AYD Online

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A-cknowledge the mercy of God

R-ead the Word of God
I-gnite your faith by trusting God
S-hare the love of God

Day 1-AM
9:00-9:05- Morning Prayer
9:05-9:10- Welcome Message, Fr. Timothy
9:10-9:15-Glimpse to AYD @25(video)
9:15-9:30- GTK-ID Making (create your own ID)
9:30-11:00-Individual Task
2:00-2:30- Small Group Sharing
2:30-onwards-Sharing of output and realizations in Facebook. Comment also on the AYM post.

Day 2-AM
9:00-9:05- Morning Prayer
9:05-9:30- Catechesis: Acknowledge the mercy of God, Fr. Soc
9:30-9:35- Sharer, Carlo Francis Palma
9:35-11:00- Individual Reflection/Small Group Sharing
Guide Questions:
1. Do I personally experience the mercy of God on this Enhanced Community Quarantine?
2. If not, what do I need to do to make His presence more real to me?
3. What is my greatest realization about the catechesis?
2:00-4:00- Individual Task
(Blog about your experience of God’s mercy on this Enhanced Community Quarantine.)
4:00-5:00-Sharing of output and realizations in Facebook. Comment also on the AYM post.

Day 3-AM
9:00-9:05- Morning Prayer
9:05-9:30- Talk: Read the Word of God (John 1:1)
9:30-9:35- Sharer
9:35-11:00- Individual Reflection/Small Group Sharing
Guide Questions:
1. Do I also give importance to the Word of God?
2. What concrete action can I make as young person to live out the Word of God?
2:00-4:00- Individual Task
(DIY Journal)
4:00-5:00-Sharing of output and realizations in Facebook. Comment also on the AYM post.
8:00-9:00- Youth Vigil: Ignite your faith by trusting God (Taize Prayer)

Day 4-AM
9:00-9:05- Morning Prayer
9:05-9:30- Share God’s Love, Share a meal with the family
Our Way of Love
1. Listen-Kamustahan
2. Stop- Invite the family for a Bible Sharing
3. Call- Recognize the presence of God
4. Ask- Sharing of reflections
5. Feel- Invite the family to look at life together
6. Touch- Share a meal with the family
2:00-4:00-Community Service
(Doing household chores with the family, like planting, sweeping, feeding pets, cleaning
bathrooms, doing laundry, bathing pets, mopping floor, etc)
4:00-5:00-Sharing of pictures and realizations in Facebook. Comment also on the AYM post.

Day 5-AM
9:00-9:05- Morning Prayer
9:05-9:30- Humayo’t Ihayag: An Evangelization Activity
(I sing, dance, write, paint, act for the Master)
9:30-11:00- Individual Task/Small Group Sharing
Guide Questions:
1. What were my learnings/realizations on this AYD Online?
2. Were there experiences in my life that I have used my skills to let other feel the love of
God for them?
3. How challenged am I to use my God given talents to evangelize others?
4. What should I do to respond to this challenge?
2:00-2:10- Words of thanks
2:10-5:00-Sharing of outputs and realizations in Facebook. Comment also on the AYM post.

To God Be All The Glory!

Prepared by:
Danlee S. Nagma

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