
of Trust unto U.S. Bank Nation-
alLegal Notices
Association, as Trustee, for General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: West Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Sale: Other

LEGALS Vehicles
Green Tree 2008-HE1, by in-

strument recorded in the office AREA BUSINESS
House & 5 wooded acres in
of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk
in Book 2020 at Page 15753; is seeking a mature, Vernon, AL. Inside city

Call us: 662-328-2424 and motivated person who RENTALS limits, but with the privacy
Ads starting at $12
enjoys interacting with TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS of living in the country.
WHEREAS, on the 13th day of people, being outdoors Turner Hill Subdivision. Fish
Legal Notices July, 2020 the Holder of said and multitasking. Skills Apartments & Houses 1 BEDROOM pond, block shop bldg, Motorcycles & ATVs
Deed of Trust substituted and related to maintaining storage bldg & large storm
The following vehicles have
been abandoned at Columbus
appointed Dean Morris, LLC as
Substitute Trustee by instru-
equipment and/or farm
work are desired but not
1 Bedrooms 3 BEDROOMS
shelter. 2,100 sqft. Older
home, quality construction,
2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
2 Bedroooms
ment recorded in the office of Black, red, and gray.
Nissan Inc., 100 Hwy 12 East, 1956, can easily be up−
the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in required. Person needs to 1,428 miles. $1500.
Columbus MS 39702.
3 Bedrooms LEASE, dated. See North MS

© The Dispatch
Book 2020 at Page 16324; be flexible enough to pitch 662−364−0120.
Craigslist, real estate, for
2013 Nissan Sentra and in where ever needed but DEPOSIT photos. No texts please!
VIN# 3N1AB7AP3DL747994 also keep their core Furnished & Unfurnished
WHEREAS, default having been AND Call for appointment to

responsibilities in mind.
made in the payments of the
1, 2, & 3 Baths
see. $139,000.
2016 Nissan Altima
VIN# 1N4AL3AP1GN362821 indebtedness secured by the
If you enjoy a different ex- CREDIT CHECK 205−695−2146
perience on the regular,
said Deed of Trust, and the Lease, Deposit
2007 Nissan Pathfinder
VIN# 5N1AR18U47C641504
holder of said Deed of Trust,
having requested the under-
meeting new people and
believe in customer & Credit Check 662-329-2323 Lots & Acreage
Ads starting at $12
signed so to do, on the 12th satisfaction this job might
2007 Nissan Versa day of August, 2020, I will dur- be for you. 2411 HWY 45 N 1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/
Lost & Found Pets
VIN# 3N1BC13E67L442908 ing the lawful hours of between Please submit resume to: Bad Credit Options. Good
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at Blind Box 675 c/o The COLUMBUS, MS credit as low as 20% down,
If the vehicles above are not public outcry, offer for sale and $499/mo. Eaton Land, BROWN & White Pit Bull
will sell, at the south east front Commercial Dispatch Apts For Rent: Other Houses For Rent: North 662−361−7711. with black collar went
claimed they will be put up for
sale to the highest and best door of Lowndes County Court- PO Box 511 missing Sun. from the
bidder for cash at 10 a.m. on house, 505 2nd Ave. North at Columbus, MS 39703 Humane Society. Answers
the 21st day of August 2020 at Columbus, Mississippi, for 56 Mason Dr. No HUD. No to the name Princess. Call
Columbus Nissan Inc, 100 Hwy cash to the highest bidder, the 36 ACRES ON GATLIN RD. 662−889−5166.
12 East, Columbus, MS following described land and MOUNT TRUCKING is hir- pets. 3BR/1.5BA. Asking Excellent timber & building
39702. property situated in Lowndes ing a flatbed driver in the $760/ per month. Dep. sites. $72,000. For more
County, Mississippi, to-wit: Columbus area. Family- $760. 662−549−9298. info, call 205−799−9846 Five Questions:
PUBLISH: 7/22, 7/29 & owned. Get more out your Mobile Homes for Rent or 205−695−2248.
8/5/2020 Beginning at the Southwest check & more home time.
corner of the Southwest
Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 3, We work for you!
3BR/2BA Trailer, New 1 Moon
IN THE SPECIAL COURT OF EM- Township 19 South, Range 17 *Home every weekend
INENT DOMAIN Hope school dist. $650/
West; thence run North 00 de- *50 cent a mile *1099 mo & $650 dep. No pets,
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- grees 30 minutes East for a Tyrone Washington
SIPPI distance of 289.9 feet to a 901-230-4659
no drugs, no partying. Call
2 Knots
point; thence run South 87 de-
b/w 10a−9p. 662−386−
4292. NO TEXT MGS. Ads starting at $12
grees 40 minutes East for a
AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF distance of 133.5 feet to the
point of beginning; from said
point of beginning thence run
DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
RV/MOBILE HOME SITE Appliances 3 Houston
East or West Columbus or
South 87 degrees 40 minutes ated, contracted carrier for
RENATA JENNINGS, ET AL. DE- East for a distance of 221.6 near CAFB, Caledonia CENTRAL AC UNIT. Only
the Brooksville & Macon
FENDANTS feet to a point; thence run
North 00 degrees 30 minutes
area. Excellent opportunity
schools. 601−940−1397. used 1 day, too small for
space. Revolv brand, 2.5
4 Arizona and
NO. 2020-0009-ED2 East for a distance of 270.2 to earn money for college.
Must have good transporta- btu, 208−230 voltage.
feet to a point; thence run

Real Estate
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION tion, valid driver's license $900. Crawford, MS.
North 87 degrees 40 minutes
West for a distance of 221.6 & insurance. Delivers on 662−497−2754.
5 Keyser Söze
TO: JUNE BROWN AND FRED- feet to a point; thence run
Sunday morning and Mon-
South 00 degrees 30 minutes Fri afternoons. Apply at The General Merchandise
West for a distance of 270.0 Commercial Dispatch, 516
Ads starting at $25
You have been made Defend- feet, to the point of beginning. 4FT X 8FT utility trailer
ants in a lawsuit filed in this Main Street in Columbus.
Court by the Columbus Re- No phone calls please. Houses For Sale: New Hope for sale. Great condition.
I will only convey such title as $500.
development Authority to con- is vested in me as Substitute
demn by eminent domain cer- Trustee. HILLCREST SUBDIVISION Call 662−574−6176
tain real property located in SERVICE TECHNICIAN for
local pest control company. NEW HOPE SCHOOLS
Block 22 North of Main, Colum- WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this Brand new & move−in
bus, Mississippi, and being Applicant must be organ- For Sale: King size sheet
15th day of July, 2020. ready! 4 Bed, 2 Baths, sets: 2 flannel @ $15.00
Lowndes tax parcel ized, dependable, work well
Granite, tile hardwood &
61W090004800. The property Dean Morris, LLC with the public, and have You’ll find the best deals more. Historically low
each, 4 cotton sets at
is necessary to renew and re- $5.00 set. Extra pillow
development blighted condi-
Substitute Trustee good driving record with when you advertise interest rates. Call Emily C. cases and sheets free. 3
tions in accordance with the
855 S Pear Orchard Rd., Ste. valid driver's license. and shop here! Moody, 662−574−3903, Nintendo DS games $5.00. The Dispatch is the last
404, Bldg. 400 Drug test required.
Urban Renewal Plan (Burns Ridgeland, MS 39157 Apply at 107 Gardner Blvd.
662−328−0770. Wii Sports edition, new family-owned newspaper
Bottom) of the City of Colum-
bus, Mississippi.
(318) 330-9020 No phone calls. Long & Long Real Estate condition $50.00. in Mississippi.
kmp/F02-3477 Builder/Broker/Owner 662−570−1730
You are summoned to appear PUBLISH: 7/22/20, 7/29/20,
and defend against the com-

plaint or petition filed against
you in this action at 9:30

Whether you’re buying or selling

o’clock a. m. on the 17th day

of September, 2020, in the
second floor County Court Ads starting at $25
courtroom of the Lowndes
County Courthouse in Colum-

we’ve got what you’re looking for.

bus, Mississippi, and in case
Apts For Rent: North
of your failure to appear and Call us: 662-328-2424
defend, a judgment will be FOX RUN APARTMENTS
entered against you for the General Help Wanted
money or other things deman- 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
ded in the complaint or peti-

Make classifieds
AJANTA CONSULTING $595−$645 monthly.
tion. Military discount, pet area,
HazMat Manager
You are hereby further given Columbus AFB pet friendly, and furnished
notice that not less than ten corporate apts.
(10) days prior to the date of REQUIREMENTS: 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL

your first stop.

the trial on September 17, GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
*HazMat Experience
2020, you are required to file ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
the Statement of Values pursu- *SDS Knowledge ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27- *HazMat Tracking 24−HOUR CAMERA
7, which shall be treated as *EESOH-MIS System SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
pleadings in this action. The *HazMat Training Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
date of the filing of the Com-
plaint herein is the 30th day of Call: Victoria
March, 2020, and the name 484-983-2288
and address of the attorney for
the Plaintiff is Martha Bost
Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Tu- Houses For Sale: Other
pelo, Mississippi 38802. Oth-
er than the Statement of Val-
ues you are not required to file
an Answer or other pleading
but you may do so if you de-

Issued under my hand and the

seal of said Court, this 9th day
of July, 2020.



BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C.

PUBLISH: 7/15, 7/22 &





WHEREAS, on the 13th day of

February, 2001, Robert Harold
Nethery, Jr. and Sandy M. Neth-

Place your ad today to get fast results.

ery, Joint with Spouse, ex-
ecuted and delivered a certain
Deed of Trust unto Jeff Surratt,
Trustee for Conseco Finance
Servicing Corp., Beneficiary, to
secure an indebtedness
therein described, which Deed
of Trust is recorded in the of-
fice of the Chancery Clerk of
Lowndes County, Mississippi in
Trust Deed Book 1359 at Page
500; and

WHEREAS, on the 8th day of

Service Directory
July, 2020, Ditech Financial
LLC fka Green Tree Servicing
LLC fka Conseco Finance Servi-
cing Corp., assigned said Deed
of Trust unto U.S. Bank Nation-
al Association, as Trustee, for
Green Tree 2008-HE1, by in-
strument recorded in the office
of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk
in Book 2020 at Page 15753; Promote your small business starting at only $25

WHEREAS, on the 13th day of General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping Tree Services
July, 2020 the Holder of said
Deed of Trust substituted and WORK WANTED: Licensed SAM’S LAWN SERVICE No A & T TREE SERVICES
appointed Dean Morris, LLC as & Bonded. Carpentry, minor lawn too large or too small. Bucket truck & stump
Substitute Trustee by instru- electrical, minor plumbing, Mowing, trimming & removal. Free est.
Looking for goods
ment recorded in the office of
the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in insulation, painting, demo− weedeating. Serving Columbus
Book 2020 at Page 16324; lition, gutters cleaned, Call 662−243−1694 since 1987. Senior

or services?
and pressure washing, land− citizen disc. Call Alvin @
scaping, cleanup work. Painting & Papering 242−0324/241−4447
WHEREAS, default having been 662−242−3608. "We’ll go out on a limb for
made in the payments of the QUALITY PAINTING. you!"
indebtedness secured by the Ext/Int Painting.
said Deed of Trust, and the HILL’S PRESSURE Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
holder of said Deed of Trust, WASHING. Commercial/ J&A TREE REMOVAL
Repair. Pressure Washing. Work from a bucket truck.
having requested the under- Residential. House, Free Estimates. Ask for
signed so to do, on the 12th concrete, sidewalks & Insured/bonded.
day of August, 2020, I will dur-
specials! Larry Webber, Call Jimmy Prescott for free
mobile washing. Free est. 662−242−4932.
ing the lawful hours of between 662−386−8925. estimate, 662−386−6286.
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at
public outcry, offer for sale and SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Planning a remodel?
Find it in the
will sell, at the south east front SERVICE Are you a painter?
door of Lowndes County Court-
house, 505 2nd Ave. North at
Need home repairs? Lawn Care / Landscaping
Special Prices.
Advertise here!
Interior & Exterior Painting.
Columbus, Mississippi, for
cash to the highest bidder, the 662−435−6528

following described land and

Grow your business.

property situated in Lowndes
County, Mississippi, to-wit: Mowing, cleanup,
landscaping, sodding,
Beginning at the Southwest & tree cutting.
corner of the Southwest
Make classifieds your first stop. 662−356−6525
Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 3,
Township 19 South, Range 17

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