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Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158

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Field-evolved resistance to Cry1F maize by Spodoptera frugiperda

(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Brazil
Juliano Ricardo Farias a, *, David A. Andow b, Renato Jun Horikoshi a,
Rodrigo Jose Sorgatto a, Pablo Fresia a, Antonio Cesar dos Santos c, Celso Omoto a
a ~o Paulo (USP), Av. Pa
Department of Entomology and Acarology, “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture (ESALQ), University of Sa dua dias 11, Piracicaba,
Sa~o Paulo 13418-900, Brazil
Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, 219 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave., 55108 Saint Paul, MN, USA
Dow AgroSciences LLC, 9330 Zionsville Rd, 46268 Indianapolis, IN, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Cry1F protein from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner expressed in event TC1507 maize (Zea mays L.) was
Received 15 April 2014 one of the most effective ways to control Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) in Brazil. After reports of
Received in revised form reduced effectiveness of this Bt maize event in some areas of Brazil, research was undertaken to
19 June 2014
investigate if damage to Cry1F maize was caused by resistant S. frugiperda. Additional investigations were
Accepted 20 June 2014
conducted to evaluate the genetic basis of the resistance and to test if Cry1F resistant S. frugiperda
Available online 11 July 2014
selected from populations of different regions of Brazil share the same resistance locus by using
complementation tests. Neonate larvae of S. frugiperda collected from TC1507 maize fields with damage
Fall armyworm
in Western Bahia region in 2011 were able to survive on Cry1F maize plants under laboratory conditions
Cry1F and subsequently produced normal adults. Survival of Cry1F-susceptible S. frugiperda on non-Bt maize
Bacillus thuringiensis was significantly higher in leaf than plant bioassays. Resistance ratio in diet overlay bioassays was
Plant survival >5000-fold. A discriminating concentration of 2000 ng cm2 of Cry1F protein was defined for monitoring
Genetic basis the frequency of resistance of S. frugiperda to Cry1F. Cry1F resistant S. frugiperda showed a recessive
autosomal inheritance for alleles involved in resistance to Cry1F protein. In complementation tests, the
resistant population from Western Bahia was crossed with the other seven resistant populations
collected from different States of Brazil. F1 larvae from each cross had the same survival at discriminating
concentration of 2000 ng cm2 of Cry1F protein, indicating that the resistance alleles in each population
were likely at the same locus. Therefore, implementation of resistance management strategies is urgent
to prolong the lifetime of Cry1F for controlling S. frugiperda in Brazil.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Americas and is distributed from Uruguay and Northern Argentina

to Florida and Texas in southern United States, including Central
The Cry1F protein from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) America and the Caribbean Islands (Ashley et al., 1989; Nagoshi and
expressed in event TC1507 maize (Zea mays L.) have been Meagher, 2008; Sparks, 1979). In summer, populations migrate into
commercialized in the USA since 2003 (Siebert et al., 2008; Storer southern and northern temperate regions.
et al., 2012). In Brazil these hybrids were released in 2008 and Evolution of resistance in target insect pest populations can
commercially available for the 2009/2010 crop season (Dow undermine the economic and environmental benefits of transgenic
Agrosciences Industrial Ltda, 2008; Storer et al., 2012). One of the Bt crop plants. The continuous expression of cry genes in transgenic
target pests of this event is the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugi- plants exerts strong selection for resistance in target pest pop-
perda (J.E. Smith) (Waquil et al., 2002) which is also the most ulations (Mcgaughey and Whalon, 1992). Field resistance has been
important pest of maize in Brazil. This species is native to the recorded in Busseola fusca (Fuller) to Cry1Ab maize in South Africa
(Van Rensburg, 2007), Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) to Cry1Ac
cotton in China (Liu et al., 2010), S. frugiperda to Cry1F maize in
Puerto Rico (Storer et al., 2010), Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders)
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ55 55 9986 3332.
to Cry1Ac cotton in India (Dhurua and Gujar, 2011) and Diabrotica
E-mail addresses:,
(J.R. Farias). virgifera virgifera LeConte to Cry3Bb1 maize in the USA (Gassmann
0261-2194/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.R. Farias et al. / Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158 151

et al., 2011). The Cry1F-resistant population of S. frugiperda from S. frugiperda larvae from different populations were reared on
Puerto Rico was found to have autosomal, recessive resistance with artificial diet based on bean, wheat-germ and casein (Kasten Júnior
limited cross-resistance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac, proteins that are et al., 1978). Larvae were individually placed in 50 ml plastic cups
also used in Bt maize and Bt cotton in Brazil. Evolution of resistance with diet and sealed with an acrylic lid. Larvae remained in the cups
to Cry1F in Puerto Rico may have been due to the isolation of the until pupation. Pupae were placed in cylindrical PVC cages (10 cm
island, tropical climate, year-round cultivation of maize with diameter  21 cm), lined with newsprint and closed at the top and
sequential plantings, extensive prior use of Bt spray, high pest bottom with Petri dishes (12 cm diameter  1.5 cm), and the bot-
population and drought conditions 2006/2007, which reduced the tom Petri dish was lined with filter paper. After emergence, adults
availability of alternative hosts for S. frugiperda (Storer et al., 2010). were paired with about 20 pairs per cage. Adult food was a solution
Similar to Puerto Rico, most of Brazilian agriculture is in a of 10% honey in a plastic cup (50 ml) plugged with water absorbent
tropical climate and in some regions, maize is grown in intensive cotton. Eggs were collected every two days and stored in plastic
system of production, where crops are planted all year without a containers (500 ml) containing filter paper moistened with distilled
break (Storer et al., 2012). In the central-west and western Bahia water. For maintaining the populations, eggs, larvae, pupae, and
regions in Brazil the winter season is dry and hot, but recently the adults were kept at 25 ± 1  C, 60 ± 10% relative humidity, and
use of irrigation has allowed maize production during the entire 14:10 h (L:D) photoperiod. Immature insects for all bioassays and
year without a break. This has enabled S. frugiperda to have over- selection experiments were kept in a climate chamber at 27 ± 1  C,
lapping generations throughout the year in Bahia and exacerbated 60 ± 10% relative humidity and 14:10 h (L:D) photoperiod.
this pest problem (Martinelli et al., 2006, 2007). In southern Brazil,
despite cool winters, rainfall allows crop production during the
winter, which enables S. frugiperda to build up high population 2.2. Characterization of resistant populations
densities at the beginning of the summer season. These conditions
that favor year-round use of Bt maize in Brazil and year round The first laboratory generation of BA25 was separated into a
populations of S. frugiperda also are expected to favor the evolution population without or with selection with Cry1F, designated as
of resistance to Bt maize in this pest. This study demonstrates that BA25N and BA25R respectively. BA25N was maintained on artificial
damage to TC1507 maize fields in Brazil is associated with field- diet without Cry1F protein during the first generation and used in a
evolved Cry1F resistance in S. frugiperda. In addition, we propose laboratory bioassay during its second generation. BA25R was
to test if Cry1F resistant S. frugiperda from different states of Brazil selected for the first two generations on TC1507 maize leaves and
share the same resistance locus. for two additional generations with purified Cry1F protein as
detailed below. Maize was planted in the field using 550 kg ha1 of
4-14-8 (NPK). The hybrid 2B688 HX (TC1507, Dow AgroSciences)
2. Materials and methods was planted in small plots at 80,000 seeds ha1. Every 15 days a
new plot was planted, so that leaves between stages V6 and V9
2.1. Population sources and maintenance (Ritchie et al., 1997) were always available for the assays and ex-
periments. Nitrogen fertilization (urea) was made with 90 kg ha1
Larvae of S. frugiperda were collected from Barreiras, Bahia, in V6. The whorl leaves were collected immediately before use,
Brazil on 6 October 2011, after a report of economic damage to washed and chopped, discarding the sheath, collar and midrib.
TC1507 maize (hybrid 2B604 HX, Dow AgroSciences) planted on 8 BA25R was mass-selected first on TC1507 maize leaves and
August 2011. This population was designated BA25. A susceptible subsequently on diet with overlay-diet bioassay with Cry1F protein.
population designated SUS was obtained from EMBRAPA Milho e In both selection methods, the number of larvae tested was at least
Sorgo, Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and has been maintained in 400. In each of the F1 and F2 generations approximately 30 neonate
laboratory since 1995. A field susceptible population designated larvae (24 h) were released onto an acrylic plate. Each plate
field-SUS was collected in Saba udia, Parana , Brazil, in May 2012. received 7 ml of 2.5% agar solution, a disk of filter paper and leaf
The populations BA27 and RS12 were collected inside Cry1F maize pieces of TC1507 maize and which were maintained in a climate
field after damage was reported in Sa ~o Deside rio, Bahia, Brazil in chamber at 27 ± 1  C, 60 ± 10% relative humidity and 14:10 h (L:D)
January 2012, and in S~ ao Paulo das Misso ~es, Rio Grande do Sul, photoperiod. At 5 days after inoculation (DAI), the surviving larvae
Brazil in October 2012, respectively. The remaining five pop- were collected and isolated into plastic cups (100 ml), which con-
ulations, MS11, BA29, MT19, GO23, and PR39 were sampled from tained 7 ml of 2.5% agar solution, filter paper and pieces of TC1507
non-Bt maize fields (Table 1). maize leaves. TC1507 maize leaf pieces were changed in a three
days maximum interval until pupation. Pupae were collected,
placed on trays with filter paper, and isolated using plastic cups
Table 1
Location, sampling data, and detection method of resistance to Cry1F for each (50 ml) until adult emergence. Adults were placed in cages, as
populations of Spodoptera frugiperda from Brazil. described before.
Mass selection on artificial diet with purified protein Cry1F
Code Location Maizea Date Detectionb n
occurred during the F3 and F4 generations of BA25R. Larvae were
SUS Sete Lagoas/MG e 1995 e e selected on the same acrylic plates used in leaf selection with 7 ml
Field-SUS udia/PR
Saba Non-Bt May 2012 e 474
BA25 Barreiras/BA TC1507 Oct. 2011 Phenotypic 94
of artificial diet. The artificial diet was poured into the plates and
BA27 S~
ao Desiderio/BA TC1507 Jan. 2012 F2 screen 480 the plates were tapped on a table to eliminate surface bubbles.
MS11 S~
ao Gabriel do Oeste/MS Non-Bt Mar. 2012 F2 screen 486 Cry1F protein (lot TSN104550, 35% Cry1F protein, provided by Dow
BA29 Barreiras/BA Non-Bt Apr. 2012 Phenotypic 615 AgroSciences) was diluted in 10 mM potassium phosphate dibasic
MT19 Sinop/MT Non-Bt Apr. 2012 F2 screen 568
buffer, followed by addition of 0.1% Triton X-100 to obtain a uniform
Campo Novo dos Parecis/MT Non-Bt Apr. 2012 F2 screen 570
GO23 Caiapo^nia/GO Non-Bt May 2012 F2 screen 524 distribution of the protein on the surface of the diet at a rate of
PR39 Palotina/PR Non-Bt May 2012 Phenotypic 435 20 ml cm2. Selection was performed with 11,200 ng Cry1F cm2 in
RS12 S~ ~es/RS
ao Paulo das Misso TC1507 Oct. 2012 Phenotypic 163 the F3 generation and 20,000 ng cm2 in the F4 generation. After
Maize event where larvae was sampled. drying the surface of the diet, 20 neonate larvae plate1 were
Method used to detect. released. At 7 DAI, the larvae that molted to second instar were
152 J.R. Farias et al. / Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158

recovered and reared on diet without Cry1F until pupation. The corresponding maize leaves until pupation in laboratory. Survival at
pupae and adults were handled as previously described. 10 DAI, pupation (not deformed), and adult (not deformed) emer-
Resistance was detected in the remaining populations with gence were measured.
phenotypic screen or F2 screen (Andow and Alstad, 1998). BA29, A laboratory leaf bioassay was conducted with BA25N, BA25R,
PR39, and RS12 were detected using a phenotypic screen, and BA27, and SUS using hybrid 2B688 HX (producing Cry1F) and SUS using
MS11, MT19, and GO23 were detected with an F2 screen. In the non-Bt hybrid 2B688. The hybrids were grown in the field. Each
phenotypic screen, field-collected larvae and pupae, adults and population was tested in 12-well acrylic plates containing 1 ml 2.5%
eggs were maintained as described for insect maintenance. F2 agar, filter paper and one maize leaf disc 1.2 cm diameter. One
generation neonate larvae were used in the phenotypic screen neonate larvae was released with a fine paintbrush into each well,
using an overlay bioassay (Marçon et al., 1999) conducted in 128- 120 larvae from each population were used, and the plates were
well bioassay trays (BIO-ASSAY TRAY BIO-BA-128, Pitman, NJ, sealed with a plastic film and an acrylic cover. The larvae were
USA), with nine replicates. Each replicate tested 112 larvae with recovered five DAI and reared on the corresponding maize leaves
Cry1F protein and 16 larvae without Cry1F protein. Cry1F protein until pupation. Survival at 5 DAI, pupation (not deformed), and
(sample TSN104550, 35% Cry1F protein, available from Dow Agro- adult (not deformed) emergence were measured.
Sciences) was diluted in buffer (10 mM potassium phosphate
dibasic), followed by addition of 0.1% Triton X-100 to obtain a 2.4. Cry1F diet-overlay and diet-incorporation bioassays
uniform distribution of the protein on the surface of the diet at a
rate of 20 ml cm2. The bioassay was performed using a concen- Diet bioassays were conducted with populations BA25R, Field-
tration of 2000 ng cm2 of Cry1F protein. Each well of the tray had SUS, and SUS using 128-well bioassay trays (BIO-ASSAY TRAY
1 ml of artificial diet and a surface area of 1.5 cm2. The artificial BIO-BA-128, Pitman, NJ, USA), with at least six replicates (16 larvae
diet was slowly poured into the wells and any surface bubbles were replicate1) for each Cry1F protein concentration. Cry1F was pro-
punctured and eliminated. Individual neonate larvae were released vided either overlaid on the diet surface or uniformly incorporated
with a fine paintbrush into each well, and the wells were closed into the diet. Each well of the tray had 1 ml of artificial diet and a
with air-permeable lids. Larvae that did not reach the second instar surface area of 1.5 cm2. The artificial diet was slowly poured into
at 7 DAI were considered to have their molting inhibited, and the wells and any surface bubbles were punctured and eliminated.
presumably would eventually die because, in general, the larval The concentrations were logarithmically spaced over a range that
period for S. frugiperda is approximately 14 days with six instars enabled mortality and weight reduction of approximately 10e90%.
(Giolo et al., 2002; Santos et al., 2003). In the F2 screen, field- BA25R was tested at concentrations up to 20,000 ng cm2 and
collected larvae were individually reared as described for the 100,000 ng ml1 for the diet-overlay and diet-incorporation bio-
phenotypic method. Pupae were collected and kept in trays with assays respectively. Field-SUS was tested at seven concentrations,
filter paper, and isolated in plastic cups (50 ml) until adult emer- ranging from 0.2 to 200 ng cm2 and 32 to 5600 ng ml1 for the
gence. Adults were pair-mated to produce isofemale lines (one diet-overlay and diet-incorporation bioassays respectively. SUS was
couple) in 500 ml plastic containers. Eggs were collected every two tested at five concentrations, ranging from 0.64 to 112 ng cm2 for
days and neonates were handled as described above. Five second the diet-overlay bioassay, and at nine concentrations, ranging from
instar larvae were transferred onto 45 ml of artificial diet in plastic 10 to 10,000 ng ml1 for the diet-incorporation bioassay. The diet-
cups (100 ml). Each isofemale line was inoculated into 22 plastic overlay bioassay was similar to that used by Marçon et al. (1999)
cups (110 s instars). Rearing methods otherwise followed those and concentrations were applied at 20 ml cm2, and allowed to
described for the phenotypic screen. F2 neonate larvae were dry. The diet-incorporation bioassay concentrations were produced
screened using the overlay method as described above. After the similar to the diet-overlay bioassay, but without Triton X-100. Each
diet surface dried, 20 F2 neonates were released on each plate. For concentration was produced with 4 ml of the diluted Cry1F mixed
each F2 line, 120 neonates were tested. Larvae that did not reach the in 36 ml of artificial diet in 50 ml tubes. The tubes were kept in a
second instar at 7 DAI were considered to have their molting water bath at 54  C, homogenized in a mixer, poured into wells at a
inhibited, and presumably would eventually die. rate of 1 ml, and allowed to cool. Controls were created by applying
Selection to establish homozygous resistant lines started with the buffer with Triton X-100, or buffer alone, respectively in the diet-
larvae that reached the second instar in the phenotypic and F2 screen overlay and diet-incorporation bioassays. Individual neonate
screens. Selection was conducted with the diet overlay method at larvae were transferred with a fine artist's paintbrush into each
20,000 ng cm2 of Cry1F protein. Insects recovered from different well, and the wells were closed with air-permeable lids. Develop-
isofemale lines but the same geographic population were pooled. The ment and weight were measured at 7 DAI for each replicate and
number of larvae tested was at least 400 for each geographic popu- concentration. Larvae that did not reach the second instar at this
lation. At 7 DAI the larvae that molted to second instar were recovered time were considered to have their molting inhibited, and pre-
and reared in a diet without Cry1F protein until pupation. The pupae sumably would eventually die.
and adults were handled as previously described.
2.5. Inheritance of resistance
2.3. Plant and leaf bioassays
To verify the genetic basis of resistance, reciprocal crosses be-
To measure phenotypic resistance to Cry1F maize plants in tween BA25R and SUS were performed and the offspring of each
S. frugiperda, a whole plant bioassay was conducted with BA25R crossed pair were backcrossed within parental populations with at
and the susceptible laboratory population SUS. Maize hybrids least 40 pairs per cross. Neonate larvae from each of the four crosses
2B688 (not producing Cry1F) and 2B688 HX (producing Cry1F) were tested for susceptibility to Cry1F by using the diet overlay
were grown in plastic pots (10 L) with a mixture of soil and organic bioassay at six concentrations ranging from 0.64 to 200 ng cm2.
compost (1:1) at 5 plants pot1. Nitrogen fertilization (urea) was
made at V6. When plants reached the V8 stage, one neonate larva 2.6. Effective dominance and complementation test for allelism
was released with a fine paintbrush on each maize whorl. Ten
plastic pots were used for each insect population and maize hybrid. Effective dominance was estimated for resistant populations
At ten DAI, surviving larvae were recovered and reared on the BA25R and RS12. Reciprocal crosses were conducted with these two
J.R. Farias et al. / Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158 153

resistant populations and SUS. In addition, BA25R, RS12, and SUS Table 2
intra-population crosses were tested. Neonate larvae from each Survival (% ± SE) of Spodoptera frugiperda in TC1507 maize (producing Cry1F
cross were tested individually in four 128-well trays; 112 wells
contained Cry1F at 2000 ng cm2 and 16 wells were controls with Populations Event Larvaea Pupae Adults
no Cry1F. The Cry1F concentration was chosen to render resistance Greenhouse (plant)
fully recessive, which allows for unambiguous interpretation of the BA25R TC1507 44.0 ± 11.5 38.0 ± 10.5 28.0 ± 8.0
results of the complementation tests. Bioassays were conducted as BA25R Non-Bt 42.0 ± 9.6 32.0 ± 6.8 26.0 ± 6.7
SUS TC1507 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0
described above. Assays were conducted in a climate chamber at
SUS Non-Bt 44.0 ± 10.7 40.0 ± 8.9 24.0 ± 6.5
27 ± 1  C, 60 ± 10% relative humidity and 14:10 h (L:D) photoperiod. Laboratory (leaf)
Survival was measured at 7 DAI, and larvae that did not reach the BA25R TC1507 75.0 ± 3.3 60.8 ± 4.3 50.0 ± 4.5
second instar were considered to have their molting inhibited, and BA25N TC1507 55.0 ± 6.7 38.3 ± 7.4 34.2 ± 7.2
SUS TC1507 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0
presumably would eventually die.
SUS Non-Bt 85.0 ± 3.9 70.8 ± 2.8 63.3 ± 3.6
BA25R was mated in reciprocal crosses with all the resistant
populations. Reciprocal crosses were conducted with at least 30 Survival at 10 and 5 days after infestation in greenhouse and laboratory,
insect pairs in each cross. Neonate progeny were subjected to
mortality bioassays without or with Cry1F protein at 2000 ng cm2,
as described above. pupae, c2 ¼ 702.11, p < 0.0001; adults, c2 ¼ 639.87, p < 0.0001), and
there was no survival cost of resistance (Contrast 2, 1 df: larvae,
2.7. Statistical analyses c2 ¼ 0.04, p ¼ 0.8326; pupae, c2 ¼ 0.76, p ¼ 0.3846; adults,
c2 ¼ 0.06, p ¼ 0.8121). BA25R survived from neonate and produced
Plants and leaf bioassays were analyzed using maximum like- normal adults on Cry1F maize.
lihood estimation of parameters for log-linear models and means For the leaf bioassay, there was significant deviance among the
were compared by planned contrasts (SAS Institute, 2004). For the treatments (Table 2) for survival to 5 d old larvae (c2 ¼ 2425.65,
plant bioassay, to test the hypothesis that BA25R was phenotypi- p < 0.0001, 3 df), pupae (c2 ¼ 2787.39, p < 0.0001, 3 df), and adults
cally resistant, the first contrast compared survival of BA25R on (c2 ¼ 2908.93, p < 0.0001, 3 df). BA25R was phenotypically resistant
TC1507 maize with survival of SUS on TC1507 maize. The second (Contrast 1, 1 df: larvae, c2 ¼ 1990.39, p < 0.0001; pupae,
contrast compared survival of BA25R on non-Bt maize with survival c2 ¼ 2017.02, p < 0.0001; adults, c2 ¼ 1996.69, p < 0.0001). Survival
of SUS on non-Bt maize. For the leaf bioassay, to test the hypothesis of BA25R on TC1507 maize was slightly less than that of SUS on
that BA25R was phenotypically resistant, the contrast compared non-Bt maize (Table 2), supporting the results for the whole plant
survival of BA25R on TC1507 maize with survival of SUS on TC1507 assay. Survival of BA25N was intermediate (Table 2), indicating that
maize. the original BA25 population was not pure resistant line.
In the diet bioassays, absence of molting to second instar was Both assays reliably detected phenotypic resistance in the
subjected to Probit analysis (Finney, 1971) using Polo Plus®, version BA25R population. No larvae of SUS survived on Cry1F maize, while
1.0 (Robertson et al., 2003). Data were corrected by Abbott's for- both BA25N and BA25R had showed survival on TC1507 maize.
mula (Abbott, 1925). The analyses determined the values of MIC50 Survival was 20e40% higher in the leaf bioassay than the whole
(concentration that inhibits molting to second instar in 50% of in- plant bioassay for BA25R on Cry1F maize and SUS on non-Bt maize
dividuals), slope, confidence intervals, and c2 significance tests. (Table 2). Because SUS survival on non-Bt maize was higher in leaf
Weight data were analyzed with nonlinear regression to estimate than the whole plant bioassay, the leaf bioassay may be more
the EC50 (effective concentration that reduces weight gain by 50%) sensitive than the whole plant bioassay for detecting resistance.
using the JMP 10 (SAS Institute, 2012). MIC50 and EC50 were
considered significantly different among treatments when their
95% confidence intervals did not overlap. Resistance Ratios (RR) 3.2. Concentration-response in diet overlay and incorporation
were calculated by dividing MIC50 or EC50 of tested population by bioassays
MIC50 or EC50 of the SUS population. The 95% confidence interval of
RR based on MIC50 was estimated according to the procedures The concentrations used in both bioassays gave a similar range
described by Robertson and Preisler (1992). of molt inhibition (Fig. 1), indicating that the statistical estimation
The calculated dominance is effective dominance (DML) of the slopes, MIC50 values and EC50 values were reasonably precise.
(Bourguet et al., 2000; Curtis et al., 1978). In the complementation The diet-overlay bioassay (Fig. 1A) discriminated between the two
test for allelism, if alleles for Cry1F resistance in two populations susceptible populations (SUS and Field-SUS), while the diet-
were at the same locus, then the progeny would be phenotypically incorporation bioassay did not (Fig. 1B). The SUS population was
resistant, and if the alleles in two populations were at different loci slightly more sensitive to Cry1F than the field-SUS population,
without epistasis, then the progeny would be phenotypically sus- although this difference was not statistically significant. The over-
ceptible (Tabashnik et al., 1998, 2004). The data were analyzed lay and incorporation bioassays gave qualitatively similar results
using the MLEs of parameters for log-linear models (SAS Institute, (Table 3). In both assays, MIC slopes, MIC50 values and EC50 values
2004). were not statistically different for the two susceptible populations.
The diet-overlay bioassay required less Cry1F protein to estimate
3. Results the MIC50 and EC50 values for the susceptible populations than the
diet-incorporation assay.
3.1. Survival on plants and leaves The MIC50 and EC50 could not be accurately determined in
BA25R using either method due to lack of concentration-response.
For the plant bioassay, there was significant deviance among the The values for MIC50 exceeded the highest concentrations used in
treatments (Table 2) for survival to 10 d old larvae (c2 ¼ 1051.29, the bioassays (Table 3). Using a Cry1F stock solution of
p < 0.0001, 3 df), pupae (c2 ¼ 1048.10, p < 0.0001, 3 df), and adult 1,000,000 ng ml1, it was possible produce a maximum concen-
emergence (c2 ¼ 1020.91, p < 0.0001, 3 df). BA25R was phenotyp- tration of 20,000 ng cm2 in the overlay bioassay, and
ically resistant (Contrast 1, 1 df: larvae, c2 ¼ 723.01, p < 0.0001; 100,000 ng ml1 in the incorporation bioassay. At these highest
154 J.R. Farias et al. / Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158

Observed SUS Observed Field-SUS Observed BA25R 3.4. Dominance and complementation test for allelism
Estimated SUS Estimated Field-SUS
8 (A) Larvae from SUS and the hybrids BA25R  SUS, and RS12  SUS
7 were all dead at 7 DAI when exposed to 2000 ng cm2 of Cry1F
protein. Larvae from the two resistant populations survived at
2000 ng cm2 of Cry1F protein at rates similar to the controls.

5 Mortality in controls was <11% for all crosses. Dominance was

4 calculated as DML ¼ 0.0 ± 0.0 for BA25R and RS12. Both resistant
populations were confirmed to be phenotypically totally recessive
at 2000 ng cm2 of Cry1F protein in the overlay bioassay (Table 4).
The cross BA27  BA25R had the highest survival on Cry1F protein,
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Concentration (ng cm-2) and MS11  BA25R had the lowest survival. The difference between
the lowest and the highest survival was 6.5% in Cry1F protein diet.
(B) In all of the complementation crosses, there was no statistical dif-
7 ference in survival with or without Cry1F protein at 2000 ng cm2
in the overlay bioassay. F1 larvae from all seven complementation
crosses were resistant to Cry1F protein. These results reject the

hypothesis that any of the resistance alleles in all of the populations
4 were at different loci with no epistasis, and suggests strongly that
the resistance alleles are allelic. Resistance alleles in all eight
resistant populations probably share the locus (Table 4).
10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Concentration (ng ml-1 of diet)
4. Discussion
Fig. 1. Molting inhibition concentration-response (MIC) in (A) overlay and (B) incor-
poration bioassays of populations of Spodoptera frugiperda to Cry1F protein. To prove that damage to a Bt crop is caused at least in part by
field-evolved resistance, it is necessary to show that: (1) the Bt crop
previously provided economic control of the target pest population,
concentrations, molt inhibition of BA25R did not exceed 50%. Hence (2) the target pest population later caused excessive damage to the
the MIC50 must be greater than 20,000 ng cm1 and Bt crop, (3) the pest has a resistant phenotype, i.e., individuals can
100,000 ng ml1 for the overlay and incorporation bioassays and survive from egg till egg on the Bt crop at a greater proportion than
resistance ratios of at least 2000 in the diet-overlay bioassay and at susceptible individuals where larvae need to feed during whole
least 280 in the diet-incorporation bioassay. Although the EC50 in larval period in Bt plant, and (4) the phenotype resistance is
the overlay bioassay was estimated, it was not possible to deter- genetically inherited.
mine a confidence limit. Recently S. frugiperda has caused economic damage to TC1507
maize hybrids in western Bahia. As noted in this paper, the BA25
3.3. Inheritance of resistance population was collected from a TC1507 maize field in western
Bahia during October 2011, and before collection the field was
Although the slope, MIC50, and EC50 could not be estimated for sprayed with methomyl to control economically damaging pop-
BA25R in the diet-overlay bioassays, they were much higher than ulations of S. frugiperda. Since that time, several additional TC1507
those estimated for SUS or the reciprocal crosses. The slopes, MIC50 maize fields in western Bahia have been reported (personal
values, and EC50 values in the reciprocal crosses were not statisti- observation) with economic damage caused by S. frugiperda.
cally different from each other based on the overlapping 95% con- To demonstrate the existence of phenotypically resistant
fidence intervals. The MIC50 and EC50 values for the reciprocal S. frugiperda, we first subjected BA25 to selection by Cry1F in the
crosses were not statistically different from the values for SUS with laboratory to create BA25R, a population putatively homozygous
the exception of the EC50 for progeny of crosses of males from SUS resistance to Cry1F. Phenotypic resistance is demonstrated by the
and females from BA25R which was significantly higher in than for larvae ability to survive on Bt plants, and the adults must produce
SUS, with a resistance ratio of 7.03 (Table 3). viable offspring (Andow, 2008). Here we assumed that all normal

Table 3
Overlay and incorporation bioassay methods in diet and inheritance of resistance of Spodoptera frugiperda to Cry1F protein.

Populations n Slope ± SE MIC50 (95% CI)a c2 (df)b RR (95% CI)c n EC50 (95% CI)d RRc
Overlay (ng cm )
BA25R 1022 e >20,000.00 e >5524.86 271 5263.05 (not determined) 4313.98
Field-SUS 676 1.29 ± 0.13 9.66 (3.02e19.63) 2.32 (2) 2.67 (1.73e4.12) 457 1.97 (0.96e3.87) 1.61
SUS 559 1.57 ± 0.15 3.62 (2.76e4.64) 0.55 (3) 1.00 259 1.22 (1.02e1.48) 1.00
_BA25R  \SUS 396 1.54 ± 0.19 9.73 (3.42e21.48) 2.36 (2) 2.69 (1.78e4.06) 322 3.06 (1.92e5.31) 2.51
_SUS  \BA25R 453 1.59 ± 0.18 25.46 (18.58e33.35) 1.14 (2) 7.03 (4.76e10.39) 336 1.69 (1.30e2.19) 1.38
Incorporation (ng ml¡1 of diet)
BA25R 1528 e >100,000.00 e >280.71 1253 >100,000.00 >2326.66
Field-SUS 672 2.16 ± 0.21 383.24 (247.78e545.04) 5.43 (3) 1.08 (0,80e1.46) 428 83.44 (68.66e101.43) 1.94
SUS 622 1.77 ± 0.18 356.24 (281.59e440.35) 2.71 (3) 1.00 468 42.98 (29.25e63.93) 1.00
Molt inhibition concentration (MIC) was considered larvae dead more that failed to molt to second instar.
P > 0.05 in the goodness-of-fit test.
Resistance Ratio (RR) (MIC50 or EC50 of tested population divided by MIC50 or EC50 of the SUS population).
Effective concentration (EC), required to inhibit growth.
J.R. Farias et al. / Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158 155

Table 4 et al. (2007) comparing the methods on another species. The

Survival (% ± SE) of Cry1F resistant Spodoptera frugiperda populations from Brazil in overlay method has been criticized because surface irregularities
complementation test.
on the diet could lead to a non-uniform exposure of larvae to Cry1F,
Cross 2000 ng of Cry1F cm2 Without Cry1F Statistic resulting in inconsistent results (Siegfried et al., 2007). Moreover,
Dominance DMLa the Cry1F maize plant does not have Cry1F on its leaf surfaces, but
Cry1F is expressed throughout the plant. The diet surface can be
BA25R  BA25R 94.2 ± 1.7 96.9 ± 1.8 0.0 ± 0.0
BA25R  SUS 0.0 ± 0.0 93.8 ± 2.6 made very level by eliminating surface bubbles and consistent
RS12  RS12 85.1 ± 1.7 92.2 ± 3.9 0.0 ± 0.0 through the entire bioassay by reducing the drying rate of the diet
RS12  SUS 0.0 ± 0.0 89.1 ± 6.4 by inoculating with neonates and closing the wells just after diet
SUS  SUS 0.0 ± 0.0 93.3 ± 3.8 e
surface is dry. Unlike other maize stalk-boring insects, S. frugiperda
Complementation test P valueb feeds primarily on maize leaf tissue, which is virtually two-
BA27  BA25R 98.7 ± 0.3 98.4 ± 1.6 0.6682 dimensional. In addition, studies comparing the overlay and
BA29  BA25R 93.9 ± 1.8 90.6 ± 3.1 0.2771 incorporation showed no major differences between the methods
MT19  BA25R 95.5 ± 1.4 93.8 ± 2.6 0.4918 (Saeglitz et al., 2006; Siegfried et al., 2007), and the overlay method
GO23  BA25R 93.8 ± 2.8 100.0 ± 0.0 0.1340
has been commonly used to assess the susceptibility of S. frugiperda
MS11  BA25R 92.0 ± 4.1 95.2 ± 1.6 0.4090
PR39  BA25R 97.5 ± 0.9 93.8 ± 4.4 0.0793 to Cry1F (Blanco et al., 2010; Luo et al., 1999; Storer et al., 2010,
RS12  BA25R 96.6 ± 0.2 98.4 ± 1.6 0.5735 2012; Waquil et al., 2004). Cry protein is an expensive component
Effective dominance at discriminating dose.
in these bioassays, so the overlay method should be preferred over
Log-linear models. the incorporation method for S. frugiperda.
We established the genetic basis of resistance by making
reciprocal crosses between BA25R and SUS and crosses within both
adults will produce viable offspring. We challenged neonates from parental populations, and testing offspring survival in a
BA25R with TC1507 maize plants in the greenhouse and with leaf concentration-response overlay bioassay (Storer et al., 2010). If
tissue from TC1507 maize in laboratory during later larval stages. A resistance were not genetically determined, all crosses would have
field plant bioassay was not possible, because natural infestations similar concentration-response curves. Clearly, expression of
of S. frugiperda are high, which would interfere with estimation of resistance has a large genetic component because the concentra-
control mortality, and larvae move readily among plants. Our re- tion response curve for the BA25R population was significantly
sults clearly show that BA25R S. frugiperda are phenotypically different from the other crosses (Table 3). In addition, because the
resistant to TC1507 maize (Table 2). reciprocal crosses were similar (Table 3), resistance to Cry1F ap-
Before considering the genetic basis of resistance, we conducted pears to be autosomal. Resistance in S. frugiperda to Cry1F in Puerto
experiments to compare bioassay methods and to develop an Rico was also autosomal (Storer et al., 2010).
inexpensive, reliable bioassay. Although a whole plant bioassay Before conducting the complementation tests, the first step
provides a definitive proof of phenotypic resistance, for was to determine the dominance of resistance because results
S. frugiperda, it takes up a large amount of valuable greenhouse from complementation tests are most easily interpreted when the
space. A leaf bioassay is much easier, and can be conducted in small trait of interest is fully recessive (Lewis, 1951). Resistance to Cry1F
areas under controlled environmental conditions, which improves in S. frugiperda from Puerto Rico was reported to be incompletely
repeatability and precision. In addition, larval escape can be better resistant (DML ¼ 0.14 at 3330 ng cm2) (Storer et al., 2010);
managed. On the other hand, the concentration of protein could be however different bioassay conditions were used than in the
affected after the leaves have been cut off the plant. Leaf bioassays present paper. Dominance can vary depending on the trait and
have been used commonly for resistance monitoring (Huang et al., environment. DWT is the dominance value that will drive resis-
2007a, 2007b, 2009, 2011; Xu et al., 2009), including studies on tance evolution in the field, while DML will vary with the con-
S. frugiperda on maize (Storer et al., 2012) or other insects on soy- centration of Cry1F (Bourguet et al., 2000). Dominance (DML) in
bean (Bernardi et al., 2012). Here we showed SUS survival on non- P. gossypiella resistant to Cry1Ac was inversely related to the
Bt maize was 1.7e2.6 higher in the leaf than the whole plant protein concentration tested (Tabashnik et al., 2002). We found
bioassay, and in both methods all SUS larvae died on TC1507 maize. that resistance was fully recessive in a diet overlay bioassay with
The higher survival in the leaf bioassay could be due to a more 2000 ng cm2 Cry1F. In others words, 2000 ng cm2 Cry1F was a
controlled environmental condition when compared to the whole discriminatory concentration.
plant bioassay. We conclude that leaf bioassays are suitable to The results from the complementation tests strongly suggested
assess field-evolved resistance and the genetic basis of resistance in that the Cry1F resistance alleles in all eight populations of
S. frugiperda to TC1507 maize. S. frugiperda were at the same locus. Because the resistance alleles
We also conducted two diet-based bioassays, one where Cry1F are probably allelic, F1 screens may be appropriate for resistance
is overlaid on the top of the diet (overlay bioassay), and another monitoring in the future (Yue et al., 2008; Mahon et al., 2010,
where Cry1F is incorporated into the diet (incorporation bioassay). 2012). Resistant alleles have been found from the same locus in
Our results show that both bioassays can be used to reliably detect many insect species selected for resistance to a Bt protein, such as
the resistance (Table 3). Both diet-based bioassays provide quali- Pectinophora xylostella (Tabashnik et al., 1997), P. gossypiella
tatively similar results as the whole plant and leaf tissue bioassays. (Andow, 2008; Bernardi et al., 2012; Blanco et al., 2010; Fabrick
The high resistance ratio shown in both diet-based bioassays and Tabashnik, 2012; Huang et al., 2007a, 2007b, 2009, 2011;
correspond with the difference in survival of SUS and BA25R on Lewis, 1951; Luo et al., 1999; Mahon et al., 2010, 2012; Saeglitz
Cry1F maize (Tables 2 and 3). et al., 2006; Siegfried et al., 2007; Tabashnik et al., 1997, 2002,
The overlay bioassay was faster and used less Cry1F protein than 2004; Waquil et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2009; Yue et al., 2008), Heli-
the incorporation bioassay. To conduct one baseline susceptibility coverpa punctigera (Wallengren) (Mahon et al., 2012), and
(MIC) bioassay for SUS using the overlay bioassay with 96 larvae H. armigera (Fabrick and Tabashnik, 2012; Mahon et al., 2010;
per concentration, we used 20.3 mg Cry1F protein, while for the Zhang et al., 2012). In some cases the allele conferred resistance
incorporation bioassay, we used 1226.9 mg Cry1F, 60 times more for more than one Bt proteins (Tabashnik et al., 1997). In one
Cry1F. This is a greater difference than that reported by Siegfried published case, resistance alleles to a single Bt protein in different
156 J.R. Farias et al. / Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158

populations of H. armigera were not at the same locus (Zhang Gene flow between the S. frugiperda populations from northern
et al., 2012). to southern Brazil could spread one or several mutant alleles at the
BA25R was collected in Barreiras, Bahia, in the northeast region Cry1F resistance locus before the introduction of TC1507 maize.
of Brazil during October 2011 in a field of Cry1F maize with sig- Previous investigations on S. frugiperda movement in Brazil imply
nificant damage from S. frugiperda. One year after BA25R was that this may not be the main explanation for the widespread
~o Paulo das Misso
collected in Barreiras, RS12 was collected in Sa ~ es, emergence of resistance (Martinelli et al., 2006, 2007). Many
Rio Grande do Sul at the border with Argentina in another field of studies have been conducted to understand the migration of
Cry1F maize with significant damage from S. frugiperda. The dis- S. frugiperda in the United States, sometimes with inconsistent re-
tance between these two places is more than 2000 km in a straight sults (Nagoshi and Meagher, 2008). S. frugiperda is a non-
line (Fig. 2), and Cry1F maize was first introduced during the 2009/ diapausing insect and cannot survive winters in most of the USA
2010 cropping season, so resistance emerged in Bahia in third (Nagoshi and Meagher, 2008; Sparks, 1979), but its migration ca-
cropping season after introduction, and in Rio Grande do Sul in pacity allows it to colonize crops in Canada every year (Nagoshi
fourth cropping season after introduction. et al., 2010). Migration behavior in temperate climates is influ-
Why do populations from distant regions share allelic resistance enced by the short crop season, but in tropical climates, such as
alleles? Possible hypotheses are: (1) extensive recent gene flow and Brazil, crops are planted over a period of several months in
introgression of a single resistance allele selected after the intro- sequential system so that S. frugiperda has host plants throughout
duction of Cry1F, and (2) gene flow and introgression of a single the whole year in all regions, reducing the adaptive value of
resistance allele prior the introduction of Cry1F or geographic migration. Many different Cry1F alleles at the same locus in
variation for resistance alleles at the same locus. The first hypoth- different populations could be a reason for the observed wide
esis is the less probable because despite the migratory potential of distribution. The results here showed that Cry1F resistance alleles
S. frugiperda (Nagoshi and Meagher, 2008), gene flow and intro- are geographically widespread in S. frugiperda in Brazil and that
gression are unlikely to be so extensive to spread a resistance allele resistance alleles are allelic. However, the presence of resistance
across 2000 km in a single cropping season. One of the other hy- alleles in S. frugiperda populations is not always associated with
potheses or both acting together, could explain the observed field damage or field-resistant populations.
pattern. Expectations rely on the frequency and type of mutations Our results showed that damage to TC1507 maize in Barreiras,
(McKenzie and Batterham, 1994). If the mutations are exceedingly Bahia, Brazil was caused by field-evolved resistance in S. frugiperda,
rare, a single mutational event might occur and the resulting a result similar to the field failures in Puerto Rico (Storer et al., 2010,
resistance conferring allele might subsequently spread by migra- 2012). Storer et al. (2012) suggested that conditions in Puerto Rico
tion. A scenario like this was proposed by Raymond et al. (1991) for are similar to some areas of Brazil and that field-evolved resistance
the worldwide distribution of a single allele to organophosphates in S. frugiperda to TC1507 maize might be fast in Brazil. Field
resistance in the mosquito Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae). If the damage in Bahia occurred within 3 years after the introduction of
mutations are highly constrained (Ffrench-Constant et al., 1993), TC1507 maize. Brazil and Puerto Rico share some characteristics
although common, similar or identical mutations might arise that may have led to strong selection for resistance in S. frugiperda.
independently in different populations. The tropical climate coupled with irrigation during the dry season

Fig. 2. Distribution of populations of Spodoptera frugiperda used in complementation test from Brazil.
J.R. Farias et al. / Crop Protection 64 (2014) 150e158 157

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