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India’s Favourite Community for IAS/IFoS Preparation

GS OPEN TEST - 29th-30th July



1 D 21 A 41 C 61 B 81 C

2 C 22 B 42 C 62 A 82* A

3 A 23 C 43 B 63* B 83 C

4 B 24 B 44 B 64 D 84 D

5 C 25 D 45 D 65 B 85 A

6 A 26 D 46 C 66 C 86 B

7 B 27 C 47 A 67 D 87 B

8 D 28 A 48 C 68 D 88 D

9 A 29 A 49 A 69 B 89 A

10 D 30 A 50 C 70 A 90 B

11 A 31 B 51 B 71* C 91 B

12 D 32 C 52 C 72 A 92 D

13 B 33 C 53 A 73 C 93 B

14 B 34 D 54# A 74 B 94 D

15 C 35# D 55 D 75 C 95 A

16 D 36 C 56 C 76 D 96 C

17 B 37 C 57 D 77 C 97 C

18 B 38 A 58 D 78 C 98# A

19 D 39 D 59 B 79 C 99# A

20 D 40 B 60 C 80 C 100 B

*Questions were corrected later. All Candidates have been awarded marks for the same.

# Q 35 and 99 and Q 54 and 98 are interchanged for online candidates.

India’s Favourite Community for IAS/IFoS Preparation


Note: Errors in the Question Numbers 63,71 and 82 were rectified after
some candidates had appeared for the Test. Marks have been awarded to all
candidates for those questions.

Q.1) D

Atithi Devo Bhava means 'The guest is equivalent to God'.

It is taken from the Taittiriya Upanishad.

Hence the answer is D.

Q.2) C

Make in India Initiative aims to boost manufacturing in India, and develop indigenous
Inverted duty structure is caused when it is more expensive to manufacture products
locally, because the import duty on raw materials is such that it is cheaper to import
finished products than to import the raw material and manufacture them locally. This
hampers manufacturing in India.
2. Currency devaluation by other manufacturing countries makes exports lucrative and
cheap for manufacturing giants like China. Devaluation makes Chinese products cheap
and difficult to compete.
3. Lack of labour force is not a problem with India. We have a very high population in
working age. Lack of skilled force is however a problem.
4. Poor electric supply is a hindrance to manufacturing in India.
5. Difficulties in land acquisition is one of the major problems in setting up
manufacturing plants in India
Q.3) B

Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 was amended last year after
the controversy surrounding the punishment given to a minor in the Nirbhaya rape case.
The amendment changed the age limit from 18 to 16 years for juveniles accused of
serious crimes.
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Section 77 of the act makes giving any kind of drugs, liquor or tobacco
products to children punishable by law, and Section 78 forbids use of
children for vending, peddling, carrying, supplying or smuggling any drug.

Q.4) B

Cultural World Heritage sites are inscribed on the World Heritage List under cultural
criteria, natural World Heritage sites under natural criteria. Some sites meet both
cultural and natural criteria and are inscribed as mixed World Heritage sites.
Khangchendzonga National Park (KNP) is the first ‘mixed’ heritage site from India to
make it to the list.
India now has 35 sites, including 27 cultural properties, seven natural sites and one
mixed site, notified as World Heritage Sites.
The park exhibits one of the widest altitudinal ranges of any protected area worldwide.
Q.5) C
The fundamental principle being tested in this question is diffraction of light. Due to
diffraction of light across the various layers of the atmosphere, the sun appears larger at
the horizon. The more slanting the rays of sun are in the surface of the earth, the more it
has to travel through various layers of the atmosphere and more it gets diffracted. This
makes the sun appear larger.
When the Sun is over Tropic of Cancer, rays of the sun will be more slanting on ( on the
basis of distance ) on the Tropic of Capricorn and most slanting on North Pole ( and not
incident on the South Pole - where there will be total darkness ) Because of this, the sun
appears larger at the North Pole.
Q.6) A
Makers of our Constitution made the Constitution partly rigid and partly flexible - so as
to retain the core values of our polity and yet flexible enough to be amended from time
to time to meet the needs of time. Hence, Constitution of India is said to be living
documents. No wonder it has been amended close to 100 times - not commonly seen in
other democratic countries like USA which are also democracies with a written
Q.7) B
The Government does provide a Minimum Support Price for Pulses and Oilseeds too. In
fact the MSP has been revised and increased from time to time. However, this has not
been backed by actual procurement by the agencies. This has led to lot of losses by
farmers. This is an important question for Mains 2016 too
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Q.8) D
The Writ jurisdiction of Supreme Court is narrower than that of High Courts. This is
because while the Supreme Court can issue writs only for the enforcement
of Fundamental Rights, the High Courts can issue writs for enforcement of both
Fundamental Rights and Ordinary Rights.
Q.9) A
On 8 August 1940, early in the Battle of Britain, the Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow,
made the August Offer, a fresh proposal promising the expansion of the Executive
Council to include more Indians, the establishment of an advisory war council, giving
full weight to minority opinion, and the recognition of Indians' right to frame their own
constitution after the War was over.
In return, British wanted the full cooperation of Indians in the War.
This was far from what the Congress and other Nationalists had desired.
The Individual Satyagrah was the next political step taken by Mahatma Gandhi.
Q.10) D
This is a tax on tax, levied by the Govt. for a specific purpose. Generally, cess is expected
to be levied till the time the Govt. gets enough money for that purpose. The education
cess, for example, is meant to finance basic education in the country.
The collections from Cess are not divided between the states, and they goto consolidated
fund. This has been a major complaint of the states on the issue of cess.
Q.11) A
Bharat Mata Association was founded by Nilkant Bramhachari in Madras.
Q.12) D
Bedaquiline is a medication used to treat tuberculosis.
Alloxan is a toxic glucose analogue, which selectively destroys insulin-producing cells in
the pancreas. It is found in wheat flour and refined flour ( maida ). It has been in news
because it is alleged to be used for whitening the flour and may be responsible for
causing diabetes.
Meldonium has been on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list of substances
banned from use by athletes. It was in news because Maria Sharapova was found using
The government has recently banned the use of potassium bromate as a food additive
following a Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) study that found its presence in
bread caused cancer.
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Q.13) D
In large parts of some states, the groundwater has become poisoned by dangerous levels
of arsenic, causing afflictions as grievous as cancer.
Red colour hand pumps in rural areas indicate ARSENIC contamination in the aquifer.
Q.14) B
Nairatamvada is a no-eternal-soul theory of Buddhism. According to Buddhism, there is
no "eternal" soul. The soul, which enjoys a high status in Hindu Philosophy - as eternal
and that which lasts even after the body has died. But Buddha does not take the soul as
eternal and says that the soul is instead a stream of consciousness.
Q.15) C
The Constitution does not mandate laying the railway budget separately.
The Budget of the Indian Railways is presented separately to Parliament and dealt with
separately, although the receipts and expenditure of the Railways form part of the
Consolidated Fund of India and the figures relating to them are included in the ‘Annual
Financial Statement’.
Following the recommendation of the 10 member-Acworth Committee in 1920-21,
headed by British railway economist William Acworth. The "Acworth Report" led to
reorganization of railways, the railway finances of India were separated from the general
government finances in 1924.
Q.16) D
The Charvaka School was a philosophical movement in India that rejected the
traditional religious order by challenging the authority of the Vedas. school did not
believe in ideas such as the soul, reincarnation, spirits, or gods. Hence statement A is
Sāmkhya philosophy regards the universe as consisting of two realities; puru•a
(consciousness) and prak•ti (matter). Jiva (a living being) is that state in which puru•a is
bonded to prak•ti in some form. Hence otpion B is correct.
Mimamsa is the name of one of the six astika ("orthodox") schools of Hindu philosophy,
whose primary inquiry is into the nature of dharma (duty) based on close investigation
of the Vedas. Mimamsa gives both rules according to which the commandments of the
Veda are to be interpreted, and a philosophical justification for Vedic ritualism.
Mimamsa has both theistic (where God has a role to play in the creation or sustainance
of the universe ) and atheistic doctrines - where creation of the world can be explained
with the requirement of a Supreme Being - God.
Q.17) B
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Colonies of snowflake coral (Carijoa riisei), an invasive species recently documented off
the coast of Thiruvananthapuram and Kanyakumari.
The snowflake coral is known to inhabit reefs and underwater structures such as
shipwrecks and piers, attaching itself to metal, concrete and even plastic. It is
considered an invasive species because of its capacity to dominate space and crowd out
other marine organisms.
Q.18) d

 It is to tax the e-commerce transaction/digital business which is conducted without

regard to national boundaries.

 The equalization levy would be 6% of the amount of consideration for specified

services received or receivable by a non-resident not having permanent
establishment (‘PE’) in India, from a resident in India who carries out business or
profession, or from a non-resident having permanent establishment in India.

 No levy if aggregate amount of consideration does not exceed Rs.1 lacs in any
previous year.

Q.19) D
The rise of extremism in the early 20th century was the result of a lot of cumulative
Causes for the Rise of Extremism
1. The failure of the Moderates to win any notable success other than the expansion of
the legislative councils by the Indian Councils Act (1892).
2. The famine and plague of 1896-97 which affected the whole country and the suffering
of the masses.
3. The economic conditions of the people became worse.
4. The ill-treatment of Indians in South Africa on the basis of colour of skin.
5. The Russo-Japanese war of 1904-5 in which Japan defeated the European power
Russia. This encouraged Indians to fight against the European nation, Britain.
The immediate cause for the rise of extremism was the reactionary rule of Lord Curzon:
He passed the Calcutta Corporation Act, (1899) reducing the Indian control of this local
body. The Universities Act (1904) reduced the elected members in the University bodies.
It also reduced the autonomy of the universities and made them government
departments. The Sedition Act and the Official Secrets Act reduced the freedoms of all
people. His worst measure was the Partition of Bengal (1905).
Q.20) D
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An office of profit is a term used to refer to executive appointments. A number of

countries forbid members of the legislature from accepting an office of profit under the
executive as a means to secure the independence of the legislature and preserve the
separation of powers.
Q.21) A
The GEAC cleared Bt brinjal for commercialization .However, there have been concerns
raised by NGOs and civil society against the use of GMO in a food item. Note that Bt
Cotton, being used is non food item and having a GM species as a food item raises long
term health concerns.
The recommendations of the GEAC were not rejected by the Government, but a
moratorium has been imposed on the same.
Q.22) B
India joined the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) in June this
MTCR aims at restricting the proliferation of missiles, complete rocket systems,
unmanned air vehicles and related technology for those systems capable of carrying a
500 kilograms payload for at least 300 kilometres, as well as systems intended for the
delivery of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
India’s efforts to get into the MTCR also got a boost after it agreed to join
The Hague Code of Conduct, dealing with the ballistic missile non-proliferation
India's entry into NSG has been blocked by China.
India is also not the member of Wassenaar agreement.
Q.23) C
Reforms taken under Lord Ripon:-
Repeal of Vernacular Press Act
Financial Decentralization 1882
Administrative reforms and development of local self-government
He was also responsible for the rendition of Mysore to its Hindu ruler.
India's first census was conducted in 1871 under Lord Mayo.
Q.24) B
The International Seabed Authority is an autonomous international organization
established under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the
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1994 Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations

Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Function of the Authority is to regulate deep seabed mining and to give special emphasis
to ensuring that the marine environment is protected from any harmful effects, but it is
not an arbitrator in case of dispute among countries for sea bed minerals.
Q.25) D
After their advent, the British principally adopted three types of land tenures. Roughly
19 per cent of the total area under the British rule, i.e., Bengal, Bihar, Banaras, division
of the Northern Western Provinces and northern Karnatak, were brought under the
Zamindari System or the Permanent Settlement.
The second revenue system, called the Mahalwari Settlement, was introduced in
about 30 per cent of the total area under British rule i.e., in major parts of the North
Western Provinces, Central Provinces and the Punjab with some variations.

The Ryotwari System covered about 51 per cent of the area under British rule
comprising part of the Bombay and Madras Presidencies, Assam and certain other parts
of British India.
Q.26) D
Blue light emitted by screens is enough to suppress people's normal nighttime release of
melatonin, a key hormone in the body's clock, or circadian system. Melatonin
tells your body that it is night, helping to make you sleepy.
Q.27) C
Bhakti movement was originated in the seventh-century Tamil south India (now parts of
Tamil Nadu and Kerala), and spread northwards.
Option 2 is also correct. Bhakti Movement shared ideals of equality & brotherhood with
Sufism. This was the reason for the popularity of both of these movements.
The chief exponents of the movement were Shankara, Ramanuja, Kabir, Nanak, Shri
Chaitanya, Mirabai, Ramananda, Namdev, Nimbarka, Madhava, Eknath, Surdas,
Tulsidas, Tukaram, Vallabhacharya and Chandidas.
Q.28) C
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a nonprofit
organization that is responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of
several databases related to the namespaces of the Internet - thereby ensuring the
network's stable and secure operation.
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The ICANN manages the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) under a contract
with the US Department of Commerce.
ICANN has representatives from many countries. ICANN's The Governmental Advisory
Committee has representatives from 111 states (108 UN members, the Holy See,Cook
Islands, Niue and Taiwan), Hong Kong, Bermuda, Montserrat, the European
Commission and the African Union Commission.[
However, decisions of the ICANN are not necessarily democratic and representative in
nature. There is a global movement to make ICANN truly representative and democratic
in its functioning outside the US Government.
ICANN performs the actual technical maintenance work of the central Internet address
pools and DNS Root registries pursuant to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(IANA) function contract.
Q.29) A
The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, 1904 was passed in 18, March 1904 by
British India during the times of Lord Curzon.
Q.30) A
In India, Saudi Arabia ministerial meeting in Bahrain, both nations adopted the
Manama Declaration in which they have condemned terrorism in all its forms and
rejected associating terrorism with religion while called for an urgent reform of the
United Nations Security Council.
Q.31) B
Government launched a seven pronged plan-- Indradhanush franework--to revamp
functioning of public sector banks.
The seven elements include appointments, board of bureau, capitalisation, de-stressing,
empowerment, framework of accountability and governance reforms.
Do not confuse it with Mission Indradhanush - which is launched by Union Ministry of
Health. It aims to immunize all children against seven vaccine preventable diseases
namely diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis
B by 2020. In addition to this, vaccines for Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and
Haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB) are also being provided in selected states.
Q.32) C
Under Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan, the Mysore State devised a comprehensive land
revenue system based on a detailed survey and classification of land, in which the tax
was imposed directly on the peasant, and collected through salaried agents in cash,
widening the resource base of the state. This is significant because the British came up
with the same system, and thus led to the creation of the Indian Bureaucracy.
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This was unlike the system followed by Mughals like Mansabdari system.
Tipu sultan reformed the coinage system, he issues coins in his names bypassing the
Mughal Emperor.
Q.33) C
NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) mission is a joint project between NASA
and ISRO to co-develop and launch a dual frequency synthetic aperture radar satellite.
The satellite will be the first radar imaging satellite to use dual frequency and it is
planned to be used for remote sensing to observe and understand natural processes of
the Earth.
Q.34) D
The role of the CAG is to uphold the Constitution of India and the laws of parliament in
the field of financial administration is correct.
.The CAG has more freedom with regard to audit of expenditure than with audit of
receipts is also correct.
The constitution of India visualizes the CAG to be both the Comptroller as well as
the Auditor General of India - like in UK. However, in India, the CAG does not perform
the Comptroller function.
The CAG has no control over the issue of money from the consolidated fund is correct.
Q.35) D (for online candidate this is question no. 99)
Wular lake is largest fresh water lake(lake's size varies seasonally from 12 to 100 square
miles (30 to 260 square kilometers))in India located in kashmir, however biggest lake in
India area wise is Chilika lake situated in Odisha (covering an area of over 1,100 km2).
Q.36) C
The failure of Urea reaching intended beneficiaries has structural reasons responsible
for it.
Because Urea is under subsidy, there is double pricing for it. The subsidised UREA is
available at a cheaper price and hence it leads to leakages. Large amount of
subsidised Urea is smuggled and sold in Open Market as well to neighbouring countries
such as Nepal.
Note that neem coating of Urea is proposed to check proliferation just Kerosene sold via
control shops was colored blue to identify subsidised product been made available
outside the intended beneficiary base.
Why this is happening is also because of the way government implements the Urea
Policy - Limited number of companies are allowed to import Urea leading to
canalisation through limited number of channels. The policy of incentives to less
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efficient firms manufacturing Urea (in the name of support ) discourages efficiency in
urea production - leading to artificial shortage of urea.
Q.37) C
Majority of the regions with Mediterranean climates have relatively mild winters and
very warm summers. Snow can fall in higher elevation areas or places that are farther
north. Mediterranean climates receive around 20 inches of annual (yearly) rainfall.
Plants in Mediterranean climate must be able to survive long dry summers. Evergreens
such as Pine and Cypress trees are mixed with deciduous trees such as some Oaks. Fruit
trees and vines such as grapes, figs, olives, and citrus fruits grow well here.
Q.38) A
The election commission conducts elections to both the Union Parliament as well as
the State legislature.
According to the Constitution of India, No election Commissioner shall be removed
from his office unless on the recommendation of the Chief election
Commissioner. However, the Supreme Court has ruled that CEC has no power to make
suo motu recommendation and it is not binding on the President.
The Constitution does not debar retiring election commissioners from any further
appointment by the government is correct.
No constitutional guidance exists for the term of the members of the Election
Commission is also correct.
Q.39) D
West Bengal with 2,217 km share longest border with Bangladesh.
While Rajasthan shares its north-western and western boundary with the Indo-Pakistan
international border that extends about 1,070 km.
Q.40) B
Please note that most of you have answered this question keeping in mind President of
India instead of Parliament of India. Do not make this mistake.
The Parliament can make laws on any subject of the three lists (including the state list)
for the union territories. This power of Parliament also extends to Puducherry and
Delhi, which have their own local Legislatures. This means that, the legislative
power of Parliament for the Union territories on subjects of the State List
remain unaffected even after establishing a local legislature for them. But,
the legislative assembly of Puducherry can also make laws on any subject of the State
List and the Concurrent List similarly; the legislative assembly of Delhi can make laws
on any subject of the State List (except public order, police and land) and the
Concurrent List.
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The Parliament can establish a high court for a union territory or put it
under the jurisdiction of the high court of adjacent state. Delhi is the only
union territory that has a high court of the own (Since 1966).
The Strength of the assembly is fixed at 70 members, directly elected by the people the
election is conducted by the election commission of India. The assembly can make laws
on all the matters of the state List and the Concurrent List except the three matters of
the state List that is public order, police and land. But, the laws of Parliament
prevail over those made by the Assembly.
The setting up of Legislative Assemblies has not diminished the Supreme
Power of the Parliament over the UTs.
The chief Minster is appointed by the President (not by the it. governor). The other
ministers are appointed by the president on the advice of the chief minister.
The Ministers hold office during the pleasure of the President. The Council of Ministers
is collectively responsible to the assembly
Q.41) C
On 8 August 1940, early in the Battle of Britain, the Viceroy of India, Lord Linlithgow,
made the so-called August Offer,
The following proposals were put in:

 After the war a representative Indian body would be set up to frame a constitution
for India.
 Viceroy's Executive Council would be expanded without delay.
 The minorities were assured that the government would not transfer power "to any
system of government whose authority is directly denied by large and powerful
elements in Indian national life."
 The establishment of an advisory war council.
 The declaration marked an important advance over the existing state of things, as it
recognised at least the natural and inherent right of the people of the country to
determine the form of their future constitution, and explicitly promised dominion

Q.42) C

Writ jurisdiction of both the High court and Supreme Court constitutes a part of the
basic structure of the constitution is correct.
High Courts have original jurisdiction over disputes relating to the election of members
of both the Union Parliament and the state legislatures is also correct.

Q.43) B
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Parineeta is a 1914 Bengali language novel written by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay and
is set in Calcutta, India during the early part of the 20th century. It is a novel of social
protest which explores issues of that time period related to class and religion.

Q.44) B

Note that with respect to ordinary Bill Look Sabha and Rajya Sabha are at an equal
footing. The Lok Sabha can override the Rajya Sabha by passing an ordinary Bill a
second time to resolve a deadlock between the two houses is incorrect.
On the other hand, the legislative council is immaterial for passing bills by state

Q.45) D

Modern diesels emit lesser carbon dioxide than petrol’s, something that has been
instrumental in the spread of diesels in markets such as Europe.
Diesels produce 15% less CO2 than petrol, but emit four times more nitrogen dioxide
pollution (NO2) and 22 times more particulates - the tiny particles that penetrate the
lungs, brain and heart.
While Indian diesel cars emit nearly 50 per cent more PM and NOx and use 20 per cent
more fuel than their comparable European counterparts.

Q.46) C

Global Gender Gap Report is published by the World Economic Forum.

Q.47) A

One feature of the subsidiary alliance was that the protected state should cut off its
connection with European powers other than the English and with the French in
The doctrine of subsidiary alliance was introduced by Lord Wellesley, British Governor-
General in India from 1798 to 1805.
Hyderabad was the first state which was brought under Wellesley’s Subsidiary System in

Q.48) C

Constitutional position of the governor differs from that of the president in the following
two respects:
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While the constitution envisages the possibility of the governor acting at time in his
discretion, no such possibility has been envisaged for the President
After the 42nd Constitutional Amendment, ministerial advice has been made binding on
the president, but no such provision has been made with respect to the governor.

Q.49) A

Mains points under Poona Pacts were:-

There shall be seats reserved for the Depressed Classes out of general electorate.
The representation of the Depressed Classes in the Central Legislature shall likewise be
on the principle of joint electorates and reserved seats by the method of primary election
in the manner provided for in clause above for their representation in the provincial
In every province out of the educational grant an adequate sum shall be ear-marked for
providing educational facilities to the members of Depressed Classes.

Q.50) C

In policy of subordinate Isolation, States surrendered all forms of external sovereignty

and retained full sovereignty in internal administration. British Residents were
transformed from diplomatic agents of a foreign power to executive and controlling
officers of a superior government. States has to accept British supremacy.
Purpose of the policy of equal Federation towards Indian states was to have the help of
Princely States to reduce the influence of National movement. The rulers of the Native
States were bound to be very loyal to their British connection
Britishers were yet to become an equal power in India to other rulers, Nizams, the
French, etc. being the other powers. Warren Hastings, confronted with the task of
safeguarding British territories against the encroachments of the Maratha and the
militant rulers of Mysore by following the policy of a Ring- Fence.

Q.51) B

Most Khajuraho temples were built between 950 and 1050 by the Chandela dynasty.
The Sun Temple of Modhera, Gujarat marks the highest point of achievement of Solanki
Brihadeshwara Temple is one of the largest temples in India and is an example of Tamil
architecture during the Chola period. It was built by Raja Raja Chola I and completed in
1010 CE.
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The world famous Kailashnath temple is a marvellous example of Rashtrakuta

Q.52) C

1. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the final interpreter of the provisions of the
Constitution of India within the House is correct

2. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha does not summons but only presides over the joint
sitting of both Houses of the Parliament.

3. He/She never participates in voting in the house in case of a tie.

4. He/ She appoint the chairmen of all the parliamentary committees of the Lok Sabha
Q.53) A
The major Rabi crop in India is wheat, followed by barley, mustard, sesame and peas.
Rabi crops or Rabi Harvested in the spring in the South Asia. The term is derived from
the Arabic word for “spring”, which is used in the Indian subcontinent where it is the
spring harvest.
The kharif crops include rice, maize, sorghum, pearl millet/bajra, finger
millet/ragi(cereals), arhar (pulses), soyabean, groundnut (oilseeds), cotton etc.
The rabi cropsinclude wheat, barley, oats (cereals), chickpea/gram (pulses), linseed,
mustard (oilseeds) etc
Q.54) A (for online candidate this question no 98)
Cripps proposed a plan under which India would be granted full dominion status at the
end of the war, with the chance to secede from the Commonwealth and go for total
independence.But he failed to present any concrete proposals for greater self-
government in the short term. In response, Gandhi said that Cripps' offer of Dominion
Status after the war was a "post-dated cheque drawn on a crashing bank.
Q.55) D
Please refer to the below PDF for all color blindness related questions.
Q.56) C
Gulf of Oman is a strait (and not an actual gulf) that connects the Arabian Sea with the
Strait of Hormuz, which then runs to the Persian Gulf. It is generally included as a
branch of the Persian Gulf, not as an arm of the Arabian Sea.
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A strait is a a narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two other large areas of
Q.57) D
A Bio fertilizer (also bio-fertilizer) is a substance which contains living microorganisms
which, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the
interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of
primary nutrients to the host plant. Bio-fertilizers add nutrients through the natural
processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilizing phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth
through the synthesis of growth-promoting substances.
Since a bio-fertilizer is technically living, it can symbiotically associate with plant roots.
Involved microorganisms could readily and safely convert complex organic material into
simple compounds, so that they are easily taken up by the plants.
Q.58) D
Representation of States: - The representatives of states in the Rajya Sabha are elected
by the elected members of state legislative assemblies the election is held in accordance
with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable
vote. The seats are allotted to the states in the Rajya Sabha on the basis of
population. Hence, the number of representatives varies from state to state. For
example, Uttar Pradesh has 31 members while Tripura has 1 member only. However, in
USA, all states are given equal representation in the Senate irrespective of their
population. USA has 50 stares and the senate has 100 members-2 from each state.
Representation of Union Territories: - The representations of each union territory in
the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by members of an electoral college specially
constituted for the purpose. This election is also held in accordance with the system of
proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. Out of the seven
union territories, only two (Delhi and Puducheery) have representation in
Rajya Sabha. The population of other five union territories is too small to
have my representative in the Rajya Sabha.
The Strength of RS is set to 250 by the Constitution.
Members to the Rajya Sabha are nominated from amongst people having special
knowledge or practical experience in literature, art, science, social science and sports.
Q.59) B
Narcondam or Narcondum is a small volcanic island located in the Andaman Sea. Its
central peak rises some 710 m above mean sea level, and is formed of andesite. It was
classified as a dormant volcano by the Geological Survey of India.
Barren Island is located in the Andaman Sea, one of the most easterly islands in the
Andaman Islands chain. It is the only confirmed active volcano in South Asia.
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The Deccan Traps are a large igneous province located on the Deccan Plateau of west-
central India (between 17°–24°N, 73°–74°E) and one of the largest volcanic features on
Dhosi Hill is an extinct volcano, standing alone in the North-West end of the Aravali
mountain range with height varying from about 345 to 470 meters from the surrounding
land and 1170 meters from the sea level; has temple, pond, fort and caves on the top and
forest around it.
Q.60) C
The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility is a global partnership of governments,
businesses, civil society, and Indigenous Peoples focused on reducing emissions from
deforestation and forest degradation, forest carbon stock conservation, the sustainable
management of forests, and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing
countries (activities commonly referred to as REDD+).
Q.61) B
The size of the oceans and the seas also affects annual range of temperature e.g., bigger
the size, lower the annual range and vice versa. The Atlantic Ocean (smaller) records
relatively higher annual range of temperature than the Pacific Ocean (larger).
In the Northern Hemisphere there is much wider landmass. In the Southern
Hemisphere, the landmass is much lesser. Landmass absorbs solar radiations and gets
heated quickly and cools quickly. Hence the range of temperature is wider in Northern
In the Southern Hemisphere, the range of temperature is lesser.
Q.62) A
President's act are Laws made by the President of India for the states during president’s
Q.63) B
India to reduce the Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 Per Cent by 2030 from
2005 Level.
Expectations from Paris
1) A balanced agreement with all components -mitigation, adaptation, technology,
finance and capacity building- consistent with the principles and provisions of the
2) New, additional and predictable finances from developed and developing countries
for mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer and capacity building;
3) Provision of technology development, transfer and diffusion;
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4) Paris Agreement must incorporate loss and damage and make operational Warsaw
International Mechanism.

Q.64) D

National Board for Wild Life is a “Statutory Organization” constituted under the Wildlife
Protection Act, 1972.
The National Board for Wildlife is chaired by India’s Prime Minister and its vice
chairman is Minister of Environment.
The board advises the federal and state governments in matters concerning wildlife
conservation policy, illegal trade and poaching etc.

Q.65) B

The Convention on Cybercrime, also known as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime

or the Budapest Convention, is the first international treaty seeking to address Internet
and computer crime by harmonizing national laws, improving investigative techniques,
and increasing cooperation among nations.

Q.66) C

Federal features of Indian constitution includes:-

1. Supremacy of the Constitution
2. Independent Judiciary
3. Division of Powers
4. Bicameral Legislature

Q.67) D

Recently, emerging and developing economies gained more influence in the governance
architecture of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). India’s voting rights increase to
2.6 per cent from the current 2.3 per cent, and China’s, to six per cent from 3.8, as per
the new division.
Currently, the SDR basket consists of the U.S. dollar, euro, Japanese yen, and pound
sterling. Effective October 1, 2016, the basket will be expanded to include the Chinese
Tiny South Pacific island nation Nauru has become the 189th member of
the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Q.68) D
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The Lagrange Points are positions where the gravitational pull of two large masses
precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them.
Of the five Lagrange points, three are unstable and two are stable. The unstable
Lagrange points - labeled L1, L2 and L3 - lie along the line connecting the two large
masses. The stable Lagrange points - labeled L4 and L5 - form the apex of two
equilateral triangles that have the large masses at their vertices. L4 leads the orbit of
earth and L5 follows.

Q.69) B

When the sun and the moon are in a line as on a new moon or a full moon day both of
them pull together at the same time in the same direction. This combined pull produces
an extra large tide. It is called a spring tide. Hence option 1 is correct.
Neap tides occur when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to one another as seen
from Earth. Gravitational pull of Sun do not let the tides rise to a higher point. Hence
option 2 is wrong.

Q.70) A

Lingaraja Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Harihara, a form of Shiva and Vishnu
and is one of the oldest temples in Bhubaneswar, the capital of the East Indian state of
The temple is active in worship practises, unlike most other temples in Bhubaneswar
and Shiva is worshipped as Harihara, a combined form of Vishnu and Shiva. The temple
has images of Vishnu, possibly because of the rising prominence of Jagannath sect
emanating from the Ganga rulers who built the Jagannath Temple in Puri in the 12th

Q.71) C

Under Article 28, no religious instruction shall be provided in any educational

institution wholly maintained out of State funds. However, this provision shall not apply
to an educational institution administered by the State but established under any
endowment or trust, requiring imparting of religious instruction in such institution.

Further, no person attending any educational institution recognised by the State or

receiving aid out of State funds shall be required to attend any religious instruction or
worship in that institution without his consent. In case of a minor, the consent of his
guardian is needed.

Thus, Article 28 distinguishes between four types of educational institutions:

(a) Institutions wholly maintained by the State.
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(b) Institutions administered by the State but established under any endowment or
(c) Institutions recognised by the State.
(d) Institutions receiving aid from the State.

In (a) religious instruction is completely prohibited while in (b), religious instruction is

permitted. In
(c) and (d), religious instruction is permitted on a voluntary basis.

Q.72) A

In January 2010, cold water temperatures in the Florida Keys caused a coral bleaching
event that resulted in some coral death. Water temperatures dropped 12.06 degrees
Fahrenheit lower than the typical temperatures observed at this time of year.
When a coral bleaches, it is not dead. Corals can survive a bleaching event, but they are
under more stress and are subject to mortality.
Climate change caused bleaching of coral reefs in the Gulf of Mannar owing to rising
water temperature.

Q.73) C

A Black hole is a body in space which does not allow any matter or radiation to escape.
This is because it has a very large mass concentrated in a very small space -
having very high density.

Q.74) B

El Niño Southern Oscillation refers to the cycle of warm and cold temperatures, as
measured by sea surface temperature, SST, of the tropical central and eastern Pacific
El Niño is accompanied by high air pressure in the western Pacific and low air pressure
in the eastern Pacific.
In Africa, East Africa — including Kenya, Tanzania, and the White Nile basin —
experiences, in the long rains from March to May, wetter-than-normal conditions.
Conditions are also drier than normal from December to February in south-central
Africa, mainly in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Botswana.
The El Niño event is particularly giving a boost to central and eastern Pacific storms, as
that is where the main pool of warmer-than-normal ocean waters is located.

Q.75) C
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Refer Economic Survey 2015 – 16 Volume 2 Chapter No. 3 Monetary

management and financial intermediation.

Bank Credit

Bank credit has slowed to roughly 10% from an average of 20% in the period 2003-08.

The sluggish growth can be attributed to several factors:

1. Incomplete transmission of the monetary policy as banks have not passed on the
entire benefit to borrowers.
2. Unwillingness of banks to lend credit on account of rising non-performing assets
3. Worsening of corporate balance sheets, forcing them to put their investment
decisions on hold.
4. More attractive interest rates for borrowers in the bond market.

Q.76) D

INDIA IS one of the few countries in the world where laws allowing preventive detention
enjoy constitutional validity even during peacetime. In contrast, the European Court of
Human Rights has long held that such laws are illegal under the European Convention
on Human Rights.
In India the history of preventive detention dates back to the early days of the British
rule when under the Bengal Regulation— III of 1818 (the Bengal State Prisoners
Regulation) the government was empowered to detain anybody on mere suspicion.
There was also Rule 26 of the Rules framed under the Defence of India Act 1939, again a
war time legislation, which allowed the detention of a person.

Q.77) C

According to 2011 census, order of states with least population is:-

Rajasthan - 68,621,012
Karnataka - 61,130,704
Gujarat - 60,383,628
Andhra Pradesh - 49,386,799

Q.78) C

Telangana shares its border with 4 states.

1. Maharashtra
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2. Karnataka
3. Chhattisgarh
4. Andhra Pradesh
After an amendment was made to the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, It no longer
shares border with Odisha.

Q.79) C

An invasion of the insect called Chironomus Calligraphus (Geoldichironomus) is turning

the Taj Mahal green. The polluted Yamuna River behind the Taj Mahal, has become a
fertile breeding ground for the insect, which fly to the Taj Mahal and their defecation is
turning the Taj Mahal green.

Q.80) C

One of the themes of the MAB programme was the 'conservation of natural areas and
the genetic material they contain'. From this theme evolved the concept of biosphere
reserves to conserve various representative ecosystems of the earth. Through in-
situ conservation of biodiversity, the concept emphasizes the need for conserving
ecosystems of a size large enough to ensure self-perpetuation and unhindered evolution
of the living organisms.

Q.81) C

Implementing directives given under Directive Principles of state policies can make
India a welfare state. That was the basic objective behind including these principles in
India constitution.

Q.82) A

It is a lesser known threatened species of raptors. hence option 1 is wrong.

These raptors travel one of the longest migration routes among all birds, travel half way
across the globe each year doing up to 22,000 km.
Nagaland has declared them as ‘state bird’ is wrong. There was widespread capturing of
the Amur Falcon in Nagaland, However, a massive conservartion program was launched
for the same which was heralded as a huge success.

Q.83) C

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is a global program that provides funding
and technical assistance to non-governmental organizations and other private sector
partners to protect critical ecosystems.
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They focus on biodiversity hotspots, the Earth's biologically richest yet most endangered
areas. As of March 2013, CEPF has provided support to more than 1,800 civil society
groups working locally to conserve hotspots in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Q.84) D

Food inflation is largely related to supply side constraints in India. A lose monetary
policy and more circulation of money in the market does not mean high consumption of
food and food inflation.

Food economy in India suffers from a big problem of wastage. This happens because
means of transport do not exist to move food items from production centers to
consumption centers - especially for perishable goods. Storage Facilities are lacking too.

Food inflation can be fought by improving supply chain, setting up food processing
industry so that food produced can be converted to a more storable form with better
shelf life.

Q.85) A

PRASAD Scheme is of Ministry of Tourism.

Make in India program comes under Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion

Q. 86) B

Right to Property was a fundamental right, but after the 44th Amendment Act, it was
instead made a constitutional right under Article 300A which states that. “No person
can be deprived of his property except by authority of law."
Right to vote is a Constitutional right and not a fundamental right.
With Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act' or Right to Education
Act (RTE), India became one of 135 countries to make education a fundamental right of
every child when the act came into force on 1 April 2010. It is Article 21A.

Q.87) B

The Minamata Convention on Mercury is an international treaty designed to protect

human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of
mercury and mercury compounds.
The Convention is named after the Japanese city Minimata. This naming is of symbolic
importance as the city went through devastating incident of mercury poisoning. It is
expected that over the next few decades, this international agreement will enhance the
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reduction of mercury pollution from the targeted activities responsible for the major
release of mercury to the immediate environment
The convention has prohibited a myriad of products containing mercury, and their
production and trade will be altogether prohibited by 2020. These products include
batteries, compact fluorescent lamps, switches and relays, soaps and cosmetics,
thermometers, and blood pressure devices.
Prohibition includes vaccines containing mercury, as well as dental fillings which
use mercury amalgam. The biggest mercury release comes from coal-fired power
stations and usage of mercury to separate gold from ore-bearing rock.
Mercury from the factories is released into a river system. The Convention requires
countries to come up with plans to reduce the amount of mercury used by gold miners.
The treaty will also organize and financially support mercury awareness campaigns by
which it will give support for mercury-free alternatives

Q.88) D

Nehru report provided for a federal structure with residual powers to the center and had
a centralising tendency. This was opposite of what the League proposed - a federation
with residuary powers to the states.

The Report aims for a secular polity too

Q.89) A

The Indian Opinion was a newspaper established by Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi.
The publication was an important tool for the political movement led by Gandhi and the
National Indian Congress to fight racial discrimination and win civil rights for the
Indian immigrant community in South Africa.
Swadesamitran was a Tamil language newspaper that was published from the then
Madras city from 1882 to 1985. One of the earliest Tamil newspapers and the longest in
print, Swadesamitran was founded by Indian nationalist G. Subramania Iyer four years
after he had started The Hindu.
The Bande Mataram was an Indian nationalist publication from Paris begun in
September 1909 by the Paris Indian Society. It was founded by Madam Bhikaji Cama
Gopal Ganesh Agarkar was the first editor of the weekly Kesari and founder and
editor of periodical Sudhaarak.

Q.90) B
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Q.91) B

There are many small rivers in peninsular India, which rise in the western ghat and
flows towards west including Mandovi, Zuari, Netravati.Only hemavati river does not
flow towards west.

Q.92) D

As per information, the country has been divided into 25 Major River Basins and 103
sub-basins.The names of the basins are given in the table:
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Table 1: List of Basin Name and Area

Sl. No Basin Code Basin Name Area(

1 1 Indus (Up to border) Basin 453931.87
2 2a Ganga Basin 808334.44
3 2b Brahmaputra Basin 186421.6
4 2c Barak and others Basin 45622.41
5 3 Godavari Basin 302063.93
6 4 Krishna Basin 254743.31
7 5 Cauvery Basin 85624.44
8 6 Subarnarekha Basin 25792.16
9 7 Brahmani and Baitarni Basin 51893.68
10 8 Mahanadi Basin 139659.15
11 9 Pennar Basin 54243.43
12 10 Mahi Basin 38336.8
13 11 Sabarmati Basin 30678.59
14 12 Narmada Basin 92670.51
15 13 Tapi Basin 63922.91

Q.93) B

Priority Sector includes the following categories:

(i) Agriculture
(ii) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(iii) Export Credit
(iv) Education
(v) Housing
(vi) Social Infrastructure
(vii) Renewable Energy
(viii) Others
Non-renewable energy does not come under PSL.
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Q.94) D

The non-debt receipts comprise tax revenue, non-tax revenue, recovery of loans and
disinvestment receipts, whereas debt receipts mostly consist of market borrowings and
other liabilities, which the government is obliged to repay in the future.

Q.95) A
Mezzanine debt is the middle layer of capital that falls between secured senior debt and
equity. This type of capital is usually not secured by assets, and is lent strictly based on a
company's ability to repay the debt from free cash flow.
It is a hybrid of debt and equity financing that is typically used to finance
the expansion of existing companies. Mezzanine financing is basically debt capital
that gives the lender the right to convert the loan into equity in case of non-repayment
in time and in full. However, in case the company goes bankrupt, mezzanine lenders
stand behind senior secured lenders for repayments.
Company A is expanding and intends to build a new office complex. All preliminaries
are in place: the plans, zoning approvals, building contractors, and the long-term
financing. The long-term financing consists of a senior debt of $250,000,000 and a
subordinate debt of $50,000,000.
Company A has its long term financing but cannot receive the money because they
haven’t built the asset and the long-term providers are unwilling to assume construction
risk. That’s when Company A obtains mezzanine debt to cover the costs during build-up.
When the long term financing agreement is satisfied (i.e. certificate of occupancy, XX%
vacancy, etc.) then the long-term financing can begin and the $300,000,000 mezzanine
debt is retired.
Q.96) A
Golden mahseer is a Local words means The Big Mouth is longest-living freshwater fish.
It is also known as the tiger of Indian rivers.
Mahseer are among the largest mega fishes in the world, but not among the top 5.
Of the mahseer species found in India, five are listed as endangered, two as near
threatened in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
This is a purely factual questions and should normally be skipped and not guessed
unless you have read upon the topic.
Q.97) C
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National Commission for Backward Classes is an Indian statutory body established on

14 August 1993, under the provisions of National Commission for Backward Classes Act,
1993. Rest all mentioned bodies are constitutional bodies.
Q.98) A ( for online candidates this question no. 54)
Of the 16 endemic mammals, 13 are threatened and amongst the 32 threatened species
in Western ghats include the critically endangered Malabar large-spotted civet, the
endangered lion-tailed macaque, Nilgiri tahr, Bengal tiger and Indian elephants, the
vulnerable Indian leopard, Nilgiri langur and gaur.
Q.99) A (for online candidate this is question no. 35)
The Kudremukh National Park in the Western Ghats is a part of the world’s 38 ‘hottest
hotspots’ of biological diversity, a UNESCO world heritage site.
It is more than 630 sq km area of montane grasslands and tropical rainforests form the
largest protected block within the Western Ghats.
The park is home to unique, threatened and endangered biodiversity including lion-
tailed macaques, tigers, Malabar civets and great pied hornbills.
The rivers Tunga, Bhadra and Netravati, which originate from the heart of the park,
sustain millions of rural people in south India.
Q.100) B
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