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Now let's look at the Trap 3 progressions again the Trap 3 are the lower fibers of the trapezius muscle
now this is very important for any kinds of progression with horizontal and vertical
Reporting for any kind of pressing with its horizontal or vertical pressing but also the strength of the
muscle how strong it is this also
Excellent predictor for overall shoulder health no notice how we begin with the body prone being
At a high angle and progressing to lower angles and progressing from unilateral or bilateral exercise
The trap 3 exercise is mid pulley trap 3 raise
line up you're going to position the cable pulley so it rest directly in line with a client's hips
By doing this you're going to shorten the range of motion of the exercise which is a good introductory
method for strengthening the Trap 3
Muscle fibers
The clients are going to be in a staggered stance with the leg opposite of the working hand forward
and the non-working hand is going to be busy
Position on the hip
The clients going to be eyes level with Horizon and head forward
Initiate the movement the client is going to retract your shoulder blades and bring the arm up 45°
Back so the arm should come back about an inch or two behind the ear
Every repetition the clients going to retract the shoulder blades arm back up as far back as I can
In a controlled manner

The next track 3 exercise is the mid pulley standing sideways to Cable column trap raise so now
The client is standing sideways to the cable, it is still set at hip height by turning the client sideways to
the cable corner
We're now increasing the range of motion or the amount of work that the Trap three fibers have to
So the client Begins by retracting shoulder blades arm up 45° to the Torso
And back down to the starting position
Every repetition begins with a client retracting the shoulder blades
Now you know that the arm is in the proper position when the cable as it comes across as hitting right
about the chin
Upper throat area

The next track 3 exercise is the low pulley facing cable column Trap 3 raise
By lowering the pulley down to the ground with now increase the range of motion the trap 3 fibers are
going to have to work through
Client initiates Movement by retracting shoulder blades
Bring the arm back behind the ear about an inch or two at a 45 degree angle
And every repetitions is going to retract the shoulder blades together

The next trap 3 exercise is the low pulley standing sideways to Cable column Trap 3 raise
The starting position for this exercise you have to ensure that the arm is straight at the bottom
Do not allow the client to start the exercise with a bend in the elbow
So began as with all the other trapezius by retracting the shoulder blades and bringing the arm up 45.
Degrees to the Torso
Ensure that the arm goes about an inch or two to behind the ear
Our next trap 3 exercise is the 45 degree
Prone unilateral Trap 3 raise the client will be position prone on a bench that set at 45 degrees
They're not working arms going to be wrapped around the head of the bench for some stability again
don't have one knee on the bench
and the other one on the ground for stability and to ensure that they don't excessively curve the lower
back so the client will be
Began with the arm hanging straight down
Head in a neutral position
So initiate the movement by retracting the shoulder blades. bring the arm up 45 degrees
Down in 4 seconds control so when they bring the arm back into extension. you have the shoulder
behind the ear
Or else if it stopped short there to tighten the anterior chest or neck region for this exercise and it
should go to more
Remedial version of the Trap 3 raise
The next chapter 3 exercise is the 30-degree prone unilateral Trap 3 raise
You have to adjust the incline of the band so when a client is in position their torso is at a 30 degree
They initiate the movement by retracting shoulder blades, bringing the arms up as far as possible 45
And back down under control
The difference between a 30 degree and the 45° the lower you go you start to overload
The top part of the range of motion to a greater percentage
So the 30-degree will overload the top part make it much more difficult than the 45 degree incline
Additionally the difference in angle is going to recruit different muscle fibers within the Trap 3 muscle
This trap 3 exercise is the prone unilateral Trap 3
The client will be face down on a flat bench
Still have the non-working arm wrapped around the bottom of the bench in order to provide a secure
hold they should be
Slide up towards the end of the bench so their head can remain in a neutral position
The working arm going to hold on to the dumbbell and come down as low as possible without allowing
the wait to touch on the ground
So how low they can bring the arm down is dependent on how high or rather how low your bench is
relative to the ground
So the client looks in with their arm extended will begin the movement by retracting a shoulder blades
bring in the arm up at a
45 degree angle relative to the Torso
And back down again
The retractor shoulder blades bring the arm up so it passes an inch or two behind the ear
And complete movement

The next track 3 exercise is the 45 degree

Prone bilateral Trap 3 raise so now we're training both arms at the same time now noticed that yaz's
Not too small weight plates rather than dumbbell so that's another option available to you you might
have some clients that you're training
Who initially their trap threes are extremely weak and you may not have dumbbell go down small
enough or are light enough
For them to you so you can use a small plate just by looping a thumb right to the center of the weight
The client initiate the moment by retracting the shoulder blades
And bring their arms up 45° as far back as possible and returning to the start position now because
this is
A bilateral version it's going to be extremely tempting for them to bring their chest away from the
incline bench to help bring up the arm into extension
Now this version is considerably more challenging because you're training both arms at the same time
you're pulling the muscles
And the faster from the lower lumbar area from two different directions as opposed to only a single
Direction when you were
Doing the unilateral version
The next trap 3 exercise is the 30-degree prone bilateral Trap 3 raise so I just ain't kind of
The bench so in the client is in position their torsos at 30 degrees
The client initiate the movement by retracting your shoulder blades together
Bringing the arms back into extension as far back as possible
45 degree angle to the Head
The Trap 3 exercise is the prone Trap 3 raise
The client will begin prone on a flat bench
Start with the arms extended out
The initiate the movement by retracting the shoulder blades bringing the arms up at 45 degrees to the
And returning to the start position
to keep the arm relatively straight and trying to bring the arms behind the ear

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