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Turbomachinery Technology Seminar

Gas Turbine

Solar Turbines



Copyright by Solar Turbines Incorporated

Gas Turbine Air/Fuel/Water
L.L. Hsu
Chief Engineer,
Process Engineering

The longevity of a turbine in the field is deter- t
mined by the extent of its operation within design TREATMENT TREATMENT TREATMENT
limits under mechanical and thermal loads as
well as the effect of the “environment” on gas path
surfaces in undermining component material
properties. This “environment” is essentially all TURBINE
constituents entrained in the fluids entering the (Gases, Liquids, Solids)
gas turbine such as air, fuel and injected water
(or steam).
Materials for critical gas path components, CHEMICAL EFFECTS
such as rotating and stationary airfoils in both
NOTE: @ Control of Total Contaminants
compressor and turbine sections, are carefully
@ Secondary Control of Evaporative Cooler Water 54001
selected for their mechanical strength properties
as well as their oxidation/corrosion resistance. In Figure 1. Schematic of Air/Fuel/Water
order to ensure that the component surface Management Concept
- has adequate resistance against environmental
effects, coatings can be utilized to provide an
added measure of protection. Because of the wide range of environments
The concept of air/fuel/water management is that prevail in geographic locations worldwide
represented schematically in Figure 1. This and the absence of reliable data on airborne
shows that, instead of separate restrictions on constituents, concentrations of airborne contam-
air/fuel/water quality, limits on combined con- inants are difficult to assess and estimated
centrations of harmful contaminants comprising values are generally relied upon. Nevertheless,
the total gas turbine environment are specified. even estimated values in Eq. 1 will clearly identify
Such an approach allows for more realistic the relative contribution of contaminants borne
cognizance of critical contaminants in the hot gas by air, fuel and water to the total concentration in
stream as well as greater flexibility in accom- the hot section.
modating site specific conditions. Contaminants entering the gas turbine can be
in the form of gas, liquid or solid phases, depend-
FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES ing on geographic location and prevailing condi-
tions, as depicted in Figure 2.
In order to utilize air/fuel/water management as a
In the compressor, the degradation by air-
means of total corrosion control for land-based
borne contaminants, including water carry-over
gas turbines, it is necessary to define the maxi-
from evaporative coolers, is of primary concern
mum allowable concentrations of each harmful
because of electrochemical reactions that occur
contaminant as a combined sum of concentra-
during shutdown or in stagnated recesses where
tions in air, fuel and water:
water is entrapped. During operation, some of the
Total Concentration = [Air] + [Fuel] + [Water] (1) solid constituents in the airstream are largely

Water Water Contaminants
Fuel + Insoluble + Soluble + ;zure) + ga;r;;;;,,
Silicates) 1
1 Air

FUEL 1 Industrial gas turbines are used in all kinds of

geographic locations worldwide, with an equal
I ,-, COMBUSTOR diversity in ambient air quality. The sizes of the

A’R A i r Evap. EXHAUST most commonly found airborne contaminants are

“C l e a n e r - Cooler - shown in Figure 4 (Ref. 1). Other industry-related,
COMPRESSOR TURBINE site-specific contaminants include factory dis-
I 1 charge, exhaust fumes (including gas turbine
I W Water Vapor Liquid 1
Ambient + (Ambient + + Water
Air Droplets
exhaust reingestion), fertilizer, and mineral ore.
Contaminant concentrations, which can vary
Gas Phase Contaminants
+ ~a~?$~~s~ + (Salts, Aerosols, etc.) daily and/or seasonally, are also subject to
climatic conditions such as prevailing wind direc-
Figure 2. Diagram of Fluids and Entrained Species tion, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity
Entering Industrial Gas Turbine and precipitation. Despite the deployment of air
filters in all but the most innocuous environments,
centrifuged to the outer shrouds or deposited on experience shows that inevitably some of these
gas path surfaces. Surviving constituents includ- ambient air constituents will find their way into the
ing particulate fines and gases travel to the hot compressor inlet and, thus, act upon compressor
section where they combine with contaminants and turbine gas path components. In environ-
borne by fuel and water in the combustor to ments with low humidity and high temperatures,
produce energetic hot gases containing poten- evaporative cooling is often used for power
tially corrosive and/or fouling specie. augmentation, which enhances the potential for
In the face of this onslaught of effluent gases introducing water droplets into the air inlet.
from the combustor, degradation of turbine airfoil Although many of these ambient constituents
surfaces is expected to occur at a very slow con- are present in extremely low concentrations,
trolled rate with the expectation that the airfoils some of the larger turbines require very high
remain mechanically functional between hot sec- airflows which would cause the net effect of these
tion overhauls. In instances where it is known that constituents to increase significantly. For exam-
the air/fuel/water quality would exceed specifica- ple, at an air-to-fuel ratio of 68:l and an airflow
tion limits, protective coatings are relied upon to rate of 80 Ib/sec (36 kg/set), a potentially fouling
delay the threshold of unacceptable substrate contaminant present at 0.1 ppmw in the air would
degradation, as shown in Figure 3. From the travel through the compressor at the rate of 0.03
standpoint of air/fuel/water management, the Ib/hr (0.014 kg/hr). Assuming a capture rate of
trade-offs are cost of additional equipment for IO%, a fouling rate of 25 Ib/yr (11 kg/yr) could be
filtration and cleanup, material degradation, cost expected. Under these conditions, 0.1 ppmw in
of coatings, and projected maintenance. the air, which may seem relatively innocuous, is
equivalent to 6.8 ppmw in fuel.

Burned and Unburned Hydrocarbons

Coated Salt Droplets and Fly-Ash

Salt Nuclei
Component Erosion Causing Particles

Blade Fouling Particles

LIFE b 54-00 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 2 4 6 10 20

Figure 3. Relative Degradation of Coated and
Uncoated Alloys Figure 4. Size of Common Airborne Contaminants

Fuel Water
The types of fuels used in gas turbines are known Water chemistry and treatment - a technology in
to vary significantly in levels of corrosive con- itself - plays a critical role in gas turbine cor-
taminants as well as in their physical and thermal rosion. Contaminants in water injected into the
characteristics (Ref. 2). Typical contaminants combustor for emissions control can be con-
that could be present in gaseous and liquid sidered as being equivalent to contaminants in
fuels are shown in Figures 5 and 6 respectively fuel because water flow rates are closely
(Ref. 3). It is evident that hot corrosion degrada- matched to fuel flow. Typical water-to-fuel ratios
tion by sulfur, vanadium, lead, and sodium + range from 0.51 to 1 .O:l for industrial gas
potassium salts is of primary concern. With some turbines.
lower grade fuel types, particulate concentration As with air and fuel, the two key concerns are
is also critical because of the presence of ash- corrosion and deposition/fouling. These are re-
forming constituents, especially for fuels with lated to two types of soluble constituents found
high aromatic content, resulting in increased in water: 1) sodium and potassium ions (other
potential for ash deposition and turbine fouling. corrosive species such as vanadium and lead are
For example, water removal can reduce the negligibly soluble in water); 2) all other dissolved
level of sodium and potassium salts because, ions. The former are actively involved in hot cor-
being water soluble, they are segregated to the rosion phenomena, while the latter contribute to
water or moisture portion of the fuel. However, deposition/fouling.
water-insoluble species such as vanadium, lead As an example, a gas turbine burning 100 mil-
and sulfur, being organically bound to the hydro- lion Btu/hr (106,000 MJ/hr) of a 20,000 Btu/lb (46
carbon fuel, are not removable in-situ except as MJ/kg) natural gas fuel with water injection at a
part of condensable liquid ‘hydrocarbons. water-fuel ratio of 1 .O: 1 can potentially deposit as
much as 150 lb (68 kg) in 30,000 hours of opera-
I I tion of a particular contaminant that is present in
FUELS water at 0.5 ppmw.


1 1 gfFter 1 1 Landfill 1 1 Others 1
Regardless of the media through which con-
l Hydrogen l Hydrogen l Chlorides l Depends taminants are introduced into the gas turbine, the
Sulfide Sulfide Fluorides on Gas
Alkali Salts
Sources net effect in the turbine section can be expressed
l l Water l Sulfur
l Solids Dioxide as a sum of the contaminants contributed by air,
fuel and water. One accepted convention is to ex-
Figure 5. Types of Gaseous Fuels and Their press total contaminant concentration as a fuel
Contaminants equivalent concentration (FEC) in ppmw with
reference to a standard fuel with lower heating
value (LHV) of 18,380 Btu/lb (42,753 kJ/kg):
Total Concentration = [Air] + [Fuel] + [Water] (1)
I 4
Ti = [(AFR)Ai + (CFR)Ci] + [Fi] + [(WFR)Wi] (2)
Crude Distillate Residual
Hydrocarbons where:
l Water l Water l Same as l Depends on Ti = Total concentration of ith contaminant
l Alkali Salts l Alkali Salts Crude Process and entering the gas turbine
l Sediment l Sediment Handling
l Vanadium l Calcium AFR = Air-to-fuel ratio
l Calcium l Sulfur Ai = Concentration of ith contaminant in
l Sulfur l Vanadium*
l Lead* ambient air
*Result of Mishandling CFR = Carry-over water (from evaporative
cooling)-to-fuel ratio
Figure 6. Types of Liquid Fuels and Their Ci = Concentration of ith contaminant in
Contaminants evaporative cooling water

Fi = Concentration of ith contaminant in considerably from manufacturer to manufacturer
fuel supply in terms of materials used (alloys and coatings)
WFR = Injected water-to-fuel ratio (or steam) and, more importantly, in design and per-
Wi = Concentration of ith contaminant in formance objectives. However, standards ( for
injected water air/fuel/water quality are generally developed so
Consideration of the air term in Eq. 2 leads to that they are applicable to all models, provided
that these standards are technically and eco-
the incorporation of additional factors that affect
nomically justifiable.
air quality, such as rated efficiency of air
Some of the salient issues that are considered
cleaners, rate of water carry-over, demister
in establishing or revising such standards
efficiency, and steady-state evaporative cooling
water quality (with set blowdown and makeup
rates). Details of the derivation are provided in l Design Objectives

Ref. 4. The final expression has the following l Performance Objectives

form: l Material Properties

l Mechanisms of Degradation
18,380 l Laboratory Results
Ti = - [Fi( 1 -K) + (AFR)( 1 -N)Aiamb
LHV l Field Experience

4.99x10-dR(LHV)(l-E)Ci l Industry Standards (ASTM, API, etc.)

+ (WFR)Wi + 3 (3) l Other Manufacturer’ s Standards

Understanding these issues and how they in-
where: terrelate is important in order to define standards
that will achieve target component lives. The sub-
Ti = Total concentration of ith contaminant
sequent application of these standards to field
normalized to a fuel
gas turbines in a cost-optimized manner is the
with LHV of 18,380 Btu/lb, ppmw FEC
objective of this methodology of air/fuel/water
Fi = Concentration of ith contaminant in
fuel, ppmw
K = Efficiency rating for fuel cleanup system
AFR = Air-to-fuel ratio
N = Efficiency rating for air cleanup system The requirements of material strength and dura-
Aiamb =
bility for gas path components are crucial to over-
Concentration of ith contaminant in
ambient air, ppmw all design integrity. Traditional design strategy
requires alloys that can be relied upon primarily
WFR = Water-to-fuel ratio
to meet mechanical strength objectives. Inherent
Wi = Concentration of ith contaminant in
environmental resistance is a secondary consid-
injected water at point of entry into
combustor, ppmw
eration that can be corrected by metallurgical or
chemical modification of the surface, in the form
R = Rate of water carry-over from
of a protective coating.
evaporative cooler, gal./min
With developments in advanced alloys, it has
L H V = Lower Heating Value of actual fuel,
become apparent that this reliance on coatings
is increasingly vital. High performance require-
E = Efficiency rating for mist eliminator
ments coupled with long-term operation general-
ly dictate that the protection provided by the
Ci = Concentration of ith contaminant in
coating, in preventing corrodents from gaining
evaporative cooler feedwater, ppmw
access to the alloy, cannot compromise substrate
Y = Fuel flow rate, Btu/hr (kJ/hr) properties. Therefore, coating properties and ef-
fects on substrate alloy are increasingly impor-
STANDARDS FOR AIR/FUEL/WATER tant factors in the selection of materials.
QUALITY For most superalloys, high temperature
Establishing standards for air/fuel/water quality mechanical strength is usually attained at the
for turbomachinery is a challenging process expense of environmental resistance. This is
that must necessarily incorporate information illustrated in Figure 7 which shows the relation-
from several sources. Gas turbine models differ ship between rupture strength and corrosion

CHROMIUM CONTENT, Wt. % l Large number of airfoil components can
10 20 30
lead to high coating costs
Degradation mechanisms in, the compressor
section can be categorized into ‘three modes:
chemical, electrochemical and mechanical, as
depicted schematically in Figure 8.

Chemical Degradation



Figure 7. Mechanical Strength versus i

Environmental Resistance OXIDATION


resistance, with the latter directly proportional. to
chromium content. Nickel-based alloys, used in
rotating hardware, are generally stronger than GRAIN
cobalt alloys because of solid solution and grain BOUNDARY
boundary strengthening phases and reduced CORROSION
chromium levels. On the other hand, cobalt alloys
with higher chromium levels are typically superior Electrochemical Degradation
in oxidation/corrosion resistance. CORROSIO

Compressor components are more sensitive to

the quality of ingested air than are turbine
Alloy #l Alloy #2
components for the industrial gas turbine. Con- (Less Noble) - WATER Wl-IH
sequently, they can be subjected to erosive GALVANIC ACTION
degradation as well as corrosion. Because of the PRODUCTS \
lower temperatures that prevail in the compres-
sor, oxidation and corrosion by airborne con-
taminants is relatively slow and electrochemical
or galvanic corrosion is of primary concern.
The selection of materials and coatings for


compressor components is influenced by the fol- Mechanical Degradation

lowing factors: PARTICULATE
l Maximum temperature is generally less than IMPINGEMENT
1000°F (538°C)
l Wide range of temperatures between first

and final stages

l Enhanced susceptibility to ambient air qual-
ity because of proximity to air inlet / SOLID DEPOSITS

l Vulnerability to moisture condensation and

deposition of contaminants ALLOY

- Vulnerability to cleaning practices and
cleaning media composition DEPOSITION

l Primary degradation mechanism is electro-

chemical corrosion with some erosion in the Figure 8. Modes of Substrate Alloy Degradation in
early stages Compressor

Chemical degradation, also commonly known TURBINE MATERIALS
as oxidation and corrosion, generally occurs at
elevated temperatures because reaction kinetics In the hot section, degradation occurs very readi-
are exponentially related to the temperature. ly via reactions of gas phase or condensed liquid
Therefore, in the absence of other factors, oxida- phase with the solid substrate surface. ‘The
tion/corrosion rates are very low near ambient physiochemical phenomena that govern the
temperatures and considerably higher in the lat- degradation reactions, such as chemical kinetics
ter stages of the compressor. Electrochemical (reaction and solid state diffusion rates) and
degradation in contrast, is a low temperature thermodynamics (reaction constants, activation
phenomenon that is associated with the energies and equilibrium constants), are signifi-
presence of condensed water. As is implied by cantly enhanced because of the high tempera-
the term, a potential difference is established in tures, resulting in potentially aggressive hot
water as a result of dissimilar materials or con- section environment.
centration gradients in the water, thus causing The typical environment in the turbine region
galvanic reactions to occur and metal loss at the consists of contaminants entrained in air, fuel and
anodic end of the couple. The third mode, injected water, as well as reaction products of
mechanlcal degradation, is essentially erosion hydrocarbon combustion. Upon exiting the com-
by particuiates in the airstream. bustor, these various specie enter the turbine and
Protective coatings can also be functionally cool down as the gas stream is expanded across
grouped into corresponding categories as shown the various stages of the gas producer and power
in Figure 9. In principle, barrier coatings are turbine. Certain specie in the gas stream could
used to restrict contact between oxygen/corro- condense out if the maximum vapor pressure has
dents and the substrate metal, thus minimizing been exceeded for that particular temperature. In
oxidation/corrosion rates. To resist electrochemi- other words, the “dewpoint” has been reached
cal degradation, sacrificial coatings are used. and condensation in the form of liquid or even
These coatings require intimate contact between solid phases can occur on airfoil surfaces. These
water (containing dissolved salts or electrolytes) condensates are highly reactive because of the
and the coated metal surfaces to promote dis- favorable kinetics and thermodynamics that
solution of the less noble constituent within the prevail in the liquid-solid reactions between con-
coating. The third coating type, hard coatings, densate and base metal.
presents a hard surface to the impinging par-
Regardless of the temperature or the material,
ticles, hence reducing material losses.
the basic phenomenon that occurs at the surface
Some coatings, such as inorganic aluminum is oxldatlon: the conversion of load-bearing me-
paints, impart both barrier and sacrificial re- tals (or metal alloys) to weak and non-load bear-
sistance to corrodents, while others, such as ing metal oxides. This tendency to react with
electroless nickel, are barrier coatings only. oxygen and form oxides can differ greatly
depending on the metal element and its standard
free energy of formation.
Corn pressor Of all the useful elements found in structural
Gas Path
alloys, aluminum and chromium oxides have
proved to be most effective in high temperature
I 1
service. Once formed, the oxide scale serves as
Chemical Electrochemical Physical a physical barrier to corrodents. Ideally, this
Resistance Resistance Resistance oxide scale should be dense, thin, adherent,
Barrier Coatings Sacrificial Coatings Hard Coatings
stable, impervious and rapidly replenished in
l Diffusion Aluminide l Electroplate l Diffusion order to ensure that it remains in place throughout
l Electroless Ni l Flame Spray Aluminide the target component life.
l Electroplate l Boriding
l Vapor Deposition
l Conversion l Inorganic Paint l Hard Chrome The role of turbine coatings is to produce an
Coatings Plate optimized oxide scale superior to that of the sub-
l Glass Carbide Coatings
strate alloy and to serve as reservoirs to maintain
continuous scale formation The functions of an
Figure 9. Types of Compressor Coatings ideal hot section coating include:

Ability to produce an adherent oxide scale APPLICATION
Serves as a reservoir to continue replenish- To illustrate this methodology of air/fuel/water
ing scale management for total corrosion control, a hypo-
Inhibits diffusion of substrate elements out- thetical example of an industrial* turbine applica-
wards into coating tion operating with both water injection and
evaporative cooling is presented. Sodium +
Inhibits diffusion of oxygen and corrodents
potassium concentrations were selected as the
critical contaminants of interest.
Presence of thermodynamically stable
phases that can resist reacting with c o r r o Example
dents that penetrate oxide scale Power Output - 4 0 0 0 h p (2983 kW)

The need for thermal resistance or thermal bar- Duty - Continuous

rier capability has grown in significance in recent Fuel - Natural gas (pipeline
years because design temperatures are increas- quality) 20,500 Btu/lb
ingly being raised for greater power output. The (47,684 kJ/kg) LHV
insulating capability of ceramic oxides is derived Installation - Inland, dry lake bed
from a fundamental property of the coating
Air-Fuel Ratio - 689
material-thermal conductivity. Metallic coatings
have thermal conductivities comparable to that of Ambient Temperature - 100°F (43°C) maximum
superalloys and a r e inherently incapable of Relative Humidity - 40-500/o m e a n
providing significant thermal resistance. Ceramic Precipitation - 20-30 i n c h e s
oxides, on the other hand, have shown excellent (508-762 mm) annual
thermal barrier capability and are increasingly
exploited in hot section applications. Emissions - New Source
The requirements of a thermal barrier coating Standards (NSPS)
differ from those of metallic coatings in that the
Water-Fuel Ratio - 0.6:l
following properties are desirable:
Water Source - Municipal water
l Low thermal conductivity
(potable water)
l Low elastic modulus
Operating parameters used in this example,
l High specific heat
along with appropriate calculations for sodium +
l Thermal expansion matched with potassium concentrations in air (Including water
substrate alloy carry-over), fuel and water terms, are listed in
l Good adherence to substrate Table 1. Certain assumptions were made in order
l Resistance to corrodents
to perform the calculations. For example, am-
bient sodium + potassium concentrations in air
0 Crystallographic phase stability with and fuel are arbitrarily defined at 0.1 and 0.05
exposure to high temperatures
ppmw respectively. The former is based on esti-
Thermal barrier coatings, such as magnesium mated air quality for an inland, high salt location:
zirconate, calcium titanate and yttria-stablized the latter is based on actual measurements of
zirconia, have seen years of service in combus- pipeline natural gas performed by a commercial
tors, primarily in flight engines. Advancements in laboratory.
coating processes, particularly in plasma spray- An air cleanup factor of 97% is selected as a
ing and physical vapor deposition techniques, conservative but realistic, time-averaged value
have led to significant gains in coating perfor- for generic air cleaners. The fuel flow rate of 40
mance and reliability. million Btu/hr (42,204 MJ/hr) is sized for a 4000-
Potential applications of thermal barrier coat- hp (29839kW) gas turbine. The value of 50 ppmw
ings to rugged and heavy duty components in sodium + potassium in potable water is predi-
industrial gas turbines are increasingly viable. cated on San Diego city water quality. Evapora-
Considerable development activity is currently in tive cooling water carry-over is estimated at 10%
progress in on-going R&D at Solar involving of flow to the header, rated at 1 gal./min (4 L/min)
combustors, injector tips (Ref. 5) and turbine for this gas turbine size. For a once-through
nozzles. system, sodium + potassium concentration in

Table 1. Total Site Analysis for Sodium + Potassium

Configuration A B c D

Air Cleaner Air Cleaner and

No Air Cleaner and Demister and
Type of Treatment Treatment Only Demister Water Treatment

Concentration in Ambient Air,, ppmw 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Air-to-Fuel Ratio 68 68 68 68
Air Cleanup Factor 0 0.97 0.97 0.97
Concentration in ppmw
Air, FEC 6.10 0.18 0.18 0.18
In Fuel, ppmw 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050
Fuel LHV, Btullb 20,500 20,500 20,500 20,500
Fuel Cleanup Factor 0 0 0 0
Fuel Flow Rate, million Btu/hr 40 40 40 40 .
Concentration in Fuel, ppmw FEC 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Injected Water
Concentration in Injected Water, ppmw 50 50 50 1
Water-to-Fuel Ratio 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Concentration in Injected Water, ppmwFEC 26.90 26.90 26.90 0.54
Carry-Over Water
Concentration In E/C Water, ppmw 50 50 50 50
E/C Carry-Over Rate, gpm 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Mist Eliminator Efficiency, % 0 0 0.9 0.9
Concentration in E/C Water, ppmw FEC 1.15 1.15 0.11 0.11
T o t a l C o n c e n t r a t ippmw
on, FEC 34.19 28.27 27.23 0.87

Maximum Manufacturer’s Standard: Allowable Na + K - 1 ppmw FEC

FEC = Fuel Equivalent Concentration

evaporative cooler water is assumed to be this water treatment is the reduction of total
approximately constant at 50 ppmw. concentrations from 27 ppmw to 0.5 ppmw, thus
The values shown in Column A of Table 1 complying with the manufacturer’s standard of 1
reflect sodium + potassium concentration levels ppmw FEC maximum.
in the absence of any treatment of air and Further optimization of the package in Column
injected water - a strictly hypothetical circum- D can be performed upon consideration of other
stance. Columns B, C and D show the incremen- operating costs including: air cleaner media
tal effects of air filtration, mist eliminator, and a replacement, maintenance of water treatment
water treatment skid employing reverse osmosis cylinders and waste disposal, cost of water, and
-and ion exchange processing such that the relative costs and salt concentration effects of
sodium + potassium concentrations are reduced once-through versus recycling evaporative
from 50 to 1 ppmw in injected water. coolers.
The total sodium + potassium concentration
values at the bottom of each column in Table 1 ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS
clearly indicate the relative effect of each device
in reducing the combined sum. The largest effect The control of component degradation via air/
is derived from treatment of injected water, to fuel/water management is not cost-free. Figure
reduce sodium + potassium concentrations by 10 is a simplistic representation of how trade-offs
over one order of magnitude. Because con- between extreme contaminant control and zero
taminants in injected water are only mitigated by control can be developed. In any gas turbine
the appropriate water-fuel ratio, the net effect of application, the total cost of power is the primary

This paper describes the concept of air/fuel/
water management as a viable approach to total
corrosion control for land-based gas turbines.
The significance of contaminants borne by air,
fuel and water is also discussed in the context of
degradation mechanisms in both compressor
and turbine sections. The roles of gas path
materials and coatings are shown to be integral
to gas turbine durability in that appropriate selec-
CONTAMINANT LEVEL IN GAS TURBINE ENVIRONMENT tion of coating and substrate will adequately
54010 resist environmental degradation and, hence,
Figure IO. Schema tic Representation of Trade-Offs
extend the useful life of critical components.
in Total Corrosion Control The relationship between air/fuel/water man-
agement and protective coatings is essentially
concern. Therefore, the objective is to configure that of “prevention” versus “cure”,* In order to allow
the power plant so that contaminants are con- the “cure” to be effective, a certain measure of
trolled only to the extent that the total cost of “prevention” must necessarily be incorporated,
power, including the initial costs of coatings and such as air filtration, mist elimination and reverse
treatment package as well as maintenance costs, osmosis. An optimally balanced power package
such as parts replacement/refurbishment, are will result in acceptable deterioration of the
minimal. Figure 10 is not intended to give dollar component surface in the time period between
values for a specific application but rather to set overhaul and subsequent restoration of the com-
forth the concept of locating that configuration ponent surface by stripping and recoating at
where a contaminant control balance can be overhaul. With this integrated approach, the
reached to minimize power cost. economics of plant operation, including events
In reality, the curve representing the ownership like unscheduled shutdown, component failure,
and operating costs of ancillary equipment is not performance deterioration and repair costs, can
monotonic but is usually a step function. For be minimized.
instance, adding a polishing stage to a reverse
osmosis water treatment package would add to
the ownership cost and, at the same time, remove REFERENCES
contaminants to a lower level. This would result 1. L.L. Hsu, “Total Corrosion Control for
in improved hot section environment and lower Industrial Gas Turbines: Airborne Contam-
hot section corrosion rates. Conversely, con- inants and Their Impact on Air/Fuel/Water
sideration of coating costs and component Management,” ASME 88-G%65, Amsterdam,
rework during overhaul should be weighed June 1988.
against increased capital costs for added ancil-
lary equipment and the cost of money over the 2, W.S. Hung, “Gas Turbine Fuels,” TTS 53,
operating lifetime of the plant. Solar Turbines Incorporated, 1989.
Further development is required to correlate 3. R.T. LeCren Section 2, Symposium on
this methodology of air/fuel/water management Air/Fuel/Water Management for Solar Gas
with life-cycle costs in a comprehensive eco- Turbines, Solar Turbines Incorporated, San
nomic analysis. This expanded approach would Diego, 1986.
utilize an interactive algorithm to calculate the
life-cycle costs as a function of air/fuel/water 4. Solar Turbines Incorporated, “Fuel, Air, and
quality, critical component life, operating char- Water (or Steam) for Solar Gas Turbines”,
acteristics, scheduled downtimes for inspec- . ES 9-98 Rev. B, Appendix B, 1987,
tion and overhaul, cost of parts replacement/ 5. M. van Roode and L.L. Hsu, “Comparative
refurbishment, and other operating expenses Evaluation of High Temperature Coatings for
including consumables and maintenance, capi- Corrosion Protection of Fuel Injector Tips,”
tal expenditure, cost of money and projected Surfaces and Coatings Technology, Vol.
revenues. 32, No. 1-4, 1987.


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