August 2020 Newsletter

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August 2020

First Chronicles
The Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Evanston UCC

From the Minister’s Desk Sarah Petersen (whose children’s messages are so elegantly
The month of July has certainly flown by. I’ve been busy done), and Miko Fentanes (who weaves all the video
meeting with committees and individual members on pieces together so beautifully). And to all the volunteers
Zoom or by phone. It’s been great to meet folks and who have stepped in to read scripture, share announce-
learn about many aspects of First Congregational Church. ments, and sing for us. You may know that liturgy means
I’m impressed by all the work that’s being done by so “the work of the people.” What is true during normal
many dedicated people to further the work of the church times is even truer in these times of pandemic. If you
and care for one another in these difficult times. I have have ideas or feedback you would like to share, please
a strong sense that we are pulling together as a church. feel free to do so. We are all learning as we go forward.
Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find informa- I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to
tion about some of the things we are undertaking as a join me in a “Coffee Klatch” on Thursday, August 6, at
church. I’m excited about the new Anti-Racism Task 2 p.m. This will be an informal time to check in with
Force that will be working to help us better understand one another and engage is casual conversation. Join
issues of race in this time, to identify ways we as a the Zoom gathering at
church can address systemic racism, and to take action 82227173405; the meeting ID is 822 2717 3405.
that will join with others to seek justice in our world. Everyone will need to bring their own coffee! Sorry
Another task force is looking ahead to plan for us to I can’t provide that.
re-gather as a church community. The term re-gathering, I am always eager to connect with folks. If you
rather than reopening, has been chosen deliberately, are in need of pastoral care or just someone to talk to,
because First Congregational has never been closed. This please feel free to email me or call. I’m happy to speak
group is looking at policies and procedures that will by phone or to set up a Zoom chat.
allow us and our guest organizations to make use of the Blessings and Peace,
buildings in a way that is responsible and safe. We are Tim
all looking forward to a day when we can resume in-
person worship. The task force is looking at a myriad of
concerns that will go into a sensible and well-thought-
out plan. The foremost concern is our responsibility to
care for one another, especially those among us who are
most vulnerable.
Under the leadership of the Fellowship Committee,
a group is looking ahead to Rally Day on Sunday,
September 13. We are looking for creative ideas for this
opportunity to celebrate our life together as a church
and kick off the new church year. Rally Sunday can
offer us a time to renew our commitments and perhaps
become involved in new ways.
It looks like online worship will continue for the
foreseeable future. I am very grateful to everyone who
works so hard to make our virtual worship a meaningful
and inspiring experience. It’s surprising how much extra
effort is required to put together a weekly streaming
broadcast. Many thanks to David Lornson (for provid-
ing and coordinating the music that is so uplifting), Our new church sign!
The Church Council voted to commission the Anti-
Racism Task Force to develop goals and strategies to live
out these commitments in conjunction with the congre-
gation. If you would like to be part of the Anti-Racism
Task Force, please email Kate Alexander by August 1
at For more infor­
mation about our anti-racism commitments, visit www.

Volunteer to Read for Services

If you would like to record a scripture and/or make
the announcements for an online service, please fill out
the form at
You can also find the form in the weekly emails. Since
these are virtual services, you can record scripture or
announcements from anywhere in the world and just
email them to Miko! The “scripts” will be emailed to
you at the beginning of the week before the service.

New Anti-Racism Task Force Summertime: Volunteer Your Gifts during Worship
Our church’s mission statement proclaims action, and Singers, instrumentalists, or poetry readers of all ages
we are joyful to announce that First Congregational are invited to pre­sent a special piece during the Sunday
Church of Evanston has the support of the Church service this summer. Please email David Lornson at
Council to call into being an Anti-Racism Task Force. if this opportunity
At First Congregational Church, we are grounded interests you.
in the radical inclusivity of God’s love. We express
God’s love in action, compassion, and justice when
we proclaim Black Lives Matter. Recognizing that
saying “Black Lives Matter” is not enough, we vow to
embark on a journey of active anti-racist work. Also,
recognizing that we are all human and on our own anti-
racist journeys, we vow to educate each other, discuss
with one another, and learn from all, free from judg-
ment or prejudice. We are united in our goal to eradi-
cate systemic and institutional racism and to build
anti-racist multicultural diversity in our church and
community. We hereby commit
• To deepen our understanding of the historical and
contemporary impact of racism on ourselves, church,
and society and to develop strategies to dismantle
individual racism.
• To affirm our identity as an actively anti-racist congre-
gation by developing and implementing anti-racist
strategies and best practices to eradicate systemic and Happy August Birthdays!
institutional racism in our congregation and to build Joal Bauer James Robertson
anti-racist multicultural diversity in our church. Andrei Bradean Emma Schmahl
• To engage in anti-racism work as part of a local, nation- Laima Day Alan Stafford
al, and global movement for racial justice and social Phyllis Donnan Rhonda Storm
equality in the world and follow the leadership of peo- Phoebe Metz Danny Todd
ple of color in our community who are seeking justice Isabella Ogbolumani John Todd
for Black and Brown individuals and communities. Janet Raciti Larissa Tripp
Zoom to Summer Spirit! With intentionally open-
In this time of physical distancing, it can feel challenging ended project prompts, each
to know how to connect with one another. This can be week is flexible to adapt to
particularly true for our young people, whose typical supplies you already have
mode is playing together with friends, not just sitting at home. As Rhonda notes,
and chatting. For this year’s Summer Spirit, we’ve decided “All of the projects are de-­
to blend an active way to be together—making art— signed to use only materials
with Zoom technology that lets us still be connected that we have on hand. The
while physically apart. question we ask is, ‘What
Congregation member and artist Rhonda Storm has can I find to make art out of
created a series of art workshops for youth that focus today?’ There is a supply list,
on the theme of connection, broadening in scope each but a quote that I refer to
week. Over this five-week series, we began by exploring often is, ‘Start where you
connections to ourselves by making expressive characters are. Use what you have. It
out of sticks. The next week we talked about our con- will be enough.’ In other
nections to one another and our loved ones by making words, think a little about
jewelry to keep and share. Rhonda taught us how to what you or your child
make paper beads, and we thought about what a neck- might want to work with.
lace would look like if it contained a bead from each You do not need to have all
of us in the group. Last week, using recyclables and of the materials on the list.
repurposed items from around the house, we imagined Just bring what you have. It
new toys into being and thought about connections will be inspiring to see what
between kids playing together and creating their own you make!”
toys around the world. Some families have found that Check your Youth News
the sessions inspire offline art making and creativity or email me at spetersen@
throughout the day. for
With two sessions left in August, there’s still time to the Zoom link, grab creative
join in the art making! On August 2, we’ll be learning supplies or trash you can
new techniques for painting and decorating stones. turn into treasure, and join
Branching off from the creative pebble pile that’s grow- us on August 2 and 9 at
ing outside the Church House (see previous page), we’ll 11 a.m. to see what art
use art stones as a way to think about our connections and connections we can
to others in our wider community, even when we don’t create together.
see them. In our last session on August 9 we’ll explore With Creative Gratitude,
our connection to God by making prayer kites to fly Sarah Petersen, Director of
our messages on the wind or in our minds. Learning and Outreach

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