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Nutrition recommendation and physiotherapy

Nutrition is the science which interprets the combination of

maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, and disease of an organism. It involves food intake,
absorption, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion.

As molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics advance,

nutrition has become concentrates in metabolic pathway which has the identity in certain
diseases and conditions cause out by dietary factors. A nutrient is nourishment compound of
food, which has seven major type: protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, mineral, fiber, and
water.1The body cannot function efficiently and effectively without the correct nutrition and
diet.2 Some major differences in nutrition is concluded by the micronutrient and macronutrient.

Physiotherapy is the contributions to the potential

development and the patient recovery.3latest research and findings of assessment in
physiotherapy is focused on the quality of food intake patient as well as the normal individual .4
Adequate nutrition is essential for both the patient and the sports individuals with the prescribed

During the recovery of the muscular skeletal injury nutritional needs is much more important for
the muscle growth.3 increased weight gain can invariably lead to wide spread pain, affecting
major joints (back, knees, hips). It can also results in significant muscles imbalance and overall

Vitamin supplement is essential in the sports medicine and become very

effective in various exercises . fitness nutrition is domain with persons involved in sports or high
physical activity like exercise and body building. swimmers need lot of nutritional support as
they do it in physical works.7 Amino acid supplement needs for athletes must be reviewed , and
the effects of various types of exercise on protein metabolism. Most healthy diets include fruits,
vegetables, fish, and whole grains, and limit unhealthy foods. This food style makes out
difference in the risk of the heart disease. In protein diet meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas,
eggs, nuts and seeds.7

Energy intake and dietary patterns also gives the good comeback of
the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patients with the major micronutrients and macronutrients
consumed amount of calories .8carbohydrates consist of glucose, sucrose, fructose with different
layer of the carbon oxygen and hydrogen contents and vitamins are the combination of various
fat and also the water contents. Proteins are the content of the amino acids . nucleic acids are
finely used out in genetic lab for increase out in the growth of the DNA and RNA particles.6 In
micronutrients minerals majorly potassium, chloride, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
zinc, iron, copper, iodine.1

In children nutrition play a vital role in growth of individual systems

(in both mental and physical development).make half of what is on plate with half the fruits and
half the vegetables. offer water or milk instead of fruit drinks.9the specific nutrient choices you
and your children make it crucial. Good nutrition is essential to good health and pediatrician also
encourage out the growth of the child welfare .The 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for America for
2 years old child which includes: A variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fat-free and
low-fat dairy products ,A variety of protein foods, oils.7

In adolescents nutrition is much essential in the acceptance of the

welfare for the normal day today life style. Nutrition and physical growth are integrally related ;
optimal nutrition is a requisite for achieving full growth potential10.prior to puberty, nutritional
needs are similar for boys and girls. It is during puberty that body composition and biologic
changes emerge which affect gender-specific nutrient needs. At the peak of the adolescent
growth spurt , the nutritional requirements may be twice as high as those of the remaining period
of adolescence 10. energy rate of the adolescents based on the activity level, basal metabolic rate,
pubertal growth and development.

Adolescent women is differ out from normal adolescence. As our body

is still growth in various pattern. As a teenager women should intake large amount of breads,
grains and cereals are carbohydrates that provides energy for your brain and muscles. They’re
also excellent out in fibers and vitamins B without carbohydrate we feel tired and run
down.11fruit and vegetables have out lot of minerals and vitamins it helps in boost the immune
system and keeps you young. Meat , chicken, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes are good sources of
iron and protein.

Adults nutritional chase is much more higher then the adolescence . the
large number of differences in the intake of calories and out put of work. Because the muscular
involvement is lot in the adults . In which the calcium of mineral is plays a vital role in bony
development and tissue welfare . the osteoporosis is the bone malnutrition disorder where the
loss of calcium is highlighted ,In addition many adults don’t get enough weight bearing exercise
likes walking to help keep bones strong. eat at least 2-3 serving of calcium foods every day
( low fat milk, yogurt and cheese are good choices).12In addition 30 minutes weight bearing
exercises in the resisted surfaces.

Women in their 20s and 30s, especially those who have any possibility
of becoming pregnant, should need of dietary concerns. weight maintenance should be concerns
every women can gains up to the weight of 30 lbs during pregnancy. That means already they are
in over weight . excess of weight during pregnancy cause out the some healthy impairment in
both child and the mother.13the babies of under weight women are also at risk for low birth
weight babies. If the individual pregnant with high or low body weight they should modify the
healthy life style of the food.13Iron can increase the hemoglobin to replace the loss of anemia
.calcium requirement also large amount than the normal intake.

Older adults most people lost out the muscle endurance and
speed the intake of food can modify the muscle pattern and metabolic changes. Fruits and
nutrition rich vegetables are encourage to fight for the anti oxidants.13 But also contain fiber
which helps in the regularity of the bowel and bladder control. Water intake also helps in the
leading maintenance in the skin requirements13. Protein prevent loss of muscle mass. Vitamin B
12 in essential in the production of the red blood cells. Vitamin B 12 is rich out in the meat ,
fish, and dairy. Avoid foods like soups, lunchmeats, frozen meals which contain large amount of
sodium that affects the blood pressure.13

As diet and nutrition are component for many condition in

the physical therapist. it is the role of physical therapist to evaluate for and provide information
on diet and nutritional issues to patient, clients, and the community within the scope of physical
therapist practices.15the development of most cases is based upon the nature of the nutritional
welfare of the disease or impairments. Physical therapist have arguably more contact with
patients than any other health care provider through out the recovery process. we are therefore in
great place to remind our patients of importance of adequate nutrient.3

As physiotherapy is consider in patient recovery for normal

lifestyle . We do the job through the physical compounds of rehabilitation, strength, flexibility,
prior level of function.3 nutrition play a vital role in muscular skeletal injuries and nutritional
plans is influences out in the musculoskeletal healing .but the inadequate caloric intake will
accelerate the muscle loss which take out to the in appropriate balance. Limiting the intake of
nutrient will prolong the rehab process and also decrease the protein stores, which inhibits the
body ability to repair an injury.

Exercise is important include of healthy habits. When people

get plenty of exercise, they are improving their health ,preventing health problems and feeling it
great.14In maintain weight the exercise and burning of the calorie is essential for individual to
packed out for fitness level.14Helps out in fighting of many chronic diseases. when you exercise
bad cholesterol which is unsaturated cholesterol is reduced and increase out of saturated
cholesterol.14helps us to increase in heart and lung by the oxygenation after exercise. plan out the
physical weight of the individual to make difference in the pattern of nutrition.

In sports management of physical therapy plays out the major

role in the nutritional alignment . nutrition is essential for every athlete, and at very high levels,
where talent and training equally accepted here.16The American college of sports medicine ”That
physical activity, athletic performance, and recovery from exercise are enhanced by optimal
nutrition.”17 Overall important is to make sure that the energy expenditure out from the track
event for each and every day and replacing the diet equally according to the level of
carbohydrates ,protein and fat contents. Rest day of the athlete without the training session
should also be take as a consider then the training session .Again American college of sports
medicine recommended out the athlete should not train with empty stomach there should be
intake of 200-300 g of carbohydrate.17 1 hour of training per day 2.5 grams per pound of body
weight intake of carbohydrate.17In protein 0.54-0.64 grams per pound of body weight.17fat 20%
of daily calories.17every athlete should be careful in the intake of fat foods and less fat is damage
the muscle mass and more fat damage out the performance of the individual.

Every athlete has three phases in dividing through the training session by Ivy and Portman.16 By
these energy phase(training session),the anabolic phase(occurs within 45 minutes after training)
and the growth phase( occurs after the 45 minutes and until the next training session) each phases
has separate intake of nutrient accordance to weight and track event of the individual sports

1. Medical news today –by Christian Nordquist (sep 1,2017).

2. Clark ( july 15,2006).

3. Role of nutrient in physical therapy-lily mercer-(jan 12,2017)

4. Better health nutrition and Fitness Organisation Norms accordance with physical therapist.

5. Jonathan Clark – Physiotherapy and nutrition- feb 14,2017

6. Indian national educational council chemistry text part -1 (pg 401-403)

7.Journal in the national research access in nutrition.

8. Nutritional Strategies to improve physical capability in Duchenne Muscular Dystropy- J

.Davoodi, PhD, C.D, market, PhD and Robert .W. Grange,PhD.

9. Medline plus-U S library of medicine (online library) [child nutrition].

10. Active foodism- nutritional of adolescents, slideshare.

11. The Royal Women’s Victoria, Australia-adolescents women.

12. Frank W. Jackson, M.D- nutrition for older adults

13. Universal class for the nutritional chart of the different age groups.

14. Role of exercise in nutritional studies- Universal class

15. Role of physical therapy in Diet and nutrition- Megan Pribyl ,MSPT( Aug,10 Monday,2015)
16. Physiopedia- sports nutrition (Nov 17-2015)

17. Rodriquez N, Dimarcon , Langley S nutrition and atheletic Performance: joint position
statement. American college of sports medicine 2009; 709-731.

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